Sad Song of a Gay Teen

By moc.loa@emitmaerdW

Published on Apr 25, 2008


Sad Song of a Gay Teen 5


This story is copyright 2008 by yours truly, Paul Walker. You may not copy or post it to another website without the permission of the author. The story contains descriptions of acts of a sexual nature between teen males and if this kind of material offends you or you are underage to be reading this in your territory or country, then please leave now. If it is illegal for you to be reading this in your country, then you should also leave now.

If you would like to drop me a line then please feel free to do so at I enjoy reading your e-mails and I always endeavour to reply to them.

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From the last Chapter!!!!!!!

We arrived at the Church at around nine thirty. The service was due to commence at eleven, so I would only have about an and a half to rehearse the music with the new friends that I made on arriving at the church. After introducing me to the musicians, Alan showed me to the office and I downloaded what I needed. The guys in the band and I then spent over an hour working on the song until we all felt happy with it. As soon as they arrived, I joined my family members and listened to Reverend Walkers sermon. It was all about the true meaning of Xmas but also about how we should also remember those that are less fortunate than we are, especially at this time of year. Then he introduced me to the congregation. There seemed to be an awful lot of teenagers who recognised who I was. Before singing, I told everyone a little bit about myself and the terrible tragedy that I had been through in my life and the untimely death of my parents. I also talked about all the great stuff that had happened in the last two years, such as finding out about my half brother, Jamie and my relatives here in the USA. I also talked about all the success with the band. Then I finished by saying, “The song that I am going to perform for you was written by a musician called Greg Lake back in the 1970s' and it sums up everything about this time of year and it goes like this;”

They said there'll be snow at Xmas

They said there'll be peace on Earth

But instead it just kept on raining

A veil of tears for the virgins birth

I remember one Xmas morning

A winters light and a distant choir

And the peel of a bell and that Xmas tree smell

And their eyes full of tinsel and fire

They sold me a dream of Xmas

They sold me a silent night

And they told me a fairy story

'Til I believed in the Israelite

And I believed in Father Xmas

And I looked at the sky with excited eyes

'Til I woke with a yawn in the first light of dawn, And I saw him and through his disguise

I wish you a hopeful Xmas

I wish you a brave new year

All anguish and pain and sadness

Leave your heart and let your road be clear

They said there'll be snow at Xmas

They said there'll be peace on Earth

Hallelujah Noel be it Heaven or hell

The Xmas you get you deserve


( Words to I BELIEVE IN FATHER CHRISTMAS written by Greg Lake. Copyright 1975 Leadchoice Ltd.....)

After finishing the song, I thanked the guys in the church band and I also told, that one day I hoped that there would be true peace on Earth with no more futile wars. I also said that I hoped that in 2008 all the troops serving in Iraq and Afghanistan would be brought home alive, well and in on piece. Finally, I wished everyone a merry Xmas and hoped that they would have an enjoyable day with their families. Then I rejoined my own family.

Sad Song Of A Gay Teen 55!!!!

Going to church with my relatives had turned out to be an awful lot of fun and it was certainly an interesting new experience but I didn't see myself getting all religious anytime soon.

I had my reasons for that but I didn't really want to dwell on them at this time of year. Gary and I also made a few new friends with members of the congregation who were around our own age. Bill and Terri invited a few people back to the house for drinks. Ricky decided that he was going to go straight to bed as he wouldn't get a visit from Santa if he didn't go to sleep soon.

It was a fun packed couple of hours getting to know some new people, some of whom had been at our shows at Madison Square Garden back in June. It was getting late when Gary and I headed upto bed an d we both knew very well that we wouldn't get much sleep due to the fact that Rory and Connor had warned us that Ricky would be waking up the whole house just after six am to let everyone know that Santa had been and that he was eager to open his presents.

Needless to say that Gary and I didn't go to sleep straight away due to the fact that I was feeling super horny and it had been a couple of days since I had cum. Well, I hadn't really felt like it due to my little accident. As soon as we where in bed I said to Gary, “I Want you to suck me totally dry.”

I had said it in such in a demanding and domineering way that Gary kissed me and then said, “I really like it when it when you get so demanding.”

It wasn't long before I felt Garys' hot mouth wrapped around my stiff meat. Gary did everything to me. He swirled his tongue around the head and poked it in the piss slit. He gave my balls a good tongue bath and the he let me face fuck him until `i was ready to shoot my load and Gary was rewarded with an extra large portion of hot boi batter. After that we fell asleep.

It was actually around three and half hours later but to Gary and I it felt like only five minutes before we heard the door of our room open and Ricky came running in and jumped on the bed shouting, “Wake up, Santas' been and I wanna see what pwesents I got.”

“And a merry Xmas to you Ricky,” Gary and I said in unison.

“Oh, yeah, merwy Cwistmas Jason, merwy Cwistmas Gawy,” Ricky responded.

With that, Ricky climbed off the bed and grabbed a hold of the duvet. He then began walking out of the room dragging the duvet behind him. Once he was outside the door, we heard him trying to say 'mission accomplished' but he couldn't get the words out. We then heard Connor say, “General Rory, I think that private Ricky is trying to tell us that he has completed the mission.”

“Yeah, what he said,” Ricky said.

On hearing that, Gary and I both called out, at the same time, “and merry Xmas to you, Rory and Connor.”

We got and response from the guys and then Rory added, “See you downstairs in no more than ten minutes or we'll send Ricky back to attack you.”

With that Gary and I got out of bed and we wished each other a merry Xmas as we kissed. Then we put on our bath robes and headed downstairs, stopping off in the kitchen to get some coffee and wishing aunt Terri a merry Xmas. Terri was busy making a start on getting breakfast ready and judging by the amount of food, you would have thought that she was getting ready to feed the starving masses, but then again, there were four teens with seemingly bottomless pits to feed and Ricky didn't to bad when it came to putting the food away. I think that he just liked to try and keep up with his brothers.

After getting some coffee and chatting with Terri for a little while, we made our way into the family room to open our presents. There had been fresh snowfall during the night and the scene outside looked beautiful, even if it did look a little cold. That didn't bother anyone too much as were indoors and uncle Bill had the real, log burning fire going.

We all got on with opening our presents. Rory and Connor were very impressed with the playsations that Gary and I had both them, plus the fifty inch plasma screens so that they could really enjoy playing the games. Connor did say that we should have just bought them one as a joint present but Gary pointed out that they could leave one here at the house in the Hamptons and then have the other one at the family home in New York. For Ricky, Gary and I had bought a couple of life size robots. One was a boxer and the other one was modelled on Homer Simpson. He thought that they were really cool. Watching Ricky open his presents was kind of funny. If it was a toy or something that he could play with, he would spend sometime really looking at and studying it. If it was clothes, they would get tossed onto a small pile with Ricky saying, “more wubbish.”

As for me, I got some new software instruments, upgrades to newer versions of some the creation and production software that I used and loads of clothes. Gary got a similar selection of presents. We hadn't actually bought anything for each other as we had decided that we would take advantage of the post Xmas sales in New York to buy each others gifts.

We had all opened our presents, when Connor handed Gary and I identical sized packages, “We hope you like them, dad picked them up for us when he was in London a few weeks ago,” He said.

We opened them and were very pleased to find that we each had one of the new Apple iPhones, which we had been thinking of getting anyway. We just had to finish setting them up, which you could do on line and so we decided that we would do it after breakfast. The last gifts that we received were from Bill and Terri. They gave Gary a selection of gift vouchers for various stores in New York and I was very impressed with the new computer that they had got for me. This was the new Apple MacBook Air. I went and shook hands with uncle Bill and gave Terri a kiss on the cheek and said, “thanks, I was looking at getting one of these for school, it's a great present.”

Once all the presents had been opened, it looked as if there had been a major disaster with all the discarded wrapping paper and boxes just randomly thrown anywhere.

“OK guys,” Terri said, “Breakfast will be ready in forty minutes so go and get showered and dressed.

I was going to need to help with getting a bath but Connor seemed to have plenty of ideas on that. he said that you would wash my hair and that while he was doing that Gary could run the bath and then take a shower. Rory said that he would take a shower with Ricky to save a lot of. My cousins seemed to have everything planned with military precision. It was about thirty five minutes later when I walked in to the dining room for breakfast. I was soon joined by Ricky and his tummy was growling.

"Sounds like someone is hungry," I said.

"Yeah, I'm weady for bweakfast," was his response.

Mum and Terry had really gone to town with breakfast. There was absolutely masses of food, including pancakes, crispy bacon, sausages, blueberry and chocolate muffins, waffles, scrambled eggs and a couple of big platters of fresh fruit.

We were soon joined by Rory, Gary, my aunt, uncle mum and dad. As we began to fill our plates, Ricky asked, “So why didn't Gemma get any pwesents?”

“She did but she was asleep and, well, she is only four months old and a little too young to really understand what is going on,” Gary responded.

“Maybe you could help to open her presents after breakfast,” mum suggested.

“Yeah, kewl,” Ricky said as he shoved another fork full of scrambled eggs into his mouth.

Over breakfast we all seemed to have our own little conversations going on. Dad was finding out why Bill had been in London. It turned out that Bill and some off his friends had flown over for the Led Zeppelin concert. Dad did say that Bill should have let him know and they could have met up for a few beers. Bill explained that they had taken the over night flight from JFK to Heathrow and that by the time they got to the hotel, they had time for lunch and then to get to the O2 Arena. After their overnight stay in London, Bill and his friends had flown straight back to New York. As a result there wouldn't have been time to meet up with dad. Dad also received a phone call from someone and from the sound of things, he wasn't happy about it.

“So who was the call from?” Gary asked.

“A tour promoter in Australia wanting to discuss a few things about the tour that we are lining up for next summer. I told him that it was Xmas day and I was having the day off,” dad said.

“Ww're going to Australia again?” I asked.

“Well, the last tour was so successful that we are planning another one. We are also arranging for you to the A CITY IN CHAOS show in Sydney,” dad informed.

I asked if we would be going to Darwin and told me that we would be. It would be really cool to meet up with Adam again.

Of course, Ricky asked, “Daddy, can we go Awstwalia?”

“I think we can arrange it,” Bill said. “Phil, you'll have to let me know all the dates when you have them finalised, so that I can make the arrangements to bring my rabble over to Australia for the tour.”

“Sure thing,” dad responded.

It was at this point that we heard Gary and I mentioned on the radio. There was total silence when Hank played the song that I had requested. Once it had finished, Terri asked, “So when did you arrange that?”

“Oh, we met Hank in the coffee shop yesterday. We got talking and I asked him if he would play that song. It just sums up how I feel about my whole family,” I said.

“Well it was a great choice of song, “ Terri said, “ and we all love you JUST THE WAY YOU ARE.”

WE had all nearly finished eating breakfast. Connor wanted to know if I had ever been in trouble at school. I told him about the week long exclusion I had been given the year before when I broke the nose of a boy who was bullying my friend, Callum. The only other time was when I was the soloist at the Xmas concert in my first year at the school. I was singing OH COME ALL YE FAITHFUL. Before I went on, Steve and Chris had suggested that I sing the opening lines as follows;

Oh come all ye faithful

Teachers are disgraceful!

The outcome of the whole thing had been that I was given three days detention. Mum and dad (as in my biological parents) had not been mad at me. In fact, they found the whole thing really amusing.

“I remember that,” mum said, “we attended the concert that night. Phil and I had a real good laugh about the whole thing in the car on the way home.”

“I would have cracked up with laughter,” Conner said.

“I remember that night really well,” dad said, “Jason just stood there looking all angelic and carried on singing. It was a perfect performance.”

Gary offered to to do the clearing up after breakfast but Terri wouldn't hear of it. She told Gary that he should just have some fun with the rest of us. Rory and Connor went off to set up one the playstations in the basement. Dad and Bill tried to sneak off but they got told, in no uncertain terms by mum and Terri, that they had to do the clear up after breakfast and that once they had done that, they had to peel the potatoes and prepare the rest of the veg ready for dinner. Neither of them looked too happy but they didn't argue. Ricky and mum went off to get Gemma and open her presents. Gary and I got my new laptop so that we could get on line to register our new phones. Bill had said that we could use the computer in his office but I told him that Rory had given me the login details for the wireless network that was set up in the house. We also checked our e-mails. There was one from Adam and he was really excited about his first Xmas with his boyfriend Alan. We also had one from Dane and Colt in Iowa. Joel, Alex, Dave and Dustin had also e-mailed us to wish us a happy Xmas. It was as we were finishing up that I got my first call of the day. It was from Nigel, the boy we had met as a result of the TV phone in many months ago.

“Hi and a merry Xmas to you Nigel,” I said as I answered the call.

“And merry Xmas to you as well, Jason,” Nigel said. “So what are you up to?”

“We just finished breakfast,” I replied.

“It's three in the afternoon, a bit late for breakfast,” Nigel said, sounding somewhat puzzled.

“Remember me telling you that I was spending Xmas in America with my aunt and uncle? Well, it's just after ten in the morning over here,” I said.

“Oh, yeah, I remember now. And thanks for the present, I really liked it but sorry that I didn't get anything for you or Gary,” Nigel said, sounding a little sad.

“Don't worry about it, I got more than my share of presents,” I responded.

We talked for another ten minutes, mainly about the presents that we got and how our lives were going. Nigel told me that he was going to be starting at a new boarding school for gay boys that his foster parents had found out about. In many ways he was looking forward to going there as it would mean that he would be around other like minded people. He was also hoping to find a boyfriend but I told him that he shouldn't rush things.

After finishing the call I headed down to the basement to join my cousins. Ricky was playing with some of his new toys and seemed oblivious to everything else that was going on around him. Rory, Connor and Gary were playing a car racing game on the playstation and Gary was winning. “that's because he knows all the cheats,” I said. “But you'll find out about those the more you play the game.”

“You have to try out that rollercoaster software that Rory got,” Connor said, “it's awesome.”

The software actually contained around 100 rides but you could also design your own. When you wanted to try of the rides, you put on a special helmet and it actually felt as if you were actually on the ride. As Connor had said, it was awesome. My morning was constantly interrupted by numerous calls. I spoke to Keith, Steve and Chris called and I also had a call from His Royal Hinney, Cullen but I did get to speak to his side kick, Cecil. Cullen told me that him and his uncle Chris would be making there usual Xmas trip to England to see his parents. Cullen was a little sad that we were in America and that he wouldn't be able to see us whilst he was England, more than that, this would be the last time that he made the trip, due to the fact that by Xmas 2008 he would be King Cullen Munedy. From the tone of his voice as we spoke, I think he was quite excited about the coronation. It was due to take place on the day of his 17th birthday and he told me that once all the formalities were over, there would be a private birthday for both him and me. I told him that I didn't want anything as outrageous as we had had in Las Vegas. Cullen said that he was not making any promises about it just being a quiet affair. We both laughed when he said that.

Steve and Chris were having a great Xmas. They also told me that they had bought a disused church in Wales that they were going to turn into a weekend retreat for the band and that it would be complete with a recording studio. It sound really cool. Chris and Steve and their families were going out for lunch at a local restaurant, along with Carla and Kate and their parents. Keith also called and he was having a fantastic time and said that he was really getting to grips with the skiing. He did keep apologising about my arm and saying that it was his fault. I told him that he should stop feeling so guilty about it. After all, he hadn't actually forced me to climb that damn tree.

About one thirty, aunt Terri made us all sandwiched and hot chocolate. Despite the fact that we had had such a big breakfast, Terri said that she was well aware of the fact that we were all teenagers and that she was well aware of the fact that we just had bottomless pits in place of stomachs. Terri also added, that despite being a lot younger than the rest of us, Ricky was just as bad.

Once we had eaten, Ricky asked, “Anyone wanna watch my Wataouille DVD?”

“Yeah, I'll watch it with you,” I said.

After watching the movie, Ricky decided that he was going to take a nap but he did say that we had to make sure that he was awake in time for dinner.

“Seeing as how you woke up everyone up so early, we'll wake you after dinner,” Rory said.

“Dats' not nice,” Ricky said

“I agree with Rory,” Gary added.

“Carry on like that and there'll be no cuddles for you tonight,” I said.

Once Ricky had gone off for his nap, the rest of us settled down to watch THE SIMPSONS MOVIE and it was totally hilarious. By this time it was late afternoon and Terri said that dinner would be ready at about six. It was also at around this time that Liam called. He too was having a fabulous Xmas. He had spent part of the day with his grandparents, aunt, uncle and cousins and was now on his way to Nicks house for dinner with Kim, Dean and Nick. We talked about all the presents that we had got and the activities that we had been getting up to all day. Liam said that him, his dad and Neil would be spending the night at Nicks house, which Liam was looking forward to. He was definitely a much different person than he had been two years ago. Back then he had been so shy and reserved but now he just exploded with confidence. We did get a little melancholy during the call as we both missed our mums. They do say that time is a great healer but something like losing parent always hurts. With time, it becomes less painful but it still hurts.

I also called my grandparents. They had just had a quiet day with Carol. She would be seeing her two sons and their families for the new year but they had other commitments for Xmas. Grandma thanked me for the present. This year I had bought them a holiday home in Dubai. I did admit tho' that I had ulterior motives for all these extravagant gifts that I kept giving them. As Jamie and I were my grandparents only living relatives, we would get everything in the event of anything happening to granddad and grandma, so I was investing for our future, not that I really needed the money but that is how it was. On the subject of Jamie, Bill had asked me if I was certain that he was my half brother. Dad explained that he had insisted on us taking DNA tests when Jamie first showed and the results of the tests more or less proved that we were related. Besides, you only had to see the two of us together and you could see that Jamie was almost an older version of me.

As we talking with my grandparents and Carol, Ricky came strolling in to the family room dragging one of his teddy bears and rubbing his eyes but he looked refreshed.

“Is dinner weady yet?” He asked.

“It'll be about ten minutes,” Bill said.

Dinner was fantastic, We had s election of Italian antipasto which was followed by a Clam Chowder. The main event was a huge Roast Rib Of beef. Being in America, I could understand why there was no turkey. Turkey is what the Americans' have for Thanksgiving and that had been about three weeks ago. Mum had brought a Xmas pudding with her. Rory, Connor and Ricky were unsure about eating this at first but when they were told that there may be some money in it they tucked with great relish. Of course, once they found the money, they decided that they didn't like Xmas pudding after all.

After dinner we chilled out and listened to some music. It had been a great day but we were all very tired by the time we went to bed and that was all down to Ricky. Well, he was the one who had everyone awake so early but I still loved the little guy.

End Of Chapter 55!!!!!!

Sorry that this has taken so long but I have had some major health issues to deal with and have been quite ill. Anyway, I hope that you enjoyed this chapter and don't forget to drop me a line at

Until next time, take care.

Lol Paul........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)

Next: Chapter 58

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