Safari Nights

By Benzedrine Bedlam

Published on Jul 10, 2002


This story does not practice safe sex, life is rarely so simple, so please play safe.

I would love to hear what you think of the story, I reply to all my emails so please write and make my day.

Hope you enjoy the story,


Safari Nights Part 2

We were all a little subdued as we returned to the jeep. Julius climbed up first, placing Maggie gently on the seat. Toby clambered in after him, taking a seat next to his wife. I jumped up last, and took the remaining seat next to Julius. Maggie looked pale, but was putting a brave face on, refusing to give in to her husband's fussing.

"It's only a little twist!" She told him. "I won't die."

"You should let him pamper you," Julius beamed at her. What I wouldn't do to have Julius beam at me.

"Enjoy it, Maggie," I said. "No one ever pampers me."

Julius looked at me, his eyebrows raised, then looked away smiling. I wished, not for the first time, I could read what was in his head.

The jeep's engine coughed then, cutting off any further conversation. After several attempts the ancient vehicle spluttered into life, and we drove off, with the driver explaining how he would find more elephants for us.

We headed off into a more forested area of the park. Julius stared out of the open side of the jeep, his arm raised to hold the binoculars to his eyes. His body was twisted, presenting me with a view of his back, beneath the olive green fabric his broad shoulders tapered to his waist, cinched by a leather belt holding up dusty black jeans. The arm holding the binoculars to his face was exposed, his shirt sleeve rolled up to show the bulge of his bicep; his arm was tanned and dusted with blonde hair, my eye was drawn to a jagged scar winding down his forearm, my throat constricted at the thought of Julius in pain.

Julius put his binoculars down, and nudged me.

"Elephants." He said, pointing across a shallow stretch of water. Looking up, I saw that there were indeed elephants. Julius had not turned round as he spoke to me, I could not tell him that the elephants no longer held any fascination for me, that the only creature I wanted to see more of was him. The jeep skirted the lagoon, drawing closer to the mammoth beasts. As we crept closer, we automatically quietened, despite the fact that the jeep's engine was making far more noise than out voices. We stopped mere yards from the group of three elephants, separated only by a thin screen of trees. Julius turned to afford a better view, his movement also improved my scenery.

From his new position, I could see Julius' face, strong bones defined its shape, square jaw line and straight, slightly over-large nose giving the face a determined character. His eyes were shaded by bushy blonde eyebrows. The laughter lines at the corners of his cool blue eyes were generous, softening the otherwise rather formidable appearance.

Julius ran his tongue over his lips, they looked so different to the rest of him -- soft, pink and plump, I stared at them, my mind in turmoil. I knew now I wanted Julius, and wanted him bad. As I studied his mouth mine went dry, imagining those lips upon my flesh, kissing my chest, my face, my lips. As my fantasised kiss deepened into a passionate, hungry snog I felt a reaction in my pants, lost in my day-dream I did nothing to stop the growing erection, I could only gaze at Julius. He turned suddenly to face me. Our eyes met. I was not sure what I saw in those eyes, they seemed to be questioning. Flustered, I looked away, unsure what Julius was asking, I had no reply.

The elephants sauntered off from their spot near the water, moving deeper into the forested area around the lake. The other jeeps stopped for the view pulled off. The driver turned the ignition, causing the jeep to make nasty complaining noise. He tried again, revving the engine. Smoke poured out of the exhaust, Maggie coughed as it floated over us. The driver kept trying the engine, pumping hard on the accelerator in an attempt to get the engine to catch. The noise of the old jeep echoed through the trees.

"We've probably frightened every animal in North India away." I commented.

"Wildlife or not, we're attracting a crowd." Toby said.

Just as we had stopped to see what other jeeps were looking at, several vehicles had pulled up near to ours, trying to find the attraction.

"They want to know what marvellous sight we are stopped for, and here we are -- broken down!" Toby said, looking at the newly arrived jeep.

"There! There!" I yelled, pointing excitedly at a large rock.

"You gone mad, boy?" Julius frowned at me.

"It's a Rock-beast!" I grinned at him.

"Sick, kid. Sick!" He shook his head at me, but he was suppressing a grin.

Just then the jeep roared into life, coughing more smoke from its exhaust. We pulled off, leaving the other jeep to figure out the attraction of the stony wildlife.

"We will be heading for the bungalow now." Our driver informed us, turning off onto a smaller, rutted track. We bumped along in silence for a while, each of us lost in thought. Maggie sighed, her face was creased with a frown of pain.

"I'm not sure if we should stay tonight, dear." Toby said, looking at Maggie. "You look as if you could do with your home comforts."

"Well, I don't want to spoil the fun Toby, but I am feeling a bit drained."

"You two could go back to the guest house tonight, Chris and I can still stay in the bungalow." Julius said, taking charge of the situation. "Can you do that Mr Niyaz?" He leaned over to ask the driver.

"Yes, yes, certainly Sir. I will be staying also at the guest house, and return for you tomorrow morning, 6 'o' clock. Yes?"

"Make it 8 huh?" I cut in, "One dawn rising a week is quite enough for me!"

"Quite right, Chris -- I think we'll pass on tomorrow. What do you think dear?" Toby asked his wife.

"Yes, we'll leave you young boys to yourselves tomorrow." Maggie grinned at me, and bizarrely, winked. Was I the only one not in on the plot?

We arrived at the bungalow a short while later. The jeep drove off taking Maggie and Toby back to the relative comforts of the guest house, and leaving Julius and I standing alone on the dusty path.

"Alone at last" Julius muttered under his breath,

"Sorry? What did you say?"

"Alone, with nature, oh, and you, kid" he replied, and picking up his bag strode into the bungalow.

The building was a low hut, plastered white with crude but colourfully painted motifs lining the door and windows; the effect was simple but surprisingly attractive. Its roof was thatched with palm leaves, giving it a rustic feel, almost as if it were a part of the forest in which it stood. I picked up my bag and followed Julius into the hut. As my eyes adjusted to the gloom inside I could hear Julius moving about in the kitchen.

"Hungry, kid?" He poked his head around the open archway separating the living area from the tiny kitchen. I realised as he spoke that I was starving, my stomach agreed, giving off a loud grumble.

"I guess that's a yes!"

I flushed and turned away from Julius, he returned to the kitchen and began unpacking the bag of supplies we had brought with us. He moved about in the tiny kitchen with ease, he seemed to be so relaxed in every situation. I envied the confidence with which he tackled life. I poked around the little bungalow nervously, unsure if I should unpack, or help what the cooking or what -- I was more than a little nervous about being in so confined a space with this hunk, I was not sure if I was more scared of what he would do -- or what he wouldn't!

"Hey, kid!" Julius called from the kitchen. "How's about giving me a hand in here?"

I scuttled over the doorway, there was barely room for one person to move about, with two it would be rather intimate.

"What do you want me to do?"

His hands full of vegetables, Julius nodded towards the sink. "Wash your hands first, then chop these." He told me.

I dutifully washed up, and began slicing. Julius squashed past me several times, fetching dishes and stirring the food. Each time I would shrink away from him, terrified that if I did not control myself I would betray my lust for him. I couldn't bear the thought of Julius seeing my desire and rejecting me in disgust.

"Hey kid, I'm not contagious you know!" He scolded me after one such passing.

"Huh . . . ummm -- sorry, I didn't mean . . ." I stammered out -- frustrated by his reproach.

"Calm down Chris, I was kidding -- I know this kitchen wasn't built for two." He smiled at me, and my world lit up.

"Here, have a beer and go sit down, we're done in here now." Julius took two beers from the bag and led me out of the kitchen. I followed him out on the veranda and we relaxed in rush chairs, sipping beer while the dinner cooked. We sat in silence for a while, each lost in thought, I was glad of the peace, the stress of the day was getting to me, and I realised I was exhausted.

After half an hour or so, Julius got up, he returned a few minutes later with two plates of food, setting them on a small table, he went back inside and came back with cutlery and more cans of beer. We tucked into both with healthy appetites.

Once dinner was dealt with I took our plates into the bungalow, Julius remained outside, watching the setting sun, I looked at him for a moment from the doorway. His face was so grave, I wondered at it -- how could he be so carefree, and yet so confident? There was a mystery with this man and I wondered suddenly if I would ever be allowed to unravel it.

Julius followed me into the kitchen after a while. He leaned against the counter, watching me clean; his presence unnerved me.

"Dinner was good Julius, where did you learn to cook?"

"A man of many talents, me."

"What are your other talents?" I pushed him, I knew nothing about this man and felt a sudden need to understand him.

"I also make beds, so I'll get to ours." He said, turning from me and leaving me alone with the dirty pots.

I resumed stacking the dishes in the sink and boiled water to wash them with. I wiggled my shoulders, my back and neck were all cricked up after the long day bouncing in the jeep. I could hear Julius singing, loudly and off-key, I grinned, how could he be so relaxed? The singing grew louder as Julius entered the tiny kitchen,

"I set both our bunks up in one room, there's gremlins in the other"

"What?" I said, turning around to face him

"Gremlins, you know, nasty critters," he grinned at my face, which was portraying something between scepticism and terror. I turned my attention back to the washing up.

"Nah, only kidding, kid, but you never know what will go bump in the night." as he said this, I felt something land on my shoulder,

"Agghh! What was that?" I shrieked jumping about 2 feet straight up.

"Oh, that was priceless!" Julius cried. revealing a truly cruel streak, he had gently tapped my shoulder in a perfect creepy-crawly manner. He laughed at me unrepentantly as he watched me finish my chores. His body dominating the room as he lounged in the doorway. As I was finishing up a gecko scuttled out of its hiding place, with my nerves already on a knife edge, I jumped at the little lizard's sudden appearance.

"Jeez, you're as nervous as a kitten." Julius came over to me, and wrapped his big arms around me, taking the dish I was holding from my suddenly nerveless hands.

"Leave it now Chris, you're shattered, come and sit down."

I let him lead me into the bedroom, he had made up the beds with the sheets we had brought with us, the two narrow beds had mosquito nets tied above them, just clearing my head as Julius sat me down on one of them.

"Relax." he grinned at me, "Undress, I'll see if the shower works."

I obeyed Julius, I was really quite tired, but when I removed my boots I realised I needed a shower at least as much as Julius. Allowing myself a moment of weakness, I lay back on the bed, and pictured him in the shower. He was singing again, a warbling off-key singing, he seemed so full of confidence, of life. I wished for a moment I could be like that, just live for the moment rather than planning, analysing every move, every decision, till my opportunity passed. I wondered what Julius would look like naked, oh god, where am I going? My fevered imagination was fleshing out that brash voice with firm muscles, hard naked flesh I wondered if he would have a tan line on his ass, where would it be? How low, how high? I pictured his body, hairy legs rising to... oh god!

"Your turn, kid." Julius interrupted my reverie. I sat up, blushing, and in my confusion tripped over my own feet, Julius reached out to steady me, dropping the bundle of clothes he was carrying. As the skimpy towel slipped from his hips, I gasped and ran for the bathroom. As I scarpered I caught only a glimpse of his manhood, and his knowing smile.

The shower was refreshing after the intense, dry heat of the day. I luxuriated in the spay of cool water, my mind clearing. The tension of the day had begun to get to me and I felt my shoulders knotted with stress. I dried off and quickly shrugged on clean shorts and t-shirt, when I returned to the small bedroom, I found Julius sitting on his bed poring over a map of the reserve, he set it down as I walked past him and sat on my own bed. I sighed and wiggled my shoulders to try to smooth out the knots before I went to bed, but Julius' presence made this futile. I laid down on the bed, staring at the mosquito net swinging lazily above me.

I tossed around the bed, unwilling to look at Julius, unable to rest. His presence in the room was as tangible as the mosquito netting, stifling me as much as it stimulated. I wriggled some more, the coolness of my shower was lost to the tropical air now -- I felt hot, sticky and stressed.

"Jeez, do you ever relax?"

I looked at Julius, "What do you mean?"

"Wriggling and sighing. I can't sleep with someone so damn tense."

"Sorry." I sat up, staring at the rumpled bedclothes. Julius sighed, I heard the springs of his bed creak as he rose. I felt his presence behind me.

"Chris, I'm sorry." He said gently, then laughed, "I've just made you more stressed now."

I turned to look at him. He was wearing only a pair of black shorts, his naked chest was shadowed in the low light, giving a stark chiaroscuro effect of glowing rounded muscles and dark shadows. Between his nipples was a light dusting of blonde hair, leading down in a line which disappeared beneath the waistband of his shorts. I looked up to Julius' face. Framed with unruly blonde locks, it ought to look pretty, the features were so fine -- but Julius wore an expression too determined for such frivolous beauty. I wondered what he would look like when he slept.

Cool, blue eyes looked back at me. I perceived then that Julius had been pretty once, the hardness in his face now was the result of life -- and whatever it had thrown at him. Julius seemed to tire of my inspection then; he turned me around, and began to massage my stiff shoulders, kneading the knots with large skilful hands.

"You're stiff as a board, kid."

"It's been a long day." I said, trying not to moan too obviously.

"Take your shirt off." He told me. "It's too damn hot for pyjamas anyway."

I obeyed him, pulling the t-shirt over my head, eager to feel his hands on my naked flesh. As I did, Julius reached over to his bag, after rummaging for a moment, he pulled out a bottle of sun tan oil. He pushed me down onto the bed, so I lay on my stomach, and sat down beside me.

He rubbed his hands over my back, smoothing the knots out with warm strokes. I jumped and gasped slightly as he poured the warm oil over my back. His gentle strokes became firmer as he worked the oil into my skin, massaging my neck and shoulders.

"Ahhh, that feels nice." I sighed. As I let out a satisfied "mmmm." I wondered if I was enjoying this a bit too much. What if he just wants me to stop being tense. Of course I tensed up immediately this thought hit me.

"What are you thinking, kid? Freezing up on me like that."

"Umm, I was . . ." He moved to straddle me, his knees either side of my hips, his ass resting on my thighs.

"Thinking too much Chris, that's what. Relax, enjoy it, I won't do anything you don't want."

His hands kneading my shoulders moving down, stroking my lower back. I felt him shuffle down the bed, his hands now stroking my ass over my shorts, long smooth strokes. I felt a sudden surge of enlightenment -- Julius wanted me, as much as I wanted him!

The tension which had been melting out of me under Julius' ministrations, began to build again -- but this time its focus was not my back, but my cock. I could feel it hard against the bed, straining for attention. Julius worked his fingers over my cheeks, each time stroking deeper into my crack. Losing my inhibitions I pushed up against his caresses.

"Oh, yeah, that's my boy." He breathed. "You love it don't you?"

"Oh, yes." I gasped, my senses reeling.

Julius pulled at the waistband of my shorts, pulling them over my hips and down my legs, he threw them to the floor. Returning his attention to my ass, he grasped firmly and pulled the cheeks apart. Feeling something warm and wet on my pucker, I gasped loudly.

"Oooh, Julius, oh yes!" I moaned. He chuckled and intensified his rimming, lapping at my twitching hole.

"I never imagined . . . Ahh, mmmm. It would be so good, oooo, oh, oh -- yes!" I cried as Julius slid a finger into my ass. My eyes bugged out and my breaths came in gasps as he pushed deeper. The sensations he was causing shot out of my ass, sending shivers all over my body. Julius laughed then, at my whimper of disappointment as he withdrew his finger. I saw him reach for the bottle of sun oil, felt him apply it generously to my ass, and then push two fingers into my chute. I moaned a little, in discomfort as his big fingers stretched my virgin hole.

"Ok kid?" He sounded concerned. "First time, huh?" It was not so much a question, as a statement, so I did not reply. "Don't worry, I'll be gentle." He promised.

He laid his body alongside mine, and began to nibble at my shoulder, biting me gently as he worked his fingers deeper into my ass.

"Ahh, fuck, yes, oh, YES!" I yelled and bucked against Julius. "Do it again, oh god! Oh please. Mmm, ah . . . What was that?"

"What, that?"

"Urghhh! Oh oh fuck, fuck me, yes yes!"

"That's your prostate kid," he whispered in my ear. "You like?" He said as he stroked my button again, sending me yelling higher into ecstatic bliss.

Julius began to work his fingers inside me, fucking me with them. I struggled to get to my knees, my cock, trapped beneath my body so hard it hurt. Julius restrained me, gently but firmly. He removed his hand and I felt him climb astride me once more. He had removed his shorts and I felt his naked ass on my thighs, his balls, heavy with cum dangled on my legs. Julius laid down on top of me and began to kiss my neck, little kisses, just enough to feel them tickling my skin, sending shivers down my spine. I could feel Julius' cock now, resting against my crack, feel its throbbing as an echo of my own cock's beat -- as if we were one being, pulsing in unison.

"You want this?" He whispered in my ear.

"Oh yes, I want you Julius. I've wanted this from the second I laid eyes on you." I told him.

"Good. 'Cause I want to fuck your hot little hole Chris." As he spoke, he moved his hips, lining his dick up with my hole. "I wanna ream that pretty ass . . ." He worked the head into me. We both moaned. "God you feel good, so hot! I want you bad, boy." He groaned and slid another inch of his fat cock into my chute.

"Oh Julius, do it -- fuck me."

He sighed as he slid his hard tool into me, feeling him bottom out I adjusted myself to the feeling of Julius inside me. My ass felt stretched and full. I could feel my lover's heartbeat within me.

My lover.

"Oh Chris you are so hot -- and tight, god you're tight."

I wiggled my hips a little, driving him deeper into me. He let out a low moan. Experimenting with the new sensation I squeezed a little.

"Oh Fuck! yes! Milk me, oh god -- you're a fucking natural! Mmm, yeah squeeze me, Chris." He cried.

I squeezed my ass muscles again, eliciting another cry from Julius. He began to pull out slowly, as he did so, the head of his big cock brushed that magic spot inside my ass.

"Oh yes, that's so good."

"Keep that up, you'll turn into a cock- junkie." Julius teased me, sliding his dick slowly back into my willing man-hole. He began to pump a little faster, brushing with each stroke the little spot he called my prostate.

"Urgghh- - oh, oh! YES, oh god Julius, that's so . . . I want you now -- fuck me, oh! FUCK ME!" I screamed at him.

"Yeah, that's what you want isn't' it kid? My big, hard cock fucking you. Ramming your tender little ass." Julius gasped, his words punctuated with thrust and groans.

My head was spinning as he fucked me, lost in the sensation I was utterly in Julius' control. He rose to his knees and pulled me to mine. Still locked together we were now in a doggie position which gave Julius more leverage with which to hammer my ass. He began to pump faster, his hands holding my hips still as he slammed me. With every thrust he grunted, pushing his dick deep into my body.

I felt Julius speed up some more, his groans becoming desperate as he strived towards his climax. I felt a tingling in my nuts, and began my own moans, begging Julius to fuck me harder, to make me cum. Julius obliged, leaning back and fucking me for all he was worth.

"Oh yes, Julius, I'm cumming -- fuck me! Make me cum. Oh yes!" I cried as my orgasm hit. I threw my head back and screamed as wave after wave of climax hit me. I was vaguely aware of Julius holding me to him as he filled my ass with his cum.

I felt Julius collapse on my back, the sweat on his chest mingling with that on my back. His chest heaved as he sucked in air, recovering from his exertions. My arms gave way under our combined weight, and we crumpled onto the bed, a tangle of arms, legs and cum. Julius leaned over me, staring into my eyes. He kissed my forehead, very gently, then trailed kisses across my face until he reached my mouth. He placed tiny, teasing kisses on my lips until I pulled him to me. Our mouths met in a deep, hungry kiss.

He began to stoke me, running his hands over my chest and arms, then following with his mouth -- kissing, licking, biting his way down my body. His lips grazed my cock, causing me to shudder as it re-awoke, sending sparks through my body. Julius began to lick the cum from my cock head, his rasping tongue stimulating my cock to full hardness. He stroked my chest and belly with his hands as he pleasured my dick with his mouth. The combination had me moaning within minutes.

Julius' hands moved down to my legs, caressing, then lifting them to expose my now stretched and dripping hole. He moved his body over mine, then leaving my cock, kissed his way up to my face. Julius kissed me deeply as he pushed himself back into my ass. As I was now relaxed and lubricated with the cum of our previous fuck, his dick slid in easily. We sighed in unison as Julius bottomed out.

Our love making was gentler this time, less frenzied. We moved together, our mouths locked together in a passionate kiss. Julius pumped my ass to the rhythm of our hearts, his fat cock filling me in a way I knew I would never tire of. Julius broke our kiss, leaning back on his knees. He began to stroke me, rubbing his hands over my body. It seemed he could not get enough of the feel of my skin. He moved his hands down to my crotch, with one hand he stroked my balls, moving them gently in their sac. With his right hand he grasped my dick, rubbing his hand over it. Julius lifted up my legs, resting them on his shoulders. He held them with his left arm and continued wanking me with his right hand.

Julius fucked me slower, but with more intensity than previously. He pumped with long, sure strokes, hitting each time that special spot in my ass. With his hand on my cock, I soon felt my orgasm building. I began to wriggle against Julius, trying to get more of him. Julius laughed gently, and speeded up, giving me what I craved. He thrust into me, driving me towards my climax. I heard Julius moans mingling with mine, and knew he was close too.

I cried and moaned as my cum shot from my cock, the first spurt hitting Julius' chin, the second and third spraying my chest. I felt Julius' dick swell inside me, seconds later his cream coated my ass. Julius fell panting on top of me. I stroked his back as we came down from our sexual high.

On the edge of sleep, I felt Julius move away from me. Frowning at his departing, I turned to him. He was kneeling on the end of the bed, tucking the mosquito net into the mattress. A moment later, his job done, he returned to lie next to me. Gathering me in his arms, we drifted off to sleep together.

Hope you like the romantic ending. I don't have any more parts planned for this story but do let me know if you think I shold continue the tale.

Thanks for reading,

Ben know your thoughts

Next: Chapter 3: The Resthouse

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