Saved by the Butt

By moc.liamtoh@daehregna

Published on Nov 30, 2001



"Saved by the Butt"

George was amazed at how a pressure-filled situation could slow everything down. Here he was with his foot the floor, going 100 miles an hour in a 30 zone, and it still felt like he wasn't really moving. It was all because of the bind he was in; he knew that. And the frustration was only doubled by the fear that he would show up too late.

It was drawing close to midnight, and George was speeding toward his friend Roger's house. He had to prevent Roger from committing suicide tonight.

George had learned of Roger's plans when he got home from a late night at the office. In his line of work George was known to be the most dedicated, and he was always staying late. When he got home, George found an envelope with his name on it lying on his "welcome" mat. Thinking it odd, George immediately tore into the letter and was shocked to discover it was a suicide note from his old friend Roger. And as if Roger's plan for his own demise weren't shocking enough, there was another revelation in the letter that knocked the wind out of George.

"Dear George,

We've been friends a long time, but I don't think you ever suspected I was gay. It's not something I tell a lot of people because I came out to my mother about a year ago, and she told me it was like I was dead to her. Given that this was my MOTHER'S reaction, I don't think anyone can blame me for not wanting to tell anyone else. But I did want to tell you, George, because it's important that you know. Why is it so imperative?

Because I love you, George. I've wanted to be with you ever since we met, but I knew you had no inclinations in that way. It kills me to be near you and not be able to hold or kiss you. And what makes it even more unbearable is that I think you and I are soulmates. The only difference is, you believe you can't find a soulmate who is of the same sex. It really is a shame. Don't ever forget me.

Love, Roger"

George dropped the letter and ran back to his car. A million thoughts were racing through his head as he sped toward Roger's house. His first concern was stopping Roger, but after that George had no idea what to do. Roger wanted them to be lovers. What was he supposed to say to that? George put that problem on the backburner. He had faith that he would know what to say to Roger when the time came.

When George parked outside Roger's house, he noticed a light on in one of the front windows. He parked his car crooked and ran for the house. George tried the front door, it wasn't locked.

George lunged forward, screaming, "No, Roger! Don't do it!"

Roger whirled about, completely shocked at the interruption.

"Why not?" Roger moaned through tears. "What the hell do you care?"

George looked up into Roger's teary eyes, and right away he knew the answer.

"I care about you, Roger...I love you. I guess I always have, but I just didn't know it," George said, surprised at the words coming from his own mouth, but he knew they were true. "Just please don't do this. Be with me."

George moved in close to Roger, pressing the side of his face against his friend's leg. Now he ran his fingers gently through George's hair. George closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around Roger's legs, happy to enjoy the attention.

And then he felt it. Against his cheek George sensed some kind of motion, and he realized his face was about an inch to the right of Roger's groin. The movement he felt must have been Roger sprouting an erection. George felt a thrill in his heart that just being close could make his friend hard. It make him feel like he had control over Roger's penis. To make sure he hadn't been imagining things, George moved his cheek so it would be pressed dead center against Roger's crotch. Sure enough, there was a decent-sized bulge there.

With a smile, George said, "Oh my, Roger. You really DO love me, don't you?"

"Yes," Roger gasped. "Oh, God yes."

"Hmmm," George said while pulling his face away and putting his hands to work at Roger's fly and button, "let's see just how much you love me."

"George, what are you..."

But Roger drifted off as George slid his jeans down to his knees. He waited a while for the boxers, leaning forward to experimentally kiss the tented underwear. George was excited when he found this activity pleased him. Then it was time for the grand revealing. He closed his eyes while pulling down Roger's boxers, not opening them again until they were also at his knees.

When George opened his eyes, his own cock immediately grew hard at the sight of his friend's genitals. Roger's penis was impressive in size and girth but not repulsively big. The head was swollen and purple; the shaft was bobbing in excitement and anticipation. Below the marvelous column of flesh hung two perfectly shaped testicles, dangling low in their sack. A thatch of pubic hair fanned out to the side and above Roger's penis. It was perhaps the most beautiful sight George had ever seen.

"Oh, Roger," George whispered, "it's amazing."

George leaned forward and kissed the head of Roger's cock. He continued in this manner for a minutes, placing kisses up and down the shaft, holding and lightly massaging the balls. Roger moaned in ecstasy once George finally worked up the nerve to take the penis into his mouth. Having never done this before, all George could do was just suck Roger the way that George wished a woman would suck him. Apparently this worked because Roger's sounds became louder and more frequent.

"Wait, wait" Roger said, pulling out of George's mouth. "let's go to the bedroom."

Roger stripped off his pants and boxers completely and hopped down form the chair. Then he scooped George up in his arms and carried him into the bedroom. Once there Roger set George down on the bed and started kissing his face...passionate, frenzied kisses that moved in no discernible order or direction. During this phase George helped Roger remove his shirt to reveal a finely chiseled torso.

The next step was to get George naked, which Roger was more than happy to do. In the motions he executed to strip George there was the most intense sense of caring and tenderness. Once again George was blown away by the evening as he felt absolutely no shame, didn't make Roger stop once in the progression toward their mutual nudity. He didn't even stop Roger from fondling his penis, first with his hands and then with his mouth. The tension building up inside George was so great that he came in Roger's mouth in seconds.

"Oh, God," George moaned half out of shame and pleasure, "I'm sorry."

"It's okay. You were just excited," Roger said.

Roger ran to the bathroom to rinse his mouth out. George sat up on the edge of the bed trying to recover from his powerful orgasm. His friend returned and stood before George, looking down at him with the most happy smile that had ever stretched across his face. George looked at Roger's penis and saw it was still erect.

"What about you?" George asked.

"What about me?" Roger replied without hesitation. "I just want you to be happy. I want you to feel good."

"I want the same for you, too," George said.

George held the throbbing cock steady and took it into his mouth again. After a while of this activity (which, to his surprise, held as much pleasure for George as it did for Roger) George took the penis out of his mouth and place his cheek against Roger's thigh, which he lightly kissed and caressed. Roger was still moaning and trembling.

George pulled his face away. He looked at Roger's penis, then into his eyes.

"I know what you would like to do," George said. "I think I'd like to do it too."

"Are you suggesting what I think?" Roger said.

"Yes," he said while putting his face against Roger's thigh again. "Please make love to me, Roger."

At this Roger quickly leaned down and kissed George, slipping his tongue in while his hand reached over to a night stand for a tube of lubricant. He pushed George on his back, then guided him on to his stomach. George kept still while Roger kissed his back, eventually reaching the curve of his buttocks. He was shocked and grew instantly hard when he felt Roger's tongue wriggling inside his virgin passage. The sensation was so overwhelming that George thrust his rear end up into Roger's face to savor it. Then George felt Roger's hands on his hips, pulling him up to his knees. George heard the squishing sound as Roger shot out some lube and started applying it to himself. His tongue still danced across George's pucker.

Roger reached around to stroke George's penis during the initiating ceremony. He was stunned and pleased to find George hard.

"Wow, you sure are aroused for a first timer," Roger said. "Nice to know. That means you'll definitely be more into it once we get going."

"Yes," George gasped, "I want it. Make love to me, Roger."

With that Roger got up on his knees behind George and started to work himself into his friend's backside. George gasped in pain as the penetration began, sinking his teeth into his forearm to ignore the pain in his back. Roger's hands were on his hips and his voice in his head, both seething to soothe and relax George. Slowly but surely it did the trick. He felt the sensation in his buttocks deepen as Roger pressed onward, but he was feeling the anguish less and less. By the time Roger's groin was pushed firmly against George's buttocks, the pain had completely vanished, and George's grimace had flipped around to a smile. Feeling the erection throb inside him was pure heaven, and he grew even more aroused when he realized this was what Roger wanted to do with him all the time...wanted to insert his beautiful penis into George's anus and make love to him. Sometime during the penetration George's own sex had shrunk, but as this thought occurred to him he felt it harden again. They remained still for a while. Down below George could feel his testicles lightly touched by Roger's, so he reached down to massage them both while rotating his hips to take Roger in further.

"Oh, Roger," George moaned, "you're so big, honey. I love you."

"I love you too," Roger said.

And with that the lovemaking began. George thrilled each time the sex withdrew and surged forward. He had never known any pleasure like it. As the momentum built George rocked with Roger, stunned at their level of intimacy and the sheer joy his submission to the erection brought him. All his tensions and worries melted away, and it was all due to the wonderful sliding movement in his buttocks. Nothing had ever made George feel so relaxed, so happy, so loved. Each time the penis plunged into him George let out a sharp cry. Without even realizing it George came again, and the sensation of coming while the penis glided in and out of him was indescribable...except to say that maybe now he knew what being in heaven felt like.

"Your turn, sweetheart," George moaned. "Come inside me."

At this request Roger picked up the pace even more. When his groin met George's ass there was a sharp slapping sound. A wail was building in Roger's throat, slowly growing as he drew near his orgasm. Suddenly George felt Roger tense up. Inside him George could feel the penis twitch and expand, then the warm fluid began flowing into his body. George let out a long, happy sigh as he felt Roger ejaculating inside him, leaning his ass back hard to make sure he was a receptacle for every last drop.

The two men pitched forward. George was on his stomach with Roger collapsed on his back, and that was how they remained until Roger shriveled and slipped out of George's initiated buttocks.

Roger kissed George and said, "Will you be mine?"

Without hesitation George said, "Of course I will."

There were more kissed then, although not the frenzied series of before. After a while Roger said, "I'm so glad you got here in time. You saved my life and gave me a reason to live again."

"Yeah," George said, "I guess you could say you were saved by the butt."

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