Sally and Gill

By Mark Downing

Published on Aug 30, 2015


Nikki had been browsing the internet for free porn sites and had found a huge cache of videos of all different kinks and perversions, and she of course had been scanning for those of anal interest. She was sat cross legged on her bed, laptop in front of her – there were only two variations from what was deemed "normal" – she was naked, and she was sat on a very large butt plug. Large is relative of course, but this was even too large for her, it was a special that Sally had had made for her called "the stretcher". It was actually quite tall at about 12 inches, but went out to a diameter of 8 inches so there was no way she could get it all in, hence its use as a stretcher. It was fairly uncomfortable sitting with all her weight supported just by her arsehole, but the porn and the inevitable clitoral stimulation negated a fair amount of pain. She continued scrolling down the list of anal fisting and footing videos and selected one that looked interesting. What jumped onto the screen hit her buttons immediately, a guy was lying back with his knees pulled up to his shoulders and a woman had started to shove her foot up his ass, and up, and up, and up almost to her knee. Nikki had been fisted elbow deep, but this was something else – she started heavily massaging her tits and rapidly slapping her clit until she came. She couldn't be sure but it felt like she had also slipped down another half inch onto the plug, "I have to do this" she thought and clambered off the device whilst saving the video. She started to rush downstairs before remembering that the other girls were out on a photoshoot. "You have to be kidding, no fair" she said in frustration and was just about to return to the stretcher when the doorbell rang. A quick look through the spyhole revealed a female form, when Nikki opened the door still naked she revealed so much more. "Hi, I'm collecting for..." started the young woman, the much practised speech cut off as her eyes dropped downwards, she collected herself and started again, "Hi, I'm collecting..." and again lost her train of thought as a still highly aroused Nikki spread her legs and smiled. Nikki was turned on as hell, she still had images of a hugely deep footing running around her head, and now she was naked in front of a very attractive stranger who was enjoying the view, so she now made the leap, "I really need a foot inside my ass," she stated "really deep, all the way to the knee – wanna help?". The young woman was obviously surprised; however the view of a very lovely naked Nikki had slightly frazzled her brain, so she just nodded and walked into the house, and then followed Nikki into the front room.

They introduced themselves; and Lena, who was a tall, lovely French African girl started to shed her clothes whilst Nikki assumed the position on a couch and added more lube to her ass. Lena was tall, gorgeously tall with a long slender figure to match, and flawless light brown skin, and she was just pulling off her jeans when she looked at Nikki. "If I help you with this will you do something for me" she queried, "such as?" responded Nikki. Lena restarted pulling off her jeans and said "I love masturbating in public, in shops, pubs, cinemas...everywhere there are people around, and I'd love to do it with and too someone". Nikki beamed back and said "you have no idea how much I can help, I can have a few of the sexiest sluts in the world with you, naked, anywhere you like and ready for absolutely anything". Lena now almost ripped off her bra and pants then sat on the floor in front of Nikki, then stared in amazement at the long slit that was now the brunettes back passage whilst smearing some lube all over her foot and leg "use lots, all the way up to your knee" she was instructed, and did as she was told.

After raising her leg up until her nicely painted toes touched the target hole she stopped, "are you sure?" she asked. "Shove it up me, shove it deep and don't stop" panted Nikki as lust overtook her. Lena's foot slid easily into Nikki's asshole, much to her surprise, and Nikki's pleasure, so she started pushing. The width at the heel was no problem thanks to the stretcher, but Nikki began to feel her insides being moved around with the increasing depth, way more than with a hand, and it was intense. "Keep pushing" she urged breathlessly, she wasn't even masturbating as both hands were holding back her knees. Lena couldn't believe the sensations, she'd always had a thing about feet; she enjoyed sucking on, and having her toes, sucked, and didn't mind if they were a bit sweaty; she also found well-pedicured painted toes, perhaps in stockings, but definitely in strappy heels, really sexy, and so dressed accordingly whenever possible. As she got deeper she scooted forward to be able to push, and Nikki felt deliciously full and incredibly sexy. She was almost disappointed this wasn't being filmed but she knew she'd be doing it again so that wasn't detracting too much from the experience. After a few minutes work Lena was fully in, what was happening blew her mind and she loved it, but she had to try more things so instead of keeping her toes pointed she slowly drew her foot back – both girls had to moan with desire as Nikki's stomach bulged up, and Lena now couldn't contain herself and began to masturbate furiously. As she felt an orgasm start to build she managed to gasp "I want to suck on your toes". Nikki released one leg and carefully lowered it down so her foot could be sucked on, the rotation of her hip making various muscles dance causing waves of sensation to crash through her then as she felt Lena's mouth enclose her toes and tongue rasp around them she was able to use her now free hand to rub her own clit. Lena's orgasm raced through her, and the spasms she experienced helped Nikki over the edge – and when Nikki had something huge in her arse she came hard, and whilst it was not the thickest item she'd had penetrate her, it was certainly the longest thick one – in fact she was still coming when Sally, Lucy & Gill walked in fresh from their own sexual endeavours. Lena looked back at them with a mixture of shock and embarrassment, though both faded as she realised they were all as naked as her. Nikki now started to come back down from her crescendo so Lena started to withdraw, and was joined by the other three girls who were all expecting a huge gape – Lena however wasn't – but her first view of an extremely dilated asshole was more than enough to fix that into her list of "things that turn me on" as Nikki now had a cavern for a bumhole, and that was the way she liked it.

"So how did you first get into public masturbation?" Sally asked Lena when things had quietened down. "I don't really know," she responded thoughtfully "it just had to rearrange my panties one day in class at school, somehow, and things went from there". "It felt so good I couldn't get it out of my mind, so tried it in the next class, from there it was every day as often as possible, I found that doing it in the toilet didn't work as well, it was always where there was a risk of being caught". "Then one day on the way home I decided to take off my panties, and tried giving them a sniff, and I got hooked on that too. I'd push myself to do it riskier and riskier places just for the thrill, later I found that I loved all a girls smells, in fact I've lost a couple of girlfriends when they caught me rummaging through their washing baskets for panties and socks". She then stopped guiltily and looked at the other four girls half expecting expressions of revulsion, "don't worry, we all do that" assured Sally, then in mock outrage she pointed at Gill, "in fact some days she spends more time with her face in my panties than she does in my actual pussy", Gill just stuck her tongue out in reply as everyone else laughed. "So how far are you willing to go?" asked Sally, "how public and how naked?" Lena's heart pounded in her breast, "I don't know," she finally answered "but let me smell all your worn undies and we'll find out". And so Lena joined the group.


Next: Chapter 33

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