Sad Song of a Gay Teen

By moc.loa@emitmaerdW

Published on Dec 16, 2005


Sad Song of a Gay Teen 19

SAD SONG OF A GAY TEEN 19!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This story is copyright 2005 by yours truly, Paul Walker. You may not copy or post it to any other website without my permission. All the characters are entirely fictional and any resemblance to people, either living or otherwise is pure coincidence. The story contains acts of a sexual nature between teen males and if this offends you, then leave now. If you are under the legal age to be reading this in your territory, then leave now or it's your problem.

Please e- mail all comments to

CHAPTER 19!!!!!!!!!

Being back at school was proving to be a really good decision. It was now the end of the first week in November and on the Monday we would be facing the next big change in our lives. It was the release day of our first single.

The past two months had flown by, what with school, recording sessions, TV and press interviews. It had been so hectic at times that everything was just a complete blur. My studio had also opened with a huge party and there was loads of famous musicians who turned up and we even got the chance to perform with some of them. As a result , it was fully booked for the next year, including weekends, as we would be doing our recording here from now on. I had decided to call it Dream fields studios.

I had also been composing some music for the group and orchestra, that would be performed at a series of concerts at school just before the Christmas holidays. We also had our own security team as we couldn't even walk to the local shops without being recognized. This was the one part that we didn't like but we just had to accept it. Callum had become a really good friend but was still trying to find a boyfriend. He had made a few friends in his own year but we had an idea that this was because they knew that he was our friend and it was their way of getting to hang out with us. In other words, we felt that he was being used.

The first week of the release of the single was really mad at school. Everyone, including the teachers wanted us to sign the CD. Some people had bought more than one copy and so we barely got time to eat lunch. Getting in the car at the end of each day was a relief.

On the Friday of that week, we all met in the changing rooms of the sports complex, so that we could change out of our uniforms as we had another weekend in London and knew that there would be photographers at the station. The last thing we wanted was to have pictures of us in our uniforms in the papers. School uniform would hardly be considered to be the height of fashion amongst our fans.

Another thing we hated was the fact that we had to spend the time on the train doing our homework. Of course, this did leave the weekend free for us to enjoy our free time. The purpose of this trip was to appear on a chat show on the Saturday night. We spent the day visiting Harrods and the shops on Oxford street. We arrived back at the hotel at around 5pm to await the call from the record company. We were both excited and nervous waiting to find out how our record had done. Dad finally knocked on the door at around six.

“ Hi dad,” Gary and I said in unison.

“ So, boss, what's the news? Did we make number one?” Asked Chris.

“ Sorry guys but you only got to number two.”

We all felt disappointed and dad could obviously see this in our faces.

“ Guys,” he said, “ thats not bad for the first single by a new act. The Beatles first single only got to 17 and look how successful they were.”

This lightened the mood somewhat. We ordered room service for dinner and dad did say that there was a way to get us to number one the next week. At the end of the video was a photo of my real parents with the caption In memory of Sandra Lewis 1969 to 2005 and Colin Lewis 1964 to 2005. I had only watched the video once, as it upset me so much that I cried. Fortunately it was in the limo on the way to school and I had my friends to comfort me. Dad did say that we would be asked who those people were by the interviewer on the TV show. We didn't have to talk about it if we didn't want to but it would probably guarantee the number one spot the next week. I asked him to leave us alone for a while.

“ I really don't want to do this. Having a number one isn't that important right now,” I said to the other guys.

We were all in agreement until Gary said, “ just think how proud of you they would be if you did get to the top.”

We had another long discussion and decided that we would talk about this on TV. It would mean that I would be making another huge change in my life. I would be coming out to the entire country. I didn't have a problem with everyone at school and family and friends knowing but this was a big step for anyone to take. Least of all for a thirteen year old kid.

We called dad back into our suite and told him what we had decided.

“ Jason,” he said, “ this is the first and last time you will have to talk about this. In future the subject will be totally off limits to anyone that is interviewing you.”

We left the hotel at 8pm and made our way to the TV studio. The show was broadcast live at 9.45pm but we had to go to make up and meet the host and the other guests. We also had to do a sound check, as we were providing the live music on that nights show.

Although this was not the first TV interview we had done, we were all very nervous. Fortunately the other guests on the show helped us to relax. They were a famous American actress and a very well know Scottish comedian. He was really entertaining and had us all in fits of laughter with a constant stream of jokes and stories. The actress was to be on first, followed by us. After I had finished talking about what had happened to me and the death of my parents, there was not a dry eye in the house. Luckily, this was the point for a commercial break. Things changed for the last section of the show when the comedian came on. He had everyone laughing. We then played the two songs from our record and that was it.

After the show the other guests told me that I had nothing to be ashamed of and that it had taken a lot of courage to do what I had.

Sunday morning we had to go to the BBC TV centre to film our appearance for that nights TOP OF THE POPS. They did want us to appear live but we had to get back to Manchester as we would be at school the next day. Besides, if we did get to number one the next week, they could just run the same footage again.

The next week at school was even more manic. Everyone was talking about us but only in a good way. I was treated like a superhero, although I had to tell a lot of people that it was all true and not just a mad publicity stunt to get us to number one. Even people who I had once thought of as cold and lacking in emotion shed a few tears.

It was on the Saturday of that week that I left the studio with one of our security guys. We had already started to record our Christmas single, which was to be a cover of a seventies song called I WISH IT COULD BE CHRISTMAS EVERYDAY. We had got the school choir to come to the studio to do the backing vocals. The record company were paying them a £100,000 for doing this, which they had decided to donate to charities such as childline and kidscape. These charities helped kids who were being bullied or who needed help with other problems. I was more than happy for them to do this.

Anyway, as I was saying, I had left the studio and gone into town to buy Steve and Chris's birthday presents, as it was their birthday on Tuesday. I was in the Academy of Sound when I spotted a kid dressed in clothes that had seen better days. He was admiring a Fender Stratocaster guitar. I decided to go and talk to him.

“ Hi, you really like that guitar don't you?” I asked.

“ Yes but there is no way that I could ever afford anything like that,” he said. Then the penny dropped, “ hey, aren't you Jason from Wild Boys?”

“ That's me and if you want that guitar, it's yours.”

“ But how will I explain it to my mum?”

“ Call her and ask her,” I told him.

“ I don't even have a mobile phone.”

I took out my phone and he called his mum. This was an eye opener for me. I just took things like mobile phones and computers for granted. This kid didn't even have a phone. So I knew there was no way he would have a computer. It made me realize how lucky I was.

After a while he handed the phone back to me and said his mum wanted to talk to me. His mum gave me permission to buy him the guitar. I also bought him an amplifier and an FX board. We then left the store and went to a mobile phone shop were I bought a Pay as you go sim card. I had three of my old phones at home and I was going to let this kid have one. We then got in the limo and I told the driver to take us home.

Once in the car I asked the kid his name.

“ It's Liam and I can't believe I met you.”

We talked all the way back to my house . He said he loved our record and asked me if the things I had talked about on TV were true. He shed a few tears when I told him it was. I got the phone for him and registered it with the network and put £100 of credit on it for him. He wouldn't take it at first but I said that I didn't use it anymore and I would be more than happy for him to take it and make use of it. We then went to the studio so he could meet the others. He seemed to be really enjoying himself but wouldn't talk about his home life. Jamie offered to take him home at about 5.30pm.

Before Liam left, I asked him, “ Would it bother you having a gay friend?”

“ No, especially not one as nice as you.”

“ Then consider me to be your friend and you can call me anytime. My number is already in the phone.”

Jamie took Liam home and when he returned, we were all in party mood. The record company had called and we were number one. I noticed that this news didn't make Jamie look any happier. I took him to one side and asked, “ so who just died?”

“ No one, but that Liam really appreciates what you did for him today. He said he will make it up to you one day. Apart from his mum, he has no other family. They live in a one bedroom flat in Salford, he doesn't even have a bed to sleep in.”

“ So where does he sleep?” I asked

“ On the sofa in the lounge. I did promise him that I wouldn't say anything to you about this but I couldn't keep it to myself. We need to do something to help.”

“ Got any bright ideas?” I asked.

“ No but if I come up with anything then I'll let you know.”

We had just got to number one but I was in no mood to party. Finding this out had really hurt me. Finally I said, “ Jamie will you take me home?”

We slipped out without being noticed and remained silent in the car. I had been through some of the worst shit that I could imagine but meeting Liam had made me realize what a lucky bastard I was, even more so now I knew the truth.

On the way home my phone rang and I answered it. It was Chris, “ Hi Jase, where are you?”

“ I'm with Jamie in his car. I asked him to take me home as I wasn't feeling well. Have a good time and I'll see you guys tomorrow.”

Once again the weeks flew by. Liam had become a good friend to us all. He often called, usually to say that he really hated his life. Chris and Steve invited him to their party the week after I had met him, he even played with us on a few songs. Dad even described him as the new Jimi Hendrix. Apart from Jamie and I, no one knew the truth about him. He was spending most weekends with us.

The school concerts were a huge success and I had arranged to have a CD produced and all the profits would go to charity. We also did our first professional gig at the end of term party at school. We were a huge hit with everyone.

That weekend was the first weekend that we had had to ourselves in ages. I should have been feeling happy but I felt miserable inside. I spent most of the weekend moping round. It really hurt knowing that next week was Christmas and we would have loads of food and presents but Liam would just be with his mum and would have very little compared to us. Life was so unfair. It was on the Sunday night that I broke down and admitted to Gary what was bothering me.

It was Gary who came up with a really fantastic idea, “ you know, we need someone else in the band. After all, we have quite a few live shows lined up next year and it's not possible for you to play guitar and keyboards at the same time. Liam knows all the songs and would be ideal.”

“ You're a genius,” I said. I did go on to tell him about Liams life. By the time I had finished Gary felt just as bad as I did.

“ Ok, here's the plan,” Gary said. “ Tomorrow we talk to the other guys about Liam joining the band, I'm sure they'll agree. Then we talk to mum and dad about inviting Liam and his mum here for Xmas. Dad also needs an assistant, so we get him to offer the job to Liams mum. We also suggest that they move in here with us for a while and then once the money starts coming in they can buy a place of their own.”

“ No wonder I love you,” I said, as I planted a huge kiss on Garys lips. “We also arrange for Liam to sit the entrance exam for our school. I have that fund that is supposed to pay my fees but they are taken care of by the scholarship, so we use that to pay Liams fees.”

By this time, it was about two in the morning and we felt really tired. We fell asleep feeling really pleased with ourselves.

The next day we had a meeting with Chris and Steve and they were in agreement with us about having Liam in the band. We all had a group hug and then our friends said they had to go. Now came the hard part, talking to mum and dad. We spent hours talking and at the end they had agreed with us on everything.

Mum said, “ and we thought that this was going to be a quiet week after the last few months.” After saying that, mum started to laugh.

Dad got busy ordering a laptop for Liam, one that was tailor made for music production. It took some doing but they said they would have it to us by Xmas eve. Mum went off on a shopping expedition as she wanted to get some things for Liams mum. We called Chris and Steve and organized a trip to the Trafford centre. We bought loads of clothes and some new shoes and trainers for Liam. We knew the sizes would be ok as I had lent Liam some of my stuff when he stayed with us. We got gift vouchers for his mum. Chris and Steve bought him an i-pod.

By the Wednesday evening, we had everything organized, except one thing. The guests of honour.

I called Liam and got his home number so that mum could call his mum. Then Liam said, “ so what do you want to talk to me about and why does your mum want to talk to my mum?”

“ Ok dude, I'm going to ask you a question and the only answer that I want to hear is yes. How would you like to have the best Christmas ever?”

“ That sounds cool. Whats the plan?”

“ Jamie will pick you and your mum up on Christmas eve and you spend it with us.”

“ Yes, that sounds cool but I'm pissed off with Jamie.”

“ Why?” I asked.

“ Because he told you what life is really like for me. He promised that he would not say anything.”

“ That first day I met you, when he got back from taking you home , I told him we had just got to number one but he still looked sad and so I pulled him to one side and asked him what was wrong. I never said a thing to anyone until Sunday. It really hurts me knowing what life is really like for you. I mean it, this will be the best Xmas you ever had. And please don't be mad at Jamie.”

“ I'm really gonna love spending Xmas with you guys but I'll be really sad having to come home again.”

“ If there is one thing I have learnt in the last six months, it is that life is full of surprises. Bye for now and see you on Xmas eve.”

We did finally get to have some quiet time over the next few days. The exception to this was Jamie. At breakfast on the Thursday he asked us if we would be needing the limo that day. We told him we didn't and he told us that Chris and Steve had said they wouldn't need it either. He told us that he was meeting his parents at the airport and that Brad and Shane would also be spending Xmas with us. I had forgotten about this and wondered where everyone was going to stay, now that we had invited Liam and his mum. Jamie told me that he had already arranged it with my grandparents for them all to stay there. This was why he needed to use the limo. I told him that I was more than happy to do this for him.

Gary and I spent a lot of time in our room, enjoying our favourite snack, amongst other things. We had redecorated and bought a new hi- fi system, wall mounted plasma screen tv, playstation and an x- box 360. We couldn't decide which one we wanted, so we got them both. On the Saturday we were both naked. Gary was lying on his back and I was bouncing up and down on his cock. Suddenly I screamed out “ I'm gonna CUMmmmmmmmmmmmmm.”

Neither of us had heard the knock on the door and Liam had obviously taken me saying the word CUM as his signal to enter. The look on his face was priceless.

“ Sorry guys,” he said. “ Jason, you were right when you said that life is full of surprises. I had thought that there were two Garys.”

“ Perhaps I should have explained that to you,” I said. “ Just as long as this doesn't bother you?”

“ No but I just wish it was me lying there, covered in your cum. That's another reason why I hate living where I do. I'm gay, like you two but I can't tell my friends as they would just beat me up.”

We talked for a while and then Gary and I took a quick shower. As I was deciding what to wear, Liam said, “ It must be really cool having all that designer clothing.”

“ We already know that you are the same size as me, so just pick something that you like and you can borrow it,” I said.

Liam hadn't eaten since breakfast, so we went to the kitchen and as we entered, his eyes nearly popped out of his head when he saw all the food.

“ Grab a plate,” I said, “ and help yourself.”

He had to keep asking what things were as he hadn't seen half of this food before. It was as he was eating his second helping of Triple chocolate cake that dad came in and said he wanted to talk to us all in the lounge.

We followed and started off by asking Liam if he would like to be in the band and explaining why we wanted and needed him. When he said yes, dad explained to him about signing the contracts , which would be happening on the next Thursday. We then told him about his mum working as dads assistant, how we were going to get him into our school. Finally we told him that he would never be going back to sleeping on the sofa.

He sat there in total amazement for a few minutes and then said, “ mum is this really happening or am I just having a weired dream?”

“ It's all really happening,” his mum assured him

He then went over to mum and dad and thanked them for everything.

Dad said, “ well the real thanks should go to your two scheming, fellow band members over there. This was all their idea.”

Liam came over and gave us both a kiss on the cheek.

Then he went off to the kitchen to talk to his mum alone. When he came back he was looking happier than I had ever seen him.

When they returned, his mum said, “ I had guessed you might be and I still love you as much as I always have. Gary, Jason, I can't thank you enough for doing all this for us. And you can call me Anne, seeing as how Liam didn't introduce me properly.”

“ I assume you just came out to your mum?” Gary asked.

“ Yes but I don't suppose you two know of anyone who might like to be my boyfriend?”

“ Leave it with us,” Gary and I both replied in unison.

“ So is this the best Xmas ever?” I asked.

“ You bet it is,” Liam said with the biggest grin I had ever seen. “ And we only just got here.”

We then went back to the kitchen, as the adults wanted to talk some more. Liam asked if it would be ok to have some more chocolate cake. We told him that if he wanted too, he could eat the whole thing. He declined that opportunity as he didn't want to be sick.

We then took him to our room and played on the gaming systems, watched TV and some DVDs until it was time for dinner. Dad had ordered Indian takeaway. Again we had to tell Liam what everything was as he had never eaten it before. He really enjoyed it.

It was over dinner that dad asked, “ Jason, have you got anymore waifs and strays that you invited for Xmas?”

“ No but I could go out in the limo and find some if you really want me to. And don't call Liam a waif,” I said.

Dad began to laugh and added, “ sorry about talking about Liam like that but as for you inviting a few more people, we will have a house full tomorrow as it is.”

“ Besides,” I said, “ the shops are all closed so I couldn't get them any presents.”

We all had a really good laugh about this.

After we had finished eating, Liam, Gary and I did the washing up, so that the adults could get to know each other over a few drinks, while they watched some TV or whatever else they decided to do. We then went to our room and played on the games systems for a while.

Liam finally asked, “ so which room am I sleeping in?”

We showed him to his room. We had put our old TV, stereo and DVD player in there.

Liam just said, “ wow.”

Finally we went to say goodnight to our parents.

Gary and I were lying in our bed and I was saying stuff like, “ I wonder what Santa is going to bring me this year?”

“Jason, how old are you?” Asked Gary.

“ Thirteen,” I said, “ but I feel about three.”

The reality was that we both had difficulty getting to sleep as we were both looking forward to opening our presents. We were both only children and so this Xmas was totally different for both of us. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. I got out of bed and pulled on my bathrobe to see who it was.

It was Liam, “ Couldn't you sleep?” I asked.

“ No,” said Liam, “ I just kept thinking that if I went to sleep, I would wake up on the sofa back at home and find that this had all been a dream.”

Liam climbed into bed with us. Gary was on his right and I was on his left. We talked for a while before falling asleep. I was the first to wake and ran to the bathroom to take a piss. When I got back to our room, I looked out of the widow and it had been snowing all night. It was the first time that I could remember a white Xmas, after all, for the last six years we had gone to our house in Florida. I jumped on the bed and started to bounce up and down, saying, “ wake up guys and merry Xmas. By the way its been snowing all night.”

Liam woke up first and said, “ merry Xmas Jason. So it's not a dream after all?”

I assured him that it wasn't.

Gary woke next mumbling something along the lines of, “ shit, he's turned into a three year old again.” This got us all laughing.

We showered and then got dressed. I told Liam that he could borrow some of my stuff again. He selected a pink t-shirt and said, “ now I've told you I'm a bum boy, I guess it's gonna be cool to wear pink.”

This really infuriated me and I turned round and screamed at him, “ never let me hear you talk about yourself like that ever again. It's just not nice, OK?”

“ I'm sorry Jason,” he said

I accepted his apology and said, “ It's a pity I already have a boyfriend, you look so damn hot in that t-shirt.”

The adults were greeted by three laughing teens bursting into the kitchen and shouting, “MERRY XMAS EVERYONE,”

It was after we had finished eating breakfast and were told that we could go and open our presents that the little drama occurred. Liam said he was just going to the bathroom but then we heard the front door close. Gary dashed upstairs and returned to inform us that Liam was no where to be found.

“ I think that this has got a bit too much for him,” Anne said.

By now I had my coat and shoes on. I was determined to find him. By the time I found Liam, he was at the bus stop and frozen, as he was only wearing a t-shirt, jeans and trainers. By the time I had persuaded him to come home, Jamie had showed up in the car. We got Liam in the back seat and I got in the front. I was glad that Jamie had showed up, as I was really starting to feel the cold. At least the car was nice and warm. I called home and said it was OK, we had found Liam. I also asked if mum would make two of her special hot chocolates. We hardly had chance to get out of the car before Gary was waiting at the door for us. We got in the house and Liam took his trainers off. I noticed that his socks were soaking wet. Jamie took Liam into the lounge. I told Gary to go and get some clean socks, a towel and a sweatshirt .I took my coat and shoes off and then went and sat in front of the fire next to Liam. We helped Liam to put the sweatshirt on and then took his socks off, dried his feet and put the clean socks on him.

By now mum had made the hot chocolate. It was special because it was made with half cream and half milk, topped with whipped cream, marshmallows and chocolate sprinkles. We sat in silence as we drank and then we used the spoons to eat the cream and other goodies.

“ Feeling better now?” I asked Liam.

“ Yes. Sorry I was so stupid, I just didn't want to sit and watch you opening your presents knowing that I wouldn't have any.”

“ Now you are being stupid. I'm sure I saw some presents for you around here somewhere,” I said.

I took his hand and we made our way to the other side of the lounge near the tree. I looked at one pile and said, “ No, they're for Gary.” Then I looked at the next pile and said, “ no. they' re for me.” Then I looked at the last pile and said, “ I found them. All these are for you.”

Liam sat down on the floor and just looked at his presents and said, “ did I just die and go to heaven?”

“ No but you would have done if you had waited for the bus as there aren't any for two days,” I said.

Once again we were in fits of laughter. Liam picked up the first of his presents and read the label. On it was written:

To Liam, remember, it is better to give than to receive

Lol Steve and Chris.

“ They didn't have to do this,” Liam said.

“ I know they didn't,” I said, “ they did it because they really wanted to. Besides , meeting you made us realize how much we all take things for granted.”

Liam opened the present and was really impressed with his new i- pod. He did ask if there was any music on it. I told him that we had put the four songs from our singles on it for him and that later on we would show him how to download his favourite songs from the Internet. He continued to open his presents, all the time dad was filming him with the camcorder. At one point he did ask, “ did you ask my manager if you could film me?” And then he added, “ damn, you are my manager.” This had us all laughing again. Liam really loved all the stuff that we had bought for him. At least now he had the beginnings of his own collection of designer clothing.

After Liam had opened his presents, Gary and I got to work on ours. We both got loads of clothes, computer software and loads of other stuff. My main present off mum and dad was a 1980's Fairlight CMI. I already had one at Dream fields but this was awesome. The guys always complained about how much time they spent sitting round while I was programming the CMI. At least now, I could do all the programming at home and then we could get on with the recording at the studio.

Dad then came in with one final present and said, “ I found one last present in my office and it has Liams name on it.”

We knew that this was the laptop. Liam opened it and could hardly believe his eyes. “ Thanks Phil,” he said.

We explained to him that he would need it now he was a part of the band. He would also need it for school as we used our laptops to download all our homework from the central computer system. Grandma and Louise had already arrived to help mum preparing and cooking the dinner. I left Gary showing Liam how the laptop worked and went to talk to Grandma. I hadn't seen much of my Grandparents since signing the record deal and going back to school as we were always so busy. It would be nice to spend some time talking to her whilst she was busy cooking. This was something I used to love doing.

When I entered the kitchen, I first made my way over to Louise and said, “ merry Xmas Louise.” Then I gave her a kiss on the cheek.

“ Merry Xmas, Jason,” said Louise. “ Did you get lots of nice presents then?”

“ I did, thank you,” I said in reply to her question.

Then I went and said merry Xmas to my grandma. I was wearing some expensive jeans that I really liked but they had been designed with holes and patches at certain points and looked as tho' I had got them out of a dustbin somewhere. I knew grandma would make some comment about them.

“ Why don't you go and put some decent jeans on?” Grandma asked.

I told grandma that I was wearing really fashionable designer jeans that were considered to be the height of fashion. By now I was sitting at the kitchen table drinking some exotic fruit juice.

Grandma said, “ he's definitely Sandra's son. She was just as bad with her choices of clothing at that age.”

Grandma obviously saw the sadness in my eyes at the mention of my mums name. She came over and sat next to me. “Are you ok, Jason?” She asked.

I shook my head and then asked, “ Grandma, will it ever stop hurting?”

Grandma sat in silence for a few moments before saying, “ No but it does get easier as the time passes.”

It wasn't the first time that I had asked that question and I always got the same answer. I never believed it.

By now, grandma had noticed the ring on the third finger of my left hand. “ That's a nice ring,” she said.

“ Yes,” I said, “Gary and I bought each other identical rings to show how much we love and care about each other.”

We smiled at each other and then I made my way over to the fridge to get another drink. I noticed the bowl of Brandy cream with a spoon in it. 'Mmmm, that looks nice,' I thought to myself. It was as I was about to have my third spoonful that I heard grandma say, “ Jason, what are you up to?”

I turned around, still holding the spoon and came face to face with grandma. All I could say was, “ guilty as charged.”

Grandma and I both laughed at this before she chased me out of the kitchen. I went back to the lounge. By now Liam had his guitar connected to his new laptop, which Gary had connected to the surround sound system that we had in the lounge. I stood, mesmerized, listening to Liam playing. He really was an awesome guitarist. I set up my new instrument and we spent the next few hours playing music together. It was great fun.

At around two thirty, the doorbell rang. “ I'll get it,” I said, as I jumped up.

I answered the door and let granddad and Peter in and wished them a merry Xmas as they entered the house. I then put my hands on Brad and Shanes chests and said, “ where do you think you two are going?”

“ Hey, Jason,” said Brad, “ It's us, Brad and Shane.”

“ Sorry guys,” I said, “ I just didn't recognise you with your clothes on.”

We all had a good laugh over this before I said, “ Mine and Garys room is up the stairs, turn left and the first door on the right.”

They both looked a little puzzled. Then I added, “ I only mention it in case you two get the urge to rip each others clothes off and fuck each others brains out. I wouldn't want you doing that on the dining room table during dinner.” After a short pause, I added, “ as long as I can watch,” and then I burst out laughing.

All Shane could say in response was, “ pervert.”

By three o'clock, we were all seated in the lounge, ready to watch TOP OF THE POPS. The four us in the group plus dad already knew that we had the Xmas number one, as the record company had called the previous day to let us know. But this was going to be a big surprise for everyone else. By three thirty, I was eating my fourth chocolate bar.

“ Jason, stop eating so much chocolate or you won't eat your dinner,” Grandma said.

“ Hey, I'm nervous,” I said, “ so I'm comfort eating.” This raised a few laughs around the room. It got to the chart countdown and they were at number two and we still hadn't been mentioned.

Dad looked around the room and sad, “ sorry Jason and Gary but it doesn't look like you even got in the charts.”

I pretended to look disappointed. Then the presenter announced, “and the Xmas number one for 2005 is WILD BOYS!!!!!!!!”

I leapt out of my seat, jumping up and down saying, “ we did it, we did it.”

By now, dad had opened a couple of bottles of champagne to celebrate. Even Gary, Liam and I were allowed to have glass. I also had calls from Steve and Chris. This had made Xmas really special. Callum also called to congratulate us on the single and to thank us for the present that we had given him. It wasn't much, only a sweatshirt and t- shirt with WILD BOYS on it but we knew it would mean a lot to him as it was from the four of us in the band.

After the champagne, we made our way to the dining room. My grandparents were seated at one end, along one side were seated Jamie, Brad, Shane, Peter and Louise. At the opposite end to my grandparents were mum and dad. Seated opposite the South African lot were Teddy, Liam. Gary, Anne and me. Teddy was a four foot high teddy bear that Carol had bought me when I was three. I don't know why, but I could never part with him. As there were thirteen of us for dinner, we had decided to set an extra place and seat Teddy there to make up the numbers. As we entered the room I said to Liam, “ I see your dinner date has arrived.” Once again this had everyone laughing.

Dinner was a lavish affair, we began with grandmas home-made tomato soup, then a seafood salad. The salad was followed by some lemon sorbet to freshen the palate. Everyone then disappeared to the kitchen, except for Gary, Liam, Brad, Shane and myself. After about ten minutes we were called to the kitchen for our main course. On the kitchen table there was a Turkey, Roast Rib of Beef and a Roast Leg of Lamb. There were masses of side dishes with vegetables and potatoes plus all the accompaniments for the meats. Liams eyes almost popped out of his head at the sight of so much food. He said he didn't know what to have but when he saw that Gary and I had a slice of each meat, he had the same. We assured him that no one would think he was being greedy.

As granddad was carving some turkey for Liam he asked, “ so Liam, are you a leg man or a breast man?”

Every one looked at me, due to the fact that I was making some very strange grunting noises as I was trying so hard not to laugh. Well, all I could think after hearing granddads comment was ' I think you'll find that he's more of a cock man.”

When Gary, Liam and I returned to the table, I explained to them why I had been making those strange noises. Again we all laughed and I got called a pervert for the second time that day. We sat and ate and after we finished Liam asked if he could have some more Lamb. Again we told him that it was not a problem. We then sat for a long time just talking before finishing off the meal with some Christmas pudding. After dinner we took Liam to our room and showed him how to load music for his i- pod. We explained to him that there were two ways of doing this. One was free of charge but totally illegal and by doing this the artists didn't get any payment. The other way was to use legal sites such as Virgin, HMV or Apple i-tunes. Going down the legal route you had to pay for each download but at least the artists got their payment. After selecting about forty songs we left them to download and then went to the lounge to join the rest of the guests. We even played some music for them.

We finally went to bed at around one o'clock. We were all very tired but very happy, especially Liam. It really had been the best Christmas ever.

End of chapter 19!!!!!!!!!!!

Hope you enjoyed that and please don't write and tell me how nasty I am for putting Jason through the ordeal of going on TV and talking about everything that he went through. It was as much about remembering his parents as it was about getting to number one. As I pointed out, his parents would have been really proud of him achieving something like that. I think I have also shown Jason to have a heart with all the the stuff he has done for Liam and Anne.

All that remains is to wish you all a very Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year. If I don't get another chapter written before, see you all in 2006.

Lol Paul!!!!

Next: Chapter 20

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