Scott Meets Gregg

By Scott Davis

Published on Mar 10, 2021


This story contains gay sex between consenting adults. If this story offends you or it is illegal for you, please leave this site. If not..enjoy and let me know what you think!

The characters and events in this story are fictional. The story may portray some real people, events, or places.

This story is a collaboration between myself and someone I have been chatting with from a previous story. Thanks Gregg it has been fun!

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Lunch and Happy Hour

Gregg woke back up and looked at the clock. It was 12:30 in the afternoon. He had never slept in this late. He recalled the events of the past 48 hours. Yes, his ass was sore, but the pleasure he experienced as he was penetrated for the time made up for any ass discomfort that lingered. Sex had never been this pleasurable with his wife. It was all mechanical with her. With Scott it was different. They took the time to explore each other. Enjoying giving pleasure to one another. All the senses were aroused. The taste of Scott's body, his lips, his nipples, his cock and his cum. The musky scent Scott's body emitted while he was fucking Gregg's - not perfume but a manly smell as Scott moved in and out of Gregg's ask. The sight of Scott's body as he hovered about him, looking down at Gregg. The facial primal expression as Scott unloads his seed deep into Gregg's ass. For the first time, Gregg realized that sex could be fun, could be pleasurable, could be exciting. Coming back into the present, Gregg realized Scott's hard cock was nestled in the crack of his ass. With a slight movement, he was able to position slide Scott's cock between his legs rubbing up against his perineum with the mushroom head poking at the back of his ball sac. Ever so slowing Gregg began to rock back and forth. Before long Gregg began to feel moisture between his legs. He realized Scott was leaking precum all down Gregg's thighs. Gregg continued this motion as Scott began to moan. Gregg felt Scott's arms tighten around his chest. Scott began to thrust back and forth, his dick, slicked with precum slid easily between Gregg's legs. Gregg tilted his head back, said Good Afternoon and opened his mouth to accept Scott's tongue as began to passionately kiss one another. Scott's hand moved down Gregg's chest, finding his cock hard and leaking. Scott began stroking Gregg's cock. Gregg, sensing Scott was close, and not wanting a perfectly good load to go to waste, abruptly pulled away, rolled over and while looking deep into Scott's eyes slid down the bed and took Scott's cock deep into his mouth. Wishing he could deep throat but knew that would take practice, Gregg sucked on Scott's cock as if he was trying to pull Scott's balls up through his dick. It didn't take long before Scott could take no more, his cock pulsating rope after rope of cum into Gregg's mouth. Gregg sucked out every drop of cum Scott had to offer, ensuring Scott's cock was clean - swirling this tongue around the corona while sucking on the tip. Scott, extremely sensitive, begged Gregg to stop. Removing himself from Scott's cock, Gregg crawled up Scott's body, until they were face to face. Smiling, Gregg leaned down and they kissed, battling tongues trying to get the last of Scott's cum before swallowing. After an intense makeout session, Gregg rolled off of Scott and allowed Scott to return the favor. Gregg shot quickly and pulled Scott back up to his waiting mouth. The men kissed and then Gregg put his head on Scott's chest. Scott's arm pulled Gregg as close to him as possible. Gregg could not believe how his life had changed in just a few short hours. The pleasures he experienced as he was being fucked. The pleasures he experienced as Scott was fucking him. He wasn't sure which pleasure he enjoyed the most. What he did know, was that he was falling for Scott. Screw his religion, he thought. If you can find someone to love and that someone loves you, seize the opportunity. Realizing his mind was moving too fast, Gregg kept his feeling to himself, not wanting to scare Scott off. Snapped back into the present, Gregg realized Scott was talking to him. Scott was saying that he needed to pee. Lifting his head, Gregg let Scott's arm slide out from behind his head. Gregg watched as Scott got out of bed and walked to the bathroom - enjoying the view of Scott's fuzzy ass as he walked away. Gregg laid his head on the pillow, savoring Scott's scents. Looking down, Gregg realized he was fingering his manhole, hoping he would once again be penetrated.

Scott reappeared from the bathroom with his bladder drained. What should we do today? He asked Gregg. Gregg reached down and was surprised to feel his cock hard again. He pulled on his erect cock. Scott laughed. Ok, that will take 5 minutes, what do we do after that? Gregg pulled on his erect cock again and let it slap his stomach. Scott took the hint and 4 minutes 20 seconds later Scott asked the question again. What should we do today? Gregg smiled and said first, food.

Scott mentioned they may want to shower before they head out as they both smelled like a used cum stained jock. Gregg grimaced at the visual. Then they headed to the bathroom. Freshly drained their cocks stayed mostly soft during the shower. Gregg enjoyed feeling Scott's soft cock. He spent several minutes rubbing his hands around Scott's balls and dick. Scott smiled as he watched Gregg's exploration. Scott had always been pretty sexually active. Maybe a bit too much. He had popped a few ass cherries, but those were usually just one and done. No emotion, just suck and fuck some drunk guy. Watching Gregg open up to his desires was very intense. Plus, he liked the guy. A friend with benefits! Gregg looked up at Scott and leaned in to kiss him. Scott's mind drifted as he pulled Gregg into a tight, wet, passionate kiss. A VERY good friend.

The two men finished their showers and headed out for a late lunch. Scott took Gregg to a small restaurant where he knew the owners. It wasn't officially a gay restaurant, but it was known to be a very gay friendly place. Scott hugged Trey and Kevin and they all kissed on the cheeks. Scott introduced Gregg as a newby to the gay scene, so to be gentle. Gregg blushed a bit and felt very nervous. Trey and Kevin reached out and shook Gregg's hand and led the two to a table. Kevin said he would bring them the daily special and Trey went to get them some waters.

Gregg looked around and saw only men. It was obvious that most of them were couples as they were holding hands or sitting very close to the other. Scott explained that Trey and Kevin were a couple and owned the restaurant. There is a random straight couple that comes in, but usually the crowd is all men. They are technically a bar but serve some great food. Just then Trey showed up with an arugula salad and a pulled pork sandwich.

Gregg took a bite of his sandwich and gave an approving nod. The two men ate their lunch and Scott talked about taking a buyout from his employer when they moved headquarters and was living kind of a retired life. He was able to do some consulting on occasion but more when he wanted to, so he was just enjoying life and the jeep was something he always wanted and found the dunes to be a heart pounding adventure that he truly enjoyed.

Gregg started telling Scott that he worked as an accountant for his church when his face became flushed and he realized he would need to let them know that his wife left him. Gregg got more flushed when he thought about how he could even go back to the church that had kept him in a box now that he had experienced all these new sensations. Scott asked if Gregg was ok. Gregg nodded and said he wasn't sure, but he would probably need to start looking for a new job.

Trey and Kevin came to the table and joined Gregg and Scott. Trey asked Scott if he was going to stay for happy hour? Scott turned to Gregg and asked if he would like to experience happy hour at a gay bar. Gregg nodded and took a drink of his water. Kevin asked, just how new are you to the gay scene? Scott laughed and looked at his watch. Kevin and Trey both raised their eyebrows.

Scott asked if they needed help setting up the stage area. Kevin nodded and the two headed off. Trey began clearing the table and Gregg offered to help. They took the dishes to the kitchen and then Trey asked if Gregg would help him carry a few boxes of liquor up from the basement. Gregg nodded. Trey threw his apron into the hamper and they headed downstairs. The basement had a wall of liquor and Trey grabbed four boxes, pulled a list out of his back pocket and went to the wall and started pulling bottles and placing them in the boxes. When he reached for bottles on the top shelf Gregg noticed his shirt pull up and a very fit and hairy torso underneath. He turned away quickly when Trey pulled the bottle off the shelf and handed it to Gregg. Trey pulled a step stool over and placed it next to Gregg. He stepped up the two steps which put his crotch right at Gregg's eye level. Trey always went commando and proudly sported a long, thick, veiny, uncut 9" dick which left a very visible outline in his jeans.

Trey looked down and noticed Gregg staring and asked if he wanted to see it. Gregg was startled and blushed as he shook his head. Trey told him it was ok and rubbed the expanding bulge. Gregg looked at the stairs. Don't worry Scott won't mind. He has seen it already, up close and personal. Gregg stood frozen and Trey took that as his cue to unzip his pants. Gregg looked at the stairs again and then back up at Trey. Trey smiled and undid the button on his jeans. He slid his hand inside his pants and pulled out his growing member.

Gregg was transfixed on what he saw. It was different from his and Scott's. Trey pulled the foreskin back and Gregg gasped a bit. The head was huge! Gregg heard Trey tell him to touch it. Gregg couldn't take his eyes off the cock in front of him and reached up and wrapped his hand around its girth. It was so thick. He moved his and saw the foreskin slide back and forth. He was intrigued. He used his other hand and touched the head. He felt the foreskin slide over his finger as it slid back over the cock head. When he slid the foreskin back he noticed how shiny and wet it was. He couldn't help himself and leaned in to lick the leaking head.

The guys upstairs yelled to tell them to hurry up. This snapped Gregg back to reality and he felt guilty that he was just looking at another man's penis. He grabbed the two full boxes of liquor and moved quickly back up the stairs. He set the boxes on the bar and Trey showed up with his two boxes and a very noticeable bulge and wet spot.

Scott asked what took them so long. He said he began to wonder if Trey had whipped out his huge dick and tried to get Gregg to give him a blow job. Gregg's face completely gave him away. Well, that and the still prominent bulge and growing wet spot in Trey's jeans. Scott walked over to Gregg and put his arm around his shoulders. It's a thing of beauty isn't it? Then turned to Trey. Pull it back out and let Gregg get a good look. Gregg felt very warm as he watched Trey pull his dick back out.

Kevin came over and dropped to his knees. Gregg watched as Kevin took the head of the dick in his mouth and then watched as the entire 9" disappeared. Kevin bobbed up and down a few times and then turned to Gregg. Wanna try? Gregg shook his head. Scott leaned in. It's ok. I have sucked him a few times. Gregg was hesitant, but stepped over and kneeled next to Kevin. Kevin held the dick in place and Gregg opened his mouth and felt it slide past his lips. This was much bigger than Scott's dick. Once a couple inches were in his mouth he gagged. He pulled off and Kevin rubbed his back and said this kind of dick takes some practice, and then turned and swallowed it again. Gregg watched as he saw Kevin's throat expand as the cock entered and exited his gullet.

Kevin pulled off and smiled at Gregg. Watch this, he said. He buried the cock down his throat again and pulled down hard on Trey's balls with one hand and shoved two fingers up his ass with the other. Trey grunted and moaned and Kevin started slurping. Gregg watched as Trey's cock pulsed and pulsed and pulsed a load into Kevin's mouth. Gregg studied Kevin and was amazed that no cum leaked from his mouth. Kevin pulled his fingers free and let Trey's balls loose. He stroked Trey's dick and milked the rest of his cum into his mouth. Trey fell back against a bar stool and swore at Kevin. Dammit, you know that makes me blow too quick. Kevin stood and smiled at Trey. That's why I did it. We need to get back to work and you can't think when all the blood from your brain is in your cock. Gregg realized he was still on his knees staring at Trey's dick. He quickly stood up and Scott pulled him close. How'd ya like that? Gregg grinned and blushed. The next hour the guys moved the tables and chairs around and the restaurant now looked more like a lounge. Gregg was curious what the stage would be used for.

Gregg helped move tables and chairs but was not paying attention. He could not get the vision of Trey's thick, uncut cock out of his mind. Watching Kevin take the entire cock down his throat was something he would never be able to accomplish. During sex education class in his younger days, he learned what an uncircumsized was but, considering his sheltered life, had never seen one before. All he knew was that he wanted to see it again, explore every detail. He also wanted to learn more as to why Kevin's pulling on Trey's balls had sent Trey over the edge. He also had to talk with Scott. Trey had said that Scott had seen his cock "up close and personal." Gregg wondered how up and close. He wanted the details. Had Scott and Trey had sex in the past? Finally, Gregg wanted to talk with Kevin. He wanted to learn more about the art of sucking cock. More specifically, how to deepthroat a cock as thick as Trey.

Before he knew it, the restaurant was transformed. As the guys were standing around chit chatting about nothing in particular, Gregg noticed men entering the restaurant. Not just men, young, healthy, fit men. Trey and Kevin waved hello to each who had entered. Waving back, each went down to the basement. Gregg recognized one of the men as the bartender, he thinks his name is Chuck, that served him his first taste of alcohol just the night before. Gregg asked Scott about "Happy Hour."

All Scott would say is that it is an experience and grabbed and squeezed Gregg's crotch. Gregg's dick began to chub up. The last day and a half had been a whirlwind for Gregg and it did not seem to be slowing down. By this time, customers began to arrive - all men. All in all, the scene seemed to be like any other gathering, even one of the church gatherings Gregg has attended in the past - except there were no women. Trey and Kevin were tending to the bar. Scott ordered two beers and two kamikaze shots. Handing the beers to Gregg, Scott grabbed the shots in one hand and Gregg's hand in the other, leading Gregg to a table right in front of the makeshift stage.

Scott and Gregg slowly drank their beers. Gregg, wanting to experience everything, did not want to get drunk like he had the night before. Gregg and Scott talked, learning about one another. How life brought them to this point in life. Gregg opened up a little about his job at church and how he would have to find a new job soon. Scott whispered in Gregg's ear that his job worries were a problem for another day. Finding Gregg's lips, Scott began to kiss Gregg, surprised at how easily Gregg's mouth opened to accept his tongue. Scott realized that Gregg was a quick learner. Scott's hand, making its way up Gregg's thigh, found that Gregg was hard. As they continued to kiss, Scott continued to rub Gregg's crotch. Before long, Scott realized his hand was wet. Gregg was leaking through his pants. Scott continued to rub.

It wasn't long before the lights began to dim. Music began to play. Taking one of the Kamikaze shots and handing the other to Gregg, Scott held his shot in front of him, "here's to a happy hour." Gregg, not knowing what to do, just held his shot in his hand. Scott tapped the glasses together and downed his shot, licking his lips to get every drop.

Following Scott's lead, Gregg swallowed his drink in one gulp. He thinks it is something he could get used to enjoying. Just then Kevin was on stage welcoming everyone - asking if everyone was ready for the night of their life - or at least this Saturday night. Hearing a roar of cheers, Kevin told the crowd to sit back, relax and enjoy the show. The room went dark. Suddenly, lights pointed at the stage, focused on one of the healthy, fit men Gregg saw enter earlier and head to the basement. However, now this hot guy was dressed as a fireman. Just then, music began to play. The fireman began to dance, not regular dancing that Gregg was used to, but a seductive, hip rotating dance. As the fireman was dancing, he began removing his clothes - the heavy uniform jacket was the first to go. Under the jacket, the firman was shirtless, only the suspenders holding up his uniform pants. Gregg knew of strip clubs. He had helped organize a protest to successfully close the "titty" bar that opened up a block away from his church. What he did not know there were strip clubs that featured men. Better yet, that catered to gay men. Gregg was transfixed on the guy dancing right in front of him, not even realizing his cock continued to be rubbed by Scott. Before long the firefighter was down to only his very small underwear and his fire helmet. The crowd was going wild. Gregg was mesmerized. The pouch on the fireman's little underwear (Gregg would later learn the underwear is a G-String) began to expand. The firefighter continued his dance, jumped off stage and began to move through the crowd, gyrating his hips to the beat of the music. Reaching the table shared by Gregg and Scott, the firefighter looked towards Scott and winked. Scott nodded. The firefighter grabbed the front of his g-string and pulled. The next thing Gregg realized was the firefighter was completely naked, and dancing right in front of him. Using the back of Gregg's chair, the firefighter was soon standing on Gregg's chair, his feet straddling Gregg's hips. That is when Gregg noted that firefighters dick had a ring that entered the side and came out through the tip. The shiny ring had Gregg hypnotized. The firefighter continued to sway his hips, moving his cock closer to Gregg's face. Before he knew it, the firefighter's cock was resting on Gregg's lips. Lost in the moment, Gregg opened up his mouth and welcomed the taste of his third cock. Gregg began to suck. Before long, the firefighter's cock had grown to its full length. Gregg later learned that the full length was 9". Gregg could only take about 3". What he lacked in his ability to take more of the cock, Gregg made up for in his eagerness to please the firefighter. The crowd began to urge Gregg on. Gregg continued to suck, his tongue playing with the ring that protruded from the cock head. The firefighter began to lightly face fuck Gregg. After what seemed to be only minutes, Gregg was in "heaven" and lost all track of time, the cock in his mouth began to swell and pulse. Gregg was quickly swallowing the firefighters load. He didn't think the flow of cum would ever stop but he was determined to swallow it all. Finally done shooting, the firefighter jumped down off of Gregg's chair and leaned to kiss Gregg. Gregg's mouth open, the firefighter was enjoying the taste of his own cum. The crowd continued to go wild at the show they were witnessing. Breaking the kiss, the firefighter turned, winked at Scott, climbed back on the stage, waved to the crowd and was gone. Gregg's mind trying to process the events of the last several minutes, stared into Scott's eyes. Scott was smiling. Gregg loved Scott's smile. Coming down off his high, Gregg realized Scott's hand was still on Gregg's crotch. Looking down, he realized that his cock was exposed and Scott's hand was covered in cum. Scott had jacked Gregg off to climax while Gregg was sucking the firefighter. Gregg leaned over to Scott and whispered into his, "I think I am falling for you." Scott immediately kissed Gregg with all the passion he could muster.

The two pulled away from their kiss as the next performer came on stage. It was Chuck, the bartender, dressed as a high end bartender, bow tie and martini shaker. Chuck opened the shaker and poured the contents down his shirt. His shirt was now see through and his large, brown, nipples became visible through the wetness. Chuck rubbed his hands down his chest to his crotch. He tugged and tossed his pants to the side and into Gregg's lap. Chuck then ripped open and off his shirt leaving him in a very revealing thong and his bow tie. Chuck's dance skills were very erotic. His hip thrusts made Gregg's mouth water as did the sizable bulge packed into the thong.

Chuck worked the crowd and Gregg watched as men rubbed his body, stuffed bills under the straps of his thong and openly groped his cock. Chuck allowed men to touch and lick his body all over. Chuck worked his way to Scott and Gregg's table. He leaned down and welcomed Gregg with a wet kiss then moved over in front of Scott and straddled his legs. Scott did not hesitate and reached up to Chuck's even more prominent bulge. Chuck reached down and pulled Scott's into his crotch. Scott mouthed around his bulge and then reached up to pull down the front of Chuck's thong, releasing his growing cock. Gregg looked around the room and saw the crowd applauding and cheering, TAKE THAT COCK, TAKE THAT COCK, when Gregg turned back his mouth fell open. Chuck's cock had grown and was the largest thing Gregg had ever seen. Larger and girthier than Trey's by far. The crowd kept cheering when Scott turned to Gregg and smiled. He turned back to Chuck's cock and opened his mouth. The noise of the crowd fell into the background as Gregg watched Chuck's cock disappear inch by inch until the cock was fully engulfed by Scott's throat.

Gregg could not believe what he was witnessing. Scott came off the cock and the roar of the crowd brought Gregg back into reality. Scott began working the head of Chuck's dick. Rolling his tongue around the head. Jacking the length of the cock with his hands. Gregg looked up at Chuck who was pinching his nipples with his head looking down at the action on his dick. He winked at Gregg and then through his head back. Scott pulled off as it erupted across his face. Chuck leaned down to lick the cum off Scott's face and then turned to Gregg and planted a kiss on his lips. Gregg took Chuck's tongue and cum into his mouth. The crowd went wild! Chuck stood back up and flapped his softening dripping cock back and forth. He milked the last drops of cum out of his dick and licked it off his fingers. He took his bow and headed off stage.

How do you like me now? Scott asked Gregg. Gregg leaned in and licked a bit of cum that was on Scott's cheek as he squeezed Scott's throbbing cock through his jeans. Gregg and Scott watched as the next performers worked the crowd and spewed their loads into welcoming mouths.

Trey came on stage and flaunted his very pronounced bulge in his pants. He said he hoped everyone was enjoying the show as much as he was. The crowd all cheered. He announced the grand finale would start in a few minutes allowing some of the performers a few minutes to reload their balls. Scott turned to Gregg. Get ready, the finale will make you blush and probably cum in your pants. Trey stepped off stage and asked Gregg what he thought of Happy Hour. Gregg smiled and rubbed the bulge in his pants. Trey looked at Scott. Do you think he is ready for the finale? Scott laughed. I already told him he'll probably cum in his pants.

The lights dimmed and Gregg could see several performers enter the stage area with what looked like a large wheel. When the lights were raised Gregg could see six of the performers standing completely naked on stage. The wheel sections each had a picture of a sexual act except for one that had the initial DP. Gregg had no idea what that meant and leaned over to ask Scott. Scott shook his head. Let's just wait and see if anyone lands on it. The music began and the men started moving together. They were thrusting their hips and their cocks began plumping. The music stopped and a spotlight shined on one of the dancers. He stepped over and spun the wheel. The wheel stopped and it landed on a picture of a man on his knees. The color of the section matched a wrist band of one of the other dancers who stepped forward. The spinner dropped to his knees and began sucking. He worked the man's cock for several minutes and then the music started again. The two went back to the line up and their boners bounced as they danced with the others.

The wheel was spun and the men performed the sexual act that was landed on. Gregg couldn't stop rubbing his cock and had even started rubbing Scott's cock. The wheel spun again and landed on the DP. The man started rubbing his ass. He pointed to two of the dancers who laid down on the stage so their cocks and balls were touching. Gregg looked at Scott and then back at the dancers. The two men laying on the stage grabbed their dicks and squeezed them together. The guy who spun the wheel poured lube over the men's dicks. He took some more and poured it in his hand, then reached around and rubbed it on his ass. Gregg began putting the pieces together. Gregg pushed hard down on his cock and gave Scott's a firm squeeze. The crowd started chanting. DP...DP...DP. The dancer stood over the two men and then lowered himself onto their cocks. Gregg watched in amazement as the man started raising and lowering himself on the two cocks. Gregg was squeezing his cock hard. Scott leaned back and released his cock. Gregg grabbed a hold of Scott's dick and rubbed the precum around his head. Gregg stared at the stage and the man was bouncing up and down and stroking his cock. Gregg matched his strokes on Scott's cock and kept squeezing his own. The dancer slammed down on the two cocks and then released his load onto the stage. The crowd went wild and Gregg felt wetness on his hand and then warm wetness in his own pants.

Scott lifted Gregg's hand and sucked his fingers clean as the music started again the men all stood back in line and danced their now flaccid dicks off the stage. Scott finished cleaning Gregg's hand and leaned over to kiss Gregg. Gregg enjoyed tasting Scott's cum in his mouth. Scott pulled away and looked down at Gregg's cum soaked crotch. Don't worry, you're not the first guy to cum in his pants during the finale. Gregg picked up his drinked and gulped it all down. When he looked around the bar he saw men making out and groping each other's bulges.

The house lights came up a bit and Trey came back on the stage. He thanked everyone for coming and announced it was time for the last call. The dancers all reappeared in skimpy shorts and made their way through the crowd with trays of shots. Once every man had a drink Trey raised his glass and the crowd shouted LAST CALL.

The men began to leave and soon it was just Scott and Gregg. Kevin and Trey came to their table and asked Gregg what he thought. Gregg blushed. Scott pointed to Gregg's crotch. Trey reached out to give Gregg a high five. Good job! Glad you liked the show. Scott thanked Trey and Kevin and said they should get home so they can clean up the dried cum in their crotches. They said their good nights and Gregg enjoyed the open air blow against him as they drove home in the jeep.

Scott pulled into Gregg's driveway. He turned to Gregg and said he hoped Gregg had a good time and wasn't too overwhelmed with all that happened. Gregg shook his head and told Scott it was awesome, but a lot to process. Scott told Gregg he needed to head home for the evening. He had a meeting in the morning. Gregg frowned a bit but nodded that he had some thinking to do before he went to work in the morning. Gregg looked around then leaned over and kissed Scott. He got out of the jeep and told Scott good night.

Gregg entered his house and stripped out of his clothes. He turned on the shower and stepped in under the warm water. He ran his hands over his body and felt the dried cum in his pubes. He soaped his body and grinned as he thought back over the past few days. He frowned as he thought about what he faced the next day. Gregg turned off the shower and dried off as he walked to his bedroom. He looked at the messed bed. He crawled in and pulled the sheets to his nose taking in the sexual aroma he and Scott had left behind and drifted off to sleep.

Next: Chapter 3

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