Sad Song of a Gay Teen

By moc.loa@emitmaerdW

Published on Apr 4, 2006


Sad Song of a Gay Teen 24

SAD SONG OF A GAY TEEN 24!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This story is copyright 2006 by yours truly, Paul Walker. You may not copy or post it to any other website without my permission. All the characters are entirely fictional and any resemblance to people, either living or otherwise is pure coincidence. The story contains acts of a sexual nature between teen males and if this offends you, then leave now. If you are under the legal age to be reading this in your territory, then leave now or it's your problem.

Please e- mail all comments to

You can also check out my music page at

From the previous chapter!!!!!!!!!!!

The rehearsal on Wednesday afternoon went without a hitch and I got on really well with the two Chinese musicians who would be filling for Chris and Steve. I also made two new friends in the form of an American boy by the name of Josh Lewinsky who was 14 and a German boy by the name of Christian Schultze. That evening we met them and their families for dinner. The rest of the week was spent sight seeing and having my lessons with the tutors. The latter was a real bummer as I even had to have lessons on the Saturday as I had missed school on Monday due to the fact that we where on the plane. The concert on the Saturday was an exhilarating experience that I will never forget. There was a big party for all the young composers who had taken part in the event and we all had a really great time. My two new friends and I exchanged e- mail addresses and Josh even asked if I could go to visit him during my school holidays. I had to decline the invite for two reasons. Firstly, we had a three week trip to Australia lined up to do a series of live shows with the band and secondly, we had our second album to record. It was going to be an exciting but very different summer as we wouldn't be going on holiday.

Sunday was very much a day of leisure and last minute shopping. We couldn't resist some shopping due to the fantastically low prices on what would be considered as expensive luxury items back home. Monday we got packed and ready for our overnight flight home. It had been a very interesting week and an experience I looked forward to repeating, given the opportunity.

We arrived home at around midday on the Tuesday. We all felt exhausted after the long flight and after having some lunch, I decided that I would take a nap. Liam arrived home from school looking the happiest that I had seen him in quite a while ( I think it had something to do with all the sex that he and Nick had been having while we where away). Of course, he wasn't saying much about that but I knew differently.

Wednesday was back to school for another few weeks then it would be the start of a new adventure, what with our Australian tour and recording our second album. In some ways, I was dreading that as I had met quite a lot of famous musicians during the last few months and they had all told us that the second can more often than not be the hardest to record, especially if the first one had been a huge success, which ours had.

CHAPTER 24!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On Tuesday afternoon, when Liam had arrived home from school, I was sat in mine and Garys room checking my e- mails when Liam burst in saying he came bearing gifts.

“ And what gifts do you come with?” I asked as he entered.

“ Oh, chocolate chip cookies, dough nuts and chocolate milk,” he replied, sounding in a very cheerful mood.

“ Now that sounds like something that I could really enjoy,” I said.

Liam also made a point of thanking me for the present that I had given him for his birthday. I had bought him a software instrument package called Reaktor 5. Once loaded into the computer it gave the user a selection of over thirty software synths, drum machines and FX units. Not only that but it also allowed you to design and build your own instruments. Liam and I talked for a while and then he announced that he was going to go and do his homework.

After Liam had left, I went back on line. I noticed that I had an IM from Josh.

Josh92; Hi Jason, I take it you had a good flight home?

MozartY2k6; Yeah, we finally got back home at around midday.

Josh 92; We got home yesterday afternoon.

MozartY2K6; Thats weired?

Josh92; We crossed over the international date line and so got Monday all over again.

MozartY2K6; So it is possible to travel through time?

Josh92; I suppose it is in a way, it's just something that I never thought about before . Well, not until you just mentioned it.

MozartY2K6; Anyway, changing the subject, I loved your music. It was a fantastic performance.

Josh92; I enjoyed yours too. I loved the way that you incorporated the keyboards, electric guitars and the rock drums into the piece. It was really interesting.

MozartY2K6; Well, I think the likes of Mozart or Beethoven would have used that kind of instrumentation in their work, if it had been available in their time.

Josh92; I think your right about that. Those two composers were ahead of their time in many ways.

MozartY2K6; I agree!

Josh92; Do you mind if I ask you a question?

MozartY2K6; No, I don't mind.

Josh92; I couldn't help notice that you and Gary held hands a few times. Are you gay? Is he your boyfriend?

MozartY2K6; Yes, I am gay. Does that bother you? And yes, Gary is my boyfriend.

Josh92; No, I'm not bothered by the fact that you are gay. My older brother is and he is one of the coolest people I know. Gary is a great guy but it just seems strange that your brother is your boyfriend.

MozartY2K6; Gary is only my brother by adoption. It's a long story and I went through some real shit to meet him. I'll e- mail you my diary so that you can read it and find out the whole story. That will be a lot easier than explaining it all right now.

Josh92; That sounds cool.

MozartY2K6; So are you at school today?

Josh92; No, we've been on vacation since the end of May and don't go back until August.

MozartY2K6; Lucky you!

Josh92; So when are you off?

MozartY2K6; We don't finish for another three weeks.

Josh92; Well, I've gotta go as my friends will be here soon. We're going to Venice beach for the day.

MozartY2K6; Have fun and I'll catch you later!

With that we signed off. I wrote a quick e- mail to Josh and attached my diary. By now Gary was back. He had been at a recording session at the studio learning some of the finer points of music production and sound engineering. I suppose he wanted to get a head start on the course that he would be taking from September.

Due to the fact that we were all still a little tired from the flight home, mum and dad had decided that we would eat out that night. They had planned for us to go to a new restaurant called Rhubarb. Liam said he had already been there with Nick and his family. He said the food was excellent and that we would enjoy it. I was looking forward to it, although I have to admit that I was looking forward to having my own fun with Gary later on, even though I would be at school tomorrow and Gary wasn't, as he had now officially left.

It's was around 9.30 when we arrived home from having dinner. Gary and I said that we where going to go to go bed. No one said anything much about us going to bed so early but I did get a stern warning off mum that I had to make sure that I got some sleep and didn't spend too much time messing around due to the fact that I was back at school tomorrow. As soon as we got into into bed I said to Gary, “ so, do you fancy an night cap?”

He knew exactly what I had in mind as we soon got ourselves into a sixty nine. We lay on our sides, with me facing the bottom of the bed staring at Garys gorgeous six and a half inch cock. I licked at the head and poked my tongue into the piss slit a few times and then I started to suck on his balls. I could tell from the groans of pleasure that he was really enjoying this. I was too as he was reciprocating everything that I was doing to him. After working on his balls for a while, I licked my way up and down his entire cock before slowly taking it into my mouth. We sucked away on each others cocks for about ten minutes before I felt Gary going a little tense as his orgasm began. The taste of his teen juice in my mouth was enough to send me over the edge and I began to fill his mouth with my own juice. After our orgasms had ended, I turned around to face Gary and we kissed for a while before drifting off to sleep.

Before I knew it, the alarm was going off. I leaned over and turned it off. I reached down and grabbed the shorts that I had by the bed, After pulling them on, I got out of bed and made my way to the bathroom to take a shower. By the time I got back to our room Gary was awake and making comments about how nice it was to be able to stay in bed. I just flashed my middle finger at him.

His response was, “ You used to do this to me when you were being home schooled.”

I couldn't really say much to that as he was correct in what he was saying. I got dressed in my uniform and headed down to the kitchen for breakfast. I walked into the kitchen and said, “ Morning mum, morning Liam.”

They both replied in unison before mum added, “ I have to go into town for a meeting today, so I can give you two a lift if you want.”

“ OK,” I replied.

I called Chris to let him know that we would not need picking up this morning. We arranged to meet in the cafeteria for a coffee before going to our first lesson of the day. When we arrived at school we made our way to the cafeteria and got some coffee. I noticed that Steve and Chris looked somewhat subdued. I asked my friends why they were looking so miserable but they just changed the subject and started asking about my trip to Hong Kong. I was happy to tell them and the rest of our group all abut the trip. I decided to wait until lunch time before questioning Steve and Chris again.

Lunch time soon rolled around but unfortunately I did not get chance to talk to Chris and Steve as I also had to go and see Mr. Morris, the head of the music department as he wanted to talk me about a couple of things. The first thing he wanted to know was if the band would perform for the school on the last afternoon before the summer holidays. I said I would talk to the other guys but thought they would all be more than happy to do it. I did point out that we would have to arrange to borrow all the equipment we would need as our own stuff would have already been shipped off to Australia for the tour. He also told me that they wanted me to take my music GCSE a year early and if I passed I would then be fast tracked through the AS and A level exams. This would give me the opportunity to go to university two years earlier than I would under normal circumstances.

I was very impressed with this teachers confidence in my abilities but I said I would have to talk to my parents about it. I made a mental note to bring up the subject over dinner that night.

The rest of the day was fairly uneventful. I talked to the other guys about the gig at school on the last day and they all agreed to do it, including Gary, who I called on my mobile phone. By the time Liam and I got out of the limo I still didn't know what the problem was with Chris and Steve. Once we got into the house I said to Liam, “ so why are those two looking so down.?”

“ They got dumped by their girlfriends last weekend,” he told me.

“ But why?” I asked

“ Kirsty and Sam had a long talk and decided that as we would be spending the summer tied up with our Australian trip and working on the new album, they wouldn't really have much time to spend with Chris and Steve. As a result the relationships were ended.”

After saying hi to mum, dad and Gary, Liam and I went upstairs to get changed and do our homework, which mostly consisted of revision for the upcoming end of year exams. I also called Scott and told him about the gig at school and gave him a list of the gear we would need. After talking to Scott for awhile he said he would get to work on organizing everything . I then did my homework and by the time I had finished it was time for dinner.

We sat down to dinner and dad asked me, “ So how was school today?”

“ I had to go and see Mr. Morris at lunch time as he wanted to talk to me about a couple of things. He asked me if the band would do a gig at school on the last afternoon before the summer holiday. I've spoke to all the guys and we have all agreed to do it. I did explain that it could be a problem as our gear would have already been shipped off to Australia. Anyway, I talked to Scott and he is going to organize all the gear we need to do the gig at school. I also told Mr. Morris that I would want everyone attending to make a donation to the charities that we support.”

“ Well it sounds like you have that sorted,” dad said. “ So what else did he want to talk to you about?”

I went on to explain about the stuff with the exams.

“ So how do you feel about the subject?” Dad asked me.

“ I suppose I feel honoured to be approached about it but it's going to be a lot of hard work,” I replied.

“ It seems as if you have some doubts?”

“ I suppose I do but I want to do it anyway.”

“ Sounds like you already have your mind made up?” Dad asked me.

“ I suppose I do. I really want to try and do the best I can.”

By the time we had finished dinner, I had made up my mind that I was going to go ahead and do all the music exams earlier than I should. The idea of going to university two years early was an enticing prospect.

Thursday was an uneventful day and soon passed. Friday morning, after being dropped off at school I made my way to the office of Mr.Morris to tell him that I was prepared to accept the chance to do the music exams early, as he had already discussed with me. Over lunch on Friday I invited Chris and Steve for the weekend so that we could discuss the song list and order for the upcoming tour. I also suggested that we need to work on some kind of really exciting and interesting opening for the shows. We all agreed to this and Chris and Steve said they would be at our house for breakfast. It was going to be an interesting weekend.

Friday was always one of those days were I would either do my homework as soon as I got home or I would think 'sod it' and leave it until Sunday. I decided that my home work could wait until Sunday. After getting a drink, I went up stairs to check my e- mail. I had one from Josh.

Hi Jason,

and thank you for letting me read your diary. Considering what happened to you I think you are totally amazing and have really got your life together. I'm not sure that I would have been able to handle things as well as you have. I bought a copy of your bands album and have hardly stopped listening to it. It's really amazing. I will be visiting my cousins in Australia at the time of your concerts over there. My cousins have organized some tickets for the concert and I'm really looking forward to it. Perhaps we could meet for lunch while you are in Sydney. Let me know if you will have time to do that.

Best wishes Josh!!

Before sending a reply, I ran downstairs and talked to dad so that I could get the phone number of the hotel that we would be staying at in Sydney and to also ask him to get Josh and his cousins put on the guest list at the gig so that they could come and see us back stage after the show.

I then went back to our room and sent a reply to the e- mail form Josh.

Saturday turned into a really fun day. We spent about four hours working out a fantastic opening for the Australian shows and spent a lot of time listening to CDs and deciding on some songs to play at the school gig. For that show we had decided to do an hour or so of songs by groups and singers that had influenced and inspired us.

The next few weeks passed very quickly as we were kept busy with our end of term exams. Finally the last week of school arrived. For most of the students it was probably the best week of the year as we didn't actually do that much. On the Thursday night I got mum to cut and highlight my hair again ready for the tour. Gary and Liam also got mum to cut and restyle their hair too. Greg arrived at our house after visiting a couple of his friends who were studying fashion design at university. They had made me this really outrageous costume to wear at the school gig that was modeled on the sort of stuff that Elton John wore in the 1970's, including the platform shoes. Mum and dad allowed me to wear them round the house that night so that I could get used to walking in them. The last thing I wanted to do was end up breaking my neck and having to cancel the trip to Australia.

We spent Friday morning checking all the gear and doing a sound check in the school auditorium. Before going for lunch I got changed into my costume. As I walked into the cafeteria I got a few comments about the fancy dress. It was all said in good fun and good spirits and so I was not offended. By two o'clock the auditorium was packed. Shortly after we walked on stage and began our show. We opened with Funeral for a friend/Love lies bleeding from the Elton John album GOODBYE YELLOW BRICK ROAD. This was followed by Pinball wizard, Bat out of hell and a Fleetwood Mac song called YOU MAKE LOVING FUN. After that we slowed things down a little and did the title track of GOODBYE YELLOW BRICK ROAD. We took turns doing different parts of the verses and did five part harmonies on the chorus. Two of the lines I got to sing went;

I'm not a present for your friends to open

This boys too young to be singin' the blues

Then it was into the chorus, which goes;

So goodbye yellow brick road

Where the dogs of society howl

You can't plant me in your penthouse

I'm going back to my farm

Back to the howling old owl in the wood

Hunting the horny back toad

Oh, I finally found what I've been looking for

Beyond the yellow brick road

( copyright 1974 Dick James music).

We got to the last chorus and I leaned into the microphone and said, “ Ok, we want you all to join in on this .” It was just pure magic having everyone join in. Of course we didn't just get them to do it once because after the first time I said, “ that wasn't bad but this time I want you all to do it even louder. In fact I want it so loud that you will be heard in Liverpool.” Sure enough our audience did a great job. We did a few more songs and then finished the first part of the show with the Eagles song Hotel California. We then took a twenty minute break and then did a selection of our own songs including some of the as yet unreleased stuff that would be on our second album. As an encore we did the Fleetwood Mac song DON'T STOP. After this we left the stage and headed home. It did take an hour and a half to finally get out of school as everyone was thanking us for a great afternoons entertainment and wishing us good luck with the shows down under.

That evening we went to Rusholme to our favourite Indian restaurant. Gary and I hardly spoke all evening due to the incident at school that afternoon. When we got home dad said, “ Gary, Jason go to my office and wait for me. I don't know what the problem is but you two have hardly spoken to each other all night and I want to get the bottom of it before we leave for Australia.”

There was little point in arguing, so we just did as we were told.

Dad came into the office and said, “ Ok, start talking.”

I began by telling him about the boy from the year below me who I had been talking to when we took our break during the show. His name was Mike and he seemed really nice. He was someone who I felt I could trust and would like to have as a friend. He did mention that he was the cousin of one the boys who had raped me. I realised that he was not his cousin, he was his own person and I just knew that he would never hurt me. Of course Gary was standing behind me when Mike mentioned about his cousin. Gary said to Mike, “ if you so much as lay a finger on Jason then you will be eating hospital food for a month.” After saying that Gary walked away and that is why we had hardly spoken all night.

When I had finished dad spoke, “ Gary, I am very disappointed in you. We did not bring you up to behave like that. You should know better than to go making threats like that to someone you hardly know. From what Jason has said, this Mike is nothing like his cousin.”

“ I'm sorry dad, I suppose I just reacted first and didn't think. It's just that I'm so protective of Jason. Maybe I should loosen up a bit, after all I won't be at school when Jason goes back in September and so I won't be there to look out for him ,” Gary said.

“ Gary, you don't have to worry about me. I'm old enough to make my own decisions about who I want to have as friends and as for school, there will be plenty of people to look out for me so I shouldn't have any major problems,” I said.

“ Jason, do you have Mikes phone number?” Dad asked me.

“ Yes I do,” I answered.

“ Gary, when we get back I suggest that you call Mike and apologise to him,” dad said.

“ I have a better suggestion. Mike is also going to Australia with his family to visit family friends. He will be on the same flight as us and so we will probably see him at the airport tomorrow. Gary can apologise then.” Dad and Gary looked at me.

“ Ok, I'll do that, I promise,” said Gary.

“ Now are you two going to kiss and make up?” Dad asked as he was leaving the office.

Dad had also asked us if we would like a glass of wine before we went to bed. Mum and dad didn't actively encourage us to drink but we were allowed a glass of champagne if we were celebrating something. We were also allowed the occasional glass of wine with dinner. Before leaving the office, Gary and I gave each other a really passionate kiss and then headed for the lounge. We sat and talked while we enjoyed our drinks.

At 4.30am on Saturday morning the alarm was going off. “ Surely it can't be time to get up, I only just went to sleep,” I grumbled.

Gary woke up and got up to go and make some coffee. When he returned I said, “ ahh........wake up juice.”

We finished our coffee and I went to shower first. As I passed Liams room I noticed that he looked a little sad. It was all because Nick wasn't coming with us. I knew different but had no wish to spoil the surprise. I did my best to cheer him up and then went to take my shower. On the way back to our room I felt more awake and alive and began to sing;

We're off to see the wizard

The wonderful wizard of Oz.

We got to the airport at 7am and on entering the terminal the first person we saw was Nick. He came over to say hi and Liam asked, “ What are you doing here?”

“ I'm going to Australia with you,” Nick replied. This brought a huge smile to Liams face.

By now the rest of our entourage had arrived and so we got checked in for the flight to Singapore. We were flying with Singapore airlines this time. My grandparents were also coming with us. I had paid for their tickets and also given them a cheque for ten thousand pounds to cover their expenses while they toured Australia. They hadn't wanted to accept the gift at first but I had insisted and so they were really looking forward to their holiday. I was engrossed in my conversation with my grandparents when I felt a tug on my shirt. I looked down and saw Craig, “ Hi there little dude,” I said to him.

“ Hi uncle Jason,” he responded

“ It's great to see you again but I'm talking to my grandparents at the moment and I'm sure that your mummy and daddy have told you that it is rude to interrupt when someone is talking,” I told him without trying to sound too annoyed.

“ Yeah, they did tell me that and I'm sorry,” Craig said.

Steve came to my rescue and took Craig off and told him that he could talk to me later. After check in we headed off to the first/business class departure lounge. The adults sat at one table and the rest of sat at another and we ordered breakfast. Whilst we were eating I spotted Mike and his family. After finishing Mike came over to talk to us. I introduced him to everyone and then stood up and offered him my seat, which meant that he was sitting next to Gary. I could feel the tension between the two of them but they had to talk. I announced that I was going to the news stand to get some magazines to read on the plane. Steve said he would come with me and he asked Craig if he wanted to get some comics.

Craig said, “ but I thought I could watch some cartoons and play some games during the flight?”

“ Well you can but it will take fourteen hours to get to Singapore so would you like some comics as well?” Steve asked.

Craig nodded his head to let us know that, yes, he did want to come to the news stand with us to get some comics.

We headed off in the direction of the news stand and made our purchases. As we got back to the departure lounge, I noticed that Gary and Mike were talking, laughing and smiling like old friends. “ Well that's good to see,” I said and then gave Steve a run down on what had happened. By nine thirty we were making our way onto the aircraft and less than thirty minutes later we were in the air. The flight was really smooth and with eating, drinking, watching films, and sleeping it passed really quickly. I did go and spend some time talking to Mike and we had a good laugh. When I went to the business class section ( we were in first class ) I had said to Mike, “ I just came to see how the peasants travel.” He knew I was joking when I laughed. I then said, “ I just wish this flight wasn't soooooooooo loooooooong!”

Mike responded to this by saying, “ I know what you mean. Instead of calling it Australia they should call it Far Far awayyyyyyyyyyyyyy!”

We both had a good laugh over our silly comments. I spent over an hour talking with Mike and was confident that he would be a really good friend. When I got back to my seat in first class I noticed that Gary was still asleep. It wasn't long before he woke up and asked, “ what time is it?”

“ I don't know,” was my reply, “ but I can tell you that it is 8.15pm back at home.”

This meant that we had been flying for just over ten hours and it would be at least three and a half hours before we landed in Singapore. Gary turned to face me and I noticed that he had a huge grin on his face. “ What's up with you,” I asked.

“ I know we've talked about this before but we never did do it. Do you want join the mile high club?” He asked.

I didn't take too long to answer, “ Yeah, it sounds like fun.”

With that Gary got up and made his way to the bathroom. He told me to wait about five minutes and then to come and knock on the door of the bathroom that he had entered. No sooner had I knocked on the door than it was opened and Gary pulled me in. Before I really knew what was going on he had his lips pressed against mine and I felt my dick stiffen immediately. While I was being kissed, I fumbled around, undoing the belt on his jeans and popping the button and pulling down the zipper. I was eager and hungry to taste my beautiful teen lover. I broke away from the kiss once I had his jeans and underwear where I wanted them. I fell to my knees and hungrily took his throbbing cock into my mouth. Several times I brought him close to cumming but each time he was about to shoot I would grab his balls and allow his orgasm to subside. After the third time of doing this I released his cock from my mouth and gazed into his amazing blue eyes and said, “ Gary I want to feel you in me now. I want you to cum like it is the last time you will ever cum.”

I reached into the pocket of his jeans and handed him the tube of KY and then I stood up. I placed my hands on the wall and felt Gary's lubed finger probing my anus. After he loosened me up, he lubed his cock and I felt him slowly entering me. It was a really great feeling. For the next ten minutes I enjoyed the sensation of his cock sliding in and out of me until finally he kissed my neck and whispered into my ear, “ I'm going to cum.” When I had sucked him, I had brought him so close, so many times that the feeling of his juice shooting into me was incredible. Once Garys orgasm had ended we waited until his cock had gone soft and popped out of me. We then cleaned ourselves up and dressed before heading back to our seats. We both felt happy and content. It seemed like no time at all after that the captain was announcing our imminent arrival in Singapore and that the local time was 5.45am. Craig was sat next to Steve and got very grumpy at being woken up so that Steve could make sure his seat belt was fastened ready for the landing at our destination.

“ What's up with Craig?” Gary asked me.

“ You have to remember that he is only five and doesn't really understand about jet lag and flying through the different time zones. His body clock is telling him that it is late at night and that he should be in bed,” I said.

Gary was content with my answer to his question. There was a gentle thud as the Boeing 777 hit the runway at Changi airport and the familiar roar of the engines as the pilots applied the reverse thrust to slow the aircraft down. In no time at all we had arrived at the terminal and were leaving the aircraft. Once we reached the top of the airbridge and had entered the terminal building I said to Craig, “ How would you like a piggy back ride?”

“ Yeah,” was his enthusiastic response.

I lifted him up onto my shoulders and we made our way to the transfer desk so that we could collect our boarding passes for the connecting flight to Sydney and then we went to the departure lounge and ordered some drinks and snacks. I ordered a cappuccino and some Pain au chocolate and I then asked Craig what he would like. He said he would have a glass of milk and some chocolate chip cookies. While we waited for our order to arrive I opened my bag and pulled out the present that I had bought for Craig. His eyes lit up and he had a big smile on his face as I handed him the model of the Singapore airlines Boeing 777 that I had purchased on the plane.

“ Wow, thanks uncle Jason,” he said.

In no time at all he had opened the box and was busy playing with his new toy. Steve joined us at this point and said to Craig, “ I got you a present too.”

Steve opened his bag and pulled out a model of a Boeing 747-400, also in the Singapore airlines colours. “ Thanks Steve,” Craig said to his brother.

Three hours after landing we were boarding another plane for the flight to Sydney. Mike would not be on this flight as him and his family where going on to Brisbane. I had said to Mike that we where doing a show in that city but after talking with his parents he told me that he would not be able to make it. I did found out from dad that our second show in Sydney was to be broadcast live on national TV. I passed this information onto Mike and he said that he would definitely watch it. Before we went our separate ways, I gave Mike a card with my mobile phone number and e- mail address on it. I told him to give me a call when he got home and invited him to hang out with us at the studio.

Craig had asked if he could sit next to me on this flight and I said yes. I allowed him to have the window seat and after checking that his seat belt was fastened I took my own seat. Craig was asleep again by the time we began moving down the runway. Eight hours later we touched down in Sydney. It was 8pm local time and I was feeling really tired after the almost two day journey to get here. Once we got to the baggage reclaim area I noticed that dad was talking to a couple of security guys. It turned out that somehow a load of our fans had found out what time our flight arrived and had turned up at the airport to welcome us. There was also a contingent of journalists, press photographers and TV crews to greet us. After clearing customs we made our way into the arrivals hall and spent nearly two hours answering question and signing autographs, so it was almost midnight when we got to the hotel.

“ That was some welcome we got at the airport,” I said to Gary once we got to our room.

“ It certainly was,” came the response.

We were both in desperate need of a shower and so, to save time we showered together. There was no real sexual activity but we did kiss each other occasionally. After our shower we collapsed into bed and soon fell asleep.

It was around 9.30 0n Monday morning and we where sat in the restaurant at the hotel, having just finished breakfast when I saw a waiter approaching our table. He was carrying a cordless phone. When he got to the table he asked, “ which one of you is Jason?”

“ I am,” I said, holding up my hand.

He handed me the phone and I said, “ hello?”

“ Hi Jason, it's Josh.”

“ Hi Josh and what can I do for you?”

“ I though that I'd call you and see about us having lunch today.”

“ I'd really like that,” I said, “ but unfortunately we are going to be tied up all day doing interviews. If you can get here for about nine tomorrow morning you can have breakfast with us. After that we are going on a boat trip round the harbour, then we'll be having lunch and then going to the arena we are playing at to the soundcheck. If you can you can spend the whole day with us. Bring your cousins too.”

“ Yeah, that sounds cool. I'll see you at nine in the morning. Bye for now.”

“ Bye Josh and thanks for calling.”

The rest of the day was spent doing interviews. Liam had been a bit worried about Nick being on his own for most of the day but that problem was soon solved when Craig asked him if he would like to go to the zoo. After checking with Howard and Linda, Nick had his day sorted. It was around 6pm when we finished the last interview and walked into the bar/lounge area of the hotel to join our families. Steve had offered to babysit Craig so that Howard and Linda could go out for a romantic dinner. Gary, Liam, Nick and I had said that we would eat in one of the hotel restaurants to give mum and dad some time on their own. Jamie and Greg had plans to go and investigate the gay scene around Sydney. This just left Chris, who had been given no choice but to go out for a family meal with his parents, Amanda and Geoff and his sister Sonia. We choose to eat in the hotels Japanese restaurant. Liam wasn't too sure about this at first as he was convinced that the Japanese ate only raw fish. As it was we had a great time and Liam loved the food ( including the raw fish ).

The next morning we stepped out of the lift on our way to breakfast and there was Josh with his cousins. We made our way into the restaurant and introduced everyone. Josh had three cousins who turned out to be triplets. There was two girls called Esme and Mia and a boy called Kris. As he said “ that's Kris with a K, it's short for Kristian.” We had a fantastic breakfast and it was great getting to know Joshs cousins (although the two girls seemed to have been kidnapped by Chris and Steve) . Then we headed off on our boat trip around the harbour which included lunch and then it was off to the arena for the soundcheck. Then we spent time talking with our new friends before the show.

The show began at 7.30pm and we had created what we thought was a great opening. I walked on stage and began playing part of EINE KLEIN NACHT MUSIK by Mozart and then went into Beethoven's fifth symphony and I was joined by Chris, Steve and Liam before we went into our version of the DURAN DURAN song WILD BOYS ( which we had adopted as our theme tune ). By the end of this part the audience was going wild. We continued with a new song called MESSED UP WORLD. The first verse and chorus of this went as follows;

I remember the day

It was 8.15

They said there is no other way

They dropped the bomb

That caused death, destruction and pain

And brought the black rain

To Hiroshima

Why do we live in this messed up world?

People are dying

The politicians are lying

You know some day

I will make them pay

For this messed up world.

We continued for nearly an hour and a half playing songs from our album and new songs. Then Gary announced, “ this is our version of a song called FOREVER AUTUMN and it's a tribute to Colin and Sandra Lewis, Jason's parents who were sadly killed in a car accident last year.” After this we all walked to the front of the stage and took a bow before leaving. After leaving the stage we waited at the side for a few minutes listening to the audience cheering and shouting for more. We made our way back on stage and for the first encore and did a song that Liam had written called BAD PART OF TOWN that told about how his life had been before meeting us and becoming a part of the band. For the second encore we did DON'T STOP. Scott came on stage just before the guitar solo and took over on the keyboards whilst I took over on guitar. As I strolled to the front of the stage playing the solo, Liam stopped playing and said into the microphone, “ On lead guitar, Jason.” The audience went wild. For the last encore we did HOTEL CALIFORNIA, a song we all really loved, especially the instrumental section at the end were Liam and I were trying to out do each with our guitar playing. Then we took another bow before I grabbed the microphone and said, “ and please give a big round of applause to our tour manger, chief equipment technician and very good friend Scott for helping us out on the keyboards.” The audience did as I had asked and Scott joined us at the front of the stage to take a bow. And that was the first show over.

We went to the back stage area and got some food and drinks and talked with Josh and his cousins. Josh was surprised to find out that I played guitar as well as keyboards.

The next day we got to go to Bondi beach for a few hours before going back to the arena for the second show. Again it was a great show, even with the distraction of the TV cameras.

Thursday we flew to Darwin for the next gig which was on the Friday night. It was as we were leaving the venue after the Darwin show that I heard someone say, “ please help me.”

I walked in the direction of the voice and found a boy of 15 or 16 who been badly beaten up. “ Can you tell me what happened?” I asked.

“ Why should I? You'll just hate me as well,” came the reply.

“ Number one, because you're hurt,” I said. “ Last year I was raped and assaulted because I'm gay and then I found out my parents were dead so you can tell me anything and I won't hate you.”

The boy went onto tell me that he was sixteen and his name was Adam. Two months ago he told his parents that he is gay and his dad went mental and threw him out. He had ended up on the streets and had to sell himself to make money to survive. Dad was standing behind me and heard all this. I looked at him with pleading eyes and said, “ dad, we have to help him.”

By now two of the security guys from the venue we had played at had showed up and one of them was calling for an ambulance. Dad went and told everyone else to go ahead to the airport for the flight to Perth and that we would get a later one. The ambulance arrived and after giving Adam some initial treatment, the paramedics loaded him onto a stretcher and into the ambulance. I rode to the hospital in the ambulance and dad got a lift off the police officers who had turned up. On arrival at the hospital Adam was taken to a treatment area and I was shown to the waiting area. One of the police officers had contacted the welfare department to get himself made temporary guardian for Adam. This had to be done so that there was someone to sign the forms for the treatment to go ahead. After what had happened it was highly unlikely that Adams parents would want to know. It seemed like days before anyone came to tell us what was going on but in reality it was only about four hours. A doctor came and told us that Adam was in the recovery room after undergoing surgery to sort out a problem with internal bleeding, They had also had to remove his spleen. He also had a broken nose from being punched and a few broken ribs from being kicked.

“ Can I go and see him?” I asked the doctor.

“ He should wake up shortly and after we check him out and make sure that he is OK we'll be moving him to a room. You can go and see him then,” the doctor said.

I thanked the doctor as he was leaving to go and check on some other patients. After the doctor had left dad went to get us some coffee. When he came back he noticed I had a few tears running down my cheeks.

“ What's wrong, Jason?” He asked me

“ It just upsets me to know that people could be so heartless as to do that to their own flesh and blood.”

“ I'm sure everything will be Ok for Adam from now on,” dad said, trying to reassure me. “ You do know that you missed the chance to go and see Ayers rock?”

“ I didn't know about that but helping Adam was more important,” I replied as I took a sip of coffee.

Apparently the tour promoters had arranged a private jet to fly us to Perth and they had also arranged a stop over for us to visit Ayers rock. I would like to have seen it but helping Adam really was so much more important. Besides, Ayers rock had been there for thousands of years and I was certain that this would not be my only trip to Australia. The famous tourist attraction would still be there next time I came here. Finally a nurse came and informed us that Adam was awake and that we could go and see him. Dad told me to go ahead and he would join me shortly as he had a couple of phone calls to make.

On entering Adams room the first thing that I said to him was, “ so how are you feeling?”

His response was, “ still a little sleepy from the anaesthetic but otherwise not too bad. And Jason, thank you for saving my life.”

“ How do you know my name?” I asked. “ I don't remember telling you that?”

“ I've seen your name and picture on the posters around town advertising your concert. I also had a copy of your album at home but remembering the mood that my dad was in the night he threw me out its probably been destroyed along with everything else that belonged to me. I've never seen anyone in such a rage,” Adam said to me.

“ He obviously has some serious problems if he reacted like that to you coming out. I wouldn't want to consider calling someone like that my dad,” I said.

“ Why did you call that man that was standing behind you last night dad?” Asked Adam. “ I remember you saying something about your parents being dead.”

“ That's Phil. It was his son that found me after I had been raped. His sons name is Gary and we are boyfriends. Gary is also the lead vocalist in the band. Phil and his wife, Jane, fostered me for a while and then I asked them if they would adopt me. They said yes and that is how they became my parents. I know it seems a little weired, Gary being my brother and boyfriend but we really do love each other very much,” I said, feeling the need to tell Adam more about what had happened to me.

The two of us talked for ages before dad showed up. He said that he had been unable to get a flight to Perth arranged for that day and that he had chartered a private jet to fly us there the next day. He was concerned that we may not arrive in time for the soundcheck but I told him that Scott would be able to cover that for me as he knew all the keyboard parts, so I just needed to get there in time for the actual show. Of course this meant that we would be staying in a hotel overnight which created another little problem. I had no clean clothes and all my toiletries had been on there way to Perth when I found Adam. Dad said that we would go to the hotel, get checked in , have breakfast and then go shopping. That sounded like a really good plan to me.

It was around 8am when an orderly brought in Adams breakfast tray and so dad and I felt like this was a good time to head over to the hotel and get ourselves organized. We made a promise to Adam that we would back later. During our shopping trip in Darwin I also bought a CD Walkman for Adam along with a huge stack of CDs. I didn't really know what music he liked so I just bought him a selection of my own favourites along with a copy of the WILD BOYS album. We then went back to the hotel to shower and change before going back to the hospital. When we got back to the hospital, Adam was very happy with his presents from me. His new foster dad, sergeant Richardson and his wife Charmaine had been to see him and from the way he talked about them he really liked them. His grandparents had been to see him too. They were not at all happy with his parents for they way they had treated him and had told him that he should have gone to them when he got thrown out instead of being on the streets for two months. Adam had said that he felt confused and hurt after the way that he had been treated and hadn't gone to his grandparents because he felt that they would hate him as well. They had told him they didn't care that he was gay and that he was still the same person that they had always known. Later in the afternoon Adam had visits from most of his school friends. Most of them were OK with him being gay but a few said they no longer wanted to be his friend once they knew the truth about his sexuality. I could see how much that this hurt Adam.

After the stream of visitors had ended I said to Adam, “ I know that you feel hurt and upset that a few people said that they can no longer be your friend because they now know that you are gay but you have to ask yourself, ' were they ever true friends anyway'?” Before Adam could answer this question I continued by saying, “ there were a lot of people who came to see you that said they didn't care about your sexuality. They are the people that are your real friends and not the other idiots who fail to see that you are still the same person as you were before.”

Adam was silent for a moment but finally said, “ You know Jason, you are right about what you have just said and I'm sure that I will make other friends once I get back to school.”

We stayed with Adam for about another hour until his dinner was served and then dad and I left to go back to the hotel and have our own dinner. Adam had asked me if we would be able to visit before we left for Perth. Dad said he wasn't too sure but said that we would be able to come back and see Adam for a few days before flying home. Adam seemed to really cheer up on hearing this, probably due to the fact that it would give him a chance to meet he rest of the band. He had told me that he should have been at the concert but had missed it for obvious reasons. His friends would be really jealous when he told them that he had met all the members of WILD BOYS in person.

Dad and I were a little late in getting up on the Sunday morning and did not have time to go and see Adam. By the time we got to the airport and boarded our plane we knew that we would not get to Perth in time for the soundcheck but I wasn't bothered about this as I knew that Scott would cover for me.

We were as well received in Perth as we had been in both Sydney and Darwin. As the next show was not until Tuesday night in Adelaide we got to stay for two nights in Perth. Monday we spent most of the day in the swimming pool at the hotel. After breakfast on Tuesday we once again headed for the airport to fly to our next gig. Wednesday morning we flew to Melbourne for the sixth show of the tour. I did find it somewhat incredible that we had finished the show the night before at around 10pm and by the time we arrived at the venue in Melbourne our gear and light show was already there waiting for us to do the soundcheck. Thursday we had another day off and again spent most of the day swimming in the roof top pool at the Adelphi hotel. It was probably one of the most amazing pools that I had ever seen as part of it was encased in glass and extended out over the edge of the roof of the hotel. Friday morning we were on yet another plane, this time flying to Brisbane for the last show of the tour. We would spend the rest of the weekend here and then fly back to Darwin for almost six days visiting Adam.

When I walked on stage for the last show, I spotted my grandparents in the front row. Also, Nick had offered to take Craig back to the hotel and look after him for the night. The reason for this was that Nick had seen us perform six times were as Howard and Linda had not as yet seen the show. As with all the gigs, we went down a storm and got a great reception from the audience. I got to talk to my grandparents after the show and they said they had really enjoyed it. I told them how the tour had gone and also about my new friend Adam. They told me about all the places that they had seen so far and the places that they had yet to visit ( they were staying for two weeks longer than us).

After a weekend of going to the beach and just chilling out and unwinding, we headed for the airport again to fly back to Darwin. It was great see Adam again now that he was out of hospital. Most of the bruises had cleared up and he had had the stitches removed from were they had had to open him up during the surgery, although his ribs were still hurting a little.. He was enjoying living with his new foster family. He was also talking to his mum and trying to work things out with her. His dad had burnt all his clothes and smashed up is music collection and laptop computer. His mum had bagged everything up and as a result his dad had been arrested on criminal damage charges. He had been bailed and was awaiting a court date. One of the conditions of the bail was that Adam and his dad did not have any contact with each other. This suited Adam just fine. As far as he was concerned he no longer had a father. His mum had even thrown him out of the house as she said that if he could not accept having a gay son then she no longer wanted him as a husband. Divorce was a real possibility. Again, Adam was not in the least bothered about this, not after the way he had been treated. Adam hoped that he could eventually go back to live his with mum but that decision lay with the courts and social workers. For now Adam was happy were he was.

We took Adam on a couple of shopping trips and bought him a whole new wardrobe as well as a new computer to replace the one that had been smashed up. He did try to object to the amount of money we were spending but we pointed out that we had all become millionaires since signing the record deal and that we were also happy to be help someone who was less fortunate than we were. I think he got a better understanding of this when Liam told him how he ( Liam ) and I had met and all the things Gary and I had done to completely change his life.

All to soon Saturday arrived and we had to say our goodbyes to Adam but we did invite him to come and visit us in England sometime ( we even offered to buy his air ticket ). We flew with QANTAS from Darwin to Singapore and then connected with the Singapore airlines flight to Manchester. During the flight to Singapore I noticed that Nick was doing some sketches and asked if I could have look. I was really impressed and asked him to design the artwork for our new album. He said he would and I told him to talk to dad about payment for the work he did.

We finally arrived in Manchester at 6.50am on Sunday morning. Nicks dad, Dean had come to meet him. Nick was trying to tell his dad all about the trip and trying to do it really fast.

“ You can tell your mum and me about it when we get home and have breakfast.” Dean said.

Dean invited us all to their house later that day for a barbecue and welcome home party. Before we all headed off to our own homes dad talked to the five of us from the band and said that we could have Monday off but we would still bill the record company for the days studio time. He also said, “ it will give the producer time to get things set up,”

My response to this was, “ dad, aren't you forgetting that we are the producers for this album?”

“ Well have the day off anyway,” he said.

On the way home we stopped at the shop to get some milk and bread and a few other bits for breakfast. It had been a fantastic trip but it was great to get home.

End of chapter twenty four!!!!!!!!!!!

I know it has been a couple of months since I posted but I have been busy with a few other projects and I have also had a few health problems such as going down with the flu and an infection which took five weeks to clear up. I am also waiting to go in hospital for some surgery to remove a growth from the side of my face. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this new chapter as much as I have enjoyed writing it. It is the longest one that I have so far written.

Lol Paul

Next: Chapter 25

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