Say My Name

By Colleen Hasiuk

Published on Oct 20, 2000


DISCLAIMER: This isn't real. Joey and myself don't know if anyone from BSB is gay, so don't sue us. If you don't like gay stories, why are you here? As always, thanks to Joey for putting up with me! You rock, girl.

K, that over with-- I'm really sorry about the lateness of this part. I had no clue where to take it until yesterday, and I wrote this chapter in about half an hour. So any mistakes are mine.

Enjoy! ********** Chapter 5- Secrets Revealed

"OH MY GOD!" Kevin yelled, seeing the two figures going at it in the backseat. A dark-haired head shot up, hearing Kevin's voice.

"SHIT!" he yelled, pulling up his pants. The blond with him turned his own face away, trying to hide the red flush that crept over it.

"What is going on?" Kevin demanded as the pair slowly got out of the limo. Howie looked at the cement.



"Kevin, it's none of your fucking business!" Howie grabbed his boyfriend's hand and stalked back towards the club enterance, where Kevin could now see Nick standing.

"There you are!" Nick exclaimed as Kevin approached. "I was looking for you."

"You smell weird," Kevin complained. Nick laughed.

"Thanks, sweetie."

"Seriously. Why do you smell like... Emporio Armani?"

"I don't know," Nick said, looking elsewhere. Kevin's internal alarms went off.

"Whatever. You were looking for me?"

"Yeah. I missed you, babe."

"I missed you to," Kevin said. Nick took his hand and they walked in the club together until Kevin pulled away.


"We can't let anyone catch us like that."

"Sorry, Kev." Nick let his head hang, showing that he really was sorry. Kevin leaned over and quickly kissed him.

"I know you are, babe." Nick smiled again and dragged Kevin out onto the dance floor. They managed to dance together without looking like they were together, which was quite a feat, as neither man could keep his hands off the other.

"Kev, I'm thirsty," Nick said about an hour later. Kevin nodded and started off the dance floor when he turned around to ask Nick what he wanted to drink. What he saw made him stop dead.

Nick was kissing another man.

More specifically, another man that looked suspiciously like AJ. They broke off their kiss and Nick looked up to find Kevin's hurt eyes on him. HIs own eyes widened.

"OH, SHIT," he cursed. Kevin swallowed the tears that were threatening to fall and walked away. Nick only stood there, shocked.

"What happened?" AJ asked.

"Kev saw us."


"SO? AJ, Kevin's supposed to be my boyfriend!"

"Nicky, Kevin doesn't really love you, remember?" AJ was playing on Nick's insecurities, feeding his sense of no self-worth.

"He seemed worried about me," Nick protested.

"He's acting, Nicky. How many times do I have to tell you that?" AJ sighed heavily and Nick studied the floor.

"I'm sorry, AJ. I know Kevin's just playing with my emotions, but it's so hard not to love him! He's so sweet and gentle."

"Are you implying that I'm not?" AJ demanded. Nick looked up, scared.

"Of course not! I'm just describing what a good actor he is..." Nick managed to cover up his blunder, but just barely. If AJ had have thought he meant that how it sounded... he'd be in real trouble later. There were never physical marks, but the mental ones more than made up for the lack of bruises.

"Good boy," AJ said, turning away when a pretty girl walked by. Nick let out a huge sigh, instinctively searching the room for Kevin. Instead of his green-eyed boyfriend, he found his boyfriend's red-faced and furious cousin.

"Nickolas, we need to have a TALK," Brian said coldly, grabbing Nick's arm and dragging him out of the club. Nick gulped. This wasn't going to be pretty.

Next: Chapter 6

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