Sam Series


Published on Jul 11, 2009





When you try your best, but you don't succeed When you get what you want, but not what you need When you feel so tired, but you can't sleep Stuck in reverse

And the tears come streaming down your face When you lose something you can't replace When you love someone, but it goes to waste Could it be worse?

Lights will guide you home And ignite your bones And I will try to fix you

And high up above or down below When you're too in love to let it go But if you never try you'll never know Just what you're worth

Lights will guide you home And ignite your bones And I will try to fix you

Tears stream down your face When you lose something you cannot replace Tears stream down your face And I...

Tears stream down on your face I promise you I will learn from my mistakes Tears stream down your face And I...

Lights will guide you home And ignite your bones And I will try to fix you

Feeling a hand on my shoulder, I looked around and saw Rex standing there.

"You ok?" He asked me as he sat down against my back.

"Yeah," I murmured softly as I wiped a tear falling down my cheek. It had been a week since my attack and I had been allowed to stay at home. Alice talked to the principle and he promised to keep the attack quiet. Turning off the CD I turned to him.

"You know that you don't have to have it together every second of every day right? It's not a crime to cry."

"I know." I said smiling at him and said: "Becky wants me to go to the party tonight."

"That sounds great; you can go out since most of the bruises are gone. You only have a slight blue eye." Rex said rubbing my shoulder.

"What if it happens again?" I asked shivering slightly and feeling the goose bumps on my arms.

A hard look came over Rex's face and his jaw squared as he said: "Nothing like this will ever happen to you again."

"You can't keep something like this from happening again. Your only one person Rex." I said as he gently rubbed my arm.

"I'll talk to some of the guys on the football team. I need to tell them sooner or later. Carl is coming-" Just then the doorbell rang and he got up to answer it so he didn't see the look of shock on my face. Getting up I ran out the into the hallway and saw Carl standing talking to Rex. Dropping the remote I had been clutching in my hand I shook my head as they turned to look at me. Rex in shock at the panic on my face and Carl with an evil, sadistic grin, behind them both two hot girls. Turning around I calmly walked to my bedroom and grabbed my car keys and walked into the hallway with a polite look on my face and saw one of the girls all over Rex.

"Well, let me know about the Math test. I left some extra copies on your bed that you can work over later tonight. Bye." I said this all very nonchalantly and felt some gratification at the look of shame on Rex's face. As I walked out I silently thanked Alice for taking me to exchange my Audi R8 for a silver Range Rover, because this left me with about $5000 plus my extra money in my account and a place that I could more comfortably sleep in.

"Sam?" Rex said coming after me and grabbing my arm swinging me around. Instead of tears and anger he saw he unfailingly polite Sam. The cold, calculated and emotionally dead Sam.

"Yes?" I asked as I looked at him.

"That's not what it looks like and why are you leaving." He asked confused.

"Well, I'm leaving so you can be with your friends. They don't know that I live here remember? And to the first statement- quite frankly I don't give a fuck if you are going to have a foursome on your mother's sun porch. Now unhand me before I make a scene." Looking at him with disdain I removed my arm and sped off. Once I got to the park I started shaking and then all of a sudden heart wrenching sobs tore from my body as I relived the way Carl had looked at me.

Tap. Tap.

Looking up I saw an older guy looking at me worriedly. Rolling down the window I asked politely: "Yes?"

"Sorry, to bother you, but I just couldn't walk away when I heard you crying. Should you even be driving kid? You parents are gonna be real upset when they find you took their car. Can I phone them for you?"

"I beg your pardon, but this is my car! I don't have to tell anyone if I drive it!" I almost spat this at the guy and then he started to laugh at me. He was really attractive. He was well built he had the most gorgeous dimples and a clean cut face. Brown eyes and brown hair that was in casual disarray. He was probably 6'1" and in his early twenties. Probably like twenty.

I realized that he was talking to me and said "Sorry?"

Trying to contain his grin he said: "Sorry boy, but I thought you were twelve."

Gasping indignantly I said: "How dare you!?"

"Ooh, rich boy are you? That explains the SUV and the dramatic and depressive cry in the car that you think no one can see through the tinted windows." He had this really insufferably cocksure grin that really bugged me.

"Listen freak. I'm gonna tell you two things," I said this and started the car, "One- khaki shirts are over and two- get a life." Feeling satisfied that I had wiped the smile from his face I sped away. (I know bitchy and what's with the dramatic speeding away, but I like it.)

As I was browsing through DVD's at a music store I heard a chuckle and looked around. There was the obnoxious guy from the park looking at me.

"What are you looking at? Never seen someone with money and soap?" I asked. He burst out laughing again and came closer.

"My name is Philip, but my friends call me Flip." He said extending his hand.

"Leave me alone Phil-ip." I said ignoring his request.

Putting on a sad face that even I have to admit was cute he sulkily asked: "You don't wanna be my friend?"

"Yes, I mean ugh- stop acting like a child. How old are you anyway?" I asked looking at the DVD's as his face was quite distracting.

"Twenty one." He said, "How old are you?"

"Seventeen, fine sixteen." I said as he lifted a brow knowing that I was lying.

"You look so young and innocent. You should really be careful of pouting like that. You're gorgeous enough as it is- you wanna turn all men gay?"

Blushing I dropped a DVD and we both bent down and I accidently hit his nose with the back of my head.

He looked like he was about to faint and his eyes where watery.

"Fuck!" He said causing people to look at us.

"Sorry!" I said as I grabbed his arm and dragged him to a sofa in the classical department which was empty. On the way I bumped him into the counter and he cried- : "You wanna break my dick too?"

"Sorry," throwing him down on the seat I said, "I'll be right back." Running next door I bought two bags of frozen peas and ran back to Philip.

His eyes were closed and I got onto the sofa with my knees and said: "I'm so bloody clumsy. Please say you'll forgive me." I gently placed the bag on his crotch and one on his nose. I kept my hands pressing lightly on both.

"You are really asking for it boy." He said looking at me threw one eye.

"My name is Sam!" I said, "And what am I asking for?"

Opening his eyes he pointedly looked at his crotch and my hand holding down the frozen peas. Gasping I pulled my hand off and dropped the frozen peas onto it again-

"Fuck Sam! You wanna really break it?" He asked looking at me angrily.

"Sorry! I was only trying to help." Sitting back on the chair I still held the pack to his nose.

"I'm really so-" I tried when he cut me off and said: "Will you stop apologizing? You're making me feel bad."

"Sorry!" Realizing what I had just said I said:" Sorry! I mean-"

"God, you are so annoying!" He groaned. Feeling really bad I looked away and heard him softly say: "Fuck," and then ", Sam I didn't mean to sound rude. I'm sorry."

"Stop apologizing, it's so annoying!" I said making my voice sound retarded. He started to laugh as did I and he said: "God, I hope I don't sound like that."

Reaching to his face I said: "You have really cute dimples." I poked one and he looked at me. Quickly drawing my hand back and looking at my lap I said: "I didn't mean to."

"That's ok." Looking at me he asked: "You wanna help me with my bookkeeping tomorrow?"

"Alice, may I be excused tomorrow night?" I asked as I helped to set the table.

"Why, is there a party?" She asked me.

"No, I'm just going out with one friend. He just finished college and is starting a small garage in town so I wanna help him upload a bookkeeping account."

Rex came in at that stage saying: "We're home!"

Carl looked at me lecherously and I dropped the plate I was holding causing everyone to look at me in shock.

"Alice, I'm so sorry!" I said as I kneeled down to pick up the broken pieces and cut my hand.

"Rex get the broom. Carl take Sam to the bathroom and clean that cut. Sam don't worry about it." She said as she kneeled down to pick up the pieces.

Carl sinking his fingers into my shoulder forced me into the bathroom and got the medical kit. Slowly he cleaned the cut and I just shook in fear. Then he said: "If you ever tell Rex, I'll kill you. Do you hear me?" I just looked at him in shock and nodded. When the cut was cleaned and bandaged I ran to my room and called Philip.

"F-f-flip? Could you c-come g-get m-me please?" I stuttered nervously into the phone.

I didn't tell them where I was going. Rex came out too and wanted to know where I was going and I just told him: "Now you can spend time with your jackass friend and call your whores over for an orgy!" I saw Alice and Carl looking out the window in the dining room at us.

"You know you are a complicated wreck! You do know that, don't you? And don't talk about Carl like that cause he is my best friend."

"Don't worry about it anymore Rex. I have a friend and he is coming to get me and I'll stay with him tonight and you don't need to worry yourself anymore. I'll be out by the time you get back tomorrow."

"Sam, I didn't mean it like that. Please don't leave." He said looking sorry.

I couldn't let people hurt me anymore and I wouldn't stay with him with Carl around.

"Will you tell Carl that he can't come over here anymore?" I asked.

"Sam-" He started but I saw a very beautiful old model Porsche park in front of the grass.

"Wrong answer Rex." I said as I ran for the car.

Next: Chapter 5: Sam 5

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