Say My Name

By Colleen Hasiuk

Published on Nov 22, 2000


Hey all!! It's my grand-o, bramisimo, excellente updating week!! 5 days off from that prison. =)=)=)=)=)=)

DISCLAIMER: None of the Backstreet boys have been announced gay. (Although a few of them are really getting me curious...)

E-MAIL: If you want to e-mail me, please do so at or go to my website where you can find a listing of all my stories plus a couple of hosted ones. (Well, one hosted one in a few days. I'm slow as Christmas!) you can find my website at'sFanFiction4


Chapter 6-Tensions run high

Brian pushed Nick's slightly limp body into the men's bathroom. Brian locked the door as if to seal Nick's fate.

Brian glared angrily at him, so Nick decided it would be best to try and calm him.

"Brian, look, it isn't what it looks like. Actually, it's really quite simple...ahh!!!!" Nick started to yell as Brian picked him off the ground. Nick had heard in survivor stories that when a person is angry they have an incredible adrenaline rush that makes them stronger. Nick now understood why this was so.

"Don't you try to sweet talk me with that shit eating grin of yours, Nick! I know, you know, and now Kevin unfortunately knows that, of all people, you've been seeing AJ?! What the hell? Talk to me damn it!" Brian screamed, shaking Nick a little. Nick's eyes grew to the size of small saucers as he realized that Brian was REALLY pissed off.

"AJ isn't all that bad." Nick barely whispered.

"That may be your opinion, but it gives you no right to hurt Kevin, my COUSIN, as much as you did. Kevin loves you, he trusted you when no one in his right mind would, and you betrayed that trust." Brian said. Someone pounded profusely on the door, yelling "I have to go!"

"There's a fake tree to your left. Piss on that!!" Brian yelled at him.

"Kevin isn't all that wonderful. He's trying to manipulate and control me." Nick cried out.

"Control you?! Manipulate?! Where the hell did you pull all that out from? Your cavernous ass?" Brian asked, outraged.

"What, you been staring at it?" Nick sneered. Bad move. Brian pushed Nick roughly against the wall. Nick groaned as bolts of pain cascading up his upper torso where he hit.

"Now, why the hell would I stare at your ass? I'm not like YOU. Back to my first question: Control? Manipulate? How do you figure all that?" Brian asked more calmly, actually wanting an answer.

"He's always talking to me like a kid and, and he never wants me to leave his side, and I need space." Nick stated.

"He talks to EVERYONE like a kid and your never there for him. Of course he's gonna want you more. Are you a complete dumbass or are you just joking with me?" Brian asked.

"I'm NOT a dumbass and if you think that then you're no better than Kevin. AJ WAS right. All y'all two want to do is make me a puppet. I'm not y'alls little bitch, so stop treating me like one. Goodbye." Nick pushed past Brian and walked from the bathroom. Brian stood, feeling really bad for Kevin and fuming from his anger of Nick. The guy at the door was Howie.

"Damn! I was comtemplating hiking my leg and pissing on that tree you suggested." Howie joked. Brian gave him a very weak smile.

"Kev's already in the car. He told me all about it. AJ is taking his 'bitch' home tonight." Howie stated, gazing heavenward at the mention of 'bitch'.

"I'll be there in a sec. Just wait for me." Brian stated. Brian leaned against the cold sink in despair. 'What can I do?' Suddenly, an evil but very good idea rose into his head. Brian quickly grabbed his trusty cell phone and dialed a number.

"Hello? Um, I have a favor to ask you Justin......"

Next: Chapter 7

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