Sean and Jamie

By Corrinne S

Published on Nov 16, 2002


Sean and Jamie - Part One: 1949

By M. C. Gordon

Part one in a series about two fictional lovers, Sean O'Leary and James Gordon. All of the Sean & Jamie stories are about men loving men. Many of them include scenes of sexual gratification. Unless this is legal in your jurisdiction, you must leave now. To my knowledge, Sean and Jamie are my own creations and bear no actual resemblance to any other fictional characters.

The story:

Sean wasn't sure why he was in this place. He only knew that he had heard friendly laughter coming through the open door and felt compelled to enter the establishment. He had just ordered a drink when a tall lad of about seventeen or eighteen approached him.

"Hello," Sean heard a thick Scottish brogue. "I'm James Gordon. You are?" A fine boned hand was extended, the fingers long and slender.

"O'Leary," he replied. "Sean O'Leary," and grasped the hand in a firm shake. The touch sent a spark running through him.

"An Irishman then. What brings you to Edinburgh? University?"

"No," Sean replied as he slowly withdrew his hand. "I'm at University in Dublin. I'm on holiday at the moment." He found himself looking into the most beautiful deep blue eyes he had ever seen. They tried talking for a while, but the pub was very loud.

"Would you care to go someplace a little more quiet for a cup of tea?"

"Yes, James, I believe I would."

"My friends call me Jamie."

They were a handsome pair as they slowly made their way down the narrow streets. Sean was tall, large boned and muscular with deep auburn hair and emerald green eyes. Jamie was also tall, but with a slender build, raven hair, and eyes that sparkled like sapphires. They easily drew the attention of the young ladies in the area who, upon seeing them, would whisper, giggle, and blush behind their fans. Sean and Jamie were oblivious to the havoc they created in the female population.

The afternoon passed quickly. They slowly roamed the streets of Edinburgh, Jamie pointing out places of interest on occasion. As they walked, they talked about everything they could think of.

Sean learned that Jamie had bee pretty much on his own since age thirteen. His mother, visiting friends in London, had died there - one of the victims of the Blitz. His father, an RAF pilot, had been shot down and was presumed dead. Jamie, along with his brothers and sisters, had been parceled out among family. But certain aspects of Jamie's personality had met with disapproval, so he had struck out on his own when he turned fifteen. His parents had left a sizable estate and Jamie's share was enough to allow him a modest life while he studied to become an artist.

Sean had been born and raised in Dublin, the only child of hard working parents. They had been mildly shocked when, at age fourteen, he had announced that he preferred boys to girls. Once they realized that Sean was serious, they supported his decision and went on about the business of their lives. He was studying to become a novelist. Thus he could live quietly and work at home, away from prying eyes and unwanted questions.

Both could play the piano. Jamie claimed some experience with the bagpipes while Sean admitted to being a 'passing fair' tenor. Each was aware of the sexual attraction between them. But each was afraid to take that first, small step. They recognized the potential for a close friendship. Without their ever realizing it, evening was upon them. Jamie walked Sean to the small inn where he was staying.

Standing outside the closed door to his room, Sean looked into Jamie's eyes. He reached out and took one of Jamie's slender hands into his own, gently rubbing his thumb across the delicate bones. Then he turned it over and slowly lifted it to his lips and kissed the palm. Jamie moved closer to Sean and their lips met. Softly, gently, their lips touched. Sean had to remind himself to breathe as the sweet warmth of Jamie's lips caressed his own. He had been kissed many times before, but never had he felt such a deep need.

Jamie broke the kiss. His breathing ragged, face flushed and body trembling, he pressed a cheek to Sean's face and whispered, "Can we meet again tomorrow?"

Sean put one arm around Jamie's waist, pulling him closer. His other hand went to Jamie's neck as they kissed again. Feeling Jamie's arms embrace him, Sean ran his tongue across Jamie's full, moist lips and let it slide slowly into the warmth of his mouth. Thrusting, probing, searching, tasting, until neither could breathe, he pulled away. "Does that answer your question?"

It took a conscious effort for Jamie to remain steady on his feet. "All right, then. I'll see you around ten in the morning?" Reluctantly, he turned and walked it away, finding it difficult to not walk as if he were drunk. But then, perhaps he was. Jamie had had his share of lovers, but this ... this Sean ... there was something different this time. He felt as if he had found a kindred spirit. With tears in his eyes he slowly headed toward the small, lonely room he had called home for far too long.

Sean watched him walk away, the memory of their kisses burning across his lips. He knew only one thing: he intended to get into James Gordon's pants if it was the last thing he did in his life.

The morning air was crisp as they made their way out of town on bicycles. They stopped and ate the lunch supplied by Jamie's landlady. "She lost her husband in the War. She rents rooms in her house to support herself and her daughter. I've been there for three years," Jamie was telling Sean. "She's a good sort. Accepts me for who I am and doesn't ask questions."

"She's a fine cook," Sean replied finishing off the last of the cold roast mutton.

Their lunch finished, they gathered up the remains, folded the blanket they had been sitting on, and placed it all in the wicker basket on Jamie's bicycle.

"How much further are we going?" Sean asked.

"Not much. The old castle is about two kilometers from here."

The sky had been clouding up over the course of the morning. Before they got much further, it started to rain. The slow, gentle rain quickly turned into a downpour.

"There." Jamie said, pointing to his right. "There's the castle. It has an old tunnel where we can get in out of the rain."

They fell laughing to the dirt floor of the old stone tunnel. Sean looked around in the dim light and noticed ancient runes carved into the walls.

"Look at this, Jamie," he said.

"Aye, I know. I come here often. 'Tis one of my favorite places." Jamie sat on a large rock and leaned back against a wall. " 'Tis so quiet here. Sometimes I can close my eyes and imagine all the people who ever lived in this old place, their lives and loves. Just think of all the births and deaths that happened here, Sean, long before we were ever born. Sometimes I think I can even hear their voices."

Sean looked down at Jamie. His eyes were closed, a wistful expression on his face. 'He has the soul of a poet' Sean thought. Then he noticed that Jamie was trembling slightly. Their clothing was drenched from the rain.

"Jamie, you're freezing. Here, get out of those wet clothes. You can wrap the blanket around yourself until you're warm."

Jamie removed his soaked shirt, slacks, and underwear and quickly wrapped himself in the warm blanket, but not quickly enough. Sean caught a glimpse of pale skin covered in gooseflesh. And he found himself gazing into blue eyes that peered at him shyly through long black lashes.

"Is there room in the blanket for both of us, do ye think?" he asked.

Jamie blushed slightly but nodded his head. Sean removed his own wet clothes and was soon cocooned in the blanket as well. Sean slipped his hand to the back of Jamie's neck and drew him in for a soft, tender kiss. Jamie responded as Sean had expected him to. Sean began kissing harder, probing the interior of Jamie's mouth with his tongue.

Placing his mouth to Jamie's ear he whispered "Do you want this as much as I do?"

His answer was a husky "yes" as Jamie returned the kiss, his body brushing against Sean. Feeling the layer of gooseflesh that still covered Jamie, Sean began running his hands across the slender frame, as much for passion as for warmth. Their kisses became deeper, more demanding. Their hands caressed each other, fingers tracing circles across nipples. Their bodies pressed against each other and Sean moved Jamie onto his back. Lying on Jamie, Sean began to move their cocks together. Jamie responded and arched himself against Sean. Sean felt Jamie's muscles tighten and tried to slow things down, but it was too late. Jamie released himself between their bodies and Sean followed only seconds later.

"No!" Sean cried. "Not long enough, it wasn't long enough!"

As Jamie's body relaxed beneath him, Sean realized that he was trembling again. They had thrown the blanket off in their passion and Jamie was cold again.

Lying down beside him, Sean covered them both once more and pulled Jamie against him. Jamie smiled at him, contentment in the sated eyes. Sean kissed him tenderly on the lips. His head resting on Sean's shoulder, Jamie was quickly asleep. Sean watched the rise and fall of his chest for a while, then settled comfortably and drifted off to sleep himself.

Jamie woke slowly, a little confused by the warmth of the body next to his. Then he remembered, Sean. He was more than a little surprised at himself. He had never fallen asleep with a sexual partner before. When he and his friends got together it was usually for quick sex, just enough to ease the need. He lay there, quite still, admiring the beauty of the boy in his arms. He ran his fingers through Sean's auburn curls and tenderly brushed his hand against Sean's face.

Sean stirred slightly and opened his eyes to see Jamie looking at him. Without a word, Sean reached up and drew Jamie closer to him, raising his lips for a kiss.

Jamie's lips were soft and gentle against his but the serge of heat that ran through Sean's body demanded more. The kisses that he returned were hard, insistent. His hands moved swiftly down Jamie's body.

Feeling Jamie harden against his thigh, he knew what he wanted.

Leaving Jamie's lips, Sean ran his tongue down Jamie's neck and chest to his nipples. A shudder ran through Jamie as Sean sucked one sensitive nipple into his mouth, twirling his tongue across it. His hand found Jamie's balls and carefully caressed them. Jamie was writing beneath the onslaught, small moans of pleasure escaping from him. Unable to wait any longer, Sean moved and took Jamie into his mouth, hands still caressing Jamie's balls. His tongue passed slowly across the flared tip, licking at the droplets of fluid.

He stopped long enough to pump Jamie's cock with his hand, bringing more of the precious fluid. Taking Jamie into his mouth again his fingers sought the opening to Jamie's body. He slowly eased one finger in as Jamie's hips bucked and he thrust himself into Sean's hungry mouth. Jamie's hand was on Sean's cock, the slender fingers tracing up and down the length of it. Sean increased his suction and quickened the tempo of his fingers as Jamie reached his climax, releasing himself into Sean's mouth. Attempting to swallow it all, Sean felt his own body convulse as he shot into Jamie's hand.

Weak and trembling with the power of the passion, Sean returned to reality. Clasping Jamie close to him, Sean kissed him softly, brushing away sudden and unexpected tears.

"Jamie? 'Tis getting late. We should start back if we want to be in Edinburgh before dark."

Sean slept late the next morning, a thing he seldom did. Stretching lazily and laying his head back against the pillow, he let his mind stray back to the day before, and smiled at the memory of Jamie in his arms. He had been invited to have lunch with Jamie at his rooming house. Sean dressed and was quickly out the door. It was too early for lunch but he wanted to be with Jamie as much as possible.

A rather tall, large boned woman with a dusting of gray in her auburn hair greeted him at the door.

"Beggin' your pardon, Ma'am, is Jamie here?"

"You must be Sean. Come in. Jamie's in his room. He seems to have caught a chill yesterday and isn't feeling well. But he's been expecting you and I'm to take you straight up."

The room was filled with the pungent aroma of herbs in a pan of warm water simmering on a hotplate. Jamie was lying in bed, his skin flushed with fever. Sean crossed the room and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Jamie," he said, running the back of his fingers across the fevered brow. "Is there anything I can do to help, Mrs. .. Mrs?"

"Kellogg, but just plain Mary will do. I've been trying to keep him sponged down to ease the fever, but I've so many other things to do. If you don't mind, it would be a great help to me if you could do that."

Seeing the look on Sean's face she added, "It's all right. I know about Jamie. Mind you, I'm not saying that I understand. But the poor lad has known so little happiness in the last few years. When he was telling me last night that he took you out to see the old ruins yesterday, he seemed happier than he has been in a long time." She patted Sean on the shoulder and left the room. "I'll just be back with more water and perhaps a bit of broth."

Mary Kellogg was in throughout the day. Occasionally she replenished the herbs. She brought a hearty lunch for Sean and broth for Jamie. As night neared, she entered the room carrying a bundle of clothing. "You might as well stay," she said. "I know that none of Jamie's things will fit you, but you're about the same size as my late husband. You can bathe and change while the rest of my guests eat supper. I'll bring you up a tray later."

Bathed, fed, and dressed in Sgt. Kellogg's pajamas, Sean slid softly into the bed. It was barely large enough for both of them. Jamie was still feverish, but improved. Sean curled himself around Jamie and drifted off to sleep.

The days passed with a lazy happiness. Jamie recovered quickly from his chill and Mrs. Kellogg insisted that Sean move from the inn and stay with Jamie. Their days were filled with conversation and longing, their nights with passion.

Two weeks later Sean faced Jamie. "I have to go. My classes start again in a few days. I'll write to you every week." He took Jamie, who had been crying for hours, into his arms. "Don't cry. I don't want this to be the memory that I carry away with me. I'll be back. I just don't know when."

Six months passed. It was late one evening when Jamie returned to his room, his body tired and aching. It didn't matter how or with whom he had sex anymore. 'Damn you, Sean O'Leary,' he thought. 'How long has it been? Why don't you answer my letters?' Throwing himself across the bed where he and Sean had made such sweet love to each other, he let go of the tears he had been holding back. 'I swear, I'm never falling in love again!'

Meanwhile, Sean sat still under a tongue lashing from his mother. "Sean, what am I to do with you? We both know that you love that lad in Scotland. Why don't you write to him, and him writing to you two and three times a week?"

Sean had been trying to forget Jamie. He enjoyed being with his many sexual partners and didn't want to be tied down to one man.

"The least you can do is let him know that it's over, if that's what you feel."

Sean spent the next several days going over the conversation. Finally, he approached his mother and asked, "May I ask you a question?"

Jamie tried to ignore the soft knock on his door. It only grew louder and more insistent. "I'm trying to work, Mrs. Kellogg. Please go away." Jamie was in a sullen mood. He returned to the picture he was working on, one of himself and Sean. He had drawn hundreds of them in the past six months - lifelike, erotic drawings. When this one was finished it would go the way of the others, torn into a thousand pieces and burned. Jamie desperately wished that he could do the same with the ache in his heart and the memories that invaded his every waking moment.

He looked up as the door opened to see Sean standing there, one hand on the doorknob and the other on the doorframe. Jamie looked into eyes he thought he would never see again and thought, 'I won't let him hurt me this time.'

Sean could see the pain on Jamie's face and was well aware of who had caused that pain. Looking directly into Jamie's blue eyes he said, "Come with me."

"Why? What do you want of me, Sean?"

"I want you to come to Dublin with me. I've talked things over with my mother. She knows all about you, about us. She said it would be fine if you came to live with us. You can continue your studies in Dublin."

Sean walked into the room. Jamie stood but was frozen in place. He slowly laid his sketchpad down on a small table. Sean reached forward and took Jamie's face into his hands. "I love you, James Gordon. I want to spend my life with you." That said, Sean captured Jamie's mouth with his own.

Jamie leaned against Sean, his arms encircling Sean's back and waist as he returned the kiss. "Oh, Sean. I love you."

Mary Kellogg spared one glance at the two young men and closed the door. With tears in her eyes she started down the stairs to place a 'room to let' sign in the front window of her boarding home.

Written in 1999

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Next: Chapter 2

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