Seahawks Cruise

By moc.onuj@9n_ssertsim

Published on Dec 16, 2001


Disclaimer: I do not know the celebraties in this piece of fiction. Do not read if you are underaged or offended by homosexual material or alternative universe material.

Seahawk's Cruise Part 6

Morning came and Nick trudged up the steps onto deck. Lou ordered Kevin to bind Nick's wrists together before Nick stood on the edge of the ship.

"I will ask you one last time." Lou insisted.

Nick looked him squarely in the eye, aware of what the crew was doing. He knew this was the moment of truth. Whether he accepted Lou's proposal or not, the crew was ready with their weapons hidden nearby. He held his head high. "No." he called out.

Lou, enraged, was about to push him over when AJ pulled him down. He cut Nick's bindings and handed him a sword. "From the sands of the Orient." he had said.

Everyone knew it had boiled down to the fight between Nick and Lou. Man against monster. Nick felt the cold wind of another storm sift through his hair. "Louis J. Pearlman, you have wrongly accused me of a murder and stow-away I didn't commit and wrongly done justice." Lou lunged at him. Nick ducked and swung his sword. It clanked aginst Lou's.

"You're nothing but a mama's boy, Nick." Lou breathed. "You know nothing about anything."

Nick parried and hit Lou's face with the thick hilt of the sword. "I am not going to be waned by any of your unpalpable words, Louis." Lou swooped and Nick ducked before returning to their duel. "I am not afraid anymore. I have brothers to back me up when I need to be." He made a cut, managing to cut Lou's side. He felt the electricity crackle around them.

Lou stood up and charged at Nick who leapt out of the way. Nick held the blade at Lou's throat when he went to retrieve his sword.

"It is better to rush upon this blade than to walk onto the Seahawk with vain in your heart." Nick stared him in the eye. "How do you enter?"

"By casting your lover overboard." He shoved AJ overboard. Nick gasped then sliced Lou clean in half.

AJ mentally screamed as he spiralled down the deep abyss of the Lady Sea. He heard the muffled cry of, "AJ!!!" and a splash. He opened his salt-encrusted eyes to see Nick swimming towards him. All of their memories together played in his head. Teaching Nick how to tie a knot, staying up and telling stories.

Everything seemed to be fading. He felt Nick grab hold of him and the tide sweeping them away. "I'll always protect you, I love you." they whispered to each other. Before blanking out, AJ thought he saw wings on Nickolai's back.

E-mail: I know, i know, it's short BUT I promise the next one's better.

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