Sam Series


Published on Aug 14, 2009






Gift? Check.

Candles? Check.

Bubble bath? Check.

Lights on dim? Check.

Champagne? Check.

Strawberries and whipped cream? Check.

Mood music? Check.

As I finished my mental checklist I heard Flip's car in the driveway. Roses were scattered from the door to my bathroom where I had planned a romantic evening with my boyfriend. I had moved back into my mansion as my father was forced to move. Watching the police drag him from my house was priceless!

Good times.

"Sam?" I heard as I looked at myself in the mirror quickly. I smiled at myself as I saw what I had done.

"In here!" I yelled as I sat on the edge of the enormous bathtub.

I saw Flip's expression as he stepped into my en suite.

"Hey." I said huskily and almost giggled as I saw his gaze going over my naked body and down to the red bow I tied in my pubic hair. I saw his adams-apple bob up and down as he swallowed.

"Hi." He said and it sounded like he used his falsetto.

"Happy Birthday. Don't you wanna unwrap your gift?" I asked seductively. God, when did I turn into such a wanton?

He nodded his head and when he was almost to me I walked past him and picked up a wrapped box. He turned to me confused and I knew he thought I meant that I was his gift.

"Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Flip get your mind out of the gutter." I said smiling at him.

He got this really cute blush and I knew he was so confused and horny as we hadn't done anything since we were in his office-- a week ago.

"Well aren't you going to open it?" I asked.

"Sure." He said coming towards me and took the gift.

I watched his face as he unwrapped the gift and saw the excitement as he found the X Box and a voucher of $500 for games at the store I had almost broken his nose in.

"Sam, this is way too much." He said as he put the game down. I silenced him with a soft kiss on the lips and put my hands on the back of his neck and played with the hair at the nape and started trailing kisses down to his neck. I stopped as I saw the hickey.

"Sorry about that." I said as I kissed it. "I didn't mean to put a whore mark on you." I grimaced and said: "You wanna have your other gift?"

"Sam, thank you for my gift, but it was excessive. I don't want you to waste your money on me." He said as he kissed me on the mouth. "And I don't want to accept another gift."

"Not even me?" I asked as I smiled at him.

"Weeelll, I might make an exception since I am turning twenty one today." He smiled at me.

Pushing him away I said: "No, you are turning twenty two."

"No, I think I know how old I am." Flip said as he looked at me.

"That day in the store you told me that you were twenty one." I said glaring at him.

"So, I wanted to impress you." He said as he smiled at me.

"But a twenty first is a big deal. I would have gotten you something really special and expensive." I smacked his arm and continued to glare at him.

He looked worried and said: "Sam , baby, I'm sorry, but your gift is already too expensive. Please don't be mad." He said as he bent his knees a little to come level with my face.

"Please?" He asked looking at me.

"Fine, BUT I'm gonna bye you something expensive and you can't say anything about it except: 'I love it, Sam'." I said trying to impersonate his voice.

He smiled and said: "Why do I sound so retarded when you try to impersonate me? Do I really sound like that?"


"Ouch!" He complained as he rubbed his arm.

"Now take off your clothes." I said as I walked and got into the tub and removed the bow.

"Yes, master." He joked as he undressed and got into the bath. That was the first time that I had seen his dick, but it was hard-- probably because of where we were and what he expected. It looked to be about six inches and was impressively thick, but what drew my attention were his balls!! I mean they were HUGE!

As his body disappeared into the bubbles I grabbed a cloth and soaped it then I started to wash his body from head to foot. When I was done I picked up his left foot and massaged it. When I was done I kissed his sole and gave him a sexy smile.

"I didn't know you have a foot fetish." He said.

"I have a Flip fetish." I said leaning over him to kiss his lips. "Everything about you makes me horny." I said as I leaned closer and kissed his nipple. He had his arms on the edge of the bathtub on both sides and gazed lazily at me sipping his champagne. He looked so freaking hot.

I still could not believe that I, the pretty fag, had gotten this great ALL AMERICAN JOCK as a boyfriend.

"Why don't you move on down a bit?" He asked as he sipped more champagne.

"God, you are sooo big." I said gazing lustfully at him. I mean six inches weren't that big of a deal, but I heard somewhere that a good lover always compliments his/her lover's penis. It is always big- even if it is not- and that can be used to make them feel cocky and that made the sex great.

I licked the head and heard a sharp intake of breath. Flip didn't have that much pre-cum. Same as me. Most stories I have read the person soaks his pants etc. but that didn't happen to me so I was glad Flip was an exception as was I.

Moving my hand down to cup his enormous balls I said: "Shit I am so lucky to have you and this gorgeous specimen in my grasp." With that I pushed the tip into my mouth and licked. I had never done this before and I only knew that you had to beware of teeth. His hands were in my hair and he moaned incoherently. "Uh, uhm, Sam, so, uh, good." I only had like three inches in my mouth, but I knew I would gag if I tried to take more. I was one of those people who became nauseated at the slightest touch in my throat-- even my toothbrush made me nauseous. I guess I would have to practice.

He didn't last long and as I felt his balls tighten I removed my mouth and replaced it with my hand. He finished shortly after. I didn't feel comfortable having sperm in my mouth just yet.

Flip was breathing loudly and his eyes were closed as he tried to catch his breath. "I think I like that gift the most of all." He said as he smiled at me. I had apparently also come as I was sooo horny that I didn't even have to touch myself. I plashed water to wash both of us free of the come and attempted to lie down next to him, but he made me lie in between his legs, one arm wrapped around my neck lightly.

"This is nice." I said as I lovingly rubbed his arm. He found the strawberries and dipped one in cream, took a bite and tried to give me a bite too.

"No, thanks." I said as I pushed his arm away and reached for my own.

"What's wrong with sharing one?" He asked when I lay back down.

"I don't like to share stuff like that-- glasses, plates, food. It freaks me out." I said as I licked off the cream.

"You just had my tongue and my dick in your mouth, but you don't want to share a strawberry?!" He asked incredulous pushing me up.

"Why are you making such a big deal about this?" I asked as I watched him climb out of the tub and grabbing a towel. I followed suit.

"It is insulting! Do I have some kinda germs? Am I not worthy to share the rich PRINCE MONTGOMERY'S strawberry?!!" He asked as he finished dressing. I was still drying off and naked. Reaching for my black silk gown I slipped into it and tied the knot.

I laughed and said: "Are we really fighting over a freaking strawberry?" I was so horrified that my perfectly planned evening was crumbling around me.

"Just say FUCKING strawberry ok! It is not like you are going to die if you swear." He spat at me. We were still in the bathroom fighting.

"DON'T you DARE tell me whether I should swear or not! I have lived my entire life dignified and I have much too much CLASS to talk like that! Maybe you should try it!!" I spat at him, I was horrified that we were fighting, but my pride wouldn't let me back down.

"Really?! Says the alcoholic-pill-popping-shrew who's family life will put Jerry Springer's show to shame!!"

I felt like he had physically struck me. I admit that the blow would have been preferred. I paled and felt slightly dizzy. He came toward me saying: "Sam, I didn't- I beg of-"

Then he stood still and asked: "Are you ok?" He looked worried.

I looked at him in shock and realized that my mouth was open and felt tears fill my eyes. My vision became blurry, but the tears didn't fall. I huffed once, twice and then shut my mouth, lightly shook my head and gave him a tight smile.

I unclenched my jaw and said: "Of course."

"If you will excuse me." I said politely and walked past him. I felt him following me, but didn't hear a thing. I shook my head again to keep the tears at bay. I could feel the polite smile stuck in place. I made my way to my huge walk in closet and shut the door. And the next thing I knew-- darkness.

"Sam?" I heard as I came to. I opened my eyes, blinked and focused on Flip. He was sitting next to me on my bed in my room with a wet cloth over my face.

"Sam, I am going to call an ambulance, ok?" He asked moving to stand up, but I shook my head saying: "Don't. This happens when I'm sick."

"Sam, I don't think-" He started saying,

"I think I am better now. You should go home and get some rest, cause it is late." I said looking at his neck, because I didn't want to see his face.

"Are you sure?" He asked getting up slowly.

I just shook my head, he took my hand gave it a squeeze and said: "See you later." When he got to the door I saw him pause as if wanting to say more, but he didn't.

It was supposed to be the perfect day.

Hi guys, let me know what you think-- please! I need some good news, cause my parents are going to drive me to suicide!! Don't you just sometimes hate them? I want to study journalism, but no I had those bloody tests done and they said- business and law- so I am a first year with those subjects and in my country that is a HORRIBLY DIFFICULT degree. I am good at it, but I want to write all the time, but now mother says: "You are just being lazy! You will finish that degree!"

Anyway, sorry just needed to vent J!! Let me know at !



Next: Chapter 7: Sam 7

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