Seal Rocks

By moc.liamtoh@1esuolap

Published on Mar 17, 2006


Thanks to those who've written about this series; you've all been more than kind. I welcome all such comments and suggestions.

As said before, this is entirely a work of fiction. I ground it in real places just to give it a local flavor; please don't read anything into my mentioning those places. All rights are reserved as per Nifty's user agreement.

"Hi honey," Jesse's mom's voice tinkled from the kitchen as he walked slowly in the door. She appeared a moment later, changed into casual clothes and visibly relaxed. "You look like it's been a long day."

It had been. The ride up the hill, after all Jesse had done that day, had exhausted him. He felt like he could sleep through till tomorrow right then and there. He managed a wan smile back at his mother. "So Mike's gonna check on us sleeping over at his place - give you and Dad some down time." And keep me away from the bastard, he thought.

"I know. Mike's mom called a few minutes ago. It's all set. I can take you down around 7:30 or you can bike there if you like."

Jesse sighed. "I'm pretty beat, Mom. Would you mind?"

His mother laughed easily. "Of course not. Why don't you get a Coke and sit in the Jacuzzi a little - the breeze out back is so nice off the water this afternoon. I promise to wake you up before you're a prune."

Jesse grinned sleepily and complied, dragging his beach towel with him out past the narrow back lawn to the edge of the hillside. There, with a low glass wall partially shielding it from the wind, was a six person Jacuzzi half sunk in the ground. His mother had already turned it on, and it was bubbling and steaming enticingly as he approached it. Tina bounded toward him, barking. He smiled and waved her away. "You'll get the filter all clogged again, Tina, and Dad'll be pissed. You remember how pissed Dad gets?"

At the mention of his father, Tina quieted immediately, almost cowering. Jesse, one step into the hot water, looked back at her. "It's OK, Teen, I won't let him hit you. C'mere." He held out his hand as he sank into a sitting position, wincing at the sting of the hot water on his skin. Poach away the sunburn, he thought. Tina approached carefully and started licking his outstretched hand. Jesse smiled and rubbed her head absently, feeling the water relax him. He really could pass out in here and wind up a prune. A poached prune. He leaned closer to Tina, and she began licking his face.

"Jesse!! Keep that damn dog out of the Jacuzzi!!" His dad was home. He strode from the back slider door towards Jesse, still in his dress shirt and tie. "If she gets in there again - "

"Dad, relax, I won't let her in here. We're just saying hi and all." Tina was on her belly, shaking slightly.

His father was a big man - 6'4", 245, and not fat - just strong. An ex-Marine, not unusual in this town: it was, after all, right next to Camp Pendleton. He glowered over them a moment, considering the situation. "Well, just keep here the hell out of there. Put the cover on as SOON as you're done, you hear?" He turned to go back into the house. "God-damned water dog, shedding all the time" he muttered.

Tina was so overjoyed at this departure that she lost all composure, running about the yard barking uncontrollably for about a minute after the slider closed, and finally running to Jesse and landing front feet first in the Jacuzzi next to him for a major lick of his face. "Shit, Tina!!" Jesse cried, lifting her frantically out of the water. "You'll get us both killed!!" He held Tina at arm's length by her collar until she calmed down and laid against the two steps leading up to the tub.

Jesse started idly out from the Jacuzzi through the glass at the ocean below. The pier was barely visible on his right, and the houses atop the last ridge above the beach defined the last bluff along the coast, past Lost Winds and Rivvi and the State Park, all the way down to the point where Casa Pacifica, the old Nixon mansion, stood. Seal Rocks lay offshore, the lower southern portions now awash with the incoming tide. Some trick of the afternoon light made the breakers seem to glint greenish as they rolled over the smaller rocks, while the main gun turretlike formation stood firm, the waves smashing foamy white around it but only sending their spray onto its top. He imagined the seals lolling about on the top of that rock amid the mussel shells and crabs, probably as sleepy as he was, trying to recover energy for a long night ahead. His head nodded, and his Coke can tipped slowly over in his hand, spilling over the coping and some into the tub.

"Jesse! Are spilling your God-damned soda into the Jacuzzi again?!" His dad was marching out towards him again, now wearing precisely pressed khaki shorts and a garish aloha shirt, none of which gave him the least air of informality. Jesse jerked awake and yanked the can back upright, trying to hide the evidence as best he could. It didn't work. His father was upon him before he could douse the coping with water. "God damn it!! You know how many God damned ants we're going to get around here now??" He tore the can from his son's hand and flung it over the fence and down into the arroyo. "When the HELL are you going to get any sense?" His right hand clipped Jesse on top of his head.

"Stop it! I'm not your punching bag!" Tina had fled to the far end of the yard, under a small lemon tree.

"You have GOT to learn some responsibility, damn it, and if this is the only way I can get you to do it - "

"Walter, that's enough." His mother's voice was very quiet. She stood at the slider, grim faced. It always amazed Jesse how much authority her voice could carry without being loud. His father turned, regarded her for a moment, then started back into the house.

"Get some of those staked ant traps from the garage when you get out and put them around the tub," he directed over his shoulder as he vanished back into the living room.

Jesse's mother stood, looking at him, a soft smile on her face. "He just had a terrible day, honey. It's all right."

It was all Jesse could do not to ask: As opposed to what other day? But he knew his mother loved him, always would, and there was nothing Jesse could do to make her see how abused he felt. He was his father's great disappointment, and always would be. He smiled back at her, quietly, nodded, and looked down at where the water-thinned puddle of Coke lay on the plastic coping. " `S OK. I'll clean up now."

Tina helped him pound the ant traps into the dirt around the back side of the Jacuzzi tub, then accompanied him back into his room, settling comfortably on his bed to watch over him as he showered. He took a long time, washing carefully, especially around his ass. It didn't feel sore or hurt now, just slightly tingly whenever he ran his soapy fingers over it. Curious, he pushed one in a bit. It did nothing for him erotically. He frowned a bit, washed some more, then turned the spigot to cool and sat on the narrow ledge at the stall's back to let the water sprinkle over him.

When he walked back into his bedroom, Tina was on her back, legs splayed upwards toward the ceiling, head to one side. He laughed, saw her tail move once, and called, "Hey dead dog." She rolled over and looked at him eagerly. This was usually a signal for play. But Jesse was too whipped to fool around with her right then. He flopped down next to her on his stomach, leaving his towel on the floor, and bunched a pillow under his head. "You a good girl today, Teen?"

In response, Tina started licking his right side. He smiled and tensed up, trying to resist the tickle. Her tongue was very good at its job, however, and within a minute he had to roll away. "C'mon Tina, don't. Play fair." The dog's eyes lit up, and she nuzzled in under his chin with a low grunting growl that served as talking for her. He held her there, scratching under her chin, and dozed off.

The sunset was streaming orange light into his room when his mother knocked. "You ready to go, Jesse?"

He sat up, rubbing his eyes, as she started to turn the door handle. "No, MOM! Hang on, gimme a second here. I uh - I fell asleep and all."

The handle turned back. "OK, just hurry up - we said 7:30, I don't want to be late."

"It's cool, Mom, be right there." He grabbed a Rocky's shirt from a drawer, pulled on a pair of boxer briefs and shorts, rummaged under his bed for a second before finding his Rainbows. He grabbed his toothbrush, comb, and deodorant from the bathroom and threw them into a knapsack along with his Axe and his Ipod. Tina sat on the bed, watching intently. When he opened the door and started walking down the hall, she followed him with a soft whimper.

"It's just for tonight Tina. You guard the house and we'll hit the beach tomorrow, OK?" The dog lit up again and barked.

"Keep that dog quiet!" his father shouted from the den. Jesse walked into the room to see him in his recliner, facing the TV, where Bill O'Reilly was purple-faced, yelling at some woman.

Jesse shook his head. "Why do you watch that jerk, Dad?"

His dad waved a hand dismissively, without turning from the screen. "This man doesn't take guff from those damn liberal idiots," he said.

"Dad, he's an asshole."

Now his father turned. "No swearing in this house, Jesse, you know that. You're still a boy, whatever you think."

Jesse turned toward the garage, head down. "Yes, sir. See you tomorrow."

His dad had already turned back to the screen. "Give my best to Mike's parents," he said absently, leaning forward to catch up with the stream of invective.

Jesse was dead silent as his mother drove down the hill. His mother made up for him, chatting on about her plans to have their cousins and aunts and uncles over that Saturday to celebrate her father's birthday. "Not everyone gets to 87, you know, especially not in the shape Grand dad is in," she said with more than a hint of pride. Jesse smiled. He loved his grandfather, and not just because he'd given him his old beach chair - a rusty blue-canvassed relic that Jesse regarded as cooler than any of the cup-holder encrusted plastic crap from Costco that most of his friends had. He knew his grandfather would grill him on his surfing - he'd surfed for decades all up and down the coast in LA and OC - and though he was circumspect enough to stay on shore now except in the mildest of conditions, his sense of history had always enthralled Jesse. Grand dad should talk to Mike about all the breaks up north he was just at, he thought. Then the idea of anyone in his family speaking to Mike suddenly became vaguely threatening, and he shoved that thought aside.

They stopped at Pedro's and drove through to get two quesadillas - "This'll tide you boys through till dinnertime," his mother said with a wink - and crossed the freeway toward Mike's house. The sun was down now, and the long summer twilight lent an exotic air to the narrow streets with their broad-leafed palms and bird of paradise plants shading the front yards.

Mike's parents' place was one of the most shaded, with thick palm trees - bushes, really, given their height shielding the front of the house from the street, and a carpet of bougainvillea covering the latticed porch. Walking through the yard in the deepening twilight, with accent lights playing on the shifting fronds, always made Jesse feel he was stepping into another world. The effect was even more pronounced tonight - he knew what was to come, and the thought of it had his breathing shallow and his genitals tingling.

Mike's mom answered the door with a wide grin and embraces for Jesse and his mother. She was in a long Mexican house dress that accentuated her still-slender figure, and her black hair was piled carelessly into a knot atop her head. It was hard to believe she was 54. "I have so missed you around here, Jesse!" she cried, pulling him into the entry hall. The house was dimly lit in front, with only a few lamps shining against the red tiled floor. Jesse could se the usual traces of sand in the grouting. Chica, Mike's family's ancient Manx cat, trotted in for an obligatory rub against Jesse's leg, hoping for a head scratch that of course came immediately. The two mothers chatted animatedly about something or other while Jesse stood apart, idly rubbing behind Chica's ears. He was waiting for Mike to show up . . .

"Oh Jesse, I forgot - Mike went with his Dad to get the pizza. We decided on La Rocco's instead, will that be all right?"

Jesse nodded. "Sure, that's great." The combined wattage of his mother and Jesse's, when they were together, always intimidated him somehow.

"Great. Why don't you put your things back in Mike's room and make yourself comfortable. You know where everything is by now," she added with a warm smile.

"Thanks. See ya, Mom."

"Not so fast, young man!" his mother exclaimed. She held her arms open. "Come here now, pay the rent."

"Mom," Jesse groaned. Public displays of parental affection were not among his top ten things on earth.

His mother just waggled her fingers at him. "C'mon," she smiled. Jesse reluctantly stepped over to her, conscious of Mike's mother beaming at the two of them the whole time. His mother hugged him, running her hands over his back. "Have fun, OK? Behave."

Jesse smiled lopsidedly as he pulled back. "Aw Mom, I was gonna torch the place tonight, too. You always spoil things." Both women laughed and shook their heads as Jesse ambled down the hall, knapsack slung over his shoulder.

Mike's computer was on, the screen saver waving across it in random colored lines. Jesse moved the mouse a little, glancing back down the hall, but all that came up was the Abercrombie website - some end of season shirt clearance thing. He put his toiletries in Mike's bathroom, tossed his spare clothes on top of the dresser, and flopped on the bed, yawning. He was still tired, even with his anticipation. He munched on his quesadilla, and drifted off into a light sleep.

He didn't hear Mike arrive until he deliberately slammed his bedroom door, shouting "Dude!" at the same time. Jesse jerked upwards, eyes wide, to see Mike dissolving in laughter.

"You should've seen that!!" Mike said between giggles. "You were like so out of it - all open mouthed - " he mimicked a snoring face - "and shit."

"Don't do that shit, man, I almost wet myself."

This didn't have the intended scolding effect; Mike just started laughing harder. "So I gotta get like closer next time and really freak you out, huh?"

"You do and I'll murder your skinny ass," Jesse said with false menace in his voice. He was starting to laugh, too.

Mike stepped over and sat next to him on the bed. His smiled faded to a softer, far more attractive shy one. "Hey," he said simply, looking into Jesse's eyes. "This is cool, I'm glad you could make it."

Jesse smiled, lightly tossing his hair back from his eyes. "Me too."

"You OK?"

"Yeah, you?"

Mike nodded, grinning sheepishly. "Oh yeah I'm great. I just - I was worried you - "

"Mike. I'm fine." Jesse put a hand on the back of Mike's head, his finger slowly entwining in his hair, and pulled him over. They kissed softly, quietly, reassuringly. When they laid down together it was just for comfort, to kiss and touch each other. Their erections seemed almost an afterthought. After a couple of minutes, Jesse broke away enough to whisper, "So is the pizza here? I got you a quesadilla," he added, gesturing toward the bag next to the computer.

Mike nodded, his eyes flashing. "It'll be there," he answered, moving back in to kiss Jesse under his jaw. Jesse groaned slightly, feeling really aroused now.

"Dude, we gotta get some za. Your parents will wonder. We like always attack the za when it gets here."

Mike lifted his head to look at Jesse, his eyes soft in the dim light. "I guess," he sighed. "But we gotta calm down a bit first." He nodded down to where both their shorts were tented outwards. The sight made them giggle again, and that was enough of a mood break for them to soften sufficiently to walk out of the room without embarrassment.

Mike's parents were in the family room, on a long couch, with pizza on paper plates, casually entwined with each other like only longtime lovers can be. "We were wondering what was keeping you guys," his father said. He was very tall and lanky, every bit the former volleyball player who still played pickup on the beach on weekends. His brown hair had natural streaks of blond from the sun, and it seemed eternally tousled.

"I was showing Jes some Abercrombie stuff - sale stuff."

"None of their magazine, I hope," he father said teasingly.

Both boys laughed. "Naw Dad, I'm not into soft core stuff. I need the real raunch, you know?"

Mike's mother feigned shock and horror at this remark, while his father just laughed. Jesse stood somewhat aside and watched, as he always did. The thought of speaking like that to his parents was such a fantasy . . .

"OK porn connoisseur, the pizza's in the kitchen. Leave some of the Brooklyn Special for Mom and me?"

"Sure Dad. Can we just take the pepperoni into my room with some Coke?" His father nodded, his mouth full of pizza. "Thanks."

They settled in quickly, putting down the entire pizza in remarkably little time. Jesse felt his energy returning as he ate. They said little while they wolfed down the pizza, just occasionally nodding to each other over how good it was. When the box was empty (which took amazingly little time), Mike slipped back out to the kitchen and returned with the remainder of the second pie. "I even asked permission," he giggled, tossing the box on the floor atop the empty one, next to where Jesse had propped himself. "You want more Coke?"

"Sure." Jesse hadn't realized how hungry he was; Mike parents had eaten only half the second pie, but the remainder seemed hardly enough to satisfy his stomach. He and Mike resumed eating in silence until the second box was also empty. They looked at each other with a slight smile, enjoying the feeling of being at least relatively full.

"So," Mike said while stretching, "ready for the real dinner?"

Jesse laughed. "No shit, I could eat like five more.'

Mike stretched again on the floor, his t-shirt riding up and showing his belly a little as he did so. "Probably too late to order more, though. They close early."

Jesse nodded. "You think that's true, that they close when they run out of dough?"

Mike shrugged. "Who knows? They just close early." He idly scratched his stomach, Jesse watched as his fingernails etched momentary light lines on his smooth skin. "We got Chicken Dinos and shit, you want some of that?"

"Whatever. Not a big deal. Whatever you want."

Mike looked at him, arching an eyebrow. "Whatever?" he smiled.

Jesse sat back on his elbows, smiling back. "Yeah. Whatever."

Mike rolled over onto his hands and knees and crawled across to Jesse, straddling his hips. He leaned down and they kissed, the taste of pizza sauce heavy in both their mouths. "Mmmm, pepperoni," Mike whispered when they broke a minute or two later. "My favorite."

Jesse giggled and pushed at him a little. "Asshole. You taste like it too."

"I know. I didn't say it was bad." They kissed again, Mike slowly easing his body down atop Jesse's. His hips pressed against Jesse, and they both hardened. "In fact, I think I like it."

Jesse threw one arm around Mike's back, supporting himself on his left elbow. "Me too." His arm started trembling from the effort of supporting them both, so he lay back down on the floor, Mike molding atop him.

They kissed for several minutes like this, silently, their arms and legs languidly moving against each other, twining and intertwining. Jesse's hands ran up beneath Mike's t-shirt, caressing the prominent shoulder blades and the small knobs of his spine. Mike's right hand tangled in Jesse's hair. His tongue found its way to Jesse's earlobe and down along his jaw line; Jesse moaned as Mike began kissing the hollow of his throat. They had all night, and their activities of the day had slowed them enough that this would be far from animalistic lovemaking. For a while, at least.

Mike climbed off Jesse after about ten minutes, his shorts comically pressed outward by his erection and slightly stained by leakage. He stepped over to his CD player and put in a Jack Johnson disc. As "Better Together" started playing, he turned. "Drown out any noise we might make," he said with a dopey grin.

Jesse laughed, rolling back on the floor. "Better make it like Audioslave or something then."

"Not in that wild a mood tonight - not now, anyway. Maybe later." He sat down at his computer and turned it on. "Want to see some of the stuff I was looking at?" he asked.

Jesse sat up. "Sure." His erection had subsided a little, but he was curious to see how seeing porn might affect him.

Mike clicked through various things quickly, and soon had the oral sex video Jesse had first seen running. He sat silent before the screen, with Jesse leaning over his shoulder. "This stuff is free online?"

"I used the card my dad gave me. I pay the charges myself out of my allowance and all so it's safe."

The guys were really attractive - tall, lean, smooth, subtly defined without being overtly muscular. They did appear to know and genuinely like each other; they spoke and smiled while they went at it. Their cocks, though, seemed enormous - Jesse wondered if he was some sort of freak by comparison. Or maybe they're the freaks, he thought - geez, some way to be abnormal.

Mike's hand had strayed to his crotch. "I can't believe how big these guys are."

Jesse found his mouth dry when he tried to speak. "Y you mean their cocks? Ya, I noticed that too." One now was taking the other guy all the way into his mouth, his nose pressing against the guy's pubic hair. "I can't imagine how they do that."

Mike laid his head back against Jesse's shoulder. "I dunno," he whispered. "You did all right today."

Jesse put his nose into Mike's hair, smelling the conditioner he'd used. "Ya, but you're not as big."


The guy being sucked now took hold of his cock, pulled it from the other guy's mouth, and with a few strokes came on the other guy's face and upper chest. The other guy smiled beatifically at being so showered. Jesse took a deep breath. "I didn't say I minded, did I? Besides, I'm such a pencil dick, I can't say anything about anybody else not being like hung or anything."

Mike turned his head and looked at Jesse in the screen's light. "You are not," he said. "You - you're just right." He smiled. "I only gagged like twice."

"Wow, that makes me feel a whole lot better," Jesse laughed. "You shed, y'know. I was picking hair out of my mouth after."

Mike laughed loudly. "OK, this is getting to be too much info here." On the screen, the second guy was now being sucked in turn, the couple pausing every so often to say something to each other before resuming. They fell silent again, watching. Jesse nuzzled into Mike's hair, his lips slightly parted. He found bare skin at the base of his neck and began kissing it. Mike trembled a bit and hooked an arm back behind Jesse's head, gently holding it.

The two guys on the screen were now riding bikes, bare chested, and appearing to have fun together. They found an empty spot, dismounted, and began necking. Jesse's arm snaked around Mike's chest, and he felt the heartbeat under the t-shirt. Mike turned his head towards Jesse, and their lips met in a soft kiss. As Mike swiveled slowly towards him in his chair, Jesse rose and sat on Mike's lap, straddling him. Their kiss deepened slowly as the computer screen was forgotten. Mike's hands roamed under Jesse's shirt, lifting and removing it. His mouth found Jesse's right nipple, and he began licking and sucking on it aggressively. Jesse moaned and arched back, his hand in Mike's hair. Mike began teasing the swollen bud with his teeth, and Jesse squirmed even more. "Oh shit, dude," he whispered, leaning back forward to bury his face in the hair on top of Mike's head. Mike's hands were kneading his smooth back muscles, up and down, occasionally running down to his hips to pull Jesse tighter to him. Jesse's whole body began to feel weak, as if he had no independent will except to be manipulated at Mike's pleasure.

Mike now shifted slowly across to Jesse's left nipple, renewing the sensations, and leaving his right one tingling. Jesse knew he was hard as a rock, but it seemed secondary to the bursts of feeling he felt from Mike's tongue, lips, teeth, and hands. He was groaning almost constantly now not loudly, but with a helpless sort of animal pleasure that couldn't be suppressed. Mike's hand suddenly slid between them, over Jesse's belly, and down onto his crotch, where he started rubbing the erection that was pushing up his shorts. Jesse's groan intensified. He felt his hips moving against Mike's cock, trapped under his ass, and Mike pressing himself up against him. He longed to be taken, impaled, penetrated. Fucked. He took Mike's face in his hands, raised it upwards and kissed him hard. Mike slid both hands down over the outside of his buttocks, squeezing and pulling down on the shorts. Jesse recovered enough self control to stand so Mike could pull them down, then remove his own shorts. When Jesse sat back down on Mike, naked, the slow dance began in earnest.

As with the second time kissing Mike, Jesse took in more details of their encounter this time. He felt the steely probing of Mike's cock as it sought him out, then slowly entered him as he lifted himself up a bit in Mike's lap before lowering himself onto it. He felt the initial pain of entry passing as the head slipped past some barrier inside him, to be replaced by a feeling of fullness and of being possessed in the most ultimate way. He noticed how Mike trembled with each of their respective movements when inside him, his body seeming to be barely under his own control. He felt the driving thrust of Mike's cock up into him as Mike moved his hips, and as he lifted and lowered himself slowly on the spike that held him there. He listened to the chair squeak in protest against their movements. He felt Mike's long moans echo inside his mouth as they kissed, his head pressing down against Mike's upturned face. His body began moving on its own now, in a series of sinuous bucking moves that rubbed his body against Mike while driving the cock in and out of him. His cock was sliding against Mike's belly, slick with its own secretions. Mike's hands clamped hard on the sides of his hips, trying to hold them steady as he began increasing the speed and aggression of his movements, both bodies responding unconsciously. Jesse broke their kiss in a desperate gasp for breath, only to feel Mike's mouth rundown his throat and upper chest before settling hard on a nipple. The combination of feelings, soreness and stimulation, made him cry aloud as he clutched at Mike's head. He was vaguely conscious of his ass ramming up and down onto Mike's lap, his body craving more and more until his eyes went white and blank and it seemed the world exploded in his head, his chest, his loins, and his ass all at once, Mike grabbing him tightly and shuddering as he emptied himself while Jesse writhed impaled and spattered them both with his own come.

Mike's face was against Jesse's chest. He was panting; Jesse could feel the warm breath against his skin. He was slumped over Mike's head and shoulders, gasping as well, smelling Mike's smell in his hair. Mike's back was damp with sweat, and Jesse felt a drop gather on his temple and slide downwards. Mike's cock was still hard and inside him; Jesse could feel it twitch and spasm as if still trying to perform. He never wanted to move from the position they were in, just then. Never. Mike's hand slid slowly up his back, and Jesse groaned, his own body arching slightly and rocking in reaction.

"Oh shit, dude," Mike mumbled against his chest, "don't do that again. You'll kill me."

Jesse ran both hands up Mike's back to his head and caressed. "I think I'm already dead." He paused. "Died and gone to heaven."

"God, Jes," Mike said, lifting his head to look into Jesse's eyes, "I - I can't tell you - "

"I know. I felt it too. I mean," he started to giggle, "look at me. I'm a fuckin' noodle here."

Mike pressed his face back against Jesse's chest, kissing his left nipple. As Jesse reflexively shuddered, Mike whispered, "What a noodle."

Mike began rubbing his face back and forth on Jesse's chest. It took several seconds before Jesse realized that Mike was licking up the come that was there, spreading it onto his face as he did so. He sighed and surrendered himself to the feeling of slowly becoming slicked over, purring with contentment. When Mike next lifted his face to Jesse, it was shiny and moist. Their kiss brought Jesse the mingled taste of Mike's saliva, their perspiration, and his semen, and he reveled in the aroma and the salty tang.

Jesse blearily looked up to the computer screen. The image was of a guy alone on a beach, naked, lying on a blanket. Another guy, also younger and good looking, appeared, spoke briefly to the guy lying down, then stripped and joined him on the blanket. As they started sucking each other, Jesse felt Mike stir. "My legs are dyin', dude. We gotta move here."

"Sorry." Jesse stood up, curious about the image on the screen. It seemed vaguely familiar to him. Sort of like San O, he thought. Well, if guys fool around down there I'm sure someone's done a porno there. Makes sense. As he rose, he felt Mike slip out of him, and he shuddered. "Damn, I feel all empty now."

Mike stretched his legs and sighed. "Not possible, dude" he breathed. "You got like eighty pounds of me shot up in there I think."

Jesse's legs were wobbly, he sank to his knees next to Mike. "Oh God, dude. I - I feel . . . "


He put his face against Mike's chest, feeling the perspiration and drools of come there. "So incredible. Can't even say. No words, y'know?"

"Yeah," Mike said, and they remained in that embrace for a few minutes, taking comfort in each other's presence and feel and smell. Jack Johnson ran out, and silence filled the dark room.

Jesse's knees started to hurt. He stood, reluctantly, swaying a little. "I can't even stand up right, that was so intense," he groaned.

Mike again looked concerned. "Are you all right? I didn't like hurt you or anything?"

"God no. I just - I think I came too hard. Too much, and all." He stumbled into the bathroom and sat on the toilet. He felt himself eject a bunch of materials, along with a long embarrassing fart. After he wiped himself, he took a curious peek. At least I didn't like bleed or anything, he thought. He washed himself off with a hand towel, splashed his face, and regarded himself in the mirror. His face was blotchy red, his hair disheveled, his upper chest streaked with dried saliva and ejaculate. He giggled at the sight. "Shit, dude, look what you did to me."

Mike was in the bathroom at once. "Are you OK?"

Jesse laughed. "Yeah. I mean look - I'm a fuckin' wreck." Then he looked at Mike. He too had high reddish patches on his cheekbones, sweat had plastered his forelocks to his forehead, his chest and belly had spatter patterns dried all over. He needed to grab the doorjamb to keep his balance, he'd risen so fast. His cock was slimy looking, still half hard, and flopping around drunkenly. Jesse leaned against the sink, pointed and started laughing silently, helplessly. "You look even worse," he finally gasped out.

Mike steadied himself and walked up to Jesse. "No way. I'm at least standing." They fell into a clumsy embrace, exhaling deeply at the renewed feel of their bodies against each other. Jesse's hands ran down over Mike's round, firm buttocks, enjoying the feeling of their smooth strength. Mike' hips pressed forward, and Jesse felt the buttocks dimple from the movement. He hummed appreciatively and straightened up, tossing his hair back with a flick of his head.

"You better clean up," he said. "Long night, y'know?"

Mike smiled, but groaned theatrically. "Dude, no more. I can't - "

"Bullshit," Jesse giggled. He handed the towel to Mike and walked back into the bedroom, grabbing an open Coke and taking a deep swig. The scene on the computer screen had changed again, and now the two guys who had been on the beach - at least Jesse thought they were the same ones were in a spare white room, in bed, fucking. Jesse watched their movements now with a kind of professional appreciation, trying to see small technical aspects of their lovemaking that he might learn for himself. The frequent close-ups of their joined cock and hole did little to help him in that department, though it did hold a visceral interest; he felt himself tingle behind at the sight.

Mike reappeared, wiping his crotch with a bath towel. He put on another Jack Johnson disc and flopped onto his bed. "C'mere," he beckoned.

Jesse sat on the edge of the bed and ran his hand slowly over Mike's torso. "Incredible," he whispered.


"I dunno - everything you know? I mean all this and what we've done - and what I want to do," he added with a sly grin. "It's like the world all changed or went inside out or something." His hand rested on the flat of Mike's belly, below his navel. "I can't imagine not being like this, with you, anymore. It's like all of a sudden . . . "

Mike smiled, his hand clasped Jesse's at the wrist. "I know." He sighed, his eyes closing for a couple of minutes while Jesse sat and drank in every bit of Mike's body. "I imagined this for a while- I told you that."

"Yeah. Glad you did. It - it must have scared the shit out of you when you thought of it."

"And some." Mike looked at him. "You feel like a fuckin' freak."

"Ya, I felt that while you were up north. Like what's happened to me, why aren't I normal anymore and all." He looked at Mike, worried. "This is OK, isn't it? It's not like sick or anything?"

Mike shrugged. "I guess. Some peoplell say that stuff. You know, Christians and shit." He smiled. "Fuck em, I like it." His hand ran up Jesse's arm. "I like you . . . how you feel, how we feel . . . " he shook his head. "All that mushy shit."

Jesse laughed and laid down sideways to Mike, his head on Mike's belly, looking up at the ceiling. "Yeah I feel like saying all sorts of mushy shit too." He looked at Mike. "Let's not, OK? This is just cool."

Mike nodded. His hand came to rest on Jesse's head, and he stroked Jesse's temple. Jesse felt his eyelids flutter, then close. Jack Johnson was singing, "Is this how it's always going to be?" over and over as he drifted off to sleep.

He awoke when Mike sat up to go to the john. The music had again run out. The computer was on screen saver. It was very quiet. He rose and stood by the open window, the one he'd first looked in and saw Mike watching porn, and felt the night wind cool in his hair. He heard the seals barking our on the Rocks, arguing or calling for a mate or just announcing their pleasure at being on a rock on a summer night - Jesse wasn't sure. He just knew the noise was a happy one. Mike was suddenly behind him, wrapping his arms around his chest. "Hey, sorry I woke you."

Jesse smiled, leaned back into the embrace. " `S OK," he answered. It's a nice night. Seals are yapping."

He felt Mike nod. "They do that a lot. You hear it if the wind's right."

"Cool." His dream had been erotic and specific, and he decided to act on it. He turned, kissed Mike lightly, then pushed him onto the bed, on his back.

Mike smiled. "What's up?"

Jesse smiled back. "My turn to get wild."

"You mean you weren't before?"

"Different wild. Just do like I tell you, and no one gets hurt." He giggled and knelt over Mike, whose hands instinctively went to Jesse's hips. Jesse started kissing Mike, under his chin, along the line of his jaw, down into the hollow of his throat. He felt Mike shift a little, getting comfortable, his hands now resting on Jesse's back. He ran his lips along Mike's collar bone, then down along the outside of his pectoral muscle, inhaling deeply the sweet scent of his clean underarm, before moving to his left nipple. He sucked slowly at it, teasing at it with his tongue and teeth, and felt Mike move under him. A hand went into his hair, on the back of his neck. He increased the pressure of his attack on Mike's nipple, and felt it engorge to the size of a small pencil eraser. He purred with delight and gnawed gently on it with his teeth, listening to Mike's puffing and groaning. He lifted his head to see Mike staring down at him, mouth open, eyes pleading for more. Smiling, he moved over to the right nipple, using his right thumb and forefinger to keep playing with the left. "Aaawww dude," Mike whispered, his hand running through his hair. Jesse giggled a bit and kept at it, running his other hand now down Mike's side and to his cock, which was swollen even before he reached it.

Mike was now breathing and sighing deeply, his body slowly bucking upwards under Jesse's touch. Jesse loved the idea that he could make Mike feel that way. He slid his mouth off his nipple and down the center of his chest, past his navel, to nuzzle in his pubic hair, holding his cock against his right cheek. Mike's legs spread open as he started nuzzling and kissing down along the side of his ballsac, lifting his legs up to kiss and lick his testicles and the tendon that ran back from them to his perineum. But his aim was farther still. He pushed Mike's legs up higher, feeling the smooth hairless skin against his cheeks, and began licking up behind his perineum into his crack. He found his target and danced his tongue over it. Mike shuddered. "Oh God," he muttered, and lifted his legs up even more. Jesse pulled back a moment, regarding where he was and was about to do - a small voice in his head was asking what the fuck are you doing, but he already knew the answer: things he'd never imagined before. He plunged forward, his tongue circling, then penetrating the outer opening. Mike let out a long slow groan and moved against his face; Jesse knew he liked it. He pressed himself deeper into Mike, licking and lubricating his way in slowly, his hands kneading the backs of Mike's thighs. Mike grabbed his own legs and opened himself as much as he could, saying something Jesse couldn't make out.

His neck was starting to hurt in this position. He pulled away and dismissed Mike's disappointed groan. "Just roll over," he reassured him. Mike did, lifting himself up on hands and knees, offering himself to Jesse. Jesse slid back in and renewed his attack. Mike wiggled against his face, breathing shallowly now. Jesse reached for Mike's cock and began stroking it slowly as he licked and probed. Mike gasped again, and his wiggling turned slowly to a gentle humping motion, pushing himself against Jesse's face.

Jesse slid his right hand in close to his mouth, rubbing and probing. He started teasing Mike with a finger as well as his tongue, and Mike gasped louder. "Oh shit," he groaned as Jesse slid his index finger into him, moving his tongue back to his perineum and balls. He turned himself beneath MIke so he could suck him, the movement also driving his finger deeper into Mike. "Dude, I - I can't believe - Christ . . ." Mike babbled as he licked his way down his shaft. His left hand ran back up to Mike's nipple and pinched. Mike cried aloud and rolled back onto his back, his legs wrapping loosely around Jesse's head. Jesse worked another finger into Mike as he sucked, conscious of every movement of hesitation, and then pleasure, that he made. Jesse groped to the bedside table and found the Coppertone he'd noticed there. Smiling to himself, he popped it open with his free hand and stroked himself with a dollop. Mike was grinding himself up and down now, Jesse's fingers going deep into him with each downward push.

Jesse lifted his head and looked at Mike. His hands slid behind Mike's legs and lifted. Mike smiled nervously. "You're really gonna do this?"

Jesse paused. "It's OK, right? You want me to?"

Mike nodded, his face tight. "Ya, I think so." He hesitated. "Kinda scared, y'know?"

Jesse smiled. "I'm not gonna hurt you, dude. Just like you told me." He slid up to Mike's face and kissed him. Mike returned the kiss and spread his legs wide, lifting his hips upward.

Jesse rose to a kneeling position over Mike, moved slowly forward, and pushed. He had no real idea, in the dark, where he was pushing except in the most general of terms, so unsurprisingly he was less than successful. This quickly became comical, Mike grumbling, "Dude, turn on the light or something. I'm already scared about this, y'know?"

"Sorry, sorry," Jesse said, flustered. But then Mike's hand - warm, soft, strong - reached down and took hold of him. Jesse sucked in his breath.

"You're all slippery," Mike said quietly. "Good." And he guided Jesse into place, holding his cock gently against himself. "OK, go - slow, right?"

"Right." Jesse felt he must be as nervous as Mike, and worried his anxiety would actually make him go soft, but Mike's hand on his erection had helped that. He pressed slightly forward and felt the bud of Mike's opening yield to the tip of his cock. He pressed a bit more, feeling how intensely tight he was being clenched by Mike's sphincter muscles. Mike was breathing fast and shallow. As Jesse pushed forward a little more, Mike grunted as if in pain. Jesse immediately stopped. He was shaking from the effort of what he was trying to do, and from the effort of holding back from what he wanted to do - to drive into Mike and take him. The underside of his cockhead, just inside Mike, was burning with sensation. "You OK, dude?"

Mike nodded, his face set. "Ya. OK." He lifted his hips up to Jesse a bit more, putting his heels up on the back of Jesse's thighs. Jesse pushed a little more, amazed at the resistance he was encountering.

Then, suddenly, he was there. His erection broke through some barrier of muscle or will or inhibition or fear, and felt the warmth of Mike's insides. The tightness was now around the shaft of his cock, grabbing and holding him. Mike's head was thrown back, and he was crying "Oh, oh, oh . . ." Jesse put a hand unsteadily to his face to reassure him, and Mike kissed it hard. "Aw God, it's big."

"Sh -should I stop?" His body was screaming not to stop, but he pulled himself back a little in an attempt to make things better for Mike. The movement made him dizzy with sensations. "Oh damn," he groaned, and involuntarily pushed back forward. Mike grabbed his back with both hands and pulled him forward, and Jesse slowly began to thrust in and out, a little deeper each time, groaning and gasping along with Mike, until after a few endless minutes he was pressed all the way in, his thighs against Mike's buttocks and his pubic hair tickling Mike by where they were joined. Their eyes met in the dim light, Jesse's pleading for permission to continue, scared and demanding at once. Mike ran his right hand up to Jesse's cheek, and smiled wanly. "Ya, let's do this. Now." He pulled Jesse down for a kiss, and they began.

Jesse never forgot a single detail of the next several minutes. Every change in Mike's expression - the fear, the discomfort, the relaxation, the pleasure, the desire, the release - all stayed with him forever. He watched Mike respond as he started moving in him in slow long strokes, careful not to hurt him. Mike was making long groaning noises with each stroke, his hands now grabbing hard at Jesse, now fluttering weakly over him. Their bodies found a rhythm and moved together, gathering speed, until they were driving at each other powerfully and Jesse was holding on for dear life, whimpering "God Mike, God Mike" between groans. Mike was his - his lover, his fuck, his everything. He owned him right then, another human being who willingly gave himself to him. He possessed the gift and cherished it even as he took it for his own, kissing anything he could find as his body slowly rose towards its zenith and he stiffened and drove himself in so far he thought he surely would break something, and shuddering he emptied himself like he'd never done before, his consciousness and soul seeming to pump out of him in savage waves that left him sprawled on top of Mike gasping like a shipwreck survivor clutching at the shore.

Mike was still arching under him, crying out "ha - haha" as he continued his own orgasm long after it should by all physiological rights have been long past. His hands clawed at Jesse's ass, trying to pull him deeper inside. "Jes - Oh God Jes - keep going, please, God - shit - Oh don' stop dude - can't stop - Oooooohhhh . ." His breath came in great heaving sighs, his body shaking beneath Jesse. Jesse lifted his head a little to see Mike's eyes wide, his mouth open. He covered the mouth with his own, and they rode the final waves together, cascading down into each other as the feelings gradually ebbed.

Jesse was still hard and inside Mike. He couldn't believe that was possible. But it felt so good there, he wanted to stay. He inhaled slowly, and the smell of their mixed sweat and come filled his nostrils. He hummed appreciatively. "What?" Mike asked groggily.

"Smells good. Feels good. Wanna stay like this." Jesse's capacity for speech was not fully recovered.

Mike grunted his agreement. "I never thought - it feels soooo good Jes." He shifted his hips a little, and Jesse groaned as the sensations flashed through him again. "So good."

They kissed for a few minutes, hands gently caressing each other, hips slowly moving, until Jesse finally lifted off Mike and slid out. He looked down at himself, and saw he was remarkably clean. Mike shuddered a moment, then sighed and gave Jesse the towel. "Here," he said softly. "That'll do for now."

Jesse wiped himself off, rolled onto his side, and slid into Mike's waiting embrace. They sighed and squirmed against each other for a minute or two, finding the most comfortable position that afforded the most possible contact between their bodies. Jesse's face was tucked into the crook of Mike's neck.



"I think I did mean it."


"On the beach."


"I think - I love you."

"Oh, that." Mike's hand ran over Jesse's shoulder. "Good."

"No, I mean I like love you, y'know?"

Mike nodded slightly. "I know."

"Is that OK? It's not like weird or anything?"

Mike's hand ran into Jesse's hair as he kissed the top of Jesse's head. "No," he breathed, "It's cool."

The seals barked all night. Whenever one of the boys awoke for a moment, the sound was distinct on the light wind that cooled their bodies. The faint noise kept up almost until morning.

Next: Chapter 7

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