Sad Song of a Gay Teen

By moc.loa@emitmaerdW

Published on Jul 19, 2005


A work of fiction by Paul Walker

This story is copywright 2005 by me, Paul Walker.

You may not copy or post it to anyother website,without my permission.

The story is completely fictional,apart from a few aspects,which I explained at the begining of Part seven.

All the characters are fictional and any resemblance to persons either living or otherwise is a total coincidence.

There are scenes of a sexual nature between teen males,so if this offends you,please leave now.

If you are underage to be reading this,then leave now.

All comments can be e-mailed to

Love and peace......from Paul.

One more thing......please stop killing people in the name of god!!!!!


At 8.30 on the sunday morning,Phil and I where sat in Starbucks in the arrivals area of Manchester Airport,awaiting the arrival of my grandparents flight from Chicago.I'd never drunk coffee before but when Phil asked me what I would like,I asked for a cappucino.I had seen people drinking them before and always thought how nice they looked.My parents had been taking me to restaurants for as long as I could remember and from the age of six they had always asked that I be given my own menu and encouraged me to order my own food.They also always told me that if I didn't understand something,then I should ask one of the waiting on staff.That was a part of their job.They always also encouraged me to try new things.I had decided that today was a good day to try something new.

As Phil went to order our drinks,I also added,"and I'll have a chocolate croissant."

A short while later he returned with our order."Do they know?"I asked.

"Know what?"Said Phil,looking a little puzzled.

"My grandparents,do they know about the suicide attempt?"

"Yes,it would have been very unfair of us not to tell them.They even planned on cancelling their holiday but Jane and I managed to convince them that you would be ok and that they should go."

"Thank you.I really appreciate you doing that."

We sat and enjoyed our drinks and I really enjoyed mine,I knew that I had made a good choice.I ventured off to the news stand and bought the latest issue of computer music magazine and then waited.It wasn't long after that I saw my grandparents and rushed over to greet them.I was even more greatful that they had been persuaded to take their holiday.It was fantastic to see them looking so well."Hi grandma,hi grandad I," I said. "Did you have a good holiday?"

"Yes, it was wonderful.We'll tell you all about it later," my grandad replied.

"Sorry that you nearly had to cancel because of me.I was just feeling so bad,thats why I did what I did."

"Nonesense," said grandma," as long as you are ok,thats all that matters."

By this time we had been joined by Phil,"welcome home, Jim and Kathy," he said." The holiday must have done you some good, as you both loook really well. Why don't you join us for breakfast at home and you can tell us all about it?"

We made our way to the car and loaded up the luggage and then headed for home.when we arrived Jane and Gary where busy preparing breakfast and it smelt good.As we always did on a sunday morning,it was the usual huge full English breakfast.

"Why don't you go into the lounge and chat with your grandparents," Jane instructed me.I didn't need to be told twice and we where soon chatting away.I told them nearly everything that had been happening with me since they had been away and they told me all about there holiday.It was really good catching up on events.There where certain bits that I left out,such as the fact that I had tried to kill Gary the previous week and the incident outside the school on monday.I didn't want them worrying too much.They could also see how well I had settled in at Phil and Janes house.

It was then that I decided to bring up the adoption Idea."I've strated to refer to Phil and Jane as mum and dad lately," I said."I've spoken to Jenny, my therapist about this and she seems to think I should ask them about adopting me.I wanted to talk to you first before I mention it to them.What do you think?"

My grandparents sat in silence for what seemed like forever.Then my grandma said,"well, if you are sure it is what you want.It could give you the kind of stability that you need in your life."

"I was thinking something like that too," I said."I mean,you two will be retiring in a few years and the last thing you need is a teen to take care of.You've both worked hard all your lives and you should have the freedom to just do what you want in your retirement without having to consider other people too much."

It made me feel really grown up telling them all that.I also told them that I enjoyed the fact that Phil and Jane always made sure that they where home by six o'clock and that we always sat to eat together.It was good to feel like a part of a family.Don't get me wrong,I still loved my parents,despite the fact that they where no longer around and I had always loved them.They where the people who had brought me into this world and they had taught me so much.They where also always very busy and quite often I would be at my grandparents house after school and would usually end up having dinner there.That sometimes made me feel as if my parents didn't really want me,that I was just in the way.

I knew that nothing could have been further from the truth but it was how I felt sometimes.Until now,I had never talked to anyone about this and it felt really good to get it off my chest.I suppose it was another sign that the therapy was working.Jenny was always telling me to be more honest with myself and the people around me and that is why I was talking to my grandparents about all of this.For their part,my grandparents sat and listend to what I had to say and told me that I should have talked to them about this along time ago.It made me feel so much better.

We talked for a little while longer before Gary appeared to tell us that breakfast was ready.I was now certain that asking Phil and Jane to adopt me was the right thing to do.I had also assured my grandparents that they would see me as much as they always had.Now it was just a case of deciding when I would talk to my prospective new parents.

The rest of the week flew by and before I knew it,it was friday afternoon and Gary arrived home in a really good mood.Well,I would have been the same if I'd come home knowing that there was no more school for seven weeks.As usual,we kissed at the front door and Gary slipped his school shoes off.After our kissing session,I went to the kitchen to get a couple of cokes.When I came to make my way upstairs,there was a trail of clothes to our room,which I picked up as I went along.He was also listening to the Alice Cooper song 'SCHOOLS OUT'. When I got to our room,I had to laugh at the sight that greeted me.Gary was stood,totally naked ,in front of the full length mirror,holding a hair brush and mouthing the words to the song.It was hilarious.

When the song finished he stood there and said,"and for my next song,oh fuck it,I'll just do that one again."

By now,I was lying on the bed and laughing at the antics of my boyfreind /brother.When the song finished the second time, I said to him,"dad phoned and said he will take us out to eat tonight as we are going on holiday tomorrow.Mum also phoned and said that I had to make sure you made a start on getting packed."

Gary stood there,stunned by what I had just said."How long have you been calling them mum and dad?"He asked.

"For just over a week.....but only when you're not around.Now get packing or you'll be in trouble."

Gary began to walk around the room getting stuff out of the drawers and out of his wardrobe and placing them in his case."So how's your day been?"

"Well,I got up about two hours after you left for school......,"I was interupted at this point.

"You lazy sod,"he said to me.

"Do I detect a hint of jealousy here?Anyway,I called to see Carol and then I went and had lunch with my grandparents.I also spoke to Mr.Littler about something but I can't tell you what.Not at the moment anyway.Grandad also gave me some money and told me to treat myself to something nice while I'm on holiday."

At this point,Gary dived on top of me and said,"so what did you talk to your lawyer about,that you can't tell me?"

"It's a secret,"I replied.

By now I was pinned to the bed but not in a way that would hurt me.Gary began to tickle me and was saying in a silly accent,"ve have vays of making you talk!"

"Never,"I said,"you will never make me talk."

"Zen ve shall continue to use ze tickle toture until ve do make you talk."

We where both laughing hystericly.I had always wanted a brother so we could do crazy stuff like this and now that it was happening,I realized how much fun I must have been missing out on.Of course,with Gary sitting naked on top of me,I ws getting very aroused.

"Maybe I should torture this,"I said,giving his cock a gentle squeeze.

"So you want to play those kind of games?"

"Maybe later,"I said,noticing that he was already semi-hard."Now finish packing and get some clothes on.

"You're not much fun today,"he complained.

"Oh, we'll have some fun later,"I promised him."Then again,I could get you a chastity belt and leave you in it for a week.Then I would really make you cum."

"Sounds excitng,"he said,as we heard the door opening.

"Hi boys,"Jane shouted to us.

Gary began to dress quickly.He was still feeling aroused and I think it was torture enough seeing him looking uncomfortable in his boxers and jeans.

Jane was stood at the door and asked,"so hows it going with the packing?"

"Mines all done,"I said.Gary then had to start complaining that I had had an unfair advantage in that I had had all day to do mine.I was going to say something about him getting it done when he got home form school instead of messing around.That was just as much my fault as his,so I decided to keep my mouth shut.

"Well,I'm going to get changed," announced Jane and left us to get on with Gary's packing.

"So where did you find out about chstitiy belts?"Asked Gary.

"It's amazing what you can find out on the internet.It's really very educational,"I replied.

We both started to laugh again before Gary took me into an embrace and began to kiss me again.My cock sprang back to life in an instant.I gently pushed Gary away and said,"that's enough for now,unless you want me to cream my underwear?"

"Ok,ok,"he said,"but you'll have to suck me off later."

"I will,"I promised him with a huge grin."And I think they you still owe me a blowjob from last week when I won the race to the shower."

We got the packing finished and headed down to the kitchen.As it would be a couple more hours before we went out to dinner,Jane had made us a snack,to keep us going.

"What time are we leaving in the morning?" Gary asked .

"We've arranged to meet Howard and Linda at the airport at nine o'clock.The filght doesn't leave until 1.15,but we thought it would be nice to check in early and then have breakfast with them."Jane replied in answer to the question.

This was going to be an awesome start to the holiday."It'll be nice to see the little guy again too,"I said

"Whose the little guy?"Asked Jane

"Oh,Craig.He's Gary's four year old brother.He always calls me 'uncle Jason',he always has done."

"You never mentioned him before?"Gary said,looking a little peeved.

"It's just never come up."I was having some dirty thoughts again.I was thinking,'but I know two things that do up come up and quite alot.'I couldn't help it.It was just the effect that Gary had on me.

I then went on to tell them about the time Steve arrived at my house,about two weeks after Craig was born and said he was coming to live with us.He said that they didn't want him anymore because of the baby.He had even packed a bag with his school uniform,a complete change of clothes and his toothbrush.Linda arrived about ten minutes after that and asked him wht he was doing.He explained to her how he was feeling and then Linda said that he could stay for the night.

"So how did you react,when he showed up like that?"Jane asked me.

"I just said 'cool', a brother at last.After that,Linda started to let Steve help with the baby,letting him give Craig his bottle and helping to bath him.Steve soon realized that it wasn't so bad having a brother after all.I was still really jealous tho',Steve had a brother and I wanted one too.Although he always ran off when it came to changing the nappies."

"Well you do have a brother now,"said Gary

"Thats news to me,"I said ,jokingly."Whats he like?"

"Well,he's 15,5 foot 7inches tall.Short,spikey,light brown hair and the most amazing emerald green eyes.He's also cute,has a great sense of humour and is as sexy as f....,"Gary said,not completing the last word.Well,he didn't want a telling off from his mum.

"I think I need to have a serious talk with somone,"I said

"Who?"Asked Gary.

"The person who has been telling you all those lies."I started to laugh and so did Jane.Gary looked a bit unhappy and said,"So you are both ganging up on me?"

I went over to him and kissed him in the cheek."You can't be my brother,you don't seem to have much of a sense of humour."With that,Gary began to tickle my ribs and I was soon laughing so much that I had to plead with him to stop.

Phil arrived home a short time later.He went upstairs to take a shower and then we went out to eat.We went to Rusholme to the curry mile.It had been a while since I had been there.My parents used to take me quite alot and I had come to really enjoy eating Indian food,provided it was not too hot and spicy.

As we sat in the restaurant looking over the menu,I turned to Gary and said,"I never asked you when your birthday is?"

He told me that it was on the 15th august."I'll have to start thinking about a present for you,"I said

"You don't need to get me a presant,"he said,"I already have the best gift that you can give me."

"Oh and what would that be?"I soon got the idea when he gently brushed his hand over my cock .I just smiled at him .

We spent about two hours at the restaurant and had a really enjoyable family meal.When we got home,Gary and I went straight to our room and the adults went to do their packing ready for the holiday.

Gary and I began to kiss each other passionatly and slowly undressed each other.He was nibbling my ears and neck.Once he had removed my t-shirt,he began to suck and lick my nipples.This drove me crazy and I was loving every minute of it.At the same time he was loosening my belt and undoing the button and zipper on my jeans.My cock was rock solid and aching for release.Before I knew it,my jeans and boxers had dropped to my ankles and Gary was on his knees,licking the head of my cock."Mmmmmm.......that feels so good."He then slowly and passionatly took me into his mouth.Everytime he did this to me,it just got better and better.He sucked on me for around fifteen minutes but it seemed like much longer.

I began to moan more loudly and said,"I'm gonna cum...."

Gary pulled back a little so that he could get more of my boy juice in his mouth.I shot about six times and Gary swallowed evey last drop.Once I had had time to recover.I did the same to him only I also inserted the vibrator that Jenny had bought for me into my ass.The feeling of sucking on Gary's stiff dick and the vibrator sliding in and out was just awesome.After about twentyminutes,Gary just exploded into my mouth and the tsate of his cum was amazing.I also shot a second time.

"That was the best dessert that I ever ate,"I said ,once I had released Gary's softening member from my mouth.We kissed for a while and then went to bed.We where wrapped in each others arms and soon drifted of to sleep.My mind was now made up,Gary would definitly get to fuck me before the end of our holiday.I loved the feeling of my 'toy' inside me and was becoming more desperate for the real thing.

End of chapter 10.

Next: Chapter 11

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