Sam Series


Published on May 18, 2009





"Hey Sam." Turning around I saw the class president and captain of the football team, Rex Cooper, standing there talking to me. He is 6'2" with dirty blonde hair and icy blue eyes and an almost eighteen year old senior.

"Uhm, hi." I said looking at him and quickly looking back to the floor. I've realized a long time ago the only way to be invisible is to be brief and not make any friends then the popular crowd will leave me alone and not call me names like "fairy" and "fag" just because I'm pretty.

I have black hair, green eyes with a Mediterranean skin color and high cheekbones and a cute button nose and a tight bubble butt. I'm a sixteen year old junior and only 5'5" and weigh like 110 pounds so I'm pretty small and the only exercise I enjoy is jogging. I have a tendency to be sarcastic and I'm sure that's why many jocks don't like me, because I talk back.

"So Sam I was wondering whether you could like tutor me this afternoon. I really need some help for our Math test tomorrow." He looked at me pleadingly, nervously tapping his hand against my locker.

"Uhm, s-s-sure." I said looking anywhere, but at him.

"Really? Thanks." He said lifting his hand to pat my shoulder, but thinking that he might hit me I closed my eyes and whimpered. Not feeling anything I opened my eyes slowly and saw him looking at me in shock.

Turning around and walking away quickly I heard him calling: "Sam! Wait up!" but I kept walking till I got to my silver Audi R8, got in and started driving home.

Upon arriving home I found myself alone as my dad was in New York on business and the maids only came in to clean and then left. My father was extremely rich and the house was enormous. After pouring myself a martini I just started walking up the stairs when the doorbell rang.

"Hi." Rex said as I opened the door.

"How did you get past the guards?" I asked rudely. This was my house and one place where I wouldn't be scared of the cool kids.

"I said that you had to tutor me and that we are friends." He said smiling looking very pleased with himself.

"Can I come in?" He asked after I just stood there looking at him in shock.

Turning around and walking inside without saying a word he followed me inside and I took a sip of my drink.

"Wow, your house is amazing!" He said as we walked into the library. "Is that your mom?" He asked referring to a huge painting above the fireplace in the library.

"Yes, but she died six months ago." I said as I walked over to a table with more alcohol.

"I'm sorry-"He started saying when I cut him off and asked him: "Can I offer you something to drink?"

"Uhm, no thanks." He said as he walked over to one of the chairs and sat down. Taking the chair opposite him I said: "Did you bring the problems you were struggling with or should we work from my notes and cover the ground from the beginning."

"I think you should start from the beginning with your notes." He said looking at me.

"Ok," I said downing the drink and getting up to place it back on the table. Picking up the remote to the flat screen TV I turned it on and walked over to the desk and turned on the laptop. I kept all my study notes in the library on the computer.

"Fuck!" He said looking at the TV as they came onto the screen. "How rich are you?" Three hours later I had gone thru all of the stuff and we were writing our test on the next day and he had joined me at the table and we were finishing up the last problem. Taking his page I started marking it and said: "Wow, well done! 93% almost beat me." I said smiling at him.

"How did you do?" He asked looking at me.

"97%." I said smugly smiling at him and sticking my tongue out when he suddenly leaned forward and kissed me.

"Sorry! I uhm I uhm, didn't uhm. Bye" He said while getting up and running out leaving me sitting there at my desk stunned. After a couple of minutes I lifted my hand to touch my lips and said: "Oh my goodness."

The next day at school I met Rebecca, my BFF and my only friend, in the junior parking lot. She was driving a BMW Z4. The two of us were the richest and smartest kids in school, we usually tried to beat each other for valedictorian, but normally we tied since we had the same classes. Both our dads were partners in a development company worth billions and incidentally our mothers passed away in the same car crash on their way to the mall.

The only bad thing was that she used to date Rex's best friend Carl. What a dick he was. When they broke up after he took Becky's virginity she stopped hanging out with that crowd and we became best friends.

"Hi, cutie." She said coming up to me and giving me a quick hug.

"Morning slut." I said glaring at her. She knew I hated being called cute. "I had a gift for you, but I'm not giving it to you now." I said knowing that she hated surprises and hated when I kept secrets.

"Ok, geez. I'm sorry." She said looking at me expectantly.

"Oh all right." I said looking at her, "I happened to have some credit left on my card and I knew you wouldn't be able to wait till the end of the week so here." I said handing her a pair of Chanel sunglasses.

"Sam! Thanks." She said hugging me. "I swear I'll pay you back as soon as I get my dad on the phone. You are so lucky you're an only child. You get like three times the money to spend that I do." She said handing me the gift bag while putting on her new sunglasses.

"Very nice." I said winking at her and laughing as she did a twirl around.

"So, you gonna go to hip hop class at the gym?" She asked as we started for home room.

"I don't know, I mean I'm so good at it already." I said smugly looking at her.

"Thanks a lot, you ass wipe!" She said punching me on my arm. "Please, come and join me. I really need the practice and you are my muse."

"Fine." I sighed and we headed off to class. I only saw Rex in Math class that day and I ignored him completely. Later that day at the gym as we left the hip hop class, Becky and I walked into her older brother, Kyle and guess who was with him, Rex. They were working out at the gym and were leaving at the same time as us.

"Hey, sis." Kyle said to his younger sister. "Sup Sam?" He asked me.

"Nothing much. Hallo Rex, how was the Math test?" I asked politely looking past him.

"I uhm, it uhm was fine. T-thanks for the help." He stuttered nervously.

"You wanna go for ice cream." Kyle, Rex and Becky suggested.

"No, I'm good." I said walking away to my car and getting in.

"Sam!" Becky came running up and stopping me. "What's wrong?"

"I'm sorry, but this is just too weird." I said looking past her at the bullies.

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

"Not really, no." I said nonchalantly and started the car. "See ya." I said, as I drove off, I saw Rex watching me.

"Shit!" I screamed as I jumped back as Rex came round the corner. "What are you trying to do? Kill me?" I asked shaking because of the fright.

"Sorry. It's just that you've been ignoring me and I really want to talk to you and say thank you for the help on my Math test." He said looking at me in a really intense way that kinda freaked me out.

"No biggie. See you later." I said trying to move past him since we were in a bathroom that only the art students used after school that was deserted.

"See what I mean. You hate me don't you?" He said blocking my way by grabbing my arm and pulling me against him. I closed my eyes because I could definitely feel his hard penis pressing into my stomach. How could Rex Cooper, not only a senior but the most popular senior in our school, be into me?

"Mmmm." I moaned incoherently. At this stage he had me pushed against the bathroom wall and my feet dangling since he was lifting me up and nuzzling my neck with his absolutely gorgeous and sensual lips. "Why are you doing this?" I asked breathing heavily and trying to push him away with an arm that felt like jelly, with my eyes still closed and moaning softly.

"Why do you make me feel like this?" He asked huskily while moving to my ear and gently nibbling on the lobe with his warm minty breath in my neck.

"God, you are so pretty." And that was it. Like cold water in my face.

"Get off of me." I said pushing him away from me.

"What?" He asked shocked as I punched him in the arm, which couldn't have hurt him, and ran past him to the parking lot and into my Audi R8 and raced home.

"That is all people like him will ever see." I said loudly to myself as I parked my car. "They don't like you or love you. It's pure and simple lust."

Feeling my eyes water up I pinched myself and said: "Don't you dare cry! Sam Montgomery does not cry!"

"Have you been crying?" Rebecca asked in shock as I opened my front door.

"Yeah right. I don't cry Becky, you know that!" As I turned away I added: "Come on in for a drink."

"So when is your dad coming home?" She asked as we walked over to the library.

"Tonight? Martini ok?" I asked as I downed my drink.

"Yeah, Sammy I don't mean to be rude, but are you drunk?" She asked looking at me in shock. I might drink a lot, but NOBODY had ever seen Sam Carmichael Montgomery out of control.

"Yeah." I handed her a drink and she uncomfortably sipped hers while I had at least three more. "I don't wanna be rude, but my dad is arriving in a few minutes and he probably wants to spend some time with me. So-"

"Sure." She said getting up. "So I wanna ask if you can come to my brother's party on Friday." She asked while we walked outside. "Please." She begged as I almost never went to parties.

"Seeing my dad's Mercedes Benz GL 500 SUV coming up the long winding driveway I said: "Yes, see you tomorrow." And hurried to await my father.

As Becky left my father got out of his car and threw the suitcase at me screaming: "You know I don't like it when your fucking friends park in my driveway!" He screamed while coming towards me.

"S-s-sorry dad. It was Mr. Britt's daughter Rebecca. We just talked and stuff." I said while picking up his suitcase and quickly walking into the house.

Walking past me he slapped me through the face and closed the door. "You think I'm fucking stupid?" He said getting in my face. "Answer me!!" He screamed as I cringed away until he grabbed my arm and pulled it behind my back. My father was very fit and pushed my face into the wall which caused me to bite my lip and resulted in blood. I must have really hurt my arm because as I whimpered: "N-no." and he threw me to the floor, I was crying and could barely move my arm. I knew that my dad must have been drinking a lot. This only happened when he drank and no one knew about it but us.

Later that night as I was just finished with struggling into my pajamas my father came in and grumpily murmured that he had gotten me a driver for the next week as I had hurt my arm.

Walking out I heard him say: "Fucking worthless pussy."

And the tears almost came again until I walked to my mirror and looked at myself and said: "Stop it. You are NOT going to cry." Walking quietly down to the library I watched the painting of my mother as I drank vodka straight from the bottle and swallowed two painkillers.

"You look like shit." Becky said as the driver opened the back door of the street car and I got out with my bruised lip and Prada sunglasses on keeping the bright morning away. I was drinking coffee/brandy. "What the fuck happened."

"I fell down the bloody stairs last night." I said while taking a large sip of my 'coffee' and kept walking past her.

Becky laughed her ass off and said: "Oh my God. You are such a freak sometimes! What are you going to tell everyone?" She said laughingly.

"I don't know? What would you do if this happened to you?"

"See something like this would never happen to me. Stuff like this only happens to you."

"Would you stop judging and help me with an excuse?" I asked angrily and suddenly quieted down as my head started to hurt. To make it worse Rex came marching down to me grabbed my good arm and pulled me away from everyones ears.

"What happened to you?" He asked livid.

"This is embarrassing, but I fell down the stairs last night." I said laughing.

"Don't fucking lie to me. You got beat by your dad!" He hissed angrily at me. "My cousin works for your dad and he said that he saw your father slapping you and throwing you with a bag."

"That's impossible the only people on the grounds are the- shit." I said as I realized that it was one of the guards.

"I'm telling Social Services NOW." He said.

Hi everyone! I've started with this story as well. Sometimes it's nice to do a different story when you are battling with the other one. I do hope you like it. This was written very quickly and hopefully doesn't contain too many mistakes. Suggestions and criticism welcome. E-mail me at !



Next: Chapter 2: Sam 2

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