Sad Song of a Gay Teen

By moc.loa@emitmaerdW

Published on Jun 30, 2006


Sad Song of a Gay Teen 30

Sad song of a gay teen 30!!!!!!!!!!!

The war if thw worlds

( The above is Martian for THE WAR OF THE WORLDS..............Honestly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!).

This story is copyright 2006 by yours truly, Paul Walker. You may not copy or post it to any other website without my permission. All the characters are entirely fictional and any resemblance to people, either living or otherwise is pure coincidence. The story contains acts of a sexual nature between teen males and if this offends you, then leave now. If you are under the legal age to be reading this in your territory, then leave now or it's your problem.

Please e- mail all comments to

You can also check out my music page at

From the previous chapter!!!!!!!!!!!

By the time I had finished replying to my e -mails, Jack had managed to make his way upstairs. At least he had worked out how to balance and walk on three legs. It was good to see that he was looking a lot better than he had when I found him. It would be a few weeks before he was finally out of the woods but at least he was still alive, thanks to my pleading with the vet.

I also got chance to talk to the rest of the guys. From what he told me, things were going well for Ross and Shane. Chris and Steve had got new girlfriends in the form of Carla, who was 15 and had hooked up with Chris. Her sister, Kate, was 14 and apparently, Steve was madly in love with her. Oh, well, I would just have to really wind him about that at school tomorrow. As it was the last week of school and the week of the WAR OF THE WORLDS SHOWS, we didn't need to be there until 2pm. I was so looking forward to the shows. We would be doing seven altogether with evening performances from Tuesday to Friday and afternoon shows from Wednesday to Friday. All the proceed would be going to the charities that we supported.

The rest of the day passed really quietly. Mum had said that we could let Jack sleep in our room as long as we made sure that he stayed in his own bed. He was also starting to trust mum, dad and Gary, which came a relief to me. It was nice having a pet even if it would mean getting up earlier so that I could take him for a walk before going to school. I went to bed that night feeling really content. My relationship was back on track and I had helped to save the life of a poor, defenceless little dog.

SAD SONG OF A GAY TEEN 30!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday morning I was awoken by the sound of whimpering. I opened my eyes and glanced over towards the door and noticed Jack sitting there. The little guy was obviously in desperate need of taking care of his morning business. I opened the door and Jack followed me to the top of the stairs and just sat there. He had worked out how to get up the stairs but as yet he couldn't get back down again and so I had to pick him up and carry him down. I made my way through the lounge and in to the conservatory. After opening the door and letting Jack out, I went and filled his bowls with fresh water and food. After I let my new dog back in, I went and got two mugs of coffee from the kitchen and then went back to our room.

After Gary and I had taken our morning piss, we got to work on taking care of our morning stiffys. We assumed the sixty nine position and sucked away as if our lives depended on it. After about ten minutes we were both rewarded with the first of our daily doses of boi juice. After that we just finished our coffee and then showered and dressed. We didn't have to be at the school until two o'clock for the final run through before the dress rehearsal that evening. We were, however, meeting our two special guests for lunch at 12.30pm. I was still remaining totally silent as to who they were, ( I hadn't even told dad and he was our manager ).

I spent the morning playing with Jack, ( Ok, so I also played with Gary but I leave that to your imagination ). At eleven thirty we got in the car to head off for lunch at FUSION, a great little noodle bar that was not too far from school. As we entered the restaurant, Gary said, “ Isn't that Jeff Wayne who composed THE WAR OF THW WORLDS sitting over there with JUSTIN HEYWARD form THE MOODY BLUES?”

“ Yeah, they're the special guests that I've been keeping a secret from everyone,” I replied.

We made our way over to the table and got all the introductions out of the way and then I had to explain to Gary how I got these two guys involved in the show. After a great lunch ( that lasted for over two hours ), we headed off to school. Most of the afternoon would be spent rehearsing my duet with Justin. The cafeteria staff had agreed to stay late all week so that we could all eat between shows and also eat before we did the dress rehearsal tonight.

Everything went perfectly during the dress rehearsal. The stage looked fantastic. At the rear of the stage were podiums at various levels and this is were the orchestra and choir would be seated. Above this was a huge 30 foot by 25 foot screen for the video projections.

In front of the orchestra and choir, at a lower level where a further three podiums. The one at stage right was where my huge keyboard set up was , next to this, in the middle of the stage was Chris' drum kit and then at stage left was Ross' keyboard rig. In front of this were the guitars and basses and all the associated gear that belonged to Steve ( Stage left ), Gary in the middle and Liam at stage right. At the front of the stage were two microphones that had been set up for Justin and me to do our duet on FOREVER AUTUMN. The final part of the set up at the front of the stage and to the right was the desk were Mr. Noels would be seated for his role as the journalist. In each of the rear corners of the auditorium were the Martian fighting machines.

It was 6.45pm on Tuesday evening and forty- five minutes until curtain up. By 7.15, the orchestra and choir were all in position and Lee ( as stage manager went on and made an announcement at my request ). The announcement was to ask people not to clap until the end as this would distract from the continuity of the performance. Shortly after coming back off stage Lee said, “ Ok everyone, five minutes to curtain up, so get out there and take your places. And as they say in theatrical circles ' break a leg '.”

We all made our way on stage and got ready to begin. The curtains were closed and so the only thing visible to the audience was the desk and Mr. Noels. At exactly 7.30 the show began with Mr. Noels reciting the opening lines, which were;

No one would have believed that in the last years of the nineteenth century human affairs were being watched from the timeless worlds of space. No one could have dreamed we were being scrutinised as someone with a microscope studies creatures in a drop of water. Few men even considered the possibility of life on other planets. And yet, across the gulf of space, minds immeasurably superior to ours regarded this Earth with envious eyes and slowly and surely, they drew their plans against us.

At this point, the orchestra struck up and the curtains swung open. By the time the curtains had fully opened, the six of us in the band had begun to play. The audience was mesmerized and I felt fantastic. Well, being on stage in front of an audience was one of the best things you could experience as a musician. The opening section of the show was called THE EVE OF THE WAR and around six minutes in to it I had been joined by Justin for the first vocal part, which goes:

The chances of anything coming from Mars are a million to one, he said

The chances of anything coming from Mars are a million to one,

But still they came.

Everything was just going so fantastic. The second section was called HORSELL COMMON AND THE HEAT RAY, and this was followed by THE ARTILLERYMAN AND THE FIGHTING MACHINE, ( with Mike playing the role of the Artilleryman ). Just over five minutes in to this section, all of us in the band leaned in to our microphones and sang , ULLA, ULLA. This was the voice of the Martians and by now the two fighting machines had risen to a height of twenty feet and were shooting out beams of green light. ( The heat ray )!

Shortly before the start of the next section ( which was FOREVER AUTUMN ), Mr. Morris came and took over on the keyboards while I slung my PAUL REED SMITH acoustic guitar around my neck. This was one of the most expensive guitars that I owned and had cost about four thousand pounds. Then again, PAUL REED SMITH did not mass produce his guitars, each one was custom made to order and all the work was done by hand. It was a beautiful instrument to play.

As the sound of BIG BEN was heard, Mr. Noels said, “ For three days I fought my way along roads packed with refugees, the homeless, burdened with boxes and bundles containing their valuables. All that was of value to me was in London. By the time I reached their little red brick house, Carrie and her father were gone.”

By now, Justin and I where strolling to the front of the stage playing the intro to the song on our guitars. Then we began to sing;

The summer sun is fading as the year grows old

And darker days are drawing near

The winter winds will be much colder

Now you're not here.

At this point, we were joined by Steve on bass and Chris on drums. Justin and I continued with;

I watch the birds fly south across the autumn sky

And one by one they disappear

I wish that I was flying with them

Now you're not here

Like the sun through the trees you came to love me.

Like a leaf on a breeze you blew away

Through autumns golden gown we used to kick our way

You always loved this time of year

Those fallen leaves lie undisturbed now

'cause you're not here

'cause you're not here

'cause you're not here

After we had finished the song, I went back over to my keyboards and I spotted Callum and Aaron waiting to come on for THUNDERCHILD. I think those two guys would have got a standing ovation on their own if the audience had been asked not to clap until the end of the show.

This part of the show ended with some more narration from Mr. Noels that went;

When the smoke had cleared, the little steamer had reached the misty horizon, and Carrie was safe. But the Thunderchild had vanished forever, taking with her man's last hope of victory. The leaden sky was lit by green flashes, cylinder following cylinder, and no one and nothing was left now to fight them. The Earth belonged to the Martians.


Then we went straight in to part two _THE EARTH UNDER THE MARTIANS,_which started with a piece called THE RED WEED. The whole auditorium was bathed in an eerie red light and Jamie had even created some amazing three dimensional projections that originated from under the stage. This was to create the effect of the red weed growing and taking over the land on Earth. The next section was THE SPIRIT OF MAN. The parts of Parson Nathaniel and his wife, Beth, were being played by Mr. Harris ( my maths teacher) and Mrs. Pickles ( my English teacher ). After this was THE RED WEED, PART TWO and then a piece called THE ARTILLERYMAN RETURNS which was followed by BRAVE NEW WORLD. This was followed by DEAD LONDON. Around four minutes and forty second in to this part Mr. Noels said, “ I saw over the trees on Primrose Hill, the fighting machines from which the howling came. I crossed Regents Canal. There stood a second machine, upright but as still as the first.”

Then it was time for the final ULLA!!!!!!! Unlike all the other times that we had said this in the show, this one was slow and painful as it represented the Martians taking their last breath and dying a painful death.

Suddenly, everything was quiet and Mr. Noels said, “ Abruptly the sound ceased. Suddenly the desolation, the solitude,became unendurable. While that voice sounded, London had still seemed alive. Now suddenly there was a change, the passing of something, and all that remained was this gaunt quiet.”

At this stage, the orchestra struck up again with a reprise of THE EVE OF THE WAR. This was followed by _EPILOGUE ONE,_which was some narration about life returning to normal. EPILOGUE TWO was set in 1976 and was based around the NASA mission controllers talking to each other about the probes that had just landed on Mars. Suddenly, they lose contact with the probes and then the controller in Pasadena sees a green flair coming from Mars and loses contact with the controllers in Bermuda, Canberra and Madrid. And there the show ended, leaving you wondering about the possibility of another attack form Mars. Needless to say, we got a five minute standing ovation.

Friday night and the final performance soon came around. We had also arranged for this to be done as a live web cast, so that our many friends around the world could see the show. Again, it was a great show and we again received a very long standing ovation. Once this began to die down, I walked over to the nearest microphone and said, “ Thank you. I'd also like to say thank you to everyone who has been involved in the show and an extra special thank you to our special guests. Conducting the orchestra, Mr. Jeff Wayne, who composed this fantastic piece and also, I want a big hand for my guest vocalist, the voice of THE MOODY BLUES, Mr. Justin Hayward.”

My two guests got their own standing ovation. Mr. Noels came on and announced that so far we had raised more than quarter of a million pounds for the charities that we supported. We still had to add in to this the profits from the merchandising and the money raised from the web cast. I was ecstatic. Jeff and Justin then said a few words about how honoured and privileged they were to have spent the week working with such a group of exceptionally talented young musicians ( and this included the guys in the choir and orchestra ). Finally, I went back to the microphone and said, “ well, there is only one more thing to say and that is to wish you all a very Merry Xmas and a happy new year.”

I took a final bow and then headed off stage. I was exhausted and needed to get home to take a shower.

Gary and I had left the auditorium and where heading to his car when I saw two people I recognised leaning against their cars. They were Davey Johnstone ( Elton Johns lead guitarist ), who was leaning against his Aston Martin DB9 and Nigel Olsson ( Elton Johns drummer ), who was leaning against his Bentley Azure turbo.

“ Hi guys and thanks for coming,” I said.

By now we had been joined by the rest of the band. Davey and Nigel said that they had really enjoyed the show. It was Nigel who said, “ so how do we get to this party we heard about?”

Yes, mum and dad had had a marquee erected to host an after show/ Xmas party for all the people involved and they had hired six, sixty seater coaches to take everyone and their parents to our house. We arranged for Davey and Nigel's wives to ride in the Rolls with mum and dad . Liam was going to show Davey the way to our house ( I suspected that the two of them would be talking guitars all the way there ) and Chris said he would ride with Nigel in the Bentley ( probably so they could talk drums on the journey ).

Gary and I got in the car and headed home. Once we arrived, we took a shower together and gave each other a blow job, so as to give each other a much needed dose of cum!!! Once dressed, we went out to the Marquee and once we got there, we were greeted by dad who had a glass of champagne waiting for us. He told us that we both deserved it after the work that we had put in to the show. The party went on until nearly five and I crawled in to bed totally worn out and slept until two the next afternoon.

When I awoke, Gary was on the computer replying to some e -mails that he had. He had been kind enough to take Jack for a walk and made sure that he had fresh water and food. I showered and dressed and then went to the studio to work on some music that I had been commissioned to compose by the world famous percussionist EVELYN GLENNIE. We would be doing the world premiere at the GRAND CANYON during the half term holiday next February. The piece was called ECHOES THROUGH THE CANYON ( music for two drummers ), Chris being the other drummer/percussionist involved in the performance.

I was now on Xmas holiday and looking forward to the rest. Nick and Liam were holed up in Liams room ( doing what two gay boys love doing!!!). Steve and his family were going to spend Xmas with relatives that lived near Bristol and Chris and his family were going to Dubai for the holiday but would be back for the New Years eve party at our house. Our own Xmas was being spent at home. Peter, Louise, Brad and Shane were once again coming over from South Africa. Then we would also have my grandparents, Kim, Dean, Nick, Jamie and Greg. I was really looking forward to it. At least this year we wouldn't have to sit teddy at the table as Liams dinner guest.

Over the weekend, I received a call from the French musician, Jean Michel Jarre. I had contacted him about the idea of guesting at the A CITY IN CHAOS concert. He had already agreed to do this and I had told him that I had recorded my own versions of some his music. These being ETHNICOLOUR 1, OXYGENE 2, OXYGENE 4, EQUINOXE 4, CHRNOLOGY 6 and MAGNETIC FIELDS 2. I had sent a CD of these pieces to him and, after listening to it, he was calling to confirm that he would love to be a part of my show and that we could perform these pieces together at the show. Chris also called to invite me to his house for the night on Tuesday. It would just be us two plus Steve and in a way would be just like old times. After informing Gary about this, he called Simon and Kyle and invited them to spend the night at our house. Gary also said that he would drive me to Chris' place in his car.

End of Chapter 30!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All the text in italics is taken from THE WAR OF THE WORLDS and was written by Doreen Wayne. The lyrics to FOREVER AUTUMN were written by Paul Vigrass and Gary Osborne. All quotes from THE WAR OF THE WORLDS are copyright 2005, Ollie record productions and exclusively licensed to Sony/BMG Music entertainment ( UK ) Ltd.

If you haven't checked it out yet, take a look at my new story FURTHER DOWN THE YELLOW BRICK ROAD ( in the High School section on Nifty ). Chapter 2 should be posted at the same time as this.

I love getting your e-mails and you can drop me a line at I always reply to my e-mails.

This time I heard from David Lee, Kyle C, Rich, Steph, Sheldon, Neil . I also heard from Carl ( a fellow author ) and he asked if Jason and Gary could make a guest appearance in an up coming chapter of his story Traveller ( in the adult/youth section on nifty ). I have agreed to this, so go and find the story so that you familiarise yourselves with it before my guys show up there.

Lol Paul.

PS, I forgot to say last time that the EAGLES concert was fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!

Next: Chapter 32

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