Sarah's Friend

By Andrea Jordan

Published on May 30, 2016



Sarah's Friend (F/F, D/s, BD, Chastity Device, Toys, Consensual) by AndreaJordan 2016 =================================================================== Synopsis: A chance encounter leads two women into a loving bondage relationship =================================================================== Sarah's Friend Chapter 1 =================================================================== Sarah's Friend Chapter 1 Part 1 =================================================================== Amy had the perfect figure for a model, her slim shoulders curved into a tiny waist and then out over the cutest of hips and down into long slim legs. Yet she looked on jealously at the only other person in the gym.

Sarah was sitting on the leg press where her strong athletic legs were moving almost half the stack of weights. Like Amy, the woman was in her early thirties and like Amy the woman had long brown hair in a ponytail. Amy observed the woman discretely, her white trainers with tiny socks leading up to muscular legs and on to an athlete's butt. Her thighs in particular were from a Greek goddess, tanned and chiseled and flexing effortlessly with the weight. Amy was lost in thought as her eyes worked their way up the other woman's body. Short pink gym short and a fitted white gym top, with every muscle on the way toned to perfection. The woman finished her set, toweled down the machine and walked out of the gym. The gym was in the basement of their apartment block. It was only small, but free to use and usually empty. Those who did use it were often corporate types, like Amy, who just dabbled with a few machines. Sarah was different, she was a dancer, she had the body that Amy had always wanted, the natural team captain, the mesomorph, the strong sexy female form. Sexy? Surely Amy didn't really think that, she was straight! She could just appreciate the athletic female form, she thought, as she stood there trying to reassure herself that she didn't fancy girls. Amy was now alone in the gym. She walked slowly over to the leg press and touched the padded seat that Sarah had used. It was still warm, not surprising given those thighs, Amy thought. With no one in sight, she knelt down and rested her cheek against the warm black padded seat. This was crazy, she didn't go with girls, but still it felt nice. She closed her eyes and breathed in for just a moment. When Sarah returned a few minutes later Amy was lying on the floor on her back with her arms stretched over her head. She sneaked another glimpse of the Greek goddess and then, with the picture of the woman in her mind, closed her eyes and continued to stretched. "What?!" Amy cried out as she opened her eyes in an attempt to keep up with reality. She tried to move, but Sarah was sitting on top of her outstretched arms, kneeling down with her thighs running down either side of Amy's bewildered face. The top of Amy's head was pushed up against the crotch of Sarah's gym shorts. Amy's legs thrashed around with little effect, unable to go anywhere with her arms completely immobilized under Sarah butt. "What did it smell like?" Sarah asked. " What?" Amy cried. "The leg press seat?" Fuck! The woman must have seen her, Amy was mortified. Too embarrassed to look straight up into the woman's eyes, Amy looked sideways at her thighs which towered up above her head. They looked enormous and incredibly strong. Amy's slim body struggled pathetically beneath her. Sarah started to bring her thighs together, moving them closer to Amy's head. The smaller woman started to panic as she felt Sarah's warm skin touch the side of her face. Amy's heart was close to exploding as she turned her head so that her lips were touching Sarah's inner thigh. She was about to kiss it, but stopped at the last moment. What was happening? Surely she wasn't interested in women? At that moment someone walked down the corridor and past the open gym door. Sarah jumped up, releasing Amy who in turn took the opportunity to jump up and run for the open door. She ran all the way back to her apartment in a state of aroused terror and collapsed on the bed. Amy couldn't sleep that night as fantasies ran wild through her mind. She had received a call from her new boyfriend, but had not even bothered to reply, she just wasn't interested. She couldn't decide whether it had been the sexy woman or the fact that she had been restrained that had turned her on so wildly. She hadn't thought of herself as either bisexual or into bondage, but obviously she was into at least one of them. `I was completely helpless' she kept saying to herself, the words rebuilding her excitement. She put her head between her own thighs and squeezed. It wasn't the same, but it did help her relive some of the earlier excitement. With her head still in place, she tightened a belt around her thighs and closed her eyes. Her thighs were slim but still held her head in securely in place. Imagine what the Greek goddesses thighs could do. At the same time the next day, Amy returned to the gym, lay down on the mat and waited for the other woman to return. This time Sarah was wearing small orange gym shorts and fitted white gym top. " Stretching again?" Sarah asked, as she walked over to Amy. "Hi again." Amy stuttered. Sarah looked down at the slim brunette who was wearing the sexiest of gym kit and who was lying in exactly the same place as the previous day. Yesterday Sarah had been genuinely annoyed when she saw the woman put her face where her own butt had been just seconds earlier. She'd decided to sit on her, pin her to the floor to humiliate her, to confront the kinky woman while she had no chance of escaping. Sarah had sat on boyfriends many times before and even they had been hard pressed to escape her. But strangely that simple act had turned her on. Unlike most women, Sarah liked her own body and it felt sexy to use it against another woman. The fact that the other woman had felt the same had only doubled the effect. "You liked what I did to you yesterday, didn't you?" "Err... no... Why do you say that?" Amy blushed. "Because if you hadn't you wouldn't be lying on the floor where I could so easily sit on you again." Amy's facial expressions and deep breathing were giving away her feelings. She would have been the worst poker player. "I just want to stretch." Amy replied nervously. "Fine, I just want to work out on this bench." Amy didn't answer, but swallowed with nervous excitement twitching through her face as Sarah pulled the gym bench across the floor and positioned it so that the legs were either side of Amy neck, with the support bar that connected the two front legs resting above her throat. With Amy head directly underneath the end of the bench, Sarah sat down on top. " Now you can stretch, and I can work out." Sarah said as she sat there and looked down at her prey. Amy tried to wriggle free and then when she couldn't, used all of her limited strength to push up against the weight of Sarah and the bench. The feeling of helplessly that followed made Amy moan out loud with excitement. Sarah watched the scene in the reflection from the large mirror, admiring both her own body and the attractive woman struggling beneath. " You're kind of kinky." Sarah concluded. "And you aren't?" Amy replied, a nervous smile on her face. "I didn't say that," Sarah replied before adding, "You're kind of cute too." The women talked for a few minutes sharing names and other pleasantries. As they spoke Sarah opened her legs wider and watched Amy's body wriggle powerlessly beneath her. Amy had the slim lithe body that Sarah had wanted as a teenager, although the limited strength of such a physique was now evident, Amy had no hope of getting out from underneath the bench. Sarah didn't like being out of control and would use her strength to ensure that she never was. Although judging by the slow rhythmic movements beneath her, it wasn't a trait shared by Amy. With Amy's head out of sight, Sarah placed her hands on the front of her own shorts and gently massaged. Fuck, this was the sexiest she'd felt for a long time. "Come with me." Sarah said, finally standing up and lifting the bench. She helped Amy to her feet and positioned Amy's hands behind her back and used one hand to grips both of Amy's thumbs, creating an effective handcuff. She then grabbed her bag and led Amy out of the gym and into the women's showers where there was a small bank of lockers. While still restraining Amy's thumbs inside her left hand, Sarah dug her right hand into her bag looking for money for the coin operated locker. "Oh, I need two hands for this," Sarah complained as she pushed Amy down on to her knees, "so you can go in here," she continued as she pushed Amy's head between her legs. Sarah closed her thighs to grip Amy' s neck before releasing Amy's thumbs. Amy immediately reached for the thighs that wrapped around her and tried to pull them apart. When that failed, she simply caressed them and then reached up to the orange shorts just above her head and felt the shape of the woman's butt "Think you can escape?" Sarah purred as the situation only added to her arousal. "Do you think I want to?

"No, I don't think you do." Sarah had now found a coin for the locker and not being able to wait a moment longer, opened her legs and pushed Amy backwards into the waiting steel box. It was almost perfectly `Amy' sized, with little room for her to move "Just for a moment, I promise." "Okay!" Amy was buzzing with excitement as Sarah closed the locker and turned the key. Inside all went dark and silent, other than the sound of the coin dropping into the locking mechanism. Amy listened to the clicks as the key was removed. She had watched the bolt slide across as Sarah had turned the key and she tried to push it back to unlock the locker. To Amy's delight the bolt was completely solid and couldn't be budged without the key. Sarah dropped the key into her pocket and ran to the shower. She turned on the water and stripped off her gym kit. She stepped into the hot water and touched herself, finishing off what Amy had so effectively started, the sound of the water hopefully covering any inadvertent moans. With wet hair and only a towel wrapped around her, Sarah fished through her discarded gym kit for the key, although having found it she put it down on the bench and started to dry her hair. Why should she rush, there was no way Amy was getting out. "Was that fun?" Sarah asked when she eventually opened the locker. "I guess." Amy was embarrassed to admit what a rush it had been to be locked up. "Really fun?" Sarah asked looking down at Amy's crotch. "Maybe if you gave me more time." she smiled coyly. Sarah smiled suggestively as she picked up the coin that had dropped out of the lock and into the tray below. "Another ride?" she asked as she slotted the coin back into the lock. Amy nodded. "Enjoy then." Sarah purred as she slowly closed the door, turned the key and continued to dry her naked body.

Sarah's Friend Chapter 1 Part 2 ================================================================================

The next evening they met at the gym and were pleased to see that they were again alone. Sarah walked in wearing a red fitted shoulder-less gym top and white cotton shorts that only just covered her butt. Her long dark hair was in a pony tail and Amy noticed a trace of makeup. The tight clothing only emphasized her athletic physique. Amy, who was already sitting on the mat, lay down with her arms above her head as Sarah walked over. "Good evening." Sarah smiled. "Hi." Both women checked out each other's outfits, both of which had been purchased that day. Then after a couple of more moments of looking and nervous giggling, Sarah sat down on Amy's outstretched arms as she had done on the first day, with Amy's head once again positioned between her thighs. Amy giggled and again tried to wriggle free. "You'd better escape before you get crushed in the vice." Sarah said. "Mmm." Amy ran her hands over Sarah's legs. "I'm not sure you're taking your fate seriously." "Well everyone has to die sometime... and what better way to go?" Amy had goose bumps on her skin and was starting to tremble as Sarah reached forward, lifted Amy's t-shirt and ran her fingers around her slim waist. Amy's legs flailed wildly, although everything from her chest upwards remained pinned in place. She cried out in pleasure and Sarah had to hold a finger to her lips. "Quiet! Or I'll have to sit on your face!" Amy's resulting moan was the loudest yet. Sarah's eyes continued to explore Amy's body and her skimpy gym outfit that was obviously new on that day, her tiny purple gym shorts that showed off her cute butt and slim legs, and her tight shoulder-less blue top. She made sure that Amy was completely trapped beneath her before she spoke. "You like this, don't you," Sarah checked, "having me pin you down." "It is kind of nice." "Good, I can sit on you all day if you want." She squeezed gently with her thighs. Sarah looked down at her sexy captive. Other than the occasion kiss with a girlfriend after too much wine, Sarah had never considered herself a lesbian, but now she was really starting to wonder. She moved closer so that Amy's head was pushed tightly into her crotch and tickled her again so that she could enjoy the resulting movement. In one smooth movement, Sarah rolled on to her side and positioned Amy head between her thighs. It was all so fast that Amy had no time to react before Sarah's thighs tightened around her neck. Sarah watched the look of surprise and pleasure in the slim girl's eyes. Amy was now face to face with the front of Sarah's shorts and could barely resist the temptation to kiss. When she was younger, Sarah had often placed her soft toys between her legs, sometimes pretending that it was a jail where the unfortunate teddy was serving out its sentence. It had turned her on then and right now it felt sexy to have this girl caught between her thighs. She had the power to let her go or hold her prisoner. She also had the power to strangle her, quite possibly to death. Not that she would, as she felt an overwhelming desire to both hold and protect her. "It looks as though I'll be working exclusively on my inner thigh muscles today." "I'm not sure they need much work." Amy replied while focusing on the smooth tanned muscles that remained comfortably tensed around her neck. She tried to surprise Sarah with a sudden bid for freedom, but it wasn't even close to successful. So she had to pass the time by running her fingers around the edge of the Sarah's cotton

shorts, waiting for their owner to decide to return her freedom. "If I let you go, will you come to my place tonight?" Sarah asked. "Mmm, let me think..." Amy giggled, now completely obsessed by Sarah's legs. "Well if you can 't decide then you evidently need more time between my legs." "Yeah, of course!" Amy replied.

Sarah's Friend Chapter 1 Part 3 ================================================================================

Later that evening, Amy took the lift up to Sarah flat. She admired herself in the lift's reflective doors, short pink dress which covered pink silk underwear, an outfit that she'd once worn for a photo shoot back in her amateur modeling days. Her brown hair was in pony tail and she wore black heels. Sarah was wearing a short black dress and high heels as she opened the door and led Amy inside. She already had two inches of height on Amy and with the heels she had four, yet still carried herself with the grace of a dancer. The floaty music, the subdued lightning and scented candles gave the flat a mysterious feel and the way that Sarah dead locked the door behind Amy only added to the excitement. "Security conscious?" Amy asked. "I like to stop people breaking in... or out." Amy's heart was beating in overdrive again, her cool professional persona long gone. She was in another woman's flat, overcome with crazy sexual desires. What was happening? Would she stay the night? Did she want to? Would she be forced to? Sarah's mind was also racing with ideas for her guest, a guest who seemed willing to totally submit to her. How far could she take it? Could Amy become her slave? She'd always fantasized about keeping someone prisoner, completely helpless. She'd tried it with guys, with limited success as she'd never had clear physically dominance with them like she had with Amy. Wow, that pink dress was cute. Another woman's dress `cute', what was she thinking? "Have you seen a pair of these before?" Sarah asked. " Handcuffs?" "Aha, used to lock up prisoners." "Why do we need them tonight? " Amy teased, although she knew the answer. Amy was already in a state of arousal as Sarah gently took her hand and very slowly closed the first cuff around Amy's slim wrist. Sarah then inserted the key into the cuff. "You're unlocking it?" Amy asked. Sarah smiled at her innocence. "Not unlocking, double-locking." "Oh good." With silent excitement in the air, Sarah gently locked the cuff around Amy's second wrist. Amy looked earnestly into Sarah's eyes, she already felt owned and had to be ready to obey the next command. Sarah then padlocked the cuffs to a shelf bracket high on the lounge wall. Amy stood there, hands chained above her head, her eyes now fixed on her host as she thought back to their session in the gym. She was chained up in a woman's flat for erotic purposes, completely helpless and yet she didn't even try to escape. "Do you know what a chastity belt is?" Sarah asked. Amy let out a cry of surprise as Sarah walked towards her with the heavy steel belt. With the excitement now almost too much, Amy now did try to escape, pulling against the cuffs and trying to squeeze free of the tight steel bracelets. "I've locked them too tightly for that." Sarah said as she ran one finger up the inside of Amy's inner thigh. Amy jumped and cried out breathlessly. "It is real?" Amy asked, "I mean will I be able to get out or... or touch myself?" "It's real and no out and no touching, not without the key." A girl locking her in chastity! Amy's mind had yet to catch up and she struggled again against the cuffs. "The same goes for the cuffs, sweetie." Sarah lifted Amy's dress, but left her panties on, and positioned the heavy steel belt around her waist to check for size. She then removed it and started to adjust the metal. "You okay with me locking away your womanhood?" Sarah asked as she pulled up her own dress and then wrapped one strong leg around Amy's waist and pinned their bodies together. Amy's bewildered face gave a little nod and so Sarah returned with the adjusted belt and wrapped it around Amy' s slim waist and this time clipped it together at the front. The remainder of the belt comprised two steel chains that ran down her butt and joined in her crotch where they connected to a curved steel plate that completely covered everything around Amy's clit and vagina. Sarah pulled it tight between Amy 's legs and then clipped it back on to the front of the belt. "How does it feel?" Sarah asked. It felt fantastic, tight but not uncomfortable and ironically it was already starting to rub against her clit and arouse her. Given the feeling between her legs, Amy almost expected the belt to explode. "It is locked?" she panted. "Hey, you're keen," Sarah exclaimed. "Do you want me to lock it up?" Amy nodded again and Sarah inserted a round key into the lock built into the front of the belt. Sarah waited for the song to finish before she turned the key, keen that Amy would hear the lock engage. "You' re locked! You've lost access to your clit, no more sex for you," Sarah whispered into Amy's ear, "and these are the only keys." She swung two keys on a small key ring in front of Amy's face. Seeing that Amy was ready to collapse from nervous excitement, Sarah unlocked the padlock that held the cuffs to the shelf and helped Amy sit down on the sofas. "It's tight!" Amy exclaimed as her cuffed hands explored her new chastity belt. She could barely slip a single fingertip underneath the steel plate. "It's like being neutered," Sarah said. "It's now impossible for you to have any sort of sexual pleasure without me." The words hung in the air for a moment as both women considered what they meant. No sexual pleasure without Sarah, did that mean there would be sexual pleasure with Sarah? Sarah finally placed the keys to the chastity belt on the black leather sofa opposite where Amy was sitting while she went to pour the wine. Amy looked at the keys, they were easily within reach. Why had Sarah left them there, was it a safety thing, giving her the opportunity to release herself if she wanted? Either way she didn't want out and so her attention returned to her host. Sarah's black dress was looking increasingly sexy, even though it seemed to hide the power of her body. The way it hugged and flowed over her curves made her look almost waif like, hiding the secret of the amazing body beneath Sarah returned with the wine and handed a glass to Amy. She smiled as she saw that Amy hadn't touched the keys and that they were still lying tantalizingly close on the sofa. That quickly changed as Sarah turned around and sat down directly on top of the keys and crossed her legs. The two women looked at each other for a few moments listening to the music and drinking. "Were those the keys..." "For your clit? Yes." Sarah finished the question for her. "I assume I can't have them?" Amy checked. "No, anything I sit on is mine." "In the gym you were sitting on me." "Yes and look where you are now. Do you think you're free?" Sarah had to lick her lips to counter her dry mouth. "Prisoner?" Amy only had the breath for one word. "Cuffed and in chastity... what do you think?" Amy finished her glass with a shaky hand and knelt down in front of Sarah. After a momentary glance at her legs, she ran her cuffed hands around where Sarah was sitting to see if she could reach the keys. "They're deeper than that," Sarah replied, "but don't stop, it feels nice." "I'm sure the keys aren't complaining... I'm sure I wouldn't." "Really, I'll remember that." Sarah smiled as she uncrossed her legs, opened them and pulled up her dress to reveal black silk underwear. "Kiss me there," Sarah whispered as she pointed to the front of her panties, "and I might give you the keys". Amy knelt on the floor, her head safely clear of Sarah's open thighs, her fingers exploring the woman's toned legs. "It looks like a trap," Amy smiled. "Do you promise I won't get trapped?" "You know I can't promise that." The women smiled at each other as Amy kissed Sarah's knees and then slowly moved her head deeper, working her way up the woman's inner thighs. The soft, warm, tanned and fragrance skin belying the potential risk, but still Amy continued. She reached Sarah's crotch, the dead end, and pushed her lips into the soft black silk of her panties. It was like a booby trap from an Indiana Jones film, it was the trigger that Sarah had waited for to close her thighs. With her face pushed hard against Sarah's panties and Sarah's thighs tightly gripping the sides of her head, Amy was trapped. Sarah lay her skirt back down over Amy 's head, her clit would tell her what was happening down there, as she moved her hips back and forth.

Sarah's Friend Chapter 1 Part 4 ================================================================================

Amy woke slowly the next morning back in her own apartment, gradually remembering the previous night. She smiled and rubbed herself against her mattress. It felt different and she reached downed between her legs to find out why. The feel of the warm metal where her clit should have been jolted her awake and she kicked off her sheets and sat up. The crazy thoughts that had aroused her as she woke must have been real, the chastity belt was certainly real and so was the lock to which she didn't have the key. She adjusted it slightly around her waist, wow it was tight. She followed the chains that ran down her backside, over her pink silk underwear that she was now well and truly locked into. The chains connected to a steel plate that went between her legs, covering up everything that made her a woman, and led back up to the belt and to an empty keyhole at the front. She pulled the covers back over her body, naked other than for the chastity belt, and giggled as she buried her head into the big white pillows. She was wearing a chastity belt; oh my God, how cool, how exciting. Last night she'd also worn handcuffs; she'd been a prisoner! The thought excited her. Hey, she'd even had her head between a woman's thighs and kissed a woman's panties! Amy folded the pillow so that her head was wrapped inside and pretended that she was once again between Sarah's legs. They had felt so good, so tight and restraining and yet so warm and sexy. Sarah had held her there for ages and even when she had released her grip it had only been to push Amy's face deeper into her and then her thighs had closed again a moment later. Sarah's wonderful smell still lingered on Amy's face and hands. Ha!' she thought as she felt the chastity belt, how ironic. She may have had her clit locked away, yet she couldn't remember the last time she'd been this aroused. Amy's smug feeling soon faded though, as she tried to stimulate herself further only to find that to be impossible. Fuck, she was halfway there and was now desperate to reach orgasm, but the steel plate kept her vibrator and even her fingers at bay. Now she wanted the key. Amy sat on the edge of her bed and pulled her key ring from her bag, surely one of her keys must be close enough to open this damn lock. When that failed, she tried to wriggle out of the belt, but while her waist was small, the steel waist band was smaller. The steel device that she was locked inside was now taking on a whole different persona. Resigned to the fact that she and the belt were inseparable, Amy used her fingers as best she and consoled herself with a hot shower. A few floors above in the same building, Sarah was also waking up and also remembering the night before. She put her hands between her own thighs and squeezed them together. Just like a pair of handcuffs she smiled as she pretended to struggle to free her hands. But this was just her hands, having someone's head in there had been much more thrilling, especially when it had been a so cute woman who had kissed her between her legs. She then saw the teddy bear that an old boyfriend had bought her sitting on a shelf in the open wardrobe. Teddy wasn't quite the same as the cute brunette from downstairs, but in Amy's absence, it would have to do. Anyway it certainly wasn't its first time at this. Sarah was again under the blankets, but this time with the soft toy squeezed between her thighs. With help from Sarah's hand, the soft toy was even good enough to rub his nose against her clit. You have been sentenced to life imprisonment between my legs she purred to herself, her emotions overriding any self conscious concern she might have had about talking to a teddy bear. Once teddy had served his sentence, Sarah left it crushed and slightly damp beneath the sheets. As a parting gift, Sarah had even had the audacity to wrap the bear's head up inside her now very used black panties. That was partly for the bear's benefit, but it also made her feel better about the bastard of a guy that had given it to her. Sarah showered and dressed in black lace up boots, ripped blue jeans and a black and grey woolen jumper. She wore her brown hair down, beneath a grey brimmed hat that she knew suited her attractive face. She wasn't sure why Amy liked to be dominated by her, but she was sure as hell going to encourage it. It was almost 9:00 am when Sarah walked down to the foyer. Amy was already there dressed as discretely as she could in thick white jumper and baggy yoga pants. Her hair was again in a pony tail, and she wore perfect make up that was at odds with the casual outfit. They smiled at each other sheepishly. "Coffee?" Sarah suggested. "Sure! Assume this is okay?" Amy asked as she checked her outfit, making sure that nothing showed through. "You look good, no one will ever know our secret," Sarah replied. "Do you have the key?" Amy asked, her hands going automatically to her waist and feeling the keyhole through her clothing. Sarah nodded, her hand touching the back pocket of her jeans that was discretely hidden from view under her jumper. Even in baggy clothes, Amy was an unusually attractive woman, although today her professional confidence had been replaced with a sort of jumpy excitement and she developed a new habit of constantly touching between her legs. Plus she had a new found obsession with her dancer friend. "You know you're a thief?"

Sarah smiled as they walked out of the building and towards the cafe. " What do you mean `thief'?" "Well I believe that chastity belt that you have hidden under your pants is actually mine." "Yes, but thanks to you, it and me are currently inseparable. I couldn't really have left it behind." "Well maybe you should have stayed at my place last night." Sarah spoke slowly and deliberately as they both imagined what that might mean. At the cafe, the friends sat next to each other on the same side of a large table and talked. Amy kept looking down at Sarah's lap and her well fitting ripped jeans. " What?" Sarah asked. "Just thinking about last night." Amy replied as she reached down and adjusted her belt. "It's just as well you're all locked up you horny girl." "Any chance of me having the key? I only need it for a second." Sarah crossed her legs and lowered the rim of her hat. She wasn't even going to respond to the question. In her fantasy Amy would be wearing more restraints, not less. And in Sarah's mind this fantasy was very real and very tempting. With no one else in sight, Sarah unzipped her own jeans and pushed her hand inside. She peeked out under the rim of her hat and gave Amy a look of pity as she massaged herself for a few moments before zipping herself back inside. "Mmm... too bad you can't do that sweetie," Sarah winked as she returned to her coffee.

Sarah's Friend Chapter 1 Part 5


They returned to the apartment building where Sarah suggested that they take a swim in the pool that was also in the basement of their building. Sarah took the lift up to her flat and slipped into a purple one piece swimsuit. She was just putting denim shorts and a white t-shirt over the top when Amy knocked at her door. Amy was still fully dressed and holding a pair of yellow bikini bottoms. "Chastity belts and bikinis don't go," she said, hands on hips as she dropped her bikini bottoms on the floor. "No I guess not." Sarah giggled as she walked into her bedroom and pulled a key plus a pair of handcuffs from the pocket of her ripped jeans that were strewn across her bed. "You had the cuffs with you this morning?" Amy asked. "Aha, you never know when your wrists might need a little extra jewelry," Sarah smiled, "like now for example." A tingle of excitement went down Sarah's back as Amy followed her command and took off her jumper and pants and put her hands behind your back. Sarah loved this, a cute slave that would obey her completely. She handcuffed her before starting to explore Amy's body, naked other than for a skimpy bikini top that hugged her modest breasts and of course the locked chastity belt. Sarah had always been turned on by the idea of dominating someone, she knew that, but feeling this woman's body up close and personal seemed to hold an increasing fascination. She ran a finger up Amy's back and watched goose bumps appear. A second finger ran around her waist made Amy cry out in pleasure. Sarah slowly tucked the key to the cuffs into Amy's bikini top, keeping her fingers inside longer than was necessary while playing with her nipple on both the way in and out. Sarah was even tempted to kiss her breast, but was unsure how Amy would react and was also unsure what that would mean for her own sexual direction. "You have the cuff key now." Sarah said as her hands continued to caress Amy's naked, chain up body. With her hands locked behind her back, Amy shook her breasts in an attempt to free the key, but the key remained squeezed in place. "Thanks Sarah, but that doesn't help!" " Maybe you shouldn't have worn such a tight bikini," Sarah replied. "not that I'm complaining." Sarah continued to work her way down her slave's body, " Cute ass, particularly when it's all locked up inside a chastity belt." Sarah started to reflect on her own words. Fuck, she was starting to sound like a lesbian again, surely this was only a bondage thing. Very gently, she unlocked and removed the steel belt and used her hands to gently caress Amy's waist which was slightly red from where it had rubbed against the belt. Sarah knelt down and picked up Amy's bikini bottoms and tenderly eased them up her long legs. This time Sarah couldn't stop herself and after admiring Amy' s tight little butt squeezed into the yellow bikini bottoms, she kissed her left butt cheek. The sensation made Amy cry out in delight. Sarah then kissed her right cheek before finally burying her face right into the yellow fabric. Amy cried out again as Sarah moaned quietly to herself. Worried about where all this was taking her, Sarah stood up and draped a cotton robe over Amy's shoulders and led her down to the pool, which as usual was empty. Sarah rescued the key from inside Amy's bikini top and unlocked the cuffs. Having regained her freedom for the first time in over twelve hours, Amy ran laughing over to the pool and jumped in. "Hey!" Sarah shouted as she dived in after her and within a few stokes caught up with her escapee. She put her arms around Amy and held on as Amy laughed and fought to get free. Exhausted and still not free, Amy turned around and they stood face to face in chest deep water in the middle of the pool. They were close to kissing, the thrill of their bondage games continuing to bring out their bi-sexual side. They looked at each other for another minute, but didn't kiss, both too apprehensive about what that would mean. "Do you trust me to hold you under just for a moment?" Sarah asked, breaking the tangible silence. Amy lowered her head until her mouth was submerged and blew bubbles as she looked up at Sarah's big brown eyes. Sarah grinned and pushed Amy's head under water and took a step forward and opened her legs such that when Amy started to come back up, her neck fitted neatly between Sarah's legs. Once there, Sarah closed her thighs, locking Amy's head in place under water. Sarah looked down at the distorted image of the slim brunette through the water. The fact that Amy had entrusted her with her life gave Sarah a thrill. It would have been all too easy to hold her underneath for the few minutes it would take to kill her. Not that she ever would and indeed Sarah only waited a few more moments before letting go so that Amy's cute face could come panting back to the surface. "A little bit longer this time?" Amy asked. The girls stayed in the pool for another half an hour. As Amy finally climbed the ladder to get out, she saw two bare feet standing above her. As she continued to climb she worked her way up the legs, to the tight purple swimsuit and finally to the long dark hair that had been toweled dry and now lay untidily around Sarah's stunning face. "Turn around." Sarah ordered as soon as Amy's bare feet with painted red nails reached the top. Amy obliged and felt her hands being lightly pulled behind her back and then tightly handcuffed. "You're taking no chances." Amy smiled as she turned back around to face her captor. "This is nothing, I' m thinking of shackling your ankles as well... with a very short chain," Sarah purred as she brushed Amy's hair back over her shoulders and out of her eyes. The words had the planned effect on Amy, who shivered slightly with excitement and then bit softly on to her lower lip as she wriggled against the cuffs. "Let's go to the sauna next. I've noticed it has a very useful feature." Sarah explained as she led the way. The sauna was only small, with a single bench that ran the full length of the room that was constructed of thick pine slats on both the front and top. Sarah the lifted the slats that formed the top of the bench, which opened on hinges to reveal a small space beneath, effectively the inside of the bench. "Now I understand," Amy smiled, " and I guess I go inside." "I guess you do." "And it locks with?" Sarah turned around and tapped her own butt. Amy looked carefully at the way the purple swimsuit stretched over and around what was a very sexy backside with particularly well developed glutes. Yes, I guess that should do it,' Amy thought. Sarah unlocked the cuffs and Amy happily stepped inside the bench and lay down on the tiled floor. Once Amy was comfortable, Sarah lowered the top of the bench back down so that Amy's small space was completely enclosed. Sarah then sat on the bench trapping Amy inside, the wooden structure creaking slightly under her weight. "It's perfect, I can relax safe in the knowledge that you are going nowhere." Sarah slid along to one end until she was sitting directly above Amy's head as Amy tried to push up on the inside of the lid. After a minute of pushing and groans of effort from beneath her, Sarah closed her legs so that she could no longer see Amy. Sarah then lent back and closed her eyes with a smile on her face as the futile escape efforts continued to bang and puff underneath. "What are you doing down there?" Sarah asked eyes still closed. "Escaping," Amy replied, hoping to get a reaction from the beautiful woman sitting on top of her. "No you're not." Sarah purred as she started her meditation exercises. Amy was a little disappointed by the lack of reaction and tried to push her fingers up between the small gaps in the wooden slats. She could just about reach through and touch the fabric of Sarah swimsuit but still there was no reply. A drop of perspiration dropped from Sarah's thighs and down on to Amy's cheek. It felt nice and Amy moved her head slightly and waited. The next drop that fell landed in Amy' s open mouth. She closed both her mouth and her eyes and tried to taste the woman above. The next drop of moisture followed, it glistened on Sarah's thigh, rolled down passed her crotch and again into Amy's mouth. She may have been trapped in a box, but for once she did have access to her clit and vagina. As she slowly stroked herself, she realised that she wasn't dreaming of her guy, or indeed any guy, but only of Sarah. Amy had been as quite as possible, although with Sarah meditating or maybe even asleep above her, it hardly mattered. But Amy was now starting to get frustrated. She could see Sarah' s body through the slats but was unable to touch it or do anything else to it. Although the thought would have been crazy a couple of days ago, Amy was now totally into Sarah and her body. Not girls generally she kept telling herself, just Sarah. This was just a one off experiment with girls, everyone should try everything once, shouldn't they? It was over an hour later when Sarah freed her, although the word free' should be interpreted loosely. After opening the box, Sarah had immediately handcuffed her and led her back into the woman's changing room and after the briefest of showers had put her back inside a locker. Sarah closed the locker door and stood with her butt resting against it, holding it closed. She could feel Amy pushing trying to get out, but the force exerted by Sarah's body was enough to hold Amy inside. After finally deciding that she wanted to shower, Sarah simply turned the locker key and left. Locked inside, Amy was just as frustrated and just as desperate to continue exploring her brief lesbian thing'. As she showered, Sarah was having similar thoughts. This thing with Amy was turning her on so badly, she could barely stop touching herself. Even then, she was massaging herself with the locker key. Fuck it' she thought, why shouldn't she have a bottle of wine and spend the rest of the day with Amy. She doubted that Amy would object. "Let's go back to my place," Sarah said as she unlocked the locker and the coin clattered into the tray. She helped Amy out and slowly relocked the empty locker and tucked the key inside her swimsuit. This was mainly for Amy's benefit, but Sarah also enjoyed hearing the lock mechanism slide shut just one more time. "I want to go in again!" Amy cried, her body unable to contain the sexual energy. Sarah retrieved the key from her swimsuit and reopened the locker. Amy leapt in and pulled the steel door closed behind her. "Turn the key!" Amy could see Sarah's body through the vent but she was hadn't locked her in. The bitch! "Please turn it!" Sarah smiled and finally turned the key and let it fall on the hard tiled floor. Inside, Amy was fighting against the tight confined of the steel box, touching herself and crying out in pleasure. She climaxed and started to calm down, but the door was still locked and so she couldn't help but come again. When Sarah finally unlocked the door, she was shaking her head. "You need to be locked in chastity and quickly." "Okay." "You'll still my prisoner." "Mmm, can I waive all my rights?" Amy asked hesitantly as she bit on her lip, "even if I ask you to let me go?" "Sure," Sarah smiled, "but shouldn't we have a safe word?" "No, I want to give you my freedom until at least tomorrow?" "And I can do anything to you?" Sarah checked. Both women were now struggling to control their emotions and with Sarah's face only inches away, they again had to defy the urge to kiss. Sarah managed to distract herself by putting on her denim shorts and t-shirt over her still damp swimsuit and wrapping the white robe around Amy. Then checking that the corridor was clear, Sarah led the handcuffed bikini girl back to her apartment. By the time they were inside and Sarah had locked the door behind them, the moisture from Sarah's swimsuit was seeping through the butt of her denim shorts. While she felt her butt to check how wet she was, Amy rattled her cuffs in the hope that she would be unlocked. "No, no sweetie, not until you are safety back in chastity." Sarah was adamant and Amy was in no position to argue. Sarah knelt down and again couldn't resist kissing Amy's yellow bikini clad butt. "It's not fair, I haven't got to kiss your butt." Amy complained. "Hey, disobedience from my slave?" Sarah joked as she stood up straight to make the most of her couple of inches of height advantage and looked into Amy's big brown eyes. " Just saying..." "Trust me sweetie, you will be well acquainted with all of my body before morning. But now I'm going to seal you up." Amy's heart beat was back up to crazy levels as Sarah encircled her waist once more with the steel chastity belt. As Sarah pulled it up between her legs she let out an audible moan. And as the lock clicked shut she breathed oh my God'. "Any dissent from you now?" Sarah asked as she waved the keys in front of the cuffed and chastised woman. "No mistress." "'Mistress,' I like it," Sarah replied, the rush of having free rein over this cute woman for the whole night already making her giddy even before she considered all the things she could do to her prey. Sarah opened her cupboard and brought out a small bike lock, a cable lock covered in red plastic. Not particularly high security, but adequate for her purposes. She looped the lock round Amy's neck where it hung harmlessly, but Amy knew that she was only a click away from losing what little freedom she still had. "Where oh where to lock you?" Sarah smiled, holding the lock in one hand. After a moment's thought, Sarah sat down on the edge of her bed with her legs apart and ordered Amy to kneel on the floor in front of her. Amy complied and inched forward until her head was between Sarah's thighs. Sarah then looped the open end of the bike lock around the crotch of her short denim shorts before locking it shut. "Chained to my shorts, that should keep you out of mischief." Amy tried to pull away but was it was clear that there was no way to separate her neck from Sarah's denim shorts. Amy's attempts to reach up and unbutton Sarah's shorts with her mouth only resulted in her getting a gentle slap on the cheek. "Removing my shorts won't help you," Sarah purred as she opened her legs wider, "I've also chained you to my swimsuit." "Chained to your swimsuit?" Amy replied, as she remembered how tightly that had enclosed Sarah's perfect body. "But hey, I look forward to seeing you try and get me out of that without using your hands." Sarah giggled. Amy looked more carefully inside the leg of Sarah's shorts and saw that Sarah had indeed also threaded the bike lock around the crotch of her one piece swimsuit. A steel cable now tightly locked her neck to both Sarah's shorts and her swimsuit. And Sarah was still wearing both. " What better way to spend the afternoon," Sarah smiled, "with a cute bi-curious brunette chained between my thighs." Amy ignored the bi-curious' comment, fearing that it was closer to the mark than she wanted to admit. "If you give me the key to the belt, I might kiss you again." Amy offered, the events of yesterday still very vivid in her mind. "A little frustrated already are you?" Sarah giggled as she gently swung her thighs open and closed, squeezing Amy's head in between. Sarah loved it. The cute brunette chained to her crotch was now looking up at her with big aroused eyes, partly covered by her long hair, and was breathing deeply from her pointless struggles against Sarah's legs. And best of all, she had surrendered her freedom until tomorrow. That could be eighteen hours of pure heaven, depending on how far Amy would let her take it. "I think I might time lock you," Sarah announced as she picked up her phone, "close my legs and not open them for say ten minutes." Amy turned her head to look at her friend's thighs that rested either side of her head, only inches away. She knew that when they closed, her world would become very small. Apart from being Sarah's prisoner, she would hear nothing, see nothing, say nothing and smell only one thing. It would play tricks with her mind and drive her emotions wild. Amy tried one more time to pull free, but she and Sarah's shorts were inseparable. Amy knelt there helplessly, unable to believe quite how excited she felt. "Let's go." Sarah purred and she gently squeezed her legs together and crossed her ankles to ensure she had the power to resist any attempted escape. With her hands cuffed behind her back, Amy only had her mouth with which to explore. She wriggled so that her mouth was inside one of trouser legs of Sarah's short denim shorts and resting against the crotch of her swimsuit. It was still damp and smelt of chlorine from the pool. This was how far she'd gone yesterday, her lips massaging Sarah's clit through a thin layer of material. It was by far as intimate as Amy had ever been with a woman, but of course there was further she could go. She wasn't sure how Sarah would react, but then that didn't really matter as Sarah had promised to keep her legs clasped around Amy's head for ten minutes. Therefore for the next nine minutes at least, she could do whatever she wanted in the deep confines of Sarah's crotch. This was it, Amy slipped her tongue inside Sarah's tight Lycra swimsuit and as expected felt a jolt of surprise run through Sarah's body. As also expected, Sarah's legs remained clamped around her head. Amy continued to explore with her tongue, finding and mapping her clit and vagina. She pulled her tongue back into her mouth to sample her first taste of a woman. She returned to work and used her own personal knowledge to quickly bring Sarah to orgasm well before the ten minutes were up. Sarah kept her promise though and didn't release her grip until the full ten minutes were over.

Sarah's Friend Chapter 2 ================================================================================ Sarah's Friend Chapter 2 Part 1 ================================================================================

"Bad girl!" "Really bad girl!" It was exactly ten minutes later and Sarah had just released her strong inner thigh muscles and opened her legs to reveal Amy's flushed, smiling face. Perspiration and pressure had made Amy's face stick to Sarah's inner thighs. Both women knew it wouldn't be the last time those areas of flesh would touch. "What were you doing down there!" Sarah exclaimed. "Let me show you again." Amy's big aroused eyes looked up and her tongue ran around her lips. "You need to be restrained!" "You already have me tied up." Amy rattled her cuffs and tried to pull her neck free from the crotch of Sarah's shorts. "Well it's not enough." "Really?" The last ten minutes had been unlike anything Sarah had ever experienced. She had climaxed so many times that she now didn't know what she felt. Sarah massaged her owns legs to defuse the electricity that still coursed through her body. "Well if my tongue was the key, then I guess it found the keyhole to open the vault." Amy smiled as she exercised her stiff mouth. "The key to open my legs?" Sarah clarified. Amy nodded as she kissed Sarah's strong thighs that now rested harmlessly either side of her head. "Oh sweetie, if that was the keyhole then you just engaged the deadlock. That was so nice, you were very close to spending the whole night down there. You still might." With the sexual excitement finally dissipating, Sarah's mind needed to catch up with events. She'd just been given oral sex by a girl! She needed to take a shower and let the warm water clear her mind. She stood up from the bed and stepped over the kneeling brunette and only just remembered in time that Amy was still chained to her shorts. A moment later and Amy's neck would have been dragged along between Sarah's legs and the cuffs that were still locked on Amy's wrists would have prevented her from protecting herself. `Fuck', Sarah thought, Amy's tongue had really played with her mind. She pulled the key to the bike chain from the back pocket of her tight damp shorts and popped open the lock before walking unsteadily to the bathroom. Amy sat up disappointedly. "I thought I was your prisoner tonight?" her earlier coyness from being with another girl completely blown away by the pent up desire locked inside her chastity belt. Sarah turned to look at her. "Oh you are sweetie." "Well maybe I'll escape while you're in the shower." Amy had climbed to her knees, her disheveled hair covering half of her face. "Handcuffed, in chastity and locked in my apartment. Escape? Really?"

"Maybe?" Sarah put her hands on her hips and watched the brunette struggling to climb to her feet. Sarah loved the sex crazed babe that she'd unleashed inside her cute neighbor. And Sarah knew from experience that Amy's arousal would continue to build as long as the chastity belt remained locked and sexual release remained impossible. Anyway, Amy was obviously in need of further restraint and Sarah was very happy to assist. She carefully took hold of Amy's ponytail and pulled her head against the heavy wrought iron bed. She then used the bike lock that was still hanging around Amy's neck, to lock Amy to the metal frame. Amy let out a small cry of pleasure as the lock clicked into place. "I just love chaining people to immovable objects, don't you? " Sarah smiled as she walked away. She reached the bathroom, slipped out of her hot damp denim shorts and swimsuit and stepped into the shower. While her toned body soaked in the hot water, her mind wondered. She'd enjoyed tie up games with girlfriends for a long time, but maybe she now had to admit that her interest in girls was more than just playful bondage. She toweled dry and slipped into her black pleated dress that barely reached halfway down her thighs. Sarah knew this dress worked its magic with the boys and now she would see its effect on girls, or at least a girl. Initially she was naked underneath, but then changed her mind and decided to wear black silk panties. It would be easy enough to remove them later and might also provide a useful gag if Amy didn't behave. She'd hate to have to gag Amy with something cold and hard and so it would be much kinder to use her underwear. Questionable logic, but it worked for Sarah. She dried her hair, put on makeup and slipped on some heels and clipped back to her bedroom. "It's your lucky day honey," Sarah announced as she jangled her keys above her helpless houseguest, "I'm going to give you back your clit.... temporarily." "Yeah!" "Mostly for my pleasure, you understand," Sarah smiled. "but maybe a little for yours." Sarah unlocked the bike lock and handcuffs and helped her sexually frustrated friend on to her bed. Amy instinctively reached down between her legs and again tried to get her fingertips inside the locked steel belt. "Hey, I' ve just promised to unseal you." Sarah said, amused by the frustration on Amy's face. "Now, please!" Sarah climbed on to the bed and knelt astride Amy' s bikini clad body. "OK, but I'll need to immobilize you." At first Amy was confused, but then realised that Sarah was going to sit on her face. The Greek goddess was actually going to sit right on her. Amy impatiently sat up a little until her head was inside Sarah's dress. She pushed her face into the back of Sarah panties and breathed in deeply. Why did girls smell so nice? "I hope you wanted more than that," Sarah observed as she continued to lower herself down. Sarah could still feel Amy's lips caressing her butt even as Amy's head was being forced back on to the mattress. Sarah continued to sit back until she was sitting on Amy's face with her full weight. Amy had stopped kissing, her lips immobilized by force bearing down on her. The foolish love struck brunette hadn't even thought to turn her head to one side and so now had her mouth and nose trapped between Sarah's butt cheeks. Sarah loved the rush of power she got from cutting off someone's air. She only hoped that Amy could hold her breath long enough for her to fully enjoy the feeling. Amy didn't disappoint, her sub equally keen for the moment to last. Sarah waited until Amy's smooth slim thighs were thrashing about on the bed before she reduced her weight so that Amy could gasp a little air. "No one knows you're down there." Sarah purred slightly menacingly as she lifted her dress and then let the material drop back down, once again covering Amy's head. Amy was writhing around in pleasure as Sarah carefully adjusted her weight on the other woman's face. By varying the pressure and by tensing her butt, she limited Amy's air to the bare minimum needed to survive. Amy was oblivious to all of this, her mind still picturing Sarah's body working out in the gym. With Amy now secured and totally preoccupied, Sarah reached down and unlocked and removed Amy's chastity belt. Amy immediately tried to touch herself, but her slim arms were too tightly pinned beneath Sarah's legs. Sarah pulled down Amy's tiniest of bikini bottoms and stared at her wet naked pussy. With her prisoner still helpless pinned beneath her, Sarah lent forward and returned the favor. Amy cries of pleasure were muffled beneath Sarah's butt, but the sexual energy that coursed through Amy's slim frame was unmistakable. It was all Sarah could do to hold Amy's head and arms in place. There was no way she could control Amy's legs that were free and thrashing wildly as Sarah kissed. With Amy now lying exhausted beneath her, Sarah reached for the chain that she'd left on the end of the bed. She wrapped one end around Amy's narrow waist and padlocked it back on to itself and then slid the chain around so that the padlock was at the back. Sarah then pulled the chain back up between Amy's legs, making sure the chain ran across her clit and vagina. With the chain pulled tight, Sarah padlocked it back on to the front of the waist chain. Sarah was looking forward to seeing how her horny friend would react to the constant stimulation from the crotch chain, stimulation that she could not stop. All this time, Amy's head remained trapped underneath Sarah's panties and no matter what she tried, she couldn't get out. Sarah had also pulled her feet in to complete what was a very secure prison cell for Amy's head. In Amy's mind, Sarah's butt seemed to be taking on a personality of its own, teasing her, tensing then relaxing then suddenly tensing again, but always unpredictable. Even with the distraction of her personal duel with Sarah's bottom, Amy immediately felt the sensation of the chain being pulled tight across her clit. Amy could also feel Sarah's fingers sliding underneath the chain and inside her. Amy's legs were stretched wide as she thrust her hips forward, desperate for more touch. She was exhausted and completely spent when Sarah finally stood up and rolled up into a ball and hugged herself, her slim body trembling from the excitement. She didn't know where she was and felt herself floating off into a different place entirely. " Fuck, fuck, fuck!" Amy breathed as she climbed to her knees, her bikini bottoms now around her knees, "oh my God." Amy continued as she pulled at the crotch chain running between her legs. "Take a cold shower cutey." Sarah replied as she modestly smoothed down her dress. Sarah placed a white silk negligee over Amy head where it hung sexily around her lithe body, barely reaching down to her naked butt. Amy's look was one of bewilderment and arousal as she ran over to the bathroom and pushed the door behind her. "Stop it!" Amy moaned from the bathroom. Sarah peered around the bathroom door to see what was happening. "Amy?" Amy was sitting on the old wicker chair pulling at her crotch chain. "Are you talking to a chain?" Sarah asked. "I need the keys!" Amy begged. "And spoil all your fun?" "Sarah.... please?" Sarah walked up to Amy and slowly and deliberately kissed her on the lips before leaving Amy alone in the bathroom. It was only ten o'clock in the evening.

Sarah's Friend Chapter 2 Part 2 ================================================================================

Amy walked out of the bathroom, her wet hair hanging loose behind her model face. Her model legs looked longer than ever in the short white negligee. The once professional brunette had composed herself a little, but the crotch chain was still sending waves of pleasure through her, pleasure that she was totally unable to stop. Sarah opened the second bottle of wine and poured two large glasses and took them to the table. With very few inhibitions left, Sarah peered closely into Amy's classically attractive brown eyes. They were wide and dilated and seemed to have a loving and devoted look that she'd never experienced from a guy. "How's the chain?" "She's fine, thanks." Amy replied as she again touched herself and sighed with pleasure. Amy's legs were fidgeting madly in an attempt to reduce the stimulation on her clit and the short negligee did little to hide the silver chain that was now glimmering from the moisture in Amy's damp crotch. "Maybe I'm a little jealous of that chain." Sarah smiled. "Maybe you and her should swap places." "Maybe..." Amy looked up to see Sarah running her tongue across her lips. "You know you keep referring to the chain as a her' ." Sarah observed. "Do I?" Amy fell to her knees and climaxed again before lying down on the white rug in the middle of the living room. Her eyes were closed and her long brown hair fanned out all around. She soon realised her mistake, though, as Sarah walked over and stood on Amy's hair, with one high heeled shoe on either side of her head. Amy looked up into the darkest recesses of Sarah's dress and sighed. "Well, if you will lie on the floor beneath me." Sarah smiled. Amy tried to pull her hair out from beneath Sarah' s shoes, but was soon distracted as she admired the elegant black high heels. The straps circled Sarah's ankles twice, reaching halfway up Sarah's calves before being secured by silver buckles. She would have to borrow these. " Need some scissors honey?" Sarah teased. Amy remembered where she was and struggled again to get free. But again she stopped and touched the leather that smelt so sexy at such close quarters. While still standing on Amy's hair, Sarah picked up the chastity belt. "Deal?" she asked as she held the belt in one hand and her keys in the other. Amy nodded. Sarah crouched down above Amy's face with her dress forming a small tent around Amy's head. In this position, Sarah reached forward and unlocked the chain around Amy's tiny waist and pulled it clear from her crotch. Amy then lifted her hips so that Sarah could slide the chastity belt around her waist. Amy had always felt the need to control situations and whenever possible used her looks and her position to intimidate people. But with Sarah that wasn't possible. Sarah was equally attractive and her professional position meant nothing while she was locked inside Sarah's apartment. Sarah was leading her into a whole new world and being subservient to her felt wonderful. She felt the cool steel of the chastity belt around her waist and then up between her legs. She felt it pull tight around her and finally lock into place. Sarah walked over and sat on one of the kitchen stools and sipped her wine. Amy smiled slightly self consciously as she followed and hopped up on to the other bar stool. "I can' t believe what we're doing." Amy breathed "You like it?" "Fuck yeah." " You know you're still my prisoner." Just the look in Sarah's eyes was more than enough to enslave Amy, but Amy remained hopeful that Sarah would take no chances with her captive. "You want me to handcuff you again don't you?" "No!" Amy was a little cross that Sarah could read her so easily. "Look at your hands." Amy looked down and saw that she had subconsciously positioned her hands with her wrists together. Embarrassed, she quickly moved them apart. Sarah grabbed her guest firmly by the wrist and led her back over to her bed where she handcuffed her hands behind her back. "Now you have no way to protect those beautiful lips." Sarah purred. She moved closer to Amy's slim face with its high cheek bones and slightly upturned nose. Amy's lips were already slightly parted and glistened from red lip gloss. To Sarah, passionately kissing Amy on the lips seemed more intimate and more taboo, than kissing her clit. Down between her legs things could be anonymous. Kissing on the lips was personal. She was looking into Amy's big dark eyes and therefore into her soul. She was kissing a real person, a real woman. Amy was a woman who was helplessly chained up and who both physically and mentally had no possible hope of escaping from Sarah that night. Their lips touched and Sarah slipped her tongue in a little further. The feeling made them both jump. They started again and this time both tongues began to explore. With their inhibitions fully breached, they kissed passionately for next ten minutes. Amy' s hands were being squeezed beneath her own butt and the ratchets of the cuffs had tightened further and yet she barely noticed. Sarah's lips then started to work their way down Amy's body, her neck and then her breasts. Amy's pert nipples were very erect and Sarah enjoyed slipping them in and out of her mouth with a little popping noise. She continued down to Amy's waist and then hit the steel of the chastity belt and placed her face against the steel which was now as warm as the contents locked inside. "Unlock me please!" Amy panted. "It's all about you." Sarah joked. "What?" "Why isn't your head inside my dress?" "What?" "That's what I' want!" Amy showed amazing agility for someone in tight handcuffs and with seconds had moved down the bed and had placed her head inside Sarah's dress. Her mouth had even breached Sarah's black panties. "I knew I liked you." Sarah smiled as she pulled her dress down so that it fully enclosed Amy's head. "If only I had a needle and cotton." Sarah purred as she rolled on to her back and opened her legs. "Huh?" Amy's eyes peeked out from inside the dress. "Then I could sew up my dress with you inside." Amy looked out again and smiled. "Then there'd be no more peeking!" Sarah laughed as she flicked her dress back over Amy's face.

Sarah's Friend Chapter 2 Part 3 ================================================================================

It was now midnight and both women were drunk, spent and exhausted. Having a cute brunette who would go down on her to order was almost too good to be true. Sarah knew that she needed some time out if they were to make it through the night. But timeout seemed impossible with her new toy. Plus she had another little dominant fantasy that she just had to try. Amy still had her head between Sarah's legs and was watching the goose bumps as she ran her lips around Sarah's crotch. She knew that she had no control over what happened next and was enjoying an almost childlike lack of responsibility. Unable to take any more stimulation, Sarah released Amy's head and pulled away. She returned a few seconds later with a large hard shelled suitcase. "Time out, babe." Sarah said as she pulled open the large lid. As usual Amy didn't object and instead eased herself off the bed and down on to the floor where she sat obediently by Sarah's feet. "You won't fit inside with your hands cuffed behind you." Sarah thought out loud. "I'll have to take them off." "I might escape." "Amy. You won' t." "You never know..." They watched each other intently for a few moments enjoying the challenge. Sarah then knelt down with her legs apart as she thought through what would be the most inescapable way to do this. "Your head between my legs!" Sarah announced. Amy edged further towards where Sarah's was kneeling, but she was out to tease her captor and with her head only part of the way through, stopped and kissed Sarah's thighs. "All the way inside sweetheart!" "Or what?" "Or the cuffs don't come off." Amy slowly complied and was soon kissing the back of Sarah's open thighs. Then without warning, Sarah snapped her thighs together around her neck. Amy took a quick intake of breath and then laughed. Sarah leaned forward and examined the cuffs that she had locked tightly around Amy's ever so slim wrists. The heavy steel was infinitely stronger than the delicate bones that they encircled and had inevitably started to rub against Amy's smooth skin. The restraints forced Amy's perfectly balanced figure into an awkward position, completely immobilizing her arms. Yet Amy had delighted in being locked up and at that moment would have happily worn the cuffs forever. Sarah slipped the key into one cuff, before rolling Amy over on to her side and re-cuffing her wrists in front. It took less than ten seconds during which time Amy had struggled to get her head free, only to find that Sarah's thighs held her even more tightly. "Was that my chance?" Amy panted. "Yep and now you have another thing to contend with." Sarah was kneeling with Amy's neck still between her thighs. With Amy lying on her back, Sarah started to sit back on her haunches. Little by little building the pressure. "Have you've seen what those car crushers can do." Sarah smiled as she went down further. Amy was laughing madly as she tried to stop her head going the same way. It didn't work and her head was soon crunched between Sarah's legs and butt. Every muscle in Sarah's lower body was now tensing with the same objective. Sarah reached forward and ran her nails around Amy's waist. Amy shrieked with laughter and, still unable to see, tried desperately to stop Sarah's teasing fingers. Amy was half laughing and half crying when Sarah finally released her. Then without even being asked, Amy climbed into the open suitcase and curled up on the blanket that Sarah had placed inside. "You locking me in here?" Amy asked excitedly. "Well I'm about to lock it up... so if you're inside at the time." "Can you come in with me?" "Don't tempt me." Amy seemed to be beyond making any rational decisions, with the alcohol and sexual excitement giving her a breathless, dazed look. She looked up at Sarah's face and her greenish brown eyes which seemed now to be constantly smiling. This woman was about to lock her up in a tiny space from where she would never be able to escape. If those big greenish brown eyes chose never to release her she would die in the case, but yet she wasn't in the least bit scared. Sarah was standing and from Amy viewpoint her long legs seemed to go up forever. Then one leg easily flipped closed the lid. Amy felt safe and snug inside, a feeling that became even stronger when she felt Sarah sit on the lid. She watched the zips move until they were touching each other and waited eagerly for Sarah to padlock them together. She hoped she would. On top of the suitcase, Sarah took a four dial combination padlock and deliberately didn't look as she reset the code to a new random number. She placed the padlock down on the lid, between her open legs and used her phone to take a photo of the combination. She then used an app to time delay the photo for an hour. This way not even she could see the photo until the time was up. Sarah was confident that there was enough ventilation, but was still slightly apprehensive as she threaded the padlock in place and spun the four dials between her fingers. Only a couple of turns, but she knew there was no way back. "Am I locked in?" Amy asked innocently, her fingers playing with the zip from the inside. Having checked that Amy was comfortable, Sarah took yet another shower. When she returned, her bedroom seemed very quiet with no sound coming from inside the suitcase. The combination padlock hung there innocently, unfortunately neither of the women knew the number. Now completely naked, Sarah knelt down and tried the lock. Fuck', she really wanted Amy again and she knelt down crossed legged with her legs open wide as she ran through some possible combinations. "Fuck!" She hit the combination lock with her hand, grabbed her phone and opened the time delay app. 46 minutes to go. Fuck! Sarah stood the suitcase up and sat on top with one leg either side. She sat with her vibrator in one hand and her phone in the other and waited. Inside the locked suitcase Amy could hear Sarah's moans of pleasure and her own cuffed hands were desperately trying to achieve the same. Her fingertips pushed frantically under the edges of the steel plate that sealed her clit. She could almost reach. She listened and felt the suitcase shudder as Sarah climaxed again. The chastity belt had beaten her, but her imagination could still enjoy what she knew was happening just above. Finally the padlock combination flashed up on Sarah's phone and within seconds Sarah was spinning the dials and seconds later the suitcase was open. Abstinence had only increased their feelings and they were kissing even before Amy had climbed out of the suitcase. With their tongues touching, Sarah felt for the chastity belt's keyhole and slipped the key inside. During the next two hours they used the vibrator and their fingers and tongues on each other. Halfway through, Sarah had even unlocked Amy's handcuffs, but only so they could enjoy each other in a certain intimate position. They were now lying with their arms around each other already almost asleep. Sarah playfully wrapped one of her legs around Amy's body in a sleepy attempt to secure her. After all, she had promised that Amy's would be her prisoner all night and it was only 4am. Her mind went back to something she'd seen at a party, an idea for which Sarah had her own twist. Completely naked, Sarah searched her kitchen for a small tube of special superglue. When she returned, Amy was sitting on the edge of the bed with her un-cuffed hands held up in front of her. "I'm free!" She said in a blatant challenge to Sarah's promise. "On your back girl!" Sarah ordered as she pushed her down and sat stride her naked body. As always, Amy had kept her arms down by her sides so that they would be trapped beneath Sarah's thighs as she sat astride her. Helpless pinned, Amy just giggled. Sarah pulled Amy's long dark hair back into a ponytail before removing the top of the superglue. Amy's big eyes watched her carefully. Their lovely brown color and long lashes would soon be looking at only one thing. As always, Amy eyes showed complete trust. Sarah explained how Amy would spend the rest of the night. This particular type of superglue had been designed specifically to bond skin. It was just as strong as regular superglue, but once removed with the special dissolver would leave no damage or mark on the skin. It even acted as moisturizer. Very carefully, Sarah smeared it across Amy's forehead, her cheeks and her chin, careful to avoid the eyes. After screwing the lid back on tightly, Sarah lay down on her front on the bed. "Now put your face in here." Sarah instructed as she tapped her naked butt. "Won't we get stuck together?" "Maybe." Amy thought back to when they first met in the gym, even back then she had been obsessed with Sarah's strong fit body and that certainly included her round butt. She was no longer tired and again was grinning like a schoolgirl at the prospect of what would happen next. She positioned herself carefully and pushed her face into the lower part of Sarah's butt. Her nose was deep between Sarah's cheeks and her long lashes brushed against Sarah's skin with every blink. " How long will it take?" Amy asked. "Oh, it's already done." Sarah was as tired as she'd ever been. She lay motionless on her side enjoying Amy's touch and the way Amy worshiped her. The best part was that there was no need to wake early in the morning, Amy would still be down there worshiping her when she woke. The brunette had no choice about that. Only when Sarah was ready would they shower while still bonded together. A long shower followed by patient use of nail polish remover. With any luck they might be unstuck by lunchtime. Amy's muffled moaning filtered out from deep inside Sarah's butt. She carefully tried to pull away but the glue had long since bonded their skin together. Her face and Sarah's butt were now one. Amy knew that Sarah was already asleep from the small twitches that ran through Sarah's body. Sarah gently broke wind, the force of which Amy could feel against her face. Even that smelt sweet. I'm bi-sexual' Amy whispered proudly, her words fittingly muffled by Sarah's butt. Amy pushed both of her hands between Sarah's closed thighs which seemed to tighten around her as she did so. Perfect, they would be her handcuffs tonight.

Sarah's Friend Chapter 2 Part 4 ================================================================================

At 9am the next morning, Amy and Sarah walked out of their building, along the river and into a nearby cafe. Amy was wearing a fitted grey woolen top and an above knee length brown suede skater skirt. Amy had chosen the skirt especially to hide the steel chastity belt beneath. Sarah wore a black woolen jumper and short frayed denim shorts, with a pair of handcuffs in the back pocket. Amy's brown hair was in a neat ponytail. Sarah wore hers down beneath a grey brimmed hat. They walked closely side by side and discretely held hands. Amy sneaked a look at Sarah in her well fitting shorts and thought back to last night. Being glued' to Sarah's butt had been an amazing feeling. Unlike being tied or chained up, there was nothing tangible holding her in place, yet the restraint' was every bit as tight. The glue created all kinds of different effects. When Sarah tensed her butt muscles, Amy's face followed, distorted into all sorts of weird and wonderful positions. Amy had been able to open her eyes, but as she did so, her long lashes brushed against Sarah 's butt. Even with her eyes opened Amy could only stare at Sarah's glutes at such close quarters and with so little light that she was as good as blindfolded. Her nose had been permanently pushed in between Sarah's butt cheeks as was her mouth that was held in a position deep inside Sarah's crotch. A place that had never seen so much kissing. In here, her lips could just move with effort, although any resulting mumbling was difficult to understand. Every time she breathed, there was a gentle sucking noise as heavily scented air filtered in between Sarah's legs. Waking up glued together had been fun. Amy had remained completely at Sarah's mercy as Sarah's naked body stretched and turned. Sarah was in no real hurry to rise, the tickling sensation between her legs was just too nice to rush. The long hot shower required to unstick them had been even better with Amy half hoping that they'd used the wrong type of glue and that she would have to stay there forever. Amy peeked at Sarah's shorts one more time. "You made it through the night," Sarah smiled, looking her new friend up and down. "I didn't escape though." "You didn't want to escape!" Amy squeezed Sarah's hand more tightly. They arrived at the cafe and Sarah ordered as Amy slid into a booth, smoothed down her skirt and carefully sat down. Sarah followed her in and pulled the cuffs from her back pocket before sitting next to her, hemming her in at the end of the booth. She took Amy's hand and held it beneath her bare thigh while she locked one side of the cuffs to the metal table frame. Amy's hand wriggled helplessly beneath the pressure. "Mmm, can't you secure my hand like this?" Amy asked. "I think I prefer the steel today," Sarah replied as she lifted her leg and quickly snapped the other cuff around Amy's narrow wrist, before whispering, "my prisoner!" into Amy's ear. The women looked each other up and down for a few moments before Amy spoke. "Could I lock you up this morning?" she asked. Sarah looked at her beautiful friend. Being tied up had never interested Sarah before as in her mind she had to be in control. Maybe that was because she didn't trust guys and always had a fear about what they might do to her. She'd only ever played with her chastity belt on her own. Sure, it felt nice to wear, but it also felt nice holding the keys and pretending she had someone else locked up. But maybe it was different with Amy. She found Amy so amazingly attractive, everything about her was perfect, almost like a doll. Amy was so gentle towards her and the look in those big brown eyes was to die for. Surely Amy wouldn't hurt her? Therefore with that threat removed, maybe she could start to enjoy the feeling of being under someone else's control. She started to imagine how Amy would look if they reversed roles. How would she exert her control? What would Amy make her do? What would those beautiful eyes look like when they controlled her? Sarah picked up her big bunch of keys from the seat and placed them on Amy's lap. "There you go mistress!" Amy giggled with nervous excitement and pushed Sarah keys between her legs. They locked and unlocked many fun things, including the cuffs and chastity belt that she was wearing. She found the key to the handcuffs and released herself from the table. The power was already going to her head. "Back to my apartment. Now!"

Sarah's Friend Chapter 2 Part 5 ================================================================================

Amy's apartment was very similar to her own, yet an illicit thrill ran through Sarah's body as she followed Amy inside. This apartment also had a deadlock on the front door, but this time it was Amy who turned the key to lock them both inside. But Sarah wasn't going to see much more than the hallway as Amy had fetched her tiny purple gym shorts and held them up for Sarah to admire. "Really cute," Sarah smiled as she remembered how they'd looked on Amy's slim hips. "I'm glad you think so." Amy then removed Sarah's hat and stretched the shorts over Sarah head. It was a tight fit, but soon Amy was just able to pull the waist string closed around Sarah's neck and tie it tight. With no thought as to how she would undo the knot, she tied it several times and pulled it very tight. "I would have washed the shorts, but I was kinda tied up." Amy smiled. "Mmm, they smell very Amy'." "I thought you liked that." "I do." "Good! Now you can't see you'll just have to follow my voice. " Both women were surprised by how seriously the other was taking the new role play and also how turned on each was. Amy needed to remove the chastity belt and she also needed to pee. Taking Sarah's hand, she led her into her bedroom and turned the key to open the door of her heavy wooden wardrobe. Inside was a row of business suits and dresses that were all immaculately aligned. Unfortunately Sarah could see none of the beautiful clothes as Amy helped her climb inside and sit down between the dresses. "This is my wardrobe by the way." "Mmm, it smells even more Amy'." "I'm going to lock you inside for a while." "Your clothes feel beautiful, can't I see them?" "Not unless you've developed the ability to see through gym shorts." Amy giggled. Sarah felt the thick wooden door push close and the sound of the key turning in the lock. Amy's shorts were starting to make her feel claustrophobic and she immediately tried to slip them off over her head. With that not possible, she reached for the draw string and tried to undo the knot that secured them over her head, but Amy had pulled it so tight that the knot wouldn't move. She stopped for a moment to catch her breath and as she did, she started to relax. Within minutes she was breathing slowly and touching her clit. A few minutes later Sarah was pulling the draw string again, but this time to ensure that the knot was as tight as it could be. Still blindfolded, Sarah explored the expensive suits and dresses that hung above her. The suits were tailored to fit Amy's slim figure and Sarah knew from seeing Amy walk back and forth from work that her power dressing gave her a scarily professional demeanor. Sarah could imagine the junior member of the law firm being intimidated by Amy as she clipped around the office in her heels and expensive suits. Sarah moved on to Amy's dresses. Again they felt silky and expensive, but this time something that Sarah could borrow. She removed one from its hanger and checked its fit. Meanwhile Amy had locked herself in the bathroom and was looking at herself in the mirror while wearing nothing but the chastity belt. It didn't feel the same with the keys just there on the vanity, but at least she could unlock herself before peeing. The key to the wardrobe was also right there on the vanity which gave the slim brunette an idea. She tied a small length of dental floss around the small wardrobe key and then pushed it against her wet vagina and massaged it until it slipped inside her. With only a small length of dental floss showing, Amy picked up the chastity belt and pulled it around her waist and up between her legs. Locked in chastity by her own hand for the first time, she slipped on a negligee and returned to her bedroom. "Hello in there." "Hi mistress, is it time to come out and play?" Sarah asked hopefully with her face resting up against the solid wooden door. "Soon." Amy's delicate painted fingernails reached down and tried to slid under the edges of the chastity belt, but to Amy's delight, the key was positioned far too deeply inside. "One minute." Amy replied and she sauntered back to the bathroom to play with herself for a few more minutes before removing the belt and freeing the wardrobe key. Amy was slightly apprehensive as she returned to her bedroom. Sarah had done amazing things to her, things that she doubted she could match. Her pink negligee barely covered her butt and she was wearing her skimpiest pink panties and she had a pair of handcuffs. She'd have to make do with that. "Come out please." Amy ordered as she unlocked the door, her voice not sounding as professional as she wanted. Sarah slid gracefully out of the small confined space, stripped naked other than for Amy's shorts still tied around her head and lay down on the perfectly white sheets of Amy's queen size wrought iron bed. Having a naked woman on her bed seemed surreal, but an amazing rush as Amy sat astride Sarah's waist and handcuffed Sarah's hands to the metal bars at the head of the bed. She'd never had free range over Sarah's body or indeed any the body of any woman and she didn't know where to start. Sarah's lips were still hidden inside Amy's sweaty shorts and so Amy decided to focus on Sarah's breasts. This was a part of Sarah's body that she barely knew as Sarah usually kept her at either foot level, or more frequently between her thighs. Sarah's breasts were beautiful, a little bigger than her own and round and pert. The nipples in particular were erect and fun to suck. Amy placed her mouth over one breast and ran her tongue around and around her nipple. Amy was desperate to see the look in her friend's sexy eyes and so untied her used gym shorts from around Sarah's head. Her eyes didn't disappoint, showing bewildered arousal that could only come from being helplessly tied up by a lover. Amy now turning her attention to her friend's crotch. While kneeling up and straddling Sarah's chest, Amy started to kiss her clit. Her mouth wanted to venture deeper between Sarah's legs, but Amy was wary of Sarah's thighs which had the potential to imprison and tease her even though she was supposed to be in charge, at least for now. Sarah could also see Amy's predicament and they shared a smile. "Better tie my feet to the foot of the bed." Amy nodded and used two of her leather belts to tightly bind Sarah's feet to the foot of the bed so that she was held spread eagle. Only then did she explore more fully. Every now and then she would turn her attention to Sarah's sexy powerful legs, getting revenge for their earlier wickedness as she kissed and teased them with no chance for them to fight back. "Oh my God! Sarah continuously moaned as her body bucked in response to Amy's attention. Amy's pink panties swayed left and right above Sarah's chest as she continued to kiss. Amy had separated the two handcuff keys from Sarah's big bunch and had tucked one into the bottom of her underwear with the other, connected to it by a small key ring, dangling down and swinging as Amy moved. If only Sarah could reach that key, then she would be free and able to get her hands on the beautiful brunette above her. "Oh look at you all chain up down there," Amy purred as she turned around and was now kneeling with one knee either side of Sarah' s neck, "now you're completely helpless." Amy loved the way Sarah's big eyes looked up and the way her breathing and heartbeat were at crazy levels. Handcuffs were wonderful! A couple of clicks and even a Greek goddess was trapped. Her cute smiling lips were slightly parted and were the perfect place for Amy to rest her panties. Fuck, that felt nice. `Oh my god, she's already inside me!' Amy was impressed. Sarah's eyes were now closed as they concentrated on her work and Amy held on, clasping the bars of the metal head rest, desperately trying to stay on the ride. Sometime later they lay next to each other, both trying to catch their breath. "How does it feel to be locked in your own cuffs?" Amy asked, brushing Sarah's hair out of her eyes. " Frustrating when I can't reach your breasts that are peeking out of that negligee!" "Is that better?" Amy leaned forward. Sarah smiled and rubbed her face against Amy's chest. "Can you really not escape?" Amy continued as she examined the cuffs. "Amy, these are cuffs! They lock and can only be opened with the key!" "I have that." Amy giggled. "I know, hanging from your underwear." "Yeah, so behave!" Amy eventually retrieved the key and unlocked the cuffs and reached down and untied the belts from around Sarah's ankles to finally unleashing the fit dancer. Amy dropped the cuff keys on to Sarah's firm stomach, looked at Sarah and said, "Your turn now." Amy cried out with excitement as Sarah immediately pulled her over and sat astride her waist. She knew that she was once again the dancer's prisoner with no chance of escape. For fun she tried to pull Sarah over and wriggle out but Sarah simply lent forward and pinned Amy's hands to the bed.

Sarah's Friend Chapter 2 Part 6 ===========================================================================

They showered together and returned to Sarah's apartment in outfits that they had each chosen from the other's wardrobe. Amy wore a short blue floral dress that gave her an innocent, elegant look. Sarah looked less innocent in a tight red shoulder-less dress that emphasized her breasts, pulled tight around her waist and flared out to cover little more than her underwear. Amy returned to Sarah's bedroom and lay down on her bed as instructed. Meanwhile, Sarah unraveled a long length of chain and padlocked one end around the large concrete column at the end of her kitchen bar. She then picked up the spare end and walked back to her bedroom. "I have a beautiful anklet for you." Sarah smiled as she held the shiny chain in her hand "Mmm, I love jewelry." "You'll especially love this." Amy sat on the edge of the bed with one leg held out while Sarah looped the silver chain around her ankle and padlocked it in place with a silver padlock. "Thank you, it's beautiful." "I 'm glad you like it, because you can't take it off." "Even if I run away?"

"You can try. I'll give you a ten second head start." Sarah was kneeling on all fours on the bed with her back arched, in a pose that looked like a lioness waiting to pounce. If that was the case then Amy's slim figure wrapped in the floral dress was certainly the deer. They looked at each other for a few moments before Amy giggled and ran out of the bedroom with the chain dragging along behind her. Amy ran back to the kitchen with the gentle clatter of chain following behind her and on to the hallway. There she ran out of chain just before she reached the front door. Sarah slinked around the corner and stood watching, her long dark hair lying wildly around her face, her hands on her hips and her legs apart. "My apartment is now your whole world, " she purred as she slinked forward, "but disobey me and I'll shorten your chain," Sarah warned, "and then my bed may become your whole world. Sarah closed in on her prey making Amy step back and trip as the chain held her right ankle in place. Amy was now sitting on the floor in ecstasy, if a little anxious as Sarah was acting the role play so well. Amy instinctively pulled at the chain around her ankle even though she was helpless without the key.

Sarah was now down on all fours, like a big cat, with her mouth open, gently biting Amy's toes. Amy felt every bit the prey writhing around on the floor as Sarah's kisses started to work their way up her bare legs. She felt her legs being pushed apart and Sarah's long dark mane slip beneath her flimsy dress. She felt as if she was being devoured alive as Sarah's tongue worked its magic inside her. She pulled and pulled at her chained ankle. Sarah stripped her of her silky dress and kissed her slim waist and then her breasts. Amy continued to twist with delight, but her body was now increasingly pinned down beneath Sarah. By the time Sarah reached her lips Amy was fully pinned down and unable to move. They kissed deeper and deeper as more time passed. "Am I free to go?" Amy asked and then squealed in pleasure as Sarah shook her head. "Now I've caught you I'm going to shackle your feet and cuff your hands... permanently! Then I'll show you what my body can really do." Amy climaxed and Sarah had to tighten her grip to hold her in place. Sarah sat up and slid forward, brushing herself for a tantalizing moment across Amy' s face. She then stood up and helped Amy to her feet. With one hand holding Amy's thumbs together behind her back, Sarah watched Amy's cute butt bounce as she led her back to her bedroom for what would be a long night.


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