Scott Meets Gregg

By Scott Davis

Published on Mar 11, 2021


This story contains gay sex between consenting adults. If this story offends you or it is illegal for you, please leave this site. If not..enjoy and let me know what you think!

The characters and events in this story are fictional. The story may portray some real people, events, or places.

This story is a collaboration between myself and someone I have been chatting with from a previous story. Thanks Gregg it has been fun!

Remember Nifty relies and survives on generosity of people like you for donations. Please be generous.

When Gregg woke he didn't ignore his morning hard on as he had done for years. He stroked until he shot his load up his chest. He enjoyed the climax and took a few minutes to come down from his orgasm. He did a quick clean up shower and then dressed and headed to his work. He walked up to the main entrance and walked into the church. As he entered he was immediately greeted by two assistant pastors who said they needed to talk. They walked to the Senior Pastor's office and found several deacon's sitting around the conference table.

The Senior Pastor started the conversation and Gregg could hear the judgement in his voice. This went on for long enough and Gregg put his hand up and interrupted the pastor. A couple other men grumbled a bit. Gregg stood and told them he would save them the time and tendered his resignation. Gregg started to say something, but decided it wasn't worth it. He turned and left the office and walked out of the church. He took a deep breath and felt years of constraints fall from his body. He undid his tie and threw it in a trash can as he walked to his car. Gregg heard his phone chime and saw a text from Scott. Gregg texted back. I quit. Gregg's phone was ringing a second later. Gregg answered and assured Scott everything was fine. He asked Scott if they could meet up later. Scott agreed and said he would come by the house in an hour or so. Gregg drove home with a smile of contentment on his face.

When Scott arrived the door was propped open and he heard music coming from inside. He pushed open the door and found Gregg at the sink, naked and moving a bit to the music. Scott enjoyed the view for a few moments and then snuck up behind Gregg and wrapped his arms around his naked body. Gregg was startled, but accepted the embrace. He turned and he kissed Scott. Scott rubbed his hands down Gregg's back to his soft cheeks and squeezed. Scott could feel Gregg's cock responding. Scott pulled from their kiss and dropped to his knees. Gregg exhaled as his cock was enveloped by Scott's wet mouth. Gregg enjoyed the blow job and released his load in appreciation of the attention. Scott stood and they began kissing again.

Scott finally pulled away and asked Gregg for details. Gregg said the Genie is out of the bottle and it is time to make some changes. He was ok financially. They lived well under their means and his wife did not have access to the funds in the account, so she left with nothing. He actually hated his job so it was a relief to finally be out of there. Scott questioned Gregg some more. He was concerned that he was being rash in his decisions, but Gregg seemed to have an overabundance of calmness surrounding him, so Scott finally let it go and asked if Gregg had any idea what he wanted to do. Gregg smiled and took Scott's hand and led him to the bedroom.

First, you are going to fuck me. Gregg reached down and undid Scott's pants and stripped him naked. Gregg handed Scott the bottle of lube and turned towards the bed and laid forward raising his ass to Scott. The raised ass in front of Scott was too much for him to resist. He bent forward and buried his tongue in Gregg's ass. Gregg moaned with pleasure and felt his cock leaking precum. He reached down and stroked his cock as Scott's tongue wet Gregg's hole.

Gregg groaned, FUCK ME NOW, Scott stood and used the lube on his cock and Gregg's ass. As he began to press his cock into the waiting hole, Gregg pressed back and took Scott's cock to the base. He grunted loudly in pain and pleasure. Scott grabbed Gregg's hips and steadied himself. Gregg pulled forward and pushed himself back on Scott's cock again with another grunt of pain and pleasure. Scott's thrusts started to match Gregg's motions and soon Scott was releasing his balls into Gregg's ass. The two were sweating and their bodies slid together onto the bed, Scott's cock sliding from Gregg's ass.

Gregg smiled and leaned over to kiss Scott. Second, I want to know about your sex life. Scott's eyes opened wide. Gregg said he knew that Scott had been with Trey and Kevin, but wanted to know more. Scott hesitated and asked Gregg what he really wanted to know. Yes, he had sex with Trey and Kevin among several others, but what did he really want to know. Gregg thought about it and said he wanted to have more sex. Not to be cruel, that he really liked Scott's cock and the sex they had, but he also liked what happened at the bar. Gregg said he wanted to experience more and would Scott show him. Scott leaned in and kissed Gregg. I think what you need is a couple good friends and a long weekend at my cottage. Yes, I have had a lot of sexual encounters over the years, but several were empty connections that had no feeling and were just a conduit to get my rocks off. The best sex I have had, the sex you should experience is with people you can trust. Then you will be more willing to let your guard down and let nature take its course.

Gregg smiled and said he just happened to have an abundance of free time on his hands and loved the idea and wondered if Trey and Kevin would be part of the group at the cottage? Scott smiled. You like that cock don't you? Gregg smiled and said he wanted to learn how to deep throat like Kevin did to Trey's cock. Scott said he would make sure they were invited. Gregg asked who else would be coming? Scott said it would be a surprise and for Gregg to do some research, in other words get online and watch some porn and see what piqued his curiosity.

Scott got out of bed and told Gregg he needed a shower and had to leave for the day for work and asked if Gregg would like to come over to his place for dinner? Gregg smiled. He was being asked out on a date. By a man. He nodded and felt his face become flush. When Scott returned from the shower Gregg had his laptop open and was browsing gay porn websites and clicking on multiple videos with a variety of scenarios. Scott asked Gregg a question, but Gregg had his earbuds in and couldn't hear anything other than the moans of men. Scott leaned in and gave Gregg a kiss on the cheek. Scott smiled as he watched Gregg's eyes open to new discoveries.

Gregg, lost in his "research" project, could not believe what he was appearing on his computer screen. Photos of men of all body types, ages, colors, everything he never before imagined. Words and acronyms he had never heard of - twinks, bears, cubs, tops, bottoms, versatile, trans, and the list went on and on.

Gregg seemed to drift towards some group action. He liked that men switched between each other and could be sharing one man. He thought he would like to be the one shared. He watched as men deep throated other men. He rewound these videos to see if he could learn how to do it himself.

Gregg looked at the different men and liked looking at the more masculine men. They seemed to fuck harder and get more into the sex than the younger men. The younger twink men reminded him too much of his wife. He wanted to be with a man. Not an effeminate boy. Gregg wasn't sure about some of the bonage. He thought about what Scott had said about having sex with men he trusted. He would definitely need to trust someone for that situation.

Before Gregg realized it he had been watching porn for several hours. He was hungry and needed a shower. His cock had been hard the entire time he was "researching" and oozing loads of precum matting down his pubic hair with its sticky goodness. Gregg quickly lathered up and stroked his cock until he released his load and felt his dick go soft.

Gregg turned off the shower and dried off. He was going to wrap himself in the towel, but decided he wanted to be naked. He went to the kitchen and grabbed an apple and was surprised when the backdoor swung open. He turned and saw his wife standing there and both froze with their mouths open. Gregg because his wife was there and his wife because Gregg was naked.

His wife, Lacey, wasn't sure what to say, but then screamed at him. What are you doing here and why are you naked? Gregg was confused. This is my house, why wouldn't I be here? And my nakedness is no longer any of your business. Gregg looked around and noticed several boxes that were filled with household items. He realized that she must have been doing all of this while he was watching porn in their bedroom.

When Gregg realized what his wife was doing he became irate and began yelling at her to get out of his house. Nothing in the house belongs to you. You left and therefore lost all claim to anything. Just then a man walked into the house. He heard the yelling and asked Lacey if everything was ok. Lacey shook her head and told the man that Gregg was not going to let her take her stuff from the house. The man became upset and pushed Gregg's naked body against the wall. He grabbed Gregg by the throat and then his dick and told Gregg he would let Lacey take whatever she wanted and there would be no more discussion.

Gregg was scared as this man was much taller and bigger than himself. He tried to push the man off but the man squeezed his dick harder. Lacey was laughing at Gregg and had grabbed a box and was about to walk out of the kitchen when Scott walked in carrying a bat. Scott was no light weight and took a swing and landed it in the middle of the man's back dropping him to his knees in front of Gregg's cock. Scott pointed the bat at Lacey and told her to put the box down and the police were on the way.

Lacey was yelling incoherently at Scott and the man had dropped to the floor and was curled up in pain. Lacey started yelling at the man to get up and fight. The man began to push himself up and Gregg reacted with a kick to his face. Gregg had never been violent and this was a new feeling. Gregg yelled at his wife. Get the FUCK out of my house before the cops get here.

The man pulled himself up and Lacey slapped him in the arm telling him she couldn't believe he let her weak husband kick his ass. The two were barely out of the house when Gregg heard police yelling at the two to get down on the ground. Gregg walked out of the house and told the officer that the two were stealing from his house. Gregg looked over at a van in his driveway and noticed several items from his garage loaded into the vehicle. He started to walk over and the police officer stopped him and suggested he put some clothes on. Gregg looked down realizing that he was fully naked. He pointed to his dick and told the officer that the man had attacked him and assaulted him by grabbing his dick and he wanted to press charges. The office could tell there was some trauma to Gregg's dick and told Gregg he would have the EMT check him for injuries.

Gregg walked past Lacey as another police officer was handcuffing her and the man and watched as they were put in the back of separate police cars. Gregg walked bare assed naked in the house and hugged Scott. Scott told Gregg to grab some clothes and he would meet him outside to talk to the police officers.

Gregg walked back to his bedroom and found a pair of shorts. He slid them on along with a t-shirt and headed back outside. Scott was talking to one of the officers explaining that he had heard yelling and put together what was happening and when he walked into the house he saw the man holding Gregg against the wall and he hit him with a bat.

Gregg stood next to the officer who looked at Gregg and then noticed Gregg's throat. He asked Gregg to lift his head up so he could see. The officer took a couple pictures and then asked if Gregg was hurt anywhere else. Gregg told the officer that the man had also grabbed his dick and it was very red. The officer coughed a bit but asked if Gregg was willing to show him. Gregg didn't even hesitate and pulled the front of his shorts down. The officer looked at Scott and then bent over a bit to see Gregg's dick had obviously been manhandled. The officer took a couple pictures and Gregg felt his dick begin to stir. The officer reached out and took Gregg's dick in his hand to lift it to take a picture of the underside. Gregg felt blood rush to his dick and quickly pulled away not wanting to get an erection in front of the officer. Unfortunately, his shorts did nothing to hide the fact that he had become erect. The officer smiled and said it would appear there was no permanent damage and smiled at Gregg and winked at Scott.

The officers said that based on what evidence they had gathered so far his wife had no claim to any property and that she and her boyfriend would be arrested for breaking and entering along with assault. Scott was justified in his actions, so would not receive any consequences. The van would be towed, so if they wanted to get the belongings out of the car they had about thirty minutes to do so.

The officer, David, asked if there were any questions. Gregg and Scott shook their heads and he gave Gregg his card. If you need anything you can give me a call. My personal cell number is on the back and you can call anytime. Gregg felt his face flush, but wasn't sure why. The officers went back to their patrol cars and Gregg waved at his wife as she was hauled away.

Gregg turned toward Scott and gave him a huge hug and kiss. When Gregg turned away he realized that there was a crowd around and he realized that he had just kissed a man in front of his neighbors. He turned quickly and he and Scott went back into the house. Gregg was breathing heavy and said he thinks he just outed himself in front of his neighbors. Scott asked if that was a problem and Gregg thought for a minute. He smiled at Scott. Fuck them, he said. Gregg swore for the first time. Fuck them all. He stepped in and gave Scott another kiss and then thanked him for saving his life. He wasn't sure what would have happened had Scott not arrived when he did.

Gregg looked at Scott and asked why he did show up and that he thought they were having dinner at his place. Scott smiled and told Gregg he wanted to pick him up for their date. Gregg smiled and told Scott that he really wanted to shower, after the encounter he felt sweaty and dirty, but would be ready as quickly as he could be. Gregg jumped in the shower and as he soaped his cock he felt a rush of blood fill him and thoughts of the police officer ran through his head. Gregg shook his head and felt guilty that he was getting a boner thinking about the officer instead of Scott.

Gregg stepped out of the shower and was drying off when Scott walked in the bathroom with a bunch of flowers. It was different, but Gregg liked it. He was being treated special and it felt good. Scott smiled as he looked down at Gregg's erection. Scott asked if that was for him or for the police officer? Gregg's face turned beat red. Scott chuckled a bit. It's ok. I recognize him from the bar. He was obviously hitting on you, even giving you his personal number. Gregg's mouth dropped open a bit realizing that he had been hit on by a man, a cop, his cock pulsed and precum flowed from the slit of his dick. Scott chuckled as he dropped to his knees. You may be thinking of him, but I am the one who gets to be with you and took Gregg's swollen cock into his mouth until Gregg released his load into his mouth. Scott stood up and kissed Gregg. He told Gregg to get dressed and they could head over to his house.

Gregg was getting dressed and checked himself in the mirror. He felt as though he needed to change his shirt. Then his pants. He was actually worried about looking good for Scott. He finally settled on a pair of shorts and a polo. They got in the jeep and headed to Scott's. When they arrived Gregg was impressed with the house. Not too big, but very nice. They walked out to the backyard and Gregg was really impressed with the outdoor kitchen, TV, and hot tub. Scott took Gregg by the hand and pulled him to the outdoor sofa. He told Gregg to sit and went and poured them each a large margarita. Gregg took a huge drink before he realized Scott wanted to say something. Sorry, Gregg said, just needed to relax a bit. Scott understood, but then raised his glass and said here's to our first official date. Gregg smiled and they clinked glasses.

Scott stood and said he had some fajita fixings and was going to grill some steak and vegetables for dinner. Gregg watched as Scott cooked. Impressed with his skills and enjoyed the smell of the food. Scott grabbed the pitcher of margaritas and filled Gregg's glass. When dinner was ready the two men sat at the table and talked a bit about what had just happened and how Gregg was feeling about all of it. Gregg said it was invigorating. He felt some satisfaction that his wife got what she deserved for everything she had done to him. Gregg said he was done worrying about his wife, soon to be ex-wife, and that he wanted to focus on his future.

Scott said that speaking of his future, he had already arranged for the weekend trip to the cabin. There would be 5 of his friends joining them, unfortunately, Trey and Kevin were not able to join this time, but that he thought Gregg would like all that these men had to offer as well. Well, at least 4 of the 5, but the other made up for it in other ways. Scott said he explained to the men that this was a weekend for you to explore and that you could say no at any time if you didn't feel comfortable. The men were all awesome lovers and were excited about being there to help you discover what you liked.

Gregg leaned in and gave Scott a deep wet kiss. Scott asked if Gregg would like to spend a bit of time in the hot tub. Gregg nodded and Scott stood and stripped off his clothes. Gregg looked around and noticed there were no neighbors that could see, so quickly stripped and the two men climbed into the bubbling water. Scott pulled Gregg to him and they kissed. And kissed. The heat of the water only added to their own. Scott moved Gregg to the side and Gregg felt a jet of water blow against the crack of his ass. Scott smiled and Gregg felt his legs spread and the water massage his anus. Scott reached for Gregg's cock and felt its hardness and watched as Gregg's eyes rolled back in his head at the rectal stimulation.

The two men enjoyed each other until the bubbles stopped. Scott suggested they dry off and continue inside. They stepped out and dried each other off. Scott opened a slider that led directly into his bedroom from the patio. The two fell into the bed together and wrapped into each other's arms. Gregg felt safe. He rolled on his back and pulled Scott on top of him. The two men made love. They each felt the other's cum inside them. They spent hours naked and wrapped in each other's arms and legs, falling asleep intertwined.

When Gregg woke up he felt Scott wrapped around his body. He also felt a hard cock pressing into his back. Gregg pulled Scott tight to him and felt Scott's cock ooze precum against his back. Gregg rolled around and came face to face with Scotts smiling face. Good Morning. They greeted each other. Scott reached down and took hold of Gregg's morning wood. He pulled both of their dicks together and used their precum as lube to stroke their cocks. Scott leaned in and began kissing Gregg and as he continued his stroking the men both shot their load between their bodies. Feeling cum on his body was still a new sensation for Gregg. But, this time he just let it be. He felt Scott grind their bodies together smearing their loads between them. It was such a new sensation. The smell, the slickness of their bodies. Their kisses. Gregg realized he was still hard and then felt another load shoot from his dick. Scott pulled away from their kiss and smiled at Gregg. Wow! He said. I'll take that as a compliment!

Scott recommended that Gregg take a shower while he clean up their plates etc from last night. Gregg stepped into the bathroom and looked at his cum covered body. He reached down and rubbed his hand across his torso and then raised it and licked the wetness from his hand. He watched himself in the mirror as he licked the cum from his fingers and then felt his cock begin to stir. The more he licked the harder he became. He sucked his fingers harder and felt his balls tighten. He grabbed his dick and felt it pulse as cum oozed from his cock. He pulled his hand up and licked the small load from his hand. He leaned against the bathroom counter feeling a bit light headed. He finally stepped into the shower and washed the cum from his body. Scott joined him a few moments later and as Scott washed Gregg's back Gregg felt Scott's hardness. Gregg leaned against the wall inviting Scott to enter him. Scott pressed inside and thrust hard in and out of Gregg's ass. Scott was in no rush to cum. He had already shot his first load of the morning and was ready for a long fuck. Gregg took every thrust and was amazed as he felt his cock grow again.

Scott felt the water from the shower begin to lose its warmth and decided he needed to finish his fuck. He sped up his assault on Gregg's ass and as he released his load into Gregg, Gregg felt his balls tighten and a small amount of cum ooze from his dick. His 4th load of the morning. Gregg smiled in amazement and breathed heavily as he felt Scott pull out of his ass. The two stepped out of the shower and dried each other off.

Scott told Gregg that coffee was ready and the two walked naked to the kitchen. Scott said he really enjoyed their evening and hoped that Gregg did also. Gregg said he had never experienced the feelings he did last night both physically and emotionally. Gregg said he struggled with the idea of trust after what his wife had done to him. But, Scott has proven that Gregg could trust him and that really excited him about their upcoming trip to the cabin. Scott smiled and told Gregg that he was in for quite a ride.

Gregg's phone rang and it was David, the police officer. Gregg put the phone on speaker and he and Scott listened as he told Gregg that he had a couple forms for him to sign and wondered if he could bring them over later that evening. Scott smiled, pointed to himself, and nodded. Gregg told David that he and Scott would be at the house around 7:00 and he was more than welcome to stop by. David said he got off work at 7:00 so they would be his last stop for the evening. Gregg hung up the phone and Scott told Gregg he told him the cop was hot for him.

Gregg asked if Scott "knew" the officer. Scott shook his head and said he had only seen him the past few months and he mostly kept to himself. Now knowing he was a cop it kind of made sense that he was being cautious about who he met. Gregg asked Scott how he thought what would happen this evening. Scott smiled and told Gregg whatever he wanted to happen. Gregg smiled and his thoughts went through the hours of videos he had watched earlier. His cock swelled and with help from Scott's warm and wet mouth unloaded his 5th load of the morning. After a cum swapping kiss Gregg told Scott he wanted to get home and take care of some of the mess his wife had made and get rid of whatever crap she left behind. Scott nodded and said they could go together and he would be happy to help and support Gregg however he could. The two spent the day boxing up anything that reminded Gregg of his wife. They took everything to a local charity and on the way back to the house Gregg asked Scott if he would stop at the store so they could buy some beer. He thought we could pick up a couple other things for tonight when "Officer Dave" came by. Scott smiled and reached over and took Gregg's hand into his.

When they returned home it was just after 6:00. The men unpacked the groceries and Gregg opened two beers. They drank as they put together some plates of food and as they opened their second beer there was a knock on the door. Gregg took a big swig of his beer and went to the door. David was standing there in full uniform and carrying a backpack. He smiled and reached out to shake Gregg's hand. Gregg opened the door and invited him inside. He shook Scott's hand and then turned back to Gregg. He set his backpack on the counter and pulled out a folder. You just need to sign a couple witness statements and I get these back to the D.A. and he will begin prosecuting your wife and her boyfriend. Gregg took the folder and David offered a pen. Gregg took it and signed the marked areas. He handed it all back to David and said "lock her up". David smiled and as he tucked his pen back in his uniform pocket he said that he was officially off duty.

Scott offered David a beer but he declined. Before I drink, I was wondering if I could change my clothes. Gregg pointed David down the hall to the restroom. David grabbed his backpack and said he would be just a minute. When he returned Gregg's mouth dropped open. He was wearing a very tight polo that showed off how well built David was along with a pair of shorts that Gregg thought were a bit shorter than he would be comfortable wearing, but liked how they looked on David. David sat his bag in a chair and told Scott he would have that beer now. Scott handed David his beer and they all raised up their beers. "LOCK HER UP" they cheered.

Gregg suggested they head outside and sit on his deck. Scott grabbed a couple platters of snacks and they headed out. There was an awkward silence until Scott asked David how long he had been in town. David said he was transferred 3 months ago and was just getting familiar and comfortable with the area. David said it was hard to be gay and a cop. He said he thought he recognized Scott from the bar and was glad they were able to meet. David said he just didn't know who he could trust and therefore hasn't had much luck connecting with anyone. Scott took a swig of his beer and smiled. Well, here's to your lucky night! Gregg choked a bit and spit out his beer. David smiled and finished off his first beer.

The three men talked for a couple hours and David found out all about Gregg's life changes in the past couple weeks. He told Gregg he agreed with Scott about the trust issue, especially with his job. David said being a gay cop had gotten better, but the "brotherhood" was still a good ole' boys network and you had to be careful. There is a lot of nudity around the precinct as men change after shift and several would be very uncomfortable if they thought I was checking them out. Gregg said he understood and his former church was less than understanding. Scott got up and grabbed the last three beers. Scott stepped to the side of the deck and pulled out his dick and let his piss stream into the back yard. David turned and looked down the side of Scott to see the piss coming from his cock. David stood and stood next to Scott and pulled out his dick and let his stream flow.

Gregg stood in awe, rubbing his cock through his short, as the two men stood side by side peeing off the edge of the deck like it was an everyday event. Gregg was brought back to reality when he heard both men whistle. Apparently the two men were enjoying the show that Gregg was giving as much as Gregg was enjoying the two men relieving themselves. Scott, wanting to keep the evening casual announced that it was too nice of night not to be comfortable. Instead of returning his dick back into his shorts, Scott removed his shorts and underwear completely. His shirt followed. Scott was standing naked under the stars in front of his new lover and David. Throwing caution to the wind, David removed his clothing as well. Not like he was going to get his dick back into his tight shorts. Gregg's mouth went instantly dry.

Standing before him were two beautiful naked men. Scott's naked body had always taken Gregg's breath away, but now there was David. Gregg estimated David to stand about 6'2" tall, weighing no more than 190 pounds without an ounce of body fat. Not a gym rat, but muscles in all the right places. A light dusting of "V" shaped chest hair from his collar bones to his breast bone in the center of his chest. A few wisps of hair circling his nipples. A thin line of hair leading from David's belly button down to a neatly trimmed pubic bush. Gregg had learned during his "research" that line of hair was called a treasure trail. And boy did it lead to a treasure on David. Although his cock was not big in terms of length, about the same length as Gregg. But David's cock was the fattest cock Gregg had ever seen. The hair surrounding David's cock spread wide to his hips and down his legs, very hairy legs. Gregg had come to realize he was attracted to men with hair in all right places. Scott began waving his arms to get Gregg's attention. Gregg began to blush as he was "caught." Shaking his head, the only response Gregg could come up with was, "what?" Scott repeated his question asking Gregg if he felt a little over dressed for this party? Realizing he was the only one still wearing clothes. It took Gregg less than 30 seconds to remove his shirt and shorts. Now all three men standing naked taking in the sights of one another. Before long all three were sitting back in the chairs on the deck "shooting the shit." Scott and Gregg learned that David had transferred and wanted to be in a smaller town and had dated a few men, but never anything serious. Scott talked about his coming out many years prior and a couple of his relationships. Gregg talked about his recent research and some of his hopes and dreams. Before long the conversation turned to sex. All three were stroking their cocks. David, not wanting to be the third wheel in what appeared to be a committed relationship, looked at his watch and mentioned that it was getting late and he should be going.

All three men stood up. Finding his courage, Gregg looked at David, and told him he wasn't going anywhere. Gregg grabbed both of the engorged cocks in front of him and led David and Scott to his bedroom.

Gregg fell back onto his bed, pulling both David and Scott on top of him.

The three men began passionately kissing and groping one another. Before long, the three were in a daisy chain - Scott sucking Gregg, Gregg sucking David and David sucking Scott. Gregg couldn't believe how good David's cock felt in his mouth. He could not believe how thick it felt. What surprised Gregg was that he was able to get David's entire cock in his mouth. His nose was buried in David's pubic bone. He loved the taste of David's precum. Similar in taste to Scott's yet different. Gregg's mouth soon found David's balls. He licked and sucked each ball - pulling ever so lightly as he allowed each ball to pop out of his mouth. He needed to taste David's hole. Moving his tongue from David's balls to his ass, Gregg loved the how David's hairy perineum and ass felt on his tongue. He had been rimming David for some time before Gregg realized that Scott's tongue was buried deep in his ass. Gregg needed to be fucked and he wanted to be fucked by David. With his ass properly prepared by Scott, Gregg got himself on all fours with his ass facing David. Scott nodded at David, giving his okay for David to penetrate Gregg. David moved into position, with the head of his thick cock poking at Gregg's hole. Moving slowly, David began to push his cock into Gregg's ass. Gregg could feel the pain, he knew would quickly be replaced with pleasure. Inch by inch, David was finally buried in Gregg's ass. Holding in place while Gregg adjusted to David's thickness, Scott moved towards Gregg's head, with his stiff cock only inches from Gregg's mouth. Just before engulfing Scott's member, Gregg begged David, "fuck me." Gregg had David's cock pistoning in and out of his ass while he was sucking Scott like he was trying to suck balls up through his dick. Scott and David began kissing, tongues battling for control. It had been too long for David and it didn't take long before he unloaded into Gregg. Gregg's ass muscles were working to pull every last drop out of David, while his tongue worked to get Scott's load from his balls.

The men fell on their backs on either side of Gregg breathing heavily. Gregg stood up and frowned. He told them they weren't done yet and grabbed his throbbing, leaking cock. Who is going to take care of this? David looked at Scott and Scott nodded with approval. David sat up and reached for Gregg's cock. Gregg moaned as he felt David's mouth take his cock. He sucked differently than Scott. He concentrated more on the head and used his hands alot playing with Gregg's balls. Gregg was lost in the feeling before he realized he was shooting his load. David pulled off and let the cum spray him across his face. Gregg had seen other men do this in videos and knew he was supposed to clean up his mess on David's face. Scott met him and the two licked David's face free of Gregg's load.

David dropped down between Scott and David and had a huge smile on his face. He turned to David and asked if he could fuck him. David smiled and said once he recovered David would love for Gregg to fuck him. Gregg took David's hand and placed it on his still rock hard cock. David's eyes opened wide. Gregg laughed and asked David how he wanted to get fucked. David rolled onto his stomach and pushed a pillow under his hips raising up his ass for Gregg. Scott handed Gregg the lube and Gregg realized that he really didn't know what to do next. Scott had ridden his cock, but Gregg just laid there while Scott did all the work. Scott got up and knelt beside Gregg and positioned Gregg between David's ass cheeks. He took Gregg's lubed up cock and pointed it down towards David's hole. Scott placed his other hand on Gregg's ass and pulled him forward until Gregg's cock was pressing into David's ass. Gregg watched as his cock popped inside David and heard David moan from his penetration. Scott pressed Gregg forward and Gregg felt David's ass accept his full length.

Scott told Gregg that he would need to do the work now. Gregg tried fucking but didn't like the push up position he was in. Scott suggested he bend his knees and grab David's hips. Gregg liked this position much better. Scott made a fucking motion and Gregg started thrusting. David began moaning louder and this encouraged Gregg. Scott kept his hand on Gregg's ass and slid between his cheeks letting a finger slide into his hole. David moaned that he loved the feel of Gregg inside him and wanted him to fill his ass with his load. Gregg thrust harder and with Scott fingering his ass he was soon shooting his load into David's ass. Gregg pulled out of David's ass and watched as his cum started oozing from his hole. Gregg had seen it in videos, so he bent over and sucked the load from David's ass. After a few moments Gregg pulled away and David rolled over and pulled Gregg in for a deep kiss.

The men were intertwined together when Gregg told Scott he wanted to fuck him next. Scott slid his hand down Gregg's body and found a still hard wet cock. Scott moved and climbed on top of Gregg and slid down Gregg's cum and lube covered dick. Gregg turned towards David and said he wanted to suck his dick. David crawled up and placed his dick at Gregg's lips. He was surprised he had another erection so soon and then exhaled as he felt Gregg swallow his length. Moments later David's load filled Gregg's throat as Gregg's cock filled Scott's ass. David saw Scott was about to blow his load and bent down and let Scott coat his face with his load. The three men then came together for a cum kiss and felt their sweat covered bodies mesh together.

David slid out of bed and said he needed to pee and he hated to leave, but he did have to work tomorrow and needed to get home. Gregg heard the stream of pee and then Gregg turned to Scott and gave him a huge, wet, long kiss. THANK YOU for helping me experience life! Scott smiled and told Gregg to just wait until the weekend at the cabin! Gregg smiled and asked if they could invite David. "Invite David where?" David asked as he walked back in the room with his limp cock bouncing in front of him. Scott smiled and explained the plan for the cabin and a huge smile crossed David's face. I just happen to have a few days off that are owed to me and a few days in nature sounds like a perfect use for them!

David thanked them for an awesome evening, but really did need to head out. The three walked naked back to the deck and gathered up their clothes. David slid his shorts on commando and shoved his shirt and underwear into his backpack. David laughed as he looked down and saw Gregg with another hard on. That's all you, he told Scott. Scott smiled and shook his head as he dropped to his knees. Gregg moaned as he looked up at the night sky when he emptied his load into Scott's mouth. Scott stood and kissed Gregg. Seems like you are making up for lost time. Gregg smiled and said whatever it was he was going to take full advantage of it. The two men went to bed and Gregg had another incredible night's sleep wrapped in Scott's arms.

Next: Chapter 4

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