Scott Meets Gregg

By Scott Davis

Published on Mar 9, 2021


This story contains gay sex between consenting adults. If this story offends you or it is illegal for you, please leave this site. If not..enjoy and let me know what you think!

The characters and events in this story are fictional. The story may portray some real people, events, or places.

This story is a collaboration between myself and someone I have been chatting with from a previous story. Thanks Gregg it has been fun!

Remember Nifty relies and survives on generosity of people like you for donations. Please be generous.

Scott Meets Gregg

Aah, the first drink of a cold beer after a long week. The bartender, Chuck, knew my beverage of choice and will have it waiting for me as I would show up at the same time every Friday. I like Chuck! Plus the fact Chuck has a massive dick that he lets me suck on occasion doesn't hurt either.

Chuck and I were talking when a man in his mid 40's walked in. He looked like a lost puppy. Most people who come into this place head to the bar or are there to meet a group of friends. This guy seemed confused. Chuck walked over and asked if he could help him. He looked at Chuck and said he thought he wanted a drink. Chuck told him he was in the right place and directed him to sit at the bar. He sat around the corner from me and stared at the liquor bottles and beer taps. Chuck asked what he wanted and the man said he didn't know. He confessed that this was his first time in a bar. He was raised in a very religious family, married early, maintained a religious life and had never had a drink. Chuck suggested he start with a cold beer and see if he likes that. Chuck poured a small draft and sat it in front of the man. "On the house", Chuck told him. "We want to be nice to the virgin barfly." The man smiled and just stared at the beer.

Chuck looked at me and nodded toward the customer. I took the cue and introduced myself. Scott Douglas here and that beer isn't going to drink itself. The man turned and looked at me. I leaned over and stuck out my hand. He seemed to snap out of his haze and reached across to shake my hand. Gregg, Gregg Steffey. I repeated his story. So you have never had a drink or been in a bar? Correct, he said. Our religion prohibits us from visiting any establishment that serves liquor. Scott nodded. So, why today? Gregg turned and faced his beer. Because today my wife left me. He picked up his beer and drank it down. Scott flagged Chuck over and told him to pour Gregg another.

Scott asked Gregg if he would like to talk about it. That's kinda what we do when we sit at the bar. Gregg picked up his new beer and drank that one down as well. Chuck poured another. My wife decided she didn't want to live this lifestyle anymore. She said it was too restrictive and she needed to be free to live her own life. We have been miserable for a couple years. But today she laid it all out. She had been going out to bars, dancing, drinking, and, he picked up his third beer, sleeping with other men. He downed his third beer. She wasn't sleeping with me, but she told me she had been sleeping with other men. All this time I have been faithful. We would have our weekly relations and then that stopped. Stopped for me anyway. Gregg picked up his empty glass. Scott suggested Gregg have a glass of water and something to eat. Chuck got a basket of pretzels and a glass of water and set them in front of Gregg.

Gregg ate a couple pretzels and drank his water in silence. Scott could see the man processing all that just happened to him. Scott let him reflect for a moment and then asked. Can I ask you a personal question? Gregg nodded. You said weekly relations? Gregg nodded. So, sex? Gregg nodded again. You had sex once a week? Gregg nodded. Our religion's perspective is that sex is for reproduction purposes only. Scott shook his head. So, did you, ya know...Scott made a jerking off motion...Gregg shook his head. Masturbation was strictly forbidden. Chuck overheard this and looked at Scott. Scott nodded and Chuck poured another beer. So, what's the plan moving forward, Scott asked. Gregg said he had some ideas. Drinking was one of them and sex was the next. I have only been with one woman and have only had one type of intercourse. I know there are other things people do and I want to do them. Scott rubbed the drool from his chin as he thought about what it would be like to be with someone so innocent. Chuck laughed and shook his finger at Scott. Scott shrugged his shoulders.

Gregg looked at Scott and asked if he knew any women that he could have sex with. Chuck laughed out loud. Scott frowned at Chuck and said that he knew women. Gregg looked confused. Scott turned to Gregg. What Chuck was laughing about is I am gay. I have sex with men. Gregg nodded. I have heard about men who do that. That is strictly forbidden and you could be removed from the church if it was discovered you had relations with a person of the same gender. Gregg picked up his fourth beer and drank it down. So, let's have sex Scott Douglas. If I am going to break the rules I may as well start with one of the biggest! Scott and Chuck both choked a bit and looked around to see if anyone had heard the statement. Gregg stood up and motioned Scott to follow him. Scott finished his beer and looked at Chuck. Chuck leaned in and said, be gentle. Scott smiled and the two men walked out of the bar.

Scott watched as Gregg staggered a bit towards his car. Scott suggested they ride together and pointed Gregg in the direction of his car. Gregg gave Scott his address to plug into his phone and the two men were off. About 15 minutes later the men were at a small cottage type house. Gregg got out of the car and walked to the side door. Scott followed and when he realized Gregg wasn't able to get the key in the lock, took the set from Gregg and let the two men inside. Gregg pushed past Scott and said he needed to urinate. Scott steadied Gregg and helped him to the bathroom. Gregg stepped up to the toilet and pulled out his penis. Scott couldn't help but look. It was ample, cut and had a nice head on it. Gregg finished peeing, left his dick out of his pants, washed his hands and pushed past Scott again and headed to his bedroom. He sat on the bed and told Scott it was time to have sex. Scott walked over and pressed Gregg back on the bed. Gregg's dick flopped back and Scott admired it for a moment. When Scott looked back at Gregg's face his eyes were closed. He was out. Scott looked back down at Gregg's dick and reached out and stroked it. It twitched a bit and Scott pulled his hand away. Next time my friend, next time. Scott found a piece of paper and left Gregg a note with his phone number. Call me and I will give you a ride to get your car. Nice dick, by the way!

Gregg wakes up in the morning - fully clothed, his morning wood sticking out through the zipper. Confused with his state of dress and with one hell of headache. He begins to replay the events of yesterday (what he remembers) - that bitch of a wife confesses all her sins and packs her stuff and leaves him. She left saying she needed to live her life. Gregg remembers, thinking he could now live his life. Explore the things he only read about. Thinking all he gave up in his efforts to be a good husband to lead a proper life. It was his time to experience the world.

Walking to the bathroom, to relieve his bladder and find some aspirin, Gregg begins to recall more of the prior day's events. He remembers walking into the bar near his home - one he has seen many people go in and out many times as he drove to and from work. Walking in, not knowing what to expect, he remembers the bartender offering him a drink on the house (beer, his first ever). Wanting to experience it to the fullest he remembers he downed the beer in one gulp. Not bad. An acquired taste, but one he thinks he will come to him quickly. With his bladder relieved, he walks to the kitchen, his cock still sticking out of his pants. He starts a pot of coffee and sits down at the kitchen table. Again, he begins to recall the events of the day before. He then recalls Chuck introducing him to Scott. Years younger, Scott is a handsome manly man. He remembers being attracted to his smile. Something begins to stir in Gregg. He had never before given a thought to how a man looked. Gregg remembers Scott was asking him about his breakup, his religion and his sex life. Thinking back Gregg doesn't understand why he so freely spoke about his personal life and even more so his sex life.

A life he did speak of to anyone. He recalls Scott asking him about masturbation. He can't believe that he was so open to a complete stranger. Thinking back on the conversation - which is slowly coming clear through the fog of his first ever hangover - he notices his dick begins to harden. A new feeling for him. He remembers telling Scott he wanted to have sex. Did he really confess to another man that he wanted to have sex? Did he say he wanted to have sex with a woman other than his wife or just that he wanted to have sex. His mind flashes to a vision of Scott - his smile. The feeling he felt when he shook his hand.

Did he feel a tingle when their hands touched? He now remembers the hair on Scott's chest visible as the top few buttons on Scott's shirt were left unbuttoned exposing a nice furry chest.

Gregg looks down and discovers his dick hard (harder than it has been for as long as he can remember) and leaking pre-cum. Confused, he tries to remember more of the conversation he had with Scott. More of the events are coming to him. Did Scott say he was gay? Not able to remember any more, Gregg decides to clear his head with a drive. Tucking his stiff dick into his pants, he heads out the front door to his car. Not seeing his car in the driveway, Gregg tries to recall how he got home from the bar.

Walking back to his bedroom, he notices a piece of paper on his dresser.

Upon reading the note, Gregg wonders what happened that Scott would have seen his dick. For some reason, unknown to Gregg, he smiles. Nervous but throwing caution to the wind, Gregg picks up his phone and dials. Once again, Gregg realizes his dick is hard (becoming uncomfortable within the confines of his underwear and pants). One ring - Gregg unzips his pants to retrieve his dick. Another ring, Gregg holds his dick, having never really "felt his hardness," he wonders what it would feel like to masturbate. Another ring. "Hello" Scott says. Hearing no response, Scott says "Hello" once again. Gregg takes a deep breath and says Good Morning, Um, this is Gregg, Gregg Steffey. Um, I think we met yesterday? Um, at a bar. Um, I think you have my keys? Um, yeah, you left me a note with your number? Scott replied, Oh Yeah, the guy with the nice dick! Gregg coughed and felt his dick twitch and watched precum ooze from the slit. Um, yeah, I mean, you wrote that, um, do you have my keys? Scott was enjoying teasing this guy. I do, he replied. What are you willing to do to get them back? Absentmindedly Gregg had reached down and wrapped his free hand around his dick. Um, I, uh, don't know what you mean. He rubbed the precum around the head of his dick. He stroked. He was masturbating for the first time while on the phone with a man.

Scott said he would be over in 20 minutes with his keys. Maybe we can pick up where we left off, before you passed out? Gregg softly replied, um, yeah, ok. Scott hung up and smiled. Gregg looked at the phone and then at his other hand stroking his throbbing dick. He had never noticed precum when he and his wife had relations. Their relations involved light kissing and his wife opening her legs. They did use lube as it hurt his wife when he tried to enter her. He would usually only last a couple thrusts and then they would go to sleep.

All of a sudden he felt the need to shower. He washed and noticed he spent an extra amount of time washing his hard cock. Previously he would ignore it and then go pray until it went away. Today he engaged with it. He stroked it and he felt the familiar feeling in his balls, but this was so much better. He stroked it again. His balls tightened. On his third stroke his cock pulsed and he watched his cum shoot out of his cock onto the shower floor and wash down the drain. He could barely breathe. He held his cock and felt each pulse. He felt the surge of this new experience subside. He felt the water wash away the soap. He felt his cock go soft.

He turned off the shower and stepped out and grabbed a towel. He dried off and looked in the mirror. He looked at his dick. He touched his dick. He touched his balls. He heard a knock on the door. His dick twitched. He realized Scott was already there and quickly put on a pair of pants and a shirt. He opened the door and saw Scott dressed in a tank top and athletic shorts. He noticed an obvious outline of Scott's penis. Scott stood still as he watched Gregg scan over his body. Finally Scott jingled Gregg's keys bringing him out of his trance.

Gregg took the keys and told Scott thanks. Scott and Gregg stood in the doorway not moving. Scott decided to make the first move. He pressed past Gregg and asked if he had any coffee? Gregg turned and watched Scott walk into the kitchen. He noticed Scott's butt. His dick twitched.

Gregg followed Scott and pulled cups out of the cabinet. Scott thanked Gregg and took a seat at the kitchen table. He spread his legs open and watched Gregg stare at this crotch as he poured the coffee. Gregg missed and poured coffee onto the counter. Scott chuckled a bit and stood up and offered to help Gregg. Scott took the cup from Gregg and poured the coffee. He poured one for Gregg and then handed it towards Gregg. Gregg was frozen being so close to Scott. Scott set the coffees down and snapped his fingers bringing Gregg back to reality. Scott looked down and noticed a prominent bulge in Scotts pants.

Scott stepped closer to Gregg. Scott rubbed the bulge in Gregg's pants. How about we get this out of the way so you can concentrate? Gregg hadn't realized his cock was hard again and now had another person touching it. A man touching it. Gregg didn't say anything. Scott undid the button and pulled down the zipper. Gregg didn't move. Scott kept his eyes locked on Gregg's as he got down on his knees. Gregg was completely frozen. Scott opened his mouth and Gregg felt the wetness engulf his dick. He inhaled. Scott moved up and down Gregg's rigid dick. He licked under and licked around Gregg's balls. This caused sound to escape from Gregg's mouth. Scott stroked Gregg's dick and then took it back into his mouth. Gregg grabbed the counter and felt his balls lift. Scott sucked harder and faster. Gregg's knees buckled a bit as he felt his orgasm. His brain tried to process everything, but he could only feel the release of his second orgasm that had nothing to do with reproduction. He exhaled!

Scott finished him off and stood back up. Scott told Gregg he could put that back in his pants and turned and grabbed the two cups of coffee. Scott walked to the table and Gregg zipped and buttoned his pants and sat next to Scott.

Gregg's head was spinning. In the past 24 hours he found out his wife was having sex with other men, left him, he got drunk, masturbated and had just received oral sex from a man. He took a sip of his coffee and set his cup down. He looked at Scott and said he had no idea what he should say or do. Scott laughed a bit. Don't worry about it. How about we just have our coffee? Gregg took another sip and noticed that Scott had an erection in his shorts. Scott's hand was rubbing it a bit and Scott noticed Gregg looking. Scott pulled his shorts aside and pulled out his erect penis. You can touch it if you want. Gregg looked up at Scott's face. Gregg looked back down at the cock and Scott was stroking it a bit and rubbing his thumb over the head, spreading the precum around it. Gregg continued to watch. Scott spit in his hand and started stroking. He spread his legs farther and stroked faster. He pulled up his tank and moaned a bit. He pumped harder and grunted as he shot his load up his belly and chest. Gregg's mouth drooled a bit. Scott pulled his hand off his softening dick and wiped the cum off his torso. He pulled his hand to his mouth and ate his cum. Gregg couldn't move.

Scott grabbed a napkin off the table and wiped up the rest of the cum. He stood and threw the napkin into the trash and told Gregg to get up. You need to get out of the house. Put some shoes on and meet me outside. Scott turned and left. Gregg raced down the hall to grab his shoes. His mind was so conflicted. What was he doing? He finished lacing his shoes and ran outside. Scott was in a jeep that had no doors or top. Scott motioned for Gregg to get in and the two were off.

Scott took Gregg to an off road trail area and threw the jeep into four wheel drive. He took off up the first hill. The next hour Scott and Gregg ran the course. Gregg was having the best day of his life! He felt alive! Scott asked Gregg if he would like to drive. Gregg jumped out of his seat and ran around the Jeep. Scott laughed. I'll take that as a yes. Scott jumped over into the passenger seat and Gregg buckled into the driver seat. Gregg turned and smiled at Scott. He put it in gear and took off down the trail. He had never driven like this. He was breaking free of the shell he had been living under. He felt everything change as he came over the crest of a hill and the Jeep left the ground. When the Jeep reconnected with the ground Gregg let out the loudest shout and had the largest smile on his face. He came to the end of the trail and when the jeep stopped his heart was beating so hard he thought it would come out of his chest. Gregg told Scott that was incredible and he never felt more alive! Can we go around again? Scott laughed and told Gregg to hit it!

When the men were done with the trail they headed back to Gregg's stopping at a Hotdog Stand grabbing a quick dinner. When they arrived at Gregg's, Gregg offered Scott some water. He apologized saying he didn't have any beer. Scott said it was ok. Water would be awesome. They went in the house and Gregg grabbed two waters from the fridge. He turned to hand one to Scott and was pressed back against the refrigerator and was getting his first man to man kiss. He dropped the bottle of water and let Scott kiss him. He felt his mouth and tongue respond. He felt his body respond. He pressed into the kiss. He pressed Scott back into the counter. He was kissing Scott. He was kissing a man.

Their bodies were pressed tightly together. Gregg was very aware of his dick and and Scott's dick were erect and rubbing into each other. The kiss continued until Scott pressed Gregg back. Gregg reluctantly pulled away. Scott told Gregg he didn't need to do anything he didn't feel comfortable doing. He was aware this was all new to Gregg and didn't want Gregg to feel like he was being forced or taken advantage of. Gregg took Scott's hand and walked him to the bedroom. Gregg sat on the bed. I promise not to pass out this time.

Oh, God, what am I doing Gregg thought as he sat on his bed while this beautiful man stood in front of him looking at Gregg, knowing the man was battling the two voices in his head. One voice telling him he is a sinner and will burn in hell. The other tells him to be adventurous, to take life, and Scott, by the balls and live. Looking up at Scott, Gregg knew what he wanted. With a quivering voice, Gregg asked Scott to remove his clothes. Gregg wanted to see the naked body of this "God" standing in front of him. Scott begins to perform a seductive strip tease. Down to only his tight boxer brief, Scott turned his back to Gregg. Tucking his fingers into the waistband of his underwear, bending over, Scott proceeded to briefs down his legs. As reached his feet Scott heard Gregg gasp. Gregg could not believe the beautiful sight in front of him. Scotts had dusting of fine dark hairs beginning at the small of his back, covering both cheeks, and circling his man hole. Totally naked Scott turned to face Gregg. Again, Gregg gasped as Scott stood completely naked not 3 feet away from him. Gregg could not believe his eyes. Flaccid, he estimated Scott's dick to be 5+ inch. Gregg, lost in the beauty before him, knew at this point there was no turning back. Wanting nothing more than to examine every inch of the body standing before him. Reaching out for Scott, Gregg gently pulls Scott to his bed.

The bed that, not 48 hours, he had shared with his wife. Both move towards the head of the bed.

Gazing into each other's eyes, Gregg begins his tour, discovering Scott's body, wanting to touch, smell and taste every inch. Beginning by softly touching his face, Gregg began to trace the structure of Scotts face. Starting with his eyes, over this nose and then to his lips. Scott opens his mouth and gently sucks Gregg's finger. Moving down over Adam's apple, Gregg begins to explore Scott's chest, which is covered in hair. Reaching Scott's nipple's, Gregg is amazed at how hard they have become, feeling nothing like his wife's. Having a sudden urge to taste Scott, Gregg moves in and begins to suck Scott's left nipple, his hand pinching Scotts right nipple. Scott begins to moan. Wanting to discover more, Gregg's lips begin to move down Scott's torso. Finding his belly button, Gregg inserts his tongue and begins to gently kiss Scott's belly button. Reaching down, Gregg finds Scott's engorged cock. Surrounded by a trim bush of pubic hair, Scott's cock is the first cock Gregg has ever seen, much less touched other than his own.

Gently stroking up and down, Scott begins to leak, precum forming at the tip.

Lost in the moment, Gregg licks the tip of Scott's dick getting his first taste of precum, something he would come to love. Wanting to give Scott the same pleasure Scott provided Gregg the night before, Gregg opens his mouth and begins to engulf Scott's dick. Being his first time giving a blow job, Scott had to remind Gregg to be careful with his teeth. Wanting to give ultimate pleasure, Gregg attempts to take all of Scott, Gregg begins to gag. Scott explains, it takes time learning to deep throat. Go slow, you will get there, Scott says. Gregg begins to bob up and down on Scott's dick. Sucking like his life depends on it. Gregg's hand begins to discover Scott's balls. Rolling each in between his thumb and forefinger. Stretching the ball sac as far as he dared. Scott's moaning becomes louder. Up and down Gregg continues to suck on Scott's dick. By instinct, Gregg swirles his tongue around the head of Scotts cock, stopping every now and then to tongue the piss slit to swallowing every bit of precum Scott is producing. Not able to take much more, Scott tells Gregg he is close. Gregg continues to suck, both fearing and anticipating Scott's load. Gregg feels Scott's cock swell in his mouth, Scott's balls begin to tighten close to body. Suddenly Scott grunts and begins to shoot his cum into Gregg's waiting mouth. Not knowing what to expect, Gregg begins to swallow but unable to keep up with the volume of cum filling his mouth, cum begins to leak out the sides of his mouth. Scott continues to shoot - 4, 5, 6 squirts fill Gregg's mouth. Gregg continues sucking until he has taken all Scott has to offer. With no more cum shooting out of Scott's dick, Gregg begins to clean up what leaked down Scott's shaft, wanting to get as much of Scott's seed as he possibly could. After swallowing it all, Gregg looks up at Scott's smiling face. Climbing back up Scott's body, Gregg leans in to kiss Scott. Gregg's tongue pushes forward and Scott's mouth opens to accept it. Scott begins to suck on Gregg's tongue, tasting his remnants of his own cum. After several minutes of passionate kissing, they break apart. Gregg realizes at this point that he is still completely dressed. Looking down at his crotch, he sees the wet spot. Surprised, Gregg realizes that as Scott was cuming in mouth, he was shooting his own load. Gregg rests his head on Scott's chest, listening to his heartbeat, his hands gently tracing Scott's nipples. Scott wraps his arms around Gregg. Both drift off to a blissful sleep.

Gregg smiles in his sleep. What an incredible dream! He had sex dreams before, but this one was the best he had ever had. He could actually feel it. Gregg squirmed in his sleep. He was enjoying it, but too much, he felt the orgasm as he woke. He looked down and Scott was milking his cock of his morning load. Gregg grunted and his body twitched as his cock pulsed its last spurt of cum. Scott looks up at Gregg and tells him Good Morning. Gregg drops his head back into his pillow and recovers from his wake up call. Scott moves back up and kisses Gregg and tells him coffee is ready.

Scott gets up and walks naked to the kitchen. Gregg unsure what to do, remains in bed and reaches down to feel his wet soft cock. He recalls what happened the night before. He panics a little. He has completely gone over the edge. But, he didn't care. All the restrictions he had lived under kept him from living a full life. Experiencing a heart pumping life. He continued stroking his soft cock and felt it swell. He didn't remember getting an erection so quickly after sex with his wife. He stroked more and as Scott walked back in the room with two cups of coffee he was fully erect. Scott smiled and set the coffees on the nightstand.

Scott slid next to Gregg and took his cock back in his mouth. Gregg moaned with pleasure as he received his second blow job of the morning. He rubbed Scott's back and slid his hand down to Scott's ass. Gregg looked and admired it's roundness. He ran his hand over each globe and Scott wiggled his ass a bit startling Gregg. Scott laughed. You think you're ready for that? Gregg, realizing what Scott was asking, blushed and looked back at his hand which was moving between Scott's cheeks. He never explored his wife. There was no touching. It was very robotic. Gregg actually felt a ping of sadness and understanding for his wife.

Scott moved up to Gregg's face. Scott asked Gregg if he happened to have any lube or lotion. Gregg pointed to the nightstand. Scott was surprised to find a tube of KY Jelly. Gregg told Scott he needed it when he had sex with his wife. Scott cocked his head. Gregg said it kind of hurt when he entered her. It was dry and neither of us enjoyed it much. When I used the lotion it felt better. Scott didn't press for further information but said that this wouldn't hurt him and he would enjoy it!

Scott squeezed lube into his hand and rubbed it on Gregg's dick. Gregg flinched a bit at the coldness. Scott smiled and said it would warm up in a minute. Scott moved and climbed over Gregg and straddled his body. Gregg's brain went into overdrive. He wondered how this position would work. He had only done missionary with his wife. Where would he put his hands? How would he move with Scott's weight on top of him? How does he reach his penis to put it in? Scott sensed Gregg's questioning and leaned down and kissed him. Don't worry. I'll do all the work.

Scott sat back up and pulled Gregg's hands to his chest and moved his fingers to his nipples. Rub and pinch them. He told Gregg. Scott reached behind him and positioned Gregg's dick at his entrance. Scott lowered himself and Gregg felt his dick slide into Scott's tight ass. Scott lowered himself until Gregg was completely inside him. He looked down and Gregg and told him to pinch his nipples. As Gregg pinched he felt Scott raise and lower on his dick. The harder he pinched the harder Scott bounced up and down. Scott never pulled his gaze away from Gregg's. Scott ground his ass on Gregg's cock and then started jacking his own. He fucked his hand as he rode Gregg. Gregg couldn't believe the feeling. It was so wet, so slippery, so good! He moaned as he felt his cock moving inside Scott. Scott moaned as he rode Gregg and jacked his cock. Gregg's body shuttered and they both moaned as their balls released their loads together.

Scott stayed on top of Gregg until his ass let Gregg's dick slide out of him. Scott moved off Gregg and leaned over to lick up the load he had sprayed on Gregg's chest. Scott moved up and kissed Gregg, sharing his load with his tongue. Scott pulled away and said he thinks their coffee has gotten cold.

Gregg was surprised when Scott walked out of the bedroom naked as he headed to the kitchen. Other than the bathroom or the bedroom (and only for sex with his wife), Gregg had never been naked in any othe part of his house. But as they say, when in Rome. Gregg got off the bed and proceeded to follow Scott to the kitchen. Gregg felt like a little kid walking around naked. It was very freeing for him. He just hoped all the blinds were closed so the neighbor could not see him walking around with his clothes on. In the kitchen, Gregg took a seat at the breakfast nook table watching the very sexy man in front of him warm their coffee in nothing but his birthday suit. Gregg thought he should feel guilty for allowing himself to give into the sins of the flesh. But the pleasure he felt as dick entered Scott was beyond anything he had felt before. In addition to the physical pleasure, he was developing an emotional connection with Scott. Something he has never felt in the past. Even with this wife. Snapped out of his thoughts when Scott placed a cup of coffee in front of him. Gregg looked up at Scott who could only smile down at his new friend. Scott sat opposite Gregg at the table knowing that Gregg must have many questions and emotions flowing through his mind. Scott sat in silence waiting for Gregg to start the conversation. Gregg, finally looking up asked, "does it hurt?" Gregg, being a little shy, says, "when my dick is in your ass, does it hurt?" Wanting to be open and honest, Scott tells Gregg there is some pain, but it quickly turns into pleasure, "a pleasure like no other." And with the right person, someone who is willing to take the time, to prepare you, to ensure your enjoyment, the pleasure is worth a little pain. Gregg asked Scott about his first time, Scott remembered fondly and relayed the events of his first time a cock penetrated him in the most intimate way. By the end of the Scott's story, Gregg realized he was hard again. He also realized that he had been leaking precum all over himself. Hoping Scott didn't notice, Gregg attempts to hide his embarrassment. Scott notices Gregg fidgeting, attempting to hide the copious amounts of precum that has accumulated. Sensing Gregg's embarrassment, Scott moves closer to Gregg. He takes Gregg's hand away from his crotch and then leans over and begins to clean Gregg with his tongue, lapping up every drop of precum that had accumulated on Gregg's cock and balls. Scott then ran his tongue over Gregg's piss slit, savoring the drop that was forming at the tip of Gregg's dick. He then came up and kissed Gregg, sharing the taste. Scott tells Gregg there is nothing to be embarrassed about and actually considered it flattering that Gregg was enjoying hearing the story of Scott's first time. Gregg, staring deep into Scott's eyes says, "please go slow." With that Gregg takes Scott's hand and leads him back to the bedroom. Gregg's dick leading the way.

Scott pulls Gregg down on the bed. He kisses him and rubs his hand up and down his body. He pulls away and asks Gregg if he is sure. Gregg nods. Scott rubs his hand across Gregg's chest brushing across his nipples. He hears Gregg inhale. Scott rubs across his nipples again and Gregg exhales. Scott uses his thumb to flick Gregg's nipple and leans down to take the other in his mouth. Scott uses his teeth to gently bite on Gregg's nipple. Gregg moans, pulls away, breathing heavily. He looks at Scott as he rubs his own nipples. Scott could see it. Lust, pure lust. Scott smiled and told Gregg he thought he may like that. Scott pulled Gregg back to his chest. Scott continued playing with Gregg's nipples arousing a new sexual awareness in him. Scott slid his hand down between his legs to Gregg's ass. Gregg didn't resist and even spread his legs a bit as his moans increased.

Gregg pulled Scott to his face. Do it, please! Do what? Scott asked as he pinched Gregg's nipples. Fuck me. Scott smiled and slid down and sucked Gregg's cock into his mouth. He wet it and moved down to his balls as he stroked Gregg's cock. Gregg couldn't believe the sensations he was feeling. Gregg felt Scott move down and then wetness around his ass. He tensed but gave in to the sensation. Gregg felt Scott's tongue explore his ass. He felt his body take in the sensation. He reached down and ran his fingers through Scott's hair. He was lost in this experience.

Scott could sense Gregg was almost ready. He pulled up and took the bottle of lube. He applied it generously to his cock and rubbed more into Gregg's ass. Gregg's eyes were closed and he moved his head back and forth with Scott's movements around his hole. Scott slid a finger in and Gregg's eyes shot open. Scott held his finger still. Gregg nodded. He slid his finger in and out and Gregg's eyes closed again. Scott added another finger and he felt Gregg's ass tighten and then accept him. Gregg was ready. As Scott moved into position Gregg opened his eyes. He looked up at Gregg and locked into his gaze. Scott placed the head of his dick at Gregg's virgin hole. Their eyes stayed fixed on each other as Scott pressed in Gregg's ass and took his virginity. When Scott had his dick inside Gregg he paused and asked Gregg if he was ok. Gregg said yes. Fuck me please! Scott was hesitant, but began moving back and forth inside Gregg's hole. Scott loved how tight Gregg was but the lube was working and Scott was able to move easily in and out.

Gregg felt his legs wrap around Scott and pull him inside deeper. Gregg wanted this. He wanted to be fucked. He wanted to be fucked harder. He pulled Scott down and moaned in his ear. Harder. Scott began thrusting faster. Harder, he heard Gregg moan. Scott began pounding Gregg. Gregg's eyes rolled back into his head. He reached for his cock and as he squeezed it he felt cum shoot from his balls. Scott could feel the warmth and sped up his thrusts and looked into Gregg's eyes. I'm close. Gregg's legs locked behind Scott. Scott's last thrust filled Gregg with his load. Gregg was amazed at the sensation of Scott's cock pulsing in his ass. How wet his ass felt. The sweat of their bodies mixed with his cum between them. Gregg pulled Scott's face to him and kissed him. Their bodies couldn't be more connected.

As they kissed Gregg felt Scott's cock slide out of him. He felt empty and a chill came over his body. Scott slid behind Gregg and spooned him while he pulled the sheets and blankets over them. Gregg was overwhelmed with everything that just happened. He felt Scott hold him tight as his body shook. He was in post orgasmic bliss.

This was completely different than sex with his wife. No passion, no sweat. Gregg cleaned himself up after. They even used a towel under them to keep the sheets dry. Now he was laying in a very wet area, the sheets were untucked, damp with sweat, their bodies still moist and Gregg could feel the tip of Scott's dick still oozing on his back. This was the life Gregg wanted to feel. Heart pumping and sweaty! He pulled Scott's arms tightly around him. The two men fell back asleep in post orgasmic bliss.

Next: Chapter 2

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