Safest Place to Hide

By Travis Smith

Published on Sep 6, 2005


Disclaimer: We do not know the BSB, Lance Bass, or any other celebrities that may appear. Nor do we know their sexual orientations. All fictional characters and situations portrayed remain the property of the authors. Any similarities to actual living people and situations is purely coincidental. Also if you are under-age or do not wish to view sexually oriented material please leave now. Otherwise enjoy!

Permission is granted to Nifty Archives for the sole purpose of posting on the Boy Bands section of the Archives. Permission to post on your website may be obtained by e-mailing Travis Smith and Drew Thomas at the above address.

Safest Place To Hide

By Travis Smith and Drew Thomas

Chapter Four

Lance climbed out of the taxi slowly, and for the longest time neither said a word. Finally Lance found his voice.

"What do you want JC?" Lance demanded, glaring at him. He almost regretted it, seeing the hurt expression on JC's face. But he held firm. This time he was going to be strong. JC, like the others, had moved on. They all had ignored Lance's pleas to get back together as a group. JC had wanted to do his own thing.

For almost a year he had no contact with any of his band mates with the exception of the required public appearances, performing the occasional song. And repeating the line that "NSYNC was still around, had no plans of breaking up and someday they would get back together." Seeing JC here in his driveway was not something that Lance wanted to deal with. "Well?" Lance asked still glaring at JC. "What the hell do you want?"

"You're my friend," JC said looking down. "I wanted to see how you were doing. I miss you and wanted to hang with you."

"Bullshit!" Lance spat out. "You think I am in trouble and God forbid I do something that will tarnish yours and Justin's precious little reps!" Lance spat out as he walked passed him. Lance heard JC take a sudden breath in. "What?" Lance shouted at JC. "What do you want now?" He watched as JC walked towards him and reach out and touch the side of his face. Lance slapped his hand away. "Don't touch me!"

"What happened?" JC voice drifted over him like a soft blanket. Damn him! He always had that effect on him.

"Nothing!" Lance muttered still walking towards his door.

"Nothing my ass," JC shot back. "You're hurt!"

"Kevin happened!" Lance hurled back and immediately regretted it. No one was supposed to know that.

"What did he do?" JC immediately started. "I'll kill him!"

"You will do nothing of the sort!" Lance shouted back. "Now what the fuck do you really want?"

"I wanted to see how you are doing," JC replied. "By the looks of things not too good."

"Listen," Lance muttered scornfully. "I know you and Justin have too much stuff to do. So why don't you go back to your nice world, all safe and cuddly and leave me the fuck alone!" By now Lance was shouting. JC was quiet for the most part. Than it happened. It didn't happen very often. But when it did Lance never knew whether to laugh or be worried. Today was no different.

"You know what Lance? Fuck you!" JC shouted. "I come out here all by myself to see my friend! And you are yelling at me and I don't fucking deserve it!" JC shouted at poor Lance. Lance was shocked to say the least. JC said fuck twice and he was not usually one who swore."I'll leave you to your fucking sorry fucking life!" JC shouted again as he turned and stomped back up the walk and walked into the house and slammed the door. Lance counted down the seconds before the door slammed opened again. Lance tried not to laugh but failed. "Fuck you!" JC shouted again as he. Stomped over to his car and got in and started it.

"JC wait!" Lance shouted running to his car. JC glared at him. "Look I'm sorry. I've just been through a lot of stuff lately."

JC sighed and shut off the car. He got out and walked with Lance to the house Lance excused himself to go upstairs and change. A few minutes later he came back down, dressed in some shorts and sleeveless shirt. He sat down in his favorite over-stuffed chair. They sat in silence for a few moments before JC spoke.

"I talked to Kevin this morning." JC admitted.

"Oh, you did?" Lance said blushing.

"So, you ready to admit you have feelings for him?" JC asked.

"I haven't decided just what those feelings are?. I mean he is so hot and sooo sexy! Auuugghh!" Lance groaned out loud. "Why can't this be easier?" This got a laugh out of JC. "What?" Lance asked glaring at his friend. JC just shook his head, walked over to him and held out his arms. JC was always a hugger. And Lance was always finding his way into JC's arms. Today was not different. JC's arms surrounded Lance and Lance welcomed the love and feeling he got from JC. He had missed it.

"I'm pretty sure that Kevin feels pretty much the same way you do," JC said softly kissing Lance on the forehead.

"He does?" Lance asked looking into JC's blue eyes. JC nodded.

"Now tell me how you got those black eyes?" JC asked sternly.

"It wasn't his fault. I really pissed him off and when I went to apologize to him, well he slammed the door in my face," Lance explained.

"You should put some ice on that," JC urged him. "Oh and can I stay over tonight?"

"Sure," Lance replied. "Second room on the left." JC gathered up his bags and after saying goodnight to Lance, decided to turn in early. JC was still there for him. Lance's face burned with shame as he realized all the hurtful things he had said to JC. It was easy to hurt JC's feelings.

Justin had learned the hard way just how easy it was to hurt him. JC was confused about his sexuality and when he had finally come out Justin was so cruel to him. It almost sent JC over the edge and almost caused him to take his own life. Justin was JC's best friend and to have Justin treat him like that was almost to much for him. It took Lance to bring JC back from that very dark place. Lance and JC had a very short love affair. They were each others first. It was beautiful and loving and crazy and fun. But in the end they both decided that they were better as friends. So they made love for the last time and separated. They worked hard to maintained their close friendship. For the longest time Justin, who had finally come to terms with JC's sexuality, teased them about being secret lovers. JC always laughed it off and told Justin to get his head out of the gutter. Justin never knew the truth.

By then NSYNC was ready for a break. Giving Justin the opportunity to pursue a solo project. JC wanted his best friend to succeed. And when he did, it signaled the beginning of the end. Oh they made a good show of showing up at all the functions. Each doing his part to smile for the camera and making it appear as if all was well with NSYNC. But it was becoming a fast reality that the magic was over. So they all went their separate ways. Now Lance was busy with his own life. His own production company was turning a modest profit and was getting noticed slowly but surely.

JC, after much persuasion from the guys, had come out with his own CD. When Lance first heard it he had a hard time not laughing his ass off. JC was obviously very horny when he wrote it. JC was very proud of it. He had modest success and JC was so pleased that he began to make plans for his second one. This one would be very different.

Then it happened. Justin was in the hospital getting nodules removed from his vocal chords. For the first time in a very long time Justin was scared. If he lost his singing voice that would be it. Justin Timberlake would be finished. He would drift off the Hollywood A-list and fade into the sunset. JC was worried too. But Lance had to take notice that JC was not with Justin. JC was with there. JC was helping Lance out. Lance was the important one. Lance had to find out why JC now focused most of his attention on him. He peeked into the guest room and gazed down at JC sleeping form. Lance had to smile, JC was clueless. JC had no idea just how beautiful he was. JC snorted softly in his sleep and turned over grumbling something about bagels and coffee. Lance stifled a giggle and sat down at the foot of the bed.

"JC," Lance said softly.

"Yea Lance?" JC asked in his sleep.

"Your bagel is done," Lance said grinning.

"Could you put cream cheese on it for me?" JC asked sleepily. He was still out like a light. "Oh and some coffee too?"

"On the bagel?" Lance asked trying so hard not laugh.

"No in the cup," JC grumbled frowning. He turned over and continued to sleep. Normally JC and Lance would carry on these conversations for several minutes. But right now Lance was tired. He headed towards his room and went to bed.

The Next Morning:

Travis woke up wrapped in Nick's arms. He tried to slide out from under Nick's grasp, only to have Nick tighten his grip.

"Nick sweetie I have to go pee," Travis said softly kissing his lover on the nose. Nick mumbled something about not wanting to get up yet. "You don't have to love. I'm going to go work out and bring us breakfast back." Nick whined about not wanting Travis to go. Travis knew that Nick was still asleep and didn't really know what he was talking about. So he kissed him lightly on the cheek and headed off to do his morning stuff.

Later Nick woke up to hearing Travis humming to himself. Nick sat up and rubbed his eye. "Good morning sleepy," Travis said with his usual cute grin. "You ready for breakfast?" Nick grunted and nodded. "We're grumpy this morning," Travis said as he gently placed a tray in front of the nude Nick.

"Sorry," Nick said in a gruff voice. "I didn't sleep very well last night." Travis snuggled up to Nick and snatched a piece of bacon from his plate and popped it into his mouth.

"Why not?" Travis asked as he fed Nick a strawberry.

"I'm worried about Kevin," Nick sighed. "I mean his love life isn't good at all. Kristin is giving him a fit and now he is questioning his sexuality and trying to decide whether or not to hook up with Lance Bass or not. He is really upset. And well after all the crap he has put up with with me I want to help him."

"You mean Kevin might be gay?" Travis asked shocked. "I mean he is so manly. And not to mention he is like really really good looking!"

"Do I have something to worry about?" Nick asked with humor in his eyes and voice.

"No," Travis replied giggling. "I just meant he was really good looking. But you're cuter and sexier too. Kevin is way way too serious." Nick busted up laughing at poor Travis. Travis groaned and tried to hide his cute face. Nick laughed and pulled him to him and kissed him fully on his lips. It wasn't long before Travis forgot about being embarrassed.

"Now let's finish our breakfast," Nick said kissing him again.

After they finished breakfast they cleaned up and set the tray outside the room.

"So what is on the schedule for today?" Travis asked as he snuggled up to Nick. Nick wrapped his arms around the slimmer man and pulled him close. He knew that Travis loved to be held close and Nick was all about doing things that made Travis happy.

"Nothing much," Nick replied smiling down at him. "We pretty much have the day to ourselves. Except for your dancing practice." Nick also knew how important Travis' dancing was to him and never did anything to stand in Travis' way. "AJ might stop by later to visit with me on a project we are working on."

"Does it have anything to do with Kevin and Lance?" Travis asked looking up at Nick. Nick nodded. "Maybe I can help with that."

"Maybe and maybe not," Nick replied. "This is a very touchy situation. Kevin is very private about his love life."

"Ok," Travis said shrugging. "I'll leave the matchmaking to you and AJ."

"I'll keep you in the loop," Nick said. He glanced at the clock. "Baby it's time for you to get ready for your practice."

"OK," Travis smiled up at Nick. "Love you lots."

"Love you too baby," Nick cooed down at him. They shared a kiss and Nick saw Travis out the door. Nick and Travis had shared a morning without sex. This was definitely a first. Maybe he could prove to Travis that sex didn't have to rule their lives. That they could carry on a conversation, share a meal and spend time just holding each other without it turning into sex. He turned on his computer and checked his e-mail. This was starting out to be a good day.

In his own room Kevin was getting ready for his breakfast meeting with JC. He had figured that by now JC had seen Lance and the damage to his face. He was surprised that JC hadn't called or come over to chew him out. He thought it might be a good idea to have his cousin tag along to act as a buffer, in case JC was not in the best of moods. He picked up his phone and dialed Brian. After much debate Brian agreed. They would meet by the elevators in fifteen minutes. Kevin stood up took a deep breath and mentally prepared himself for the verbal assault he knew he was going to get.

Across town:

" I can't believe I let you talk me into this." Lance whined as they pulled out of his driveway.

"You owe me after that stunt you tried to pull this morning." JC stated

"Hey you're the one who said you wanted a bagel with cream cheese and coffee this morning." Lance laughed

"And you know I hate both of them and that you can get me to agree to anything in my sleep. My defences were down." JC laughed now too.

Lance had really missed this. The camaraderie they all shared. His mood suddenly began to turn somber at the thought of JC leaving. Soon it would be just him again. JC had more important things to worry about than him. JC had noticed the sudden shift in Lance's mood but decided not to push the issue right then. Soon they would be pulling up to the hotel and meeting up with Kevin. JC hoped there would be a little less bloodshed this time.

At the hotel:

"So where are we meeting him" Brian asked.

"We never actually decided, but knowing JC I was thinking either Augustus Cafe or Cafe Lago. They're both pretty laid back spots." As he was saying this, out of the corner of his eye, he saw JC enter the lobby with a very annoyed looking Lance in tow. Brian, seeing the look on Kevin's face turn to anger, looked in the same direction. His response to Kevin was simple and to the point.

"Be nice Kevin." Brian warned.

"I will not sit at the same table with that man." Kevin said through clenched teeth. Brian grabbed his arm tightly and lead him toward the two men. Kevin tried to pull away but Brian had him in a vice grip.

"It's time for you two to make up." Brian explained in hushed tones. "If you have any chance of making this work you had better swallow that damn foolish pride and behave! Got it?" Kevin made no further effort to resist. "Josh its great to see you and Lance what a nice surprise. Isn't it Kevin?

"Yeah." Kevin said flatly. This caused Brian to grip harder which caused Kevin to speak up. "Yeah! Yeah its good to see both of you. Where would you like to eat? I was thinking we might try Cafe Lago or Augustus Cafe."

"Always gotta run the show right Kevin?" Lance sneered. Which earned him a jab by JC. Kevin just smirked and said nothing. He was determined to be the bigger man.

"Why don't 'you' pick Josh?" Kevin suggested with a smug grin. Brian just rolled his eyes.

"Well since Lance is familiar with the place maybe he should pick?" JC suggested.

"Why thank you JC. 'You' are such a gentleman." Lance said with his own smug grin. "Well, Cafe Lago sounds good. Of course it is a buffet so you might actually have to serve yourself." Lance was looking directly at Kevin when he said this, and the fact that his last comment was directed at him was not lost on any of them.

"I think we can handle it. Let's go." JC said, slightly annoyed as he shoved Lance in the direction of the restaurant. This got a snicker from Kevin who was also rewarded with a shove by Brian. He turned to protest but the look on Brian's face made him think twice. So he turned on his heals and stomped toward the restaurant like a pouting child. Brian and JC exchanged a look and shook their heads in disbelief. Then a thought occured to both Brian and JC. And the look between them confirmed for each what the other was thinking. It was going to be a long breakfast.

Brian and JC followed Kevin and Lance to the table. Brian sighed heavily.

"By all means you sit first," Kevin said with sarcasm dripping.

"No," Lance said gesturing to the chair. "Age before beauty."

"Both of you sit," JC barked. He was pointing at an empty booth. Lance huffed and plopped down. Brian poked Kevin in the side and pointed at the booth. Kevin sighed too as he sat down with a huff. "Well this is nice," JC said looking around. "Lance what is good to eat?"

"Look at the buffet table," Lance grumbled. Kevin laughed softly. For some reason Lance laughed too. "I'm sure you can walk that far."

"Yeah you too Brian," Kevin glared at Brian. All at once they had a common enemy. Kevin decided that since he was basically forced to eat with Lance he might as well be polite. "So Lance do you like living in Vegas?"

"I love it!" Lance said with eagerness before looking down. "I'm sorry about the way I acted yesterday " He said meeting Kevin's gaze

"Me too" Kevin replied. Kevin suddenly realized that Lance had the same color eyes as his. He caught himself staring into Lance's eyes. He quickly looked away blushing. He looked around to see if anyone had caught him staring at Lance. Brian struggled to keep his face neutral.

"So Kevin what do you want to eat?" Brian asked.

"Is there any golf course nearby your place?" Kevin quickly asked to keep the conversation going.

"Lance do you want to go get your food now?" JC asked Lance.

"Yeah there is one about fifteen minutes away. I don't play much, but I could show you around," Lance replied completely ignoring JC.

"Kevin your hair is on fire," Brian said to Kevin.

"That's nice Brian, I would love to see the course Lance," Kevin said as he continued to engage Lance in a conversation.

"Oh and your car is on fire too Lance," JC snickered

"No nothing for me just coffee, thanks JC," Lance replied. "So I hear you like to go horseback riding."

"Well we are going to go and tar and feather Nick and AJ now," Brian replied calmly.

"Say hi to them for me," Kevin said absently.

"Oh and we might go sell your house too Lance, and give the money to Chris and Joey to spend on junk food," JC snickered as he and Brian sneaked away.

"That was so mean," Brian giggled as he looked back at Kevin and Lance. Happy to see that they were still heavily engaged in their conversation.

"Which part?" JC asked with his eyes twinkling with humor. "The part about taring and feathering poor Nick and AJ or me selling Lance's house?"

"And don't forget giving the money to Joey and Chris to buy junk food," Brian laughed loudly.

"Let's go get breakfast ourselves," JC suggested.

Back at the table.

"So you want to go golfing?" Lance asked Kevin. He couldn't believe that he was actually carrying on a conversation with Kevin. Kevin was so good looking. With his piercing green eyes. He also found himself looking at Kevin as a person. Lance looked hard into Kevin's eyes. He had heard from his mother a long time ago, that you could tell a lot about a person just by looking into his eyes. Kevin was a gentle loving man. Lance could tell that. He was also a type of man to take control. Lance loved that about a man. Lance loved to be the one who was loved and cared for and by the look in Kevin's eyes he was that type of man.

"Lance?" Kevin's deep soft voice drifted over him.

"MMMmmmm yes sexy?" Lance asked in a dreamy voice. It was at this point that Lance realized he had said that part out loud. He wasn't the only one.

"Excuse me?" Kevin asked blushing. God did he look sexy when he blushed.

"Sorry," Lance mumbled softly blushing too.

"Don't apologize for being honest," Kevin said reaching under the table and touching Lance on the leg. For some reason Lance didn't pull away. "And for the record, you're sexy too."

"Can I crawl in a hole and die now?" Lance whimpered hiding his face. Kevin wanted to kiss him but managed to restrain himself.

"No," Kevin chuckled softly. "If it is any comfort I've done some stupid things too."

"I find that hard to imagine," Lance said smirking.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Kevin asked frowning.

"Meaning that you are so perfect all the time and you never make a mistake," Lance shot back.

"I'll have you know I am not perfect!" Kevin retorted back with his voice raising. "I'm perfectly capable of making mistakes."

"Oh yea like what kind of mistake?" Lance shot back glaring at Kevin.

"Like agreeing to meet JC for breakfast today!" Kevin roared as he stood up and walked from the table.

"Yea well it was a mistake for me to come here too!" Lance hurled at Kevin's back. "Stupid jackass!"

"What did you call me?" Kevin demanded. Thankfully they had managed to get to the restaurant early enough that they were able to sit in a semi-private booth.

"You heard me!" Lance shouted in Kevin's face. "I called you a jackass!"

"Well asshole!" Kevin roared. "I have one thing to say to you!"

"What is that?" Lance demanded. Then it happened. Kevin's body was pressed up against Lance and their lips were crushed together. Lance fought Kevin for a few seconds before giving in. He let Kevin kiss him breathless. Finally Kevin let loose. Lance stumbled back breathing heavily.

"There!" Kevin said smugly. With that Kevin stood and stormed away. Lance stood there with his fingers to his lips.

"Wow," Lance breathed as he shook his head. He glanced down and saw the check. "So the Jackass left me the check. Good that will give me an excuse to kiss him, I mean yell at him some more. Damn it!" He stood, paid the bill and left. He really needed a drink

TBC-Well thats all for now. Chapter five is coming soon. We would like to make you all aware of a charity auction that uBid is hosting on their website sometime in October, for the Hurricane Katrina relief effort. The auction was organized by Lance and he was able to get many celebrities and athletes to donate items. Please check there for upcoming information. He will also be appearing on "Extreme Makeover: Home Edtion" this season, as they go in to help in the rebuilding efforts.

Next: Chapter 5

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