Sad Song of a Gay Teen

By moc.loa@emitmaerdW

Published on Dec 8, 2005


Sad Song of a Gay Teen 18

SAD SONG OF A GAY TEEN 18 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This story is copyright 2005 by Paul walker. You may not copy or post it to any other website without my permission. This story contains scenes of a sexual nature between teen males. If this offends you, then why are you reading it? If you are not of the legal age where you are to be reading this then please leave now. Most of the places mentioned are real but the characters are fictitious and any resemblance to persons living or otherwise is purely coincidental.

Hi everyone and here I am again. I know I said that I would not leave it so long between chapters but I had some major computer problems, which have now been resolved. I have also been really busy with school work and rehearsing my new composition for the college Xmas concert. Also, the address for my artist page has changed and can now be found at

From the last chapter!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jamies parents asked if I had some of our music with me that they could have a listen to. I had conveniently put a CD in my pocket and so we listened to it whilst we were eating. Louise and Peter both seemed to be really impressed that three thirteen year old boys could write and play such amazing music.

“ I hope everything goes well for you all when you sign the recording contract,” said Louise.

After eating we went to the lounge and had coffee. I had noticed that they had a grand piano and so I played for a while. We finally went to bed at around 11.30. We soon fell asleep and I had pleasant dreams that night.


The next morning we were woken at 6.30 by Jamie banging on our door.

“ Jamie, what the fuck are you doing?” I asked. “ You do know that it's still the middle of the night,” I added, because it was still dark outside and to me that meant it was the middle of the night.

“ If you want to go riding, you better get up,” he said.

I had mysteriously placed my hand on Garys morning stiffy and I called back, “ I've got something in here that I would be more than happy to ride.”

Gary joined in the conversation by saying, “ I'm already up.” Then he started to laugh.

We told Jamie to come in while we got ready. Fortunately he had brought two large glasses of orange juice. Once we were dressed, Jamie asked us our shoe size and then went to find us some riding boots. We left the apartment and put on the boots before going to the stables. Jamie found us some riding hats and showed us how to saddle up the horses. We led the horses to the courtyard and then climbed on and set off at gentle pace.

As we rode along Gary began to sing FOREVER AUTUMN, one of the ones we had done at his party. I listened to him as he sang and made a decision.

“ Gary, how would you like to join the group?” I asked.

“ That would be so cool but I don't think I could do the guitar parts as well as you do and what other role could I have?”

“ It's not the first time I've told you this but you have an amazing voice, you could do the lead vocals.”

“ If you really think I can do it then I will.”

“ We'll talk to Steve and Chris when we get home.”

We had been riding for hours when we pulled up at a little shack. Jamie said this is where we where stopping for lunch. I climbed off my horse and said, without thinking, “ fuck me.”

Gary had a huge grin on his face.

“ Hey, I didn't mean it literally. It's just that my arse didn't feel this sore after what happened at school.”

After they had stopped laughing, Jamie showed me how to secure the horse and loosen his saddle, so that he would be more comfortable whilst we had lunch. Inside the shack was a gas powered barbecue, which Jamie got going. While waiting for it to heat up, we talked and had a few drinks. Once the barbecue was up to temperature, Jamie began to cook the steaks, sausages and chicken. There was also some salads and bread. By the time we were ready to leave, I was feeling better.

As Jamie and Gary were both experienced riders, they told me to hang back for half an hour or so. They wanted to give their horses a good gallop and didn't want me to follow in case Duke decided to take off after them. I watched as my brothers rode off into the distance. When I saw how fast they were going, I understood why they didn't want me to try it.

When they returned, Gary said, “ that was fun.”

When we got back to the house we all took showers before joining Peter and Louise for dinner. It was another fantastic evening.

We woke early the next day, as we where going to Cape Town for few days to stay with Brad and Shane. On the drive to Cape Town, we stopped a few times to take photos of the animals in their natural habitat. It was an amazing experience.

Brad and Shane were a great couple but I was a little uncomfortable with the fact that constantly walked around their apartment naked. I soon got used to it though and it was amusing when I caught them having sex more than once. They did apologize when we went out for dinner and explained that they got so used to it being just the two of them that they forgot when they had visitors. Gary and I got on really well with them all the same. Whilst in Cape Town we visited Table mountain and Robin Island, where Nelson Mandela had been imprisoned. It was over too soon tho' and in no time we where back at the winery. Before long , we where being driven back to the airport to fly home.

After checking in and saying our goodbyes, we headed for the departure lounge.

We arrived at Manchester the next morning at about nine. Dad was there to meet us. He informed me that I would have to sort out what gear I needed to take to London as we would be recording all the next week at AIR studios. We would be traveling to London on Saturday and on Sunday would be meeting with the record company to sign the contract. He also said that we ( meaning Steve, Chris and I ), now owned two companies. One was called 'WILD BOYS MERCHANDISING Ltd'.This company would handle the production and distribution of t- shirts, sweatshirts and that kind of thing. The other one was called ' SONIC IMAGINATION ( PUBLISHING) Ltd' and would be our publishing company. He also told me that we would each receive a cheque for one million pounds once we had signed the contract.

I had called Chris and Steve from London and they had no objections to Gary joining the group. Dad said he would have to get an extra copy of each contract and organize an additional advance for Gary. This was awesome.

“ And Gary,” said dad, “ don't make any plans for tomorrow as you need to go and organize your school uniform.”

“ In that case,” I said, “ we'll have to get mine too.”

“ Did I just hear that right?” Asked Gary.

“ Yes, I'm gonna go back to school.”

“ Just remember what we said Jason. If you can't handle it, then we'll organize a tutor for you again,” dad said.

“ Ok dad. By the way, were did the name WILD BOYS come from?” I asked.

“ The record company needed a name and Chris and Steve suggested it. I hope it's ok?”

“ It's cool with me. It's also one of my favourite DURAN DURAN songs.”

Jamie handed his camera to dad and we all hugged each other while dad took some pictures. Dad also told us that he was going into a new career.

“ And what would that be?” Asked Gary

“ I'm going to be managing you guys.”

On the way home from the airport, dad stopped at the laundrette and took our bags out of the car and said he was going to get all our stuff washed on a service wash. We were going to be so busy that mum wouldn't really have time to do it.

I must have looked a bit sad, as Jamie said, “Whats up dude?”

“ I'm just a bit pissed off that the guys never mentioned this when I called them from London.”

I said that just as dad got in the car, he said, “ that's my fault. I told them not to say anything until I had talked to you.”

This made me feel a whole lot better. When we got home, mum was making breakfast for us. Gary and I set up a conference call with Chris and Steve. We were all so excited that it was difficult for any of us to get a word in. They said they would come round that afternoon and we would have a little party. We said it was ok for them to bring their girlfriends. Jamie had also called Greg, who had the day off and so he was going to join our little party.

We had organized some drinks and food and had great afternoon. We mostly talked about the songs that we would put on the album. We also asked Greg, Jamie and the girls for their opinions. It was a really cool afternoon. The only thing that put a downer on it was that Jamie was included in the trip to London. He was torn between going and staying home with Greg. We needed to come up with a way to include Greg in this. By the time Chris, Steve and the girls were leaving, Greg had phoned work and told them to stuff their poxy job. He already had a new job, working for us as our fashion consultant. Everyone was happy. The only thing I didn't tell my two friends was that I would be going back to school. There would be time for that.

As we were celebrating, dad took us all out to dinner that night. By sheer coincidence, Steve was there with his family, as was Chris with his parents Amanda and Geoff and his sister Sonia. We got the manager to organize a big table for all of us. When we said what we were celebrating, he gave us a few bottles of champagne on the house. On this occasion, even us kids were allowed to have some. I still didn't tell my friends that I was going back to school. Now was not the time.

It was the next day when we were getting our uniforms that I saw Steve and Chris. I walked out of the changing room, complaining to mum that the trousers were too long, when my friends saw me.

“ Hey, how come you didn't say you were going back to school?” Chris asked.

“ I wanted to surprise you,” I said.

“ Well it has already,” Steve said.

After getting all our school stuff, we went to lunch. Gary, Chris, Steve and I sat at one table and mum, Amanda and Linda sat at another. Most of lunch was spent telling our friends about the trip to South Africa. They found it hilarious when I told them about Brad and Shane. After lunch, we all went our separate ways. Well, we had to get packed for our big trip to London.

Greg and Jamie decided to go out to the village again. I did hear them arrive home and they both sounded like they had had a little too much to drink. I smiled to myself and just thought that I would be able too have a little fun waking them up.

The next morning our alarm went off at 7 am. I jumped out of bed and went to wake Jamie. I knocked on the door as loud as I could.

“ Jason, why don't you fuck off and leave us to die,” Jamie said.

“ Not until you've seen us sign that contract. And you shouldn't have drank so much,” I said.

Within an hour we were all ready to go. A stretch limo had been arranged to take us to the station. We all grabbed our bags and piled into the car. Once in the car, Gary couldn't resist kissing me. When he broke the kiss, he said, “ I'm so happy that I got to meet you and that we got the chance to fall in love.”

“ You don't know how special and magical it has been for me,” I responded.

Jamie and Greg were the quietest ones in the group. They really did have bad hangovers and said that they would probably sleep all the way to London. We just had to promise to wake them up when we got there. I told them I would think about it.

When we got to the station, Gary and I were the first ones out. We noticed the other two limos and knew that they were carrying Chris and Steve and their families. The four of us all ran towards each other and high fived.

It was Steve who said, “ I guess we'll have to get used to this.”

Chris added, “ I don't suppose we'll ever get to take the bus again.”

A couple of porters took our luggage to the train and we had an escort. We were traveling first class and, although there were only sixteen of us, including Sam and Kirsty, we had the entire carriage to ourselves. One of the train crew came and asked us if we needed any magazines or newspapers. We all gave our orders and when he returned, Geoff asked how much it was.

“It's compliments of Virgin trains,” Geoff was informed.

None of us had ever been this far by train before and it was almost as good as flying. Two and a quarter hours later we got off the train and spotted Brian, who was holding a huge sign saying WILD BOYS. Our bags were taken from the train and onto the hotel. Brian led us to the waiting limos. We had a whole floor of suites booked at the Hyde Park Hotel. Chris and Steve wanted to share with their girlfriends but were told that they would be in the same suite as Gary and I. We knew full well that they would be swoping rooms as soon as they got the chance.

The suite was really cool. It had two en- suite bedrooms and a huge lounge area. Each bedroom had two double beds. Once the sleeping arrangements had been sorted, we all got changed and freshened up and headed down to the restaurant for lunch. Greg informed us that due to the fact that the press would be at the signing tomorrow, he would be taking us on his first assignment after lunch. He told us that dad had organized a credit card for him to take care of all our clothing needs.

“So were are we going?” I asked.

“ I thought we would start at Harvey Nichols.”

“ Kewl,” was the response he got from four excited teens.

After lunch, the four of us in the band plus Jamie and Greg piled into one of the limos for the short drive to the store. We were all trying to choose stuff that we liked but Greg had other ideas. He was selecting outfits for us all and we had to get his approval on them after we tried them on. This was something else that we would have to get used to. After shopping we went back to the hotel and Greg selected our clothes for the next and made sure that they were all ironed and ready. Mum was also a trained hairdresser and so cut and re- styled our hair. That evening we ordered room service for dinner and then went to the London eye.

None of us slept much that night as we were all far too excited. After breakfast we went back to our rooms and got changed ready for the big moment. At midday, we were sitting in one of the function rooms of the hotel. Fifteen minutes later the contract had been signed.

We were introduced to Sharon, from the accounts department at the record company. “ And now for the best part,” she said to us. “ Here are your cheques.”

We each took them and just stared at them. So, we all came from wealthy families and I was already worth millions in my own right but this was different. It was the first money that any of us had earned on our own.

Sharon then took Steve, Chris and I to one side and said , “ these additional cheques for you three are your fees for being co- producers.”

The three of us were handed an additional cheque for £ 500, 000 each. Gary joined us and asked, “ So how come I don't get one of those?”

At this point dad came over, “the thing is that all this recording is new to you but for the others its almost second nature. That can always change in the future.”

“ Besides, you're my partner, so as far as I am concerned, half of this is yours anyway.”

This obviously made him feel better as he kissed me. After this, we had to go and meet the press and answer loads of questions and have photos taken. It was still a little difficult to accept that in no time at all, our lives had changed for ever. We would now be recognized every where that we went.

The rest of the week was spent at the studio. We had a lot fun but it was really hard work. Working with Eno, the producer was a great experience. By the Saturday we had six songs completed. We choose a track called MY SONG as the first single and recorded our version of FOREVER AUTUMN as the B side.

Monday was back to Earth with a bump. It was the first day of school. I received what I can only describe as heroes welcome back. The morning passed fairly quickly and was uneventful after the last few weeks. As it was the first day, we had an extended lunch break so that friends could catch up with each other. There was the four us from the band plus Simon and Kyle. Beside those two we were also joined by Nick, Carl, Sean and Tim, some of my friends from the school orchestra. Lee was also sitting with us. We talked about our holidays and other stuff that we had done over the summer. I also told the guys from the orchestra about Jamie and how I was being adopted. I finished by saying, “ and we signed a record deal.”

“Wow, thats well cool,” Tim said.

“ So do you have anyone else in the group besides Steve and Chris?” Asked Carl.

“ We have my boyfriend Gary on lead vocals,” I said.

After that we got loads of questions about what it was like to be working in a studio and when our first record would be out. I also spotted a new kid from the first year who was sitting on his own. I went over and asked him to join us as I hated the thought of him being on his own.

As I approached him, he asked, “ Aren't you Jason from that new group WILD BOYS?”

“ That's me,” I replied. “ I take it that you saw us in the local paper?”

“ Yeah, I did and I never thought that I would be at the same school as you.”

“ I came over to ask you to come and sit with us, I hated to see you sitting on your own. Whats your name?”

“ It's Callum,” the boy told me.

“ Well Callum, come and sit with us, you don't have to be alone and you can meet the rest of the band.”

Callum followed me to our table and I introduced him to everyone. He told us that he hadn't made any friends as yet as he was afraid of getting bullied. At the end of his last school year he had told one of his friends that he liked boys more than he liked girls and had a really bad time the last few weeks that he was there. He thought it was well cool that all of the group were at the same school.

“ So you are telling us that you are gay?” Steve asked.

Callum just nodded. He seemed a little embarrassed, even ashamed of that fact.

“ Well I can tell you one thing, you don't have to worry about being bullied in this school, because if anyone does that they get expelled. This school has a zero tolerance policy on bullying. Chris and I are straight but Jason and Gary are gay. They are also boyfriends,” Steve said.

Callum looked at me and asked, “ but I thought Gary was your brother?”

“ He is,” I said, “ but he's my boyfriend too. I'll tell you all about it sometime.”

“ So is there anyone else at this table who is gay?” Callum asked.

With that, Kyle, Simon, Lee, Nick, Carl and Sean all raised their hands.

“I think I'm gonna like it here,” was all Callum could say.

The rest of the afternoon went by quickly and it was as I was making my way out of school that I got a call from dad. As our manager he had organized our own transport for us in the form of a stretch limo. We were going to have to get used to the fact that we would soon be recognized where ever we went. That meant that we would no longer be able to take the bus, even to and from school. I bumped into Nick and Carl and they asked me if I was catching the bus. I had to tell them that signing the record deal meant that my life would be changing forever and that me and the rest now had our own car and driver. I even offered them a ride home, which they thought was cool.

It was as we walked out of school that I spotted Callum. He looked as if he was waiting for someone so I went over to talk to him, “ Hey dude, what's up?”

“ I'm supposed to take the bus home but I'm waiting until most of the others have gone, that way I know there won't be any trouble.”

“ I thought we talked about this over lunch?” I asked.

“ We did but if I wait around and get a later bus then I know I won't see anyone from my old school,” replied Callum

I offered him a ride home and he asked us in to meet his mum, who was really nice. I also told him and his mum about all the stuff that had happened to me. The next day Callum joined us for lunch again. He told us that he talked to his parents about being gay and that they had taken it really well and were really understanding and supportive. Now he wanted to find a boyfriend. I told him that there was someone out there just waiting for him.

Well that seems like s reasonably happy place to end this chapter. See you all in the next chapter. Lol Paul.

Next: Chapter 19

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