Sam Series


Published on Jun 16, 2009





The following morning as I woke up in my "home", I showered and walked into the kitchen in only a towel wrapped around me and opened a bottle of white wine which had been between my stuff. Pouring a glass I was about to sit down when there was a knock on my door. Walking two feet to the door I said: "No, thanks Rufus! I'm not going to bet on the cockfights!" and opened the door. I REALLY wish that I had not.

"Hey, Sam." Rex said with an older woman standing next to him. "This is my mother, Alice."

"Mrs. Cooper." I said with as much dignity I could muster in a towel and a glass of wine in my hand standing in a TRAILER! Oh God kill me now- seriously.

"So, I was worried when you didn't pick up your phone so we went over there and my cousin told me what happened and my mom wanted to meet you anyway so we stopped by."

"Hi, Sam. You should pack- and drinking before noon that is a horrible habit." She grabbed the wine from my hand threw it out in the sink and turned to me.

"Sweetheart, we can't let you live in a trailer! You are going to be staying with us." And with that she went into my room and started to pack.

Turning to Rex in shock he rubbed the side of my face giving me a smothering look and said: "I love you."


"I'm not some stray puppy you can just adopt Rex. Dammit, this is my life now and my mess and I'll deal with it."

All the while he was shaking his head which infuriated me and said: "If it hadn't been for me you would still be living there."

"Just don't." I said angrily slapping his hand away and glaring up at him.

He had this infuriatingly smug half smile that really bugged me, because it was so bloody cute.

"I love it when you get feisty." He was walking towards me and whispered in my ear: "If my mom wasn't here I would so be doing you right now."

Flushing crimson I weakly turned and walked to the fridge and grabbed the bottle of wine and took a deep swallow. Turning to Rex I said: "I'm an alcoholic."

"You can join AA." He said.

"I drink pain killers sometimes." I tried again.

"I'll watch you." He said and I believed him.

Feeling tears welling up I said: "I'm messed up Rex. Do you get that? I drink too much, I love painkillers, and my dad beat me. I don't even have money to offer you. I'm damaged goods with daddy issues so why don't you just walk away. My dad's right I'm nothing but trouble."

"I LOVE YOU. OK? That means you are my life now. I'll make you safe and protect you." More softly he whispered: "Trust me."

"You'll grow tired of me." I said unconvincingly still trying to dissuade him.

"Then I'll kick you out." He said with a crooked smile that made me chuckle and wrap my arms around his neck. Dropping a quick peck on his throat I said: "I can't believe I was scared of someone as goofy as you."

"I know, this hot bod is making up for it though, isn't it?" He said smugly.

"Shit, you are so full it." I pushed him away and walked into the bedroom and apologized for the mess to his mother as he waited in the "lounge". "I have to get used to not having a maid anymore."

"It's fine. And please call me Alice, you are practically my son-in-law."

"I beg your pardon?" I asked turning to her.

"Please," she said looking at me knowingly, "I've never seen Rex this happy. It has to be you. He was so scared your father might hurt you last night. He really loves you, you know."

Blushing for the millionth time that morning I just turned around and grabbed a tracksuit saying that I would be right back.

Shit, He can't REALLY love me.

The following weeks went wonderfully. My furniture was moved into a bedroom across from Rex's. I loved his mother, a widowed woman in her early forties. She didn't allow me to drink and kept tabs on my pills. I was really starting to get there. I always knew I only drank to keep the pain at bay, so quitting was easy. As for school, I refused to drive with Rex and we drove in separate cars. He was really nice to me at school. We only made out and petted threw our clothes when she had gone to bed, but she always came to see if we were sleeping in different rooms late at night. She was cool with the gay thing, even though Rex didn't know she knew, but she believed in saving yourself for one person.

The most horrible day of my life was next:

"Hey fag." I heard behind me as I walked down the deserted hallway to the only clean bathroom in the Arts building I ever used. Turning around I saw Carl walking towards me. Ignoring him I walked faster towards the bathroom and tried to lock the door, but he was much stronger and pushed the door open. He locked the door and grabbed me by the hair as I struggled against him. Forcing me to my knees he slapped me threw the face and said: "I know you want it. And you will suck it, cause otherwise I'll hurt your pretty little face until it is unrecognizable." With that he removed his dick- which was like five inches hard- but I made a dash for the door till he grabbed me by the hair throwing me into the bathroom stall.

"Arrgh." I screamed as I hit the stall door. The last thing I remember between the beatings was my head going under the water in the toilet.

I woke up and saw that it was twilight outside and moved, but felt so much pain. I crawled outside to my car and managed to drive home to the Cooper residence. Locking myself in my bedroom I cried myself to sleep, but woke up around eight when Rex knocked on the door calling me to dinner. He had football practice during that afternoon and therefore didn't see me.

"Sam? Why is the door locked? You ok?" He asked.

"I'm ok," I tried to keep my voice even; "I just don't feel so good."

"Open up, Sam." He said as he banged on the door again.

"Go away!" I tried to yell, but it hurt too much.

"Sam, open the fucking door. I can hear you crying!" He said again.

"P-p-please Rex, I don't feel so good. Please l-leave me al-l-one." I cried as I talked again.

"Baby, please open the door." He said really softly and I knew that he would kick the door down if he thought I was hurt.

"Ok, but don't be shocked when you see me." I said as I crawled to the door on my hands and knees. I had seen myself in the mirror briefly and it looked horrible. I was lucky that my teeth and nose were fine, but my eyes were swollen and there were scratched on my face. My entire body was covered in blue and purple bruises.

"Just open up Sammy." He said sounding impatient.

"Rex, I'm serious. I look awful so don't be shocked."

"Fine." He said exhaling loudly.

The room was dark so when I opened it he didn't notice the bruises, but when he did he fell down to his knees next to me and there were tears falling from his eyes: "Oh my God, Sam, baby who, what, I don't, I-I-I" and then his face changed to rage.

"MOM!!" He screamed causing me to flinch. Gently lifting my face his jaw locked he asked: "WHO. DID. THIS. TO. YOU?"

At that stage Alice came running in turning on the light and gasped and froze in shock. Then she to fell down to her knees.

"Sam, who?" He asked again.

"Rex, just let it go, I'm f-"

"Don't you dare say that you are fine? God Dammit, Sam have you seen yourself? Mom he needs to get to the hospital." Rex said turning to his mother who was still staring in shock at me.

"No!" I screamed but moaned soon after as I felt pain shoot threw me. They looked at me really worried and I said: "Please, only painkillers will be fine. I didn't break anything. I have some from my arm still and maybe Rex can help me to the bathroom? I still stink of toilet water." I joked, but Rex's eyes turned murderous. I knew that I could not tell him about Carl or he might go to prison for murder.

Turning to Rex I said softly: "Please." And felt a tear fall down my cheek.

He looked at me with concern and I knew that he really cared about me. He turned back to his mother and she said: "Let's see how you feel tomorrow, but if you feel worse I'm not going to listen to you and am taking you to the hospital. Deal?"

"Deal." I said glad not to have to visit the hospital.

"Ok, Rex honey you help Sam to the bathroom and I'll finish dinner and see you guys in about 40 minutes." Alice said walking downstairs.

Rex helped me very gently to the bathroom and ran me a bath. Then he came over to me to undo my pants.

"What are you doing?" I asked pushing his hand away.

"Helping you." He said pushing my hand away, but I grabbed hold of his hand-which was very big and masculine with veins running into his arms of his shirt from all his exercises- and said:

"I'm not good looking."

"Please, shut up Sam. You are so hot otherwise I wouldn't have fallen for you." With that he undid my jeans and gently removed my clothing. He was even gentler when removing my shirt over my badly bruised face. Lastly he removed my underwear which caused me to blush scarlet. My penis was nice-- four inches soft and seven and a half hard.

On his knees in front of me lifting my leg and removing the one side and then the other of the underwear, he looked up at me and said: "So fucking hot." And planted a kiss on the area just under my thigh, soliciting a moan from me even in my pained condition. Getting up he gently helped me into the bath and washed my entire body and my hair. I could not believe that this was the jock of whom I had been afraid my entire high school lifetime. When I smelled fresh and clean and dressed in a track suit he carried me downstairs.

"Reexx." I complained like a little baby. "Please put me down. I'm really f-" but instantly stopped when he flashed me warning look. When we got to the kitchen I whispered: "Put me down before your mom sees!"

"She already knows. I told her last night that I was gay." He smiled and planted a cheeky kiss on my cheek and said: "I wanna have you so bad," just as we walked into the kitchen causing me to blush- yet again!!

"Well boys, dinner is served."

Hi all you cool people! This chapter is finally posted. I've had writers block or somethingJ!! Thank you to all the kind e-mails I've received- it really means a lot. A special thanks to Jamie, who has been especially wonderful and is giving my ego an enormous boost. I promise to try and post another Not That Bad chapter within the next week!

As always any suggestions and criticism more than welcome at!



Next: Chapter 4: Sam 4

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