Scott Meets Gregg

By Scott Davis

Published on Mar 23, 2021


This story contains gay sex between consenting adults. If this story offends you or it is illegal for you, please leave this site. If not..enjoy and let me know what you think!

The characters and events in this story are fictional. The story may portray some real people, events, or places.

This story is a collaboration between myself and someone I have been chatting with from a previous story. Thanks Gregg it has been fun!

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The Bakery

Again, Gregg woke the familiar feeling of Scott's cock nestled between his ass cheeks. Smiling, Gregg realized he could get used to this feeling. Gregg had experienced a lot in the last 36 hours. Gregg realized that although he enjoyed the sex, the connection, he made with each of the guys, he was falling in love with Scott. A different type of love than he had ever experienced in the past. A love that he did not feel with his wife. He felt safe with Scott. He felt vulnerable with Scott. He felt himself with Scott. He didn't have to pretend. Most of all, he felt trust with Scott. It wasn't long before Gregg was snapped back into reality. Scott had shifted in the bed and aligned his hard cock to Gregg's waiting hole. Gregg smiled and turned his head and kissed Scott just as Scott slid deep into his hole. This morning it was different. As they continued to kiss, Scott moved slowly in and out of Gregg's ass. Scott's hands roamed Gregg's body - caressing his face, his chest, his nipples, his arms, his torso and his cock. Pulling out, Scott moved Gregg's so that he was on his back. Lifting Gregg's legs at the ankles, Scott placed Gregg's calves on his shoulders. Scott once again, gently entered Gregg's waiting ass. Leaning forward, the two kissed passionately as Scott continued his slow fucking of Gregg. Gregg felt his ass tingle with each forward thrust. Breaking the kiss, Scott began to pick up momentum, but Gregg felt this was different. Scott just looked down at Gregg as he continued with this rhythm. Although Scott looked the same, he was different. With eyes locked on one another, Gregg felt as though he could see inside Scott's soul. He saw a passion there he had not seen before - was it even when Scott had previously fucked Gregg? Both were lost in the moment. Scott continue to fuck Gregg with a passion that Gregg had not experienced before. Neither could take their eyes off one another. It was long before Gregg exploded in Gregg's ass. After coming down off his high, Scott leaned down, kissed Gregg with a passion and whispered in his year, "I think I am falling in love with you." Scott jumped out of bed, not giving Gregg a chance to respond.

Scott told Gregg that Sunday's they had a big breakfast and then took a cruise around the lake before heading back to civilization. Gregg nodded and smiled as he looked at David and Garrett. They were both fully erect and hands were stroking each other. At the same time they were talking to Max about a home improvement project. Gregg felt his cock stir. He was snapped back to attention when Chuck announced breakfast was ready. Vinnie grabbed two platters of bacon and eggs. Michael came out of the house with a platter full of pancakes. The smell was incredible. Scott made Gregg a plate as Gregg eased into a chair. He was a bit sensitive, but not sore. It felt good!

The men had their breakfast and when all were finished Garrett stood and started clearing the table. David joined him and they headed to the kitchen, hard ons leading the way. Chuck finished cleaning off the grill and Vinnie filled a cooler with waters and took them down to the boat. The guys were waiting for Garrett and Vinnie and Scott yelled inside. The two men appeared a few moments later without hardons. David smiled and winked at Gregg.

The men headed to the boat and soon they were cruising the lake. Scott pointed to the shoreline and Gregg saw a few deer getting their morning drink and then Scott pointed to the top of a tree and saw an eagle. The eagle took flight and the men watched as it circled the lake until it swooped down and snatched a fish from the water. It was a pretty incredible sight. Gregg leaned into Scott and put his head on his shoulder. The next hour the men cruised the lake and Gregg watched as the men stroked the cock next to them. Gregg reached down and took Scott's cock into his hand. He felt it grow and couldn't resist. He knelt down and took it in his mouth. Scott sat back in his captain's chair and slowed the boat. The other men joined in and soon loads were being released and swallowed.

After the last load was shot Scott steered the boat back to the cabin. The men all headed inside and began closing up the cabin. Soon they were ready to leave and Gregg thanked each one for an incredible experience. David hugged Gregg and told him he was going to ride back with Garrett and he would call him later that week. The men all loaded in their cars and were heading back to reality. Gregg smiled at the naked weekend of sex as he felt Scott take his hand and intertwine his fingers with his own.

Scott asked Gregg if he had given any thought to finding a job. Gregg shook his head, but said he really didn't want to go back to accountant work. It was very boring and he didn't think he could go back to that type of environment now that his eyes have been opened. Scott asked if Gregg had interests or hobbies that he had stuffed away due to his religious upbringing. Scott thought about it and he nodded. Gregg went on to explain that he did graduate from college with a minor in culinary. His parents frowned upon it, but he had always found cooking almost therapeutic. He did all the cooking at home. His wife could burn water. He enjoyed the prep work, putting ingredients together to create something new. He especially loved baking. His wife told him real men don't make cakes and cookies. So, I buried that desire. Gregg said he was pretty good at decorating cakes and remembered he had a monster cookie recipe that everyone in his class loved. Scott smiled with the enthusiasm Gregg showed for cooking.

Scott mentioned that Trey and Kevin are always looking for kitchen help and had talked about adding more desserts to the menu. Gregg smiled and thought what it would be like to work so close to such a huge cock! He rubbed his groin and smiled. Scott laughed. Do you think you could handle working around so many men? You might wear yourself out and not have any sexual energy left for me. Gregg squeezed Scott's hand. I'll always have sexual energy for you!. Gregg moved his hand to Scott's crotch and squeezed his cock in his shorts. Gregg felt it respond and Gregg pulled it free. Gregg unbuckled and leaned over in his seat and took Scott's cock in his mouth. Gregg felt the car jerk a bit, but then Scott regained his composure.

Scott noticed a semi pull next to them and the driver looked into the car and gave Scott a thumbs up. Scott waved and then put his hand back on Gregg's head. Gregg was enjoying Scott's cock and the precum he could taste. Gregg reached down with one hand and tickled Scott's balls and then slid his fingers lower to Scott's ass. Gregg rubbed around Scott's hole as he bobbed up and down. He heard Scott's moans become louder and then felt his hole pulse and warmth entered Gregg's mouth. Gregg milked Scott's cock and then sat back up in his seat. Gregg turned to look out his window when he heard the horn next to him and saw the semi driver wave at him. Gregg wiped a bit of cum that spilled from his mouth. The driver lifted his hand and licked between his fingers. He blew his horn one more time as he pulled off the next exit. Gregg couldn't believe what just happened, but liked it!

They arrived back at Gregg's thirty minutes later and Scott said he needed to get back to his place and had a quick meeting in the morning but wondered if Gregg would like to meet for lunch at Trey and Kevin's. Gregg agreed and the two men kissed goodbye for the evening. Gregg watched Scott pull away and felt very alone. He felt as though he hadn't been alone since he met Scott. He stood in his kitchen and decided it was time to do some baking. He started pulling out ingredients for his monster cookies. He spent the next couple hours baking and placed several cookies in a container to give to Scott the next day. Gregg headed to bed and when he checked his phone found a text from Scott. "Miss you". Gregg replied with a smiley face. Gregg actually cuddled the phone as he fell asleep.

Gregg woke with his phone ringing. It was David. He apologized for calling so early, but just found out that his wife was going to court demanding her property back. Gregg told David that they both signed a marital contract that all marital property belongs to the husband. This was just part of their religion. David said it would help the case against her if he could provide that document and speak at the hearing, which would be in about an hour. Gregg shot up in bed and said he would be there.

Gregg found their marital contract and jumped in the shower. He was so upset he didn't notice his hard cock. He finished his shower and got dressed. He grabbed his keys and grabbed the tub of cookies he planned on giving Scott. He was out the door and at the courthouse 5 minutes before the hearing. David met him at the door and said he was called as the arresting officer. The hearing began and the judge asked Gregg why his wife was denied her personal effects. Gregg presented the document and the judge stated that he had no jurisdiction in this matter as it dealt with religious beliefs, but based on the contract signed by both parties, Gregg did own all property and Lacey left the marriage with nothing. Lacey went ballistic and when the court officer stepped close to her she turned and punched him. The judge slammed down his gavel and told the office to cuff her. This would not look good in her other hearing and the judge told her to prepare for an extended stay in county lockup. David also provided another document that stated if either party willfully leaves the marriage is considered null and void. The judge banged his gavel again and advised Lacey that the marriage is over and she is not to come within 1,000 feet of her former husband.

Gregg smiled and looked at David. It's over! She is no longer my wife! David asked Gregg if he would like to go out for lunch. Gregg looked at his watch and said that he was supposed to meet Scott. Gregg invited David to join and they both headed to Trey and Kevin's place. Scott was already there and was surprised to see David. Gregg explained everything and looked Scott in the face and said he was a single man. Scott smiled and gave him a big kiss.

Trey came over and brought three waters. David asked if they could get one more and said he had called Garrett and asked him to meet us also. Trey nodded and as he returned Garrett was walking in. The four men sat and talked about the weekend and Gregg admitted that he enjoyed everything they did, but still needed to work on deep throating. Garrett smiled and said he would let Gregg practice on him any time. David frowned and then smiled. Always thinking of others, David said. Trey came back to the table to clear their plates when Scott asked if he and Kevin had a minute to talk. Trey took the plates to the kitchen and reappeared with Kevin.

Scott asked if they were still looking to develop their dessert menu. They both nodded and Scott mentioned that Gregg said he was looking for a new job and was a pretty good baker. Kevin and Trey said they would love to see what he could do and Gregg said he actually had something they could sample in the car. He left and came back with a container and told Scott these were for him, but he would just have to come over to get some more. Gregg handed out a cookie to everyone and they all were amazed how good they tasted. Kevin and Trey both agreed they would love to add these to their menu and asked what else Gregg could make. They all agreed that Gregg should spend the afternoon in the kitchen and make up some items that he thought would be a good addition to the restaurant.

David said he needed to get back to work and Garrett agreed, but smiled at David when he said he needed to use the restroom first and walked away from the table. David took a big drink of his water and smiled at the others as he took off after Garrett. Gregg laughed and gave Scott a big kiss and thanked him for talking to Trey and Kevin, but he needed to get in the kitchen and show these guys what he could do. Scott smiled and said he already knew what he could do and would see him at 6:00 so he could do it to him. Gregg kissed Scott again and said deal.

Gregg got busy in the kitchen and created several different options for Trey and Kevin to sample. They loved them all and discussed rotating the dessert menu so customers would be able to have a different choice each month. Gregg was in heaven. He was doing something he loved and being appreciated for it. Trey mentioned that they also do a fair amount of catering so Gregg would be busy as some of the events could be for several hundred people. Gregg hugged both of the men and actually teared up a bit.

Gregg cleaned up his work space and was getting ready to leave when he walked by the guys office. He looked in the cracked door and found Kevin on his knees giving Trey a blowjob. He was shocked and was about to quickly exit, but Trey saw him and told him to come in. Kevin looked over and smiled but didn't stop sucking. Trey said he heard Gregg wanted practice deep throating. Gregg looked down at Trey's huge cock going in and out of Kevin's mouth. Trey pulled it away from Kevin and waved it at Gregg. Kevin moved aside and said he would help Gregg and try to talk him through it.

Gregg dropped to his knees and surprised Kevin and Trey with how much he did get in his mouth. He said he had a good weekend and got to practice a bit and actually deep throated 8". But, he still couldn't get to the base with such a big dick! Kevin showed Gregg a few things and after a few more tries Gregg felt Trey's cock go deeper in his throat. It was incredible. He pulled off and did it again. 9" down his throat! He became ravenous and started devouring Trey's cock. Trey was moaning when Gregg thought back and grabbed Trey's nuts and shoved a finger up his ass. Trey shouted and quickly released his load in Gregg's throat.

Trey fell back in his chair and Kevin laughed and told Gregg he did a great job. Trey sighed and said it wasn't fair that Gregg knew his secret and that he wanted to enjoy that blow job longer. Gregg smiled and said they would have many more opportunities to do that now that he was working for them. Trey shook his head. You don't work for us. You work for yourself. Come up with a name for your business and we will sell you as a separate business. We will take a cut, but this will be all your bakery. Gregg smiled and leaned down and licked Trey's cock. Gregg looked up at the clock and said he needed to meet Scott. Kevin stood up and unzipped his pants and pulled out his hard dick. They told Gregg to have a good night and Trey took Kevin into his mouth.

Gregg pulled in his driveway and Scott was right behind him. They went into the house and Gregg pulled Scott into a deep kiss. They kissed for several minutes before Scott pulled away and said he thought he tasted cum. Gregg smiled and said Trey helped him with his deep throating and he actually did it! Scott chuckled a bit and told Gregg congratulations. They kissed more and Gregg felt Scott's bulge pressing against him. Gregg pulled Scott towards the bedroom but Scott stopped him. Scott stripped off his clothes right there in the kitchen. Gregg smiled and followed suit. Scott jumped up on the kitchen island and looked down at his now hard cock. Gregg stepped up and swallowed Scott's cock. Gregg couldn't believe he was having sex in his kitchen. It was something he had never done. It turned him on so much he wanted more and pulled off Scott's cock and told him to fuck him. Scott smiled and slid off the counter. Scott turned and grabbed a bottle of olive oil off the counter. He pushed Gregg forward on the counter and poured the oil at the top of Gregg's crack and Gregg felt it ooze down to his hole. Scott added oil to his cock and slowly pressed into Gregg's ass. Gregg shook his head back and forth and Scott felt his ass relax as Gregg moaned. FUCK ME. Scott started thrusting and Gregg was pushing back into him. HARDER Gregg groaned. Scott wasn't going to be gentle anymore. Gregg wanted it hard and he was going to give it to him. He grabbed Gregg's hips tighter than he had ever done and started pounding Gregg even harder than Chuck did over the weekend. Gregg moaned louder and felt his cock give way and shot his load on the kitchen floor. Scott kept pounding and Gregg moaned louder, keep going! Scott wasn't slowing down and a couple minutes later Gregg's cock erupted again! Scott realized Gregg was cumming again and it pushed him to his limit. His balls lifted and he filled Gregg's ass with what felt like a gallon of cum. He collapsed on top of Gregg and his dick slid out of Gregg's ass. The two breathed heavily until they were able to stand. They turned towards each other and kissed deeply. The slickness of the cum and olive oil was sliding down Gregg's leg and off Scott's cock. Gregg suggested a shower and the two enjoyed washing each other's bodies.

When they finished their shower Scott asked Gregg if he wanted to get some dinner. Gregg nodded and suggested they ask David and Garrett to join them. Scott smiled knowing Gregg's ulterior motive. Scott agreed and Gregg texted David. David said they had already ordered some food, but it should be enough if they wanted them to come over. Gregg agreed and said they would see him soon. Gregg pulled out his leftover cookie dough and made up some cookies. Gregg explained to Scott about the offer from Trey and Kevin and the bakery. He was so excited as he rolled balls of cookie dough on the cookie sheet and he couldn't stop talking about the bakery. He looked at Scott who was smiling as he watched Gregg running around the kitchen naked. Gregg noticed and fed some cookie dough to Scott.

Gregg was pulling cookies out of the oven when David knocked on the door. Gregg yelled for him to come in and then realized that he and Scott were still naked. David and Garrett laughed and quickly removed their clothes. They ate dinner and then enjoyed Gregg's monster cookies. Gregg was staring at Garrett's cock and decided it was time to get some more practice. He walked over to where Garrett was sitting and dropped to his knees. He looked up at David and Garrett and got a smile from both. He took Garrett into his mouth and shocked all of the guys when he bottomed out into Garrett's crotch. Garrett loved it when someone could deep throat him and it quickly caused him to erupt. Gregg drank every drop and fell back on the floor when he was done, breathing heavily.

The three men all looked at each other and then jumped on Gregg. Scott began kissing him and playing with his nipples. Garrett started sucking his cock and David lifted his legs over his shoulders and pressed his oozing cock into Gregg's hole. Gregg noticed David wasn't using lube and how different it felt. There was more resistance at first, but then it became slick from David's precum. Gregg was in complete ecstasy with the attention from the three men. His entire body was being stimulated. He shot his load in Garrett's mouth as his ass was filled with David's load. Gregg moaned loudly with his mouth full of Scott's tongue. Scott pulled away and finished himself off across Gregg's chest. All three men bent down and licked Gregg clean then all fell on their backs on the livingroom floor. Gregg laughed that he just had sex in his kitchen and livingroom after years of only having sex in his bed. He loved it!

Gregg sat up on one elbow and looked across the men laying on his floor. Limp cocks on very hot men. How his life had changed is such a short period of time. He would be starting his own business, had a whole new group of friends and finally felt as if he was alive! Gregg jumped up and asked if anyone wanted to play dominoes. The guys all laughed, but actually thought it sounded fun. Gregg loved dominoes, but loved playing it even more naked! They played for a couple hours until Garrett and David said they needed to get going. Gregg gave them a container of cookies and they said they would get together again over the weekend.

Scott was cleaning up the dominoes when Gregg walked over and straddled him in his chair. Thank you. He told Scott. You woke me up from a coma and I finally feel alive. Scott actually blushed a bit. Gregg stood and took Scott's hand. This time Scott didn't stop him and the two made love for the first time. This time it wasn't just sex. This time Gregg knew what he wanted and it was Scott. He would let Scott do anything he wanted and knew he would like it. He knew Scott only wanted to make him feel as good as Gregg wanted Scott to feel.

The next few months Gregg's life seemed to get into a flow. He worked all day and came home to Scott. Either at his place or Scott's. They met up with friends and sometimes didn't have sex with them. Gregg was truly enjoying himself. The bakery had become very popular, he was busy and loved it! Trey and Kevin even suggested Gregg look at the building next door and consider creating his own space as the kitchen was getting a bit crowded with the new equipment. Gregg was excited about opening his own place and decided he would talk to Scott about it. Trey reminded Gregg he really needed to come up with a name for the bakery, especially if he was opening his own place, we can't keep calling it the bakery. Kevin suggested Gregg's Goodies. Gregg wrinkled his nose then smiled. Sounds more like you're talking about my dick and balls. The three men laughed.

Later that night Scott and Gregg were in the hottub and Gregg brought up the idea of opening his own bakery. Scott smiled and said it was about time! It's obvious the bakery is a success and Trey already mentioned the location next door to the restaurant is available, so it would be easy to move the bakery equipment. Why wouldn't you do it? Gregg adjusted himself in the hottub and said he could get a line of equity from his house. He owned it outright, but he wasn't used to having any debt. That was something that was always instilled in him, so he was nervous about making that move.

Scott suggested he sell the house and take proceeds to open the bakery. Gregg laughed, but then where would I live? Scott smiled at Gregg. Gregg seemed oblivious and continued that he would have to find another place to buy and it was a seller's market, so everything was going for top dollar, so it didn't make sense to sell unless....he stopped himself...he looked at Scott who was still smiling at him. Really? Scott nodded. Really? You are asking me to move in with you? Scott nodded again. Really? Scott laughed. Isn't that what most married people do? Gregg tilted his head. Gregg Steffey, will you marry me? Is that clear enough? Gregg was speechless. He began nodding his head slowly as he processed that he was agreeing to marry this man. Scott pulled Gregg in to kiss him. Gregg felt himself melt and pulled away. Really? Gregg, really! Scott said. Gregg pulled Scott's arm around his shoulders and he snuggled into Scott.

Gregg started stroking Scott's chest and slid his hand down to his crotch. Gregg started stroking Scott's dick when Scott grabbed his hand and said he may want to hold that thought. Scott yelled out, HE SAID YES! All of a sudden men appeared from every hiding place possible and in unison they all said, REALLY? Gregg busted up laughing and leaned in to kiss Scott.

David, Garrett, Max, Chuck, Vinnie, Michael, Kevin and Trey and several others were standing around and then multiple champagne bottles popped open. Chuck handed everyone a cup and they toasted Scott and Gregg and their new adventure. The men started chanting, speech, speech. Scott stood up and in his naked glory told Gregg that he cannot wait to share his life with him and feel as alive as he has felt the past several months. Gregg stood and pulled Scott in for a deep passionate kiss that brought a response from the crowd and their dicks. Gregg squeezed it and told the men that they needed to break in his new place so get naked and let's fuck! Gregg lowered himself down to Scott's cock and began sucking as he watched clothes flying off everyone.

Scott pulled Gregg up and told him he was a naughty boy. Gregg smiled and said maybe he deserved to be punished! Scott's eyes popped open a bit. The two men kissed until they felt hands on their bodies. Chuck was pulling at Gregg and said he had heard his deep throating skills had improved and wanted to see that for himself. Max took Scott's hand and pulled him out of the hottub. Scott looked back over his shoulder as Chuck sat on the edge of the hottub and Gregg swallowed the cock to the base. Max pulled Scott to a lounge chair. Max told Scott he had never seen him so happy and could tell Gregg was the man for him. Scott nodded and said it had been awesome watching Gregg open up and explore his sexuality. Max asked if he thought Gregg would ever consider fisting. Scott shrugged his shoulders and said Gregg is still exploring and he will let him figure it all out. Max smiled and said, well, until he figures it out, how about you giving my ass some attention. Scott smiled and licked his lips. Max handed Scott a jar of lube. Scott slathered his hand and then Max's ass. He inserted the tips of his finger and as he pressed forward. He moved back and forth until his hand was all the way inside Max. Scott grabbed Max's dick and stroked it. His strokes matched his hand fisting his ass. Max moaned loudly as he shot his load up his torso. Scott removed his hand from Max's ass. Max sat up and gave Scott a kiss on the cheek.

Scott walked back to the group and Chuck was just climbing out of the tub with a very spent dick. He smiled and gave Scott a high five. You are one lucky man! Scott smiled as he watched Gregg get pats on the back for his blowjob. Scott knew he was lucky. He knew Gregg was special. He knew he was going to fuck his brains out when they were alone in bed.

The evening went on for a while and when all was done there wasn't an erection in the mix. The guys all wished Scott and Gregg well and when the last man left Scott took Gregg's hand and pulled him towards the bedroom. Gregg stopped him and pulled him to the kitchen. Scott smiled as Gregg handed him the bottle of olive oil. After their shower they laid in bed talking about their next steps, selling Gregg's house and the bakery. Gregg smiled. The Bakery. Why couldn't he call it that. His new bakery would be called, The Bakery. Their lives were about to get very busy. Gregg felt Scott wrap his arms around him.

Next: Chapter 6

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