Sam Seduces Muscle Stud

By moc.liamtoh@321enruobnarc

Published on Jul 22, 2009



This story contains scenes of a sexual nature between a man and a teenage boy. If this is not to your taste, or is illegal where you live, or you find it morally offensive, then read no further and leave now!!

The story is purely imaginary and bears no resemblance to any living person or persons as far as I know, much as you or I might wish!

Sam Seduces His Muscle Stud (Part One)

Sam sat eating a bowl of cereal as he read the note his mom had left him. "Enjoy your first day of school holidays, honey. Don't forget Mr Reynolds will be here around 9 to finish building the backyard fence, he'll let himself in the side gate. Money's on the counter, don't get up to too much trouble. Love Mom xx"

Sam smiled to himself and wondered whether inviting the town's football team into his house and having them fuck him silly all day constituted too much trouble in his mom's eyes? "Ah well, fantasies" he thought disappointedly. Although only 15, Sam was resigned to the thought that he'd never fulfill his fantasies, which usually involved him submitting to the sexual demands of one of the many young studs who lived in his town. With his mom and dad at work and his 17 year old sister away for a week on a hockey trip, Sam was looking forward to having the house to himself during the day, hopefully old man Reynolds kept to himself in the backyard building the fence and didn't bother him!

Sam washed up his bowl and slowly made his way upstairs. He walked into the bathroom and began to brush his teeth. As he brushed he looked at himself in the mirror. Wearing a very tight white tank top and light blue briefs, he liked what he saw. His longish blonde hair fell softly over his lightly tanned face. The wisps of hair perfectly framed his beautiful blue eyes and his perfect white teeth set off nicely against his tanned skin. He was too pretty to be a boy, his mom and dad had said it jokingly many a time, but deep down he knew it was true.

After finishing brushing he started the shower and let it warm up. As he did he stepped back and slowly pulled his tank top over his head and let it drop to the floor. He admired his slim, completely smooth torso. He ran his hands over his nipples and down his smooth abs, running them along the tight V that disappeared below his boxer shorts. He slipped his fingers under the waistband, slowly bent and slid them down over his ass and down his legs until they fell to the floor. He stepped out of them and turned around so he could check out his perfect, smooth ass. He ran one hand over his right cheek as he looked at it in the mirror over his shoulder. So perky, so smooth, so perfect, he thought. So why hadn't any man taken it and ravaged it yet? Maybe one day, he sighed, but when!?

Sam tested the water temperature, adjusted it until it was right and then stepped in. He let the stream run down his back, over his perky ass cheeks and down the back of his smooth thighs and calves before leaning his head back and wetting his hair and face. He ran his hands over his face and back through his hair, letting the water run down his arms, over his smooth underarms, down across his perky small pecs, and then down his abs and legs until he was completely wet.

Once wet, Sam looked around at the shampoos and body washes and chose his favourite, Strawberry Sundae. It was actually his sister's however he loved the sweet feminine smell and used it whenever he could. As he rubbed the suds across his smooth body he playfully rubbed his nipples, causing them to firm. He closed his eyes and softly tweaked and played with them, allowing himself to let out a soft moan as he did. He ran his hands across his light abs and down the front of his smooth thighs, rubbing the body wash into them. He reapplied some more body wash to his hands and then began caressing an ass cheek with each hand. He gently massaged each ass cheek and slowly allowed the middle fingers of his right hand to creep into his crack and gently probe against his ass hole. He closed his eyes as the tip of his middle finger entered his smooth boy pussy, softly parting the tender lips which invited him to investigate further. He imagined it was some muscular stud standing behind him with his arms wrapped around his slender frame, with a massive cock pushing against his hole (he even thought he'd settle for 40-something Mr Reynolds! He wasn't too bad for an older guy, well-built, masculine -- that got him thinking...). He slowly began to push his finger in further but was suddenly interrupted by a distant ringing sound. He snapped out of his dreamy daze, not entirely sure if he had heard correctly. He poked his head out the shower door and listened. Nothing. Just as he was about to return to his `special place' he heard the ringing again. It was the front door! And this time he heard someone calling out "Hello? Mrs Ryder?"

"Dammit" Sam cursed as he shut off the shower and stepped out. "Dammit" he cursed again as he bent over, exposing his smooth hungry boy pussy, looking for a towel in the bathroom cupboard. Nothing. Only a small half towel which was usually used as a bath mat. Sam attempted to dry himself with the small piece of material but heard the doorbell ring again -- it must be Mr Reynolds. Realising he needed to answer it or risk the builder leaving and causing further holdup to the construction of his mom's brick back fence he decided to wrap the small towel around his waist and run down the hall to answer the door. The towel just reached around his slim 26" inch waist and reached half way down his smooth lean thighs.

"I'm coming" he cried, as the doorbell rang again, he had hoped to be crying that in the shower until being rudely interrupted!

Sam attempted to hide his semi-nakedness behind the door as he opened it and started to say "Sorry Mr Reynolds, I was..." but he was stopped in his tracks by the muscular young man on his front doorstep. "You're not Mr Reynolds..."

"No, I'm Butch, Butch Reynolds, his son," said the young man, slightly stunned by the wet, smooth, naked (from what he could see from in front of the door) teen boy. "Dad's sent me to get started on laying the foundations for the fence, he's been held up at the Wilson's place today. Your mom told us to get in through the side gate but it's locked, looks like I interrupted your shower!"

Sam was slightly mesmerized as he attempted to stutter out a reply. 19 year old Butch Reynolds was one of the prime specimens of young manhood in his town, if not the country, or the world! Standing about 6'2" to Sam's 5'9" and weighing in at about 86kg to Sam's 58kg, Butch had been the captain of the high school wrestling team and quarterback for the high school football team the previous year. His body ripped with smooth, muscles which had only continued to grow since he had begun working with his father in the family's building company after completing high school. Not to mention the deep golden brown tan which he'd developed after long days working shirtless in the hot summer sun which only further served to highlight his delicious definition. From his large round cut biceps, to his big round heavy pecs and his rippling 6-8 pack abs all framed by a strong V-Shaped rippling back, Butch was a stud! His body wasn't his only selling point. His face was as cute, if not cuter, than any Abercrombie model with brown curly hair sitting atop a chiseled face and jaw with magnificent dimples framing soft lips, all set off by piercing, deep brown eyes.

Sam managed to shakily murmer "Sure, come in" when he really meant, "Take me, ravage me and cum in-side me!".

Butch picked up his tool box and stepped inside. He looked at Sam who could no longer hide behind the door and thought the kid looked pretty funny trying to hide his embarrassment at getting caught soaking wet in just a towel. He also couldn't help to think he looked somewhat cute, very smooth lean body, longish damp blonde hair, great eyes, and from what he could see (and the towel couldn't hide) a fairly purky little butt! What was that? Am I checking him out?! "Sorry, I can head out the back and get started, you'd better get dried up" Butch said.

Sam smiled, showed Butch the back door and then headed to his room. "OH MY GOD!" Sam said to himself as he dropped the towel and fell face first on to his bed in embarrassment. He buried his face in the pillow, giggled to himself and dozed off.

About 11:30 Butch had carried about ten sacks of cement and wheeled about six wheelbarrow-loads of bricks into the backyard. His muscles were pounding and his chest and arms were ripped. His chest was absolutely exploding out of his already tight blue tank top, further emphasizing the tapered effect of his upper body against his midsection which narrowed to a perfect 32" waist. Covered in sweat already and with the mid morning sun beating down on him he slowly peeled off his soaking tank top and tucked it into his faded blue short work shorts. As was his usual practice he only wore an old jock strap while building, to keep everything tucked in (as best he could with his 9 inch monster!) and when he tucked his tank top into his shorts it weighed them down slightly at the back so the waist band of the jockstrap was revealed, as well as a small amount of the top of Butch's firm round smooth mounds of ass.

He decided to head inside to grab a drink and use the bathroom. He slid the back door open and walked inside, no sign of Sam in the kitchen or lounge room. He walked down the hall toward the bathroom. Sam must be in his bedroom, he thought. Sam's bedroom was next to the main bathroom so, as the door was wide open, he decided to poke his head in and say hi before using the bathroom. He was not expecting the site that greeted him.

Sam was lying in the exact same position he had dozed off in about two hours earlier. Head in his pillow, face down, and naked! Sam's two smooth perky ass cheeks caught Butch's attention first. A gasp of "wow" escaped his lips and as soon as he said it he snapped himself to attention "Wow?! What the, he's a dude, dude and he's like 14!?!" he thought to himself. Despite this, Butch couldn't pull his attention away from the peacefully sleeping young teen. His smooth perky ass cheeks were only the start. Heading downward they led to two beautiful, tight, slim, hairless thighs which perfectly framed the round bubble butt they supported. Below this were two beautiful lean toned calves. Above the ass to end all asses was a tight, very tight, slim waist.

Butch realized that his hand had subconsciously begun softly squeezing his semi-hard cock through his old work shorts. He thought to himself that Sam's body was slightly feminine. That's it, he thought, that's why I'm still looking at this boy's bod -- he reminds me of a chick, that's it! As he consoled himself with this thought he noticed Sam begin to stir and quickly pulled himself back from the doorway. He heard Sam wake up and thought it safest if he quietly sneak back into the backyard, he could take care of his toilet requirements under one of the large trees -- just as soon as this boner subsided!

No wonder he had a boner, Butch thought. He had slept with nearly all the attractive girls in his age bracket in the town since he was 15 and had quickly learned that girls didn't share his passion for just one night stands and had already had two close encounters with girls becoming a little too possessive and attempting to tie him down by becoming pregnant. Fortunately his parents had been able to speak with their parents and convinced them to have their daughters "do the right thing" for both teenagers' futures however Butch's father had (forcefully) warned him that the next girl he got pregnant, he'd marry. Butch was definitely not ready for that type of commitment so had chosen to resist temptation. He was quickly learning the cost though. He virtually had a 24 hour boner and his right (and sometimes left) hand had became his best friend over the past three months.

As Sam slowly stirred he gradually remembered what had happened earlier that morning and realized he had dosed off, naked, with the door open! Luckily Butch had been working in the backyard or it would have meant even further embarrassment in front of the stud of all studs. He quickly got up, and looked out the window, hoping to see the young muscle stud hard at work. What he saw stunned him. Butch was standing against the large oak tree in the corner of the garden. From Sam's position Butch was side on, his left hand was propped against the tree, his shorts were pulled down at the front and his right hand held his thick cock which was currently delivering a steady stream of pee against the tree. And what a cock! From what Sam could see, Butch's cock looked thicker and longer soft than his did when it was erect -- and watching this glorious masculine sight was making the effeminate, pretty young boy very erect. His eyes were fixed to that magnificent cock. Butch's right hand was wrapped around the underside of the soft, thick shaft, guiding the stream. His muscular arm leaning against the tree caused his arm and back muscles to flex and he was a pure sight of magnificent masculinity.

Sam suddenly realized that he needed that cock inside him. From that moment he knew he had to seduce Butch and finally fulfill his needs and desires with a masculine young stud. But how? Butch was renowned throughout the town as a player, a stud and mostly a womanizer. That was the problem -- he was a womanizer, not a `boyizer'. The closest he'd shown of ever acknowledging Sam was when he messed up his hair earlier in the morning (while Sam was semi-naked), Sam thought. Sam looked at his naked body in the large mirror on his wardrobe. Slim. Hairless. Fantastic round bubble butt. Very little muscle definition. Nice and lean. Soft skin. Pouty pink lips. Beautiful blue eyes. Soft blonde hair. "I'm prettier than any girl!" If Butch loves girls, he could easily love me! I've just got to show him what I've got. Sam began to formulate a plan to seduce the biggest young muscle jock in town and suddenly he clicked. He checked to see where Butch was -- back at work heaving some sacks around the backyard, oh he looks so sexy without his shirt on -- YUM!, Sam though. With Butch accounted for he softly sashayed naked down the hall and into his older sister's bedroom. He opened her top drawer, fumbled around and pulled out a few items. Finally he found exactly what he was looking for.

Sam looked at the white string micro-bikini bottom. "Perfect!" he thought. He stood in front of his sister's full-length mirror, bent over and slowly slid the tiny skimpy meshy bikini bottom up his smooth feminine legs. Luckily he and his petite sister were similarly sized and Tash subscribed to the theory of less is more in regard to her clothes (much to her parent's dismay) so Sam enjoyed the benefits of this by indulging in his sister's sexy wardrobe whenever he was home alone. Hopefully he could finally share some of her sexier assets with someone who might appreciate them -- or alternatively Butch might pound him into the ground and tell the whole town that Sam was a panty wearing sissy fag! However after seeing Butch's delicious fat cock Sam was prepared to take the risk.

Sam finished pulling the bikini bottom up and looked in the mirror, liking what he saw. The bikini was white and contrasted nicely to his lightly tanned skin. The bikini comprised a small triangular patch of material in the front. Sam's tiny soft package posed little problem for this small pouch and he barely made a bulge. String sides led around to a skimpy back patch of material which barely covered (or alternately, gloriously revealed!) Sam's beautiful smooth round feminine ass globes. "Butch had better watch out!" he thought. With that, he pulled a pink silky sarong from his sister's wardrobe and wrapped it around his waist. He could see the skimpy white bikini beneath the sheer pink material and thought "Looking good girl!" Sam surveyed his sister's perfume collection and thought that Vera Wang's Princess was a very appropriate choice for the young princess. He sprayed a few times, picked up a bottle of tanning oil and thought "OK, now or never". His heart pounded as he made his way toward the backdoor and his destiny with his hunk.

To be continued...

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