Scott Meets Gregg

By Scott Davis

Published on Apr 6, 2021


This story contains gay sex between consenting adults. If this story offends you or it is illegal for you, please leave this site. If not..enjoy and let me know what you think!

The characters and events in this story are fictional. The story may portray some real people, events, or places.

This story is a collaboration between myself and someone I have been chatting with from a previous story. Thanks Gregg it has been fun!

Remember Nifty relies and survives on generosity of people like you for donations. Please be generous.

The Bakery was up and running and busier than ever. He had hired a few employees and had made sure they were a good "fit". Ben was 5'10 185 and loved wearing sweats to work, without underwear. His dick flopped around all day except for when he had an erection. He didn't care who saw it. He was proud of his 6.5" cut dick. Gregg always smiled when he saw the tent in his sweats. On more than one occasion Gregg stopped what he was doing and dropped to help take down the tent! Eli was the other employee. Eli was 5'6 and rode his bike to work. Eli's bulge was very impressive and would change in the office while Gregg was working on orders and billing. Eli loved flopping his huge 5" soft dick back and forth in front of Gregg. He didn't get much bigger hard, but Gregg enjoyed it on several occasions.

Gregg had sold his house in one day. He had multiple offers and sold it for $20K over the asking price. He knew it was a sellers market and was very pleased with his return on investment. The money went directly into the business and he was able to upgrade the kitchen equipment and partnering with Scott was able to buy the building instead of leasing it. He was now the landlord for Trey and Kevin and would pop into the restaurant frequently to do inspections of their cock's and asses!

Scott was only a silent partner with The Bakery. It was a learning curve for Gregg to accept Scott's financial help, but Scott kept reminding him that they were now married and they could share everything. Scott still enjoyed his happy hour and Chuck's dick frequently! Scott was at the bar when Gregg called and asked if he could come by The Bakery. Scott finished his beer and Chuck groped his bulge just to tease Scott a bit.

Scott entered The Bakery and found Gregg in his office. They gave each other a kiss and Gregg let his hand slide down and fondle Scott's bulge. Scott smiled and told Gregg not to start something he can't finish. Gregg pulled his hand away and said he had just received a phone call from a resort in the Florida Keys and they had asked if Gregg would be interested in being a guest chef and they would provide a free week stay after a weekend of work. Gregg said someone from an event that he catered managed the resort and loved his goodies! Scott smiled and said he loved Gregg's goodies too! Gregg laughed remembering the suggestion to call The Bakery Gregg's Goodies.

Gregg continued and said Scott was invited and he could either come down for the entire stay or wait until Gregg was done with his weekend. Gregg said he would be working very long days and probably wouldn't be much fun to be around, but Scott could go explore and lay around the pool for a few days until Gregg was able to join. Scott asked if Gregg would be able to get away for that amount of time and Gregg said that his big event during that time, a wedding, just cancelled as the couple broke up, so they were free! Scott loved the idea and said he would want to be with Gregg the entire time even if it meant he only got to sleep with him for a few hours a night it would be better than being home alone. Gregg smiled and said great, because he had already said they would be there!

The next week the guys were packed and ready to board the plane. Scott used some frequent flyer miles and got upgraded to first class. Gregg had never flown before and was a bit nervous. Scott called the Flight Attendant over and asked for a couple drinks to help Scott calm himself down a bit. The Flight Attendant, Kyle, was an attractive, slender, guy with a smile that made you think he was up to something. When Kyle brought the drinks Scott asked Gregg if he had ever heard of the Mile High Club. Gregg shook his head and Scott said after the seatbelt sign was turned off he would get him signed up and slid his hand between Gregg's legs. Kyle caught this and winked at the Scott.

The plane took off and Kyle brought the two men another round of drinks. Kyle pushed a cart down the center of the aisle and looked at Scott and said he would be blocking the aisle for a bit as he served drinks and snacks. Scott smiled and grabbed Gregg's hand. Scott leaned in and told Scott to follow him in a second to the restroom. Gregg was confused until Scott rubbed his bulge and winked.

When Gregg opened the bathroom door Scott was naked on his knees and quickly grabbed Gregg's pants and opened them up. Gregg hadn't even latched the door when he felt his cock in Scott's mouth. Gregg's cock grew quickly and Scott stood and turned around. Gregg reached down and rubbed Scott's ass and felt it slick with lube. Scott looked over his shoulder and told Gregg to fuck him! We don't have a lot of time, so get it done! Gregg didn't need further instruction and started pounding Scott. He didn't try to hold back and quickly released his load in Scott's ass. Scott stood up and turned to kiss Gregg. He grabbed some paper towel to do a quick ass clean and then told Gregg to go back to his seat. Gregg was settling in when Scott came back to his seat. Kyle walked back by and handed a set of wings to Gregg. Welcome to the club. Gregg blushed and smiled at Scott.

The rest of the flight was uneventful and the two talked with Kyle about the resort they were going to. Kyle said he had been there and it was a very nice resort that catered to the gay community. He smiled and told the guys they would have a VERY good time! He mentioned that he had a three day trip and then would be off for a few days so maybe he would see them for a happy hour one day. The guys exchanged phone numbers.

The men got their bags and headed to the exit. Gregg saw his name on a sign held by an extremely tanned, blonde, twenty something wearing a tight polo and white shorts. He welcomed Scott and Gregg and introduced himself as Franco then escorted them to a shiny, classic, black 1960's convertible Continental. They took their seats and Franco loaded the luggage in the trunk and they were headed down US1 to the Keys.

Scott had been to the Keys several times, but all this was new for Gregg. He had never seen the ocean or such incredible beaches. Franco explained the drive would take about 4 hours, so kick back and enjoy. He opened a cooler and handed the two men a drink. Gregg looked inside the lid and saw a pink slush. He took a drink and smiled at Scott. Scott finished his drink quickly and Franco handed him another. After a bit in the car Franco pulled over to a small beach area. He jumped out of the car and grabbed the cooler and a backpack. He told Scott and Gregg to follow him and they walked down a path to a secluded area of beach. Franco explained that not many people knew about this area of the beach. The view was incredible and Gregg was in awe of everything. He held Scott's hand and then turned to kiss him. Franco applauded the kiss and then opened his backpack. He handed the two a pair of goggles and a snorkel. He explained that there was a reef in this area and wanted them to see it. Franco stripped off his clothes and stood in front of Scott and Gregg naked. He was very dark all over and had a beautiful uncut cock. Franco explained that no one would come by this area, so it's ok to be naked. Scott and Gregg stripped off their clothes and Franco smiled as he checked both their bodies out.

The three snorkeled for a while and then headed back up on the beach. Franco pulled a large sheet from his backpack and threw it out for the three men to lay on. They let the sun dry their bodies and Franco talked about the resort and how much fun it was working there. He grabbed his dick and said he doesn't make it a day without someone taking care of this. As he squeezed it it grew a bit then said, of course today I haven't been at the resort, so no luck so far. Scott and Gregg smiled at each other and moved on either side of Franco's body. Scott went for Franco's large nipples and Gregg went down on his still wet uncut cock. Gregg pulled off and said it was salty! Franco smiled and said so was his cum. Gregg dove back down on Franco's dick and sucked feverously. Gregg turned his head at one point and saw Franco sucking on Scott's cock. Gregg smiled and remembered that Scott hadn't gotten off on the plane, so was probably overdue to blow his load! Franco grunted and Gregg felt his mouth fill with salty cum. He milked the last drops in time to see Scott shooting his load into Franco's mouth.

The trio laid in the sun for a few more minutes and then dressed and headed back to the car. The rest of the drive was Franco detailing the events the resort had planned for the week and let Scott and Gregg in on a few secrets that most guests didn't know like during the evening entertainment show on Thursdays there was an employee orgy in the staff lounge. The entertainers were brought in from outside along with a wait staff, so it was a few hours off for the staff to kick back. Franco mentioned that Scott and Gregg would love his friend Michael and the four of them could have a very good time together.

Franco announced their arrival and they pulled through an arched entrance and into a beautifully landscaped park like setting. The road was lined with palm trees and you could see the beautiful two story resort in front of them. It was the most incredible thing Gregg had ever seen. They pulled up to the hotel entrance and two bellmen came out to get the luggage. Franco opened the door for Scott and Gregg and immediately they were greeted by James the hotel manager. James was late 30's and had a very professional look about him. He let Gregg know the kitchen was all set up per his request and the staff was waiting for his arrival.

Gregg turned to Scott and frowned. Scott smiled and told him to get to work and he would see him later. Gregg left with James and Franco introduced Scott to Luis who would take him to his room. Franco said he would stop by later to see if Scott needed anything. Luis directed Scott to the room and Scott was very impressed with the room and especially the view. It had a balcony with two lounge chairs that overlooked the pool and the ocean. He looked down at a sea of men laying around the pool wearing speedos. Definitely a gay resort he thought to himself. Luis handed Scott the key card and welcomed him to the resort. Scott quickly changed into his speedo and headed to the pool.

The pool was busy and Scott enjoyed the view. Lots of stuffed speedos leaving little to the imagination and handsome pool staff delivering drinks. Scott had dozed off a bit when he woke to a man talking on his cell phone next to him. Scott stirred a bit and heard the man tell the person on the other end that he would not be available for the next three days and to not bother him unless someone was dying. The man pulled off his shirt and sat on the lounge chair. He laid back and took a deep breath. Scott spoke, rough day? The man turned and shook his head. Every day is rough. I haven't had a vacation in two years and finally get three days off and have already had multiple phone calls. On cue his phone chimed. He looked at it and Scott chuckled a bit. Ya know, that thing has a power button. The man laughed and turned off his phone.

Scott introduced himself and the man said his name was Akio. His parents were from Japan, but he had been born in the states. Scott liked the man's features especially his dark eyes and hair. He had a very lean body and looked very good in his black speedos. Akio said he was in real estate and had multiple deals that are scheduled to be closed next week, so he wanted to get away before he would be buried in that hot mess. Scott waved a pool staff over and the man brought a tray of specialty drinks. Akio grabbed two and slammed the first one down and placed the empty glass back on the tray. Scott smiled as he sipped his drink.

The two men talked and Scott found out that Akio had come here by himself and, as he put bluntly, was looking to get fucked hard while he was here. He said he didn't have time for a boyfriend, let alone sexual encounters back home, so he was going to make up for lost time. This time Scott slammed down his drink and asked Akio if he was ready for his first fuck. Akio finished his second drink and told Scott to lead the way.

The two men were naked seconds after entering the room. Scott grabbed Akio's throbbing cock and was impressed with the girth. Akio stroked Scott's cock and asked if they could just fuck and get the first load out of their system. Scott grinned and pushed Akio on the bed. Scott grabbed a bottle of lube from his overnight bag and poured some on his dick. He climbed up on the bed between Akio's open legs. He lifted Akio's legs over his shoulders and added lube to his ass. Scott moved in and pressed his cock inside Akio's ass. It was tight and warm! Scott started pounding with Akio moaning and telling Scott to fuck him harder. Scott obliged and pounded Akio hard! Akio was jacking his cock as Scott fucked him. After a few minutes the two men erupted and Akio sprayed his face with cum as Scott filled his ass. When Scott's cock was done throbbing he pulled out and lay down next to Akio.

Akio smiled and thanked Scott for his first fuck! The door opened and in walked Gregg. Akio jumped up and tried to cover himself with a pillow. Gregg smiled and walked over to Scott and gave him a kiss. Looks like you are filling your time well! Gregg told Akio to relax. Akio sat back on the bed and Gregg said he had just come to take a quick shower and needed to get back for the dinner rush. Gregg stripped and headed into the bathroom. Scott smiled at Akio and nodded his head toward the bathroom. Akio's mouth dropped open but stood and dropped the pillow and headed to the bathroom. Gregg's moans could be heard over the shower as he unloaded into Akio's ass filling him with his second load. Gregg dried off and changed into his chef uniform and headed back to work. Akio came out of the restroom toweling off his hair and asked Scott if he would like to get some dinner. Scott smiled and pulled Akio back into the bed filling him with his third load before they left for dinner.

They stopped by Akio's room so he could dress. Speedos were not an appropriate dress for dinner! Akio's room was modest compared to Scott and Gregg's and had an interior view. It was nice, but not nearly as plush as theirs. The two headed for dinner and saw Gregg standing behind a buffet of desserts that were being ooh'd and aah'd over. Gregg looked so happy and in his element. Scott and Akio had dinner and made plans to head to a nightclub close by. Akio asked if Gregg would be ok with this and Scott explained he was kind of on his own for the next couple days. The two praised Gregg for his desserts and Scott gave Gregg a kiss before he and Akio headed out.

The night club had just the right amount of people and was a good mix of straight and gays and of all different ages. They headed up to the bar and got a drink and a shot. The clinked shot glasses and down them. They stood by the bar and looked at all the people dancing. Akio caught the eye of a very muscular man in a tank and shorts. Akio looked at Scott and Scott told him to go for it! Akio and the man danced closely and Akio couldn't keep his hands off the man's chest. Scott turned to get another drink and the bartender was setting one down in front of him. The bartender pointed to a booth and an older distinguished looking man raised his glass. Scott took the drink and headed for the booth.

The man slid over, indicating Scott to sit next to him. He said his name was Vince and he owned the nightclub and he noticed that Scott's friend had left him for the muscle man on the dance floor. Scott explained they had just met at the resort and were there together, but not together. Vince smiled and took a drink. A waiter came over with two more drinks and Vince asked if Scott would like to see the rest of the club.

The two men walked around the back of the bar and up a flight of stairs. There was a landing and you could look across the entire bar. Scott looked until he saw Akio wrapped around the muscle man during a slower song. Vince opened the door to the outside and there was another set of stairs that led to the roof. The two walked up and there were several dozen men sitting at tables listening to a reggae band. Vince said this was for a more select clientele, not bar hoppers. Vince walked over to a table that had a reserved sign on it and the two sat down.

Several men waved at Vince and a few stopped by the table to say hello. Vince told Scott that he knew the owners of the resort and they were a very nice couple. Scott explained about Gregg and Vince said he had heard about him and was excited to come there for dinner this week. Another man walked up and leaned down to kiss Vince. He sat at the empty chair and Vince introduced Adam, his husband. Adam reached out and shook Scott's hand and held on a bit longer than a normal handshake. Adam looked at Vince and winked.

The music was incredible and the drinks kept showing up. Scott had a good buzz and was disappointed when the music stopped. A DJ announced that the lights would be dimmed and the band would be back in thirty minutes. Scott was confused and looked over at Vince and Adam. Vince explained it was sex-thirty and for the next thirty minutes it was anything goes. Scott turned and even with the lights turned down could see men in all kinds of positions. Men were bent over tables getting fucked. Several men were on their knees sucking men in front of them. Scott rubbed his crotch and then felt hands move away. Adam was knelt before him starting to unbuckle his pants. Vince stood up and stepped towards Scott. As Scott felt his cock slide into Adam's mouth he took Vince's cock into his.

Vince's cock was a good 8" with nice girth and a downward curve. Scott loved deep throating cocks like this. They fit perfect down his throat and it really turned him on. He could feel precum oozing from his cock as Adam continued his sucking. Vince was rubbing his hands through Scott's hair and Scott felt Adam pull his mouth off his dick and then straddle him and slide down his wet shaft. Adam raised a bit allowing Scott to begin thrusting in him. It wasn't long and Vince said he was close. Scott began thrusting harder and felt a rush of cool air on his cock as Adam jumped off and spun around to take his cock back in his mouth. The sensation pushed him over and he shot his load into Adam's mouth. Vince grabbed Scott's hair tightly and pumped his load down Scott's throat.

Vince put his dick back in his pants and Adam redressed and went back to his seat. Scott was zipping up when the lights came back up. Every man was back at their table enjoying their drinks, fully dressed as if nothing had just happened. Scott looked at Adam who wiped a bit of cum from his lips and smiled at Scott. The music began again and after an hour they announced the evening was coming to an end. The men started heading downstairs and Vince handed Scott his card and said he would look for Scott at the resort, but to call if he had anymore free time.

Scott was walking out of the bar when Akio came up with two muscle heads. This is Tim and Tom. They are competitive bodybuilders. They are going to come back to my room and I am going to do squats on their cocks. One of the men picked Akio up and the three walked towards the resort. Scott smiled and couldn't wait to hear how Akio's night went.

Scott was alone when he got back to the room and went to sit on the balcony. A few moments later Gregg walked in. Gregg smiled when he saw Scott and went over to kiss him. Gregg said he was very tired and had to be back in the kitchen at 4am for deliveries. Scott took Gregg's hand and pulled him for a kiss. How about a quick shower and then we get some sleep. Gregg smiled. The two washed each other and Gregg admitted he was too tired to get a hard on. Scott smiled and said it was ok and said he would tell him about the nightclub another time. The two crawled into bed and quickly fell asleep.

When Scott woke he was alone. He couldn't wait for Gregg to be done with his work, but knew it was what needed to be done. He decided he would spend the day walking around the Keys and do some sight seeing on Duval Street. He had been before and couldn't wait to bring Gregg here for his first visit. He went down for breakfast and saw the two bodybuilders leaving the resort. He decided he would check in on Akio and make sure he was ok. He grabbed an extra coffee to go and walked to Akio's room.

Akio answered the door naked. Scott handed him the extra coffee and Akio got a huge smile on his face and took a big sip. He invited Scott in and shut the door. He walked over to the bed and sat down. Scott asked how his night went and Akio said that everything you heard about dicks on bodybuilders was NOT true. These men were HUGE! He went on to describe how he was spit roasted and the guys came multiple times throughout the night. As he described the events his cock began to swell and he absent mindedly stroked himself. Scott was getting a bit turned on as well and decided to take advantage of Akio's condition and stepped between his legs and swallowed his cock. Akio enjoyed his blow job and cup of coffee. Akio returned the favor and said his ass needed a moment so a blow job was all he could offer this morning.

Scott asked if Akio would like to walk around Duval Street. Akio declined and said he was going to spend the early part of the day napping poolside and getting a tan at which point he stood up and pulled on his speedo. Scott understood and left Akio to enjoy a peaceful morning. Scott grabbed a car to Duval Street and spent a few hours shopping and people watching. He enjoyed being in an area that was so gay friendly. He saw Adam coming out of a shop and waved at him. Adam came over and asked if Scott had a good time at the club. Scott said of course and really loved the rooftop! Adam let Scott know that he was always welcome and he and Vince planned on being at the resort for dinner the following evening and would love to meet Gregg. Scott agreed and Adam said he needed to get going.

Scott walked some more and found an open bar and grille. He went in, got a drink and ordered a sandwich. He was enjoying more people watching when he overheard the conversation behind him. Two men were talking about a hot fuck they had the night before. Scott turned and saw the two bodybuilders. They recognized Scott and slid over to join him. Your friend was the hottest fuck we have ever had! He was insatiable. We won't need to get laid for a week! One of the guys rubbed his dick and said he was sore from how many times he fucked him. The two guys finished their drinks and told Scott to let Akio know how much fun they had. Scott agreed and headed back to the resort.

Scott stopped in his room to change and headed for the pool. He found Akio sound asleep in a lounge chair. He was obviously having a good dream as his cock was hard and sticking up out of his speedo. Scott noticed several men staring and chuckled a bit. Scott sat down next to Akio and coughed. Akio stirred a bit and looked up to see Scott and smiled. Scott looked down at Akio's bulge and told him he was putting on quite the show for the guys. Akio reached down and grabbed his bulge. He looked at a couple guys staring and wiggled the bulge in his hand. The men smiled and turned back to their drinks.

Akio said he wasn't ready for another round of fucking just yet, but should be good to go tonight. Scott relayed the information from the bodybuilders and Akio blushed a bit and rubbed his cock some more and said he thought he was definitely getting his fix and would be good for a few months and would be able to refocus on his job. Akio asked what Scott wanted to do for the day. Scott mentioned snorkeling and they two walked over to the rental booth and spent the next couple hours swimming around the reef.

They headed to their rooms to shower and change for dinner and met at the restaurant. Gregg had a completely different display than the night before and looked even better! Scott could see Gregg was in his element and was loving his time working in the kitchen. Gregg noticed Scott and came around from the display to give him a kiss. Gregg asked Scott if he was staying out of trouble and Scott looked at Akio. Akio smiled and said Scott had been a good boy. Very good! Gregg laughed and said he needed to get back to the kitchen and told Scott to enjoy himself.

While the two were having dinner several guys came by the table and told Akio they liked watching him by the pool earlier that day. The last three guys looked like triplets from Sweden. All very blonde, tall and swimmers build. Akio asked them to join us and one pulled a chair from another table and sat down. Two of the men sat on either side of Akio and the third sat close to Scott. They introduced themselves as William, Hugo, who were fraternal twin brothers, and Liam. They said they were traveling around the states until they began at university in the fall. They admitted they had enjoyed watching Akio and wanted to get to know him better and they were just about to come over when Scott showed up and didn't want to intrude. But when they saw Scott kissing the chef they said they needed to introduce themselves.

Akio smiled at Scott and raised an eyebrow. William asked if they were a couple or trio or what. Scott explained that he and Akio had just met and that his husband was the chef and was working this weekend, but then would be off for a week of relaxation. So, until then Scott was a single man. Liam smiled and slid his hand onto Scott's leg and gave his thigh a squeeze. By the look on Akio's face he was getting some attention under the table from the two brothers as well.

Hugo asked if Akio and Scott had any plans for the night. Akio looked at Hugo and said if he moved his hand up any farther he would feel his plans. Hugo smiled and slid his hand up and found Akio's hard cock. Liam did the same and told the table it felt like Scott had the same plans for the evening. The waiter came by and asked if they needed anything. William said they would like a round of drinks to go. The waiter smiled as he noticed the hands rubbing the bulges in Akio's and Scott's laps. The waiter returned with their drinks and the men all stood to leave. Bulges catching the eyes of each table they walked by.

William led the way and were quickly inside their room. Scott noticed there was only one king size bed and looked at Liam. Liam smiled and said they were all very close. The men wasted no time chatting and were stripping off their clothes. William and Hugo may be fraternal twins but their cocks were identical. About 6.5" and uncut. Liam was uncut also, but much bigger than the two brothers. Akio's dark features were a nice contrast to the blonde's and Scott's hairy body was different from all their smooth bodies. William and Hugo wrapped their arms around each other and pulled their bodies close. They started kissing and Akio and Scott's mouths dropped open watching the two brother's make out. Liam walked over to them and the three began kissing. Their hands roamed all over their bodies and cocks. Hugo dropped to his knees and took his brother's cock into his mouth and then Liam's. Akio and Scott rubbed their cocks as they watched the three men in front of them. Neither had seen two brothers together and were very turned on by the whole thing.

Hugo turned and motioned for Akio and Scott to move closer. Hugo bobbed between the four cocks in front of him. William slid his hand down Akio's back and began exploring his ass and the two began kissing. Liam took Scott's hand and led him to the bed. Liam fell back and pulled Scott on top of him. Scott looked over and William had bent Akio over onto the bed and he was eating out his ass as Hugo continued sucking Akio's cock.

Liam raised his legs and Scott's cock was like a magnet to Liam's ass. Scott spit in his hand and rubbed his cock. He pressed forward and Liam moaned with pleasure as Scott entered him. Liam turned his head toward Akio and moved over to kiss him as Scott began fucking him. Liam was moaning and William had stood up and was entering Akio's ass. Scott looked and Hugo was underneath the two men licking their balls as his brother fucked Akio.

Several minutes of this went by when William pulled out and shoved his dick in his brother's mouth. Hugo sucked off Akio's ass juice and Akio crawled up onto the bed next to Liam. The two men kissed until Liam moaned again as Hugo was eating his ass. Hugo was moaning into Akio's ass as William ate out his brother. Hugo pressed Akio flat on the bed and then pressed his cock into Akio's hole. William straddled his brother and Scott watched as the brother penetrated his own brother and began fucking him. Scott started pounding Liam harder and Liam wrapped his legs around Scott and pulled him tight. Scott couldn't hold back and started filling Liam's ass. Hugo moaned loudly as he released his load into Akio. His brother pulled out and pushed Hugo aside and replaced his brother's cock with his own. He pumped a few times in Akio and then released his load mixing it with his brother's. When William pulled out Hugo moved in and sucked Akio's ass clean.

Akio rolled over and his hard on was still standing at full attention. Hugo quickly took it in his mouth and fingered Akio's wet hole as he sucked the load from Akio's balls. Scott looked down and Liam was jacking his cock until he sprayed a huge load up his chest and onto his face. Scott leaned down and licked the cum from Liam's body. The five men collapsed intertwined on the bed. Akio looked at the clock and said there was still time to head to a club. The men all laughed and William said they should all probably take a shower. Akio agreed and said he and Scott would meet them in the lobby in 15 minutes.

The five met in the lobby and headed to a club that William suggested. When the guys walked in they noticed it was mostly men. William said it wasn't officially a gay bar, but mostly gay guys came here. They headed to the bar and got a round of drinks. They found a bar table and all stood around looking at the men dancing. Liam and Akio were moving to the music and headed to the dance floor. William, Hugo and Scott watched the two men dancing. They were very sexual and men started watching as the two made out and ground their hips into each other. Two other men came up and started grinding into Akio and Liam's backsides. The two bent forward and the scene would have been pornographic had they been naked. Akio and Liam stood and turned to the man that had been grinding into them and started making out with them. William and Hugo came up and made a sandwich with Akio and Liam in the middle. Scott rubbed his crotch as he watched the six men dry hump/dance.

When the song ended the group came back to where Scott was standing. One of the new guys waved at the bartender and a tray of drinks showed up. Scott wasn't sure about his place in this mix of young men, but Liam grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze. The group danced and worked up quite a sweat. Akio was moving from one guy to another while Liam and Scott pulled off by themselves. Akio came over and asked Scott if he wanted to come back to their room. Liam squeezed Scott's hand. Scott looked at Liam who shook his head a bit. Scott told Akio to have fun. Akio smiled and the five men left the bar. Liam slid his hand between Scott's legs and said he would rather have Scott to himself for a while. The two left the bar and Scott filled Liam's ass one more time before he headed back to his room finding Gregg sound asleep. Scott took a quick shower and slid next to Gregg.

Next: Chapter 7

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