Sally and Gill

By Mark Downing

Published on May 22, 2002


It was during a standard home economics class that Sally and Gill went truly public. They were both standing, kneading pastry for their pies when Gill said "I'm going to make this look like your bottom, of course I will need to compare it to the original". Sally smiled, wiped her hands clean of the flour, undid her skirt and let it fall to the floor. Gill did her best impression of an artist, tongue between her teeth in mock concentration, as she shaped the dough. Quickly a bottom shaped pie appeared, Gill moved the two "cheeks" apart then tongued the crevice, all the while looking at her girlfriend. When Sally's face took on her best "fuck me" expression; Gill sucked on a finger and pushed it into the pie's "arsehole". Sally could take no more; she leant over and whispered "why don't you try that on the real thing?" Gill looked at her girlfriends lovely arse, "I'm sorry", she said, "your blouse would get in the way". Sally's blouse only just reached the top of her bum, but she got the idea, the apron she had would keep her at least slightly decent so the blouse was quickly removed. The body of the apron was quite narrow and just covered her nipples allowing the outside of her breasts to be seen around it.

Gill quickly got down onto her knees behind Sally and began to lick her bum whilst caressing the hot and moist cuntlips below. Sally bent forward, arching her back to spread her bumcheeks as far as possible, occasionally smothering a moan as her girlfriends fingers slipped into her hot cunt and wet tongue into her tight bum. It was about 30 seconds later that Gill realised that Sally's reactions were slightly different, she lifted her eyes from her girlfriends beautiful bum to see that they had an audience.

The six other girls in the class were standing watching, Gill was slightly shocked but she knew that sooner or later they'd be caught, Sally was of course playing to them and the others seemed very interested in the action before them. Sally spoke first "would anyone else like to lick me?" All the girls made embarrassed movements but she persevered "come on, who's to know?" Angy, a cute little French girl, then moved forward, Gill smiled and stood up to allow Angy to take her place.

Tentatively at first, but growing in enthusiasm Angy started licking at Sally's cunt and arse, "now" moaned Sally, "the first one to drop her skirt and pants gets Gill doing the same to her". The five other girls all looked at the volunteered Gill who smiled back, Gill's smile got warmer as Sarah, a rather attractive blonde with lovely tits, moved first to discard her skirt and small white pants with a telltale moist patch at the gusset. She bent over the bench and Gill had to stop herself from diving at the lovely arse and perfectly trimmed pussy in front of her. Her skilful slurping soon brought moans from the blonde but she soon realised that another girl had knelt down beside her. Looking sideways she saw it was Victoria, a very cute little brunette with even better tits than Sarah. Gill ran her right hand down Victoria's back, and thrilled at the feeling of naked skin as Victoria's slightly large bum was beneath her hand. She sat back and smiled at Victoria who took her place at the naked arse of the pleasured girl in front.

Sally was now having a whale of a time; she had changed position and was lying on her back on the bench. A now completely naked Angy was grinding her crotch onto her face and a firm figured brunette called Becky was enthusiastically licking her cunt. The two others were watching both shows wide eyed and legged masturbating. Gill moved over to Becky and whispered "the more you get up her cunt the happier she is". Becky thought about it then bunched three fingers together and pushed them into Sally. Sally brought her knees up further to her chest, "more" Gill whispered. As four fingers slid easily into her Sally responded by finding Angy's bumhole and pushing first one then a second finger into it. "More", this time it was Sally moaning from underneath Angy, Gill showed Becky how her hand should be, watched as it slid in, then turned to face the two masturbating girls who were both looking with amazement at Sally's cunt. The two moist red holes were far too appetising for her to ignore so she knelt down and began to lap at one whilst fingering the other. She then had a thought "sit on Allison's lap with your legs open" she told Marie who was being fingered. Marie did that allowing Gill to have a double deck of cunt to lick. Home economics had never been so much fun!

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Next: Chapter 12

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