Santa's Punishment

By Mister J Author

Published on Jul 7, 2022



Santa's Punishment By Mister J

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Description: What if Santa Claus was mistaken for a burglar? While delivering all the kids' presents in time for Christmas morning, Santa got caught by Andre. Will the kinky homeowner let him go or punish him for breaking into his house?

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"OOPS, I missed one." I tapped the child's name on the tome with a finger. "Good thing I double-checked."

Blitzen made a throaty grunt.

"I know, I know. Every child will have a present under the tree tomorrow morning."

The pages flapped as the sleigh soared through the night sky with nine reindeer pulling.

Holding them down with my left hand, I traced the address next to the name with my right index finger. "It's not far from here."

I set the big book down on the seat and faced the sleigh's dashboard. Sparkles swirled over the screens and buttons.

After entering the location, I pushed a big red button.

A radiant circle of green light appeared ahead.

"That's our exit, ladies." Taking the reins, I signaled to go faster.

The herd accelerated and entered the portal.

In the blink of an eye, the clear night sky filled with falling snow.

"Whoa." I pulled on the harness strap.

The sleigh stopped, suspended in midair as the portal disappeared.

I looked down over the side.

A road cut through the white landscape to the only house in the area. Christmas Lights flickered around the exterior and a couple of trees next to it.

"We've never delivered to that house before, have we?"

A noise came out of Blitzen.

"Yeah. Must be new."

A whoosh of wind blew, and the snow fell heavier.

"Okay, time to park and do what we came here to do before the weather gets bad." I clicked my tongue and shook the reins.

The reindeer descended until the sleigh hovered a foot above the two-story modern house.

Bells jingled on the sleigh's speakers, and a small screen in the middle displayed Mrs. Claus's picture.

I accepted the call. "Hey, Cupcake!"

"Hey, Polar Bear! Where are you? Why aren't you back yet? Everything okay?"

"Don't worry." I smiled. "I'm already on my way back. Just had to do a quick stop."

Mrs. Claus chuckled, "You missed a few again, didn't you?"

I hunched my back, raised a finger, and flashed her a big grin through my white, full mustache. "Just one."

With an amused smirk, my wife shook her head and leaned forward. "How about you take care of it and hurry back so I can give you a Merry Christmas." She showed her pearly white teeth and winked before the video cut off.

Blood rushed to my dick, and the front of my red pants tightened. Its odd position inside my underwear pinched the head. I shoved my hand inside.

After adjusting myself, I reached inside the red magic sack behind the seat, pulled out a big green box tied with a red ribbon, and climbed off.

Thick snow covered the flat roof, and nothing else stuck out.

"It's another one of those. I swear. My work was easier decades ago."

With a sigh, I pulled out a small pouch from inside my overcoat, placed it on top of the present, and loosened the drawstring using a couple of fingers.

Glittery dust whirled above the leather opening.

I went to stand on the likely spot above the living room and sprinkled some of the magic elf dust.

A hole opened up on the roof. Bright orbs of light and bricks rose up to form a chimney big enough for a small child to fall through.

Holding one side of my coat open, I tucked the pouch inside one of the pockets and rubbed the chest of my waistcoat.

Dazzling lights materialized around me and closed in.

When the lights dissipated, a furnished living room appeared.

Twinkling lights from the big tree next to the window and fire from the back-to-normal fireplace illuminated the room.

While holding the present in one hand, I shrugged my coat off and draped it over my shoulder.

A bulky figure lay on its side on the couch, facing the backrest. The plaid blanket exposed dark brown skin from the shoulder up.

I did a double-take and widened my eyes.

Why is the kid's father sleeping out here?

Tiptoeing with heavy boots toward the tree, I glanced at Andre a couple of times.

More than halfway there, the hardwood floor made a long squeak.

Every muscle in my body tensed. My eyes shut tight, and my teeth clenched. I held my breath while waiting for movement on the couch.

Please, don't wake up.


With an exhale of relief, my muscles relaxed. I resumed tiptoeing until I reached my objective.

The angel on top of the tree almost touched the ceiling. Lights, garlands, and ornaments adorned the branches. Presents wrapped in colorful paper and tied with ribbons piled underneath.

I added mine.

Mission accomplished.

Slowly, I pivoted.

On the couch, Andre turned over and faced the fireplace. The blanket fell to the floor, revealing his almost naked body.

I froze in place and studied his face. My heart pounded inside my chest.

Is he awake?

His face stayed relaxed, and his eyes kept shut.

My gaze went from his face to his chest. A mat of black chest hair covered the massive pecs. From there, my eyes went further down until they reached his crotch.

The sizable bulge filled out Andre's skimpy boxer briefs. An imprint of the dick's head showed on the gray fabric.

What am I doing looking at another man's privates? I tore my eyes away and sneaked toward the fireplace.

Above it, a framed picture of Andre in police uniform carrying his young son on his neck sat on the mantel.

I smiled. Cute father and son.

Holding my overcoat by the collar, I fished for the magic elf dust pouch.

From behind, dull thuds approached. An arm wrapped around my neck, tucking my beard under my chin.

I dropped the overcoat, grabbed the man's forearm with both hands, attempted to pry it away.

"You fucking dare break into my house?" The muscled arm tightened, and a solid body pressed into my back, locking me into place. "Sleep motherfucker. We're gonna have fun later."

"Awk..." A surge of heat warmed my face. And as my grip loosened, my field of vision faded until everything turned black.

"WHAT the?"

I yanked my arms and looked above my head.

Hemp rope tied my crossed wrists together, secured on the cot's metal headboard.

"What's going on?" I lifted my head and looked down at my feet.

My naked body, except for white briefs, lay on the mattress. The same rope restrained my open legs to the cot's corners.

"Where am I?" I looked around, past my bulging biceps.

A strip of fluorescent lighted the white-painted concrete room. The cot sat against one wall opposite the wooden stairs. Boxes and various junk filled the metal shelves lining the other walls.

"Hello? Is someone there?"


An image of Andre sleeping on the couch popped into my head.

I have to get back to the roof.

With clenched fists, I wiggled my wrists on the rope.

The hemp scratched the skin with each movement, but it didn't budge.

"Ugh!" I blew out an exhale, and my arms sagged on the mattress.

A door opened above, followed by heavy footfalls marching down the stairs.

Adrenaline shot through my system, working my heartbeat double time.

No, no, no.

Through gritted teeth, I flailed my arms and legs in frantic haste.

"There's no point in trying to escape." Andre, in boxer briefs, walked toward the cot carrying a big cardboard box with `Tools' written in black ink on one side.

I surrendered and lay on my back, catching my breath. "Please, let me go."

"And why would I do that?" He smirked.

"Andre, you're a police officer. You can't hold me here like this." I glanced at my wrists. "Untie me, please."

"Wow, you know my name! You did your homework." He set the box on the mattress next to my torso and put both hands on his hips. The fat penis inside his gray underwear threatened to burst out.

Why do I keep looking at his bulge? What is wrong with me? I shifted my gaze to Andre's face. "I know you're a good man. You won't keep someone against their will like this."

"Is that right?" He stepped away to get an end table about half the length of the mattress and placed it next to the cot, near my leg. "But what about the fun things I planned? I even brought props."

"Don't, please. Just let me go." I yanked the ropes on both arms and legs.

The giant black man transferred the box on top of the table before leaning one knee on the mattress.

"Not gonna happen. I'll make you regret trying to rob my house." His calloused hands rubbed all over my hairy beefy torso. "Make sure you learn your lesson."

"Andre, no." I tried to avoid him.

He pinched and twisted my nipples.

"Ah!" My back arched up. "Everything is just a misunderstanding. I'm not a burglar."

"You're not?" With a gasp, his eyes widened, and a hand covered his mouth. "I'm so sorry. Let me untie you real quick."

"Yes, please. Thank you." My nipples ached.

He got off the cot, snickered, and opened the cardboard box.

"I'm telling the truth."

"If you're not a burglar, then what are you doing inside my house?" Andre reached inside the box, brought out medical scissors, and put it on the table.

"I was leaving a present for your son. Check under the tree. You'll see I'm not lying."

"And why would you do that? You the real Santa Claus?" The buzz-cut man scoffed as he put a bottle of lube next to the scissors.

"Yes!" I blurted out, shaking my head.

"And I'm the President of the United States." He snorted, lining up dildos of various sizes and colors.

My heart rate and breathing shot through the roof. "It's true. I am Santa Claus."

The homeowner smirked while laying out a couple of vibrating wands and the attachments. "You looked fatter in the commercials. What did you do, hire a trainer?"

"Let me prove it. Bring me my coat. I could show you the magic dust I used to get inside."

"There's nothing there. I already searched it when I was checking for weapons." He stashed the box under the cot.

I knocked my head on the mattress, closed my eyes, and sighed. "The magic won't work on you. Only I can take it out from the pocket."

Andre clicked his tongue and winked. "Of course."

He climbed on the bed and knelt between my open legs.

To be continued... - - - Follow me on Twitter:

Check out Mister J books on Amazon and Smashwords: - -

Book titles include: - Fuck Buddies - His Proxy Wife - Pounded by the Bodybuilder - Derek's Buddies - Hunks University - The Bro Code - Jocks on Lockdown - Seduced by a Kapre - Ring of Desire - The Future In-law

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