Seal Rocks

By moc.liamtoh@1esuolap

Published on Apr 6, 2006


Again, thanks to all who write about the series and characters. This is fiction, of course, and if you think it resembles anyone who's real you're dreaming. All rights are reserved.

Jesse awoke early the next morning, in small stages. He first became aware of the breeze, light and cool, blowing over his bare buttock. He opened his eyes a bit to see the lightening sky. He was on his stomach, his arms over his head, his face towards the window on his left. Then he remembered he was not alone in the bed. Mike was pressed against his right side, an arm across his shoulder blades, a leg thrown over his right leg. He felt Mike's hardness pressing against his buttock, sliding quietly back and forth on the smooth skin. And he realized that he too was hard, his hips softly grinding himself against the mattress. The warmth of the body against him, the coolness of the morning breeze, the wave of pleasure from his erection, made him shudder slightly.

Mike felt his movement. "Hey," he whispered, breath warm against the side of his neck. " Sup."

Jesse stretched a little more, catching his breath as his cock slid against the sheets. "Nada," he grunted. Mike pressed himself a bit more strongly against the side of his hip. "You're awake, huh?"

Mike grunted smilingly. "Ya. Sorry. Feels good." Jesse felt Mike's arm, beneath him, curl upwards to cup against his chest, pulling them tighter together. He rolled back onto his right side a bit, Mike's cock sliding into his crack. Mike began slowly rubbing himself up and down. His left arm reached down; he took gentle hold of Jesse and stroked.

Both groaned. "Aw dude," Jesse sighed. He lifted his left leg up towards his chest, allowing Mike to slide down into position. When he felt himself being entered, he repeated, "Aw dude" once, and they said nothing more until they were finished. Mike wiped his hand on Jesse's side and shoulder, and they fell back asleep.

When Jesse awoke again, it was a little after 8. Mike was gone. The sky appeared clouded over again - typical mornings at the beach. Just like yesterday, he thought, rolling himself up in the sheets and drifting off again.

The door kicked open and Mike walked in. Jesse, startled, sat up, clutching the sheets against him. Mike laughed. "Scared ya, huh? Thought it was my mom or somethin' ? I'm just glad I heard her calling there would've been kinda hard to explain."

Jesse blinked. "Did she come down here? I don't remember."

"She started to, a few minutes ago - saying goodbye and all that stuff. You were out like a light, so I got up and covered." He held out a glass. "OJ?"

Jesse nodded, rubbing his face. He drank the glass in one long gulp, the taste strong and astringent. "Damn I love Naked Juice."

Mike smiled, sipping his own glass. "That's cuz you're naked." Jesse noticed for the first time that Mike had slipped a pair of boardshorts on; they hadn't been properly tied, though, and barely hung on his narrow hips as he stood next to the bed.

With a grin, Jesse gave a slight tug, and they fell to his ankles. "So are you."

Mike threw a hand over his head. "Hallelujah!!!" he shouted and fell onto the bed next to Jesse. He pressed against Jesse's chest, pulling the sheets over them. "This is good," he muttered. "Cold out there - it's actually misting."

"In July??"

"Yeah, go figure." He moved closer. "Good morning to, uh, stay in. ya?"

Jesse smiled, his arms now around Mike. "Ya. Perfect." They kissed, tasting the orange juice on each other's tongue. Their cocks stirred, but slowly - even their libidos had been sated for the moment. Jesse sighed as Mike softly kissed under his throat. "Mmm, you raped me this morning."

"Raped?? You didn't want that?"

Jesse giggled. "Just busting you, dude." He sighed again as Mike's fingers began tweaking his nipple. "I wanted it, ya."

Mike sighed now, blowing warm air against Jesse's chest. "Good."

They stayed like this, quiet, for several minutes, until Mike slowly rolled so that his back was to Jesse. He pulled his top leg upwards, reaching back to beckon Jesse closer. "I do, too," he murmured, and they didn't speak again for a while. Afterwards, Jesse rested his forehead, slightly damp with perspiration, against Mike's shoulder, and they drifted off yet again.

When Jesse reawoke, it was about ten. He slipped from the bed, where Mike was peacefully snoring, and tiptoed into the bathroom. After emptying himself, he turned to the mirror and regarded the bleary face that looked back at him. It didn't look at all different. Amazing. He fired up the shower and spent a long time with the hot water cascading over him, long after he'd fully soaped and rinsed.

Mike was leaning in the doorway when he finally pushed the curtains back. "You deserted me."

Jesse smiled. "I was all sticky, and I stank."

Mike smiled and stepped towards him. "I kinda liked it." He reached out to embrace Jesse, who stepped back with a grin.

"Dude, no way, you're all dirty and shit! At least I'm clean now." He reopened the shower curtain. "Get in there before it like sticks to your skin."

Mike shrugged. "Would that be so bad?" As he stepped past Jesse into the shower, he fondled Jesse a bit, and pecked him on the lips. "We're just gonna get all sticky again, y'know."

Jesse couldn't help running a hand over Mike's hip. " `S OK," he said, "at least we'll start out even." Mike's dimpled smile disappeared behind the curtain, and Jesse finished drying off before walking back into the bedroom. The computer was still on. Jesse nudged the mouse, and the screen saver vanished. The movies, or whatever they were, had gone. In their place was a page reading:


Your Best Bet for Candid Looks

at the Hottest Young Guys!

Twinks, Groms, College Boiz,

Pro and Captured Live and Unrehearsed!!"

Around this message were a ring of photos of guys very cute mostly, and apparently young - in various stages of having sex. Some of the photos looked a bit grainy, some were professionally clear. Jesse recognized the bike riding guys they'd watched last night in one picture. He puzzled over the use of the term, "Groms" in the ad - the term usually was slang for young surfers. He idly clicked on the picture of the bike riders, and the video started up again. He watched for a minute, then turned to his small backpack and pulled out a fresh pair of boxers and jeans. By the time he had yanked a blue Stewart hoodie over his head, the guys on the screen were well into their initial fellatio session.

Mike appeared in the bathroom door, rubbing his hair in a towel. "Hey, no fair, I wanna watch too!" He stepped quickly over by the chair where Jesse was sitting and bent over a bit. Jesse looked down his body to his cock, hanging small and limp. Amazing how it got so big and hard. On an impulse, he bent over and took it into his mouth, rolling it about with his tongue.

Mike put his hand in Jesse's damp hair, giggling a little. "Dude, you're like insatiable." He was hardening fast, and Jesse hummed appreciatively. "Aw man," Mike protested weakly as he stood straight up now and faced Jesse, his hips starting to piston slowly. Jesse took hold of his left buttock and guided him; it took surprisingly little time for Mike to buck and spurt into Jesse's mouth, with some spattering over his face. Mike sat heavily onto the edge of the computer table when he was done, catching his breath. "Now look at ya, you're all messy again," he sighed.

Jesse straightened up in the chair, smiling and licking his lips, wiping the smears of semen on his cheeks toward his mouth. "I know. I like it."

Mike sighed again, bent over to kiss him lightly. "We're gonna kill each other, Jes. We gotta like slow down or something."

Jesse shrugged. "Long as we're here like this, I think we're gonna be jumping each other. Can't help it, like." He ran a hand over Mike's belly, up onto his chest, appreciating the feel of his body.

Mike sat back on the table. "I know. It's like our own whole little world, nobody else but us and we can do whatever we want." He considered a moment. "It's fake, but it's a cool idea anyway."

Jesse nodded. He never wanted to leave this room, never wanted to be clothed or away from the immediate ability to touch Mike, to stroke him, to feel his skin and kiss his lips and taste his body and come. The idea of leaving that, even for a short while, seemed unbearable. He pulled Mike into an embrace, his face against Mike's belly. "Can we stay here? Always, like?"

Mike smiled, his hand again In Jesse's hair. "Gotta get some chow, dude. It's almost lunchtime." He looked out the window. "And it's clearing a little. Maybe we can hit Rivvi or T-Street or something. Get some `za or a sandwich and then roll."

The mention of food sold Jesse. His stomach suddenly grumbled, and he realized how hungry he was. "OK, cool," he said. "Let's eat."

When they were really hungry, they always hit Billy's on Del Mar for an oversized deli sandwich. They stood in line with the business people in their work clothes, joking about them to each other under their breath and enjoying the fact that they were in boardshorts, Rainbows and t-shirts. They sat outside in the cool cloudy air, saying little, and ate. Even their ravenous appetites were no match for a full sandwich; they soon felt sated and slowed their pace over the last portions of their meal.

Mike sat back, running his hands through his hair. Even in the cloudy light, it gleamed with deep highlights as he did so. Jesse imagined for a moment magic sparks coming from him. "So, Rivvy?"

Jesse shrugged, wiped a little mustard from the corner of his mouth. "Or T-Street. Or we could hit San O again. Or," he smiled, leaning towards Mike, "we could just head back to your place."

Mike smiled. "Dude, I got nothing left. I'm on empty down there."

Jesse sat back and laughed, nodding in agreement. "Me too. Fun tryin', though."

"Ya, I guess." A thin ray of sun landed on Mike's shoulder. "Maybe San O. Then we can be . . . alone, y'know?"

"In case you get filled up again?"

Mike laughed. "Ya, I guess. That was just, . . . nice, y'know?"

Jesse nodded. "It was. OK, cool. Waves sucked yesterday anyway, it'll just be flat and cold today."

They rode back down Ola Vista and stopped at Mike's

House only long enough to grab towels and lotion. The ride through the park was cool, windy, with the sun only occasionally breaking through. As they got to the south end, they saw Ernie's RV still parked there, with no one apparently around. They gave it a wide berth and slipped their bikes into the underbrush at the road's end. As they hurried down the path to the beach, they didn't see the RV's door open.

Ernie's night had been almost as busy as theirs. He had a lot of footage to edit, to enhance with the digital equipment he had in his RV, to test screen and evaluate. The more he worked, the more certain he was that he had a major payday coming. The kids were natural, sexy as hell, and athletic with each other. He also allowed himself the compliment that he'd filmed it perfectly, given that he'd been hiding at a considerable distance. He'd done work with pros, up close, that wasn't this good. Now he just needed to close the deal. He had watched for their arrival, sure that they'd eventually show, and they hadn't disappointed him. He slipped out of the RV with a small folder and down the bluff north of where the boys were headed. He'd reach them in his own time.

Jesse and Mike settled themselves in the same spot they'd sat at yesterday. They were not alone, however. A Marine and his girlfriend were about 50 yards further down the beach, playing smashball, very naked. Every so often they'd embrace, and the Marine would unashamedly harden against his lover's hip. They'd giggle and peek surreptitiously at Mike and Jesse, wondering if they saw. Both boys did, of course, but had little interest. They were feeling the fatigue their ridiculous lovemaking had brought on, and sat immobile.

Eventually, Mike sat up. "Let's give `em a show, dude. See how the girl reacts to us being naked."

Jesse squinted. "Think the jarhead'll kick our asses if she gets interested?"

"Na, not unless we make some move on her." He shrugged. "I think, anyway." He stood, making sure the couple saw him, and calmly removed his boardshorts, stretching luxuriantly before sitting back down on his towel. Jesse followed suit after a few seconds, giggling at Mike and lying back down on his stomach.

"Are they watching?"

"The girl is for sure. She said something to the jarhead while you were stripping."

"OK, when do we start running for our lives?"

Mike put his hand over his forehead against the glare and peered southwards. "Na, it's OK, they're just necking now. Jarhead's got a bone."

"Lucky him. I think I'd die if I tried to get hard right now."

Mike chuckled and patted Jesse's asscheek softly. "Just wait," he said quietly.

Jesse must have dozed off a bit. The next thing he knew, he heard a female voice. "Would you boys like to play Frisbee with me? My friend went out into the water."

He turned over, adjusting his sunglasses, and looked up. The Marine's girlfriend was standing near them, still very naked, twirling the Frisbee on one finger. Her hair was dark but streaked with blonde highlights, her breasts were smallish and very high on her chest. She was tanned all over, and her pubic hair appeared to have been trimmed to a small line along her labia. Jesse felt himself hardening almost at once, and tried to keep his hips down to conceal the reaction, but Mike was lying on his back, propped on his elbows, visibly erect. His face, as far as Jesse could make out an expression behind the sunglasses he wore, seemed impassive.

The girl looked straight at Mike's growing cock, then at Jesse's awkward position. She knew just what he was hiding. "I hope y'all don't feel inHIBited or anything by my coming over here, "she trilled, smiling to show off very white teeth and overly reddened lips. She shifted her weight from one foot to another, letting her breasts jiggle a bit and waving her crotch back and forth.

Mike stood, heedless of his erection. "Sure," he said, still seeming calm, "I'll play with you. Frisbee, that is." He cocked his head to one side as she burst into laughter. Jesse wondered if he'd said that on purpose or if he was as thrown by this as he was.

"What about your shy friend there?" she asked. Then she stepped over to Jesse's towel, bent over (breasts hanging off her body) and extended her hand. "My name's Bridgett," she said, flashing her best hospitality booth smile at Jesse. He glanced behind her at Mike, who just shrugged and smiled slightly.

What the hell, he decided. He rolled over onto his ass, stood up, and tried to ignore his cock bobbing in front of him. "Jesse." Her hand was soft, and she seemed to leave it in his a beat or two longer than necessary.

She turned to Mike and offered her hand again. Mike smiled, took it, and gave his name. "You boys local here? But of course you are, look at the surfer shorts, and - the tans," she smiled conspiratorially. "But where are your boards?"

Mike gestured toward the ocean. "Flat today," he said in a neutral voice. "Besides, we don't come here to surf. Lotsa places up north in the park or in town for that."

"Oh?" Bridgett arched an eyebrow and put her hand to her slender hip. "Then why DO you come here?"

Jesse swallowed. This was getting into dangerous territory. But Mike smiled easily. "To be alone. To get some sun. Whatever. It's interesting down here."

"Well I should say," Bridgett smiled, looking openly at their cocks. Abruptly, she tossed the Frisbee lightly, on its side, toward Jesse, as if trying to hang it on his cock's end. Jesse instinctively stepped back, fumbling at the Frisbee, and Bridgett burst into laughter. "I missed!!" she squealed. "I have to try again." She stepped to Jesse and brushed against him as she too the Frisbee from him, smiling. She threw it now at Mike's cock, with similar results. "It's penis horseshoes!!" she cried, delighted with her own cleverness. "Now hold still this time, I'll get it to stay." She tried several more times with each of them, without success. Feigning frustration, she said, "I just have to be more direct here." She stepped to Jesse, took his cock firmly in her hand, and set the Frisbee on its tip, the disc's lip over his glans. She held it there with her right hand, slowly stroking him with her left, and grinned at him. "Well if the hook ain't strong it'll fall, we wouldn't want that."

Jesse gulped. Her hand felt really, really good, and her body was within inches of him. He had an urge to pull her into an embrace, to feel her tits press against his chest. She looked at him, seeming to read his thoughts. She released the Frisbee, keeping her hand on his penis, and stepped even closer, brushing her nipples against him. He looked at Mike for help, for guidance, for an escape, for anything. Mike was in shock, though, mouth agape and cock straining upwards.

"Bridgett!! What the hell you doin' here?" The voice coming up from behind Mike was harsh and angry. The Marine, dripping wet and now wearing a pair of too-small swim trunks, was striding towards them carrying a towel. There's something about the standard Marine haircut that makes its wearer look a bit chubby cheeked - maybe it's the buzzed sides or something. This guy was especially chubby cheeked, baby-fatish, in fact, his buzzed hair some sort of brown and hi stocky body very muscled. He had a Semper Fi tattoo on his left shoulder. His small eyes were narrowed.

Jesse jumped back from the girl, his cock shrinking fast as fear overtook him. This guy was clearly pissed, and spoiling for a fight. He grabbed Bridgett by the arm and pulled her away from Jesse. "What you think you doin' here, boy?" His accent was thicker than hers, every syllable seemed muffled. His chin protruded as he stared hard into Jesse's face.

"Relax," Jesse said with his best casual air. "She just came over to say hi while you were in the water."

"And she just happened to wind up holdin' you by the privates, boy?" He looked Jesse up and down. "A scrawny li'l geek like you?" He stepped closer to Jesse, speaking now in a soft undertone. "Your mama know about you, boy? You and your buddy here playin' naked boys on the beach?" Mike had stepped over next to Jesse to provide support, but he seemed as unsure what to do as Jesse was. The Marine sneered slightly. "Shit, I bet y'all r'just a bunch o' queers hangin' out here." He put his face within inches of Jesse's. "That right, boy? You a little faggot?"

"Oh fer Crissake Duane, leave `em alone!" Bridgett shouted, grabbing him by the arm. "I was just sayin' hi, no need for you to get all possessive and things on me."

Duane shook her hand off. "You think yer pretty cool and all that, don'tcha fag boy? But you don' mess with no Marine, boy, cuz we're pure killin' machines. I spit out tougher guys than yer skinny ass before breakfast." He was back close to Jesse. "You want a piece o' that boy?" He shoved Jesse, lightly, but enough to make him stumble backwards.

Mike moved between them. "Just leave us the fuck alone, OK? We didn't bother you, we're just minding our own business here."

Duane snarled openly at Mike. "Did I speak to you, pansy? Touch me again, I'll break off yer Goddam hand, you hear?" He moved quickly towards Mike, his fist starting to clench. Jesse felt short of breath, unsure how to defuse the situation.

"Hi Jesse, and Mike I believe isn't it? Got a problem here?" Ernie had walked up from behind the two boys, and now stood staring amiably at the Marine from over their shoulders. "I think your friends here were about to leave."

"Who the fuck are you, old man?" Duane snapped at Ernie.

Ernie smiled, even more amiably. "Just a friend of Jesse's. I've taken the liberty of calling the Park Ranger station, and the MP dispatch for the base. I have them on hold here. Should I report anything?" He held up a Blackberry, which had small red lights flashing across its upper face. Ernie's smile would have melted butter, but even through his lightly tinted sunglasses you could see the steel in his eyes.

Duane opened his mouth, shut it, glanced at Bridgett, and turned scarlet. "Nah - nah, nothin' to say. Just just talkin' here." He threw the towel at Bridgett. Cover yerself up," he muttered, turning and striding away. Bridgett looked at Jesse, smiled ruefully, and with a shrug followed.

The three of them stood silent until Duane and Bridgett had left the beach - a process that took only a couple of minutes. It appeared that Duane had a Marine vehicle of some sort above them on the bluff. Jesse and Mike looked at each other and exhaled deeply. "Thanks, Ernie," Jesse said quietly. "That was really nice of you. That guy was - "

"He was all too typical. Total bullying asshole." Ernie easily sat down on the sand, making no comment about the boys' nakedness. In fact, Jesse had forgotten that he was naked. He looked around for his boardshorts, but Ernie waved him off. "Relax, both of you," he said, smiling again. "It's not like I haven't seen naked guys before."

Mike looked at Jesse a moment, shrugged, and sat back down on his towel. Jesse followed suit. "So," Mike said when they were seated again, "what brought you down here just in time to save our asses, Ernie?"

Ernie's smile broadened. "As a matter of fact, I was looking for you boys." He paused regarding them like old friends. "I thought I might share something with you both." He pulled a manila folder from his backpack and handed it to Jesse.

In a moment, Jesse thought he was going to be sick. The folder contained pictures of Mike and him making love on the beach - high quality, very clear and close-up photographs, that looked as if they'd been taken from only a few feet away. There was Mike straddling Jesse's head, arched backwards, his cock spewing a long rope of come over Jesse's face and into his opened mouth. There was Jesse on hands and knees, with Mike holding his hips tightly and driving into him. There was the two of them kissing deeply and stroking each other, them laughing easily together as they caressed, Mike sucking on Jesse's cock . . . There was everything.

Jesse couldn't breathe, his eyes saw nothing but trhe color pictures in front of him. As if from a great distance, he heard Mike whisper, "Oh shit" as he examined the pictures in his turn. He tried to look at Ernie, who was still smiling as if everything on earth were just as it should be, and felt his cheeks burn with shame.

After a minute or so, Mike started to speak. "How did - what're you going to do - "

Ernie held up his hand. "It's OK, boys," he said reassuringly. "This is a good thing. You're in love, it's very beautiful. You should be proud. Look at how beautiful you both are there - like fine young stallions together. No one who enjoys viewing men together could think of those as anything but the finest art." He leaned forward and pulled out a picture of Mike covering Jesse's back, fucking him. Their bodies were tightly together except for a gap where Mike had pulled his cock almost all the way out. The connection between them was clearly visible. "Look at the line of your bodies together, the softness of the skin and the tension of the musculature. You couldn't carve anything so subtle in a million years. The way your hair blows in the wind and intermingles where you are close. The complete lack of self-consciousness in your expressions, the joy you're getting from each other. I have to tell you, it's some of the best work I've ever done, and it's not my doing at all - it's all you."

Jesse looked closer at the photograph. In it, his face was turned partly towards the camera, his eyes heavy lidded, his mouth open in a long moan. Mike's left arm was around his chest, holding him and providing a darker contrast to his own paler skin. Mike's hair was spilling over his forehead and brushing Jesse's neck and upper back. Their bodies were taught, coiled together in a perfect dovetailing. He was no expert at either photography or pornography, but Jesse suddenly felt that Ernie was right: the picture was deeply beautiful. He shook his head. "But - but we didn't give you, like, permission to do this. It's not right, or fair."

Mike blinked, as if coming out of a deep dream. "Yeah, I mean you horned in on a - a really private thing, and - "

"And I captured it forever. You'll always have this tangible evidence of your love and how you felt. It was your first, wasn't it?" Both boys nodded, wide eyed. How did he know? "Now please be assured I have no intention of showing any of this to your parents."

Jesse exhaled sharply. "You- you're not gonna like blackmail us or anything?"

Mike chimed in, his voice hopeful. "Yeah, you're just gonna like keep this for your private - uh - amusement, like?"

Ernie smiled again and looked down. "You need to look in the folder again." Inside, beneath the pictures, were two documents. Each had a California driver's license paperclipped to it. Their faces were on the licenses. They pulled off the cards and examined them.

"It says here that my name's Ron Gantry, and that I live out in Chino someplace," Jesse said. He glanced at Mike's. "And that he's Jamie Haller, from Oceanside. And that we're 19." They looked at Ernie, confused. Ernie motioned to the documents.

They were contracts. Through the legalese, Jesse found, "Therefore, GANTRY agrees to allow the display via video, digital video, audio, internet and hyperspace, distribution, publication, and dissemination to discerning and discreet purchasers, through the marketing efforts as described by DENTON and/or VOYEUR VIDEO, of photographs, audio, video, digital video, and other photographs, films, streaming video, and other visual media of GANTRY, which may include depictions of GANTRY in nude poses and/or engaged in intimate sexual activity."

Jesse looked up, shocked, and met Mike's equally horrified expression. "No way!! We can't agree to this shit, we're underage. And - "

"Ron Gantry and Jamie Haller are both 19," Ernie quietly observed. "I have birth certificates on file that prove that. And by tomorrow the databases in both counties will also have those records"

"But - but it's like making us porn stars or something, putting us out on the Net and shit," Mike shouted. "You can't do that! What if somebody sees us - "

"If anyone saw you, they'd be visiting a secure portion of a gay pornographic website, having paid to get in, and having agreed that they wish to view such things," Ernie answered, again in a reasonable tome of voice. "Do you think they'd want to out you, or do anything, that might reveal what they'd been doing?" He smiled. "Voyeur Video is a very high class operation, boys. They don't exploit people, make them do things they wouldn't want to do. You would only be shown with each other, because that's who you're with. But turn the contract over," he motioned. "I think you should look at the consideration we'll provide."

Silently, they turned to the back side of the document. It contained a complicated listing of percentages, apparently based on subscriptions and site visits. I can explain that all to you in very boring detail," Ernie said evenly, "but the jist of it is that within a month you could both earn upwards of $5,000, with the income stream potentially increasing after that."

Mike stared at Ernie. "Where the fuck could we keep money like that?"

"In perfectly legitimate accounts for Ron Gantry and Jamie Haller," Ernie smiled. "We'd take care of all tax issues, naturally - we wouldn't want any trouble in that area. And you'd only work with me as a photographer, so there'd be no discomfort in being with some stranger."

"Dude, you are a stranger," Mike muttered, but Ernie just smiled.

"I'm far less of a stranger than your Marine friend, or any other person who might want to work with you. I've protected your identities, your financial arrangements, your safety and health, everything. Everyone gains by this agreement."

Jesse shook his head again. "But - but you're asking us to do porn! I can't imagine - "

"You need to understand your situation here, Jesse," Ernie said, and now his voice was a bit edgier. "I have the video of you already. It's quite wonderful, to be honest these photos only give you an idea how much. You were in a public place, making no effort at all to conceal yourselves. I have nothing to prevent me from publishing it all right now, without your consent. Your recourse would be to challenge my right to do so, which would mean telling your families and involving the authorities. I don't think that would be a very good way of shielding your privacy, or your identities, do you?"

Jesse imagined his father's reaction to seeing him making love to another boy. He put his head in his hands for a few seconds. "Why? Why do this to us?"

Ernie's head cocked slightly to one side. "Do what to you? I'm offering you a very good solution to your situation - one that not just protects you, but that offers you the chance to make some significant money. That does have some value to you, doesn't it?"

Mike was staring hard at Ernie. "And once we sign away our lives, you'll keep your promises?? How do we enforce that without doing all the things you just said - outing ourselves, and all?"

"Any agreement involves a degree of trust, that's true," Ernie said evenly, his smile returning. "I can only tell you that I give my word, along with the terms of the agreement, that I will keep your privacy interests primary. You'll also notice," he said, pointing at the contracts, "that if I breach any term I'm liable for an automatic $10,000 penalty. That's called liquidated damages, and it's self-executing. So I have a large stake in being careful here."

Jesse slumped forward, staring at his fake self on the license. He looked over at Mike, who was also staring downwards. "Boys," Ernie said in a soothing voice, "this is going to be published regardless. It's only right that you gain from this in addition to me. And that you do so in a way that protects your interests. I'll make my money, believe me. Enough to share."

Mike looked up at Ernie. "Five thousand?"

"The first month alone. That's an estimate, of course, but from my experience - and knowing the quality of this content - I think it's a very solid one. After that, the next couple of months would probably be even higher, until interest slid off. And, of course, that would only happen if there were no new content."

"New content?" Jesse asked sharply. "You mean you'd want more movies of us fucking and all?"

"To keep the money coming in that would be ideal, yes," Ernie said evenly. "Whether or not we'd do anything like that would, of course, be entirely up to you. I can't force you to do anything like that. I can only make sure you don't do it for anyone else." He grinned.

Jesse looked at Mike. He looked as dumbfounded as Jesse felt. "Um, I - I think Mike and I need to talk."

Ernie stood up. "Of course. That's a very wise idea. I'll be in my RV up in the lot, you know where it is. Why don't you stop in on your way out. I can show you some of the video - you'll be very pleased, I think. And we can resolve all this. OK?" He nodded to them and turned. "Keep those," he waved back at the folder. "You deserve them, they're so wonderful. Making love on the beach is great, isn't it?" He moved away easily, appearing not to have a care in the world.

When he was out of earshot, Jesse turned to Mike. He was staring at the photographs. "Dude, what do we do?"

Mike blinked, looked up at Jesse with wide eyes. "He's right - you're beautiful in these."

"Mike, what are we gonna do??"

Mike carefully put everything back in the folder except the licenses. He put his into his wallet. "I think we need to stop by his RV later." His face was pale. Jesse realized his was, too. The looked up at the bluff, trying to figure out where Ernie had hidden. They suddenly felt very exposed. They pulled on their boardshorts, and sat for a long time together, in silence.

They had barely knocked on the door of Ernie's RV before it opened. Ernie, his sunglasses off, smiled and motioned them in. "I'm very glad to see you," he said. "Can I answer any questions or tell you anything else?"

Jesse looked at Mike. "Well, um, we - we want to see it."

"The video?"

Jesse nodded. "Ya. Everything."

Ernie smiled and walked to the rear of the RV. He pulled back a curtain to reveal a large console of electronic equipment, surmounted by three flat monitors. "Sit here," he said, indicating two chairs. "AS I said, it's quite lovely."

The video started with the two of them setting up their towels, laughing and talking together. As they began touching each other, their hesitation was obvious. The film moved in and out on their bodies as they started making love, and somehow a second camera angle from lower down on the other side came into use. "I set that second camera up before you arrived. I sort of had a hunch you'd be there, and it can move on its tripod under joystick control." Between the two cameras, almost everything they did was visible in graphic and closeup detail. They could see thin strands of saliva and precum hang from their lips when they took each others' cocks out of their mouths momentarily. The spatter of their semen on their bodies after orgasms was clearly visible, and focused on extensively. Jesse got hard watching their bodies move together, remembering tactilely the feeling of making love that day. The video seemed to play forever, yet when it abruptly ended it was like almost no time had passed.

Ernie looked at them, an expression of real concern on his face. "Do you like it?"

Jesse blinked, unable to take his eyes from the now blank monitor. Then he heard Mike say, "I think I came in my pants."

Ernie smiled at him. "Michael, a lot of guys will do that watching you two." He held up a pen. "Now, shall we take care of this?"

Next: Chapter 8

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