Seal Rocks

By moc.liamtoh@1esuolap

Published on Nov 8, 2009


Here, after some delay (for which I apologize) is the next chapter of the story. The usual disclaimers apply - no resemblance to any real person, settings may be real but used only for background and not implying the people who own or run any of them approve of this sort of story, all rights preserved, yada yada yada. Thanks to everyone who's written and said nice things about the story, I do appreciate it greatly.

Seal Rocks Part 26

Erick was in no mood to talk. He answered Jesse's call only long enough to mutter something about letting him fucking sleep, then hung up. Satisfied that at least he wasn't dead, Jesse let it go. He kept to his room, however, until he heard Brent and Ben leave for the beach several minutes later (Ben having taken the day off). He was worried about what Brent might say to his brother, though he rationalized that their encounter had been brief enough that Brent probably hadn't made all the connections - just a "haven't I seen you somewhere" sort of thing. He was, nonetheless, wary of seeing Brent again. Once he was confident he was alone, he cleaned up and rode down the hill.

Mike was still asleep. Jesse peered in through the open window of his room -- the same window he'd looked through that first day that now seemed so long ago. He had a father than, Jesse thought, and he was normal, and he wasn't plastered all over the Web as some sort of porn star, and his father wasn't queer, and Uncle Booth was just a family friend. And Tina was alive. That, as much as anything, made him swallow hard as he looked down on the fine pattern of Mike's dark hair, fanning out across the pillow away from his soft sleeping face.

He slipped in the back door, stripping off his shirt as he sat on Mike's computer chair, and spent the several minutes watching Mike sleep. He was snoring softly through slightly parted full lips, and his eyebrows and eyelashes were twitching slightly as he dreamed. Does he dream about me, Jesse wondered, and is it a good dream -- one filled with love and recollections of their good times and the joy they shared? Or was it a dream of doing porn, of being fucked by strangers, of being fondled and ogled by random perverts and accosted on the street and recognized in your own house? He sighed and leaned forward, the vinyl of Mike's chair peeling away from his back with a soft tearing hiss.

Then Mike rolled slightly, groaned, and started lazily humping himself against the mattress. Jesse giggled softly -- oh, that sort of dream -- and knelt by the bed. He lifted the sheet carefully. Mike wasn't all the way onto his stomach, so it was easy for Jesse to reach beneath him and fondle his erection. Mike responded by sighing and rolling more onto his back, still sleeping, his legs opening slowly as he went. Within a minute Mike had turned completely on his back, still snoring, and moving his hips subtly in time to Jesse's strokes.

Emboldened, Jesse leaned in and started licking the head of Mike's cock. He sighed deeply, his hips movements growing more pronounced as Jesse began sucking him more in earnest. After about five minutes as soft voice croaked, "Don' stop, Jes."

Jesse looked up. Mike's eyes were still closed, but he wore a slight curling smile. Taking that as encouragement, Jesse increased the tempo, reaching to fondle Mike's balls, and even further below. Mike's hand fell lazily atop Jesse's head, fingers tangling in his hair, and pressed down. Jesse found his goal and pushed his index finger slowly inside, getting an arching reaction that was thrilling. Mike took three deep breaths, groaned, "Oh, shit, Jes," and came, a thick flood of semen that Jesse gulped down greedily. When Mike pushed his head away with a shudder, Jesse stood, sliding his boardshorts down, and rolled Mike into a ball, mounting him. He was conscious as he moved of how unusually quiet he was being, how peaceful it felt to be hard and curled around Mike, and inside him, smelling his smell and feeling his jerky responsive movements. Mike's hands ran again through his hair. "Jes," he whispered.

They lay together afterwards, grinning sleepily at each other and caressing. The room was stuffy. Mike's skin was a bit sticky from the heat and their sex; Jesse leaned in periodically to taste it. Mike hummed appreciatively.

The ring of Jesse's cell phone startled them out of their reverie. Erick sounded half awake at best, croaky. "Why th' fuck'd you call me so early?"

Jesse laughed in spite of himself, rolling to spoon against Mike's chest. "Just making sure you were alive, dude. Head feel good this morning?"

"Shit," Erick groaned, "I feel so fuckin' poor." Jesse felt Mike's breath, as he laughed, tickling his shoulder.

"So, um, no, like, training or anything today?" There were a ton of questions Jesse wanted to ask, but he knew he should do it face to face, and he wondered if Erick was up to such a discussion at the moment in any event.

To his surprise, Erick Laughed -- a clear childlike laugh of the sort he hadn't heard from any of his friends in a long time -- and seemed to perk up. "No need anymore. I got `em, dude. By the balls, every one." Jesse had no idea what he was talking about; it seemed like he was still drunk. "Lemme clean up. You at home?"

"No, at Mike's."

"Yo Erick!!" Mike shouted, making Jesse cringe slightly -- he was right next to Jesse's ear when he yelled.

He heard Erick chuckle. "Damn, don' you guys ever like rest?" Jesse heard him stretch loudly. "Gimme like 30, I'll have my mom drop me off, `K?" He clicked off.

Jesse turned to look at Mike. "You hear that?"

Mike nodded, his eyes half closed, his hand sliding across Jesse's stomach. He leaned forward and kissed Jesse for a long second. "Yeah," he whispered. "We got half an hour." He tried lifting Jesse's leg up, pushing his hips forward.

"Christ," Jesse muttered, rolling onto his back as they began anew. He bit his lip to keep quiet for several minutes, then gave up with a deep groaning sigh.

They were dressed and at least nominally cleaned up by the time Erick arrived, but still flushed and slightly shaky -- at least Jesse was. For someone in the apparent throes of a major tequila hangover, Erick looked surprisingly chipper. He tossed his backpack onto a chair and flopped onto the couch next to them. "God, you guys are like fuckin' rabbits. I man look atcha -- not even ten yet and you're both like sexed out already."

Unable to suppress his grin at being busted, Jesse stretched. Mike unconsciously slid a hand across the strip of Jesse's stomach that appeared below his T shirt. "So, how about you?" Mike asked. "You alive? You sounded pretty wasted last night."

Erick shrugged. "Yeah kind of. Some of it was for show, though."

Jesse noticed the mark on Erick's neck again. He leaned forward. "OK, dude, what exactly the fuck are you doing hanging with Taylor again like that? Are you OK? I mean, um, he didn't -- you didn't like, uh -- "

"Better fuckin' believe it," Erick snarled, and now his bouncy mood was tinged with a feral glee. "He spent half the day fuckin' my brains out."

Jesse glanced at Mike, who looked as alarmed as Jesse felt. "Erick, what the fuck -- "

"We went down to San O. My idea. Someplace we could work all alone, y'know? And we worked, all right. Wanna see the pictures?"

Jesse felt sick even before Erick pulled the manila envelope from his backpack. "Oh Jesus, Erick."

Erick smiled brilliantly. "No, Jes, this is like perfect, don't you see? I mean look at this shit."

They looked. Almost every picture was of Taylor doing something to Erick -- fucking his mouth, fucking his ass, pressing his stubbly face into the hollow of Eric's throat, tying his hands with a board leash to immobilize him against further assault, twisting him into various weird and contorted submissive positions to penetrate him yet again. In all the pictures, Erick's expression, while often pained, was detatched, almost placid. The pictures were from above and behind -- the top of the bluff, obviously -- but zoomed in, extremely detailed. Watching the boys looking through the pictures, and seeing their horror, Erick started giggling maniacally. "Doncha see? I got `em!!" He pulled a paper from the envelope -- a contract from Voyeur Video, with Ernie's signature already on it.

Jesse felt ill; Mike's face mirrored his feelings. But Erick was triumphant. "Dude," Mike said softly, "this isn't good. Trust me, OK? You don't wanna do this. I mean, we did -- it's not like we're like proud of it or anything. Don't you know that? It, it's just not good, OK? Fuckin' sick, a lot of it. Please . . ."

Erick's laughter faded. "You don't get it." He threw his hands up theatrically. "You fucking don't get it!!!" He squatted before them and held up a particularly graphic picture of himself being penetrated by Taylor. "You know what this is?"

"It's fucking porn, Erick. They'll have it on the Web and shit in like an hour -- "

"Wrong." He stood, arm outstretched, regarding the photo. "This, dudes, is child molestation. This is a picture of a forty something year old fucking pervert having sex with a fifteen year old boy. Forced sex," he added, pointing to the leash tying his wrists in the picture. "This is Registered Sex Offender city, right here. And this," he continued, waving the Voyeur contract, "is trafficking in kiddy porn. This is the admission of the guy who took the pictures that he didn't just take em, but that he did it to sell em." He slapped both back down on the coffee table and held his arms out. "Doncha see, I got em! I got all of em!!"

Jesse stared at him, horrified. "Bait." He stood and shoved Erick in the chest, furious. "Fucking shit, Erick d'you know how fucking stupid and dangerous and -- Jesus fucking Christ, dude, they coulda like hurt you or killed you or something! They still might!! Mike, . . . " Jesse turned to him for support.

Mike was staring at the coffee table a grin slowly spreading across his face. He looked up at Erick. "Us too?"

Erick's smile grew even broader, if that was possible. "Yup, that's my price. All assholes out, permanently."

Jesse turned between them, his eyes wild. "Mike, this is not cool! He -- he's like caught -- "

"No, Jes." Mike said, scrambling to his feet. "They are." He and Erick looked at each other for a long second, then hurtled into each other's arms, clinging desperately together. "Dude, this is too much. This was like dangerous, and all."

Erick's face was pressed against Mike's shoulder. "I owed you. I owed me." He pulled back enough to look Mike in the eye, and Jesse saw how suddenly cold his gaze was. "They think they've been fucking us. Well, we're fuckin' them now." And he kissed Mike hard, his hands clutching Mike's head, and Mike kissed back, close mouthed but fierce, grabbing Erick's shoulders.

Mike's eyes were watery when he turned to look back at Jesse. "Don't you see, Jes," he whispered. "He got a way out. For all of us."

And now, Jesse saw. He stared at Erick, speechless for what seemed a long time, then stepped forward to embrace him as well. "Oh God, dude. Thank you."

Erick's lips were thinner than Mike's. Their kiss wasn't erotic, or romantic. It was grateful, hard, intense, the survivor's relief at a new dawn. Mike wrapped his arms around them both, his forehead pressing their temples, and the three of them stood together for a time, their glances back and forth slowly dissolving into laughter. Erick began hopping up and down with glee, only to pull up abruptly in visible pain. "Dude, you OK?" Jesse asked, nervous.

Erick sat down slowly. "Yeah. Price of victory, I guess." He put his head in one hand.

Mike and Jesse exchanged worried looks. "Are you gonna like puke? I can get a wastebasket --"

"Naw Mike, it's cool. I mean I feel like shit, but I'm not gonna hurl on your mom's rug or anything. Just, y'know, hurting, I guess."

"What, Erick? Is it, like, your ass, or something?" Jesse felt a sudden panic, which he controlled to suppress.

"Partly," Erick shrugged. "Kinda all over, really." Jesse noticed the ligature marks on his wrists from the board leash. Erick was sagging forward, shifting his weight off his left asscheek.

Mike got to him first. "What can we do, dude?"

Erick smiled as they helped him to his feet. "I dunno, I prolly oughta get cleaned up first, see what the damage is."

"Let us help, OK? Jesse said.

Erick nodded as the boys led him toward the bathroom. "Thanks. It was worth it, I'm fine." He slid his T shirt over his head.

There were a few small bruises on Erick's torso, in addition to the hickey Jesse had already noticed. "Back of a van's a shitty place to fuck in," Erick explained with a shrug. His ass was red and marked, to be sure, but there seemed no obvious damage. Just a few finger shaped bruises coming in. His anus itself was apparently the main problem. "I was bleeding a little this morning," he confessed as Mike adjusted the shower temperature.

Jesse and Mike exchanged another worried glance. "Do you need to get checked out?"

"Don' think so, it wasn't like last year after the surf camp, when I had to see the docs. I was bleedin' like shit then."

"Why'd you stay with Taylor that long, anyway?" Mike asked. "You had what you wanted and all."

Erick shrugged. "I was wasted, what can I say? He had some really intense bud we were hittin' on all day. Between that and the Cazadores we were both pretty out there." He giggled softly. "He said the pot would like open me up, and stuff -- so it wouldn't hurt or bleed or anything. It helped, for a while . . . " He took a deep sighing breath. "By th' time it didn't help, I didn't care. It was getting' late, an' I knew I had his ass, and I was like celebrating with myself." He began to laugh. "That Ernie guy -- dude, is he creepy. He like hit on me when I went up to the bathroom in the afternoon, showin' me his dirty pictures and shit. Waiting for me, with the contract and all. Took me a little schmoozin' to get him to sign it first, but he was so horned it wasn't even funny."

Mike held the shower door open for Erick. "Did Taylor see him?"

"Nah, he was blissed out down on th' beach. I mean that was the idea, see -- get Taylor to park by that big fuckin' RV, tell him what I wanted to do real loud -- well, loud enough to be heard, y'know? Taylor was like pissing himself, he was so excited. He was all, `You really wanna do it again?', and I'm like hellz ya dude, you're so hot when you fuck my little cherry ass. He almost nutted right there." He slid his boardshorts off and stepped into the shower slowly, with Mike and Jesse holding his arms protectively, and put his face into the water. "Stupid fucker."

Mike pulled the nozzle out of its holder and sprayed Erick's body, front and back. Jesse watched from the far end of the shower tub. Erick leaned against the side wall with a contented smile. "So, um, dude, do you want us to, like, soap you up and check you out, and all?"

Erick's eyes remained closed. "That'd be cool ,ya." He took a deep breath. "My head feels like if I bend over too much I'll puke."

"You don' have t' do that," Jesse said softly, sliding out of his shorts and stepping into the stall behind Erick. "Let us help, OK?" Mike also stripped and stepped in on Erick's other side. "Let us do it, OK?"

"Mmmmm," Erick nodded as the boys began lathering him with the Zest. His cock started growing long before they got to his waist.

Jesse hands reached Erick's hips, and looked again over the bruising and redness. "Dude, d'you think I oughta like look and all? See if everything's OK?" He saw Mike suppress a grin. "I mean I'm not like pervin' on you -- I'm just worried, y'know?"

Erick shrugged. " `S Ok, go for it. I don' think it's bad, like I said, but best to see I guess.' He put his elbows on the wall just below the nozzle outlet and stepped back, assuming a birdlike pose with his hips thrust backwards and up -- the pose of someone about to get fucked standing up, Jesse thought.

Mike handed him the Zest bar. "Behave, dude," he grinned openly.

"Tha -- that's not what I'm doing, Mike, c'mon, you know that." Jesse was embarrassed and secretly aroused by what he was about to do. Erick was hardening now, and his time with Taylor had surely done nothing to decrease the size of his erection.

"It's OK, go for it," Erick breathed. "Nothin" I ain't done before by now. An' you guys are prolly a lot nicer about it than Taylor."

Jesse glanced at Mike for permission. He smiled. "I'll help if you want."

Jesse gulped (without, he hoped, being noticed), and started soaping up Erick's buttocks. They were very smooth, tightly muscled, pale compared to the skin just above his hips where the sun had done its work. He felt himself stirring. Erick was breathing slowly, almost as if asleep; Mike was leaning on the shower door watching with a soft smile playing over his lips. Erick's hips started undulating slightly in rhythm with Jesse's hands. Jesse saw Erick's balls, in the space between his legs as he bent down further, drawn tightly up against his body, and his cock heavy and swaying beyond them.

He slid his fingers into Erick's crack and opened it. There was, again, some redness, and his anus itself seemed chafed and angry (Jesse realized that he'd never really looked at an asshole before -- clinically, at least. It seemed an odd sort of thing to be doing). He ran soap carefully down the crack, and felt Erick react when it hit his hole. "Sore," he whispered as he pulled away from Jesse's fingers.

"Sorry," Jesse gulped, drawing back in his turn, conscious of his sudden blush. Mike chuckled.

"No, `s OK, " Erick said quietly. "It actually felt kinda cool, too."

"Ya, Jes, you shoulda seen his face when you did that." Mike was grinning.

"What can I say, I'm a pussyboy, right?"

"You're not, Erick, don't think that shit about yourself."

"Just bustin' you, Jes, relax. Listen, um, would you like push a little of the soap up in me? I found out last year that can help. Antiseptic, and all. And I can tell from the sting how messed up it is."

This time, Jesse made no attempt to hide his gulp. "Y -- you sure?" There was now a strong part of him that wanted to put a lot more than a soapy finger up Erick's ass.

"Ya. Besides," he said as he turned to look at both boys in turn, "I was too wasted yesterday to really get off. I. uh, I'd kinda like to, if that's OK?"

Mike laughed softly, though Jesse saw him hardening as well. "What, you're like asking permission to get off?"

"Well, I mean you guys are like boyfriends and all, I don't' wanna do anything stupid."

It was Jesse's turn to laugh now. "After the shit you just pulled yesterday, you're worried about doing something stupid here?" He dropped his head forward unconsciously to rest on Erick's left asscheek.

"Hey, I did like a noble thing and all, be fuckin' grateful," Erick giggled.

"We are, dude." Mike reached in and took hold of Erick's cock; Erick hissed and arched at the feeling. Mike nodded to Jesse. Grinning, Jesse moved his soapy thumb to Erick's hole and pushed. Erick groaned and ground his hips in response to the dual stimulation.

It took a little effort to pull his thumb back out of Erick -- the sphincter muscles had gripped him tightly. "How's that?" He asked. "Any sting?"

"Aw, shit, if there was I wouldn't know right now, y'know?"

Jesse was suddenly desperately horny, despite the aching inside his perineum from coming so much. He stood up and looked over Erick's shoulder at the way Mike was stroking him. Mike met his glance. "You want it, Jes?"

What kind of a fucking slut am I turning into, Jesse thought. "Yes," came the croaking answer.

"Cool. I wanna watch, is that OK?"

Jesse swallowed yet again. "Course. I'm sorry, I just -- "

"I know, dude, you like that more'n I do. It's OK, we're all buds, right? You wanna do it, Erick?"

Erick had been listening tensely, trying to focus on the cryptic discussion over the mounting feelings coming from his crotch. "I want -- y'mean I can --" Mike turned him around as Jesse assumed the same birdlike pose Erick had taken, against the back wall of the shower. Erick's hand immediately found Jesse's hip, and caressed it hesitantly. "Dude, I like -- I been wantin' this, but I dunno -- "

"It's OK, Erick, " Mike said. "You want it, and Jes wants it, and it's cool."

"It's like a thank you, OK?" Jesse said through his forearms where he had his head against the wall. "I -- I gotta know what it feels like. Just once, to know."

Erick was still unsure. "But, like I don't wanna mess anything up -- "

"Will you just please fuck me before I chicken out?"

"You, um, you're not hard."

"Erick, I been fucked out already this morning, remember? You said so yourself. It's fine." And, amazingly, Jesse felt the tingling in his genitals, and glancing down he saw himself begin to swell. "Oh, Jesus, Erick, please just do it."

Mike stepped out of the stall and moved back to stand next to Jesse, a hand in his wet hair. "I love you."

"I love you too. Is this OK?"

"Course. This's been like building for weeks, so get it done, right?"

"So, um, like how do I do this, exactly, dudes?" Erick asked in a sheepish voice. The boys cracked up, Jesse sending a fine spray over them all with a toss of his wet hair.

"Like this," Mike said easily, taking hold of Erick and pointing him on the right direction. Jesse reached underneath and helped to place him in the proper spot.

Still, it took Erick a few tries to get it right. "How the fuck d'you get in, it's like all closed up," he complained. But his next thrust penetrated, and Jesse's laughter faded. His eyes went white, and he pushed back against the massive intrusion, slack jawed. "God," Erick whispered shakily, "it's like a vise grip. You're gonna pinch me in half in there." Jesse exhaled slowly, relaxing himself, trying to regain some rationality. He opened up more, and Erick drove in deeper with a loud yelp. Mike was kissing Jesse's cheek, and Jesse's hand had somehow found its way to Mike's cock. Erick was, indeed, huge. Jesse was panting, swallowing, blinking.

"Does it hurt?" Mike asked very close to him.

"N -- no, just -- it's like really big, an' -- it's like it's paralyzing me, I'm like stuck on it and I -- I can't like move, or anything -- oh shit," as Erick thrust in a little deeper.

"This is so tight, dude," Erick gasped. "It's like you're grabbing me and trying to pull me in, keep me in." Jesse felt him lift his head to look at Mike. "Does it feel like that, to you -- that he's like tryin' to hold onto you inside?"

"Ya," Mike said quietly, nuzzling Jesse. "Like he wants to hold you in."

"I do wanna hold you in when you're there, Mike, I -- aaawwww . . . " and as Erick finished pushing the rest of the way in, Jesse's powers of speech went on vacation for several seconds.

"It's OK, babe," Mike whispered, running his hand through Jesse's hair. Jesse blinked -- Mike had never used any term of endearment to him before, and hearing one now thrilled him. It was mushy shit, and he liked it. The fact that it came as he was being shish-ke-bobbed on Erick's huge cock wasn't even an issue to him. He kissed Mike as Erick pulled slowly out, and started fucking.

"Oh God, Mike. Babe." Jesse dropped his head against Mike as Erick started in, speeding up rapidly to a fevered pitch. He clearly had indeed not gotten off yesterday, and he wasn't going to be cheated now. All his hesitation and fumbling evaporated as the joy of fucking took hold. He grabbed Jesse's hips and pistoned them back and forth in time with his thrusts, making the inward penetration even more violent. Jesse groaned and cried out into Mike's mouth, not even conscious of how he was stroking Mike and Mike was stroking him. He had justified this to himself as a thank-you fuck, a gift to Erick for what he'd done, but it was more. He wanted it -- he wanted to feel Erick slamming away at him, to feel his hands digging into his hips and his chest heaving as he lost control quickly and started a long whinnying cry. He didn't tense and drive in and hold himself there when he came, like Mike did -- he kept pounding away, crying out with each inward thrust and spurt,, coming for what seemed a long time, until the thrusts began to lose their impetus and the cries their urgency, and Jesse felt him sag forward at last and drop his forehead onto Jesse's back, between his shoulder blades, and the only sound left was Erick's sobbing gasps.

Erick's arms slid around Jesse's chest and held him, very tightly. "Oh God, dude. That was amazing."

Jesse's eyes were tearing up and he didn't know why. "Ya. Amazing. Me too."

Erick stepped back, pulling out, and slumped down on the rim of the tub. "Is that what it's like, with you guys? All the time? Shit. No wonder you're queer."

Jesse was in Mike's arms. He felt tingly, and safe. He giggled. "It's better, with Mike. No offense, but it's way better." He looked up, and they kissed. He could feel Mike was still hard. "Show me, babe. Show me how better it is, please."

Mike grinned. "Like now?"

"Ya, like now. I want it, I want you to fuck me till I scream and -- and come, and -- oh shit, Mike . . ." as Mike stepped behind him and began

"Aw, you're all slick inside, Jes, damn . . . "

Jesse didn't know how long Mike took him, or how closely Erick watched. All he knew was that it was Mike, and he was possessed by him, and he was his love and his lover. He wanted Mike, needed him, craved him. The moved together slowly, quickly, urgently, tenderly, in a synchronized dance born of passion and deep familiarity. He knew what Mike liked, Mike could stimulate him like no other, they wanted each other's pleasure above all else. He reached his left arm back behind his head to tangle his fingers in Mike's hair, and they undulated and thrust and withdrew until they both shuddered, Jesse coming again in defiance of any biological law, and Mike gutterally emptying himself into him.

They plodded out to Mike's room, drained. Erick slumped on Mike's computer chair, the boys fell onto the bed in a tangle. Erick dully toweled his hair. "That felt -- that was amazing, Jes. Tight, not, um . . ."

Jesse smiled softly. "Not like Kate?"

Erick shifted in the chair. "Right. Different. I mean, with her it's all like a glove and you just fit in and all. That . . . it was sooo tight around me, where I was going in. Amazing, dude."

Jesse felt a blush rise. What a conversation to be having, he thought. "I wasn't complaining."

Mike looked closely at him. "So what's better -- the big one, or me?"

Jesse laughed, a bit nervously. "Oh Christ, Mike, cmon."

"I mean it -- does size like matter?" Erick was looking at him as well, interested, and Jesse felt the blush grow.

"It -- it's -- it's all OK, really." He waved his hand over their teasing catcalls. "I mean it. It's like the person you're doing it with, right? Not how big the guy's cock is. I mean, when what's his name -- Julian -- was doing it, the other day, he was like big -- not That big," he grinned slightly at Erick, "but it felt like awful. Hurt, and not right, and -- it was just ugly, OK?" He felt Mike nodding. "This -- with you, an' with Mike especially -- it's just . . . it's cool. I dunno." He leaned back into Mike. "But Mike's the best, so back off."

Erick held out his hands apologetically. "No, please, dude, I didn't mean --"

Jesse giggled as Mike's hand slid around his stomach. "Dude, chill, I'm just bustin' ya. Look, if I ever want anybody else to fuck me -- other than Mike -- it's you, OK? No contest."

Erick smiled. "I think that's like a compliment. Taken." He held a fist out to Jesse for a bump. "You guys are like loud, did you know that? I mean when you were doing it after I finished, in the shower there -- it was really loud." The boys both giggled, embarrassed.

Mike sat up, his hip by Jesse's face. Unconsciously, Jesse craned his neck slightly to kiss it. "So, original point of all this, are you gonna be OK?"

Erick nodded. "Ya, the shower helped. I could use some food, you got anything?"

Mike stood and grabbed some shorts. "Omelet coming up, what you want in it?" He and Erick left for the kitchen, leaving Jesse alone on the bed, tingling.

What did he like? Did he really like Erick fucking him more? What would that say about how he really felt about Mike? It had felt different, to be sure -- huge, overwhelming, controlling. You couldn't do much when Erick was fucking you but submit and hope to survive. And it wasn't like Mike was a pencil dick or anything -- he loved Mike's thickness and length inside him, in his mouth,, rubbing against his body. But he was in love with Mike -- desperately, head over heels, drooling idiot begging never to be apart from him love. Erick was a friend, and now a deeply special friend -- they'd shared each other's bodies, they'd never be just buds ever again. He liked that. He liked that he could be close with Erick and still love Mike only. Maybe I am just a slut, he thought. Or maybe I'm just horny. One thing for sure, I'm not gonna be horny for a while now. I'm all achy in places I didn't even know I had.

Mike appeared in the doorway, grinning. "You OK, Jes?"

Jesse smiled back. "Course," he breathed. "I love you, you called me `babe.'"

Mike ducked his head a little. "Sorry, that, um, -"

"I liked it. I like being your babe."

Mike looked back up. "Well, you are. Even if he's hung like a horse."

Jesse rose. "He is, but I love you, OK?"

Their embrace lasted several seconds, until Erick called from the kitchen. "This fuckin' ting is startin' to like smoke -- will you guys stop fucking again before we burn down??"

Mike made killer omelets. The boys wolfed down two each, using up a full dozen eggs, not to mention the cheese, peppers, bacon bits, and other assorted stuff they threw in at their whim. They were groaning, leaning back in their chairs, when the doorbell rang. Mike rose to answer it, leaving Erick and Jesse alone for as moment.

Erick glanced at Jesse nervously. "Dude, we OK here?"

"Of course. We're buds. No worries, OK?"

Erick looked at him for a long minute, then relaxed. "OK, good. That was so intense, Jes."

"I know. Maybe it'll happen again, who knows?"

Erick shrugged. "Maybe."

"Not good?" Jesse was surprised.

"Dunno . . . I feel like guilty about it. I just wanted to come, y'know?"

Jesse smiled. "That happens, right?"

"Ya, but I shouldn't just like rut with you, you're my bud. You an' Mike." He picked at some leftover egg with a fork. "I don' wanna turn out like Taylor."

"Shit, dude, you're nothing like that. Don't do that to yourself." He reached over and patted Erick's hand, conscious of how feminine a gesture it was. "We're buds, and I wanted it bad too, OK? It doesn't change anything."

Erick started to shrug, but turned as Mike returned, looking pale. "Um, Jes, your Uncle Booth is here. He, um -- he saw stuff, in the living room." Jesse stood, color draining from his face. "He, like, wants to talk to us -- now."

Next: Chapter 27

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