Say My Name

By Colleen Hasiuk

Published on Sep 2, 2000


Once again I'm trying to write this! I may not be so lazy after all!

DISCLAIMER: I do not know the sexualities of Kevin Richardson or Nick Carter of the Backstreet boys. Only in my messed up mind are Nick and Brian in love, AJ is a very caring and sensitive man, Kevin is Kevin, and Howie is madly in love with me. Go figure, huh?

E-MAIL: E-mail me at, or my sidekick, (OK, how gay was that?!) Colleen at

THANX: Thank you Colleen for helping me write a story. God knows I can't do it by myself! Thanks you to all the wonderful authors out there for giving me inspiration. That's about it. Man, no one loves me!!

Chapter 4- Betrayal of the Heart

"Come on Kev! We have to get there before you turn 50!" Nick yelled, stepping out of the bathroom. Kevin smiled, finishing his latest journal entry.

I really think me and Nick's relationship is getting better. Maybe I was being too controlling and jumping to conclusions. Whatever way, I'm determined to fix what's been broken and have a good time tonight.

"Kevy-Kev, we HAVE to get going now." Nick said, wrapping his arms around him. He sighed, leaning into his embrace. Nick pulled him up and looked him in the eyes.

"I love you." Kevin said honestly. Nick smiled.

"I know." He stated, turning away and grabbing his coat. Kevin shrugged off that old uneasy feeling and grabbed his coat. He was set on keeping his personal promise to myself. He let Nick take his hand and lead him to the limo.

An hour later, they stood at the bar, ordering themselves some drinks.

Nick smiled, happy that Kevin was letting him drink for once. Kevin reveled at his happy nature, feeling incredibly high at being able to finally spend time with him.

"Hey! Y'all two love birds having a good time?!" Brian yelled, startling Nick so much that he spilled his shot of Tequila on his white Armani shirt. Nick scowled, trying his best to wipe it up with a napkin.

"Sorry, Nick." Brian apologized, offering his hand in apology. Nick hit it away, a dark look crowding his eyes.

"This WAS my favorite shirt! I have to go clean up. See you in a few." Nick stated, pecking Kevin's cheek. Nick stomped away angrily. Brian sighed, sitting next to Kevin. Kevin gave Brian a weak but understanding smile, offering him a shot of Tequila.

"No thanks. I don't need to get all drunk and have some guy feel me up." Brian complained bitterly, giggling a bit. 'Just like Brian', Kevin thought. 'He can never be serious about anything for too long'. Kevin shook away his thoughts, concentrating on watching AJ make a fool of himself trying to ask out women half his age. Kevin smiled, betting to himself AJ would have at least one of them give into his wishes; if not two.

Over 20 minutes went by, and still no sign of Nick. Kevin nervously tore pieces of a napkin, wondering what Nick was doing.

'Maybe I should check on him.' He thought. 'No, that would just be overprotecting and babying him. I don't want any of that.'

But after another 10 minutes Kevin gave in to his instincts and went to check the bathroom. He walked in, checked each stall, finding no Nick. He even searched the dance floor. Nope. Maybe he was back at the bar. No. The back rooms? No. Dance floor again? No. Girl's bathroom. OK, now he was worried. Suddenly it hit him that Nick liked to smoke when he was stressed and only would do it in the parking lot, just so a fan doesn't catch him smoking. Kevin walked out the back entrance into an alley and into the parking lot.

So far, there was no Nick. 'He might be in the car listening to his own type of music' Kevin thought, trying to locate his limo. He found it, but what he saw was nothing short of shocking. Steam had built up on the windows and evidently two shadows were moving. Kevin couldn't believe his eyes. His suspicions were true: Nick was cheating on him. Tears welled up in Kevin's eyes, but he needed to know who it was. Kevin walked right up to the fogged window, and peered inside. It was none other than.......

Next: Chapter 5

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