Santa's Elves" story

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Dec 14, 2003




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


"You'd better watch out, you'd better not cry, you'd better not pout, I'm telling you why." I warbled for the umpeenth time. "Santa Claus is coming to town!"

I was dancing around to the tune of "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" and feeling more than a little foolish. The fact I was wearing a green elf's costume might have something to do with that. But heck, a fellow can act like an idiot for a little while at Christmas time to make the kids happy can't he? I'd always been a big fan of the holiday, this seemed like the perfect job for a Christmas-lover like me. And to get paid to do it, too, that was even better, right?

That had been my logic when I took the job. I didn't spot the flaw in the steup until later.

The South Country Mall made a big thing out of Christmas, understandable when you realize that for most of the stores in the mall, the Christmas season counted for something like 3/4 of their yearly income. And the best way to make a big deal out of Christmas is to arrange for the kids to visit Santa. So we had Santa at the South Country Mall, and if Santa was going to be there, he had to have someone to help him keep the kids happy and quiet while they waited to sit on his lap and tell him what they wanted for Christmas.

But when you put kids in a line, they have nothing to do, and so they get bored. You need something to keep them from getting bored. What better choice for that than to get some young college guy needing some cash for the holiday (me, in case you don't recognize me with that dumb hat on my head), dress him up in an elf's costume, and have him sing along to the Muzak while dancing about. And if you have only four songs about Santa Claus that he can dance to, well, the line is moving along, that ought to be enough, right?

Wrong! Once a kid gets on Santa's lap, he plans to stay there until he has told Santa every present he wants, including what he saw on television and the stuff he saw in the stores while he was walking up to "Santa's Grotto." And this Santa we had was really chatty, talking to the kids on and on, really bogging down the production line. So while Santa did his thing slow and leisurely, Fred and me, two dancing, singing elves, ran out of material in a hurry. And the kids, who had seen us do our stint three times now, weren't even pretending to pay attention anymore.

Fred and I wrapped up the song and while the adults applauded politely as we bowed (they'd gotten bored with it the second time around), he hissed, "We got to do something about this." We had a minute between each song to catch our breath and then were expected to start it all over again with "Here Comes Santa Claus."

"Like what?" I said. "Make up some new words about Santa, maybe?" I had a few choice words for old St. Nick by this time, that old coot playing Santa should be moving the kids along, but he was too busy asking them questions and telling them jokes and generally making the line snake out longer and longer.

"Maybe we can get the kids to sing along with us this time." he suggested.

I cocked my head. "It's worth a try." I said.

"Hey, boys and girls!" Fred called out to them. They looked at him with a dull interest.

"How about helping us sing this time?"

Kids are honest, I'll give them that. "No!" one of them called and the rest laughed.

"Aw, come on, it'll be fun." Fred coaxed the boy who had called out, a blond-haired boy maybe six years old.

"Naw, we're tired of that stuff!

"So am I." I hissed to Fred.

But the song was starting up and duty called. Dance routine number one.

"Oh, here comes Santa Claus, here comes Santa Claus..." I started out.

And the kids started booing! One kid had some candy corn and he threw it at me. Candy corn is hardly a lethal weapon, but I had the bad luck for one of them to get me right in my still-open left eye!

"Sammy!" his mother chided him. "You stop that this minute!"

I was wincing and rubbing at my eye and the kids were being kids, some were laughing, some were talking to their parents, and above it all, was old St. Nick going "ho-ho-ho" to the little girl he had in his lap right then.

I looked with my good eye at the line which stretched out to past the sporting goods store now, and I groaned. No money was worth this!

I looked down at that kid Sammy and he looked at me and said, "Ha, ha, you goofy old elf!"

Right then, I didn't care if it was Christmas or not! "Why you rotten little brat...." His mother's face froze any further words from me. Pleased at getting a rise out of me, Sammy grinned and stuck out his tongue at me.

"Is there a problem here?" the floor walker came up. For us working stiffs at the mall, he was a sort of over-all manager, in charge of everything and everybody. This guy was good, he managed to be everywhere at once, it seemed, like now for instance.

"I'm sorry, sir." I said to him. "I'm just tired. The line is moving too slow and the kids are bored, and sick and tired of listening to us sing."

"Help is on the way." he said. "You two, go ahead and take a break, fifteen minutes. But use that fifteen minutes to put a smile back on your face." His voice lowered. "You can't call a rotten little brat a rotten little brat when you're one of Santa's elves, you know." That was his way of taking you to task for messing up, understanding but firm.

"I know." I grinned sheepishly. "And I really am sorry."

"The kid clipped him with a piece of candy." Fred defended me.

"Got me in the eye." I affirmed.

"I saw. Don't worry about losing your temper, you caught yourself and you'll do better next time. It happens to the best of us." He made a shooing-away motion. "Go on, take your break. Here comes your relief crew now."

He was right. Three of the salesladies, bearing boxes of fruit juice and some cheap plastic toys, were now in sight. They spanned out over the row of wriggling, squirming, bored kids and began to share out the booty.

The floor walker moved on to Santa, presumably to tell the old fart to get the line moving if he wanted to keep his job. I didn't hang around to find out, I headed for a gap in the scenery and a much-needed break.

Fred beat me inside the break area. It wasn't anything but our clothes hanging on some boards and a triangular bit of bare floor, but it was a chance to turn off the "happy elf" persona, and I think you can agree that by now, that was sheer rapture to me. We were out of sight and, so long as we kept our voices low, out of hearing range. He leaned against the wall and his rouge-smeared cheeks put me in mind of a chipmunk's as he smiled. "Whew!" he said. "Man, if I sing 'Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer' one more time, I'm going to puke all over his reindeer games!"

I grinned and was ready to help him complain. "I know what you mean. Why are there only four songs? Aren't there any more songs than that we could sing?"

Fred was more philosophical. "No more that mention Santa and also is simple enough for a child to sing along with us." he said. "That was the idea to begin with, you know." He was right; we were supposed to get the kids to sing, but they'd just clammed up whenever we tried, so we ended up performing solos and duets. Fred had a nice voice and mine wasn't bad either (a good singing voice was part of the job requirement), but we weren't in any danger of somebody signing us up for a record contract on the spot.

"Well." I said. "Maybe when we get back, the kids will be different."

"Kids are kids." Fred said.

"I mean, we'll be singing at different kids." I clarified.

"That's the spirit." Fred said. "Think happy thoughts. Be a happy elf again."

"Man!" I said. "For me to be a happy elf, I'm going to need more than happy thoughts."

"Well, come up with something." Fred said. "We aren't supposed to leave here until we put a smile on our faces."

"And what could I do that would put a smile on my face in front of all those kids?" I returned.

"I don't know!" Fred said. "Cuss a little bit. Jump up and down. Chant a mantra. Visualize standing in a field of wildflowers. Visualize that kid being thrown into a pit of hungry crocodiles."

I smiled at that last one, but only for a while.

Fred kept making suggestions. "Chew some gum. Smoke a cigarette. Pick your nose. Play with yourself."

"Huh?" I said on that last one, then I guffawed. "Yeah, that's what I should do. I should play with myself. That always puts a smile on my face." My laugh wasn't entirely sane, even to my own ears. Remember that I was tired, worn out from performing nonstop for that unending line of children, the same songs over and over. That can do things to a guy's mind, you know, acting happy-happy-happy. So I laughed like a jackass, haw-haw-haw!

Fred laughed with me, he was equally stressed out from this job. This work looks easy and it isn't! "Sure, come on, whip it out!" he said. "Pump it for me!"

I made giggly-shushing noises to him. "Shh-shh-shh!" I said. "Can't let all the little darlings hear us!"

"Yeah." he agreed in a lower tone of voice. "So, come on and whack it for me."

I grinned. "I will if you will." I challenged him. Honest, we were both punch-drunk from the hours we'd been out there singing away over and over again. It was like being intoxicated, not really in control.

He leaned in on my shoulder and pushed those round lips of his next to mine and his dark eyes bored into mine. "Okay, you got a deal." he said. "Come on, take it out."

I sort of laughed, sort of blushed, sort of shook my head, the joke was over. "Hey, man, we can't do that...." And that's when his hand landed on my crotch.

"Why not?" He asked me. I looked into his eyes, they were like night, swallowing me up, I was falling into them. "Nobody can see us back here." He was right, this was a place for Santa's Elves only; the idea was not to spoil the kids' illusions. We had changed into our costumes back here, and we would leave at the end of our shift by creeping along the scenery and coming out the end of the "Grotto" area in our street clothes.

His hand found my cock, grabbed hold of it through those dumb green pants and squeezed me. "Come on, take it out for me." he said. "We only have a few minutes, you know."

What made me do it, this madness? The strain of the job, the privacy of knowing this space was specially ours, the fact that Fred shared my stress and now shared my relaxation. And maybe a bit of the mischievous adventurer in all of us, the desire to do something strange or daring just because you can. All I know for sure is that my cock said, "Go for it!" by getting hard as hell, and I was like a rider inside my own mind, watching as I pulled down the pants and freed my cock and balls.

"Oh, yeah!" Fred said and his warm, warm hand clamped on my cock. It was like my entire being went "oh, yeah!" right along with Fred, I shut my eyes and shuddered from it, from the feel of Fred's hand on my cock. But when I opened my eyes, when Fred began to pump at my pud, my mouth opened and it said, me hearing it for the first time as it spoke, "I get to do you, too."

"Yeah, sure!" Fred sighed and I reached over and dug at the top of his pants. His clothing was different from mine in little details, I had a pull-over long-sleeved shirt and his was more like a short-sleeved t-shirt, only longer in the length so that it covered his crotch. It was this I was lifting up as I found the top of his pants and tried to burrow my fingers inside them.

Fred's free hand was trying to tug his pants down as I poked at his waistband, found a way in, slid my hand down his body, the hairs of his pubic region a thin line at his navel that thickened as I went downwards, first a light tickling and then a full bush that lifted my hand away from his sleek body, and I was riding on a field of wiry-like hairs and then I impacted the base of his prick.

"Ooh, yeah!" Fred moaned as I got hold of him. He released me long enough to yank frantically at his trousers, and he got them down to almost knee-level, and his hand caught hold of me again. "Yeah, now, let's wank them!" he urged.

With his hand on my prick, I would have agreed to anything, but this was easy. "Yeah, come on, I'll race you." I said. "Squirt 'em hard and fast!"

If we were back late from our break, the floor walker would be there checking on us!

So we had no reason to delay this and every reason to hurry. I pumped his cock as hard as I could and he did the same to me. I closed my eyes again and then opened them to look at Fred, look at him looking at me, his jaunty face with its jaunty hat, an open grin and I closed my eyes again, branding that on my memory, I wanted to remember this moment forever.

There was the music, Christmas music, playing, and there was a loud murmur of people, many people. There was the occasional burst of ho-ho-ho from our Santa and something else I can't quite describe other than to say that it was the holiday season, all of Christmas gathered together in that mall, the spirit of Christmas was there all around us, and this was a sort of gift to me in return for my efforts on Christmas' behalf, that I would stand here behind the scenery and the painted walls and the fake snow and I would have this moment of pleasure with my fellow elf and Christmas-lover, Fred.

Every motion of his hand on my cock gave me pleasure, a separate wave of it emanated upwards with each stroke. "Oh, yeah, that's good, that's good!" I said to him. "Yeah, good, yeah!"

Fred was writhing for his part, jacking away at me while I pumped his prick so hard I bumped his nuts with each downwards stroke, but he didn't protest it, he was getting into it, rocking on his feet and groaning. "Uuuh, uh, yeah, uh, uh, uh!" he muttered. "God, yeah, jack me, man, jack me good!"

"Yeah, yeah, good." I agreed.

"Oh, man, I'm going to come!" Fred warned me. "Oh, man, hurry, break is over, it's over, man, come now with me, come now!"

My body responded to this warning, this brief respite was nearly at an end. My pleasure center seized this caution and lurched into overdrive, I went from nearing my climax to roaring into orgasm, in the space of a few seconds, I was ready and more than ready.

"Oh, oh, oh!" I gasped. "I'm coming, too, I'm coming!"

"Oh, yeah, shoot it with me, shoot it with me!" Fred said, his words thick with his passion. "Let's hit the wall, hit the fucking wall and let it drip!"

"Oh, yeah, uh, uh, HUH-GUH!" I reached my peak and when I came, I came hard and fast, too. It was like all my sperm tried to rocket out of my body at one time, and the force of it was incredible, it really did arc way out from my body and spattered the wall some two feet above the floor.

"Ooh, ooh, uh, yeah, HUNKH!" Fred chimed in and his load was harder, but more sprayed than mine, where mine was a single clear stream that had shot out of me, his was flying in an area bombardment, he hit the wall high and he hit it low and he hit it left-and-right, and more hit the floor, lots of small but thick blobs of jizz that splattered like pellets when they hit, and me and Fred were moaning as my last dribbles landed on my shoes and as his continued to spray out each in its own direction.

"Oh, oh, oh man, oh man!" Fred said.

"Yeah, yeah, oh yeah!" I gasped.

"Whew!" Fred grabbed hold of me, whether it was a hug or needed support to stand up (or both), he grabbed hold of me and I grabbed him and our cocks, soggy and sticky, kissed each other sloppily and he gasped into my face a time or two, and his eyes danced wetly before me, like they were trying to say thank you in their own non-verbal way, gratitude beamed out of those eyes, and out of his smile and I grinned back at him.

"We'd better get back to work." I reminded him.

"Yeah." Fred said.

We pulled ourselves together and went back outside and got in position while that fourth song ("Up on the Rooftop") finished playing out. When it ended we launched into a rather nice impromptu conversation with the kids, both of us grinning widely and saying hello and was everybody getting ready for Christmas? Honest, it was like we'd rehearsed the entire thing, it all rolled off so nicely. We finished it just in time to launch into "Santa Claus is Coming to Town." And then, I didn't care that we'd sung that song too many times, it rolled out brand-new and fresh for me and so did the other songs.

I saw the floor manager looking at us while some woman with a little boy spoke to him, and wondered what all that was about. He watched us do our routine and at the end of the fourth song, Fred said, "Well, we hope everybody is enjoying this Christmas time. All of you new kids in line (the line was moving along nicely now, the floor walker must have talked to Santa), we're Santa's Elves and we love bringing Christmas to you."

"That's right." I chimed in. Like I said, it was like we were a well-oiled team. "And while you're waiting for your chance to talk to Santa, we want you to know that we love working for Santa and have lots of fun up at the North Pole. But it's fun being here at the South Country Mall with all of you! Now, we're about to sing 'Here Comes Santa Claus' and we'd like all of you to help us sing it. How about it, kids, can you sing out for Santa?"

"Yeah!" the kids called out and by God, we got them to sing right along with us! The same dumb songs they'd clammed up on before, now they were belting them out, and that's how it went the rest of the night.

At the end, really tired but feeling like I'd accomplished something with my life for maybe the first time, I was back in "our place" with Fred, changing out of those dumb green costumes. I'd worked up quite a sweat and thought about asking the floor walker if I could take this costume home and wash it out for tomorrow.

And the thought brought the man, he cleared his throat and said, "Can I come in?"

"Sure." I said, and buttoned my pants as he walked in.

"You boys really got them going there at the end." he said.

I beamed. "Yeah, we got the trick now." I said. "Tomorrow will be a lot easier."

"That break really helped us." Fred agreed and I looked at him and grinned.

"Yes, about that break." the floor walker said. I looked at him and remembered that woman and realized, my God, that woman saw us in there! She must have come up and peeked in at us! I thought we were sacked!

Stunned, I looked at the walker and croaked out, "Yes, sir?"

"When you take your break tomorrow night, why don't you pull those pieces of scenery together?" He said. "That way you won't be disturbed."

And with that, he turned and walked out.

I looked at Fred and realized he understood, too. "What do you think about that?" I said.

"That old guy is really something, isn't he? I really like him."

"I'm glad you like him." Fred said. "And I'd like you to drop by and meet him, tomorrow, at my house before we come in to work."

"What do you mean?" I said. "Do you live with that guy?" I tried to picture Fred and that floor walker in bed together or something. He seemed too old for Fred!

"Hey, lots of guys live with their fathers." Fred said. "Come on, let's go grab a bite to eat someplace. I'm starved."

I followed Fred out through the fake snow and large imitation candy canes as they began to shut off the lights of Santa's Grotto. It felt like I was leaving a fantasy world behind forever...but the reality I was headed for was looking pretty good to me!


Comments, complaints or suggestions?

E-mail me at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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