Sad Song of a Gay Teen

By moc.loa@emitmaerdW

Published on Jun 12, 2006


Sad Song of a Gay Teen 27

Sad song of a gay teen 27!!!!!!!!!!!

This story is copyright 2006 by yours truly, Paul Walker. You may not copy or post it to any other website without my permission. All the characters are entirely fictional and any resemblance to people, either living or otherwise is pure coincidence. The story contains acts of a sexual nature between teen males and if this offends you, then leave now. If you are under the legal age to be reading this in your territory, then leave now or it's your problem.

Please e- mail all comments to

You can also check out my music page at

From the previous chapter!!!!!!!!!!!

The rest of the day was really peaceful. I didn't see anything of Ross and hoped that his talk with Mr. Noels was having some effect. Due to heavy traffic, I didn't get home until nearly five. I went straight to our room to change and I found Gary lying naked on the bed with two fingers up his ass and vigorously stroking his stiff dick. This got me rock solid in no time. “ Would you like me to help with that?” I asked.

“ Oooooooohhhhhhhhhh, know you don't even have to ask,” came the response. I didn't even bother removing my trousers or boxers. I just dived on the bed and wrapped my mouth around that gorgeous cock that belonged to my boyfriend. He must have been close as it only took a few minutes for him to start shooting his juice into my mouth. I held some back to share with him when I kissed him. I had cum in my boxers and the wetness was becoming a little uncomfortable. After we had kissed for a while I said, “ well I'm going to get out of these cum soaked clothes and then have a shower.” By the time I had showered, it was time for dinner and then homework.

SAD SONG OF A GAY TEEN 27 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As soon as I got out of the limo at school on Friday morning, I was met by one of the prefects and informed that I was required in Mr. Noels office. I knew that it obviously had something to do with the shit that had been going on with Ross. I made my way to the headmasters office and, after knocking on the door and being given permission to enter, I did.

“ Good morning Jason,” Mr. Noels said

“ Good morning sir,” I replied. It hadn't escaped my attention that Ross was also in the office and so I said, “ I have absolutely nothing that I want to say to him.”

“ Jason, please just here me out,” Ross begged. “ As your friend said on Monday, I'm just a fuckwit and Mr. Noels, sorry about the language.”

“ Apology accepted and I'll excuse it this time,” Mr. Noels said.

I thought back to the situation of the previous year when Lee had turned up at our house. I had listened to him and given him a second chance, so maybe I could do the same thing with Ross. I listened to what he had to say and it turned out that it was all some stupid prank that some so called friends had put him up to. Conveniently they had neglected to tell him about the stuff that had happened the year before and he assured me that if he had known about that then he wouldn't have gone along with it. I accepted his apology and then my phone rang. It was someone from Sony music calling to say that it would be OK to do THE WAR OF THE WORLDS for the Xmas show.

“ Sorry about the interruption,” I said to Mr. Noels. “ That was Sony music and I have got the clearance to do the Xmas show. I'll get Nick to make some posters for the auditions over the weekend.”

It was at this point that Ross said, “ If you would let me, I'd like to be involved with it too.”

“ In what way?” I asked.

“ Well I play keyboards and I know that music really well as my dad always plays it in the car.”

“ Ok,” I said, “ we'll talk about it some more over lunch, You can join us at our table but you will also have to apologise to Chris, Steve and Liam for the way you have been acting towards me.”

The morning passed really quickly. First lesson I had English literature and by a strange coincidence we were studying the book WAR OF THE WORLDS by H.G.WELLS. I even suggested to Mrs. Pickles, our teacher that she should audition for the part of Beth, the parsons wife. She said that she would be happy to audition and I said I would let her know when they would be taking place. Lunch was a great time, once Ross had apologised to everyone. I told everyone about what we would be doing for the Xmas show. Kyle and Simon said they would help out with the lighting, Lee offered his services as stage manager, and I got Callum and Aaron to agree to do the vocals on Thunderchild. They agreed without hesitation. During lunch I also received a call from Jeff Wayne, the composer of the piece. He agreed to help out by coming to the school for the performances to conduct the orchestra and choir. He also offered us the use of the video projections form the stage show and the use of the Martian fighting machines. There were actually six of these but we wouldn't get them all in the auditorium and so I said that we would make do with two of them. This was going to be one of hell of a show. I also called home to let mum and dad know that I had not only invited Chris and Steve for the weekend but also Mike, Ross, Callum and Aaron. Mum said that this was not a problem. Needless to say that Nick had been invited by Liam. All the guys called their parents so that they could get their weekend bags dropped off at school. It would be a tight squeeze but I knew that we could all get in the Limo. I had also asked Jeff if he could get Justin Hayward from The Moody Blues to come and do the vocals on FOREVER AUTUMN as a duet with me. That would just be awesome as he had done the vocal on the original album in 1970's. Jeff said he would see what he could do and let me know.

Sure enough, it was a little cramped in the limo on the way but we didn't care. No sooner had we got in than Liam and Nick and Callum and Aaron had turned into Siamese twins ( and by that I mean that they were connected at the lips ). Chris and Steve were talking to Mike and I was engrossed in a conversation with Ross. He was telling me about his keyboard set up and that he had a Yamaha DX1, Roland JUPITOR 8 and a PPG WAVE 2.3. I was well impressed with his small collection of vintage synthesizers. He told me that he had everything connected to a Mac G5 on which he ran CUBASE SX3. He also informed me that he had a vast collection of software instruments and FX units. I was feeling really happy that I had decided to give him a chance and let him become a friend. I would to talk to dad and the other guys over the weekend about asking him to join the band. It would be useful to have another keyboard player, as this would allow me to divide my time between playing guitar and keyboards. I also began to notice just how cute Ross really was. If I wasn't already with Gary then I would definitely choose Ross as my boyfriend. But why did I have to start having these thoughts now, of all times? I also began to think about the future. Gary would be 18 next year and legally old enough to go out to the bars and clubs in the gay village. I wondered how this would affect our relationship? What if he met someone else who he loved more than me? How would I deal with that?

I was soon snapped out of my dreary thoughts as we headed towards the house and Ross said, “ wow, what a cool place to live.”

“ It is,” I said, “ I just love it here.” I pointed out the studio and the swimming pool. Once we where in the house and I introduced Ross to mum, dad and Gary, I showed them all to their rooms. I called down to Tom in the kitchen and he told me that dinner would be at eight. This gave us a few hours to go swimming and shower before eating. The weekend was taken up with spending time in the studio, riding our bikes, swimming, eating and watching DVDs. It was a great weekend. There was also plenty of sex going on. I found out that Mike and Ross spent sometime fooling around. Mike said that he was just curious about what sex with another guy would be like. No harm in that I guess. Even mum and dad had told me that they were at it. They had decided that they really did want another baby. It was a fantastic weekend.

The next week at school was a busy one. Scott and the rest of the road crew were getting the gear set up in the auditorium ready for rehearsals to begin. I was also conducting the auditions and by the end of the week, I had all the parts filled. I still had people wanting to know what they could do to help. We would be having three rehearsals a week and so I would need volunteers to run to the local shops to keep us supplied with food and drinks.

The weeks passed quickly. School was keeping us busy and so was putting the show together. As far as that was concerned, it was all coming together nicely. It was now the second to last Monday in October, the release day of our new single. For this we had chosen CRIED TOO MANY TEARS. We got in the limo to head home after school and I tuned the radio into the drive time show on CENTURY 105.4FM. Tony Horne, the presenter of the show was just introducing our new single. I turned the volume down and called the station. I was put through to Tony and he asked if we would stop by for a chat. I said yes and Liam called home to let them know that we would be late home and why. Nick, Chris , Steve, Callum and Aaron also phoned home to say they would be later than usual. We arrived at the studio and were taken along and introduced to Tony ( although Callum, Aaron and Nick had to wait in the reception area ).

After the current song had finished playing, Tony announced, “ and today's special guest have arrived, local teen sensation WILD BOYS. Welcome to the show and who is who?”

I went first, “ I'm Jason and I play guitar and keyboards.”

“ I'm Liam and I play guitar.”

“ I'm Steve, the bass player.”

“ And I'm Chris, the drummer. The one who's missing is Gary. He also plays guitar but he left school in June and is now studying audio engineering at the SCHOOL OF SOUND RECORDING.”

The we all said in unison, “ and we all do vocals.”

“ So what's the new song about?” Tony asked.

Liam said that he would take that one, “ I think enough has been written about it already, so I won't go in to too many details but it's about what happened to Jason last year. It's also a message of hope to other kids who are being bullied or are having other problems in their lives. Basicly we are saying that you don't have to suffer in silence, there is always someone to talk to.”

“ Any live shows lined up?” Was the next question from Tony.

“ Yes, we are playing at the Cavern in Liverpool on Saturday. Then we have been asked to perform at a party that Elton John is hosting in December and we are also busy putting together the school Xmas show. You can get details of that from our web site,” Chris replied.

“ So plenty going on then?” Tony asked.

“ Yes,” said Liam. “ Jason is also busy organizing a huge live concert of his instrumental music for next year. That involves closing the whole of the city centre. It should be one fantastic show.”

“ So have you guys written something new for your Xmas show?” We were asked.

“ No, we are doing THE MUSICAL VERSION OF THE WAR OF THE WORLDS,” I replied in answer to the question. “ Jeff Wayne, the composer, has been kind enough to lend us all the video projections from his stage show to use in ours. He has also loaned us two Martian fighting machines.”

“ Sounds like it should be great show,” Said Tony.

“ I think it will be,” Chris said. “ Jason said he has a couple of special guests lined up but is being very secretive about that.”

I jumped in and said, “ I told you that you will find out who they are on the night of the dress rehearsal he he he!”

The interview lasted around thirty minutes and then we left for home. Saturday soon arrived and after lunch we all got in the limo and headed for Liverpool. We had the sound check to do but also wanted to visit a new shop that we had heard about called ' the guitar shop', Liam and Gary bought Gibson flying V guitars, with Liam choosing one in metallic green and Gary choosing a black one. I bought an Epiphone twin neck. Effectively this was two guitars joined as one, one being a six string and the other a twelve string. I would use it tonight on HOTEL CALIFORNIA. We were also using the gig to introduce the newest member of the band. Yes, Ross had taken us up on the chance to join the band, although tonight he would only be joining us for the last encore HOTEL CALIFORNIA.

The gig was a fantastic experience and we were very well received. We played all the songs from the two albums and then did the Beatles medley that we had put together. That was very well received. Finally, Gary stepped up to the microphone and said, “ and tonight we want to introduce the new member of the band, put your hands together for Ross on keyboards.” Ross walked on stage and took a bow and then took his place behind the keyboards ( for this show he was using my set up ). At the end of the song we got a five minute standing ovation and then it was all over. I must say that it was great to play my new guitar, even tho' it was really heavy.

The next week flew by and it got to the day of the release of the new album. Some of the early reviews that we read were not good. It was described as being ' over produced', ' sounding too much like a 1980's record', or 'too experimental.' To be honest we didn't care. We would let the fans be the judge. On Tuesday it seemed like everyone at school had been and bought a copy on the Monday. Most people said that they really liked it and we were kept busy signing copies for the entire school. This was just a routine part of life for us now. By the end of the week we had proved th critics wrong when it entered the charts at number one.

The other big event in November was Steve and Chris' birthdays. Their actual birthday was on Wednesday 22nd but we had the party at our house on the Saturday of that week. Geoff, Linda, Howard and Amanda had arranged to have a huge marquee erected in the grounds of our house and they had also arranged for a group called THE ILLEGAL EAGLES to perform at the party. Another reason for the party being at our house was so that we could use the swimming pool. Gary, Liam, Ross and I had bought really outrageous Armani suits and shirts to wear at Elton Johns party and this is what we bought for Chris and Steve as their presents. They really liked them. It was a really great party and went on until very late.

Mum had said that she was going to call Hello magazine and sell them the rights to take photos at the party and then have them published in the magazine. I said to mum when I heard this, “ do you really have to stoop to the level of Victoria Beckham. That is the only way she has of actually making money these days and I think it's pathetic.” Of course, mum had only said it to get me bitching about someone again.

The other strange thing that was happening was that I really was developing feelings for Ross. I didn't want to break up with Gary but I just couldn't shake off the feelings that I was having for my new friend. I did manage to prevent myself from actually doing anything stupid. On the Sunday of the weekend of the party ( the one for Chris and Steve ), I had a long talk with Gary about the thoughts that I was having about him meeting someone else when he turned 18 and started to go out in the gay village. He tried to assure me that this would not happen but I wasn't convinced, especially when he said that no one could really know what would happen in the future. He also reminded me that I had only asked him to be my first boyfriend that day in the hospital and so if we did break up, then it shouldn't really be too hard on either of us if we did break up. I decided that this conversation was getting a little too deep and that I would change the subject. I kissed him on the lips and sucked on his ears and neck. I reached under the duvet and felt his stiff cock, ' mmmmmm...........just how I take them,' I thought to myself. I worked my way down his body and sucked on both of his nipples, all the time I held on to his ever stiffening cock. This was getting me really turned on and I pushed all thoughts of Ross to the darkest, deepest recesses of my mind. I was really enjoying the pleasure I was giving to Gary ( and the pleasure that I was getting from doing this ).

Finally I reached my target and took his stiffy in to my mouth. Oh, it felt so good. I worked on it, letting him fuck my mouth until I could sense that he was about to cum. When he got to that point, I grabbed hold of his perineum and with my free hand I reached for the tube of KY. I took the top off using my teeth and then squeezed some on to Garys cock and lubed it up. Then I used the excess to lube my hole and then I gently lowered myself onto him. Once I felt comfortable, I began to raise and lower myself on and off that beautiful cock. I could feel Gary getting tense and then he began to shoot load after load deep into me. This was enough to trigger me off and I shot all over his chest and stomach. I leaned forward and kissed him while I waited for to go soft and pop out of me. When he did, I had a strange feeling of emptiness.

I don't know why but that night when we had sex, I began to wonder if sex with another guy could be as good as it was with Gary. Why was I suddenly having all of these thoughts? Was I feeling insecure or something? I made a mental note to call Jenny and have a talk with her about it.

The next week flew by and Friday soon arrived. Before going to the cafeteria for lunch, we all met in one of the bathrooms so that we could change in to some more comfortable clothes for the drive to Eltons place as the party was on the Saturday night. As we headed for the cafeteria to get our lunch one of the teachers stopped us and asked us why we where out of our uniforms. It was Chris who said, “ don't you know who we are sir?”

“ Don't answer me back,” the teacher said, “ and yes I do know about that group that you boys are in.”

I decided that I should diffuse the situation before it got out of hand, “ we have permission from Mr. Noels to be out of uniform. After lunch we are leaving for Windsor as we are playing at a party that Sir Elton John is holding tomorrow night.”

With that the teacher allowed us to go and have lunch. An hour later we were all in the limo and heading south for the weekend. It took about four hours to get there and when we arrived, Elton and David (Furnish) were there to greet us. They were a really nice couple. The first thing I said to Elton was, “ what's this shit I hear about you planning to work with the SCISSOR SISTERS?”

“ And what's wrong with them?” Elton asked me.

“ Well they made a total mess of the song COMFORTABLY NUMB and the other stuff I heard by them sounded just like the stuff you did in the 1970's,” I replied.

Liam was standing behind me and said, “ you know when we met you in Monaco and told you that Jason wasn't with us because he had been in hospital. Well I can now reveal the truth about what he had done. He had a bitch chip implanted.”

We all had a great laugh over that comment. We where then shown to our rooms and after taking showers, we headed downstairs to check our gear and say hi to Scott, Tyler and the other guys that worked for us. We also got to meet Davey Johnstone, Eltons long time lead guitarist and Nigel Olsson, his long time drummer. Elton took us all out to dinner and Saturday we went to London to go shopping at Harrods and Harvey Nichols. We had lunch at the FIFTH FLOOR, the restaurant at Harvey Nichols. We also went and made some recordings of Big Ben, as we needed them for the opening of FOREVER AUTUMN at the school show.

When we arrived back from London, I informed Gary that I wanted to go and talk to Ross about something. Once I entered the room that Ross was in, I closed and locked the door. I put my arms around him and kissed him passionately. I then moved my arms and popped open the button and lowered the zipper on his jeans and pushed them, along with his boxers down to his ankles. All the while I kept my lips firmly pressed against his and he even let me explore his mouth with my tongue. Once I had his cock exposed, I dropped to my knees and took it in my mouth and then worked him orgasm. The taste of his cum was amazing. I then kissed him again and pulled his boxers and jeans back up.

Ross stood there, stunned for a moment and then said, “ what the hell was that all about?”

“ I just needed to do it and don't deny that you didn't enjoy it,” I said.

“ It was fantastic and I've wanted you to do that to me since I met you. Thank you.”

When I got back to the room I was sharing with Gary, he pulled me close to him so that he could kiss me. I had not had time to use any mouth wash or brush my teeth to hide the taste of the cum. We changed in to our suits and I was very surprised that Gary didn't question me about what I had just done. Here was me, worried that he would cheat on me once he turned 18 and yet, I had just done it to him. I think the reason he never said anything was because he didn't want there to be any tension before the performance. I just hoped that maybe he would forget about it later.

By 8pm we were ready to start playing. As we entered the room where our gear was set up I saw Ozzie Osborne and he called out, “ Sharon, I didn't know this was a fucking kids party.”

“ Oh, fucking shut it,” Ross said to him.

“ And who the fuck are you?” Ozzie asked.

“ I'm one of the WILD BOYS, the band that's playing tonight,” Ross responded.

“ You look fucking tame to me,” Ozzie said.

Ross flashed him the middle finger and made his way on stage. As planned, we opened with Eltons song FUNERAL FOR A FRIEND ( LOVE LIES BLEEDING). It was just over eleven minutes long and began with a lengthy instrumental that started with wind and bell sounds that were created on synths, then it went into a brass sounding section that built into a full blown fanfare with some string sounds thrown in. Then it went into a quiet piano section with some bass and gentle hits on the hi hat cymbals. Then it changed again and developed into an almost orchestral sounding section before changing again. This bit lasted around six minutes before it went in to the song properly and Gary took up on the vocals, which went;

The roses in the window box

Have tilted to one side

Everything about this house, was born to grow and die

It doesn't seem a year ago

To this very day

You said I'm sorry honey

If I don't change the pace

I can't face another day

And love lies bleeding in my hands

It kills me to think of you with another man

I was playing rock – n – roll and you were just a fan

But my guitar couldn't hold you

So I split the band

Love lies bleeding in my hand

( Written by Bernie Taupin. Copyright 1973 Dick James music/ 1995 Mercury records ).

There was another verse and a repeat of the chorus after this section of the song. Once we had finished, I said, “ what an awesome song to play.”

I could tell from Eltons reaction that he was very impressed by our performance of his song. I was also really impressed with Gary. Eighteen months ago he had never considered playing the guitar or singing and now, here he was doing both and you would have thought that he had had years of experience. For the next song we did a new one that I was writing called BIG BROTHER AND OTHER TELEVISION STORIES and it went:

Merchant bankers and total wankers

Welcome to the world of big brother

The show for talentless morons

Who just want to be famous

You say you wanted to be my lover

But I have to tell you that you have no chance

Since they scrapped eviction day, there's just no way

Now we have execution day


I watch the Jeremy Kyle show

He's an agony uncle, don't you know

On the TV every weekday morning

The show is never boring

But most of the guests are a sad, pathetic disgrace

To the human race

I just wish that Jeremy would put a gun to their head

And shoot the fuckers dead

Basicly the song was about my total disgust at all reality TV shows and the sad pathetic people that went on them. None of them had any real talent and I would be having a good bitching session with Sharon Osborne later about THE X FACTOR, a show that she was one of the judges on. Big brother had to be the worst. I mean, who wants to sit glued to a TV screen watching a load of no hopers sitting around a house talking shit? As for the part about the agony uncle, I had watched that show a few times when I was off sick. There was one day when a woman, in her forties came on and said that her twelve year old son was totally out of control and had even hit her. It transpired that he did this when we she wouldn't buy him any alcohol or cigarettes. This to me was an example of someone who was useless as a parent. That's why I had written those last two lines of that verse. In an ideal world that is what would happen.

Anyway we continued playing for over an hour, mostly songs from our two albums. Then we decided to liven things up and played a selection of Eltons up-tempo classics including _CROCDILE ROCK, TINY DANCER, PHILADELPHIA FREEDOM, I'M STILL STANDING and SATURDAY NIGHTS ALRIGHT FOR FIGHTING._Then we invited George Michael to join us on DON'T LET THE SUN GO DOWN ON ME which Steve introduced as DON'T LET YOUR SON GO DOWN ON ME. This certainly got a few laughs. After this we did HOTEL CALIFORNIA largely due to the fact that we had spotted Don Henley and Joe Walsh, two of the guys fro the EAGLES at the party. They seemed to enjoy our rendition of their song and we get a chance to talk to them later. After this we introduced Callum and Aaron ( who we had brought along as our backing singers) and let them perform THUNDERCHILD, which went;

There were ships of shapes and sizes

Scattered out along the bay

And I thought I heard her calling

As the steamer pulled away

The invaders must have seen her

As across the coast they filed

Standing firm between them

There lay Thunderchild

Moving swiftly through the water Cannons blazing as she came

Brought a mighty metal warlord

Crashing down in sheets of flame

Sensing victory was nearing

Thinking fortune must have smiled

People started cheering

Come on Thunderchild

Come on Thunderchild”

Lashing ropes and smashing timbers

Flashing heat rays pierced the deck

Dashing hopes of our deliverance

As we watched the sinking wreck

With the smoke of battle clearing

Over graves in waves defiled

Slowly disappearing

Farewell Thunderchild

Slowly disappearing

Farewell Thunderchild

Farewell Thunderchild

Farewell Thunderchild

Farewell Thunder.........

Child, child, child,child, child

( Lyrics written by Gary Osborne( no relation to Ozzie). Copyright 2005 Ollie record productions/ Licensed to SONY BMG(UK) Music entertainment Ltd )

By now we had been playing for about two hours and needed to take a break and we had been informed that the buffet was about to be served. I had found out that during this time a string quartet was going to be playing and conveniently I had brought some music that I had composed for this type of ensemblem with me and so they were going to be playing that. While I ate, I sat with Sharon and Ozzie and bitched about the X FACTOR. I said that they were nothing more than glorified Karaoke singers and I didn't see the point in letting the winner do their first tour by playing big arenas. I mean, where did they go after that? They had nothing to work towards. I also pointed out that the people who watched these shows were no more than victims of legalised brainwashing who felt compelled to buy the winners first single, regardless of the fact that it was usually a total load of shit. I also pointed out that most of the contestants were lacking in the talent department in that they never played an instrument and they didn't write their songs.

By the time I finished, Sharon said, “ Listen, sweetheart, leave the bitching to an expert like me.”

Ozzie was quick to come to my defence when he said, “ Sharon, leave the kid alone, he's fucking spot on with what he's saying.”

“ And as for Simon Cowell,” I began before Ozzie interrupted me and said, “ I'd like to punch his lights out.”

After that interruption I continued, “ he's nothing more than a con man. He makes a shit load of money from the phone voting, he owns the production company that makes the show, works for the record company that gives the winners a contract, from which they get fuck all and on top of that the contestants get paid a pittance each week they are on there. That proves that they are brainless twits. If they had real talent they get record deal on merit, just like we did. And one more thing, what the fuck does Simon Cowell know about music anyway?”

By the time I had finished, Sharon just sat there, silent. Before getting up from the table, I said, “ and the score is, Jason one, Sharon zero.” I got up and headed back to the buffet for some more food. I then went and talked to Elton and David. “ Good to see those idiots the Beckhams didn't show up. I heard she had a real tantrum when you didn't go to their pre -world cup party.”

“ I was on tour,” Elton said in his defence. “ I do have to earn a living you know.”

“ I know, you have to find the money to pay that flower bill form somewhere. How does Victoria make money? Oh, yeah, that's right she calls HELLO magazine and gets them to pay for taking photos to publish in the magazine and then calls a TV company to make a documentary about her party and gets a few more million. That's not what I calling earning a living.” I took a sip of my drink before continuing, “ as you may have noticed, I don't like them, full stop.”

It was around two o'clock when Gary suggested we go to bed. As soon as we got to our room, he slammed the door shut and slapped me across the face. Then he screamed at me, “ WHY? Why Jason? And don't give me that pathetic puppy dog look.”

I told Gary about all the stuff that had happened when Ross and I first met and the feelings I had for him and then I asked, “ Why did you hit me?”

“ Because I'm very fucking angry right now. You still haven't really told me why you did it?”

“ Maybe it's got a lot to do with the fact that I'm sick and tired of being seen as Mr. Nice Guy, Mr. Perfect. Maybe I just need something different. I told you how I feel about what may happen when you are 18. Maybe I am realising that the two and a half year age difference is quite significant after all. I may feel more secure with Ross as my boyfriend, after all he is only a month older than me.”

“ Well, in that case, when we get home I'll move in to one of the other rooms until you decide what you want. Now fuck off out of my sight.”

As I left the room, Nick and Liam where standing there, “ what's been going on?” Liam asked.

“ Lets go back downstairs and get something to drink,” I said.

Liam noticed the red mark on my face and asked, “ did he hit you?”

I just nodded my head and Liam made a move for Gary. Nick had to grab a hold of him and prevent him from hitting Gary. Violence was not going to solve this.

End of chapter 27!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So what will Jason do? Look out for chapter 28 to find out.

Ok, if you want to find out more about THE MUSICAL VERSION OF THE WAR OF THE WORLDS. Then visit the official web site at

For information on the synthesizers that I mentioned in this and previous chapters visit

For information on STEINBERG CUBASE SX3 and other computer music software visit You can also find information on the guitars at this site.

I have made a few mentions of the EAGLES in recent chapters, as I am going to see them live in concert on June 20th, you can visit their official site at

For info on JEAN MICHEL JARRE visit his official site at

Have fun if you check out any of these sites.

After my bitching last time I heard from.......................... Bernard ( in France), Stephen Nadeau, RJ, Paul (in Belgium), Robert, Stephen Pederson, Vincent, Billy, Chris, David Lee, J, Reed, Zack, Rich, Steph and Kyle. Thanks for the e- mails, it was great to hear from you all.

Lol Paul

Next: Chapter 28

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