Sally and Gill

By Mark Downing

Published on Jan 22, 2002


It was the weekend and the two of them decided to go shopping, both were fully prepared, the crop tops and short skirts covered only minimal amounts of their bodies and any sexy underwear stayed firmly in their drawers. They had been sexing each other up on the bus, flashing breasts and letting their skirts rise up over their firm young buttocks, so both were nicely moist now and ready for adventure. They entered a clothes shop and instantly Sally's eyes fell upon one of the assistants, she was cute and had a lovely firm, ripe body with magnificently large breasts. Sally made straight for her, Gill saw her target and followed along. Sally pulled a dress off a rack and then sidled up to the girl, "What do you think", she asked as she held the dress around her. The assistant looked critically, "it's Ok, but not really you". "Well then perhaps you have something more me, something really sexy". "Sure, over here". The assistant led the way and Sally got in really close and started her seduction.

As the assistant, Julie, showed her a few dresses she showed off her body, her crop top opened up and her breasts came more into view, her skirt showed more and more leg and she touched Julie at every opportunity. Julie started flushing, her breathing got more intense and she looked more and more at the amount of body Sally was showing her. Finally Sally knew she had her, "perhaps you could help me try some of these on", she asked suggestively and moved closer than ever to Julie. Julie just nodded, Sally smiled encouragingly and lead her to the changing rooms, Gill followed in behind, bringing a gasp of surprise from Julie. "It's Ok Julie, this is Gill, she's a very good friend on mine" comforted Sally, "Hi Julie" responded Gill as she sidled up to her. Julie stood with eyes wide open as Gill leant forward to kiss her, tentatively at first then with greater and greater passion as Julie responded. Their hands, Gill's more experienced and Julie's less so, ground over the other's body, all the while Sally was now naked and enjoying the show, her own fingers caressing her clitoris and nipples. The two girls stopped kissing and turned to look at her, both with desire although Julie's was tempered with surprise, so Sally began to perform more. As she began to really stroke her pussy with abandon, Gill moaned and dragged Julie to her knee's, then pulled Sally close up, Sally's fingers moved away and were replaced by Gill's eager tongue. Julie watched panting, when Gill moved away and smiled she moved in, her first pussy to lick, and she instantly loved it. Sally flung her head back in pleasure and her fingers twined into Julie's hair and she started to grind her crotch against the brunette's lovely face, Gill took the advantage of Julie's passion firstly to strip herself off then start on Julie. Gill was delighted when she removed Julie's bra as a pair of deliciously firm, large breasts were revealed. Gill had a real thing about large breasts, whilst she adored Sally's, sometimes she did wish that they were larger, now though she had the kind of breasts in her hands that she desired the most and she was going to enjoy every second of it. She leant over and began to suck and lick at Julie's lovely nipples, all the while moving the firm flesh in her palms, Julie groaned and started lapping at Sally's clit all the harder, which set Sally bucking and grinding more intensely on the face of the young shop assistant.

After a few seconds more intense stimulation Sally shook as she orgasmed hard, it took a few seconds to regain control but she quickly bent down to kiss Julie hard, enjoying the flavour of her crotch on the lips and tongue of the new girl. She then looked in absolute passion at her and said "it's your turn now, I'm going to lick you like you've never been licked before". She sat Julie back onto the chair in the cubicle and raised her knees; Gill was about to resume her enjoyment of Julie's breasts when Julie stopped her by saying "I want to lick you now". Gill smiled and straddled her face, by now Sally was lapping away at the juicy cunt before her; Julie had to occasionally stop her furious licking of Gill's cunt to moan with pleasure. It was during one of these moans where she said "you two can do anything you please to me, absolutely anything". Sally looked up at Gill and smiled, then she inserted her index finger into Julie's very wet cunt and slowly moved it around all the while continuing the torment of the girls clit, Gill leant down and pulled Julie's legs higher, Sally then removed her finger, found Julie's tight arsehole and slowly pushed it in, Julie stiffened then orgasmed powerfully.

"I loved that" she breathed, "I want more". Sally smiled and reached over to her purse and pulled out a small vibrator, she sucked on it for a few seconds then switched it on and placed it up against Julie's now twitching arsehole, "relax" she said "this'll feel great" and slowly inserted the buzzing dildo into Julie's tight bum. She stiffened again and moaned with desire, then pulled Gill back onto her face. As Sally delved her tongue into Julie's wet cunt, loving the musky juices she lapped up, Gill ground her crotch onto Julie's face, but obviously needed some extra stimulation. She got it when Julie found her arsehole with her first finger and pushed it in, Gill came explosively, her body shook and trembled as the orgasm flooded through her. The three girls then dressed each other slowly, caressing and kissing each other all over as their clothes went back on. Julie followed the other two and left her undies off and after swapping telephone numbers they cautiously left the cubicle, then gave each other one last grope. Sally and Gill left the shop to search for more sexy situations.

Next: Chapter 7

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