Say My Name

By Colleen Hasiuk

Published on Jul 18, 2000


DISCLAIMER: I do not know the sexuality of ANY of the Backstreet boys! This is an entirely fictional story, so deal with it!

PARTNER IN CRIME: This is a joint story written by myself and Colleen. Her website for her stories is My new site is officially up and running, and is located at so check it out!

E-MAIL: You can e-mail either me ( or Colleen ( Have a nice day!

Chapter 2-Seduction

Another restless night, just like the one's before. Kevin lay on in bed, alone, tossing and turning. It was past 3 a.m. and still he hadn't returned. What was his lover doing so late? Somewhere deep inside Kevin knew why, he just didn't want to face reality. He finally gave up on sleep and got out of their, no, his bed lately. He turned on all the lights in the apartment. Kevin heard a crash of thunder and looked out the window. Raindrops fell gently on the glass. Mournfully, Kevin began to think of the days when their relationship was perfect. He'd always be there for him whenever Kev was upset. He'd hold him every night and they'd always be able to talk about anything and everything. Kevin sighed deeply. Those happy days were long gone.

He turned the radio to a country station. The room filled with a very true song at the moment. Kevin listened to the lyrics as Garth Brooks voice filled the empty void of the room.

Three thirty in the morning Not a soul in sight The city's looking like a ghost town On a moonless summer night Raindrops on the windshield There's a storm moving in He's heading back from somewhere That he never should have been And the thunder rolls

Every light is burning In a house across town She's pacin' by the telephone In her faded flannel gown Askin' for a miracle Hoping she's not right Prayin' it's the weather That's kept him out all night And the thunder rolls And the thunder rolls

The thunder rolls And the lightnin' strikes Another love grows cold On a sleepless night As the storm blows on Out of control Deep in her heart The thunder rolls

Kevin switched the station, not wanting to hear the rest of the song. Tears flooded his eyes as he knew that his lover was the one in the song and he was, quite embarrassingly, the housewife.

The handle to the front door turned and his lover finally was home. He didn't even look at Kevin as he made his way to the bathroom. He threw his damp overcoat on the sofa and pulled his shirt over his head. As he walked by, Kevin sure enough could smell a strange cologne. Kevin's tears seemed to multiply after he had smelled it. Then Kevin's attention fell on his lover's jacket. Sticking out of one of the pockets was a package. Kevin's breath caught in his throat as he timidly pulled the package out of the pocket. He stared in horror as he realized what it was: a condom. Not just one, but it was a pack of three; and one was missing. Suddenly, instead of hurt, anger filled Kevin's heart as he now had proof to his lover's wrongs. Just as he thought this, his lover stepped from the bathroom. Kevin gave him a cold stare.

"Where were you?" Kevin asked coldly. His lover acted like he didn't hear.

"I said, where were you?" Kevin repeated in a louder voice.

"I had car trouble." He stated simply.

Kevin could not control his actions. He walked over to his lover, gripped his shoulders, and pressed him against the wall.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, Kev?!" Nick yelled, trying to break free of Kevin's suffocating grip.


"I told you!" Nick yelled back.

"You're lying I found this in your pocket." Kevin stated, pulling up the package of condoms to Nick's face. Nick started to laugh.

"I got those from a friend. He gets some too, you know. I was kind of hoping you would be in a good mood so I can put these to use." Nick softly replied, kissing Kevin softly. Kevin reluctantly released Nick and deepened the kiss. Nick walked him over to the bed, never breaking the kiss. They fell down, kissing with urgency. Nick started to pull off Kevin's shirt. Kevin was soon lost in his own world of ecstasy as Nick started to unbuckle his pants. He knew that he would give in, because he loved Nick. 'Maybe I was wrong' Kevin thought to himself.

The next morning, Kevin lay in bed, alone. Kevin soon remembered what had happened the night before and got angry at himself for letting Nick lie and even more for giving in to him. Kevin pulled out his journal.

Another morning, another lonely day. He came home last night, and I found him with condoms. I knew he had done it, I had even gathered the strength to tell him off. But that's when my only vulnerability shined: Nick. It is so hard to resist him. It's not that I don't want to, it's just that when he touched me, it's right. When I'm near him, it's right. But I still know what he's doing is not right, but I don't have the strength to let him go. I can only wait for the day either I get strength or he breaks it off. I can only wait.

Next: Chapter 3

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