Say My Name

By Colleen Hasiuk

Published on Jul 22, 2000


DISCLAIMER: I do not know the sexuality of ANY of the Backstreet boys! This is an entirely fictional story, so deal with it! If you shouldn't be here because of your age, please go away. If you're homophobic, what the heck are you doing here? Get lost! Everyone else, read on!

PARTNERS IN CRIME: This is a joint story written by me (Colleen) and Joey ( My website for my stories is Joey's brand-new site is officially up and running, and is located at so check it out!

E-MAIL: You can e-mail either Joey at or ME! at Have a very fruitful day! (first one who guesses where that's from is a genius!)

******************* Chapter 3- Kiss Me Here, Touch Me There

Kevin allowed three days to go by before he brought up the subject of Nick's constant clubbing with the rest of the group. He was getting tired of playing housewife and waiting for Nick to come home. After a concert, Kevin pulled Nick aside.

"Are you going out tonight?" Kevin asked. Nick gave him a strange look.

"Of course!"

"Why are you always going out, Nicky? Why don't you spend that time with me?" Kevin made his green eyes go wide in a look none of his past lovers could resist. Nick was no exception.


"Please, Nicky?" Kevin pleaded, adding a small pout. Nick laughed and kissed Kevin passionately, their tongues duelling for possession of each other in Kevin's mouth. Kevin allowed his hands to roam Nick's body, causing the younger man to let out a contented sigh.

"Alright, Kevy. I'll stay in tonight."

"Maybe we can finish that pack of condoms your friend gave you," Kevin purred seductively. Nick's eyes got a lustful gleam in them and he nodded before starting to nibble on Kevin's ear.

"We might even need to go get some more..." Nick whispered as he kissed the older man yet again. Kevin smiled and put his arm around his boyfriend, his hands caressing Nick's rear.

"I want the glow-in-the-dark ones."

"I like the edible ones, myself," Nick smiled. Kevin raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, and how do you know that?" Nick looked worried for a minute before realizing that Kevin was just teasing.

"I want to taste you," Nick finally said. Kevin smiled.

"I love tasting you. Maybe we should pick up some chocolate or something before going back to the hotel."

"Mm.. chocolate. Tastes almost as good as your cum, baby," Nick half-growled.

"Mine can't possibly taste as good as yours," Kevin growled back. Nick laughed.

"Tasting my lover is my fantasy..."

"Maybe we can fulfill it later, Nicky."

"Hey!" a loud voice interrupted their whispering. Brian stood there, a huge smile on his face. "Stop with the touchy-feely stuff. We need to get going."


"You coming clubbing tonight, Nick?" Brian asked. Nick shook his head.

"Nope. Spending the night with my boyfriend here for once."

"How sweet," Brian cooed. "But seriously, we have to get going. The bus leaves in twenty minutes."

"Thanks, Bri. Just give us a couple of minutes so we can shower and get changed."

"Just don't have sex, OK? I don't need to have two horny bandmates on the bus with me!"

"Brian!" Kevin and Nick yelled as one voice.

"Have a cow, Kev!" Brian laughed. "Save the hanky-panky for the hotel."

"Brian...." Kevin started in a threatening voice.

"Kevin, you really need to relax!" Brian quickly left after that statement, leaving his cousin and Nick alone again.

"So what do you want to do tonight?" Nick asked. Kevin shrugged.

"Whatever you want, baby. As long as it involves lots of sex afterwards."

"Kevin!" Nick was shocked. "When did you get so horny?" Kevin laughed.

"I don't know, maybe seeing that sexy body of yours on stage tonight did this to me."


"Shut up and kiss me," Kevin ordered. Pulling Nick to him roughly, they began another tongue duel, rubbing their growing erections against each other. Kevin's wandering fingers found the waistline of Nick's pants and he snuck his hand down the back of them, grabbing Nick's ass and rubbing it. Nick gasped in Kevin's mouth and shoved his hands down the front of Kevin's pants, starting to play with Kevin's dick.

"Nicky," Kevin sighed after a while. "If you keep that up we're going to have one big mess to clean up. Save it for later."

"Spoilsport," Nick groaned, but he moved his hand and started tracing circles on Kevin's inner thigh. Kevin let out a long sigh as he continued kissing his boyfriend while playing with his ass.

"God, Nick," Keving groaned. "I want to fuck you right now."

"You'll have to wait, lover," Nick groaned back.

"I don't think I can wait... Nicky, God you're hot!" After almost ten minutes of that, AJ interrupted them.

"Come on, guys," he said, sticking his head in the doorway. "We need to get going."

"Thanks, Aje," Nick said, removing his hand from Kevin's pants as Kevin removed his hand from Nick's. They quickly jumped in the shower together and started their washing routine.

"Nicky, stop it," Kevin moaned as Nick started tonguing him. "We need to get our asses in gear."

"I can think of other things to do to your ass," Nick smiled as he removed his tongue from Kevin's body. "Wash my hair?"

"Always," Kevin responded. As they showered, Kevin hummed softly.

"What are you humming?" Nick asked, turning slightly.

"A song..." Kevin grinned. Nick punched him in the stomach.

"What song, doofus?"

"God Must Have Spent A Little More Time On You," Kevin smiled. Nick laughed.

"Sing to me?"

Your love is like a river, peaceful and deep,

Your soul is like a secret that I never could keep,

When I look into your eyes, I know that it's true,

God must have spent a little more time on you.

"Oooo... you know the words to a rival band's song! Kevin Scott, whatever shall I do with you?" Nick asked, batting his eyelashes.

"Whatever you want baby," was Kevin's response as he finished washing Nick's hair. After Nick repeated the favor, they hopped out of the shower and both men quickly changed and headed out, thinking of the long night ahead.

Next: Chapter 4

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