Sad Song of a Gay Teen

By moc.loa@emitmaerdW

Published on Jun 25, 2005


Sad song of a gay teen part four...............A work of fiction by Paul Walker

This story is copywright 2005 by Paul Walker.You may not copy or post it to anyother website without my permission.Any resemblance to persons either living or otherwise is purely coincidental.This story will contain acts of a sexual nature between teen males,so if you are underage to be reading this then leave now.Any mistakes that occur are due to my lack of education. I went to school once but didn't like it, so I never went again.

Please e-mail all comments to

I had an e-mail from someone called Josh(I'm sure you know who you are!) I did send you a reply but it was returned as undeliverable.Anyway,thank you for your interest in my story.


The next morning I was the first one to awake.My head was resting on Garys chest and I gazed at his face. Boy was he so damn cute and sexy.My hand had found its way onto his cock,which was stiff.I felt him move slightly but made no effort to move my hand.Subconciously,I had started to rub his cock through his shorts.

"Mmmmm,this is such a lovely way to wake up.Please don't stop what you are doing until I cum."

I continued with what I was doing and found that it gave me great pleaure also.Garys hand had found its way to my morning stiff cock and,to my suprise,I didn't freak out like I thought I would have.Especially considering what I had been through on tuesday.It was probably because that had been pure voilence but this was done out of pure love.It didn't take long for me to cum ,as it had been three days since I had.Gary came not long after me and it felt good to feel his jizz through his shorts.

There was a knock on the door,it was Jane."Morning boys."

"Morning,"we both replied in unison.

"You two better get a move on as the lawyer will be here to see Jason in forty minutes.Jason,I've run a cool bath for you.Gary,you help Jason into the bath and then take a shower,to save some time and when you help Jason out of the bath,you can change his dressing.I believe the nurse showed you how to do it?"


We made our way to the bathroom and I had my bath,while Gary took a shower.

After he helped me out and dried me off,we went back to our room.I lay on my stomach on the bed,while my boyfriend changed my dressings.It felt kind of strange, him doing it.When he had finished,I rolled onto my back and said "this is all your fault."Pointing at my now erect cock.

"I could take care of that,if you want me to?"

"Maybe later.I really don't think that we have time right now."

I got off the bed and got dressed and so did Gary,(as much as I could have stared at his naked body all day). We then made our way downstairs to have breakfast.

We sat at the kitchen table,eating our breakfast of cereal,toast and orange juice.Gary had slipped his foot out of his shoe and was gently rubbing my cock with his foot.It felt nice and I was giggiling but we soon had to stop,when Jane gave us a funny look.At this point there was a knock on the door.It was Mr.Littler,the lawyer.

"So which one of you boys is Jason?"He enquired.

I looked at him and said,"that will be me."

"Well its good to see you again.You must have been about seven when your dad brought you with him to a meeting he had at my office.He was always saying how well you where doing with your music."

"And complaining when I asked for a new guitar or keyboard or more computer software.He always gave in in the end."

"So how are you feeling?"Mr.Littler asked.

"Still quite sore from the surgery and getting kicked in the ribs.Not to mention being thrown against a wall.And I wish mum and dad where still around."I started to cry again.It hurt so much knowing that I would never see them again.

It took me a few minutes to calm down and when I did Mr.Littler continued,"I realize that you miss them and nothing can ever replace them but you will never have to worry about anything for the rest of your life.You are actually going to be a very wealthy young man."

I glared at him and said,"I relly don't give a fuck how much they left me.They could have left me twenty billion and it still wouldn't replace them .Why the fuck doesn't anybody understand that?"

Gary had put his arm around me to try and comfort me.It did help to a small degree.

Mr.Littler then went on to explain ,with the value of our house,the various life insurance policies, the market value of the business and the propeties my parents owned in Spain and Florida,that I would be worth in the region of fifteen million pounds.

"Geez,"Gary said,letting out a long breath."Three days ago I was just helping out some kid who got in trouble at school and now he's fucking loaded."

I kicked him under the table,really hard.

"Ouch,what was that for?"He asked.

"Your very bad attempt at humour,"I replied.

"And Gary,"his mum added,"do not use such foul language in my presence.Before you say anything,I'll let Jason get away with it for now and I think you know the reasons why."

Looking somewhat sheepish,Gary mumbled,"sorry mum and sorry Jase about my very,very bad joke.

"Pardon,I don't think I quite heard you?"

Gary repeated his appology and this time I accpeted it.I was going to kiss him but felt that that would not be appropriet.Not in front of Mr.Littler anyway.

"I suddenly asked,"So when do I get to start spending all this money?"

"Unfortunatley,"said Mr.Littler,"under the provisions of the will,the money from the insurance policies is to be placed in a trust fund until you are eighteen.The business that your parents set up and successfully developed will be run by the board of directors and you cannot make a decision about selling it until you are twenty-one.However,the said buisiness will provide you with an income of around two thousand pounds a month.The house and the other properties are yours to do whatever you want to do with them.If you do sell them,then the money raised will also have to be placed in a trust fund,again,until you are eighteen.The second trust fund would provide the money for your education expenses."

"If I sell the house and the other propeties,how much will that make?"I asked

"Around two million,"MR.Littler replied in answer to my question

"Well,go ahead and sell them."

"I'll start to organize that as soon as I get back to the office.Now isthereanything else you wouldl ike to ask me?"

"No,I don't think so."

"In that case,I'll leave you in peace for now.If you do need to talk to me,then your grandparents have my number."

I said goodbye to the lawyer and Jane showed him to the door.When she rerurned,she asked me what I wanted to do about continuing my education.

"The only thing I do know for sure is that I have no desire to return to that damn school.If the other boys had just allowed me to be who I am,then this may not have happend.No way am I ever going back there. Could we talk about this some other time?"

"I suppose it would be best to talk about it when you feel better,"Jane said,giving me a quick kiss on the cheek.


"Yes,to whatever you are going to ask me,"she said.

"Well in that case I better phone Chris and Steve and tell them that they're invited for the weekend.They often used to come and stay at mine.It was easier for Chris to bring his drumkit and for Steve to bring his basses and other gear to mine.As you may have worked out,moving all my stuff takes some doing."

"Actually,"Jane said,"that would be agood idea.At least it would help to take your mind off things."

Gary gave a slight cough and said,"but what am I supposed to do?"

I had a few thoughts on that but they where not things I wanted to say in front of Jane."Well, we could show you the basics of working the sounddesk.In a way you get to play god,as you would be in control of how loud we are all plying."

"I like the sound of that,"he said,grinning widly.

Within five minutes,I had called my friends and they both said that they would be there later in the day.The weekend waslooking good already.It was only 11.30 and too early for lunch.Gary and I went upto our room and decided to have a look around on the internet.When we got there he asked if I wanted to look at some porn sites.I told him that that sounded like a really cool idea.While he was logging on,I went back down to the kitchen and got a couple of cokes and some chocalate biscuits out of the fridge.Jane had left a note to say that she had gone to the supermarket to stock up on food,as there where going to be four teenage boys in the house all weekend.It was going to be just like old times parents wouldn't be around.I quickly made my way back upstairs before I got to down.

Gary had got onto a site with loads of pictures of teen males(mostly around 18 or 19),in various states of undress and doing all kinds of sexual stuff with each other.It certainly got me turned on.

"Wanna try doing some of this stuff,when you are better?"Gary asked.

"Well,yeah.I thought this was the kind of stuff boyfriends did with each other anyhow?Can I ask you a question?"

"You can ask me anything."

"Have you ever been fucked?"

"A few times,by a guy I met at the gay youth group I go to.That was before he moved away tho'"

"So whats it like?I mean,when someone does it coz they love you.What happend to me was done out of pure evil and hatered.It was not fun."

"Well it kind of hurts at first but once you get used to the feeling,its a pleasure that cannot be truly decribed in words.You feel like you have been transported to another place.Just one thing,don't mention this to my mum and dad.There are somethings that they are best not knowing about."

"Hey,you can tell me any of your deepest, darkest secrets and I will be the soul of discetion.Maybe I could fuck you,once I get these damn stiches out of my butt.I just don't think I ever want anyone sticking anything in there ever again.It would bring back to many memories of what happend on Tuesday.I hope you understand that."

"Thats cool with me and when we do start doing the sexual stuff,then you can be in charge.We won't do anything that you don't want to.So are you feeling horny?"

"what gay boy wouldn't be,looking at this stuff?Got anything in mind?"I asked,with a cheeky grin.

"Well,how about we wank each other off?"

"That sounds well cool!"

We both took our jeans and boxers off and then took a hold of each others now rock sold cocks.It felt really good having someone else touching it.We slowly began to wank our dicks.Due to my lack of experience in these things,it onlt took me about five minutes to shoot my load.When my orgasm had ended,Gary licked my cum off his hand and said it tasted really nice.When he came,I apprehensivly put my hand to my mouth and discovered that it tasted ok.So I licked my hand clean.By this time we heard he door open and knew that it was Jane back from her shoping trip.We got dressed as quickly as we could and moved onto a more suitble site,just in case Jane came to check on us.

After another ten minutes,we headed back to the kitchen to see what was for lunch.Jane said she would make us some ham and chese toasted sandwiches.We said that would be fine.Gary got two more cokes out of the fridge and handed one to me.

It was about 3pm when Chris and Steve arrived.Gary helped Chris with his drumkit,which was the latest,top of the range electronic kit by Yamaha.His parents had bought it for him for his birthday.The great thing about it being that it could be coonected to his laptop computer,thus enabling him to play a software drum machine at the same time.In effect,it was two drummers for the price of one.It took nearly an hour for the guys to set everything up and then it was down to the business of making music.

While we got out insruments tuned,Gary went to the kitchen and got some drinks,crisps and biscuits for us to snack on.We started by playing an instrumental tune that I was writing called DREAMING TIME FOR THE 21st CENTURY MOZART.The title had come about because it was based on one of Mozarts piano pieces.It was a really nice,gentle laid back piece.At one point, I glanced at the door and saw Jane standing listening to us.By the expression on her face,she was really enjoying it.

When we got to the end Jane said,"you boys are amazing.Maybe one day you could end up with a recording contract and make millions."

"Thats a nice thought,"said Chris.

Of course,Gary had to go and throw a spanner in the works by saying,"but isn't Jase already worth millions, anyway?"

I had to explain to the guys about the visit from the lawyer and how much my parents had left me.They where a little shocked to say the least.Of course,I also had to explain that I wouldn't actually be able to touch the money until I was eighteen.It was then that I had a thought."I'm gonna get in touch with Mr.Littler and ask about the possibilty of having some of the money to set up and open a worldclass recording studio."

Everyone said that sounded like a great idea.I called my grandparents on my mobile and asked them for Mr.Littlers number.I had soon arranged another visit with him for monday.The reat of the afternoon we spent playing music and I showed Gary a few basic chord progrssions on the guitar.At times,he got a little frustrated when he had difficulty changing from one note to the next.I told him to go and practice what I had showed him and when he had perfected it,I would show him something else.

At about six,Phil arrived home with a couple of carrier bags of Chinese takeaway for dinner.We where all hungry and so soon tucked into the delicious food.I told Phil about how much I had been left by my parents and my plans to open a worldclass recording studio.We decided to start making plans after dinner by spending a few hours doing some research on the internet.Us kids all helped to do the washing up after dinner,although Jane said I could be excused from that duty, as I was still recovering.I helped anyway,as I didn't think that it was very fair on my friends.Then we went to our room and spent the rest of the evening on the internet designing my recording studio and getting information on companies that would do the job for us.

On saturday we all pesterd Jane and Phil to allow us to go into town for a few hours.They eventually agreed,as long as I didn' tire myself too much.First stop was the CD store,where I bought a copy of the new live cd by a German group called Kraftwerk.My dad had taken me to their concert in Manchester the previous year and I had a fantastic time.I couldn't wait to get home and listen to the cd on my surround sound sysytem.We then went to Burger king for some lunch before heading to the academy of sound,a music store where me and the other guys bought most of our equipment.When we walked in there,I spotted Scott,one of the staff that I had got quite friendly with.

He saw the bruising on my face and asked,"what the hell happend to you?"

I told him about what had happend at school and about losing my parents.I was nearly in tears by the time I had finished

"I read about that in the paper but it didn't give any names.So how are you dealing with it?"

"Not too well,if you want me to be really honest."

He took us to the office and gave us all a drink and we talked for a while.Then he asked,"so are you buying anything today?"

"Well, I did come into see if you have the upgrade to the new version of Reason."

"As it happens ,we had a delivery this morning.They've been selling as fast as we get them in.I'll just go and get one for you."

A few minutes later he returned with what I had asked for and said,"I had a word with the boss and thats on the house.Hope you have fun with it."

After we left the shop,we got the bus home as I was starting to feel a bit worn out.We got some drinks and went upto the attic and put the cd on.It was awesome to listen to.At the same time,I loaded up my new software,so that we could have a play around with it later.We managed to keep ourselves so busy that the rest of the weekend just flew. Before we knew it,it was late sunday afternoon and time for the guys to go home.We all said we would talk during the next week.My meeting with Mr.Littler on the monday went really well and he explained all the ins and outs of settig up a buisiness.He said that he would help in anyway that he coudld.On the wednesday,my grandma took me back to the hospital to have my stiches out.By the wednesday evening ,I was feeling really down.Tommorow was the day of the funeral and I really wasn't looking forward to it.It would be a tough day for everyone,me especially.

End of chapter four.......Thanks to eveyone who has writen to me.You should have had a reply by the time you read this.Lol Paul

Next: Chapter 5

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