Scott Meets Gregg

By Scott Davis

Published on Apr 8, 2021


This story contains gay sex between consenting adults. If this story offends you or it is illegal for you, please leave this site. If not..enjoy and let me know what you think!

The characters and events in this story are fictional. The story may portray some real people, events, or places.

This story is a collaboration between myself and someone I have been chatting with from a previous story. Thanks Gregg it has been fun!

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Pirate Booty

After a quick breakfast the men headed to the marina. Gregg's mouth dropped open when they made it to the slip with Chris and Jimmy had their boat. The boat was a HUGE 32' Cabin Cruiser. There were sun lounges in the front and a living area in the back. The sleeping quarters were tight, but could sleep 4 down below. The boat was beautiful. Gregg had a 12' aluminum fishing boat growing up, but had never seen anything like this. Chris had them out on the water quickly. They all relaxed around Chris as he drove and watched as the coast line disappeared.

The morning sun rose and the men moved to the front of the boat and laid in the loungers to take in the sun. Chris found a spot and anchored the boat. The men stripped down and decided it was naked day. Gregg was still in awe of Chris' cock. It was just so big on such a small man. Plus the fact it was beautiful. It was a shade darker than his body. The balls hung perfectly beneath the shaft. Chris noticed Gregg's stare and started swaying his hips back and forth causing his cock to swing. Gregg was hypnotized. Scott snapped his fingers in front of Gregg and started laughing as Gregg realized what he had been doing.

Gregg also realized he was hard and oozing precum. Jimmy must have enjoyed watching Gregg as he was also sporting a hardon. Scott asked Chris what they should do about these two hard cocks in front of them. Chris smiled and pushed Jimmy back onto a lounger. Scott looked at Gregg who jumped up on the lounger next to Jimmy and spread his legs, smiling at Scott. Scott smiled thinking Gregg looked like a puppy waiting for a treat. Scott moved forward and took his puppy's bone in his mouth. Jimmy and Gregg looked at each other and watched the blowjobs taking place in front of them. Scott and Chris mimicked each other's motions. Sucking up and down the shafts. Down and around their balls and then between their ass cheeks. Jimmy and Gregg were moaning and their cocks were streaming loads of precum on their bellies.

Scott and Chris knelt between their lover's legs and raised their legs over their shoulders. Jimmy reached in a side pocket and pulled out a bottle of lube. Jimmy smiled at Gregg. This is one of our favorite places to fuck! Jimmy handed the bottle to Chris and he poured some in his hand and then gave it to Scott. When they were both well lubed they moved forward and pressed their heads against the ass in front of them. Scott had to admit watching Chris' massive cock disappear into Jimmy's ass was impressive. The men began fucking with the motion of the ocean. Gregg and Jimmy smiled at each other and then both reached up and started playing with the nipples of their men. Gregg knew Scott loved this and from the sounds, so did Chris. The fuck was taking on a life of its own. The men were all moaning and their release was closing in.

All of a sudden Chris pulled out of Jimmy's ass and yelled pirates. Chris took off and Jimmy quickly followed. Scott had stopped fucking Gregg and when the two men took off he leaned down and wrapped Gregg in his arms. Scott looked up and saw Chris at the helm. The anchor was being raised and the engines were starting. Jimmy reappeared with what looked to be a long range rifle. Jimmy took aim and shot. Scott noticed the boat quickly turned away. Gregg was still under Scott and was not able to see what was going on. Jimmy lowered the gun and looked down at Scott and Gregg. Fucking pirates! Scott and Gregg were still confused but started laughing at Jimmy who was standing in front of them stark naked with a rifle on his hips. Chris blew the horn and the boat moved quickly away from the other boat.

The boat travelled for 30 minutes and Jimmy explained that there are pirates all over the ocean and you have to be prepared. When the boat finally came to a stop Chris rejoined them and asked, where were we? Scott and Gregg looked at each other and smiled. Jimmy and Gregg were on their backs and spraying their loads across their torsos as their asses were filled with cum moments later. Chris stood and dove overboard. Jimmy was next and then Scott and Gregg took the plunge as well. The water felt great on their cum covered bodies.

They spent a few minutes swimming and then boarded the boat and Jimmy said he would bring up lunch fixin's. He brought up a tray of sandwiches and a bowl of fruit salad. Chris opened the cooler and pulled out some very cold beers. The day was incredible. After lunch the men all laid out on the front of the boat. The rocking of the waves and the heat of the sun did them in and they all were snoozing in moments. They were woken abruptly when they heard voices. Jimmy and Chris jumped up and they saw three men boarding the rear of the boat. Jimmy reached under the lounger and grabbed the rifle. Before the third man boarded Jimmy positioned himself safely and cocked the gun. The men all froze. One man made the mistake of reaching for his gun and Jimmy took a shot and then yelled for the trio to put their hands in the air. The third man jumped behind the helm of his boat and put the boat in reverse leaving his two comrades behind.

The two men were dressed in shorts and very worn tanks. The one man was standing next to his gun so Jimmy yelled at him to throw it overboard. He did as told and then he told both men to strip. Jimmy wanted to be sure they weren't hiding any other weapons. When one of them dropped his shorts a knife fell out of his pocket and Jimmy told him to throw that overboard as well. The two men were naked and covering their groins. Jimmy told them to throw all of their clothes overboard as well. The hesitated and Jimmy shot another warning shot. The two jumped and their clothes floated away.

Once Jimmy felt safe he nodded for all of us to head to the rear of the boat. We were all naked and when we approached the men looked at each other nervously. Chris went to a storage compartment and pulled out some zip ties. He walked over to the men and told them to put their hands behind their backs. The men were obviously embarrassed and didn't want to reveal their cocks. Jimmy lifted the rifle and the men quickly moved their hands. Chris zipped their arms together and Gregg noticed two uncut cocks in front of him. Gregg liked uncut cocks. He felt a surge in his own cock as he looked the men over. Chris told the men to sit on the floor back to back. He then zip tied them together. The men bent their knees and Gregg was disappointed that he could no longer gaze at their cocks.

Feeling secure Jimmy sat the rifle down and Chris radioed the coast guard. Chris returned and told the rest of the guy that it would be an hour before anyone could pick up these two. Jimmy smiled and asked Chris what he thought we should do with these two. Chris knew what Jimmy wanted and Chris explained to Scott and Gregg that at sea the captain of the boat has the authority to assign punishment to anyone aboard his vessel. The most common punishment in the old pirate days was for men to walk the plank. The two bound men looked up at Chris with fear in their eyes. But we have progressed and while we still call it walking the plank it doesn't have the same meaning. The two pirates still had the look of fear in their eyes. They knew the meaning and what was in store for them.

Chris started rubbing his cock and Gregg noticed Jimmy was already fully erect. Gregg felt his cock surge and looked at Scott. Scott was rubbing his own cock and it was plumping up nicely. Gregg thought for a minute and couldn't believe what he was actually considering. Were they actually going to fuck these men? Gregg heard Chris asked the men their names. Ajay and Anton were the replies. Gregg stared at them. They looked darker skinned and there were barely tan lines. Chris stepped up to Ajay and straddled him placing his erect cock in front of the man's face. The man turned his head but Chris grabbed his dreadlocks and told him he may as well comply, because this was going to happen. Gregg watched as the man's shoulders dropped. Anton turned his head. Just do it. There are only four of them. It won't be like last time. Gregg's eyebrows raised. Last time?

Chris yanked at Ajay's hair and the man opened his mouth. Chris shoved his cock in and Ajay gagged. Chris pulled out and gave Ajay a second before telling Ajay to watch his teeth. Chris tugged at the dreads again and Ajay opened wide. Chris entered and started fucking Ajay's mouth. Jimmy stepped between Scott and Gregg and asked who wanted Anton? Gregg shook his head, still trying to digest everything. Scott stepped up and Gregg watched Anton lean in to take Scott's cock. Gregg also noticed that Anton had spread his knees and his cock was standing at full attention. Gregg looked over at Ajay who had his legs down, but was still soft.

Jimmy put his arm around Gregg. You ok with this? Gregg shrugged his shoulders. Gregg knew these men weren't willing, but also knew they deserved to be punished. He also knew his cock was rock hard watching the men get face fucked. Gregg watched a different Scott skull fuck the man. His face was gruff. He was enjoying being dominant over this man. His thrusts were deliberate. They were for his enjoyment only. Both men had tears running down their faces as they gagged and gasped for breath between thrusts. Gregg didn't know if he liked this Scott, but also thought if Scott liked it, then maybe he needs to be willing to do it for Scott.

Gregg moved next to Scott and grabbed the man's hair. He pulled him off Scott and shoved him onto his cock. Gregg looked down and thrust hard into the man's mouth. He felt the surge and thrust hard again. It was a new feeling. He felt Scott's hand on his ass and turned to see Scott smiling down at Gregg's cock fucking the man's face. Gregg increased his thrust and Scott smiled even more. Gregg noticed Anton wasn't gagging as much and thought he heard a moan as his throat was assaulted. Ajay didn't seem to be enjoying Chris' cock as much. His face was beat red and he gagged with every thrust. Gregg turned and froze for a moment when he saw Jimmy with a camera. Jimmy smiled and told Gregg not to worry. He was only getting their faces full of cock so if these men ever show their faces around everyone will know they are cock suckers. Gregg felt Anton gag and realized he had buried himself in Anton's throat a bit too long.

Chris pulled out and said it was time for these two to walk our planks. Ajay grimaced, but I heard a small moan from Anton. Chris grabbed a knife and cut the zip tie that bound the two men together. He told them to lean over the back of the boat. Both men adjusted and presented their asses. Chris said he had another idea. He told the men to kneel on the sofas. He looked at Jimmy and said it was spit roasting time. Jimmy rubbed his hands together. Chris as Jimmy if he wanted heads or tails. Jimmy looked at Ajay's ass and knew Chris wanted to fuck him. Heads. Ajay dropped his head knowing that Chris' massive cock would be entering his ass. Scott looked at Gregg. Gregg called heads as well.

The men took their positions and the pounding began. Gregg and Jimmy had sat under the men as their hands were still tied behind their backs. The two held the head of the man on their cock and thrust in and out of them. Gregg watched Scott fuck Anton more aggessively than he had ever seen him. It almost scared Gregg, but it also was a huge turn on. Gregg saw a very dominant man. He loved their love making, but had wondered what it would be like to be taken.

The pounding continued and soon Scott and Chris were moaning as they released their loads. Jimmy and Gregg were closed behind and Jimmy slapped Ajay and told him to swallow it. Ajay swallowed and then cleaned up what had oozed out. Anton let none of the cum escape his mouth. Scott and Chris pulled out of the ass in front of them and allowed the two men to sit back on the couch. Gregg saw Anton was still hard and had oozed a load of precum. Ajay was plump, but not hard. Gregg couldn't resist and knelt down between Ajay's legs. Ajay twisted a bit, but Jimmy grabbed his hair and he froze.

Gregg took the cock in his mouth and it couldn't help but respond. It grew to a thick 8" and Gregg worked it all into his mouth. He moved between the balls and cock until he felt Ajay's legs stiffen. Gregg grabbed the cock and started jacking and sucking. Ajay grunted and filled Gregg's mouth. You could tell Ajay hated that he had just cum from another man's mouth. Gregg looked over at Anton's cock and moved over and slid down it's 7" length. He only had moved up and down a couple times and Anton was filling Gregg with his load. Anton definitely didn't mind the blow job.

Gregg stood and they heard a horn. The Coast Guard was approaching. Gregg watched as a dingy lowered off the side of the Coast Guard vessel and two men steered it towards their boat. Gregg noticed that Chris and Jimmy weren't covering up so he stood next to Scott exposed. The two Coast Guards stepped onto the boat and smiled. One of the men stared blatantly at Chris' cock. Looks like you have dealt with our pirates, one of the men said. Chris nodded and said they both walked the plank but probably needed a reminder so they would think twice before trying to rob someone else. The men smiled and winked at Chris. Ajay closed his eyes and dropped his head. Gregg could have swore Anton smiled a bit.

The men were whisked away and Chris and Jimmy said it was time for another drink and a sunset cruise. Gregg was processing what had just happened and now Chris was moving on like nothing had just happened. Gregg was also processing Scott's behavior. His ass twitched a bit and he took Scott's hand. He leaned over and whispered in Scott's ear. I want you to make me walk your plank when we get home. Scott's eyes popped open and he looked deep into Gregg's eyes. Gregg turned and grabbed a couple zip ties from the compartment he saw Chris get them from earlier and handed them to Scott. Scott felt his face flush and his cock stir.

The remainder of the evening was very low key. The men remained naked and they enjoyed cocktails as they watched the sunset. Chris had set the navigation and the boat had been slowly steering them back to the marina. When they were close he suggested getting dressed. Once docked they got off the boat. Chris told Scott and Gregg they were going to spend the night on the boat, but there was a driver at the office that would take them back to the resort. The men hugged and as they walked away Gregg turned and noticed the name of the boat. Pirate Booty.

The men showered when they were back in the room and each noticed a red hue to their bodies. They lotioned each other and Gregg let Scott massage the lotion into his back and down to his ass. Gregg was almost ready to doze off when he felt Scott jerk his hands behind him and get zip tied behind his back. He turned his head, but Scott shoved it down into the pillow. You don't look at me when I fuck you. Gregg got nervous, but his ass twitched. He felt Scott spit on his hole. Scott pulled on the zip tie pulling Gregg's shoulders back and causing him to arch his back. Scott's cock entered Gregg with one thrust. Gregg groaned and moaned. It was painful and felt incredible. Scott didn't hesitate and started pounding Gregg. They had fucked before, but this was intense. The noises from Scott were animalistic. Gregg's ass throbbed from the fucking. There was pain in his wrists, but it was nothing compared to the feeling of Scott's fuck. It was a fuck that was only meant to pleasure Scott. And pleasure Scott it did. Hard deep thrusts pushed Scott to the edge quickly. He pushed Gregg's head further in the pillow as he pounded until every drop of cum was released from his balls. He pulled out and smacked Gregg's ass and pushed him down on the bed. Scott got off the bed and went to the bathroom leaving Gregg face down and still zip tied.

It had been several minutes before Scott returned. Gregg felt Scott cut the tie and quickly pulled Gregg to him. Gregg could feel Scott crying. Gregg wrapped around Scott and squeezed him tight. Scott sobbed for several minutes before he calmed down and pulled away from Gregg. Did I hurt you? Scott asked. Gregg shook his head. I wanted you to do that. Scott shook his head. I know, but don't ask me to do that again. I don't like that part of me. It brings up some painful memories and a person I no longer want to be. Gregg's face showed his concern. Scott shook his head again. Gregg pulled him close. I won't ever ask you to do that again. Gregg could feel Scott's body relax. Scott laid across Gregg and fell asleep. Gregg stroked Scott's back and wondered who Scott used to be. Scott leaned back against the headboard and fell asleep.

When Gregg woke he was spooned against Scott's back. Scott was curled up on his side. Gregg hugged into Scott and felt Scott stir. Coffee? Gregg asked. Scott nodded. Gregg called room service and moments later a full pot of coffee and continental breakfast were at the door. Gregg opened the door and the waiter smiled at Gregg's naked body. Gregg hadn't even realized he was naked. Gregg grabbed his wallet and tipped the waiter. He poured two cups of coffee and sat next to Scott. Scott rolled onto his back and scooted up to the headboard. He took the coffee and took a deep breath before he sipped.

Gregg rubbed Scott's thigh and Scott grabbed his hand. Scott took another sip of coffee. I need to explain about last night. Gregg started to tell Scott he didn't need to, but Scott held up his hand. Scott started and told Gregg he was in a relationship a long time ago. It was not a healthy relationship. There were a lot of drugs and drinking. His boyfriend was the definition of a drama queen. They would fight and it would become physical. Scott was the bigger of the two and would end all fights by fucking his boyfriend. Actually, raping would be a better definition. The relationship got even worse when during one of the fucks. Scott stopped. He took another drink of his coffee. Scott looked at Gregg. I was pushing him so hard into the bed and pillows he couldn't breathe. I was so lost in the fuck I didn't realize he had passed out. I finished fucking and when I pulled out I realized he was unconscious. I rolled him over and performed CPR on him. He came to, but the fear in his eyes was the most painful thing I have ever seen. He pushed me away and he left. I sat in the same place for hours. I could have killed him. When I was finally able to stand I threw away all the drugs and alcohol in my house. It was years before I saw him again. He tried to take some ownership of what happened but I could only remember the fear in his eyes. It was years after that before I had another drink, but I have never touched drugs again.

Gregg's eyes were watering. He couldn't imagine Scott angry. Scott finished telling Gregg that he used to get off dominating his ex and the scene on the boat took him back to that place. Scott went on saying that when you asked for that type of sex it really took him back. But, after I fucked you I felt hate, not love. I don't ever want to feel that emotion when I think of you. Gregg leaned in and the two men hugged. It was several minutes later they pulled apart. Gregg squeezed Scott's hand. How about today we just hang out alone? Scott nodded and finished his cup of coffee.

The two men spent the day walking through town. They had lunch and took a long walk along the beach. They didn't talk much with words, but every look said everything that needed to be said. They were sitting on the beach when the sun started to set. The day was ending. Gregg moved in front of Scott on his knees. Scott Douglas I couldn't love you more. Scott smiled. Gregg went on. You have brought me to life and I completely trust you. I want to experience all of you. Last night, Scott dropped his head. Gregg lifted it. Last night may not be something we do again, but it is something I will always remember. You are not that man, but I love that man. I love that that man has become the man you are today. Scott couldn't stop the tears. The two men embraced.

The rest of the vacation Scott and Gregg spent alone. There were a few offers, but neither wanted anything more than just being together. They made love over and over. They each gave as well as took. Their passion was intense and the love they felt towards each other grew more every day. Their last evening in town the owner of the resort invited them to dinner. They wanted to be alone, but knew they couldn't refuse. The owner explained the resort received hundreds of compliments on the dessert chef and wondered if Gregg would consider coming back. Maybe for a longer stay. Maybe permanently. Gregg looked at Scott. Gregg turned back to the owner. Can I get back to you? The owner said, of course. It would be a big decision. They finished their dinner and the owner excused himself. Enjoy your last evening. Gregg and Scott smiled. Oh we will! By the time they were boarding their flights both men had taken multiple loads in their ass and down their throats. They both felt satiated and napped their flight back home.

Gregg was back to his busy work schedule with multiple orders and events. Everyone commented that he seemed like a different man. Gregg didn't even want to fool around with anyone. Scott was around more often and everyone could see they were lost in each other. Gregg invited Trey, Kevin, David, Garrett and his employees to a barbeque/hot tub event. The guys all were excited about another party. The night of the party Gregg and Scott stood and got everyone's attention. Gregg announced that he and Scott would be moving to Florida. At least part time, like 9 months of the year. Gregg explained the offer and everyone understood why they couldn't turn it down. They all raised a glass and wished Gregg and Scott congratulations.

The evening progressed as expected and balls were releasing loads for the next couple hours. As the crowd dwindled David came over to Scott and asked what his plans were for the house. Scott said he was planning on keeping it, but would need to hire a company to maintain it and make sure it was monitored for safety. David looked over at Garrett then back at Scott. Would you be interested in renting it out to Garrett and I? David asked. We have been talking about moving in together, but neither of us have a place big enough and the real estate market is insane at the moment. Scott thought about it and said he would talk to Gregg, but thought it would be a win-win. Scott asked what they would do when they were back in town during the summers. David smiled and said he was sure they would be able to figure sleeping arrangements out.

Gregg came over and hugged Scott and loved the idea of David and Garrett moving in together. David winced a bit. Shhh. We have talked about it, but it isn't official yet. Gregg pushed David's shoulder. Do it now! David hesitated, but then walked over to Garrett. The two talked for a moment and Garrett looked over at Scott and Gregg then back at David. He wrapped his arms around him and the two hugged and then started making out. The two separated and walked over to Gregg and Scott. Garrett hugged them both and asked how he could ever repay them. Gregg and Scott looked at each other and then down at Garrett's huge cock. They all laughed and then Gregg dropped to his knees.

The next few weeks involved some packing, but several things would be left behind. Scott had heard from Adam and Vince who had found a bungalow not far from them for the two. Gregg was still adamant that they don't buy something they can't afford to pay cash for. Scott smiled at Gregg. Scott realized that Gregg still didn't understand. Scott wasn't a flashy guy, but he had done very well for himself and they would have no problem paying cash for this home. Scott didn't want to keep it a secret, but until Gregg asked him directly he wasn't going to let on how well off they really were.

The months and years passed. The Bakery was bought out by a restaurant chain and Gregg sold the building to Trey and Kevin so they would be the new owners of the restaurant's landlord and receive a nice income from rent. Gregg decided to pull back from the resort business as it had become too many long days away from Scott. It was time for the two to fully retire. Scott took Gregg out to eat at the yacht club. They saw Jimmy and Chris. Jimmy winked at Scott and said they would see them later for drinks. Chris slapped Jimmy in the arm. Gregg was a bit confused. Scott suggested they go for a walk. There was a boat show in the marina and you were able to walk through their displays. When they were in the third boat Gregg turned to Scott and said this is the boat he would want. The layout was much like Chris and Jimmy's, but the sleeping quarters weren't as tight. Scott smiled and told Gregg he was glad he liked it, because it was theirs. Gregg tilted his head a bit. Chris and Jimmy walked in with a bottle of Champagne. Are we ready to christen this beast? Gregg turned to Scott. Scott explained that if Gregg wanted, they could buy this and start their retirement with an extended ocean voyage around Florida, The Keys, and the Gulf. Gregg hugged Scott and nodded his head. The champagne was uncorked and a toast was made. The following week Scott and Gregg headed out of the marina. Their plan was three months of no plans.

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