Sam Series


Published on Aug 18, 2009





"Where the hell is it?! God dammit!" I screamed as I threw open another cabinet in the kitchen looking for a bottle of wine. I had decided not to go out as it was a Saturday. The maids were scurrying about trying to look busy- obviously worried that I would fire them, because of my horrible mood!

Finally finding the bottle of wine I opened it and pour myself a glass and drank it down in one gulp. Grabbing the bottle I headed to my bedroom. I was still dressed in the gown that I had quickly put on the night before my fight with Flip. I was seriously considering calling him and apologizing, but I was entitled to my own opinion. Wasn't I? Maybe it was pride stopping me from going to him.

Looking into the mirror I said: "Pride is wrong. If you love him, go apologize." Oh God, I loved him?! When did this happen. I have never said these words to anyone, but I wanted to say them to Philip. Running into my dressing room I hastily put on a pair of faded jeans, white sneakers and a light green top. Running into the bathroom I grabbed a green rubber band and put my hair into a short ponytail, brushed my teeth and ran to the garage. Maybe I should take my dad's yellow Lamborghini? Opening the garage door I reversed the car and thanked the lawyers for getting it in the settlement along with the others.

I was way over speed limit-- but I raced to his garage. I asked one of the workers where Mr. Conti (Flip's surname was Conti) was. The guy might be trailer trash handsome, you know the guy who was someone in high school, but was too dumb to further himself in life.

"He went to his parents' house for the weekend. He left last night late and only left a message for us." The guy was eyeing the car when I yelled: "Hey! Where do his parents live? It's imperative that I speak with him." I said scowling at the dirty man.

"Well pretty thing, I don't want think I should tell you where to find him." The guy said leering at me know.

"Why not?" I asked.

"What's in it for me?" He asked looking at me lustfully. I had never hated my looks more.

"What do you want?" I asked already knowing the answer.

"I want you to get down on your knees and suck my fucking cock you arrogant little shit." He said glaring at me.

Thinking quickly I said: "What if I gave you this car? Would you tell me then?" I asked desperate to find Flip.

The guy gazed at the car and me, not knowing which one to choose. "Oh come on!" I shouted. "Surely having me blow you wouldn't be worth more than the car. Think of all the girls you could pick up in it." I said smiling at him.

"Ok, get out and I'll tell you."

In the end I had to call a limo to fetch me at the garage, take me home to pack clothes and drive me for four hours to Flips parents' house. Why the hell did they live so far away? As the limo pulled to a stop I grabbed the surprise and ran to the door ringing the bell. It was a single story house, probably three bedrooms and two baths. The average family's home. I was so excited to meet his parents.

A woman in her late fifties opened the door and smiled at me asking: "Can I help you dear?"

"Are you Mrs. Conti?" I asked.

"Yes, what can I do for you?" She said smiling kindly.

"I am looking for Flip ma'am. Could I speak with him?"

"Yes, he is at the back chopping wood. He should actually be getting ready for the party tonight." She said showing me to the back door. The house was homey and lived in. Not like the cold mausoleum that I lived in. Walking out the door I froze as I saw Flip swinging an axe. He was shirtless and in shorts. His back flexed as he brought the axe down. Damn he was fine.

"Flip?" I asked as I got a little closer.

"Sam?" He said surprise on his face as he turned around. "What are you doing here?" He asked putting the axe down and walking towards me.

Grabbing the strawberry I was carrying I pushed it to his mouth and saw him take a bite. Bringing it back to my mouth I ate the rest and threw the green part on the grass.

"I'm still new at all of this Flip. I have been hurt so much that I'm not used to little intimacies and I'm sorry for that, but I am willing to change for you--k?" I said sobbing as I felt the tears fall.

"Sam-" He started. I could tell he knew I was sincere, because I didn't usually cry.

"No, let me finish. I have never said this to anyone in my entire life before so you can know that I mean it." Taking a deep breath and closing my eyes I said: "I love you. I love you with every fiber of my being and I woke up this morning and I realized that I don't want to be without you. Please don't leave me. I need you." I said looking at his eyes. Looking back down I realized that I had just made myself vulnerable for the first time in my life.

I felt a finger gently tip my head to look into his beautiful brown eyes. "I have wanted to say that to you a million times since you stayed with me that month, but I didn't want to scare you away. THIS is the best birthday of my life." Bending his head to kiss me. WOW!! I was actually breathless.

"Happy Birthday stud." I said as I stood on tip toes to wrap my arms around him. I yelped when he grabbed my ass to put my legs around his hips as he carried me to the trees all the while kissing. We were away from prying eyes from the house and he lay me down on the grass and gently lay between my legs.

Slowly we removed our clothes- well actually mine since he was half naked already- and made out in earnest. Moving my kisses to his ear I whispered so softly: "Make love to me." Flip froze immediately and rolled onto his back.

"NO." He said.

"Please Flip." I said sitting on his stomach and trailing kisses over his sweaty chest. He was so gorgeous.

"Sam, your sixteen for Christ's sakes! It isn't right." He said moaning as I licked his nipple.

"Please? Please Flip. Please?" I trailed kisses up to his neck my hand holding his face still. "Please Flip for me? Please?" Nibbling his ear I whispered softly: "Please Flip, I love you. Please make love to me. I love you. Please." I could see his resolve loosening and said: " I love you so much, I want my first and all other times to be with you. Please Flip. I love you. Please Babe. Please?"

"If we do this you have to promise to tell me if I hurt you, to tell me to stop immediately." He said closing his eyes and taking a deep breath.

"Anything you say Flip. Please I love you. Please." I knew the effect the word had on him, because he knew I didn't use it very often. Taking out the lube I had with me he asked shocked: "You had lube with you?"

"I thought we might need it. Anyway, I am not giving you a chance to back out." I said handing him the bottle.

Rolling onto my back I pulled him until he rolled onto me and placed my legs over his shoulders.

"Sam, I don't think we should do it here. Your first time should be special. In a bed with all the romantic things planned plus I don't have a condom." He said trying to move, but I hooked my ankles behind his neck and made my lower lip tremble saying: "Please Flip. I know it sucks that I don't have experience, but I promise to learn the things you like. Please teach me Flip. Please?" I asked knowing the quaver in my voice would persuade him. Manipulator. Don't judge-- I was horny!

"God dammit, you know it's not that! I just can't say no when you ask so nicely. You are using me, but I still can't say no." He said opening the bottle of lube he gently smeared a generous amount onto my hole and gently massaged it into the hole. Needless to say my breath came faster and he groaned saying: "I love you. You are so perfect."

He used more lube on his finger and gently stuck it in. I was so tight that he had trouble getting the one finger in. But it felt good. I whimpered loudly as he put in the second finger and bit the back of my hand to keep from screaming in pleasure as the third finger came.

"Flip. I love you. Only you." I sighed as I closed my eyes in ecstasy.

"When he removed his fingers I tried to move my ass with to keep it there.

"You are so smooth and I love that about you." He said as he applied lube to his penis which was hard. I was actually glad that he didn't have a nine inch monster. Six inches was nice.

His penis met with resistance when he tried to push it in. Using a little more force he got the head moved into it.

"Urgh!" He strained to keep himself from taking his pleasure. He was so sweet and sensitive. I felt intense pain- I won't lie, but I knew that it would get better. He waited a few minutes leaning down to kiss me and murmur things like: "I love you." and "Mine." and "Always." into my ear. I was so emotional and was having the biggest problem with not screaming out loud that I loved him.

Tentatively he moved in to about half way and paused. After a while I got use to the size and pain and told him to go further. He continued until I could feel his pubes tickling my ass. He waited until I got use to it and gave him a nod. He gently withdrew and I saw him biting his bottom lip, which was so cute, just to keep from going too fast. Then he moved his hips forward.

"Holy Mother F-" I stopped just in time.

Looking up at Flip who had paused thinking he had heard me I said: "Do that again."

He did. "You are only mine. No one else will ever have you. Mine." He said again as he thrust a bit harder. I liked that he was being possessive. It made me feel even more special.

I dug my fingers into his scalp and almost pulled his hair from his scalp as I thrusted my hips to meet his. So that was the sensitive spot I read about?

Now the pain was completely gone and I told him to go a little faster.

I must have sounded like a porn star whore as he thrust and pulled out and repeated. I knew the exact moment he let go too he was moving so fast and groaning his own pleasure. I didn't even touch myself as I came. I must have contracted my ass muscles, because he came just after me. It was beautiful.

"Never." He huffed. "Never." Huff. "It's never," Huff, "been like," Huff, "that." He said as he tried to regain his breath.

I drifted off. I was so tired. I remember him dressing me and gently picking me up and carrying me into the house. Then I was asleep.

Waking up a few hours later I moaned as I stretched. The slight pain was more of a reminder that Flip and I belonged together forever. It was a bit tender, but I hoped I could manage not to waddle around like a duck. The pain wasn't that intense.

Opening my eyes with a smile on my face I sat up and I saw Flip watching me.

"Hi." I murmured blushing and looking down at the duvet.

"How are you feeling?" He asked as he came over to the bed and sat next to me.

"Wonderful." I said smiling at him and said: "I love you." I hadn't said the words to anyone in my life and in one day I said it like a million times.

"I love you more." He said leaning in to kiss me. I grabbed hold of him and tried to intensify the kiss, but he pulled away and softly said: "Your driver left your bags here. I want to introduce you to my parents and my friends. The party has started already." I saw that he was dressed and cursed myself for packing only expensive stuff. I was going to be dressed to fancily.

Getting up he paused by the door and said: "By the way. Two bags is a lot for one night." He smiled his half crooked smile that made me want to have him all over again.

"I have to look good for my boyfriend don't I?" I said smiling at him.

"Oh, the bathroom is the door next to my room on the right." Blowing me a kiss he closed the door and left. I could hear the party going on in the backyard and smiled as I heard the country music. Not really my type, but I'd do anything for my Strawberry. I giggled at calling him that.

Getting up I quickly showered and dressed in a dark blue Soviet jean and a simple green D&G T-shirt. I wore white and green Puma's, tied my hair with the same green rubber band and put on my silver Rolex and the silver ring that I got from my mother on my right hand ring finger. Spraying on D&G the One perfume (Matthew McConnaughey advertises) I looked in the mirror and smiled. I had a blush to my cheeks that was nice to me. My complexion looked healthy and I loved it.

Satisfied that I wouldn't embarrass my boyfriend I brushed my teeth applied some lip ice and walked into the living room with a tiny wrapped present that had better be delivered to the front door by now. I was so nervous.

What if they didn't like me?

I moved to the back door and saw at least thirty people all laughing and smiling at each other. Most were Flip's age and then there were some of his parent's friends. I put on my Prada sunglasses looked at the mirror next to the door, smiled at myself and said: "Game face, Sam."

I walked out and immediately felt a blush in my cheeks as most people looked at me. However I maintained the smile- I was a Montgomery after all- and tried to find Flip. Suddenly I saw him and my face lit up in a smile. He looked so happy to see me too. Standing close he whispered: "You look so hot! Is your ass ok?" He asked and I blushed which I'm sure most people saw and nodded.

"Come on you should meet my parents!" He said grabbing me and dragging me to the BBQ. There was an older guy in his fifties and shit- if Flip was gonna look like him at that age I wouldn't mind!

"Dad? This is Sam Montgomery. Sam this is my dad, Ross Conti." The older guy smiled at me and I gave a tentative smile back.

"Mr. Conti, it's nice to meet you." I said politely holding out my hand for him to shake.

He shook it smiled and said: "So this is the boyfriend that Flip can't shut up about?"

"Daaad!" Flip moaned which I thought was cute, since he was twenty one today!

"Hi Sam!" Said the lady who had let me into the house earlier.

"Sam this is my mother, Grace." Flip said as I smiled and said: "Mrs. Conti."

I heard several people chuckle and looked at Flip to see him trying hard not to laugh.

"What!?" I hissed at him.

"Over here we only call each other by our first names honey. Aren't you just as cute as a button?" Mrs. Conti said laughing at me.

I smiled and said: "I promise to try, but my mother would have a fit if she knew that I did that." Flip grabbed me and introduced me to more people. They were simple folk, but kind.

When I had greeted close to twenty people I asked Flip: "Can we maybe get something to drink?"

"Sure, babes. What would you like?" He asked smiling at me.

"Let's go check it out." I said dragging him over to the refreshment table. It was mostly alcohol. I poured myself some orange juice and when he wasn't looking a whole lot of Vodka.

Taking a relieved sip I moved over to Flip. We were alone at the table and I leaned into him and whispered: "When you fucked me out by the woods and you bit your bottom lip today, that was so fucking hot."

He blushed and looked at me strangely.

Later when it was gift time he got normal gifts from everyone. He seemed to like it. Lastly his mother handed him my gift and he said: "Sam."

"Oh come on how could you know it was from me?" I asked sulkily.

"Look at the wrapping paper. It's probably silk." He joked and everyone laughed and I blushed.

Just as he was about to open it I said: "Remember what you promised in the-" I stopped myself just before saying bath and heard most people burst into laughter and Flip and me blush.

Opening the gift he found the key's to a brand new red Ferrari that the someone had parked in front while the party was going on.

He looked confused till he saw the sign on the key. He looked up sharply and said:" Sam!"

"Flip you promised."

Flip's older brother Dave asked: "What is it?"

"A Ferrari." Flip said getting a smile and blowing me a kiss. I blushed- of course.

"Fuck!" Dave yelled grabbing Flip and leading him to the front of the house: "You gotta take me for a spin you lucky fucker!" All the people followed them to the front of the house and most of the guys whistled.


"Flip is so lucky."


"Flip must be real good in bed!"

That last comment came from one of his male cousins who was leering at me. He made me think of the guy at the garage and Carl. He was looking at me like I was a piece of meat. Jerk!

When all of the guys had a spin and the party resumed Flip pulled me aside and said: "Thanks! That is a great gift, but Sam you have to start saving your money."

I smiled and gave him a kiss. He had no idea that I was a billionaire. My grandparents' trusts gave me financial independence. Just so long as you don't touch the principal amount it continues to grow!

"I love you." I said as I kissed him again. *****


I am thinking of ending Sam as I don't get a lot of responses on it. I think I might still do one or two chapters. I just want to wish my American BFF, Jamie, good luck and say that I miss you a lot. I love you Jamie!

Please email and let me know at !!


Next: Chapter 8: Sam 8

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