Safest Place to Hide

By Travis Smith

Published on Jul 1, 2005


Hello! The triumphant return of the Backstreet Boys has prompted the return of Travis Smith to the Nifty Archives. He along with his co-author Drew Thomas presents too you now this new story entitled "Safest Place To Hide." Please write to them and let them know what you think

Disclaimer: We do not know the BSB, Lance Bass, or any other celebrities that may appear. Nor do we know their sexual orientations. All fictional characters and situations portrayed remain the property of the authors. Any similarities to actual living people and situations is purely coincidental. Also if you are under-age or do not wish to view sexually oriented material please leave now. Otherwise enjoy!

Permission is granted to Nifty Archives for the sole purpose of posting on the Boy Bands section of the Archives. Permission to post on your website may be obtained by e-mailing Travis Smith and Drew Thomas at the above address.

Safest Place To Hide

By Travis Smith and Drew Thomas

Chapter One.

The limo door opened and the dry hot blast of early evening desert air of the Vegas Strip rushed in colliding with the crisp cool air conditioning inside. The six foot plus man frowned slightly as he slid his long leg out of the limo. The rest of his frame followed suit. He put on his "face" when he heard his name shouted for the first time of the evening. He smiled and waved at the crowd and politely walked up the red carpet and shook hands and signed a few autographs. After all he wasn't about to disapoint his fans. And this was for the fans. Once again he found himself in his element, Kevin Scott Richardson international pop star, member of the pop sensation Backstreet Boys.

"How are the rest of the guys Kevin?" a reporter shouted shoving mic in his face. Kevin frowned, this was supposed to be about the fans. He wondered how the press got invited. He smelled the work of a certain Road Manager at work here and he didn't like it at all. He decided to chat with his road manager later. For now he did what he was trained to do. He smiled for the cameras and answered the questions like a good little boy.

"They are doing great," Kevin soft yet commanding voice sounded out. "They are just happy to be performing again and to be back with the fans that have supported us all of these years."

"Aren't you afraid that people aren't gonna buy this "Backstreet is Back" thing," a snotty reporter shouted.

"Our fans have grown with us. Our music has changed and I believe that our fans have changed too. Fans are very loyal and I believe that Backstreet's fans are the most loyal and best in the world," Kevin answered politely.

"Is it true that if NSYNC would've gotten back together to record a CD that you and the rest of Backstreet would've called it quits?" the same reporter asked. Kevin sighed. He thought that kind of stupid question of a rivalry had gotten old.

"Some of my best friends are in NSYNC," Kevin said with just a hint of harshness in his voice. "NSYNC's and Backstreet's music have changed and grown apart so much that it really wouldn't affect either CD if they decided to come out with one of their own. I wish them the best luck in this world and if they decide to come out with a new CD than I say it is about time." Kevin continued to make his way towards the door. The pesky reporter wouldn't give it a rest. He elbowed his way through a couple of fans even going so far as to shove his elbow in one girls face. Kevin saw red and wanted to say something but the girl caught his eye and smiled to show that she was ok.

"If this latest attempt to get back on top of Boyband world doesn't work will you than finally pack up your little band and retire?" the reporter asked with a sneer. He said it loud enough for the rest of the reporters to hear it. Flashes went off in a flurry. Cameras jockeyed for position. This was supposed to be for the fans! The fans were being pushed aside by the reporters and Kevin was getting mad. He nodded at the line of security gaurds.

"If our latest CD doesn't do well than we will continue to do music," Kevin shot back. "Now this event is for our fans. And I believe you have taken up enough of our fans time." Kevin and his two body gaurds stepped back as the small army of body gaurds very carefully escorted the band of reporters away from Kevin and the fans. Once again Kevin was back on the red carpet meeting and smiling and greeting his fans having the time of his life. Finally after about twenty minutes Kevin finally reached the inside of Ceasares Palace. The cool air conditioned air wrapped around his tall and shapely frame and brought some comfort to him. He frowned as he saw the huge crowd of reporters in front of him and they had erected barriers to keep the fans away from him. He whispered to his two body gaurds and turned and quickly walked to the elevators and got in the nearest one and allowed the doors to shut behind him. He smiled when he saw his personal Security taking down the barricades and escorting the enraged reporters away. He pulled out his cell phone and quickly dialed a number. His road manager, Tod Matthews answered.

"Tod," Kevin said sternly. "I made it to the casino. But I refuse to go on until all the reporters are cleared from the area. I agreed to do a press conference with the press in the morning. This evening is all about the fans. And the press has invaded the area and are working over time to keep the fans away from me. Not to mention that the rest of the guys are due to arrive in about an hour. This is not a press thing! This is for the fans! Now get rid of the press!"

"But you need the press!" Tod retorted back. "That is why I called them!"

"You were the one who set up the press to be here tonight?" Kevin shouted. "Tod we specifically told you that we wanted a fun evening with our fans! Get the press the fuck out of here or you're fired!" He clicked off the phone and shoved it in his pocket.

"I never did like that Tod," Troy said softly behind Kevin. Kevin looked at Troy and smiled softly.

"Tod is looking out for his ass and only his ass," Kevin sneered. "He doesn't care about the group or our fans. Well this is the last stunt he has pulled. After tonight we are firing his ass and getting us real Road Manager." His cell phone rang. He answered it.

"Mr. Richardson?" Tom his other Body Gaurd asked. "The press have been cleared out."

"Good," Kevin smiled. "Let the fans know that I will be down shortly."

"Ok Boss will do," Tom said with his usual level of professionalism.

About fifteen minute later Kevin was back downstairs greeting fans. The rest of Backstreet had arrived by then and they continued to greet and sign autographs with the fans for a couple hours more. As the evening began to die down and the fans had departed Kevin decided to head to the bar for a nightcap. Approaching the bar he noticed a familiar looking face seated alone at one end. He decided to say hello.

"Hey Lance." Kevin greeted him cheerfully. "How are you?" Lance Bass turned around in his chair and Kevin was shocked by what he saw. He looked like hell and Kevin could tell by his glazed expression that he had been throwing back the drinks for some time.

"Fuck off Kevin!" Lance harshly slurred. "Go back to your fans and leave me the hell alone."

Whoa! Kevin was not prepared for that kind of a greeting. Lance obviously was nursing some wounds and wanted to be left alone. Kevin decided to respect his wishes and let him be. Normally that kind of verbal assault would have pissed him off. But he knew it was very uncharacteristic of Lance so he let it slide. He waved his bodyguard Tom over and gave him instructions to see that Lance got home safely.

"Yes, sir." Tom answered respectfully. Kevin had tried on numerous occasions to get him to call him 'Kevin' but had had no luck. Tom wanted to keep a professional distance between them. Kevin respected his wishes. Unbeknownst to Kevin though was that Lance had overheared them talking.

"I don't need a fucking babysitter Kevin." He spat at him.

"I don't want to hear from one of the guys later that you got yourself into trouble because I didn't try to keep you safe. Your guys would kill me, especially JC." Kevin explained calmly. His patience was begining to wear thin.

"JC can bite me. So can the rest of them. They can all go strait to hell!" Okay, this was getting out of hand. Just as Kevin was about to respond a cute looking guy aproached.

"Is this guy bothering you?" The guy inquired.

"Yeah, actually he is." Lance slurred. "Fuck off Kevin."

Kevin threw up his hands in defeat and went to the opposite end of the bar. Leaving Lance alone with his new friend. The guys couldn't say that he didn't try to help. He had done all he could do and that was all that was expected of him. If Lance wanted to be a stubborn ass that was his choice. Kevin washed his hands of the situation. Or so he thought. For the time being though he pushed Lance to he back of his mind as he caught sight of Brian and Nick and waved them over.

"Hey cuz, what's up?" Brian greeted him.

"Hey is that Lance?" Nick asked as he started to walk over.

"I wouldn't go over there right now Nick." Kevin warned him. "He's got a bug up his ass. Besides he's a little preoccupide right now."

"Ooh, someone's getting lucky tonight." Nick joked.

"I don't think so." Kevin said. "He is way too drunk. He's practically passed out alreaady."

"Well that guy doesn't seem to mind. He practically drooling." Brian interjected.

At the other end of the bar:

Lance was getting pissed. This guy, who had introduced himself as Louis, would not leave him alone. He had been a nice break from Kevin at first but then he had started trying to convince Lance to come up to his room. Lance was not a guest of the hotel himself, he had recently purchased a home just off the Strip. He had just finished umpteenth shot when he suddenly felt the need to pee.

"No problem. I'll be right here when you get back." Louis said. Lance just rolled his eyes and walked toward the restrooms. When Lance had left Louis pulled out a small bottle and removed two small pills. "If you won't go willingly then I'll just have to give you a little encouragement."

Kevin had noticed him do this but didnt think much of it at the time. He was trying to enjoy the company of his friends but wasn't having much luck. Keeping one eye focused on Lance and his 'friend' at all times. A gesture that did not go unnoticed by Nick and Brian. Nick nodded to Brian and Brian sighed. He knew what was happening. He had seen it happen time and time again. Kevin was about to go into protective mode again and probably get hurt in the process. Then he would hold it in and be real serious and grouchy to everyone for about a month. Brian gathered his nerve and walked over to his cousin and laid a hand on his shoulder. Kevin jumped slightly.

"Ok Cuz," Brian sighed sitting beside him. "How are we going to do it this time without getting your heart broke?" Kevin shot him a nasty glare. "And don't look at me like that. You know as well as I do that you are raring to go in there like a knight on your steed and save Lance from the big bad monster." Brian deliberately said in a light manner, hoping to get a smile from his brooding cousin. Kevin just nodded and smiled softly.

"I just can't stand seeing anyone get taken advantage like that," Kevin sighed as he looked over at Lance who had returned. Kevin had to admit that Lance was a very good looking man. Lance had kept his body in very good shape. And Kevin felt the stirrings in his groin when he looked at him. Lance had just tossed back another drink. Kevin sighed. First mistake that you never make. Never drink from a drink that you have left unattended for any length of time. Lance had just broken that rule. "Shit," Kevin muttered. "Of all the stupid and ignorant stunts to pull."

"What's wrong?" Brian asked with his face krinkled with a look of concern. By now Lance was laying his head on the bar and that was when Kevin realized that something was most definately wrong. The young man who was with Lance threw an arm over his shoulder and easily pulled Lance to his feet. Lance was out like a light. Kevin gestured to Troy who gestured to the rest of the Backstreet security force. They carefully weaved through the crowd toward Kevin. Troy reached Kevin first.

"Follow Lance and that guy. I think he slipped Lance something in his drink," Kevin instructed him. "I'll be right behind you." Turning to Brian and Nick. "Follow me guys," Kevin ordered as he followed the security detatchment. As they exited the bar they saw a group of reporters heading towards them. He also saw Tod in the back ground wearing a smirk. Kevin looked back at Nick and Brian. "Get rid of the press and tell Tod to wait in our suite!" Kevin took after the security attatchment who were following Lance and his "friend".

By now Louis had managed to drag Lance up to his room. He reached for his key card when he heard a moan. He turned to Lance and smiled. "Don't worry Lancey boy, in about five minutes I'll have my way with you and than it will be all over."

"I don't think so," a deep voice sounded from behing him. He jerked around and smirked at Kevin. "I think you need to leave Mr. Bass alone." Kevin informed him in a calm tone of voice.

"This doesn't concern you," he shot back. By now the security had managed to get Lance out of this guys arms and Kevin wrapped his arms around Lance. He nodded to Troy who gently picked up Lance.

"Take him to our suite," Kevin instructed. Turning back to Louis, "Get lost," Kevin said softly.

"Fuck you," the guy spit at Kevin. Kevin snapped his fingers and the rest of the security moved in.

"Make him disappear from the hotel and don't hurt him," Kevin snapped as he snatched the key card from the guy's fingers. "Pack his things and let the manager know what he attempted."

"You can't do that!" the man screamed.

"Yes I can!" Kevin shouted back. Troy jumped. Kevin didn't usually yell unless he was really upset. "Lance is a very good friend of mine and you tried to rape him! I should call the fucking cops!"

"Yea but you won't!" the guy sneered. "You don't want to wreck Lance's rep!"

"You breath a word of this--," Kevin said softly as the body gaurds advanced on the man.

"Don't worry!" the man sneered. "I'm through messing with you boy bands!" Kevin turned and followed Troy to the elevator. Once the door closed Kevin immediately looked at Lance. He was still breathing. Lance mumbled and Kevin raised his eye brow in a questioning look. Did he hear that right? He could have sworn he heared Lance say "Kevin"

"Go on ahead," Kevin said to Troy. "Get him cleaned up and undressed and let him use my bed to sleep it off," Kevin instructed. "I have to take care of something with Tod." Troy nodded as he continued to handle Lance like a new born baby. Troy could tell that Lance meant a lot to Kevin. On the way into the bathroom Lance moaned softly.

"Oh Kevin," Lance moaned. "Take me please!" Troy struggled not to laugh. So, Lance had a thing for Kevin. Maybe just maybe. Troy's thoughts were rudely intrupted by Lance throwing up on him.

"Oh great!" Troy muttered. He sat Lance down on the toilet and quickly removed his shirt. He worked quickly to get Lance undressed and into the shower. He was used to this. Kevin was going through a rough time too. He wanted a family and Kristin was still saying no. Sometimes Kevin did this too. But Troy was never going to mention it to his boss who he now considered to be a close friend. By now poor Lance was starting to come too.

"I'm not here to hurt you," he said softly. "You were slipped something in your drink. Let's get you cleaned up and in bed so you can get some sleep. Lance looked like he was going to argue. "Listen," Troy said sternly. "I'm a bodyguard of Kevin's. He would never allow anyone near you that would hurt you. You can trust me." Lance nodded reluctantly.

As Troy was helping Lance get cleaned up and in bed Kevin was doing something that he hated to do. Kevin was a people person and he hated being the "bad guy" with a passion. Kevin walked into the living area of the suite unaware of what was going on in his bedroom with Troy and Lance. His gaze fell upon Tod's immediately. Tod looked cocky, as if he held all of the cards. Of course Kevin knew better and soon Tod would too.

"You're fired Tod," Kevin said bluntly.

"What the hell!" Tod said pissed off. "You can't do that with out a reason."

"We told you that tonight was all about the fans. A select group of fans were chosen to come to Vegas with us and enjoy an evening of good food good conversation. You decided to force the press upon us when you knew that we didn't want to deal with them tonight." Kevin said sternly, his temper rising. Brian knew by the expression on his face that Kevin temper wasn't going to be under control for much longer. He stepped forward and put his hand on Kevin's shoulder. Sometimes just a simple touch was enough to reign his cousin in. But not this time.

"You can't fire me without a majority!" Tod sneered. That was all it took

"Well he has one now," Nick said putting his hand on Kevin's shoulder too. "I support Kevin on this." He looked over at Brian. Brian nodded. "So pack your things. We'll pay your way home and give the normal two months severance package but we want you out of here by morning." Tod looked angry enough to start throwing punches but decided against it when he saw the security close ranks with their boys. He finally nodded and stalked out of the room. Silence filled the room for a few minutes. Until AJ's door opened and he walked out.

"What just happened?" AJ asked frowning.

"We just fired Tod," Brian said softly.

"It is about fucking time!" AJ said grinning happily. "I never did like him. You know he told me to forget about going to meetings while we were on tour. He said it wasn't good for our image."

"And you didn't tell us this?" Kevin asked frowning.

"Hey," AJ said with a sad smile. "You guys have enough shit to put up with without me adding to it."

"Dammit AJ!" Kevin hurled at him. "When are you going to learn that we are family!" AJ took a couple of steps back. "God you are so stubborn about accepting help! Oh fuck it just forget it!" Kevin turned and stalked into his room. AJ sat down looking sad as tears flowed down his face. Nick put his arms around AJ.

"Don't worry about it AJ," Nick said softly kissing the top of AJ's head. "Kevin will get over it."

"I just keep fucking up," AJ said softly. "I try not to but it just keeps happening."

"We're here for you AJ," Brian said softly too. "And Kevin is right. You have to turn to us for help. That is what we are here for. We care about you and Kevin is just hurt because you've forgotten that is all."

"Come you guys," Howie said from his door. "It is getting late. We have a very busy day tomorrow."

"Goodnight all," AJ said with a sad grin.

"Goodnight AJ," Nick said as he pulled Brian towards their room.

Inside his room, Kevin had come up to the side of the bed and looked down on a sleeping Lance. He frowned when he saw the distressed look on Lance's face. Whatever was running through the man's head, it obviously wasn't pleasant. He pulled up a chair next to the bed and sat watching his friend stuggle in his sleep. Kevin knew he was in for a long night.

Next: Chapter 2

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