Seal Rocks

By moc.liamtoh@1esuolap

Published on Jan 15, 2009


This segment came sort of rushing out. I hope it's properly spell checked etc., and I hope my attitude - and that of the characters - towards its events comes through properly. There's erotica, and then there's pornography, and the difference is large between them. This needed to be done, but was no fun. I hope it's worth reading.

As always, this is entirely fictional,and by all means don't read this if it's inappropriate or illegal for you to be doing so. I thank again those who've writtten me about the story, and hope to receive more such comments - they do help.

Seal Rocks Part 22

A large space had been cleared where Jesse and Mike had been filmed earlier, and a large Astroturf-style carpet laid out. "This'll be good to film on," Falcone gushed. "No damn sand anywhere either."

Ernie was quietly fuming. "Denny, all respect, but that looks like utter shit. I mean, who would bring a fuckin' area rug to the beach?"

Falcone visibly didn't like having his judgment questioned. "Lots of people, Ernie - Camper and RV people, they pull these things out all the time. You have one yourself."

"I put mine out by my door, not down in the middle of a beach. This is just . . . unnatural, and it's going to look it. If you want them on grass, let's go use Bernard's place in Coto again."

Falcone turned to his four 'stars,' who were watching the argument. "What do you think, boys?"

Julian brushed his hair back with both hands; Jesse could glimpse brown roots. "I'm down for whatever you like, Denny, you know that." Kevin shrugged, obviously bored with the whole thing. Jesse was suddenly conscious of how much bigger the two of them were. Their chests were filled out, their arms stronger and more defined. However they kept themselves looking young and cute, they were adults.

"Well, what about you - Ron, Jamie?" Falcone was clearly looking for support. Ernie was slightly behind Falcone as they looked at Jesse and Mike, his face a silent plea.

Mike took a tentative step onto the carpet, and pulled away. "Geez, it's like 500 degrees on this thing." He looked at Falcone. Try it - it's way too hot in the sun like this."

Falcone was momentarily angry. He kicked off one tennis shoe and stomped the bare foot down on the carpet, his eyes never wavering from Mike's face. After a second or two, however, he winced, and lifted his foot away as well. "Shit," he muttered. Kevin and Julian were studying their toes, as if afraid to meet Falcone's gaze. All activity seemed to have stopped.

Falcone slid his big toe under the edge of the carpet and kicked it upwards. "All right, Denton, you win. Get rid of the Goddam blanket. So how d'you propose we do this - have them get sand all over themselves?"

Ernie stepped forward briskly as he motioned for Joe and another tech guy to roll up the carpet. "We have large beach blankets, they'll be good. A little sand on them will be fine - it'll look good, actually, against the skin. The texture contrast. Trust me, Denny, you'll like it."

"I don't want sand getting into my parts, Ernie," Julian said poutily.

"Relax, darling, we'll keep you nice and clean. Besides, you and Kevin are the top boys this afternoon." Jesse and Mike exchanged nervous glances. Jesse looked at the front of Julian's and Kevin's Speedos, trying to judge the size of what was inside.

Joe now was laying out two very large green beach blankets, overlapping them to make a single large area on the sand - not as large as the carpet's size, but bigger than a king size bed. Falcone stepped behind a tripod camera and squinted at the scene. "That'll do," he muttered, still put out that he had to abandon his idea. "All right," he clapped his hands, trying to shift his mood, "where are my stud boys?" He turned to face the four of them. "Here's the idea: Ronnie and Jamie are on the blanket there, sunning, maybe some casual making out and groping, but clothed, when Kevin and Julian come up and interrupt them. You boys are embarrassed at being caught, see, and you two - " indicating Kevin and Julian " - well, you decide to take advantage."

"How do you want us to pair up?" Kevin asked in a bored voice. His tan looked even more artificial in the sunlight.

Falcone looked them over for a moment. "Ronnie and Julian," he declared. "Less contrast on the skin tones." He glanced at Ernie, who looked unhappy with the choice, but nodded assent. Julian glanced at Jesse with a crooked smile. "So, do we want to rehearse? Anyone want lines or anything? I'm planning on overdubbing music while you're all going at it so we'll direct you step by step when we get to that point. We'll only need dialog in the setup part."

"Denny, darling, you can direct me to do anything you want with this," Julian cooed, taking a firm hold of Jesse's asscheek. Jesse blushed; Mike looked like he was ready to attack.

"All right, let's get things going here," Ernie stepped in. "Ronnie, Jamie, climb onto the blanket there, on your backs, good, yes wipe as much sand off as you can before you get your feet on it, we want to keep that at a low level so it's more striking when we see it . ."

The boys clambered slowly into the center of the overlapped towels. It was warm - not as hot as the carpet would have been, but dark colored and so absorbent of the midday sun. They would get sweaty on this surface, Jesse could tell.

Ernie was taking charge, moving microphones and cameras about. Falcone led Julian and Kevin back up the beach a short ways, chatting with them and running his meaty hands over their shoulders every so often. Julian was flirting broadly.

"Well," Mike whispered, "here goes."

Jesse returned Mike's anxious stare. "Are - is this gonna be OK - "

"I'm fine, Jes. I guess, at least. I mean, we're like into it now, right?"

"Ya. Seems."

"All right now, darlings." Ernie plopped to his knees next to the towels, looking at them. Jesse could see the concern on his face even with his sunglasses obscuring his eyes. "Why don't you boys just relax on here, have a little fun with each other, you can kiss, caress, like he said - " the way Ernie said "he" indicated open distaste - "and we'll just go with it, all right?" The boys nodded. As he stood, Ernie added, "They're good at this ,you boys'll be fine, trust me."

They nodded. As if we have a choice, Jesse thought.

He and Mike soon put their nervousness aside as they began to kiss. They were under no need to be aggressive or to do anything in particular, so they just made out quietly, half embracing, their hands idly tracing over each other's bodies. Ernie let them do this for quite a while, it seemed, which let them get lost in their feelings for each other and forget, at least slightly, what they were doing.

Falcone's voice came to them from a distance. "That's right, just walking along, c'mon tease each other a little, that's good, bump shoulders, good, keep doing that Kevin, great, smile for us, baby, c'mon Julian, that's it . . . " The voice was drawing closer. The boys realized Falcone was filming them approaching the towels they were on. "All right, not look at them let's get some reaction, good, good, c'mon Kevin show some interesting what you see . . ."

Ernie then arranged the meeting shot. He had Jesse and Mike roll into a full embrace, and placed Kevin and Julian to the left of the towels and just below their lower edge. "All right, now, when I cue you, Kevin, say something to interrupt Ronnie and Jamie, all right, and we'll go from there."

A few seconds passed. Jesse and Mike held each other, faces pressed into the crooks of each other's necks. "Nice look, ladies," Kevin's voice suddenly rang out, artificially loud.

The boys, though expecting something, reacted violently, rolling away from each other and looking up. Kevin and Julian were standing over them, hips cocked, absurd lime Speedos glinting in the sunlight. They were both leering.

Mike spoke first. "Who, I mean where - we didn't - "

"You thought you were alone enough to fuck around without getting caught, didn't you?" Julian asked, also in a loud voice, sounding very fey. "Well, you got caught. This is a state beach, you know - you could get arrested for this sort of shit here." Why did he make his voice so effeminate, Jesse wondered.

"We - we're sorry," Jesse stuttered. And he was - he felt horribly embarrassed, and vulnerable, lying there under their disdainful eyes.

"Hmmm," Julian said salaciously, turning to Kevin, "think we should turn them in?"

"I dunno," Kevin answered, his hand straying to his crotch and grabbing idly. "Maybe we could work something out with them."

"What d'you mean?" Mike asked.

"Julian grabbed his crotch as well. "Oh, I think you know just what we mean. And I bet you're really good at it, too."

Behind Julian, Jesse saw Ernie gesture for him to look at Mike. He did, for a second. "Um," he said, letting his nervousness show, "OK, I guess. But you have to keep it to yourselves."

"Baby, we may keep you for ourselves," Kevin said, stepping onto the towel and rubbing his crotch openly.

"All right, cut there, that was fine." Ernie stepped forward. "Boys, this time I want you to be more eager to do it when they make the proposal, understand? I thought you'd be nervous about things that first time through, that went well. All right?" Julian was looking at Jesse with a smile, still rubbing himself. Jesse saw how large the bulge in his Speedos was growing, and became apprehensive. It looked like Kevin was similarly huge. He flashed to the clip he'd seen on Mike's computer of them riding bicycles and having sex, and remembered how enormous their cocks had looked.

They re-did their short bit of dialog, this time with Jesse and Mike warmer to the idea of "working something out." When they cut this time, Falcone stepped forward. "All right, now let's get to work. I'll work with Ronnie and Julian, Ernie, you take Kevin and Jamie."

"I can direct both - "

"I'm handling Julian," Falcone said with finality. Ernie shrugged. Falcone leaned in close to Jesse, his breath smelling slightly of cigarettes. "All right, he's gonna step onto the towel here, I want you to get up on your knees and start playing with his cock through the Speedos - hands, mouth, just go for it. Juli, you be a good top boy, all right?"

Julian smiled. "The best, baby. All for you." He looked down at Jesse. "I'm gonna feed you a monster, chickie, and you're gonna love it." Jesse, now face to face with Julian's crotch, believed it - at least the first part.

He was vaguely aware of Ernie talking Mike and Kevin through the start of their encounter at the other end of the blanket. His focus, however, was on his own situation. Falcone said, "Action" within a few seconds, and Julian immediately pulled Jesse's head against his crotch, shoving his hips forward against his face. Jesse instinctively opened his mouth and started licking and nuzzling at Julian's erection though the fabric, his hands on Julian's thighs. Julian was talking to him in a whisper. "That's right, baby, worship it. You know you like it." He stepped forward with one foot, opening his legs and forcing Jesse's head back so that his testicles were against Jesse's lips. "Eat it all, boy bitch, just like you want it. You want it, bitch?" He grabbed Jesse by the hair and pulled his face away for a second.

Jesse was blushing, his breathing shallow. "Yes," he whispered hoarsely. And, it seemed, he did: he realized he was achingly hard in his boardshorts. When Julian pushed his face back into his crotch, Jesse went after him with abandon, moaning and slobbering over the thin cloth of his swimsuit, sliding his hands over Julian's lean belly and flanks. From somewhere outside, he watched himself, at once repelled and fascinated by what he was doing.

At Falcone's direction, he rolled Julian's Speedo down in front, and his cock sprang free. It was dark colored, thick, huge, he was shaved everywhere. Julian took hold of it and slapped him in the face with it. "You like that, boy bitch?" he purred. Jesse glanced up and saw the feral look on his face. Jesse nodded. Julian slapped him several more time with it, leaving small wet spots on his cheeks and forehead, before putting his cockhead against Jesse's lips and thrusting slowly forward. Jesse started sucking, only to be overwhelmed quickly by the size of what was being forced into the back of his mouth. He felt a gag reflex building, and tried to back off, only to have Julian's hand clamp against the back of his head. "Take it all, boy. All nine inches of it. Swallow hard, bitch, you're gonna throat me." Jesse moaned and choked as Julian pushed into him far deeper than Mike ever had dared. Bile rose in his esophagus, his eyes watered. Falcone was urging him onwards as well: "Swallow around it, Ronnie, you can do it, c'mon, oh yeah, that's it . . ." He couldn't see, couldn't breathe, his hands were pawing feebly at Julian's belly and thighs. Oh God please let me go take it out please I'm gonna puke . . .

Julian pulled his hips back. Jesse gulped in air, trying to hold his diaphragm steady against the instinct to vomit. Julian was slapping his face with his now slicked cock again. "Yeah, see, you like that meat, don't you bitch." And he was choked again, working his throat desperately to hold down his stomach, barely hearing Julian's groaning "Oh yeah, like that, bitch. We're gonna have fun."

Jesse fellated Julian for what seemed a long time, in various positions, most of them involving his having to take Julian down his throat and pray to survive. It wasn't easy. Julian was relentless, utterly uninterested in any signs of protest or discomfort. Falcone seemed to revel in Jesse's distress, urging Julian to be even more aggressive, until Jesse was on his back with Julian straddling his head, fucking his mouth with abandon. Jesse's eyes were streaming, his jaw aching, his stomach rolling. How he wasn't throwing up was beyond him. Julian occasionally reached back to stroke him, reminding him that he was, despite his ordeal, hard as a rock. Do I really like this stuff, he though in a moment of lucidity between Julian's thrusts? Is this really me here? "Oh yeah, bitch, take it like this," Julian sighed, shifting to a push-up position above him and pistoning his cock agonizingly deep for about a minute. Falcone held a camera almost against Jesse's cheek.

Julian finally sat back on his haunches, stroking himself with a languid smile, looking at Falcone. "You want me to blow it all over him, baby?"

"Save it, Julian," Falcone said in a tight voice, reaching out to place his hand over Julian's own. "You got to fuck him for a while first."

Jesse, gagging and dry heaving beneath Julian, trying to catch his breath, could only think: he's going to fuck me with that??

He heard a noise to his left. Mike seemed impossibly far away, at the other side of the towels. He was in a position similar to Jesse's and from the look of his flushed cheeks, wasn't doing much better. Kevin's very round ass was flexing strongly as he pumped into Mike's mouth. Mike's hands were up near Kevin's hips, open and closing weakly. Julian whistled, and Kevin sat back as well, grinning at Julian, taking his own cock in hand like Julian had. Jesse saw Mike cramp up, dry heaving.

"You having fun, baby?" Julian said softly to Kevin.

"Always, Juli. But these chickies are amateur cocksuckers, y'know? I mean look at 'em." They both laughed.

Ernie motioned them both to their feet. "Not everyone can take boys your size down their throats, you know that. You need to be a little more careful."

"What, be nice to the trade? These are your new special stud boys, Ernie," Kevin said dismissively. "If they can't do the deed what's their fuckin' use?"

Falcone appeared with a small towel, wiping perspiration from Julian's face. "Kevin ,I seem to recall you puking your guts out lots of times after blowing Julian - and vice versa. You boys take getting used to, and Ronnie and Jamie are still new to the biz. They did just fine." He leaned down and tousled Jesse's hair, running his hand then down Jesse's chest almost to his navel. The fingers were rough textured. "At least Ronnie here did, I was too busy to see how Jamie handled things."

"Just fine. Jamie was fine." Ernie looked a bit concerned. You boys all right - you want a drink of water or something? Joe, get them some water."

Jesse propped himself up on his elbows, blinking his eyes clear. "I'm OK," he said hoarsely. Had he damaged his vocal cords somehow doing that?

Mike had rolled onto his side, facing away from Jesse. He was still coughing. Jesse leaned over, his hand going in Mike's hair. "You all right?"

Mike nodded, without turning back to face him. "I just puked into the sand here, sorry." His hair was damp, matted. He scraped some sand over the mess.

Jesse moved against him from behind. He could see tears streaking Mike's face. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry," was all he could think of to say.

Mike reached behind him to hold Jesse's head. " 'S OK," he muttered. "not you. Just - that was - it's different, y'know?"

Jesse glanced up. Julian and Kevin were standing just off the blanket, kissing and stroking each other. They looked down at the boys, and smiled at their conquest.

Mike's face was blotchy. Jesse caressed it while they lay together, oblivious to the movement of people and equipment around them as the next series of shots was set up. "You OK, Jes?" Mike asked. "I saw you - I thought you were like choking there." Jesse shrugged. "And you got snot and stuff all over your face."

Jesse blinked, felt the wetness all across his cheeks. "Is - is it snot?" he asked absently.

"Yup," Falcone said in a booming satisfied voice, tossing a hand towel to him. "Happens when you throat someone and aren't practiced. Just what I wanted - that mix of fear and desire when you take it the first time. Really great. You're gonna be a star, Ronnie. You too, Jamie - I took a peek at what Ernie shot there, you're a pro. Just natural, you two. Putting you with my big stud boys - great idea, this is gonna kill." He ran hands over Kevin and Julian's sides; Julian pecked him on the cheek. Kevin was also shaved, Jesse noticed. Both of them were still hard.

"All right, I think we're ready here," Falcone called out. Let's film one at a time here until we get them into a mosh, Ernie. Ronnie, Julian,. You boys first." He tossed Jesse a bottle of Wet. Get yourself ready, you need to dump or anything?" Jesse, mortified, shook his head. "Well get to it then." Julian stood over him, coolly evaluating.

This was the most embarrassing part of the entire day for Jesse - lubricating his own asshole while Julian, Falcone, and seemingly everyone on the crew watched with various degrees, and types, of interest. After about a minute, Julian stepped back onto the towels next to Jesse. "I'll finish it up, Denny, you'll like having shots of that." Falcone nodded. "On your knees, bitch," Julian hissed. "Time to get really used now."

Jesse desperately wanted to run. His gut was still debating whether to let go and hurl, his head was swimming, his jaw and the inside of his throat aching. The prospect of having this guy fuck him was too much. But he couldn't. Julian had him, and they both knew it. Without a word he handed Julian the tube of Wet, and rolled onto his hands and knees. He couldn't look at Mike - the understanding of his complete surrender had him too humiliated. He felt a squirt of the lubricant on his crack, then Julian's fingers, probing and rubbing. He groaned at the rough penetration. "Baby, this is nothin'," Julian whispered. "Wait'll I put the meat to ya, then you'll have somethin' to groan about. And remember," he hissed into Jesse's ear as he bit down on the lobe, "you wanna play in our league, you gotta be able to take all of it." A torn Trojan wrapper plopped onto the towel by his left hand. "You ready for me, Denny?" Julian asked in his best fey voice.

Julian's initial penetration wasn't bad. It felt different, to be sure - the condom for one thing, and he was thicker than Mike. But Jesse didn't feel like he was going to hurt from it, especially as Julian started moving in and out in slow, small strokes. He was gasping some, of course, from the feeling, his head drooping almost to the towel. "You doing OK, baby?" Julian asked, his voice suddenly kind.

Jesse nodded. "Yeah, OK. I - " And Julian slammed all the way in, savagely, one massive shove so deep into Jesse that he felt his entire insides recoil. He couldn't scream, or cry out, or breathe. He stiffened against it for a moment before falling limply down onto the towel, with Julian atop him instantly, pounding away. "How about now?" came the question, the voice now a bit tight. "You like that, boy bitch? Never felt anything like that, have you, huh? Used to little boy dicks playing with your little boy hole?"

"Take it easy, Julian," Jesse heard Ernie's voice from somewhere above him. "It's supposed to be sexy."

"Sexy?" Julian breathed. Jesse could feel his hair grazing his shoulder blades. "This is sexy, isn't it, bitch? You like being all sexy like this, dontcha?" A long moan came from somewhere deep inside Jesse's chest. "There, see?" Julian said triumphantly. He grabbed Jesse's hips and pulled him upwards, driving himself even deeper into Jesse than before, and laughed at Jesse's feeble protests. "OK, get the other baby fucked and let's do this right."

Julian held them together there, motionless, for about a minute. Jesse heard Mike grunt, then cry, "Oh, shit . . ." Kevin laughed. Jesse couldn't turn his head to look - couldn't bear to see. He knew. Julian's right hand left his hip, he knew he was reaching over to caress Kevin, as the two of them started slamming away together.

They got fucked for a long time. First Jesse was on his knees (and belly, when he proved incapable of holding himself up against Julian's pounding), then on his back, staring blearily up at Julian's slight sneer against the startling blue sky. Then onto his side with Julian behind him, holding up his right leg and smacking against his left hamstring. Mike and he made eye contact then, because Mike was similarly positioned on his right side, facing Jesse. Kevin was slapping Mike's exposed asscheek as he slammed in and out. Mike's eyes were half focused, like Jesse's but they held each other's gaze, mutely comforted each other, sharing the pain and humiliation and the shame of being desperately stimulated by it all. Three times he reached down to stroke himself, only to have Julian slap his hand away. "Not yet, bitch. When I say so." Kevin was gritting his teeth, the tendons in his neck bulging orange-ish-ly as he fucked Mike.

Julian had suddenly pulled out. Jesse gasped at the emptiness, the feeling that a gale of cold air was blowing up inside him. "Flip over," Julian ordered. "No, the other way, so you and your boy baby can suck each other while you get fucked. That's it . . . " Mike's cock was dripping, erect, red. Jesse could see Kevin's erection just behind Mike's testicles, vanishing into Mike's body. A hand took Mike's cock and put it to his lips, as another placed his own erection against Mike's mouth.

He took Mike into his mouth, almost gratefully - it was mike, thank God - and felt Mike do the same. Then the fucking started again, Julian's cock driving into him, and they lost control of their sucking, the cocks being slammed into and out of their mouths by the strokes penetrating them from behind. They grabbed onto each other, groaning, sobbing, as Kevin and Julian slapped them and muttered obscenities over them, fucking them deep and hard. Jesse saw every thrust into Mike, every twitch of protesting muscle in Mike's legs and belly and perineum. He felt himself aroused in spite of himself, the feelings overwhelming and everywhere, the half glimpsed sights and the smell of lubricant and sweat and ass and cock. He surrendered, submitted, became less than himself, and when Julian at last pulled out of him and roughly grabbed his hair to turn his head so he could come on his face, he opened his mouth wide to take it, and stroked Mike as it happened, bringing Mike off almost simultaneously all over him as well, and feeling his own cock spasm and shoot on Mike while Kevin likewise came.

The two of them were left alone on the towels for several minutes after that, as soon as Ernie had gotten the requisite post-orgasm shots of their faces latticed with semen. They lay, faces against each other's bellies, holding each other, panting, whimpering. They were both sweaty. They heard Julian and Kevin crowing over them, the words not made out, and walking away. Mike began coughing, and couldn't stop for several seconds. Jesse wanted to hold him, help him, bit couldn't move. He felt Mike's belly muscles tighten and jerk with each wracking wheeze. He kept his eyes shut against the pain, the humiliation, the overwhelming nature of it all. Ernie's voice was suddenly very close to Jesse's ear. "Are you boys all right?"

Jesse nodded, starting to cry. Within moments, Mike was sobbing as well, and then they sat up and embraced, faces against each other's shoulders, arms about each other, hiding.

Mike took a long sniffling breath. "Are you OK, Jes?"



A long pause. "I guess." Another pause. "You?"

He felt Mike's nod. "I'm OK."

Another hand was rubbing his back; he could tell Ernie was caressing Mike as well. "Let's get you bys cleaned up, all right?" His voice was gentle, soothing. Jesse opened his eyes at last, and saw the worry on Ernie's face. "I'm sorry. I let that go far too long. I let Falcone take control, let them do whatever they wanted. He - he pays me, I can't just tell him no . . . And - and they're, well, they're threatened by you - you've made so much money . . ."

Jesse wiped his nose, conscious of how much snot he'd left on Mike's shoulder, as he moved to stand. He felt wobbly. Ernie steadied him and Mike as they rose. The tech people were busily packing things up. Joe nodded visorously, an admiring grin on his face, and gave them a thumbs-up sign. Falcone was back by the van, rubbing lotion into Julian's back and copping a long feel of his ass.

Mike and he looked at each other. "I love you," Jesse whispered.

Mike suppressed a sob. "Me too, Jes."

Ernie hadn't heard them. "You boys go clean up in the water, you'll feel better. All right?" he ushered them towards the breakers, which had flattened. The birds were gone, hiding in their nests. The sea was very empty.

Jesse dropped to his knees when he was almost waist high in the water, letting the waves break over his head. The water was cool, bracing. His ass ached, his jaw was sore, his throat raw. The water at least cleared his head. Mike had dived under a wave. He appeared about thirty feet out, rose to his feet and brushed his hair back with both hands, in profile to Jesse. His chest was heaving. The sun glinting on the water silhouetted him, with the water foaming softly about his chest. Jesse started to cry again. He was so beautiful, and what had happened was so irrevocable. He was certain they were lost.

Next: Chapter 23

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