Sam Series


Published on Jul 24, 2009





"Can I borrow some PJ's from you?" I asked Flip as I stuck my head threw the gap between the wall and the bathroom door.

"Sure, you sure your parents won't mind?" He asked smiling that half grin that was terribly cute.

"You know you are attractive, don't you?" I asked pointblank.

"Well, I can't be ugly since I score plenty of ass." He said smiling, but that disappeared when he saw my face as he handed me a large pajama top and bottom.

"I'm kidding. Between college and having to work till now I didn't have a lot of free time. Now I can open up my own business and hopefully I'll be able to pay off my creditors."

"You know, I have some cash that I would like to invest." I said as I got dressed behind the door. "I'm suing my dad for emancipation and then I'll be able to make my own business decisions."

"Why are you suing your dad?" He asked as I came out. He had a beer for himself and juice for me.

"Thanks." I said as I took the juice. "Well he beat me and kicked me out when he found out that I was gay." I continued to explain the whole story and even the attempted rape and soon he interrupted-

"Carl threatened you!?" Flip asked standing up.

"Well the beating was worse, but-"Sitting down next to me he said: "I'll see him tomorrow. Tell him you wanna meet him and I'll fuck him up- I swear."

"I'm not putting you in danger! He's a football jock."

"I played football too and I go to the gym at least four times a week. I'll kick his ass." He said looking at me. Seeing his expression I believed him.

"No, I promise to tell you if it gets worse. Anyway, I'm gonna threaten my dad with the Media if he doesn't sign the papers and both my trust funds over to me. Both grandparents left me trusts and I'm sure my mother left me the house."

"Do you need a place to stay for a couple of days?" Flip asked smiling my favorite half smile at me.

"You think I can?" I asked looking up at him.

"Yeah," he said grabbing me into a side hug and said, "God, you are so cute. My friends are gonna call me a cradle robber when they find you living here." He chuckled and looked at me who was blushing.

"Well, I've never done anything except been kissed by Rex and that turned out so well! Just so long as I don't have to pay rent with certain-- favors!"

He was laughing and said: "I would never do that." Silence descended as we looked at each other and I swear that I was so confused. I mean how could I be falling for him when I thought Rex was the one. Ok, so Rex hurt me, but I always thought that he would be the love of my life.

I had moved out and Alice was sad to see me go and Rex had only looked at me and gone to his room. I thanked Alice for everything and said goodbye to her. I moved in with Flip, but he never even tried to kiss me. He would hold my hand and be supportive and for the whole month that I lived with him he was the perfect gentleman. Things with him were easy and uncomplicated. He was a handsome, kind and simple man who liked me for me. We watched movies and he fixed us some wonderful meals. I even tried to clean the house-- but I wasn't very good and he ended up teasing me. I laughed and even gained a few pounds so as to look healthier and I lost those blue marks under my eyes-- thank goodness it never made bags! I was practically glowing with happiness.

"Flip! Guess what?" I just got a call from the lawyers and I got it. My dad gave me my trust funds and an independent income of $20000 a month that he will pay. I do get the house and he signed the forms! I'm an adult!"

"That's great Sam!" He said picking me up and twirling me around. We were standing in his garage and the workers had just closed up and left. He was sort of managing the business these days.

"You look so hot in that suit. You'll make me develop a suit fetish!" I was giggling at my attempt to flirt. God, I was pathetic!!

"Yeah? You wanna go into my office." He was suggestively lifting his eyebrows at me, but I knew he was kidding. However I wanted to do something.

"Ok." I said and walked in. He was standing there looking at me in shock. He looked so flustered and horny and-- INNOCENT that I felt almost bad for tying to seduce him.

"Come on stud." I said removing my clothes. All the nervousness about feeling ugly always disappeared around him. I stripped it all off except my jockeys and lay on his desk.

He was so red when he came in and closed the door.

"Sam." He said and his voice was almost as highly pitched as a girls. He walked over to me and put his hands on my waist and looked deeply into my eyes,

"Yeah?" I asked huskily staring up at him.

His eyes were glazed over and he was gazing at me in pure lust. His hands were moving up and down my body.

"We-- I shouldn't be doing this. You are only sixteen Sam." He was so horny I felt his erection pressing into me. My legs were hanging over the edge of the desk and he was standing between them.

Putting on a sad face I said: "I know I'm not nice to look at, but I thought you wouldn't mind." I may have even forced a tear to flow down my cheek. What a manipulator I am!

"Fuck Sam." He practically growled at me, "You know I think you're so fucking hot. Don't act like I don't find you desirable." His hands were on my ass and even though they were small they were perfectly rounded and hairless.

A moan escaped me as I looked at him and slowly said: "Prove it." He looked like a god poised over me and he suddenly lost control. I always thought that I would like it ruff and god was I right.

His hand roughly grabbed my hair and pulled my face up to meet his. I whimpered and that seemed to turn him on more as he frenched me. He was an amazing kisser and he slowly moved down my neck. I gasped as he bit my earlobe and gently licked to make the pain disappear. My hands were in his hair and I pulled it up and sucked on his neck and made a hickey. I didn't even recall doing that. Wrapping my legs around him he pulled me up while we were still kissing and pressed me against the wall. He removed his clothes as his body pressed mine hardly against the wall. We almost never broke the kiss. He took his tie-- which was a beautiful burgundy silk and tied my hand above my head. I kept it there. This was kinda weird and kinky, but I liked it.

"You like that?" He growled as he trust his lower body and rubbed against me while at the same time nipping at my neck and ear.

"M!" I whimpered.

Thrusting again he asked: "Do you?!"

"Yes, oh god Phillip!" I screamed as I came. He came shortly after as he groaned into my ear. Sinking down to the office floor we dozed off.

I woke up when I felt hands at my wrists. Opening my eyes I saw Flip softly and gently untying the knot in the tie.

"Flip?" I asked as I smiled at him. He turned his gaze on me and I shrunk back as I saw the fury and more importantly the worry there.

"God dammit, Sam. I'm so sorry. I lost control. Please forgive me." He said as he was struggling with the knot. Not meeting my gaze.

"For what?" I asked confused.

"God, I swear I didn't mean to take you like an animal. I am so sorry."

"What!" I asked sitting up and grabbing my still tied hands in my lap.

"I didn't mean to use you like a whore, I promise. I don't know what came over me." He finally met my gaze and his face looked haunted with pain.

Pushing him I stood up and glared at him. "Fuck you!" I yelled. "You and I just had the most passionate and sexual experience I have ever had and you have to spoil it by calling me a whore!?"

"You liked it?" He asked looking up at me from his knees. He got up slowly as I said: " Didn't you hear me scream with pleasure. Are you blind, deaf AND dumb?" I asked him. "I love that we let go and that you were so rough and that you tied my hands. That's why people cheat, because they don't act out little fantasies. If we had "sex" like that every time I would never ever cheat on you ever!" I said scowling at him.

"But, you are a virgin and I should have been taking it slowly! I practically raped you and you are a minor!" He said looking a bit better, but still sick.

"You didn't actually make love to me. So I'm still a virgin and just so you know, I am so crushing on you right know for being so concerned about this. AND I actually raped you, because I seduced you." I said giving him my tied hands to remove the knot.

"Crushing?" He asked laughing at me.

"Fuck you! So I like watching Never Been Kissed. Sue me." I replied sulkily.

"Do you know how incredibly hot and sexy and amazing you are?" He asked me smiling. Finally he undid the knot and he kissed me on the nose as he threw the tie onto the desk.

"Please! Those are words associated with you not me. I'm the skinny fag." I said as I laughed.

"Stop it Sam! That is not funny. You are so hot that even I have heard from some friends that all the boys at your school said they would fuck you, cause you are even better looking than all the girls in the school. I'm the lucky one to meet a cute and sexy guy with amazing eyes," he kissed both, "black hair," he said as he ran his hands threw them, "the button nose," he licked my nose, "these beautiful cheekbones," and kissed them, "these gorgeous ears that stick out of your hair," he nibbled them, "and these rosy red lips," and kissed them. "These lips would tempt a Saint."

Through heavy lids I looked up at him and whispered: "Ok, you can definitely stay in my life!"

Hey party people! I just love all the e-mails that I have been getting. Most of the people out there are so kind. I do hope that you liked this chapter and that you will please let me know what you think, even if you just say "nice story". Please remember that any suggestions and criticism are more than welcome. I just want to thank a very special person, Jamie, because she means so much to me and is constantly telling me to continue writing and always full of praises. E-mail me at and let me know.



Next: Chapter 6: Sam 6

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