Safest Place to Hide

By Travis Smith

Published on Jul 15, 2005


Disclaimer: We do not know the BSB, Lance Bass, or any other celebrities that may appear. Nor do we know their sexual orientations. All fictional characters and situations portrayed remain the property of the authors. Any similarities to actual living people and situations is purely coincidental. Also if you are under-age or do not wish to view sexually oriented material please leave now. Otherwise enjoy!

Permission is granted to Nifty Archives for the sole purpose of posting on the Boy Bands section of the Archives. Permission to post on your website may be obtained by e-mailing Travis Smith and Drew Thomas at the above address.

Author's note: Thank you to everyone who wrote in support of this story.

Safest Place To Hide

By Travis Smith and Drew Thomas

Chapter Two

Lance slowly opened his eyes. The light that invaded them shot a seering pain through his head and he groaned loudly. "What the hell did I drink last night?" He asked to no one in particular. He was not expectimg a response.

"I think a better question would be 'what the hell didn't you drink last night?'"

Lance's eyes popped open and he sat bolt upright, a little too quickly. He grabbed his head and groaned again as his eyes fixed themselves on a smirking Kevin.

"What the hell are you doing here? I thought I told you to fuck off last night?" He surveyed his surroundings and realized he was not in his own bed. He recognized the room decor from when he had been a guest here at Caesar's. He also realized for the first time that he was only wearing his boxerbriefs. "What the fuck did we do last night? Wait let me guess. You were bored last night and had nothing better to do. Since Kristin wasn't around you decided to get yourself a piece of the 'Bass Ass.' Right?"

"I saved your ass you ungrateful little shit! If it wasn't for me you would have gotten yourself raped by that asshole you attached yourself to." Kevin was fuming. He had intended to take it easy on Lance this morning, knowing how he would feel when he woke. But this was too much for him to take. No one accused him of such a heinous act and got away with it.

"Get your fucking clothes and get the fuck out!" Kevin screamed as he threw open the door connecting his room to the suite's living room. He quickly stormed out slamming the door behind him. The noise caused Lance to grab his head and grimace in pain.

Slowly he stood and gathered up his clothes. He noticed they had been freshly cleaned and immediately he began to realize he might have been wrong in accusing Kevin. If Kevin had done what Lance had accused him of then why would he bother to do that for him? Scanning the room he noticed a chair pulled up next to the bed. A pillow and neatly folded blanket were set in it. 'Shit!' He cursed himself in his head. He quickly dressed and made his way to the elevators and down to the lobby. Once outside he hailed a taxi and headed back to his house. He needed a drink

The rest of the guys had heared the argument from their prospective rooms. It would have been hard not to hear the two booming voices. Slowly they individualy made their way into the living room. Brian was the first to see his cousin brooding on a nearby couch. He sat down next to him and waited for him to talk. What he didn't expect was for Kevin to break down. His body was wracked with sobs. Brian wrapped his arms tightly around him. Speaking soothing words to him as he gently rocked him like a small child.

The others by now had entered and stood around Kevin in stunned silence. They had never seen him so distraught. Nick was pissed. Kevin had been like a brother and a second father to him over the years. He wanted to kill Lance for causing him so much pain. With out a second thought he quickly dressed and stormed out of the suite. AJ, sensing his rage and knowing that Nick had a hair trigger, decided to follow him. He was angry with Lance too but the group didn't need anymore trouble from Nick. Who was already on probation for an earlier charge. AJ had read him the riot act after that little incident. How could he do something so stupid as drink and drive knowing what AJ had gone through?

"I'll keep an eye on him guys." AJ said before running out. AJ ran towards the elevator and was able to stop it just in time. As the door slowly reopened AJ was faced with a glaring Nick

"Don't try to talk me out of this AJ. Lance is gonna get an earful from me when I see him. I don't care how hungover he is." Nick ranted. AJ knew better than to try and stop him when he got an idea in his head. He held up his hands in defence and this caused Nick to cease his tirade.

"I'm just here to make sure thats all you give him. We don't need you getting yourself in deeper shit do we?" He said as a warning to Nick. Nick just nodded his head in affirmation, as the doors finally closed and they headed out to find Lance.

Twenty minutes later AJ and Nick stood at Lance's door. Nick pounded loudly and they waited. Minutes passed and there was no response so Nick tried the doorbell. After several more miniutes with still no response Nick was begining to get pissed again. AJ went to one of the windows and was able to make out Lance lying on a sofa passed out. A half drunk bottle of Jack Daniels next to him on the coffee table.

"I don't fucking believe it!"AJ exclaimed, turning to Nick. "He's passed out drunk."

Nick came and stood beside him looking at Lance. He didn't know if Lance deserved it but Nick's heart went out to him. His demeanor immediately softened. He sighed heavily.

"Well we can't leave him like that can we?" Nick asked. AJ smiled at his friend. He much prefered this side of Nick. Nick caught his look and chuckled softly. "Come on lets try to figure out how we're gonna get in."

"Can I help you gentlemen?" A voice asked from behind them. Turning around their eyes fell upon a tall, handsome, dark-haired man. A look on his face showed he recognized the two and he stuck out a hand to them. "Oh hello Mr. McClean, Mr. Carter. I'm Tim, Mr. Bass' assisstant. At least while he's here. I watch over his home mostly. What can I do for you?"

"Great timing man. You must have a key right? We came over to check on him but he doesn't look like he's up to company right now." AJ covered. He had never met this guy before and he didn't think it was good to let to much slip about the previous night. Tim had a questioning look on his face and he too looked through the window now. His face fell and he shook his head.

"Not again." He said under his breath. Only AJ caught it. "Well lets get inside before we start attracting attention."

"Good idea." AJ stated, as Tim unlocked the door. "Does this happen a lot Tim?"

"What do you mean?" Tim asked getting defensive. Quickly grabbing the whiskey bottle.

Good, AJ thought. It was obvious that he was protective of Lance's privacy, as any good assissitant should be. He went into the kitchen and Nick and AJ followed. Sitting down at the kitchen table they watched Tim begining to clean up before stopping at the sink and staring blankly out the window.

"It's okay Tim we know he's drunk. He was last night too when Kevin found him. He stayed over at the hotel with us." Nick explained. Hearing this Tim visibly relaxed.

"Its been going on for a few months now." Tim began. "I'm not sure what sent him on this binge but he seems determined to drink himself into oblivion. He's constantly going to the casino's and coming back smashed. The other guys have no clue what's going on. Things between them are not as god they appear to be. I've tried talking to him about it but he just tells me he's fine and changes the subject. I'm not sure what to do anymore."

"He needs to get into a program. He obviously has a problem with his drinking." AJ stated

"It may be obvious to us but you and I both know that until it's obvious too him there isn't much we can do about it." Tim explained. AJ new he was right but it still troubled him to see his friend that way. AJ glanced up at the clock on the wall and noticed it was getting late. They had radio interviews scheduled for later that morning and needed to get going.

"We gotta split."AJ said standing up and reaching for his wallet. He pulled out two business cards and handed one to Tim. "If things get really bad you call me and one or all of us will be over here. We'll be in town for the rest of the week then I'm not sure where we're headed. I'll get you our schedule so you'll know how to reach us."

Walking back over to Lance, he wrote a quick note on the back of another card and set it on the coffee table in front of him.

"I'm sorry." Lance mumbled in his sleep. "I'm so sorry Kevin. I love you!"

This caught the three men by surprise. They smiled at each other as Tim walked the other two out.

AJ and Nick hopped in the rental they had picked up and began to talk excitedly. It was obvious from Kevin's earlier reaction that he had developed feelings for Lance and now it appeared Lance felt the same way. They needed to find a way for them to admit there feelings for each other. Maybe this was just incentive Lance needed to get sober again? They had to try.


Kevin was still brooding with Brian. Brian was trying to convince Kevin that he had a thing for Lance. Brian could see the signs. Hell he had seen it before. Kevin would latch himself onto someone who needed his help and before you knew it he would be madly in love with him or her. You see you really couldn't call Kevin gay. Kevin was different. Kevin loved more men than women. But Kevin was sexual. If he loved someone gender went out the window. That was the way Kevin was. He was with out a doubt a man who knew how to love. And he did it with everything he had. And like it or not, whether he was ready to accept it or not, Kevin Scott Richardson had the hots for James Lance Bass.

"Admit it Kevin," Brian sighed standing and walking next to his taller cousin. He looked up into Kevin's green eyes and saw the sadness in them. Kevin never would admit it unless all of them ganged up on him and forced them together. And this time the sparks were really flying. It was kinda amusing to watch Kevin go through the hoops of finding someone to love again. "You have the hots for Lance." Kevin glared at him.

"Do not," Kevin muttered.

"Do to," Brian replied back.

"Do not!" Kevin sassed back.

"Do too!" Brian replied very calmly. Kevin seemed to get enraged by Brian's calmness.

"Do not!" Kevin shouted

"Dammit Kevin!" Brian shouted back. Kevin jumped back at the force of Brian's words. Very rarely did Brian ever raise his voice. "Fuck! Why won't you let yourself love? You have got to be the most stubborn shit around! Now pull your head out of your ass and admit that you love Lance!"

"Love Lance?" Kevin yelped out. "How could I love that arrogant, rude, unappreciative, sexy, good looking---," Kevin stopped in mid sentence and noticed the triumphant grin on Brian face. "No! There is no way I can love him. He is arrogant! Rude and ungrateful! And God what an ass on him!" By now Brian was grinning widely at him. "What the hell are you grinning at? That 'great ass' part, did I say that part out loud?" Brian giggled as he nodded. "Oh fuck me," Kevin groaned as he sat down on the edge of the bed and leaned against the supportive shoulders of Brian. "How the hell did this happen?"

"Don't worry cuz," Brian said softly rubbing Kevin's back. "We're here for you. We'll figure this thing out."

Nick and AJ arrived back the hotel. Nick decided that he needed to get some. "AJ," Nick said patting him on his shoulder. "I'm going to hook up with Travis."

"Nick," AJ said frowning. "Why do you do this to yourself?"

"I don't do love anymore AJ," Nick replied. "I do sex, hot wet dirty sex. No commitment no love just raw sex."

"But what does Travis want?" AJ asked still frowning.

"Like I really care what the hell he wants," Nick smirked. "I do know this. He wants my dick up his ass and down his throat." Nick said smirking rubbing his crotch. "Now if you excuse me, I have a few loads of cum to deposit." AJ shook his head sadly and wondered off back to the suite. Once he made sure he was gone Nick quickly made his way to the casino's flower shop. He bought two dozen roses and headed to the elevator. Once inside he checked to see if he had any condoms. He frowned when he realized that he was out. He wondered if Travis would let him go bareback. Some times Travis would. Nick was horny and he wanted some loving from Travis. Oh the "Nick just wants to get laid" act was just that. Nick was in love.

He was in love with a dancer named Travis. He was very cute. He had scruffy looking dark blonde hair and peircing blue eyes. He was considerably shorter than Nick and had a very tight body and a cock that was beautiful and long and hard.Nick loved to suck it and loved to hear Travis's moans and whimpers as Nick expertly drew his lover to orgasm over and over again. And now Nick was going to take great pleasure in making sweet love to Travis. He stopped at the door and knocked.

"Just a minute!" a voice called out. Nick grinned. If he knew Travis and he did, Travis was throwing a minor hissy as he frantically ran around the room trying to get all pretty for his Nick. The door popped open and Travis' cute shaggy head popped out.

"Hey!" Travis said grinning widely. "I wasn't expecting you."

"Well I wanted to stop by and give you some flowers," Nick said shyly thrusting the large boquet towards Travis. Travis's eyes lit up as he gently took them from Nick's arms.

"Come in," Travis said softly holding the door open. Nick frowned when he saw Travis's room mate still here. "Umm Brad?"

"I'll leave so you two can fuck like bunnies," Brad said smirking as he slid his shirt over his shapely body. In a few minutes Nick and Travis were alone. Travis held out his arms and Nick walked into them. In a matter of minutes Travis was naked and Nick stood back and looked up and down his body. Travis blushed as he stood there fully exposed to Nick's roving and yet loving eyes. Travis growled softly. Nick giggled and in a second he was on his knees sliding Travis's cock down his throat. Travis wasn't as big as Nick was. So he was a lot easier to deep throat than Nick's cock was. Even though Travis tried really hard. Travis let out a whimper as Nick started to bob up and down on his cock. He ran his hands up Travis's abs as a drop of pre-come slid down Nick's throat. Nick eagerly swallowed.

"God Nick!" Travis groaned out. "I love you!"

Nick groaned in responce as he continued to suck off Travis, enjoying the taste and texture of his cock as Travis began to thrust in and out of Nick's mouth and throat. Nick urged him harder and soon Travis was ramming in and out of Nick's mouth fast and hard. Nick knew he wouldn't last very long. That was fine with Nick. He wanted Travis's cum down his throat and he wanted it now.

"Fuck!" Travis grunted out as he balls drew up close to his body. Nick's hands found their way to Travis's nipples and he tweaked them hard. Travis let out a soft scream as shot after shot of hot cum slid down Nick's throat. Nick eagerly swallowed as fast as he could.

Finally Nick gently licked his lover's cock clean and licked and kissed his way up Travis's abs and chest. Pausing for a few minutes to give Travis a hickie on his neck.

"I want to make love to you." Nick said seductivly. Travis grinned his usual naughty grin and took hold of Nick's Ten Inch cock and pulled him to the bed. In no time at all Nick had his erect cock shoved up into Travis. His whimpers and groans filled the room as Nick started to pound in and out of him. Travis's legs wrapped around Nick's hips as if to keep Nick captive in him. Like Nick would ever go anywhere. Nick looked down at the face of his lover. He saw lust and love all at the same time. Nick laid down on Travis sweaty chest and pressed his lips to his. Travis whimpered again as Nick probed his tongue into Travis's mouth.

"Fuck me," Travis begged. "Please Nick I need you!"

"I aim to please love," Nick whispered to Travis's ear as he nipped at it and continued to thrust in and out of him. Nick longed to ram it home again and again. But Nick knew what Travis wanted. He wanted this to last long. And Nick loved to watch his lover in beautiful agony as he drove him closer and closer to orgasm. And when Travis came it was a beautiful sight in deed. And Nick wanted to watch Travis cum again and again. He continued to thrust in harder and harder, banging the hell out of Travis's prostate gland. Driving Travis nuts with lust. Nick could feel his own orgasm growing. "Oh fuck. I'm so fucking close!"

"Than cum baby, cum!" Travis yelped out. Nick let loose and screamed as he shot his load of hot cum deep into Travis. Travis shuddered violently and Nick felt him shooting his load between their hot bodies. Nick bit down on Travis's shoulder as another wave of orgasm raged through his tired body. Finally after a few minutes their breathing slowed down and Nick laid his head on Travis's shoulder. Nick raised his head up and looked down at his lover. He loved that freshly fucked look on his face. Travis loved the look on Nick's face. All flushed and sweaty but the love and delight still showed in his eyes. "I love you Nick." .

"I love you too Travy," Nick said with his usual teasing voice. Travis stuck out his lip in a pout and Nick promptly kissed them. Then Travis snuggled closer to Nick and yawned. "Oh no you don't sweetie," Nick giggled. "I'm going to take you to your nice big shower and clean you and just maybe we'll make love again and again and when we are done maybe I can convince you into giving me a protein shake." Travis blushed and looked down. "You are so cute when you blush like that."

"So umm did you tell the other guys yet?" Travis asked with his cute face staring up at Nick. Nick sighed and sat up. Travis knew that Nick was scared to tell the guys he was in love. Travis sat up and wrapped his arms around Nick and laid his head on his shoulder and kissed his cheek. "I'm not rushing you. I love you and you don't have to tell them if you don't want to."

"No it isn't that," Nick sighed. "I want to tell them. I want everyone to know that I am in love again and that I am in love with this really hot sexy guy." Travis blushed again. You see Travis didn't get to many nice compliments. And he wasn't used to it. And Nick seemed to have this way of making him blush. "Did it again. Come on let's jump in the shower."

Together the lovers walked into the bathroom and began their very, very long shower.


"Kevin?" Brian asked softly.

"Yea?" Kevin asked back.

"What are you going to do about this?" Brian asked still rubbing Kevin's shoulder. "At some point you are going to have to face this thing."

"Thing?" Kevin asked glaring at his cousin. "You call me falling in love with Lance a thing?"

"Ok so falling in love with Lance is not a thing," Brian relented. "But Kevin we have to bring up Kristin."

"No we don't!" Kevin muttered glaring at his cousin. "At least not now."

"Kevin she has a right to know if things are not going to work out between you two," Brian urged his cousin. Kevin sighed as he stood up and walked over to the window. "Kevin?"

"Not now Brian!" Kevin yelled. He immedately regretted it. "I'm sorry. It's just that I am not ready to go that far. I'm not sure if I am ready for a relationship with a guy yet. The last one I got into well----didn't work out as you well know."

"Kevin," Brian started.

"I need to be alone for a while," Kevin said soflty. "Don't worry, I'll be on time for the press conference. Just make sure that Nick is on time this time."

"Ok Kevin," Brian said wrapping his arms around his older cousin. "I love you , you know that right." Kevin nodded. "Good, now I'll leave you alone." Brian walked quietly out the door leaving his cousin to his thoughts. He decided to jump in the shower to try and relax. As wrppped a towel around his waist he realized that he had a friend that might be able to help himsort out his thoughts. A friend that wasn't connected to the rest of Backstreet. For the first time that morning Kevin smiled as he quickly dried off and headed back to the bed and sat down. Kevin picked up his cell phone and dialed a number.

"Hey," the sleepy voice sounded.

"Josh?" Kevin asked. "I need some advice."

"Sure Kevin," JC replied. "You finally ready to make a move on Lance?"

"Oh not you too," Kevin groaned. JC's musical laugh sounded from the reciever. "Who else knows that I have a thing for Lance?"

"Just me," JC replied. "Don't you remember telling me how good looking you thought he was? I could tell it was only a matter of time before you fell in love. But then you married Kristin."

"Let's not go there right now. Where are you?" Kevin asked.

"L.A. I'm going to be heading to Vegas tonight though. I want to talk to Lance about something," JC replied. "And for some reason he has been avoiding me. So I decided to come down and see him personally."

"We're here too. Can you meet me for breakfast in the morning?" Kevin asked hopefully.

"Let me check my pilot," Josh said quickly. Kevin waited for a few seconds. "Ok I'm free in the morning. Where are you staying?"

"Were staying at Caesar's." Kevin replied.

"Good," Josh answered sounding happy. "So we should meet say about nine?"

"Nine is fine," Kevin replied. "Listen I have to jet."

"Ok Kev," Josh replied. "I'll see you tomorrow." Kevin clicked off the phone and laid it down on the bedside table. He heard a knocking at the door and sighed heavily as he walked over and opened it. He wasn't expecting a hyper Nick standing on the other side.

"What can I do for you?" Kevin asked letting the younger man in. Nick literally jumped into the room and started pacing really fast, his eyes were all lit up. Kevin knew what that meant. Nick got laid and was very happy about it. "Alright, Nick, out with it. Who did you nail this time?"

"Who says I nailed anyone?" Nick asked trying to look innocent.

"That look on your face for one," Kevin replied calmly. "My question for you is this. Do you love him or her?"

"What does love got to do with anything?" Nick asked trying to be brave.

"Nick, just because Paris hurt you doesn't mean you have to shy away from love for the rest of your life." Kevin said softly.

"The same could be said for you," Nick replied just as softly."Kristin is playing a real number on you. You know she is just hanging on to your for the money and the fame."

"Nick not now," Kevin warned him with a hard look.

"Why not now Kevin?" Nick asked glaring back at him. "You know I am so tired of this shit." Kevin opened his mouth to say something. "NO! Not this time! This time you get to shut up! And I get to talk! And for once you are going to listen to me!" Kevin nodded for him to continue. He knew that whenever Nick got like this there was no stopping him. "You like him don't you?"

"Like who?" Kevin asked trying to act innocent himself.

"Don't do this Kevin!" Nick whined to him. "I'm talking about Lance and you know it!"

"Fine!" Kevin shouted "I'll tell you the truth if you tell me the truth!" Nick stood there looking serious for a while.

"Fine," Nick muttered.

"Do you love this Travis guy, you know the dancer?" Kevin asked.

"You first," Nick replied grinning his patented naughty grin. Kevin sighed. Some times Nick could be so childish. But than again that was the way Nick was and Kevin loved him for it.

"Fine," Kevin sighed again. "I do have feelings for Lance. But I don't think he feels the same for me." This caused Nick to snicker."What? Do you know something?" Nick shrugged his shoulders. "Tell me Nicky!"

"Nuh uuuhh," Nick giggled trying to get away from Kevin. But Kevin was faster and had him pinned to the bed and was tickling him. Soon the room was full of Nick's laugher. "Ok ok!" Nick gasped out. "I heard Lance say something in his sleep."

"What did he say?" Kevin demanded.

"I can't tell you that," Nick yelped out. "That is like really private."

"Do I have to tickle you?" Kevin warned him.

"No serious Kevin," Nick said softly. "I can't tell you word for word what he said. But I can tell you he definately is thinking of you." Kevin was silent for a while.

"Ok now it is your turn," Kevin said seriously. "Tell me about this Travis guy I've seen you hanging out with. Do you love him or are you just fucking him?"

Nick sighed and looked up at Kevin as if trying to detirmine if he could trust him.

"Nick you know you can trust me," Kevin said seriously. "I want to help you as much as you want to help me. Maybe together we can figure out this crazy thing called love. I mean you with Travis, if that is what you want and me with Lance which I think I want it." Nick nodded and stood up and walked to the large picturewindow and looked out it. "Well?" Kevin prodded. "Is my little brother in love?"

"I can't help it," Nick whispered almost to soft for Kevin to hear. "I feel like I want to explode or something. Travis is great! I mean every minute I think about him. I think about the next time I'm gonna be with him. I think about what's the next gift I'm gonna buy him. Today I went to the gift shop and bought him three dozen roses just so I could see his face light up when I gave it to him. Kevin, for the first time in a very long time I'm in love, and I don't ever want it to end!" Kevin tried hard not to laugh at his little brother exitement but failed. "You think I'm stupid don't you?"

Kevin walked up to his little brother and pulled him in a hug. Nick loved being hugged by Kevin. At one point in his young life he actually thought that maybe he had a crush on Kevin. But Kevin let him down easy. Then spent the next week trying to find Nick a boyfriend.

"No Nicky," Kevin said softly. "I don't think you are stupid. You're in love and I'm happy for you. So when do I get to meet this guy?"

"You're not going to do the older brother thing are you?" Nick asked sternly.

"I care about you," Kevin replied just as sternly. "So yes, I'm gonna do the older brother thing."

"Listen I have to meet with AJ so I will catch you later," Nick smiled. Kevin nodded as he showed Nick to the door. As he turned to head back to the bed his phone rang. He picked it up and looked at the caller ID. It was Lance.


Next: Chapter 3

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