Seahawks Cruise

By moc.onuj@9n_ssertsim

Published on Nov 28, 2001


Disclaimer: I do not know the celebraties in this piece of fiction. Do not read if you are underaged or offended by homosexual material or alternative universe material.

Seahawk's Cruise Part 2

Sunlught crept through the forecastle and reached its warm rays to AJ first. He, at first, battle the sunlight like a cat would to a ball of string. He groaned and opened his eyes, knowing it is another day of hard laboring by Louis J. Pearlman. He watched as Brian slowly awakened on Howard's chest. They all washed up and ate a breakfast of gruel and bread before going out into the sun to begin their day.

"Alexander, come into my office!" boomed Louis' voice. AJ sighed and walked into he grandeur office. "I'm pleased to inform you that you have been working very hard and I trust you. However, for thsi voyage, I will assign you a special task. You will be Mr. Cartier's chaperone."

AJ's mouth fell open. "But sir, I--"

"No buts, McLain. I want his father to invest in my company and in order for him to do that, he needs to know that his son will make it safely to the United States. And for that safety, he needs a bodyguard. That's why I'm hiring you, McLain."

AJ sighed and dropped the subject. "Yes, sir." He walked back out, ready to resume his duties while keeping a careful eye on Mr. Cartier. He can do that. It wasn't difficult. It was getting lost in his eyes that was difficult.

Nickolas woke up and felt sick. Sick to his stomach. He tried to breathe gulps of air and made his way onto the deck. The rising queasy feeling wasn't about to leave anytime soon so he staggered in the hot sun to the railing and emptied his dinner into the sea. He groaned and tried to sit down onto the deck. The rolling of the ocean's waters didn't help his sickness much.

Oh, what he wouldn't give to be back in the arms of Peter in London. To make love in the vineyards. To feel Pater's strong arms around him, comforting him.

Nickolai felt himself become pale and dilusional. Was it just he or did he actually feel the warm arms of Peter around him? He couldn't really tell. He heard voices, so many voices. But he clung to the warm arms that surrounded him. He felt himself being lifted up and away from the harsh sun, down to his cabin. Had Peter snuck on the ship? Oh, he didn't care. It was Peter and that's all that mattered.

"Peter..." he murmured, nuzzling into the fine chest.

AJ had carried Nickolai from the deck where he passed out to the cabins. It surprised him that Nickolai clung to him for dear life but on the way down, Nickolai had called him Peter lovingly and nuzzled into AJ. He felt the soft, even breathings of Nickolai and placed him onto the bunk before returning outside for his work.

~Nickolai's Dream~ He was just barely out of his teens, no older than 15 at least when Peter was ripped away from his life.

"Listen Nick," Peter sighed one day. "I'm going to go on a journey. I won't know if I'll every come back."

"But Peter, we've been lovers since we were young boys. You can't tell me you're leaving." Nickolai sniffled.

Peter hugged the small boy. "I promise, I'll return when my travel is over And I'll tell you lots of stories about life on the sea..."

"We were supposed to get married when we were older, Peter. Are you going to come back by then?"

Peter sighed and looked at the innocent boy with tears in his eyes. "Nick, I'll return home to you soon, ok?" he promised. "Trust me when I say that I want to be back in your arms as fast as I can. I love you, my Nicky."

"I love you too." Nickolai nodded sadly. He watched as Peter walked down the road. "Goodbye, Peter." ~End~

Nickolai gasped and sat up. Sweat broke out all over his body. "Shhh... calm down. You're not well." a gentle, raspy voice said. A hand gently pushed him down back onto the bunk as he felt a cool washcloth rest on his forehead.

"Peter?" he whispered.

"I'm not Peter." the voice replied.

Nickolai didn't care. The warmth was the same. He reached out and found whoever it was' hand. "Peter, you came back, just like you promised."

Whoever it was didn't say anything. He didn't want to break Nicklai's temporary daydream.

"I love you, Peter." Nickolai smiled. "Don't worry. I know you love me too."

He didn't do anything but kiss Nickolai's hand and let the blonde drift back to sleep.

AJ didn't want to wake Nickolai up from his daydream. He knew a Peter once. An unworthy opponent. The sea has not seasoned the man's experience and seemed to pick and lose more fights than anyone he has ever seen. He didn't want to hurt Nickolai's feelings. I'll tell him another day, he thought as he watched the man in his youthful slumber, someday.

Email: Pretty please with sugar on top?

Next: Chapter 3

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