Scott Meets Gregg

By Scott Davis

Published on Apr 7, 2021


This story contains gay sex between consenting adults. If this story offends you or it is illegal for you, please leave this site. If not..enjoy and let me know what you think!

The characters and events in this story are fictional. The story may portray some real people, events, or places.

This story is a collaboration between myself and someone I have been chatting with from a previous story. Thanks Gregg it has been fun!

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Sunday Morning Scott woke alone again. He was excited that today was Gregg's last day working. He had been having fun, but was ready to spend some alone time with his husband. Scott stretched and walked to the balcony. The pool was busy but Scott wasn't in the mood for a crowd. He pulled Vince's card from his wallet and decided to give it a call. Vince answered and Scott asked if Vince was busy. Vince said he and Adam were spending the day by the pool and would love it if Scott would join them. Vince gave Scott the address and Scott headed out.

Scott pulled up to a beautiful home and thanked the driver. He walked up to the door and it was immediately opened by a naked Adam and Vince. They stepped aside and welcomed Scott to their home. They immediately walked out to the pool and told Scott to get comfortable while they poured him a drink. Scott stripped and was handed a bloody mary. Adam said he was a bit hungover from the night before and needed to recover a bit. Adam waved him to a lounge chair and the three men sat down. They chatted and relaxed. This was exactly what Scott needed. He chuckled to himself and thought he must be getting old.

The men tanned and drank, drank and tanned. The bloody mary's became margaritas and then it warmed up and the men all jumped in the pool. They swam around a bit and then moved closer together. They all began kissing and the cocks reacted. Adam pulled away and said he must be recovered. Vince pulled himself to the side of the pool and his erect cock jutted up between his legs. Adam swam between his legs and took Vince's cock in his mouth. Vince motioned for Scott to join him and soon Adam was going between the two men. Adam pulled himself from the pool and the three walked over to the lounge chair and Vince took a seat. Adam crawled between his legs and took his cock in his mouth then lifted his ass towards Scott. Scott stepped up and Vince reached over, grabbed a bottle of oil and handed it to Scott. Adam was bobbing up and down on Vince's cock as he felt his ass lubed and then penetrated. He loved getting spit roasted and his cock oozed precum. Vince and Scott fucked Adam's holes until they released inside him. Adam grabbed at his dick and sprayed his load on the lounge cushion beneath him. Adam and Scott moved to their separate lounge chairs and they all relaxed and took in some more sun.

Scott asked if Vince and Adam would like to join him for dinner at the resort. The two agreed and they went and showered and dressed. They drove Scott back to the resort and waited for him in the bar as he showered and changed. They went to the restaurant and found Gregg. Scott introduced them and bragged on Gregg showing them his new display of deserts. Gregg loved how Scott talked about him and couldn't wait to be done with his shift tonight to show him some appreciation. Gregg told the men to enjoy dinner and gave Scott a very passionate kiss.

The three men sat down and Scott saw Akio arrive. Scott waved him over and invited him to join them. Scott asked how last night went. Akio smiled and said he was the center of attention. Vince and Adam smiled knowing it must be something sexual. They all enjoyed dinner and then each chose one of Gregg's deserts. Vince noticed the manager of the resort and waved him over. Vince raved over the desserts and James said he had received several compliments and had already talked to the chef about another guest visit, or maybe even a permanent position. Scott raised his eyebrow and couldn't wait to talk to Gregg about this.

James asked if they would be back on Friday for "entertainment night". Adam nodded and said they wouldn't miss it! James excused himself and said he would see them Friday.

Vince and Adam said they needed to get to the club and looked forward to spending more time with Scott and Gregg. Akio asked Scott what he wanted to do for the evening. Akio had one more night in town and wanted to make the most of it. Scott smiled when he saw Franco walking up to the table. Akio smiled and gave Franco the once over. Franco asked how Scott was enjoying the resort. Scott said it was awesome and tonight was Gregg's last night working, so then they would be able to be on vacation together. Scott introduced Akio and said they were trying to figure out what to do for the night as it was Akio's last night. Franco smiled at Akio and said he was headed to a friends house for a party and they were welcome to join him. Akio said as long as he could get fucked he was in. Franco smiled and said that was a guarantee!

As they drove Franco explained this was a group of friends. Most of them are straight, but they won't say no to a blow job or fucking an ass. There should be around 10 guys there. Franco looked at Akio and asked if he was serious about getting fucked. Akio nodded. Franco asked if he would want to take all the guys. Akio's body shuttered with excitement. Franco said the guys had always talked about pulling a chain on a guy, so if you'd be interested they would be up for it. Akio looked at Scott and smiled.

They arrived and went into the house. The guys were all in their late 30's early 40's in pretty good shape. Franco introduced Akio and Scott and the men looked Akio up and down more than Scott, which made Scott feel a bit old, but he had to admit he would have been doing the same thing. The guys were all having a few drinks and Akio did a few shots after which he said that he was ready to get fucked and who wanted to go first? A hush came over the room and Franco raised his hand. Akio smiled and told Franco to lead the way. As the two men left the room the other men all started rubbing their bulges or the bulge of the guy next to them.

Scott had connected with one of the men and took the initiative to turn and start kissing him. This seemed to ignite the others and soon the men were removing clothing and the room was an arrangement of naked men. Franco returned and announced that Akio was ready for the next guy. A very tall man stood and headed down the hall. Scott noticed a nice 7" erection leading the way. About 10 minutes later the next man went down the hall.

Scott had ended up between a couple men and they were working his nipples as another man sucked his cock and balls. A man came out from the hall and said Scott's name. Akio would like you to be next. I let him know that Jason was the last guy and Jason has a HUGE cock. Scott stood and his cock exited the man in front of him. He walked down the hall and found Akio on all fours. Akio turned and smiled. Scott's cock slid easily inside Akio's ass and Scott was quick to release his load. Akio pulled Scott down to the bed and the two kissed. Akio exhaled and said he was ready for his last fuck and then would be ready to go home. Scott smiled and said he would send Jason.

Scott walked into the living room and pointed at Jason who pulled his cock of an ass and Scott gasped a bit as he saw the length and girth of this man as he passed Scott to head down the hallway. Scott watched Jason step up to the bed and could hear Akio groan with pleasure as he entered his very well used hole. Scott was greeted by a man who dropped down to his knees and cleaned off Scott's spent cock then stood and kissed Scott.

The last loads of cum were being emptied as Jason and Akio walked back into the room. Jason had his arm around Akio to keep him steady. The past hour had been spent on his knees and he was a bit weak in the legs. Scott came over and took Akio to the bathroom to get cleaned up and dressed. When they returned to the living room the rest of the guys were dressed and all thanked Akio for an awesome evening and told him he was welcome back any time.

The men left and Franco brought us each a drink and said he could take us back to the resort when we were ready. Akio slammed down his drink and said he was ready. Franco and Scott laughed and down their drinks and soon they were back at the resort. Akio told Scott he wanted to relax in a hot bath. Scott suggested his room as there was a jacuzzi tub instead of just a regular bathtub. When the two arrived at the room Scott told Akio he would run the tub and Akio could get undressed. Akio didn't wait for the tub to fill before he slid in and felt the warm water on his ass hole. He sighed and smiled. When the water was high enough Scott turned on the jets and Akio closed his eyes and enjoyed the bubbles soothing his hole. Scott went into the bedroom area and let Akio enjoy some alone time.

Scott was flipping through some channels when the door opened and Gregg walked in. DONE! Gregg announced. Gregg said it was the best three days, but the most exhausting as well. He looked at Scott and smiled. But not too exhausting! Strip! Scott stood and came over to Gregg. The two kissed and Scott pulled away and told Gregg that they had company. Gregg looked at Scott a bit confused. Scott pulled Gregg to the restroom and opened the door. Akio was asleep in the tub with the bubbles running. Scott explained the evening and Gregg smiled.

Gregg pushed Scott out of the bathroom and repeated his earlier demand. Strip! Scott didn't hesitate this time and the two men fell into bed and Scott took his time pleasuring Gregg. Scott had missed his lover and wanted to show him how much! Gregg was enjoying the attention when Akio walked into the room. He was wrapped in a towel and froze for a moment. Scott pulled away from Gregg's ass for a moment and Akio said he just needed to grab his clothes and would head out. Scott asked if he wanted to meet for breakfast before he left to catch his flight. Akio agreed and winked at Scott as he went back down between Gregg's legs. Gregg's orgasm was intense and Scott made sure he completely drained Gregg's balls before Gregg fell asleep.

In the morning Scott let Gregg sleep and he went down to meet Akio for an early breakfast. Akio was drinking his coffee when Scott sat down next to him. Akio smiled and said that last night was awesome and after the last few days he had gotten fucked enough to last him a few months! Scott smiled and said he was glad Akio fulfilled his wish of getting fucked hard while he was here. Akio smiled, looked at his watch and said he needed to catch the shuttle. The two men hugged and Akio was gone. Scott grabbed some fruit and a carafe of coffee. He headed back to the room and found Gregg still asleep. Scott laid back down next to Gregg and wrapped his arms around him. Gregg inhaled and whispered Good Morning to Scott. Is that coffee I smell? Scott squeezed Gregg then stood and poured Gregg a cup. Gregg sat up and thanked Scott. Gregg asked what Scott would like to do today and Scott said the rest of the week was up to Gregg. Scott would love to show Gregg the town, but after all the work Gregg had done he wanted Gregg to set the pace. Gregg smiled and said a day by the pool does sound nice! Scott refilled Gregg's coffee and handed him a fruit plate. The rest of the day was just the two of them. A few men stopped by to try to chat up Gregg and Scott, but today the two men wanted to be alone. The only person they wanted to see was the poolside waiter with more cocktails.

Late afternoon they were both feeling good and Gregg said he wanted to get out of the sun for a bit before they headed to dinner. They went back to their room and both men showered together. They rubbed their soapy hands over each other's bodies and stroked themselves to hardness. The men kissed and rubbed their bodies together. Gregg pushed Scott away and turned him around and pressed him into the shower wall. Scott smiled and bent over more giving Gregg access to his ass. Gregg soaped up Scott's ass and then slid is cock inside him. Gregg was in ecstasy and felt his balls tighten after only a few strokes. It was quick and intense. Scott moaned as he felt his ass fill with Gregg's load. Gregg's cock slid out of Scott's ass and Scott turned to kiss Gregg who apologized for cumming so quickly. Scott smiled and said he loved it and loved Gregg. Gregg turned and Scott fucked Gregg. Scott made quick work of it so he wouldn't make Gregg feel bad about cumming so quickly.

The two rinsed off and then toweled dry. They walked naked into the bedroom and laid next to each other. Gregg asked if they could order room service and just keep to themselves the rest of the night. Scott smiled and placed their order. When room service arrived the two didn't even attempt to cover up. The server smiled and told Scott and Gregg to enjoy their evening. After dinner the two made love. Gregg proved his staying power much better and Scott returned the favor. When their balls were completely drained Gregg was the first to fall asleep. Scott looked at Gregg as he slept. Gregg had a smile on his face. Scott smiled and then fell asleep.

The next morning Scott woke with Gregg sucking his cock. Gregg smiled and worked down Scott's cock, balls and between his ass cheeks. Gregg had definitely improved his oral skills and Scott was soon filling Gregg's mouth. Gregg slid up and jerked himself off onto Scott's cock and then surprised Scott when he went back down on him to clean off his own load. Scott's body jumped as his cock was still sensitive from his orgasm.

Gregg jumped up and said he was rested and ready to go explore the area! Scott smiled and said they should probably shower and get some breakfast and then they could head out. As they were eating breakfast several people came up and complemented Gregg on his desserts. Gregg was grateful and a bit embarrassed. Scott loved that Gregg was getting so much attention. He had earned it! The two finished breakfast and headed into town. Scott held Gregg's hand. At first Gregg was uncomfortable, but realized no one was looking at them differently and soon just went with the flow.

They walked through town for a few hours and picked up a few souvenirs for their friends and coworkers. They had lunch at a cafe and then headed to a stand where they could rent snorkeling equipment. The afternoon was spent around the coral reef and when they were done they headed back to the resort for dinner. More people came over to complement Gregg. The last couple to come by were Chris and Jimmy. They were quite the odd couple. Chris was short and slender, maybe 5' and Jimmy was a tall, beefy man, like 6'4. They were raving about the desserts and when the waiter came by to ask if Scott and Gregg would like anything else Scott suggested an after dinner cocktail and asked if Chris and Jimmy would like to join them. The men agreed and the waiter soon returned with a round of after dinner drinks.

Several rounds later the men were all very loosened up and they had shared where they were from, how long they had been together etc. Chris and Jimmy were amazed with Gregg's story. Chris had been rubbing Jimmy's thigh and Scott and Gregg both noticed a bulge in Jimmy's slacks. Chris stated that he and Jimmy had a group of friends like the group that went to the cabin and they usually get together every three months or so. This trip was supposed to be one of those occasions but things fell through at the last minute so it was just the two of them. Gregg frowned and said maybe they could make a new group and make up for their friends not being able to attend. Chris and Jimmy looked at each other and they both nodded to each other.

The men headed back to Gregg and Scott's room and went to the balcony to finish their drinks. Gregg noticed Chris seemed to take the lead and Jimmy was a bit more submissive. Gregg realized he had just assumed the taller man would be in charge. His mind drifted as he pictured this smaller man taking charge of the taller man. Scott took Gregg's hand and Gregg was brought back into the conversation. Gregg commented on their height difference and Chris laughed and understood. He said they are either toes to toes or nose to nose. When they are in bed Chris admitted that fucking Jimmy was like climbing on top of a raging bull that needs taming, but fortunately he had the tool needed to whip him into submission and grabbed at his crotch.

Gregg raised his eyebrows and his mind drifted away again picturing the two men fucking. He drooled a bit and Scott snapped his fingers and chuckled at Gregg knowing what Scott was fantasizing about. Scott leaned in to kiss Gregg then slid his hand across his straining crotch. This was all the encouragement Chris and Jimmy needed and Jimmy knelt down and undid Chris' pants. Gregg's eyes popped open when he heard the zipper and gasped in Scott's mouth when Jimmy pulled out Chris' massive cock. How could such a short man have such a huge cock? Gregg pulled away and Scott gasped as he watched Jimmy swallow Chris' full length. Chris smiled at Scott and Gregg.

Gregg started removing Scott's clothes and dropped down in front of him to take his cock in his mouth. Gregg sucked Scott, but was more engaged in watching Jimmy suck. Chris pulled his cock out of Jimmy's mouth and turned toward Gregg. Gregg pulled off Scott and moved over to Chris. Gregg could only guess at the length. He knew it was bigger than Trey's cock. Gregg felt the length enter his mouth and he felt it press into his throat and then kept going. Gregg was amazed when he felt the trimmed bush rub against his nose. This cock was easily over 10" and Gregg had it all in his mouth. He was so aroused. He reached back and began rubbing his ass. Scott rubbed Gregg's cheeks and said we may want to move inside. Gregg was so lost in Chris' cock he forgot they were on the balcony and when he stood noticed a few men on balconies across from them watching.

The men headed into the room and Gregg took Chris' hand and pushed him down on the bed and went back to work on his cock. Scott stepped behind Gregg and pressed his cock into Gregg's twitching hole. Gregg was so turned on from sucking Chris he took Scott's cock easily into him. Jimmy had laid next to Chris and was sucking on his nipples. Gregg scanned over Jimmy's huge body down to his cock. It was a nice looking 6-7" cock. It seemed like their cocks should be on the other's bodies. Gregg didn't care as long as he got to suck them.

Gregg pulled off Chris' cock and moved towards Jimmy's. Scott was pounding Gregg which encouraged Gregg to suck hard! Chris had slid up and was feeding Jimmy his cock. Jimmy's throat expanded with each deep penetration of Chris' cock. Scott pulled out of Gregg's ass and rolled Gregg on his back. Chris moved and Jimmy slid beside Gregg. The two men kissed each other as Scott and Chris entered their men. Gregg was in heaven. He loved feeling Scott fuck him. Scott stroked Gregg's cock a bit and then stopped and pulled out when he could tell Gregg was close. Gregg looked up at Scott and watched as he and Chris changed places.

Gregg tensed a bit as he watched Chris' massive cock move between his raised legs. This was going to be the biggest cock Gregg had taken. Chris pressed his head against Gregg's hole and Gregg felt his ass expand to accept the girth. Chris pressed forward and Gregg felt each inch penetrate him. Inch by inch, in and out, Chris continued his slow deliberate movements. Gregg's eyes rolled back into his head and he hoarsely said, fuck me. Gregg hadn't considered himself a top or bottom, but tonight he was a bottom and wanted to be fucked.

Chris took the command and started pounding Gregg. Scott watched as his lover took his fucking. He knew how much Gregg loved big cock and how much he must be enjoying what he was receiving. Scott didn't feel jealousy. He was happy that his lover was in such ecstasy. Gregg was in another dimension of awareness. His entire being was centered around the cock going in and out of his ass. There was no one else around him. He was floating with a cock sliding in and out of him. Faster and faster the cock pounded him. Scott felt his balls tighten and wetness on his face and chest. Then more wetness then more. The cock in his ass slowed but pounded deep the girth expanded and Gregg felt the cock pulse and wetness in his ass. Gregg slowly came back to reality and opened his eyes. Scott and Jimmy were looking down at him. Their spent cocks dripping the last drops of their loads that they had sprayed on Gregg. Gregg felt Chris start pulling away but wrapped his legs around him and he shook his head. Not yet he told Chris. Gregg rubbed his body and felt the cum covering his chest and stomach. He brought his hand to his mouth and licked the mixture. He rubbed his own soft cock and felt more cum ooze from his slit. Several minutes later Gregg finally regained his composure and released Chris and felt it snake out of his ass.

The men all collapsed around Gregg and took some deep breaths. Chris told Gregg he had one of the best asses he had ever fucked, other than Jimmy's. Not many men can take me and let me pound them like you just did. Scott leaned in and kissed Gregg. The men chatted and Chris mentioned he had a boat in the marina and asked if they would like to join them for a boat ride the next day. Gregg looked at Scott and they both accepted the invitation. Jimmy stood and then Chris. They pulled on their clothes and they made arrangements to meet for breakfast and then would head to the boat.

Scott and Gregg snuggled together and fell asleep. Gregg woke a few times during the night feeling Scott's cock swell between his cheeks. Gregg smiled and couldn't believe how much his life had changed. He was living his life not just watching it go by. He smiled and felt Scott pull him closer then drifted back to sleep. Scott woke a few times through the night. He loved how Gregg felt against him. He could feel his cock grow, but he didn't want sex. He just wanted to be near Gregg. Scott thought how lucky he was to have been at the bar the day Gregg walked in for his first beer. Scott pulled Gregg closer and fell back asleep.

The men woke slowly. They were both hard. They pulled the sheets back and looked over the other's body. They each reached down and stroked their own cocks as they watched the other. They stroked faster and lifted their hips. They stroked harder and their legs pressed against each other. They stroked and groaned as their balls lifted and shot their morning loads over their bodies. They stroked every drop of cum from their balls. Their hips back on the bed. Their cocks were now soft. Their breathing returned to normal. They turn towards each other. Good Morning and kiss softly. Scott suggests a shower and the two men feel the warm water wash their loads down the drain. They finish and head out to meet Chris and Jimmy.

Next: Chapter 8

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