Saturday Night

By moc.loa@592teloiV

Published on Mar 4, 2013


I was alone, for several months actually. I can handle that, some self exploration and some adult alone time. But the weekends are particularly hard to deal with. One Saturday, my confidence was high and my ego was in need of a massage. I mean I know myself and deal with it .Listen I am a woman in my late thirties and I know I need some female companionship from time to time. I am nice looking and know it but I am picky, I need more brain than looks. I am past the time of needing

physical contact and now need some intellectual stimulation to get me revved up.

Tonight I had two glasses of Bardolino Folinari as I got dressed. I shaved my privates Heavens knows who you might met and it is only polite to be prepared. I took a coconut lotion and made sure my newly shaved skin would be supple. I spent an extra amount of time on my makeup and what seemed like hours picking out my ensemble. I have to say my confidence was high and my anticipation at a peak.

Chicago has many lesbian establishments but the bulk of them are still on Broadway, so that is where I headed, the cab let me off at Clark and Broadway and Diversey. I know if your from out of town it sounds weird but trust me three streets intersect there.

It was a warm summer night and I strolled down Broadway scooping out the crowds., I had to disappoint many a man along the way, but they will survive. I was my own woman tonight and in a rare mood. It is an empowering feeling being in charge and knowing your goal .I knew I was hot tonight, I felt it and confidence is a key factor in getting what desire.

At last I found a quiet lesbian bar that was nearly packed but not so loud and obnoxious I could not take it. They played a mix of female artist and folk rock that appealed to me and it seemed that the ladies inside were engaged in conversation more than dancing or the ritual mating, game. I paid my door charge and entered, hoping for a nice return on my money as everyone else had as well.

About me, I am not hip, I am not pierced or tattooed, I am normal and very retro I suppose. I like a tall woman, not too heavy and dark hair is one of my triggers. I have made exceptions but a tall brunette with bangs and a thin body is my hot button. (Melt) I wandered inside, not in any way expecting to find anyone I would fall for,it is better if you have no expectations. For once I did not feel inferior or lacking, I was my own woman and in charge, I felt good and happy and did not care what the result of the evening was.

The bar was modestly decorated in an upscale theme, ;lots of art and vaguely sexual female pictures decorated the walls. The theme was subtle but erotic in its own way. All the tables were occupied and I found one seat left at the bar, so I took it. I was surrounded by all types of women but most were a bit more upscale than most the recent Lesbian Bars I had tried. The bar tenders wore masculine tuxedo undergarments, like they had peeled off their coats and gone to work after a wedding. I found them pretty but unappealing no doubt the owners policy. I ordered a white wine and asked for it to be not too sweet. She complied and I was satisfied, expecting to enjoy one glass and move on. I don't know if I was putting out an air of arrogance or indifference but the women avoided me in droves. I on the other hand was able to admire some nice feminine bodies and get relaxed. My idea was if nothing happened tonight, I would have fader for some self time later. Hey I am realistic if nothing else.

The wine went down easily and the mood seemed to mellow, no doubt the effect of the wine, I found many of the woman much more attractive. I adore a flat tummy and a long torso and had sighted a couple women who fit the bill. I was in the zone as they say, my imagination in high gear. The new glass of wine on top of the other two had me a bit weak of mind.

I adore the female torso,breast leading down to the flat tummy and the magic below, the hips spreading out the pattern so you have to imagine the shape of their naked body. The underwear is a constant question to me. I always go traditional, if I am out and about, I wear my best and sexiest bra and panty set, but it seems some ladies now days spend a fortune on panties that are incongruous with their outerwear. I know the time is short between undressing and nakedness but I find it important to judge a woman's true taste. I digress, I am here to find a mate, long term is my goal but tonight would be ok as well.

"Another wine?" The barkeep was in my face before I realized what was happening.

" A Rum on the rocks please, make it a double." I guess it hit me that I was more in the mood to relax than I had realized.

"This one is on me" I heard the voice before I saw her. I turned to find a Brunette woman in her early thirties, with a business like dress on, she had a tall slender body and was not at all unappealing. I thanked her with out thinking and then gave her a once over. Even though her hair was short, she had a face that carried it off. I hate a woman who chops her hair to announce she is a dyke. Before I could properly react she stuck out a soft hand and said" I am Rachel, welcome to my bar." I took her warm hand and held it a beat too long. "Sarah, Sarah James." Did you ever feel sparks fly when you made physical contact with someone? Yeah me neither until now.

Next: Chapter 2

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