Safest Place to Hide

By Travis Smith

Published on Nov 17, 2005


Disclaimer: We do not know the BSB, Lance Bass, or any other celebrities that may appear. Nor do we know their sexual orientations. All fictional characters and situations portrayed remain the property of the authors. Any similarities to actual living people and situations is purely coincidental. Also if you are under-age or do not wish to view sexually oriented material please leave now. Otherwise enjoy!

Permission is granted to Nifty Archives for the sole purpose of posting on the Boy Bands section of the Archives. Permission to post on your website may be obtained by e-mailing Travis Smith and Drew Thomas at the above address.

Safest Place To Hide

By Travis Smith and Drew Thomas

Chapter Six

Kevin took a deep breath and prepared himself for what he was about to do. He was sure that Lance would probably verbally, if not physically, lash out at him again. He had known Lance for years and Kevin knew that the old Lance was in there somewhere. That was the man he had fallen in love with. Lance always put others ahead of himself. And was the peacemaker of the group. That was something they shared. They were the ones who kept everything running smoothly. And now Lance, the one who kept everything together, was falling apart. Kevin knew that there was a certain protocol to the intervention process but this time it had been a lot less planned out. He was about to change the rules again.

"Lance, can I talk to you upstairs for a moment." Kevin asked to a startled room. They had almost forgotten he was even there, he had been so quiet. AJ looked like he was going to protest but a pleading look from Kevin stopped him.

"Why the hell would I want to hear anything you have to say?" Lance demanded. Kevin tried to remain calm as he spoke again.

"Just give me five minutes and if after I'm done you want me to leave, I will." He could see that Lance was beginning to soften to the idea so he pressed a little harder. "Please, just five minutes?" Lance thought about it briefly. He could either talk to Kevin, or he could sit there and listen to more crap from his friends and parents.

"Fine, let's go." Lance stood up and walked towards the staircase with Kevin following close behind. Kevin turned briefly and made a gesture for everyone to keep their fingers crossed. He hoped he would get through to him. When they were gone the others broke up and went to separate parts of the house. Justin, a look of annoyance on his face, snuck out the back. Joey quickly followed him.

"What the hell is your problem Justin?" Joey demanded.

"What are we doing here? It's pretty obvious that we weren't really needed and I've got other commitments to worry about beside that stubborn asshole. He doesn't want to get treatment so we should just let him do whatever he wants." Justin was so busy complaining, he didn't have time to react to Joey's fist as it flew towards his face.

Upstairs Kevin followed Lance into his office. Lance sat without offering a chair to Kevin and waited for him to speak.

"Lance, where is this going?" Kevin asked. "What are we doing here?"

"What do you mean exactly?"

"I mean you and me. Where is this relationship going? Because I'd like to see this relationship continues, if it can." Lance was quiet for a moment before speaking.

"So would I Kevin." He wasn't sure if he was making the right decision but something in him told him to take a chance. The smile that lit up Kevin's face was priceless.

"That's great. Now, we have to talk about something kinda hard. I need you to do something for me before we can continue with this relationship."

"What are you talking about Kevin?"

"Lance, as much as you don't want to admit it, you have a drinking problem. I know you don't want believe it but you do. I don't think I can have a relationship with you if you won't get help. If you keep going the way you are things are just going to get worse. Everyone here loves you and wants to see you healthy, especially me. Will you do this for me, for us? Will you at least give it a try?" By the time Kevin was finished he was kneeling in front of Lance, clasping his hands tightly. Lance lowered his head and took a deep breath.

"Let's go back downstairs." Lance finally spoke. Kevin, feeling defeated by Lance's apparent refusal, struggled to his feet. He once again followed behind Lance as they headed downstairs.

While all this had been going on JC, who had followed behind Joey, was now holding him back as Justin sat on the ground holding his jaw. The commotion also caused AJ and Nick to come running to see what was going on. Nick offered a hand to Justin but he swatted it away and stood slowly. Justin glared at Joey and stormed back into the house, nearly knocking over AJ in the process. Once he was inside JC let go of Joey.

"Want to tell us what that was all about?" JC asked.

"Just Justin being Justin. You know how he can be." Joey complained

"All to well unfortunately." JC sighed.

"Wanna fill us in?" Nick asked

"Later. We need to get this intervention going again." AJ said. They walked back in just as Lance and Kevin reappeared. Justin was sulking in a nearby chair.

"Can I have everyone's attention please?" Lance spoke. His attitude had seemed to take a total turn. He was actually relaxed. "Well as much as I don't like how this was handled, after talking to Kevin I've decided to get treatment." Everyone was stunned, even Kevin. The interventionist was suspicious but said nothing of it. He figured as long as Lance was serious then everything would be okay.

"Well we need to get you packed because we need to check you in right away. We have a plane waiting to take you to California." The interventionist spoke.

"That's fine but I'm not going anywhere without Kevin. He doesn't go I don't go." Again the room was silent everyone was on edge except for Kevin who was beaming. That is until he saw AJ's disapproving glare.

"I'm not sure, its not normal procedure Lance." The interventionist spoke again.

"Then I guess this little meeting is over." Lance stated, as he once again headed upstairs. Once out of earshot Kevin laid into the man.

"Are you crazy? You might have just blown the only shot we had to get him help! If I'm what he needs to get into treatment then I'll do it."

"I agree with Kevin." JC spoke up. "You have no idea how stubborn Lance can be. Once he sets his mind about something almost nothing can change it. What is it going to hurt if Kevin goes along?"

"Only our careers." AJ spat. "We're supposed to be leaving for a promotional tour overseas. How's it gonna look if we aren't all there?"

"Just tell the press that I had to finish up some things on the album and that I'll be joining you all later on. Do you think you can manage that AJ?" Kevin was pissed at him for acting like he was. Especially since AJ had set this whole thing up to begin with.

"I'm just trying to look out for us okay? We can't have all this getting out to the press and you know it." AJ explained.

"I know that very well thanks. Now I'm going upstairs to check on Lance and then we are both going to get him checked into a clinic. Any more objections?" The others held their tongues as Kevin ran upstairs.

Meanwhile across town Travis was about to have a surprise of his own. Travis was bored out of his mind. He was really annoyed at Nick for leaving him alone all this time. Damn alkie Lance. Why should Nick care what he does with his life? He had his own band members to clean him up didn't he? He was shook from his thoughts by a loud knock. He jumped to his feet, and as he opened the door a feeling of happiness mixed with fear overcame him.

"Oh my god what are you doing here?" Travis yelled as he grabbed his visitor in a crushing hug.

"Can't I visit my boyfriend once in a while?" the guy asked with a laugh.

"Of course sweetie I just didn't expect you to fly out from LA is all."

"Well it's a pretty short flight and I really missed you"

"I missed you too. I was going crazy from boredom before you showed up." Travis complained

"Well I think I know a way to keep you entertained." The other guy said before kissing Travis passionately. "Why don't we move this reunion into the bedroom? You don't have rehearsal today do you?"

"No, we have all day free. AJ, Kevin and Nick are over at Lance Bass' house."

"I hope my brother hasn't been too much of a slave driver with you all. He can be a real perfectionist sometimes, to the point of being rude."

"No way Aaron. Nick has been nothing but nice to me. Now, about that activity you had in mind to relieve my boredom. How 'bout we get to work on that?" Travis said with a mischievous grin.

"You read my mind." Aaron said slyly as he pulled Travis down on the bed.

It didn't take Aaron long to strip off his clothes. Travis was already naked. Aaron looked down at his young lover. Well not really young, he was after all the age as Aaron was. Travis was considerably shorter than Aaron but that didn't stop Travis from being a wild guy in bed. Aaron feeling naughty left his boxers on. He mentally counted down the seconds before he heard the frustrated growl that he always heard from his lover. "What?" he asked innocently. Travis whimpered softly and jerked his erect cock a couple of times. "Oh you want me to take this off?" Aaron asked taking hold of his boxers. Again with the really hot growl. Aaron took Travis's hand and placed it on his waistband. "Well if you want it off I guess you are going to have to take it off yourself," Aaron replied with a smirk.

Travis didn't waist time removing Aaron's boxers. His eyes lit up at the sight of Aaron's erection. It was about the same size of Nick's just thinner. Travis really liked the Carter boys and the way they could use their cocks. Travis took Aaron's cock in his hand. He thrilled at Aaron's moan as he gently stroked it a couple of times. "You like that?" Travis asked grinning up at Aaron. "If you like that than you are really going to like this." Travis let out a sexy giggle as he slid Aaron's erect cock into his mouth. Aaron let out another groan. Travis grinned to himself. Travis was a good cock sucker and he could bring anyone to his knees. Travis continued to bob up and down as he slurped on Aaron's cock. The way Aaron thrust his hips forward driving his cock deeper and deeper down Travis's throat almost caused Travis to gag. Nick wasn't as aggressive as Aaron was. That was what Travis loved about Aaron. Aaron had a rough side to him. Aaron loved to fuck his lovers until they whimpered and cried for mercy. He was also a dirty talker and that was a major turn on for Travis.

"Yea you like it don't you?" Aaron sneered down at Travis's dirty blonde head as he fucked Travis's face. "You like me fucking your face don't you?" Travis moaned in response. "What?" Aaron teased him ramming his cock down his throat. Travis swallowed violently around his shaft. "I can't hear you. You like my cock don't you?" Travis whimpered as Aaron continued to fuck his face with more and more force. Aaron pulled out his wet slick cock and slapped Travis's face with it. "Lay down bitch!" Aaron sneered at him. "I want to fuck you." Travis grinned happily as he rolled over on the bed and spread his legs. Aaron roughly slid his cock deep in Travis. "Oh yea you are so tight!" Travis grunted loudly in pain. "Oh yea!" Aaron groaned. "I'm gonna fuck you so hard!" Aaron immediately began to thrust in and out as fast and as hard as he could. His balls slapping against Travis's buttocks.

For the next thirty minutes Aaron fucked Travis with all of his might. Soon both his and Travis's body were covered with sweat. He could feel his balls tightening up. He grinned with a naughty grin as he bent down and took Travis's erect nipple in his mouth and bit down. He got the response he wanted. Travis whimpered loudly and tensed up. Moving quickly Aaron bent over and grabbed his cock with his lips and sucked hard. Travis' groaned loudly and started to shoot his load deep into Aaron's mouth. Aaron moaned deeply as he swallowed as fast as he could. He couldn't hold off any longer. He shot off his load at the same time Travis did. Travis loved to watch Aaron cum. He loved Aaron's facial expression when he climaxed. Finally Aaron fell on top of Travis's body breathing heavily. Travis held Aaron until Aaron had recovered. "Wow," Aaron breathed as he looked down at Travis's flushed face. "You were fucking hot!"

"You were kinda hot too," Travis said with his cute sexy grin. "Now we have to get showered and cleaned up."

Later after they showered Aaron had his arms and legs wrapped around Travis smaller frame. He was rock hard again and was thinking of sliding up into Travis's body again. But for now he was enjoying watching Travis sleep. Sex always made Travis sleepy. And watching this cute guy sleeping was a pleasure for Aaron. Aaron leaned down and kissed his forehead when his cell phone rang. He picked it up and grinned happily. "Hey Nick!" Aaron said happily but quietly. He didn't want to wake his lover. "I'm here in Vegas," Aaron replied to his brother's question. "I met up with my boyfriend." Aaron listened to his brother telling him to be careful and that he wanted to meet his boyfriend too. He wanted to make sure he was good enough for his younger brother. "Ok," Aaron sighed rolling his eyes. "Come by my room later this evening and I'll introduce you." He wondered what Nick would think of him dating one of Backstreet's dancers. Aaron clicked off his cell phone and started to slide out of bed. He would've succeeded, only Travis stopped him by wrapping his arms around Aaron narrow waist. "What do you think you are doing?" Aaron asked looking back at the sleepy young dancer. Aaron smiled at Travis's sleepy and very sexy expression.

"I'm keeping you captive," Travis giggled as he tried to pull Aaron back down.

"I'll be back in about ten seconds," Aaron smiled back at him. "I have let junior pee."

"Well hurry," Travis said with a pout. "I want junior to pay more attention to me."

"After that hot fuck session we just did?" Aaron asked in surprise.

"Well after you leave in a few days I won't get any for a while," Travis replied giving him the full pout. Travis had the gift. Once those puppy eyes got going and the bottom lip stuck out that was it. You were hooked. No way out. Aaron smiled as he leaned down and kissed his pouty lips. "I'll be back in a few." Travis snuggled back into bed hugging Aaron's pillow to himself. Aaron laughed softly. In about fifteen seconds later Aaron was back in bed snuggling up to Travis. Aaron pressed his lips to Travis's neck and began to suck in earnest. Travis moaned softly and pressed his backside against Aaron's erect cock.

"You want me?" Aaron asked as he nipped at Travis's exposed skin and reached down and took hold of Travis's already dripping cock. Aaron grinned wickedly as he began to stroke it. Aaron stroked it fast and hard until Travis shivered and whimpered and filled Aaron's hand with his cum. Aaron held his hand up to Travis's lips and watched as Travis licked up his own cum. "You like that don't you?" Aaron demanded as he reached up and pinched his nipples hard. "You like being my bitch don't you?" Travis whimpered softly. "You want my hot long cock up your tight willing ass?" Aaron asked as he nipped at Travis's neck again. Again Travis whimpered. "What was that love?" Aaron asked kissing the spot he just bit. "I can't understand you."

"Please Aaron?" Travis pleaded with his lover.

"Please what sexy?" Aaron asked as he pressed his erect cock in between Travis's ass cheeks.

"Make love to me?" Travis begged.

"What do I get if I do?" Aaron teased him.

"Fuck me!" Travis ordered with more force.

"Your wish is my command," Aaron smirked as he rammed his long narrow cock deep into Travis's body. Travis moaned loudly as he shuddered violently from the intrusion. "Oh yea you are so fucking tight!" Aaron rasped out as he slowly pulled out and than slammed back in slamming against Travis's prostate gland. Aaron knew he was going to get the response he wanted. Travis let out a kitten like yelp as Aaron begin to slam in and out of him as fast as he could. Again the room was full of the sounds of male to male sex. The kind that both Aaron and Travis craved. This time Aaron had taken Travis from behind. Travis loved any way Aaron wanted to take him. And right now Aaron was fucking with force and an animalistic way that drove Travis wild.

Nick was never like this. Nick was gentle and loving. Nick was always concerned about Travis and his pleasure. Nick never cared about his own pleasure first. Nick only cared about how Travis felt. Aaron was different. Aaron needed to cum. He needed to have fun doing it. He needed to dominate Travis and he needed Travis to submit to him willingly and completely. That was the kind of lover he was. Aaron was a dominate top and Travis got to be the submissive bottom, right where Travis always wanted to be.

Again the couple was covered in sweat. Soon Aaron growled loudly as he trembled violently and fired his load deep into Travis. Travis cried out as he too shot another load as well. The two lovers parted from one another breathing heavily. After a few minutes Travis snuggled back over to Aaron. This was the Aaron that Travis really loved. Gentle and loving as he covered Travis's sweaty and tired body with soft kisses and soft love bites. It wasn't long before Travis had drifted off to a deep peaceful sleep. Aaron wrapped himself around the tired younger man and was soon asleep himself.

Meanwhile, everyone had gathered in the living room to say their goodbyes to Lance and Kevin. Kevin promised AJ and Nick that he would call when they arrived in L.A. JC and Joey both promised to visit Lance when he was able to have visitors. Lance just shrugged off the promises, not really believing them. But at least he had Kevin now, he thought. Kevin would be there for him when the other guys wouldn't.

Lance and Kevin climbed into the waiting car and were soon on there way to the airport. Justin left soon after, telling JC and Joey he had to get back to L.A. himself. They were disappointed but let him go without much of a fuss. Nick and AJ said their goodbyes next and headed back to the hotel to pack up. They had an early flight out in the morning and they had to break the news to Brian and Howie that Kevin would not be coming with them.

"You're in a pretty good mood man." AJ said as they drove back."What was that call about earlier?"

"Oh that was Aaron. He's in town visiting his new man," Nick chuckled. "It's cool that we got to be in the same town for at least one night. I've missed the little brat."

"Better not let him hear you call him 'little.' He's almost taller than you now. So what's this new guy like?"

I have no idea actually. I get to meet him tonight, so I get to do the protective older brother thing." Nick smiled mischievously.

"You better behave Nick or Aaron is going to hurt you, and he can do it to. He learned from the master after all."

"Why thank you."

"I was talking about me you ass." AJ said while punching Nick in the arm.


"See, I told you."

"Whatever man. So do you think Lance is gonna be all right?"

"Yeah I do actually. That place my sponsor found is supposed to be one of the best in the country. Well we're here. I'll go tell the others what's up."

"OK cool. I'm gonna get ready to meet the mysterious boyfriend. After I check on Travis though." AJ new that look in Nick's eyes. He was going to be getting some very soon. AJ squeezed his eyes tight and shuddered at the thought. He really didn't want to picture Nick like that. It was like picturing your own brother doing it. It was not a pleasant image. Nick had no idea he was about to experience that same thing firsthand.

On the way to the airport Lance had been very quiet. He held on to Kevin's hand so tightly that Kevin's fingers were tingling from the lack of circulation. He didn't want to let go and risk hurting Lance's feelings. Lance saw the look of pain on Kevin's face and realized what he was doing. He quickly loosened his grip on Kevin's hand.

"Sorry, I'm just really nervous." Lance apologized.

"Don't worry about it, I understand. You have no idea what to expect when you get there. But try not to worry too much. I would never have agreed with any of this if I thought it would be harmful to you. AJ's sponsor is a good guy and he says this place is great. Its more like a spa then a rehab."

"Where exactly is this place anyway." Lance asked. He had been kept pretty much in the dark about where he was getting sent.

"I'll see what I can find out once we're in the air, OK? Look we're here, lets get our stuff loaded on the plane." They stepped out of the car and Kevin went to the back to get their bags. Being someone who was always on top of things he had already begun to pack for the overseas trip the night before. So when Lance had asked him to come along they only had to make a short detour to pick up his carry-on bag, and he was ready to go."Are you ready?"

"Yeah." Lance sighed. "Let's get out of here." Kevin reached for Lance and they walked hand in hand toward the waiting plane.

Nick walked up to the Travis's room, and slipped out a copy of the key card that Travis gave him. He was allowed to come and go as he pleased. Just as Travis was in Nick's room too. He slid the key into the slot. He was ready to spend some quality time with Travis. A nice dinner in private and a long lovemaking session, and then a nice long soak in the hot tub. Yes tonight was going to be a good one. A nice long night with his young lover before the craziness started. Nick walked in and frowned at the mess all over Travis room. Clothes were strewn all over the place. But that was just like Travis. Travis was a bit of a ditz. It was cute and endearing and Nick loved him for it. He walked to Travis's bedroom door and saw it was closed. Nick grinned a naughty grin. Travis was taking a nap. It was time to wake up his sleeping beauty.

Inside the bedroom Aaron and Travis were going at it again. Travis was on his back with his legs spread and welcoming Aaron's long hard cock into him. Aaron was all to happy to give him all eight inches of his cock to Travis's. "Oh yea give it to me Aaron," Travis whimpered out loud.

"You like it don't you?" Aaron taunted him as he continued to thrust into Travis's abused and tired body. Aaron was tired too. He had already had sex with Travis several times that day. But Travis woke Aaron up by slipping Aaron's limp cock into his mouth. And with his urgent request Aaron finally gave in to his lover. Aaron was close to orgasm. He wanted to please Travis. His body was covered with a slick sheen of sweat. "Oh fuck!" Aaron groaned out as he begin to shoot out of his cock. The bedroom door opened and neither Aaron nor Travis worried about who might be intruding on their love nest. All that mattered was the orgasm.

Nick stood there watching his brother's ass rise up and down and slamming his erect cock in and out of Travis's whole. Aaron was cumming and cumming hard into his lover. His balls were slick with sweat and juices from Travis's ass. Aaron was trembling violently from the force of his orgasm. Nick's tears flowed down his face as he watched Travis's reaction to Aaron's actions. Travis loved it. He was happy for it. Nick's lover was betraying him. Betraying him with his own brother. Finally he could take no more. "What the fuck is going on?" he shouted out. Aaron leapt off of Travis pulling his still shooting cock out of Travis's quivering whole. Aaron's cum splattered all over Travis's butt cheeks. Aaron's moans were cut short with curses of outrage.

"Nick!" Aaron shouted looking over his shoulder as he finished shooting his cum all over his lover abs now. "What the fuck are you doing here?"

"Me?" Nick shouted with tears still flowing down his face. "What are you doing to my boyfriend?"

"Your boyfriend?" Aaron yelped back not bothering to cover himself up. "Travis is my boyfriend!"

"Like hell he is!" Nick screamed at him as he moved to cover up Travis. Than he saw it, Travis was glaring at him. "Travis?"

"Gentlemen, this is your captain. We're about to make our final decent into LAX. Please fasten your seatbelts."

The flight from Las Vegas had only taken an hour, but Lance had manage to get himself feeling pretty good. He wasn't completely drunk but he was well on the way. Kevin had put up a fuss about it but the interventionist, who had come along with them, told him it would be alright. He would be going through very intense withdrawals over the next week, so they wanted him to be as comfortable as possible before that happened. They were on their way to the Renaissance Malibu treatment center. From what Kevin had been told the place sounded more like a spa then a rehab, but he was assured that it was very well respected. A little while later they were pulling up to a what appeared to be a grand estate. They were greeted by a well dressed, dark-haired, young woman.

"Good afternoon gentlemen, and welcome to the Renaissance Malibu. Mr. Bass we've been expecting you. Let me show you where you'll be spending your stay with us and introduce you to your roommate. We thought having someone with you might make your stay a bit more comfortable. Of course if you prefer we can find you an empty room."

"No that will be fine, Miss...?" Lance asked

"Oh forgive me, my name is Melanie, I'm the Admissions Counselor. Well shall we head upstairs? Then I'll give you a tour of the place." As Melanie turned and walked back into the main house Lance, who was still nervous caught Kevin's eye. Kevin's reassuring smile immediately put him at ease. Lance took a deep breath and followed Kevin inside.

Lance was amazed at the beautiful surroundings. A twenty thousand square foot house on the beach, surrounded by beautiful grounds. The facility only allowed 12 residents at a time and the clientele was very exclusive. It had to be, the price for a 30 day stay was upwards of $70,000.00. As they made their way to the room Lance's anxiety was beginning to get the better of him again. How was he going to do this without Kevin and the guys there to support him? Then he began to question even if the others would stay true to their word to visit. He wouldn't blame them if they never spoke to him again. All these thoughts were raging through him as he tried to concentrate on what Melanie was explaining to him. then they stop in front of a room that Lance assumed was going to be his home for the next month. Melanie once again led the way as they entered the suite to find a young man waiting for them.

"Oh good your here." Melanie cheerfully spoke." Lance, I'd like to introduce you to your roommate for your stay with us. This is Eric." Before them stood a very good looking man that Lance thought looked some what like Kevin. He was about 6', with brown hair and green eyes. His build was more stocky but still fit and he had a dazzling smile. Something in him made Lance immediately feel at ease while Kevin tensed up. He didn't know why but he was instantly distrustful of the man. maybe it was Lance's reaction to him that pissed him off. Whatever it was, the time he had to spend with Lance was getting short.

"Can we get a moment to say goodbye?" Kevin asked. The others excused themselves and Eric told Lance he would see him at dinner. When they were finally alone Kevin spoke again "There's something I want to give you before I go Lance"

"What's that?" Lance asked. Kevin seized the opportunity to take Lance in his arms and plant to most passionate kiss they had ever shared. Kevin's lips parted slightly and his tongue brushed Lance's lips, begging for entry. Lance reciprocated and the two men basked in the glow of this long awaited moment. There was no denying the passion they felt for each other any longer. When they finally parted the were both panting heavily, breathless from the pent up energy that had finally found release. Kevin was the first to speak.

" I love you James Lance Bass." This caused Lance to chuckle, not quite the reaction Kevin was looking for."What?"

"I'm sorry it's just that my mother is the only one that calls me by my full name. But I like it when you call me James."Lance smiled before continuing."I love you too Kevin, very much."

"I'll come back to see you as soon as I can, I promise."

"I know you will. I'm counting the days till then." With one last kiss they said there final goodbyes. Once outside he said goodbye to AJ's sponsor and they parted ways. Kevin picked up the intercom phone and spoke to the limo driver who had brought them.

"Jimmy? Take me home now please." He hung up the phone and watched the rehab fade into the distance. "Time to do what I've been putting off for too long. It's time for Kristin and I to move on with our lives. Time to tell her I want a divorce."

TBC- Well it finally happened. Lance and Kevin declared their love for each other. We hope it was worth the wait. But now they have to separate while Lance gets treatment. How is Lance going to deal with the separation? What's going on with this new guy Eric? Is Kevin just overreacting? How is Kristin going to react when Kevin asks her for a divorce? So many questions. Chapter 7 is coming soon.

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