S Club Secret

By S Club Boy

Published on Jan 24, 2000


The S Club Secret - Part 1. By The S Club Boy - sclubboy22@hotmail.com.

This story contains adult material and if you aren't of age in you neck of the woods then turn around and get out of here. If you're offended by gay relationships then please go away now because you are obviously in the wrong place. It's my first try at a story of this type so please let me know what you think of it, ok?

Cheers, The S Club Boy

DISCLAIMER: This story is complete fiction and these events only took place in my head, NOT in real life. Officially, and as far as I know Paul Cattermole and S Club 7 are real live heterosexuals.

Part 1

My heart was thumping so loudly in my chest it drowned out all the sounds around me. The sound of the crowd roaring became more intense and suddenly I was aware of it again. I was more excited than nervous but I couldn't let my nerves get to me today. The lights came up, the music started and I began to mouth the words to my song. Because I was miming I was able to move around freely, so I could get a good look at everyone in the audience. There were quite a few hot guys around so I made sure to flash them all a look. I was the biggest flirt out and wasn't ashamed of it. I flirted with every guy but never took it any further which got a lot of people upset but it wasn't my fault they were only after one thing. I ran a hand through my sandy blonde hair and ruffled it. It was already in a messy style so it really didn't matter if it wasn't perfect. I saw myself on the various TV's they had around the studio and I could see my big blue eyes blinking back at me. They'd been huge when I was a child but I'd grown into them, like my ears. I was fairly short at 5'8" and I was thin with a not too muscular build. I reached the final chorus as the recording of my voice cut out and I was left to sing live. Finally it was over and I waved to the audience, yelled, "Thank you, goodnight!" and ran off the stage. I turned to wave at the audience just before I disappeared from their view, and bumped into someone, sending me falling flat on my face.

"Ooh watch out there" said an unfamiliar voice as a pair of strong arms wrapped around me and lifted me from the floor. I quickly turned around to see whom it was that had sent me flying and saw the most handsome man I had ever seen in my life. He had closely cropped brown hair, deep puppy dog brown eyes and an enchanting smile. I immediately recognized him as Paul, the sexiest member of S Club 7.

"Hello? Are you alright?" he asked, as I realized I hadn't actually talked yet.

"I think I'll be ok." I said, flashing him my cutest grin. He grinned back and we stared at each other for about 15 seconds before I heard another strange voice.

"PAUL! PAUL! EARTH TO PAUL"! I broke eye contact with him to see who was yelling and I recognized the owner of the voice as Hannah, another member of S Club 7.

"COME ON PAUL" she began again "WE'RE ON SOON".

"Sorry Hannah" said Paul "I just ran into.. um... What's your name?" he asked me.

"Oh, it's David." I replied.

"David? You're David Thornton aren't you?" asked Tina, a further member of the band. I looked around and realized that the whole of S Club 7 had arrived at the side of the stage and was listening.

"Yes, I'm David Thornton. Nice to meet you" I said as I extended my hand to Tina. She took my hand, shook it and then gave me a quick kiss on the cheek.

"I'm Tina." All the rest of them gave me assorted kisses, hugs and handshakes and all introduced themselves. I learned their names fairly quickly but had problems matching names and faces. Finally, I had them all sorted. Jo, Rachel, Bradley, Jon, Tina, Hannah and Paul. I noticed Paul hadn't actually stopped looking at me since he'd wrapped his arms around me only minutes before. The eye contact between us was becoming increasingly intense and I was really getting worried about the other's noticing my obvious infatuation with him so I broke the gaze and said "So, aren't you guys meant to be on now"?

"Oh crap" said Jon, "let's go guys." They all pranced off to get their mics.

Paul, however, stayed behind.

"Uh, sorry about before, David" he said. "How would you like to come back to my dressing room after the show's finished?" "Uh, sure." I answered, disbelievingly. "I'll wait here."

"PAUL! NOW!" yelled Tina.


Chatting up? He was chatting me up? Could he actually be interested in me?

"I'll be right back" said Paul as he trotted off to get fitted with his mic.

I watched at the side of the stage as my 7 new friends performed 'Two In A Million' for the screaming crowd. As he sang, Paul shot me countless grins, smiles and sexy looks while I watched backstage. After the performance, the 7 all headed towards their dressing rooms. Paul sauntered towards me and said "what did you reckon"?

"That was fantastic" I replied. He looked so sexy with his tight grey top and red pants. "Well, shall we go?" he asked. I nodded and he motioned for me to follow him. We walked down the hallway past my dressing room, then turned left into another long hallway.

Eventually he paused in front of a door and pulled out a set of keys. He had some trouble unlocking the door, mumbling something about being nervous. Finally, the door swung open and he stepped inside. "So, I saw you performing tonight David" said Paul as he began stripping off his grey shirt. My breath caught in my throat and it took all the concentration I had in me to stop from getting the biggest hard on of my life. He was still slightly glowing and sweaty from the performance and he looked so sexy. A bead of sweat slowly dripped over his toned pecs and his rippling abs. "You were great, and you looked really smashing on stage."

"Thanks, that really means a lot coming from you" I said, returning the compliment. There was a loud knock on the door and Jo stuck her head in the door, followed by Rachel.

"Hey Paul, we're going for dinner now. David, you're certainly welcome to join us, if you don't have other plans".

"He does actually," began Paul, "he's coming to dinner with me tonight".

Normally, anyone who spoke for me would be in the hamster cage, but for some reason I giggled and grinned.

"Are you really going to let him push you around like that David?" asked Rachel.

I looked at Paul and he flashed me a grin. "Just this once" I replied and the girls said their goodnights, gave us both a hug and left.

"So what are we eating tonight?" I asked Paul, flashing him a coy look.

"Only the best for you. I thought we'd order Chinese food".

"Hopeless romantic isn't he?" said Hannah as she walked in the door. I was slightly shocked by that comment. Did they all know something I didn't? "Don't let it get to you David," continued Hannah "at least he's paying". Silence. "You are paying aren't you"? Silence. "Whatever guys, this looks pretty intense so I'll have to make a bunny face and leave you." Hannah hugged us both and left.

"You are paying aren't you?" I asked, and we both burst out laughing. "Sure.

Anything for you babe." Babe? We were at the babe stage already? I thought we were still in the awkward getting to know you phase but obviously I was mistaken. But I didn't really care. As long as I was around him I was fine. I looked again into his deep eyes and they seemed to be constantly smiling. "Well, shall we eat?" he asked politely.

"It's about time, I'm bloody starving." I said, perhaps a little too brashly. He looked slightly shocked but when I started giggling he caught on and looked relieved. I was humming to myself as he walked me to the car.

He opened the door to his jeep for me, and I hopped in. It was a bloody nice car and I let myself sink in to the comfortable leather seats. I realized I was getting tired. I really wanted to have dinner with this guy and he was such a gentleman so I decided to ignore my overwhelming urge to kick back the seat and go to sleep right there.

"Uh, David, have you forgotten anything?" asked Paul.

"OH! Right!" I cried, remembering my wallet, keys, clothes and bag, still in my dressing room. I was still in my costume! "I'll be right back!" I said as I raced off to my dressing room to collect my gear.

When I came back, I could hear Paul's voice around the corner of the building, where his car was parked.

"NO! I don't even know if he likes me!" he said. He sounded a little frustrated.

"Oh come on Paul, we all saw the way he was looking at you backstage." said Jon.

"And you do like him don't you?" added Tina.

"Yeah, of course I do." said Paul.

"What's your problem then?" asked Bradley.

"He is very cute!" said Jo.

"Yeah, like me, but a boy!" said Hannah happily.

"You never know Paul," began Rachel "he could be the one. You really want to pass up the opportunity?"

"Well, no. I do like him a whole lot and he is very cute, I just think I should wait until I know what he wants." said Paul.

"Right then, sailor" began Tina. "Have a nice first date!"

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do" said Hannah as she walked to the limo with the rest of the band.

"Love you!" yelled Rachel as they sped away.

I stood for a moment absorbing all that I'd heard. So, Paul felt the same way about me as I did about him. That was a good start. And the others liked me.

Even better. He thought I was cute! What more could I ask for? I walked around the corner to the car and he was waiting. He opened the door for me once more.

He then hopped in the driver's side and we were off. "So, where are we off to for dinner, sailor?" I asked him.

"Oh, god. How much did you hear?" he asked me.

"Enough" I said mysteriously.

"And you aren't angry?" he asked worriedly.

"How could I ever be angry at you?" I asked. He reached over and placed his hand on top of mine. His touch was electrifying. We stopped at the traffic lights and he leant over and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I was getting tingles all over my body. Sure I've had boyfriends before but I was feeling different about this guy. The way he looked at me. It didn't seem like he was after what most guys want on the first date.

Throughout dinner we made small talk about life in London and singing. He turned out to be a really sweet guy and kept complimenting me on the smallest things, which made me so happy that by the end of dinner, I was beaming from ear to ear. However, I was absolutely dead tired and I wanted to go home. I looked at my watch. It was 1:10am!

"Shall I take you home, David?" he asked politely.

"I don't mean to sound rude but I am dead tired." I replied.

"No problem then." he said as I climbed into his jeep. However, as he turned the key in the ignition, the car groaned and coughed then went dead. He tried again and again and finally he gave out a loud groan himself and collapsed onto the steering wheel. "I'll call the AA but I don't think they'll get here until morning. I could pay for your taxi home though." I was taken by his lovely gesture. "Or if you wanted to you could stay at my apartment tonight." It was about 20 minutes drive to my apartment from where we were and Paul said his apartment was only two minutes walk away. He said his guest room was very comfortable and I could borrow some of his clothes (although he was both bigger and taller then me by far). I didn't have any cash with me, as I don't like leaving it in change rooms. I only had enough money to get me from the studio to home, but not from this part of town. I didn't want to take Paul's money as he'd already paid for dinner, so I was left with no choice but to go home with a guy fitting the description of the man of my dreams. As we walked he put his arm around me and I melted at his touch. We laughed and talked and before I knew it we were there.

He took his arm from around my waist and unlocked the door.

"It's a bit messy" he said, as he opened the door on the most beautiful apartment I have ever seen. He grabbed my hand and led me inside before shutting the door. It was fairly cold by then so he let go of my hand to turn the heater on. He turned on a massive TV and motioned for me to sit on the couch with him.

A really old movie was on, which I didn't know the name of but was quite enjoyable. Paul quietly slipped an arm around me and I snuggled into his warm shoulder. I must have felt safe and comfortable because before long I'd drifted off to sleep. I woke just as the movie ended and realized I was still on Paul's shoulder.

"Sorry! You can have your shoulder back now!" I said sleepily.

"It's ok, David" he said "I could get used to having you there". I giggled and grinned and he kissed me on my nose mumbling something about me being cute. I got up and went to the bathroom, realizing I had no toothbrush. Paul gave me a new one that he said he'd kept for the day he fell in love. Cute. He bought me a giant shirt, which would have been the right size for him. He made a passing comment about me looking sexy in his clothes. This guy really knew how to charm a boy. He then led me to the guest room which was beautifully decorated in dark reds and soft yellows. He turned the light off, and tucked me into bed. He stroked my hair until I was nearly asleep. He then got up, giving me a soft kiss on my forehead.

"Sweet dreams, baby" he said before leaving the guest room. With that I drifted into a contented sleep filled with happy dreams of Paul.

End Part 1

PLEASE email me on sclubboy22@hotmail.com with your thoughts as this is my first attempt at a story like this. I know I haven't gotten to the sex yet but believe me it's coming and it'll be big. Part 2 will be out very soon. Stay tuned!

The S Club Boy

Next: Chapter 2

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