Seacrest Out

By Sean

Published on Apr 22, 2005


This story is a complete work of fiction and is not intended to state or imply anything about the sexualities of Ryan Seacrest, Simon Cowell, or any other person(s) connected with the television show American Idol. This is just a product of my filthy imagination;)

Seacrest OUT-2 (AKA Simon Says)

Ryan Seacrest decided to stop in at his favorite bar in Hollywood after a long day of his radio job and non-stop interviews for the remaining weeks of his smash hit "American Idol." The place wasn't too queer, but it wasn't quite hetero. It was where all the elite gays could go and hook up without arising the suspicion of the paparazzi. Ryan liked after a day like today to knock back a couple jack and cokes before dinner and pick up a fat cock for his meal.

Ryan sat down at the bar and who did he see with a half empty glass down at the other end but his buddy and co-worker, Simon Cowell? Ryan hadn't talked to Simon since the most recent episode and Simon looked awful. It was clear to Ryan watching Simon lazily smoke his cigarette and slur his loud words to the bartender that Simon was drunk. Hoping to avoid an incident, Ryan decided it was a good idea to go over and talk to him.

"Cowell! My man, what's up?!" Ryan said to the sloshed Brit.

"What's up? You twit, nothing's up. I'm down. Down so far nothing will ever bring me back up. I'm rather like Justin Guarini's album on the Billboard charts, sinking faster and faster into obliviving."

Ryan assumed Simon meant "oblivion." Ryan had seen Simon like this once before, and thought he had a clue what was wrong and how to fix it. "Your girlfriend and you had another fight huh?"

"OOO! Look at the big shot! I'm so smart, I think I know Simon so fucking well! Christ, Seacrest sometimes I think that botox you clearly jam in your face is rotting your fucking head. If you must know, we did not have a fight. If it were a fight, I would have had something to be pissed at her about and would've screamed her bloody ears off. No, instead she just chewed my arse off."

Ryan smiled at the thought of the last time HE had chewed on Simon's "arse." "What about?" he asked Simon.

"Oh some rubbish about me being vain, and a jerk, and shallow, and superficial."

Ryan couldn't help but laugh. "Well Simon, I say check, check, check and double check," as he playfully rubbed Simon's shoulder. "But I still like you anyway. Listen man, you're wasted and I think your about another drink away from becoming what Randy and I sometimes refer to as 'Scary Simon.' You know what I mean, the one that's more random and irrational than Paula. Is she still at your all's place?"

"Yes. Little witch is probably brewing up a way to make me important." Ryan guessed that meant "impotent." "Whatever man, here come back and stay at my place. I'll make sure you're safe there."

"No, no, no. Forget it. I'm not some little girl that has a fight with his girlfriend then running out and shags one of his old lays. I'll get a hotel room."

Ryan couldn't help but note how fucked up that last comparison was. "Dude, number one you're wasted and I wouldn't trust you to go twenty feet by yourself. Number two, do you remember what happened the last time one of us let you go off by yourself completely hammered? What happened again?"

Simon turned his head down ashamed. "I puked on myself."


"And threw a glass bottle of vodka at a painting I spent 100,000 quid on."


"And I locked myself in my room for two days and watched nothing but porn."

"Right. Come on, up! Upupupup!"

Simon rolled his eyes and followed Seacrest to his car. Much as he was loathe to admit it, he was happy Ryan had talked him into going back to his place. Before Simon had taken up with his current girlfriend, he and Ryan had a casual "friends with benefits" thing going on. Even though that had been done with for a couple of years, Simon still missed it.

As they rode out to Ryan's place, Simon began to sober up a bit. His speech became a bit more coherent, his behavior less cagey. He even laughed when Ryan told a joke! They arrived at Ryan's place and Ryan showed Simon to his guest room. "Bathroom's on the right. There's towels in the closet I think. If I remember right, I've got some veggies and sauce for pizza if you're hungry."

"Hold on Ryan." Ryan had turned to leave, but Simon put his hand on Ryan's shoulder.

"Wow, you called me by my first name. If you don't watch yourself, I might think you like me" Ryan said teasingly, never once doubting their friendship.

"Will you shut up for a minute? I'm being serious" Simon said annoyed now. His voice returned to his serious tone, and occasionally cracking said, "I just want to say Ryan, thank you. This was a very rough day, and it could have really gone further into the shitter. And, well, I guess what I'm trying to say is..."

All the while, Ryan had been picking up on Simon's signals and with that leaned in to kiss him on the lips. Simon reciprocated loving the feel of Ryan's talented tongue in his mouth. He rubbed his hands over Ryan's back, enjoying the feel of this man who was slightly more built than last time.

Ryan broke their kiss to say, "Damn Simon, your body's much more hard and fit than the last time I kissed you."

"Well I couldn't let you take my title as the show's sex symbol" Simon retorted, half in jest, half with the calculated vanity that had made him a household name. Simon's arrogance for some reason worked like catnip on Ryan where with other men it would have been a major turnoff. Ryan pushed his face back into Simon's and grabbed as Simon's butt. They took a couple steps in unison and the next thing they knew they were falling onto the bed.

They rolled around on the bed making out. Simon rolled on top of Ryan grinding his crotch in a primal, forceful way. Ryan meanwhile nibbled on Simon's ears, causing Simon to grind even harder. Just then, Ryan had an idea to do something that they used to and he missed doing.

"Simon, hold up. I want to play our game."

"Our game? OHHH, that! I haven't thought about that in a long time."

Ryan told Simon to wait there. He went into his bedroom quickly to get his "Toy chest" aka a little lock box he hid from his maid. He rejoined Simon in the guest room finding Simon still clothed sitting on the edge of the bed. Ryan popped open the box. "You ready?" he asked.

"Oh yeah" Simon devilishly grinned.

Simon cleared his throat and began:

"Simon says, take off your shoes & socks." Ryan dutifully did so.

"Simon says, take off my shoes & socks." Ryan did this too kind of rolling his eyes. This was the only part of the game they hadn't figured out how to make fun; like the beginning hand of strip poker it was just tedious.

"Simon says, run your hands up my legs and undo my pants." Ryan slowly felt his way up Simon's legs feeling them under the cuffs first and reveling in their hairiness. When his hands reached the waist he undid Simon's pants with his teeth.

"I didn't say you could use your teeth!"

"Oh come on, no fair! You didn't say I had to use my hands!"

"It was implied, now you know the penalty for not doing what Simon says!" he said in a singsong way.

Ryan got the paddle out from the lockbox and gave it to Simon. He dropped his ass hugging pants and his silk briefs long enough to uncover his beautiful butt, then bent over Simon's knee.

THWACK! (Punishments equal seriousness of violations in this game)

Ryan put his pants back on and they started again.

"Simon says, pull down my pants but leave on my boxers."

"Simon says, undo your shirt and let me take it off." Ryan undid his buttons and Simon parted the cloth to reveal a flawless set of tanned abs. Ryan stood in front of the seated Simon who kissed him first on the navel. Then Simon kissed each ab as if reuniting with a long lost friend. He pulled more of the fabric back off the shoulders and briefly stood up to snake his wide tongue up Ryan's stomach and chest, pausing for a moment to lick at Ryan's hairless pit. Simon finally then chucked the rest of the shirt.

"Simon says take off your pants but leave on your underwear." Ryan did leaving nothing but his blue silk briefs which resembled a blue tent with his 8-inch prick rock hard.

"Simon says, jerk yourself a little bit leaving on your undies." Ryan loved it when Simon made him do things like this. It was like he was a contestant on Sexual Idol performing for the judge. In the bedroom, like on the show, Simon thrived on control which is what made him so good at this game. Ryan jerked his cock first slowly, then a little more intensely. He began to unthinkingly pinch his nipples though.

Simon noticed this and said, "Ah, ah! You know the rules, no touching beyond what Simon says. Another punishment" he grinned a dirty grin and patted his lap.

Ryan assumed the position. THWACK! THWACK! THWACK! "I must say Seacrest, that ass of yours is going to look more like a sunburn and less like a tan if you don't behave."

"Alright now, Simon says take my shirt off." Ryan removed Simon's trademark tight, black tee to reveal a less pudgy and much more defined body than Ryan remembered. Careful not to do any extra touching, he pulled the tee off over Simon's head and threw it to the ground. Now both men were in their underwear.

"Simon says, take off my boxers." Ryan pulled the waistband of Simon's boxers down under his meaty ass, unveiling his throbbing seven inch cut cock that, while smaller was slightly wider than Ryan's. He pulled the boxers off the legs, and (deciding he wanted to be punished) intentionally kissed Simon's hairy left leg as he removed the boxers completely.


Ryan stayed in position over Simon's knee, absorbing the pleasurable pain of his most recent "punishment." Simon massaged the red cheeks tenderly. "OK pull them back up again."

Ryan did and stood back up. "Simon says, heh, take those briefs off now!" Ryan rolled his eyes at the literalness of this man, but he nonetheless gladly freed his aching cock.

"Simon says, suck my cock." Ryan got down on his knees and assumed his cocksucking position, with both hands on Simon's hips. He licked the head, then began to take it inch by inch until finally he had a nose full of pubes and a throat full of cock. Simon felt his hard, hairy nipples while Ryan was going up and down on his cock. Sucking Simon hard and fast for a few minutes was almost enough to make the Brit who was beside himself with pleasure shoot. But, if he did that, then Ryan would win the game because Simon would have been unable to get through to the end without cumming. Then Ryan would get the ultimate prize.

"Simon says, get on the bed on all fours."

Simon got behind Ryan and felt those large hairless balls he thought about every time he saw a melon in the store. He licked them both at once and stroked gently around the base of Ryan's shaft. He put his fingers to Ryan's smooth hole, pulling the opening apart gently as Ryan spread his legs a little more. Ryan moaned as Simon tended to this sensitive area that hadn't had a real man touch it in months. Then all of a sudden, Ryan felt Simon's moist, wide tongue circle around his hole slowly. It traced around the area in a spiral making Ryan shiver with pleasure, until finally he started to put his tongue in the opening. "AHHHHH!!!!" Ryan moaned. "I don't think, ahh, you said Simon says to any of this babe!"

"Fuck it, I'll let you have the prize later. Right now I've got to shag you!"

Simon resumed getting Ryan's pucker wet, and Ryan had let his head rest comfortably on a pillow while his hindquarters were in the air. Ryan knew what was coming next and he had better get himself comfy for this ride. Simon took his tongue out, kissed the hole, then went to the lock box himself to get the lube. As he walked over to it, Ryan turned his head around to check out Simon's round, but firm ass as it moved. "Patience Ryan, Patience" he thought to himself. "Hey Simon, grab me a cock ring from the box will ya? I want to save my nut for something special."

Simon got back behind Ryan's ass and put the cock ring on Ryan. He then generously applied the cold lube to Ryan's hole getting it good and ready. He then put more on his cock. When he was ready, he got lined up.

"OW OH AH OH OW AHHH!!!!" Ryan loved that feeling of what felt like a tree going into his hole, spreading his anal lips as the head passed in. When Simon was sure that was in, he grabbed Ryan's hip with one hand and his shoulder with the other. Then, forcefully, he slammed his cock all the way in to the hilt, causing Ryan to think his eyes were going to pop out of his head.

Simon leaned over and kissed Ryan's neck as he let Ryan get used to the entirety of his cock in his ass. "I'm glad you remembered this game" he purred into Ryan's ear. With that he pulled his cock out by a few inches then slammed it back home again, causing Ryan to grab onto the bedsheets for dear life. Over and over and over again, Simon slammed his cock in and out of Ryan's hole as tears welled up in Ryan's eyes from the pain and pleasure of it all. THWACK! Simon's hand slapped Ryan's ass cheek as his cock went in and out of the incredibly tight hole. THWACK THWACK! "OHHHHH! OH GOD OH GOD!!!" Ryan moaned. He could feel nothing but pure pleasure. His body was being worked over in a way no other man had the balls (or the cock) to do and he thanked Simon's girlfriend for it.

Simon grunted behind him. Sweat dripped down his back and over his hairy pecs. He leaned into Ryan's back again and whispered to him, "I'm getting close babe. Where do you want me to come?"

"Same ohhhh, the same place ... gasp ... you always do..."

Simon smiled. Pounding his cock in and out faster and faster he started to moan loudly and with one final thrust pushed it in all the way as the first of eight streams of cum shot out into the deep crevices of Ryan's butt. He held it in there, letting him catch his breath as he lay on top of Ryan's back. Then he pulled out and kissed his way down Ryan's back until his mouth was again at Ryan's hole. He stuck his tongue back in again, much more easily this time as it was a lot looser. Then he started to taste that tang he never would ask his girlfriend to share with him: his cum coming out of a hole he just fucked. Simon lapped up the cum like a kitten at his bowl of milk and when he'd had enough lay on his side next to Ryan.

"You ready Simon?"

"Oh fuck that, OK."

Ryan took off the cock ring and picked up the lube. Pulling Simon's legs up to his shoulders, he put some lube on Simon's hole after loosening it up and a bit on his cock. Then, leaning in to kiss Simon while he did it, he pushed his cock into Simon's hole, though not as roughly as Simon did. With long, tender strokes, he rode Simon's ass slowly and deliberately like it was a carousel horse. Like his personality in real life, Simon was the nasty one when they fucked, Ryan the beautiful one. With all the play they'd done that night, it wasn't long until Ryan could feel the pressure building in his nuts. He pushed his dick in as far as he could and shot the largest load of his life. Ryan pulled out of Simon, put his legs down, and crawled on top of him. They kissed passionately for what was probably minutes but felt like days. Then Ryan curled up with his head on Simon's chest and the two took a much-earned nap. The night was still very young...

Hope you enjoyed. I'd like any comments, feedback at Flames will be ignored and the bad karma you give me with them will make your penis smaller and your chest all man booby.

Next: Chapter 3

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