Safari Nights

By Benzedrine Bedlam

Published on Jun 27, 2002


This story is fictional, and as such does not practice safe sex. Life isn't always so simple.

I'd love to hear your comments on this story, as always, email me at:

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Safari Nights

As the jeep bumped along the dirt track, we bounced around on the hard seats; I winced as we hit a particularly big pothole. Our driver pointed out of his window at a bird on a distant tree.

"Green bee-eater." He said, I mentally clocked it as the 112th green bee-eater of the afternoon. I grinned, it wasn't the birds we were here for, this was billed as tiger country, although apparently we were in the wrong season. I was a bit puzzled that tigers were seasonal (did the migrate, and if so where to?) But we had been told that we were unlikely to see any in the wild. However, the other wildlife and especially the prospect of wild elephants was more than enough to lure me into the nature reserve.

I was sat in the ancient, bumping jeep next to an attractive silver haired lady, she and her husband were celebrating recent retirement with a trip to India, she chatted amiably as we drove deeper into the reserve.

"We didn't want to go on one of those 'old- folks' holidays, you know the type, where they put you all in matching t-shirts and won't let you out without a guide to nanny the poor decrepit tourists! Simply awful," she giggled, "wouldn't you agree?" She asked, looking enquiringly at Julius.

Julius. We had met in the rest house just outside the nature reserve, it was the only guest house near to Shivpuri reserve, and should have been bulging with tourists I could hook up with. Being a lone traveller has its problems as I was beginning to find out. Finding the rest house almost deserted ("wrong season" I was laconically informed) I was beginning to worry that I would have to either fork out for the jeep just for myself, or forgo the reserve. I didn't relish either prospect. The couple had arrived the next morning, and had agreed to share a jeep with me, although I might feel a bit of a lemon with only a couple older than my parents for company, Maggie and Toby seemed nice and tried their best to put me at my ease. I thought my salvation had come when I heard a voice asking about jeep tours in the reception that evening. To my horror, I heard Maggie directing him to me.

"Chris has organised it all, but I'm sure we will have another place for you, he's in room 17"

Moments later I heard the knock at my door.

"Hello, dear, this is Julius, can he join us tomorrow, I do hope it's alright Chris, the bungalow has space for 4"

"Bungalow?" The newcomer enquired. Maggie was explaining the particulars of our trip, but I barely heard her, the words floated over me as I drank in the sight of the man before me. He was tall, very tall, I'm no slouch but this guy towered over me, my eye level was at his shoulder, I stared at it, huge, round muscles.

His chest filled the olive green vest he wore, the fabric damp with sweat, clung to his body - moving gently with each breath he took. Over one shoulder was slung a large backpack, the man appeared not to notice its weight, although my own was as large, I carried it only under duress and dropped it down to the uncomplaining floor at the first opportunity; Julius stood straight as if he did not even feel the weight. The impressive chest was supported by equally large legs, I could see the massive thigh muscles even through the thick fabric of his dirty jeans. Julius shifted his weight slightly, leading my gaze down to the muddy hiking boots laced around his feet.

"Boots, kid." He told me, telling me what it was I had been caught studying. "You'll want a pair tomorrow - don't want to go walking through the bush in sandals." he said, looking at my own footwear.

As he spoke I heard the Australian twang in his voice, I pictured him trekking in the deserted outback. Looking up, seeing the amused twinkle in his eye, I felt my cheeks flush. Mortified at my body's betrayal of my embarrassment, I could not help by blush deeper. Terrified that Julius would make some joke - "hey turn off the lights, Chris is here!" etc, I had heard them all; I prepared to flee, but Julius merely winked - now what did that mean?

"Chris, Chris?" I returned my attention to Maggie, so Julius will come along with us in the morning?"

"Oh, yes" I replied breathily.

We had set off as the sun rose, the jeep bouncing us about on the uneven roads, Maggie was chirpy and bright, although Toby seemed a bit subdued by the early hour. Myself I was exhausted, my dreams had been haunted by a blond giant and I felt like I had hardly slept. Julius was silent and looked exactly as he had the night before, ready for anything.

We were tossed together in the jeep as the sun climbed into the clear tropical sky. The jeep bounced over a pothole causing my knee to brush against Julius' thigh, I looked up but Julius was staring out of the window, unconcerned. The park was more popular than I had initially thought, although I had had difficulty finding other tourists to share my jeep, there was no shortage of vehicles in the park, jeeps, trucks, busses, and cars stuffed with large families, small children squashed against the windows, leaving sticky smears with toffee fingers.

The two jeeps in front of ours stopped at a junction in the trees, we could see the tourists leaning over to look out of one side of the vehicle, our own driver slowed to a halt behind them, scanning the bushes, he pointed animatedly to a clump of trees. Peering through the foliage I was at a loss as to what the excitement was about, until a large lump of the landscape moved! I realised I was looking at an elephant's bum, so perfectly camouflaged I had not seen it until it moved.

As we pulled off, heading deeper into the reserve, I smiled to myself, thinking of what Julie et al were missing. We had all set off from home together, the five of us, Julie, Allan, Hamish and Sylvie, like the famous five, we had laughed. Looking back, we had been as green as the Blyton joke suggested. Out of my group of school friends 8 wanted to go on the gap year trip, but the other three dropped out. Back in England, India had sounded so exotic, distant and exciting. The reality had rather more to do with dirt, food poisoning and abject poverty. The stresses of travel had taken their toll on the little group's psychological health as well as its physical well being.

Allan and Sylvie had shacked up almost immediately, much to Julie's disgust. Sylvie was her best friend, and had simply ditched her in favour of her new bloke. Julie took to arguing, and as Sylvie and Allan quickly made themselves scarce, she yelled at Hamish, at me, at the world. She argued over the choice of hostel, destination, what to visit, when to visit it, oh shit, everything. In the end I decided to go off alone, best decision I ever made I told myself.

Still, it left me alone, which was not always the happy state I had envisaged, as was illustrated by this trip. Although I had found other tourists to share the jeep with, it had not worked out quite the way I had imagined. In my mind, on the 32 hour (yes a day and a half!) train journey to get here, I had played in my head the scene, where I would arrive at the guest house, and find a ready-made group of friends, we'd see the reserve together, and get on so well, we would travel on together. In my dreams, the perfect friends would be tall, and good looking, with just a light graze of stubble...

A hand waved directly before my face, I jumped, returning from my daydream with a jolt. Julius was grinning at me.

"Hey, kid, don't go to sleep, this is the big attraction." He said, adjusting his pose on the seat opposite me, Julius seemed to be displaying his big body, lounging on the bench, his arms along the back of the seat, pulling the muscles of his chest taut. I could see his pecs straining against the cotton of his shirt. The jeep was filled with his presence. Despite the bouncing, Julius seemed utterly at ease, the sort of man who would look cool in a firestorm.

"Huh? What attraction?" I pulled my attention back to the scenery outside the jeep.

Julius pointed over my shoulder, I turned to look in the direction he was indicating. A peacock was strutting its stuff, its tail trailing in the dry dust. A pair of peahens emerged from the bushes, seeing them, the peacock lifted and opened its magnificent tail, displaying its colours for the hens to see. The peahens barely looked up, pecking their way into the bushes, they disappeared from sight. The cock ruffled its tail, staring after the birds, then folded up its show and stalked off.

"Women, huh!" Toby exclaimed.

"Probably lesbians." Julius said dryly, "What do you reckon, Chris, can you have a gay bird?" The corners of his mouth were twitching in amusement. As he drew out the word 'gay', I could feel his eyes looking over my body, and coming to rest at my crotch. What was he doing! I felt myself responding to his scrutiny, and panic rose in direct proportion. Julius removed his gaze, returning it to the wildlife outside the jeep, as I felt the weight of his inspection removed I breathed easily again. Was it in my head, or was he coming on to me? Maybe he was just on to me, and laughing at my attempts to hide my attraction. Shit! I must be so obvious to him, blushing every time he looks at me.

I wondered about Julius - what he was doing here, whether he was travelling like me? If so, why was he alone, my eyes bored into his chest, watching the play of the muscles under the thin shirt. Our jeep pulled over and came to a halt, the driver stopped the engine and climbed out of the cab; he told us to get out and he would show us crocodiles in the river. As we followed him down the rutted track the Indian stopped, and pointed up a tree.

"Great Crested Grebe!" he exclaimed.

Maggie and Toby joined in, pointing up at the tree. I looked, but could see only leaves. An arm appeared from behind my right shoulder, jumping, I turned my head to see Julius looking down at me. In his right hand he held a pair of binoculars, with his left, he turned my head to the tree. Julius clamped the binoculars to my eyes and his chest to my back. He guided my eyes towards the Grebe. It sat in the tree, perched elegantly on its branch, I watched it as Julius ran his hand up my arm. The bird ruffled its feathers, my skin prickled as Julius clamped his hand on my shoulder. As we watched the bird preen its feathers my heart pounded. I could feel the heat of Julius' body searing my back, constricting my breath and sending shivers of sensation to my cock. Preparing to leave its perch, the bird stretched its wings, I felt his hot breath on my neck, the bird launched itself from the tree - Julius withdrew from me, taking both his binoculars and his presence.

"Show's over kid." He smiled at me, his face amused at my confusion. The guide was already walking ahead.

"Come, I will show you the river now, many more animals to see." He promised.

"Better take a dip in that river, kid, might take the swelling down." Julius was looking pointedly at my crotch. Horrified I looked down, only to see that Julius was teasing me, my erection was safely hidden within the tight shorts I had put on beneath loose combat pants. I stared after him as he hiked off towards the river, was he winding me up? My attraction to him must be obvious after all, what must he think of me? Was he toying with me or coming on to me?

"Are you coming dear?" Maggie took my arm and led me off after the rest of the group. Cumming. I will be, Maggie, if Julius keeps this up.

The river turned out to be a muddy creek, about 20 yards across. As I looked, I realised with growing wonder the log floating a few feet away was actually a crocodile. The creature raised up in the water a little, and revealed itself to be at least 12 feet long.

"You maybe want to move away from the edge a little, kid." Julius said. "Never know when one of these crocs will turn on you."

I looked at Julius, thinking he was taking the piss again, but his face was serious. I scampered back away from the waters edge. As I did so, a crocodile, not quite so large, but big enough, swam towards our little group and began to crawl ashore. Maggie yelped, as she scurried back to where Toby was standing. The crocodile, disturbed by our noisy behaviour, returned to its river.

"Ow, oh, oh!" Maggie cried in pain, Toby held her arm as she stood awkwardly, balancing herself on one foot.

"Are you alright, Maggie?" Julius asked, approaching her with concern writ in his face.

"Just a twisted ankle, dear." She said, biting her lip. Julius bent down to tend her injury, Maggie winced as he gently loosened her shoe.

"You're not going to operate I hope Julius?" Toby asked, trying to be jocular, but his face was covered with concern for his wife.

"No, just a bit of field first aid." The Australian smiled. "Can you put any weight on it?" He asked Maggie. She tentatively put her foot down, but immediately cried out.

"Never mind, then." Julius said as he stood. He held out his arms to Maggie, and lifted her as if she were a child. I felt a sharp pang seeing the woman in his arms, and realised with shame that it was pure jealousy.

Our driver and guide led the way back to the jeep. Julius strode after him, his back held straight, the load as nothing to him. Toby trotted beside him, I brought up the rear. >From behind Julius, I could see the play of his muscles beneath his trousers. His ass was firm and round - I watched it moving with each stride. His firm body was perfectly honed, not an ounce of fat to be seen. I wondered if his belly would be ridged with a six-pack, I imagined it beneath my fingers, how he would shiver gently at my touch, would he sigh as I stroked up his chest, moan as I brushed his nipples? Just as my fevered imagination began to run riot, Julius turned his head to stare at me. His lips curled in a little smirk. He knew I had been checking him out!

Hope you liked the tale, part 2 out very soon, in the mean time please let me know what you thought.


Next: Chapter 2

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